Presentation on the topic "social significance of design and architecture as an environment for human life." I. Organizational moment. Time changed the appearance of cities and countries, creating a stone chronicle of eras

Ideal city A city through times and countries. An ideal city. An ideally organized human settlement, both socially and architecturally, harmoniously combined with the environment. It exists in plans, projects and writings, but has not yet been fully implemented in practice. The foundations were laid by Plato (427-347 BC) in the dialogue “The Republic”, in artistic form the ideal system of life in the city-state on the island of Atlantis is described in detail. Teacher of fine arts and drawing MBOU Secondary School No. 6 named after. T.L.Kunikova Ukolova Alina Alexandrovna

Houses and buildings in the city were made of red, white, and black stone. All these types of stones were also discovered in Pampa Aullagas. Atlantis (ancient Greek Ἀτλαντὶς) is a legendary island (archipelago or even continent), located in modern Atlantic Ocean and sank to the seabed in one day as a result of an earthquake and flood, together with its inhabitants - the Atlanteans.

But the most amazing feature of Atlantis, which Plato described first of all as the home of Poseidon, and then as the city of the Atlanteans, is that the central island is surrounded by alternating stripes of water and land!

In the thirties of the 14th century, Michelangelo began designing the Capitol Square at the top of the Capitoline Hill. He began his work in the most paradoxical way - he placed it in the middle of the future square equestrian statue Marcus Aurelius. For the first time, a sculptural monument was separated from an architectural structure and received independent urban planning significance. Subsequently, Michelangelo's students completed the construction of the square in accordance with their teacher's plan. The main building of the square was the Palace of Senators, decorated with a tower. The complex art of city creation.

Thomas More's ideal city is Amaurotum. 1512

Giorgio Vasari. Plan of an ideal city. 1598 g

The ideal city of Jacques Perret. 1601

The ideal city of Vicenzo Scamozzi Palmanova In Italy, at the foot of the Alps, next to the Slovenian border, there is an amazing city - Palmanova. In plan it represents an absolutely regular nine-pointed star. Palmanova was founded by the government of the Venetian Republic on October 7, 1593, on the anniversary of the Venetian victory over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Ideal city According to the plan of an Italian architect Vincenzo Scamozzi(1548 -1616), the city and the fortress received the correct shape of a nine-sided star, and each of the bastions was planned in such a way as to protect the neighboring ones. The fortress was surrounded by a moat. Access was through three monumental gates. Among the internal buildings, the most notable is the cathedral, built in the early years of the 17th century, possibly according to the design of the same Scamozzi.

The ideal city was called upon to educate morals and feelings, to correct souls and minds. In the treatises of that era it was recommended, for example, to arrange squares and crossroads so that the young were under the constant supervision of their elders. Some frolic in the open space, others chat decorously in the colonnade. Censuses show that half of the male population of 15th-century Italian cities was under 40, the vast majority of them single. Alberti writes touchingly: “The presence of fathers will turn away playing and competing youth from all dissipation and pranks.” Palmanova (Veneto, Italy). "Ideal city" of the Renaissance. Built in 1593-95. Aerial photography.

The ideal city of Perret. 1601

The Ideal City of Vicenzo Scamozzi Vicenzo Scamozzi (1548 -1616), Italian architect and architectural theorist. According to Scamozzi's plan, the city area was surrounded by twelve bastions and had four city gates, from which there were two main streets intersecting at right angles. At their intersection was the main square, overlooked by the palace, cathedral, university and city institutions. Adjoining the main square from the west and east were two retail space, in the north there was an exchange area, and in the south there was an area for trading hay and firewood. The territory of the city was crossed by a river, and eight parish churches were located closer to its periphery. The city layout was regular. Neuf-Brisach

Neuf-Brisach (French: Neuf-Brisach), a city in Alsace (France), the construction of which began in 1698 as a result of the Treaty of Ryswick, which obliged Louis XIV to cede Vieux-Brisach (Old Brisach), now called Breisach am Rhein (Germany). Louis XIV ordered the construction of a new fortified city in order to prevent the crossing of the Rhine in the area. Construction was entrusted to Sébastien de Prestre, lord of Vauban (1633 - 1707). In plan, the city is an octagon with bastions (external) forming a star.

A city through times and countries.

The figurative and stylistic language of the architecture of the past

Presentation for a multimedia lesson in fine arts on the topic “City and people. Social significance of design and architecture" in 7th grade

Prepared by Sidorenkova L.I., teacher visual arts MBOU "Shumyachskaya Secondary School named after. V.F. Aleshina"

Guess the riddles

  • It contains benefit, beauty, structure. Building and decorating houses is the task of art...
  • Stone Chronicle of the World - ...

Architecture is a huge book on the pages of which the eras of human life are reflected.

  • Any architectural structure bears the stamp of its time. Each era has its own style.

What is style in architecture and art?

What is STYLE?

  • The word style comes from the Greek stylos, which means a stick for writing on wax. The highest is “prescribed” in the style spiritual meaning era.
  • Style refers to the characteristic style of artists, architects, designers
  • Style is a set of features that characterize the art of a certain era.

- Formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Lesson objectives:

  • Summarize knowledge about the history of the development of architecture, form ideas about the features of architectural and artistic styles of different eras and countries;
  • Teach students to convey graphically the image of material culture;
  • Teach students to classify the historical features of the design and decoration of architectural buildings;
  • Develop artistic taste based on familiarization with architectural styles of the past


4 thousand BC. 332 AD

Superhuman dimensions, stability, strict symmetry, “quantitativeness”, geometric shapes, grandeur.

The architecture perpetuated the deified power of the pharaoh and the belief in the afterlife.

(pyramids at Giza, ensemble of temples at Karnak)

order system (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian Order) 8th century BC - 5th century AD

This style was developed in Antiquity: Ancient Greece, Rome.

The main achievement of Greek architects was the creation of the order. Harmony, lightness, simplicity, practicality, solemnity.

  • (Acropolis of Athens, Roman Colosseum)

Romanesque 11th - 12th centuries

Massiveness, heaviness, serf character.

Thick walls, narrow windows - loopholes in monasteries, basilicas and castles.

The main element of the castle composition is donjon. Around it were located the rest of the buildings, made up of simple geometric shapes - cubes, prisms, cylinders.

  • (Cathedral ensemble in Pisa, Cathedral in Worms)

Gothic 13th - 14th centuries

The frame becomes the structural basis, and huge openings appear filled with stained glass windows. Arches and portals stretch out and take on a pointed shape. Lightness, delicacy, weightlessness, upward direction towards the sky, towards God.

(Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris, cathedral in Reims, V Cologne)

Ancient - Russian 9th - 17th centuries

Majestic simplicity, festivity, elegance, decorativeness, multi-headedness.

  • (Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv)

Renaissance ("rebirth") 13th - 17th centuries

Symmetry, balance, geometric correctness of forms. Important achievement- creation of a new architectural form - floor.

The windows are interpreted as the eyes of the building, the façade as the face of the building; those. the outside expresses the interior architectural space.

  • (Temple of Santa Maria del Fiore , Dome of St. Peter's Cathedral. Rome)

Baroque 17th century

Quirky, dynamic,

richly decorated, sculptural, creation of parks, ensembles, buildings richly decorated with stucco, painting, sculpture.

  • (Ensemble of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome)

Tsarskoye Selo Palace

(Catherine Palace)

(Winter Palace)

Classicism 17th - 19th centuries

"Classius" is an example. Style absolute monarchies, calm grandeur and noble simplicity, strict rhythm, symmetry, elegance, solemnity, severity of form, clarity of spatial design, geometric interiors, softness of colors.

  • (palace ensemble of Versailles in Paris)

Saint Petersburg:

Vasilyevsky arrows

Peterhof Palace

Kazan Cathedral

Rococo 18 century

"Rocaille" - shell. Refinement, luxury, decorativeness, ornament in the form of a shell. Fine detailing of shapes, rich structure of decor in interiors, combination of bright and pure color tones with white and gold.

(palace interiors Winter Palace, Smolny Cathedral)

Empire style 18 century

Empire style of the Napoleonic era: rigor, clear lines, combination of massive simple geometric shapes with military emblems. Passion for construction of various kinds triumphal arches, memorial columns, obelisks. Important elements decorative decoration buildings become porticoes. Bronze casting is often used in interior decoration

(Arch of the Star in Paris

main headquarters building in St. Petersburg)

Modern 19th -20th centuries

Asymmetry, softened streamlined shapes, curving lines of the ornament, external decorativeness. use of new technologies (metal, glass). Stair railings, lamps hanging from the ceiling,

even the door handles -

everything was carefully designed

in the same style

  • (House Batllo(1906, architect. Antonio Gaudi
  • Yaroslavl station in Moscow)

Modern(constructivism, eclecticism, organics, high-tech) 20th century

Constructivism- design environment, taking advantage of opportunities new technology, materials such as metal, glass, wood.

Constructivists sought to contrast ostentatious luxury with the simplicity of new object forms

(Moscow Planetarium; Eiffel Tower G. Eiffel France)


  • Connection of elements of different styles.

The secret of eclecticism lies in mixing two or three styles and combining them through texture, color

(Historical Museum,

House of Arseny Morozov

in Moscow)

"organic architecture"

Affirmation of the necessity and pleasantness for the human eye of flexible natural forms, connections architectural structures

with natural


(Opera House, Australia, Sydney)

"high-tech" ("hi-tech")

Maximum functionality. Demonstrative use of technical forms - brightly colored open pipes, air ducts, elements of engineering equipment, metal structures

The designs are characterized by: rigor and simplicity, straight lines, simple geometric shapes. The decor is calm. IN color scheme monotony prevails. Lots of metal and glass.

Center Pompidou in Paris - museum contemporary art

Determine the style of the building St. Elias Church in Shumyachi(16-17 centuries)

- Is the knowledge gained in the lesson sufficient to understand the architectural styles? - Which modern buildings that you saw made the greatest positive or negative impression on you? What can you say about their style?

  • Practical task:

Make a graphic sketch of the building,

capable of surprising with its design and shape, or make a graphic sketch of a historical building or structure

« Architecture- the same chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent, and when it no longer says anything about the lost people. Let her appear in such a form that when we look at her, the thought of past life and would make us grateful for its existence.” N.V. Gogol

Lesson reflection

What architectural styles do you remember?

How does the Romanesque style differ from the Gothic style?

Is there a basilica in our village of Shumyachi?

What styles were combined in the building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome?

Sources used:

  • Gurov G.E. Fine art lessons. Design and architecture in human life / lesson developments. 7th grade / G.E. Gurov, A.S. Piterskikh. - M.: Education, 2013.-142 p.
  • Cool A.V. Styles in architecture / electronic resource / -

Photo images:

  • Photos from personal photo archive

Compiled by Litvinova Anna Yanovna

art teacher “Lyceum No. 4”, Perm

B.M. program Nemensky

"Fine arts and artistic work"

III quarter

Topic: “The city through times and countries. The figurative and stylistic language of the architecture of the past"

Lesson topic: Romanesque cityscape (2 lessons)

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational: Acquaintance with the concept of “Romanesque style”, with the historical features of architecture and costume of the Middle Ages

Developmental: Development of creative activity, creative perception and interpretation

Educating: Formation of aesthetic taste, introduction to the MHC

Health-saving: Monitor students' posture while working

Upon completion of the lesson, the student must:

Know: time frame of the Romanesque style, features of architecture and costume of the Romanesque style

Be able to: Arrange the sheet depending on the intended composition; convey planning and historicism

Teacher equipment:

Didactic material:

Demonstration multimedia devices.

Color reproductions (in electronic version) of architectural structures of the Romanesque style

Color reproductions of medieval book miniatures (in electronic version), reflecting the features of Romanesque style costume (using the example of the Crusaders)

Equipment for students:


Paper (A4), watercolor, black gel pen.

Tools and accessories:

Simple pencil, eraser

Technologies used:

Traditional training

Health-saving technologies

Lesson steps

Lesson stage

Tasks and goals for the lesson stage

Methods and techniques used

Expected Result

Time (min)


Checking readiness for the lesson

Teacher's Monologue

Projective technique 10 minute drawing on the theme “Me and my shadow”

Draw a drawing on the theme “Me and my shadow”

Brief story teachers, individual work of students

Using the received settings, create a drawing on the theme “Me and my shadow”

Updating knowledge and communicating the lesson topic

Remember your ideas about the Middle Ages, have an idea of ​​the Romanesque style

Determine the topic of the lesson, tune in to the upcoming work

Formation of new knowledge

Form an idea about characteristic features Romanesque style, remember them

Storytelling, showing reproductions, working with visual teaching aids

Create an image of a medieval Romanesque city

Comprehend the knowledge gained and apply it in practice

Teacher's story; Presentation of requirements for the future drawing

Immersion in the topic

Independent work

Develop creative imagination, consolidation of theoretical knowledge in practice

Practical work. Individual work with students.

Creating a contour pencil drawing for the theme “City landscape of the Romanesque style”


Remember what topic the lesson was devoted to;

Systematization of acquired knowledge

Organizational completion of the lesson

Lesson 1:

Lesson steps

Lesson 2:

Lesson stage

Tasks and goals for the lesson stage

Methods and techniques used

Expected Result

Time (min)


Checking readiness for the lesson

Teacher's Monologue

Students' readiness for the lesson, working atmosphere

Projective technique 10 minute drawing on the topic “A man running with a dog along a road going into the distance”

Complete a drawing on the topic “A man running with a dog along a road going into the distance”

Brief settings teachers, individual work of students

Using the received settings, create a drawing on the theme “A man running with a dog along a road going into the distance”

Formation of new knowledge

To develop knowledge about the coloristic solution of a composition

Teacher's story, work with visual and didactic material

Systematize knowledge about color: features of the color scheme of Romanesque style clothing, conveying planning using color

Setting an artistic task

Form an idea of ​​what the finished drawing should look like

Teacher's story, presenting requirements for the future drawing

Immersion in the topic

Independent work

Develop creative activity, apply acquired knowledge in practice

Practical work. Individual work with students

Drawing in color taking into account new knowledge


Demonstration of completed works

Creating a Success Situation

Organizational completion of the lesson, assessment

During the classes:

Lesson 1:

1.Organizing moment:


2. Ten-minute drawing on the theme “Me and my shadow”:

Brief explanation of the topic

Performing a ten-minute drawing “Me and my shadow”

3. Updating knowledge and communicating the lesson topic:

Guys, today in the lesson you and I will have to travel a little and move into the world of castles and knights, return through space and time for ten centuries. Our path lies in the Middle Ages.

Let's imagine we are in Europe around the year 1000. At this time, the so-called Romanesque style was formed. Feudal principalities were formed and majestic castles were built. So what do these castles look like? (Demonstration of photographs of Romanesque architectural monuments from different countries).

4. Formation of new knowledge:

The architecture of the Romanesque style was distinguished by a defensive, fortress character - it had massive walls, narrow windows, and high towers. This feature was caused by frequent wars, harsh living conditions and the desire to isolate ourselves from outside world. The buildings of this period were distinguished by their austere simplicity, clarity of volume, impressiveness, heaviness, solidity, isolation, and lack of abundant decoration.

I invite you, judging by this photograph (Maria Laach Abbey, Germany), to draw conclusions about what forms predominate in architecture: for the building as a whole? (prismatic and cylindrical); for windows? (rectangular, small, in stone houses - arched); and what decorative elements are present? (horizontal and vertical belts, cornices, protrusions, denticles).

I gave you reminders of the architecture and clothing of those times, let's look at them together. What elements did it consist of? men's clothing? (cotton, surcoat, cloak, crown, tunic, amice, shawls), and what about women’s? (tunic, blio, cloak, cotta, surcoat). What can you say about the color in the clothing of a medieval resident?

(Children answer based on the instructions)

I have a question, especially for young people. Do you pay attention to computer games? Computer game Do you know ASSASSINS CREED? Have you played this one? The era in which it lives main character this game exactly early Middle Ages, i.e. Romanesque style reigns there. And the character himself is a crusader - a prominent representative of the era.

5. Statement of the artistic task:

And now you have to do pencil drawing compositions with architectural buildings of the Romanesque style. We will create in the “urban landscape” genre. Let's think about what the city landscape should reflect? (architecture, inhabitants).

Mandatory requirement for work: there must be a plan: a clear separation of what is closer and what is in the background. Our characters (at least one) are in motion, performing some action.

Follow the guidelines when depicting architecture or costume. Get started!

6. Independent work:

Children do a pencil drawing. If necessary, complete it at home. The work will be graded at the beginning of the next lesson.

6. Summing up:

What style of art was our lesson dedicated to today?

What was the easiest part of the image? And the most difficult?

At home you have the opportunity to complete the pencil drawing; in the next lesson we will continue to work in color. Remember that any disadvantage of your work can be turned into an advantage if desired.

Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

During the classes:

Lesson 2:

1.Organizing moment:


Checking students' readiness for the lesson

2. Ten-minute drawing on the theme “A man running with a dog along a road going into the distance”:

We sign a sheet of paper (code of the day (date); your last name/first name/class)

Brief explanation of the topic

Performing a ten-minute drawing “A man running with a dog along a road going into the distance”

Self-assessment of work for invested work

3. Formation of new knowledge:

Partial search work with visual and didactic material; analysis of the peculiarities of coloristic saturation of clothing of a resident of a Romanesque city

Teacher's story about ways to convey mood, compositional center and dynamics with color

Conversation about ways to convey planning using color

4. Statement of the artistic task:

U. makes demands on the future drawing:

To the composition:

    Preservation of historicism

    Transfer of planning due to linear and aerial perspective

    Image of a man in motion

TO color scheme:

    Color is one of the means of conveying planning

We devoted the last lesson to making a pencil outline, today we must work on the drawing in color, namely, perform a watercolor fill. (The features of working with watercolors are discussed). After it has completely dried, work out the contours with a black gel pen.

5. Independent work:

Students perform work in accordance with the requirements, applying newly acquired knowledge.

Behind this work you will receive two marks: 1 - for the compositional solution, 2 - for the coloristic content.

6. Summing up:

From the heights of the 21st century, it is difficult to plunge into a time when knights fought for beautiful ladies; the main purpose of architecture was fortification, i.e. defensive in nature. But you and I tried to do this. We tried to reflect the era of the Romanesque style. Having briefly analyzed your work, I conclude that you have caught the main features. Thank you very much for the lesson. Get your workspaces in order. Thanks again for the lesson. Goodbye!

Annex 1

Western European Romanesque costume

(XI- StartXIIIV.)

Appendix 2

  • From primitive shelters in caves to skyscrapers, the creative thought of man has passed through many stages on the way to the emergence of the cities in which we live now.
  • In the history of culture, a special place is occupied by the ancient art of Ancient Greece, which gave the world examples and understanding of harmony in the form of architectural canons, thanks to which architecture began to rely on a single system aesthetic ideas and compositional principles. Proportionality and artistic integrity are the basis of the ancient ideal of beauty.
  • On the screen are the ruins of the Acropolis of Athens
  • PARTHENON - main temple city ​​- fortress of the Acropolis. It was destroyed by earthquakes and wars, it was plundered by greedy hands, and still the PARTHENON is magnificent. Its columns are amazingly slender, graceful and majestic. You look at them and it’s like you hear music.
  • At the foot of the Acropolis - ancient theater, round like a stadium, with stone benches, those who bought a ticket were given a pillow. Instead of a ceiling - night, starry sky, but every word of the actor was heard by the viewer. This is how the ancient Greeks knew how to build.
  • The compositional simplicity of the Romanesque style, rough stonework and compact forms gave stern expressiveness to urban buildings, monasteries and castles with their powerful towers, massive fortress walls, cut through narrow windows and galleries.
  • C:\Documents and Settings\MamaN\Desktop\paintings\lah.gif
C:\Documents and Settings\MamaN\Desktop\paintings\paris.gif
  • C:\Documents and Settings\MamaN\Desktop\paintings\paris.gif
  • The artistic consciousness of the Middle Ages was most fully embodied in Gothic architecture, primarily in temple architecture, which reflected their religious and mystical perception of the world. Gothic is a harsh and at the same time elegant style. She embodied a different understanding of beauty, different from the ancient one.
  • The architects of the Renaissance, reviving the concept architectural ensemble, created the most beautiful works, striking in their perfection, harmony and amazing variety of compositional techniques. These buildings and ensembles are the first examples of spatial planning in an already established urban environment.
  • Ponte Piero Bridge.
  • Verona. Italy
  • Villa Rotunda.
  • Arch. And Palladio.
  • Italy. XVI century.
  • The ideas of the Renaissance spread widely throughout Europe, laying the foundation for the formation of the Baroque style. The splendor of the baroque facade forms competed with the richness and excessiveness of the riot of decor in the interior. This style is characterized by complex spatial solutions, a predominance of curvilinear and oval outlines of architectural forms.
  • Palace of Sanssouci.
  • Germany. XVIII century
  • Zwinger Palace Ensemble
  • in Dresden. XVIII century
  • The diversity of ideas of ancient architecture made it possible, based on its heritage, to create an architectural contrast to the magnificent Baroque in the severity of the forms of classicism. This style proclaimed the balance of forms, subordination of parts and symmetry as examples of composition, likening them to ancient canons.
  • Grand Trianon. Versailles. France. 17th century
  • The wealth of forms and figurative and stylistic language of the art of architecture various peoples the world found its greatest expression in temple architecture.
  • Every religion expresses itself in religious architecture. But this is a special architecture. Temples are built by people, but they hold on and live by Faith. Temples call for awareness of the immortal greatness of the Spirit and the Divine gift of life.
Big city always, at all times, it takes your breath away and shakes your imagination with lights and temples, stormy traffic on the streets and skyscrapers. Big city - great opportunities and great illusions. People always dream of conquering him, so that he knows their name, is obedient to their will, but much more often the city commands a person, his mood, well-being, tiring him or, conversely, encouraging him, supporting him. And the feeling of love for the Motherland is largely born of the city, its houses and streets, the place where we live.
  • A big city always, at all times, takes your breath away and amazes the imagination with its lights and temples, bustling streets and skyscrapers. A big city means great opportunities and great illusions. People always dream of conquering him, so that he knows their name, is obedient to their will, but much more often the city commands a person, his mood, well-being, tiring him or, conversely, encouraging him, supporting him. And the feeling of love for the Motherland is largely born of the city, its houses and streets, the place where we live.
  • Russian architecture is an inseparable part of world art. We will look at it in the next lesson, using the example of the construction of a city - the ensemble of St. Petersburg.
  • Having examined various buildings of famous cities of the world, choose the most characteristic and significant ones. Connect them into a single plane row, creating recognizable silhouette cities.
  • Example of task execution ( teamwork)

▫ This morning, this joy, This power of day and light, This blue vault, This cry and strings, These flocks, these birds, This talk of waters, These willows and birches, These drops are these tears, This fluff is not a leaf, These mountains, these valleys, These midges, these bees, This sound and whistle, These dawns without an eclipse, This sigh of the night village, This night without sleep, This darkness and the heat of the bed, This fraction and these trills, This is all spring. Afanasy Fet
▫ Thank you, Tatyana Gennadievna!
▫ Rules of life for E. Bystritskaya: My character is complex. But for me the word “honor” is not an empty phrase. People know me: I won’t deceive, I won’t let you down! *** You need to be honest with yourself, not do nasty things that, as you know, come back to you at least three times. Another one in my place would have broken long ago! But I live. And I forgive my offenders. I just live by the rules that we had in our family. I try not to disturb others. But I don’t allow anyone to interfere with me either. In order to maintain honor, I can refuse and have refused a lot. There is no greater privilege for me than dignity. Neither money nor prosperity will stop me if I think that a question of honor is involved. About love Do not confuse love with affection. When I talk about love, I mean love, not infatuation. Real love this is what completely fills a person and does not give him the opportunity to live the way he lived before. I'm not talking about sexual needs, but I mean strong feeling, which moves a person, determines his life. About appearance I was never told about my appearance as a child. I first heard about this at the age of 13, in the hospital. Two wounded people are talking: “Look, what a pretty girl!” She looked around for no one... Then she looked in the mirror for a long time and found nothing interesting. My mother raised me very strictly... About health From a young age I do gymnastics every morning, follow a diet (nothing fatty, salty or fried, a minimum of alcohol, a maximum of colorful vegetables). The daily routine should be followed unquestioningly. Getting up and sleeping at the same time as eating should be determined once and for all. But there is something else... I never wished anything bad on anyone. I didn’t allow myself a single action for which I would be ashamed. Mom said: You can't lie. I am very grateful to my parents for these covenants. This is the secret to good health and restful sleep. About loneliness The wisdom of Omar Khayyam is closer to me: “It’s better to be alone than with just anyone.” I think that many people know what a difficult test it is to be alone with yourself among many people. For an actress, this can turn into a tragedy... There was a period in my life when I once sat for ten hours in the rain in a boat, deciding how I should continue to live... But an actress who has not known love and bitter loneliness will never be sincere in her life. stage... About where to get strength There is such a dialogue: Where do you get the money? From the nightstand. So I take strength from the nightstand. I'll take it from myself. Where else can you get them?.. The only thing you can’t do is achieve your goal at someone else’s expense. God does not forgive this!
▫ Happy memory!
▫ Maybe he needed her earlier. Some research has been carried out. Someone could become a doctor of science or a professor on this topic. These are my guesses. But now he hasn’t needed it for a long time - and the portal hangs like an unnecessary burden. Another guess is that we're spilling too much here. There is no need to call us or interrogate us anywhere. For those who need it. We will tell you everything ourselves and voluntarily. And some watchful eye is watching. And then maybe he’ll go somewhere else.
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