Production cycle. Economic function of the production cycle. How is the production cycle of an enterprise calculated?

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Chapter 1. Concept production cycle, its essence, stages and structure



A necessary condition for the successful operation of an enterprise is the rational construction of its production and organizational structure. The production cycle is one of the most important indicators. It is the starting point for calculating many components of an enterprise’s activities. On its basis, production capacity is calculated, product launch dates are set taking into account the timing of its release, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other production planning calculations are carried out.

The production cycle is one of the constituent elements of the technological process and is used as a standard for operational production planning, financial management and other production planning calculations. The duration of the production cycle is established and regulated both as a whole for all products (including their constituent elements), and separately for each element. Without a thorough analysis of the production cycle, it is impossible to say about the effectiveness of this production.

Of particular relevance this topic represents for enterprises engaged in the production of products (works, services), since at the stage of a free market economy, production, like goods, must be competitive.

The purpose of this study is to study the production cycle, its structure and directions for reducing the duration of the production cycle.

The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

give a general description of the production cycle;

study its structure;

consider methods for calculating production cycle time and factors influencing it;

explore the economic significance of the production cycle;

analyze ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

The object of the study is the production cycle as one of the most important indicators of the successful performance of an organization. The subject of research is methods of regulation and reduction of the production cycle.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, and a list of sources used.

Theoretical and methodological basis The work was written based on the works of leading Russian and foreign economists in the field of production cycle research. Used in this work scientific works outstanding domestic teachers, regulatory and program-methodological documents general education, as well as Internet resources.

Chapter 1. The concept of the production cycle, its essence and structure

1.1 Concept and essence of the production cycle

The production process is a set of purposeful actions by enterprise personnel to transform raw materials into finished products.

Main Components production process, determining the nature of production:

professionally trained personnel;

means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures);

objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);

energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light);

information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

When organizing the production process over time main task is to achieve the minimum possible production cycle time.

A production cycle is a calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and is transformed into a finished product (or a finished part thereof). It is expressed in calendar days or (if the product is low-labor) in hours.

Shortening the cycle makes it possible for each production unit (shop, site) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company has the opportunity to speed up turnover working capital, fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, freeing up part of the working capital.

Thus, we studied the general characteristics of the production cycle and found out its essence.

1.2 Structure of the production cycle

The time for performing the main operations of processing products constitutes the technological cycle and determines the time during which direct or indirect human influence on the subject of labor occurs.

The production cycle has two stages:

Time of the production process.

Time of breaks in the production process.

The production process time, which is called the technological cycle, or working period, includes:

time for preparatory and final operations;

time for technological operations;

time for natural technological processes to occur;

transportation time during the production process;

time for technical control.

The time of breaks in the production process is the time during which there is no impact on the subject of labor and there is no change in it qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet ready and the production process is not completed. Break times during production include:

interoperative follow-up time;

time between shifts.

Preparatory-final time is spent by the worker (or team) on preparing himself and his workplace to complete the production task, as well as on all actions to complete it. It includes the time for obtaining work orders, materials, special tools and devices, setting up equipment, etc.

The time of technological operations is the time during which there is a direct impact on the subject of labor either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control.

The time of natural technological processes is the time during which the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct influence of man and technology (air-drying of a painted product or cooling of a heated product, growth and maturation of plants, fermentation of some products, etc.).

Time for technical control and time for transportation during the production process constitutes maintenance time, which includes:

quality control of product processing;

control of operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment, minor repairs;

delivery of workpieces, materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

Interoperational (intra-shift) breaks are divided into:

batch breaks - occur when parts are processed in batches: each part or unit, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies twice - before the start and at the end of processing, until the entire batch goes through this operation;

waiting breaks - are caused by inconsistency (non-synchronization) of the duration of adjacent operations of the technological process and occur when the previous operation ends before it is released workplace to perform the next operation;

Completion interruptions occur in cases where parts and assemblies are left behind due to the incomplete production of other parts included in one set.

Inter-shift breaks are determined by the operating mode (number and duration of shifts) and include breaks between work shifts, weekends and holidays, lunch breaks.

Interoperational and inter-shift breaks are classified as regulated breaks.

Unregulated breaks are associated with downtime of equipment and workers for various organizational and technical reasons not provided for by the operating mode (lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, absenteeism of workers, etc.), and are not included in the production cycle.

So, in this section we looked at the structure of the enterprise’s production cycle.

economic labor productivity

Chapter 2. Duration of the production cycle, factors influencing it and calculation methods

2.1 Determination of production cycle time and factors influencing it

The production process takes place in time and space, as a result of which the production cycle can be measured by the length of the movement path of the product and its components, as well as the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.

The duration (duration) of a production cycle is the calendar time interval from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last; measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds depending on the type of product and stage of processing.

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors, such as:

Technological. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment determine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes.

Organizational. Organization of processes over time, organization of jobs, labor itself and its payment, level of mechanization - automation of production processes in still to a greater extent influence the duration of auxiliary operations, service processes and breaks.

Economic. Level of organization of labor processes, rational forms labor stimulation, motivation labor activity, the level of equipment of workplaces determines the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (hence, their duration).

The faster the production process takes place (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year.

As a result, monetary resources are released that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise. For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of specific material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Production capacity refers to the maximum possible output of products in the planning period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater their number can be produced in the same period of time. Labor productivity, with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, increases as a result of an increase in the volume of output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of production, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees. The cost of production when the production cycle is shortened is reduced due to the reduction in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general plant and workshop expenses with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, in this section we found out that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of increasing production efficiency in enterprises; we also examined the factors influencing the duration of the production cycle.

2.2 Methods for calculating production cycle times

When determining the duration of a production cycle, the duration of its three components is usually calculated: the duration of the technological part of the cycle, the time of breaks for various reasons and the time of natural breaks, if provided. technological process.


where T_(P.C) is the duration of the production cycle;

T_TECHN - duration of technological processes;

T_PER - duration of breaks;

T_(EST.PR) - time of natural processes.

The remaining elements of the duration of the production cycle either have an insignificant value, for example, preparatory and final time, or they are carried out during breaks for various reasons, for example, time for carrying out transport operations, time for accounting and packaging of products.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the subject of labor through the operations existing in the enterprise.

With sequential movement, processing of a batch of items of labor of the same name at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Let's say you need to process a batch consisting of three products (n=3); number of processing operations (m=4), time norms for operations are: t_1= 10, t_2= 40, t_3= 20, t_4 = 10 min.

For this case, the cycle duration

T_(C.(SEQ.))= 3(10 + 40 + 20 + 10) = 240 min.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form

T_(C(SEQUAL))=n?_(i=1)^m?1t_i ?/C_i,

where C_i is the number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the subsequent operation is carried out individually or in a transport batch immediately after processing in the previous operation:

T_(C(PAR))=(р?_(i=1)^m?1t_i ?)/C_i +(n-p)*t_max/C_max,

where p is the size of the transport lot, pcs.;

t_max - execution time of the longest operation, min;

C_max - number of jobs in the longest operation.

With parallel motion, the production cycle time is significantly reduced. However, the parallel type of movement causes equipment downtime at workplaces where the duration of the operation is less than the most labor-intensive operation. These downtimes are greater, the greater the difference between the execution time of the longest (main) operation and the time spent on other operations. In this regard, a parallel type of movement is justified in the case when the time of various operations is approximately equal to or a multiple of each other, i.e. in conditions of continuous flow production.

Thus, in this chapter we studied the factors influencing the duration of the production cycle, and also examined various methods for calculating the production cycle.

Chapter 3. Economic significance and main directions for reducing the production cycle time

3.1 The main ways and directions of reducing the duration of the production cycle

Reducing the production cycle time is one of the most important tasks in organizing production at an enterprise. Reducing it will increase the profitability of production and its efficiency, which in turn will make it possible to allocate more funds for the development of production in the future, which will bring even more production efficiency and will improve the working conditions of the enterprise’s employees.

Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle are the technical level of production and improvement of labor organization, production and management. These two groups of factors are interdependent and complement each other.

Technical progress causes a reduction in the duration of the production process as a result of the introduction of more advanced technological processes, for example, precision casting, which makes it possible to obtain workpieces that are very close in size to finished parts, which then reduces the time of machining them; completely eliminating some operations or replacing some with others that are more productive, for example, combining several different technological operations in one work cycle; intensification of production processes, for example, in the metallurgical industry, high-speed melting methods are widely used, which make it possible to reduce melting time by 25-30% or more.

The duration of natural processes is significantly reduced as a result of replacing them with appropriate technological operations.

For example, natural drying of painted parts can be replaced by drying in a high-frequency current field with a significant acceleration of this process.

Reducing labor intensity can be achieved by changing the starting materials. By changing the material from which the workpiece is made, it is possible to achieve savings in human labor during mechanical processing. A significant effect is achieved by replacing metal parts with plastic ones that do not require subsequent mechanical processing. Reducing preparatory and final time is achieved by introducing the flow method of organizing production, standard and universal devices. Reducing the duration of quality control of performed operations is achieved by their mechanization and automation, combining the time for performing technological and control operations.

Improvement technical level production is expressed in increasing the manufacturability of the design, which is manifested in the maximum approximation of the design to the requirements of the technological process. Thus, the rational design of the product is a necessary condition for parallel assembly of individual parts of the product, and therefore to reduce the duration of assembly work.

Improving the organization of labor and production finds its concrete expression:

in the rational layout of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and improving the organization of the transfer of parts from operation to operation within a site or workshop;

in reducing the time of interruptions caused by equipment failures, which requires a clear organization of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;

in accelerating auxiliary processes through their extensive mechanization and automation, due to which they not only perform faster, but also increase the reliability of servicing the main processes;

in improving the work of the transport sector in order to organize uniform transport service to all workshops during all shifts, introduce a firm schedule of transport operations, use counting containers, automatic scales, introduce conveyors and containers;

in organizing a preparatory shift, during which equipment is set up, preparation for the production of materials, tools, devices;

in the introduction of daily shift planning and organization of work according to an hourly schedule;

in improving the organization of production in service and auxiliary farms;

in increasing the level of specialization of jobs, which makes it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the waiting time for the vacancy of jobs occupied by operations for the production of batches of parts for another serial product

in determining the most rational procedure for launching a batch of products into production, which leads to a reduction in the time “staying” parts at work stations.

Summarizing the above, we note the main directions for reducing the production cycle:

Improving technology.

The use of more productive equipment, tools, and technological equipment.

Automation of production processes.

Specialization and cooperation of production.

Organization of continuous production.

Flexibility (multifunctionality) of personnel.

So, in this section we looked at the main directions for reducing the production cycle time.

3.2 Economic value of reducing production cycle times

The duration of the production cycle is established and regulated both as a whole for all products (including their constituent elements), and separately for each element. However, the duration of production time for individual parts, assemblies and assemblies (product components) in total exceeds the cycle time of the product itself due to the fact that a significant part of the components is manufactured in parallel at different workplaces.

For example, sewing a coat in a garment factory is carried out simultaneously in several areas big amount workers. Each worker performs only part of the operation. In total, the production cycle for one coat is, say, 80 hours (including the storage of its components in anticipation of their demand). But the duration of the production cycle for sewing the coat itself is no more than 20 hours. The need to regulate and strictly take into account the cycle duration separately for each component of the product is caused primarily by the conditions of the economy and the organization of production.

Firstly, in order to calculate the production cycle of the entire product, it is necessary to have data on the cycles of its elements. Secondly, such regulations are used as a parameter with the help of which operational scheduling work of the enterprise (including the distribution of production tasks among workshops, sections and workplaces and monitoring the timeliness of task completion in accordance with consumer orders). Thirdly, the duration of the production cycle (both the product as a whole and its components) has a significant impact on the economy of the enterprise, primarily on the speed of turnover of working capital. In total, working capital, having made a full turnover, is returned with a profit. If the input into circulation was 1000 rubles, then the output was, say, 1200 rubles.

The task of specialists is to ensure that every hryvnia Money enterprises spent on the production of products turned over faster and, after its sale to consumers, were returned with a profit. The profit-to-cost ratio must be greater than zero.

This indicator in economic practice is called profitability, or efficiency ratio:

where E is efficiency;

P_P - profit;

Z - costs.

Profit is the difference between the price of a product and its cost. Profit is transferred to the company's current account not separately, but together with payment of production costs, the main part of which is formed from working capital. Thus, working capital, passing through the implementation stage, brings profit.

Consequently, we see how much the profit of an enterprise depends on the turnover rate of working capital. Negotiable material resources At an enterprise, the following transformation phases usually go through:

stocks in warehouses;

unfinished production;

finished products in warehouse and on the way.

The duration of the production cycle affects only one phase - work in progress. But in a number of industries, the time spent by working capital in work in progress is dominant. At a hydroelectric power station, for example, there is no work in progress, which is due to the specifics of production and the speed of transfer of electricity to consumers. Here the production cycle time is essentially zero. The picture is different in the construction industry. Due to the extended construction cycle of one to two years or more, huge funds concentrated in work in progress are frozen. Therefore, for this type of production, the development and application of various technical and organizational measures to shorten the production cycle, and, consequently, reduce the period of freezing of funds in work in progress is extremely important. For this, a variety of technical and organizational methods are used, including accelerating the movement of products in the production process.

Thus, in this chapter we examined the economic significance and main directions of reducing the duration of the production cycle, and found out that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks in organizing production at an enterprise.


Summing up the writing of the course work, we can draw the following conclusions.

In this course work The concept of the production cycle, its stages, structure, as well as the main directions for reducing the duration of the production cycle are considered. Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The production cycle is one of the most important indicators of technical and economic development, which determines the capabilities of the enterprise in terms of production volume and the costs of its production.

The duration of the production cycle affects the most important performance indicators of the enterprise and leads to an acceleration of working capital turnover, a reduction in the volume of work in progress, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the use of production capacity and an increase in production output, a reduction in the cost per unit of production due to a reduction in fixed costs per unit of production, an increase in profitability of production.

The literature has considered many various methods and ways to reduce production cycle times. All of them are carefully developed and justified, but their common drawback is insufficient attention to improving the organization of production when developing such measures. However, it should be noted that it is the economic factor that determines the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration) that is one of the main ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle, leading to an increase in production volumes without additional costs.

I believe that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production at an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its effective, cost-effective operation largely depends.

List of sources used

1. Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandar V.A. Enterprise economy. 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008. - 670 p.

2. Gribov V.D., Gruzinov V.P., Kuzmenko V. Economics of an organization (enterprise) - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 416 p.

3. Elizarov, Yu.F. Economics of organizations (enterprises): textbook / Yu.F. Elizarov. - Moscow: Exam, 2008. - 495 p.

4. Sergeev I.V. Economics of enterprise: textbook. allowance. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009. - 576 p.

5. Sklyarenko V.K., Prudnikov V.M. Enterprise economy. [Text] - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 208 p.

6. Titov, V.I. Enterprise economics: textbook / V.I. Titov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. - 411 p.

7. Turovets O.G., Rodionov V.B., Bukhalkov M.I. Organization of production and enterprise management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 544 p.

8. Chaldaeva, L.A. Enterprise economics: textbook / L.A. Chaldaeva. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2011. - 347 p.

9. Shepelenko, G.I. Economics, organization and planning of production at the enterprise: tutorial/ G.I. Shepelenko. - Rostov-on-Don: March, 2010. - 600 p.

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Let's review about production cycle duration. Management of current assets involves the calculation of two cycles:

  • production cycle of the enterprise,

Analysis of these cycles shapes the operational activities of the enterprise. The figure below shows that the production cycle is included in the operating cycle. You can read more about the operating cycle in the article: ““.

Production cycle time

Production cycle at the enterprise– this is the period of complete turnover of current assets used for maintenance production activities enterprises, from the receipt of raw materials and materials to shipment finished products buyers. Calculating the duration of the production cycle in a business plan allows you to estimate the time costs for the production of goods.

The duration of the production cycle of an enterprise is calculated using the following formula:

T is the duration of the production cycle,
T r – time of technological processing of the product (duration of the technological cycle),
T o - time of technological maintenance of the product (time of transportation of the product, time of its sorting, time for quality control),
T p – time of breaks in the work process (break time due to the operating mode of the enterprise).

The production cycle can be measured in days, months, minutes, hours, etc.

Formula for calculating the duration of the production cycle according to the balance sheet

The duration of the production cycle of an enterprise can be calculated from its balance sheet. The calculation formula is as follows:

Let us examine in more detail the components of the formula and methods for calculating them on the balance sheet.

Accounts payable turnover period

The first component of the formula is the turnover period of accounts payable. The indicator is calculated as follows:

Inventory turnover period

The second component of the formula for calculating the duration of the production cycle is the inventory turnover period. The indicator is calculated as follows:

Instead of “Sales Revenue”, “Cost of Products Sold” is sometimes used. By adding together the accounts payable turnover period and the inventory turnover period, you get the duration of the production cycle.

Factors influencing the duration of the production cycle of an enterprise

Conventionally, all factors can be divided into economic, technological and organizational. Among these groups of factors, the following can be particularly noted:

  • technical equipment of the product production process,
  • duration of assembly processes,
  • organizational conditions for servicing operations,
  • salary,
  • workplace organization
  • etc.


The article examined the production cycle at the enterprise. Its analysis is one of the components of operational analysis of organizations and businesses. Using it, you can determine the efficiency of an enterprise and identify factors that need to be reduced to achieve planned performance indicators.

Production cycle

The production cycle of manufacturing a particular machine or its individual unit (part) is the calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process from the first production operation to delivery (acceptance) of the finished product, inclusive. Shortening the cycle makes it possible for each production unit (shop, site) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to speed up the turnover of working capital, fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, and free up part of the working capital.

The production cycle consists of two parts: from the working period, i.e. the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process, and from the time of breaks in this process.

The working period consists of the time for performing technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is performed until the delivery of the finished product.

Production cycle structure(the ratio of its constituent parts) is not the same in different branches of mechanical engineering and at different enterprises. It is determined by the nature of the products manufactured, the technological process, the level of technology and production organization. However, despite the differences in structure, opportunities for reducing production cycle times lie in both reducing working hours and reducing break times. The experience of leading enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, opportunities can be found to further reduce the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various activities, both technical (design, technological) and organizational.

The implementation of production processes is closely related to the methods of their implementation. There are three main types of organization of the movement of production processes over time:

¨ sequential, characteristic of single or batch processing or assembly of products;

¨ parallel, used in continuous processing or assembly conditions;

¨ parallel-series, used in direct-flow processing or product assembly.

With a sequential type of movement, a production order - one part, or one assembled machine, or a batch of parts 1 (series of machines 2) - in the process of their production is transferred to each subsequent operation of the process only after the completion of processing (assembly) of all parts (machines) of this batch ( series) on the previous operation. In this case, the entire batch of parts is transported from operation to operation simultaneously. In this case, each part of a machine batch (series) lies in each operation, first waiting for its processing (assembly) turn, and then waiting for the completion of processing (assembly) of all machine parts of a given batch (series) for this operation.

A batch of parts is the number of parts of the same name that are simultaneously put into production (processed with one set-up of equipment). A series of machines is the number of identical machines simultaneously launched into an assembly.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows a graph of the sequential movement of objects of labor through operations. The processing time for the sequential type of movement of objects of labor Tpos is directly proportional to the number of parts in the batch and the processing time of one part for all operations, i.e.

Tpos = Et * n,

where Еt is the processing time of one part for all operations in minutes; n – number of parts in the batch.

With a parallel type of movement, the processing (assembly) of each part (machine) in the batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins immediately after the end of the previous operation, regardless of the fact that the processing (assembly) of other parts (machines) in the batch (series) at this operation not finished yet. With such an organization of the movement of objects of labor, several units of the same batch (series) can simultaneously be processed (assembled) in different operations. The total duration of the processing (assembly) process of a batch of parts (series of machines) is significantly reduced compared to the same process performed sequentially. This is a significant advantage parallel view movement, which can significantly reduce the duration of the production process.

The processing (assembly) time of a batch of parts (series of machines) with a parallel type of movement Tpar ​​can be determined by the following formula:

Tpar = Еt + (n – 1) * r,

where r is the release stroke corresponding to in this case longest operation, in min.

However, with a parallel type of movement, during the processing (assembly) of a batch of parts (machines), downtime of people and equipment may occur at some workplaces (Fig. 2), the duration of which is determined by the difference between the cycle and the duration of individual operations of the process. Such downtime is inevitable if operations following one another are not synchronized (not aligned in their duration), as is usually done on production lines. Therefore, the practical application of a parallel type of movement of objects of labor turns out to be absolutely advisable and economically beneficial in the flow organization of the production process.

The need to equalize (synchronize) the duration of individual operations significantly limits the possibility of widespread use of parallel type of movement, which promotes the use of the third - parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor is characterized by the fact that the process of processing parts (assembling machines) of a given batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of the entire batch of parts (assembling machines) at each previous operation is completely completed. Parts are transferred from one operation to another in parts, transport (transfer) batches. The accumulation of a certain number of parts in previous operations before the start of sodium processing in subsequent operations (production backlog) allows you to avoid downtime.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor can significantly reduce the duration of the production processing (assembly) process compared to the sequential type of movement. The use of a parallel-sequential type of motion is economically feasible in cases of manufacturing labor-intensive parts, when the duration of process operations varies significantly, as well as in cases of manufacturing low-labor parts in large batches (for example, normals of small standardized parts, etc.).

With a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, there can be three cases of combining the duration of operations:

1) the previous and subsequent operations have the same duration (t 1 = t 2);

2) the duration of the previous operation t2 is greater than the duration of the subsequent operation t3, i.e. t2 > t3;

3) the duration of the previous operation t3 is less than the duration of the subsequent one t 4, i.e. t 3< t 4 .

In the first case, the transfer of parts from operation to operation can be organized individually; For reasons of convenience of transportation, simultaneous transfer of several parts (transfer batch) can be used.

In the second case, a subsequent, shorter operation can be started only after finishing processing of all parts in the previous operation included in the first transfer batch. In Fig. 3 this has mine when moving from the first operation to the second.

In the third case (in Fig. 3 - the transition from the 3rd to the 4th operation) there is no need to accumulate parts from the previous operation. It is enough to transfer one part to a subsequent operation and begin processing it without any fear of downtime. In this, as in the first case, the transfer lot is established only for transport reasons.

The moment of starting work at each subsequent operation (workplace) is determined according to the schedule or by calculating the minimum displacements c.

The minimum offset c 2 is determined by the difference between the durations of the previous larger t 2 and the subsequent smaller operations t 3, namely:

c 2 = n * t 2 – (n – n tr) * t 3,

where n tr is the value of the transfer (transport) batch, which for the second case of a combination of operation durations is determined from the ratio c 1 / t 1 (c 1 is the minimum displacement of the first operation), in all other cases - from the conditions of ease of transportation.

The minimum calculated offset is included in the total duration of the production process T for the combination of operation durations related to the second case. In the first and third cases, the minimum displacement is set equal to the time required to form the transfer batch.

When determining the total duration of the production process with a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, one should take into account the calculated value of the displacement E c:

T pl = E s + n * t k,

where tk is the duration of the last (final) operation in a given production process.

Example. Determine the total duration of the processing process for a batch of parts at various types movement, if the number of parts in the batch is n = 40, and the processing time of one part (in minutes) for operations is: t 1 = 1.5; t 2 = 1.5; t 3 = 0.5; t 4 = 2.5; release stroke r = 2.5 min.

A. In conditions of sequential movement of parts

E t = t 1 + t 2 + t 3 + t 4 = 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5 + 2.5 = 6.0;

T pos = E t * n = 6.0 * 40 = 240 min = 4 hours.

B. In conditions of parallel type of movement of parts

T steam = E t + r * (n – 1) = 6.0 +2.5 * (40 – 1) = 103.5 minutes, or 1.725 hours.

IN. In conditions of parallel-sequential movement of parts

T p.p = E s + n * t = 65 + 40 * 2.5 == 165 min == 2.7 hours.

First you need to determine the value of E c . Taking the size of the transfer batch, convenient for transportation, n tr = 10 pcs., we can find the minimum displacements for operations:

s 1 = n tr * t 1 = 10 * 1.5 = 15 min;

s 2 = n * t 2 – (n – n tr) * t 3 = 40 * 1.5 – (40 – 10) * 0.5 = 45 min;

s 3 = n tr * t 3 = 10 * 0.5 = 5 min.

To determine the amount of displacements E c, it is necessary to know the number of transport batches when transferring parts from the second to the third operation, which will be equal to

k = s 2 / (n tr * t 2) = 45 / (1.5 * 10) = 3;

then the sum of the displacements will be E c = 15 + 45 + 5 = 65 min.

Thus, the use of parallel and parallel-sequential types of movement of objects of labor makes it possible to reduce the duration of the production process, or, in other words, to reduce the production cycle of manufacturing an object of labor.

Organizational measures are aimed at improving the maintenance of workplaces with tools, workpieces, improving the operation of the control apparatus, intra-shop transport, warehouse facilities, etc. Restructuring production structure plant, workshop, for example, the organization of subject-closed production areas, which helps to reduce the time of interruptions in the production process by reducing the time of interoperational storage and transportation, leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle; A particularly significant economic effect comes from the introduction of flow forms of organizing the production process.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks in organizing production at an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its effective, cost-effective operation largely depends.

Types of production

Type of production is a comprehensive description of the technical, organizational and economic features of mechanical engineering production, due to its specialization, volume and consistency of the product range, as well as the form of movement of products to workplaces.

The level of specialization of jobs is expressed by a number of indicators characterizing the design-technological and organizational-planning features of products and production. Such indicators include the share of specialized jobs in the department; the number of names of detail operations assigned to them; the average number of operations performed at a workplace over a certain period of time. Among these indicators, the latter most fully characterizes the organizational and economic features corresponding to a specific type of production and level of specialization-jobs. This level is determined coefficient of consolidation of operations Kz.o.

Coefficient Kz.o shows the ratio of the number of various technological operations performed or to be performed by a department during a month to the number of jobs. Because Kz.o reflects the frequency of changes in various operations and the associated frequency of servicing the worker with various information and material elements of production, then Kz.o is assessed in relation to the attendance number of workers of the unit per shift. Thus,


Where R issue– coefficient of fulfillment of time standards; Fp– the worker’s time fund when working for the planned period in one shift; Nj – release program i-th product name for the planned period; Тj – labor intensity i-th product name; m – the total number of different operations performed during the planned period; h – the number of workers in the unit performing these operations. If externally implicit, the indicator Kz.o combines a significant number of factors that determine the degree of stability of production conditions in the workplace. All parameters affecting Kz.o , conditionally can be combined into three groups: the first group – parameters of the constructive and technological order that determine the basis of the production process; the second – volumetric parameters characterizing the “statics” of the production process; the third is calendar parameters that determine the “dynamics” of the production process.

The first group includes such parameters as: coefficient of preparatory-final time, number of operations, norms of operation time, number of product items.

The second group of parameters includes: the turnout number of main workers, the worker’s time fund, the production program, the rate of fulfillment of time standards, the number of jobs.

The third group includes the following parameters: the size and rhythm of a batch of products, the rhythm of product release, the coefficient of interoperational time, the duration of the production cycle of a batch of products.

A series of simple substitutions, substitutions and transformations can be used to connect these parameters with Kz.o .

Coefficient Kz.o. shows the average frequency of changes in technological operations for the site. Consequently, a change in the KZ.O. affects the specialized skills of workers, the labor intensity of processing and wages of site workers, the costs of changeovers and the frequency of maintenance on the part of the foreman, planner, adjuster, as well as the wages of workers waiting for service, i.e. cost of manufactured products.

Coefficient Kz.o characterizes the average time to complete one operation or a set of similar operations when group technology; therefore, it is related to the batch size of products that are produced continuously in each operation. Changing the batch size, in turn, affects the duration of the production cycle and the amount of work in progress. The presence of both increasing and decreasing costs with unidirectional change Kz.o indicates the need to search for the optimal value Kz.o.

The range of products manufactured at workplaces can be constant or variable. The permanent nomenclature includes products the production of which continues relatively for a long time, i.e. a year or more. With a constant nomenclature, the production and release of products can be continuous and periodic, repeated at certain intervals. With variable nomenclature, the production and release of products is repeated at indefinite intervals.

According to the degree of specialization, size and constancy of the range of products manufactured at them, all workplaces are divided into the following groups: 1) mass production jobs, specialized to perform one continuous repeating operation; 2) serial production workplaces, on which several different operations are performed, repeated at certain intervals: time; 3) single production jobs, on which a large number of different operations are performed, repeated at indefinite intervals or not repeated at all.

Depending on the value Kz.o serial production jobs are divided into large-, medium- and small-scale: with 1<= Kz.o< 10 рабочие места относятся к крупносерийному производству, при 10 <= Kz.o < 20 рабочие места соответствуют среднесерийному производству, при 20 <= Kz.o <= 40 – small-scale production.

The type of production is determined by the predominant group of jobs.

Mass type production is characterized by the continuous production of a limited range of products at highly specialized workplaces.

Serial type production is determined by the production of a limited range of products in batches (series), repeated at certain intervals at workplaces with broad specialization. The serial type of production is also divided into large-, medium- and small-scale, depending on the predominant group of jobs.

Unit type production is characterized by the production of a wide range of products in single quantities, repeated at indefinite intervals or not repeated at all, at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization.

The large-scale type of production is close in its characteristics to the mass production, and the small-scale type is closer to the single type of production.

The movement of parts (products) through workplaces (operations) can be: in time - continuous and discontinuous; in space – direct-flow and indirect-flow. If workplaces are located in the order of the sequence of operations performed, i.e., along the technological process of processing parts (or products), then this corresponds to direct-flow movement, and vice versa.

Production in which the movement of products through workplaces is carried out with a high degree of continuity and direct flow is called continuous production.

In this regard, depending on the form of movement of products through workplaces, mass and serial types of production can be in-line and non-in-line, that is, there can be a mass, mass-in-line, serial and serial-in-line type of production. In a single type of production, it is usually difficult to ensure continuity and direct flow of all products manufactured at a group of workplaces, and therefore a single type of production cannot be continuous.

The type of site, workshop and plant as a whole is determined by the predominant type of production.

In mass production factories, the mass type of production is predominant, but there may be other types of production. In such factories, the assembly of products is carried out according to the mass type, the processing of parts in machine shops is carried out according to the mass and partially serial type, and the production of blanks is carried out according to the mass and serial (mainly large-scale) types of production. Mass production factories are, for example, automobile, tractor, ball bearing and other factories.

In factories where the serial type of production predominates, the assembly of products can be carried out using mass and serial types of production, depending on the labor intensity of the assembly and the number of products produced. Processing of parts and production of blanks is carried out according to the serial type of production.

Unit production plants are characterized by the predominance of a single type of production. Serial and sometimes even mass production are found in the production of standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units. This is also facilitated by the typification of technological processes and the introduction of group processing methods.

As the degree of specialization of workplaces increases, the continuity and direct flow of products through workplaces, i.e. during the transition from single to serial and from serial to mass types of production, the possibility of using special equipment and technological equipment, more productive technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, mechanization and automation of production processes. All this leads to increased labor productivity and reduced production costs.

The main factors contributing to the transition to serial and mass types of production are an increase in the level of specialization and cooperation in mechanical engineering, the widespread introduction of standardization, normalization and unification of products, as well as the unification of technological processes.

The production cycle is one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activity of an enterprise. On its basis, for example, the timing of launching a product into production is established, taking into account the timing of its release, the capacity of production units is calculated, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other production planning calculations are carried out.

Production cycle manufacturing of a product (batch) is the calendar period during which it is in production from the launch of raw materials and semi-finished products into main production until the receipt of the finished product (batch).

Loop structure

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products (Fig. 8.2).

Rice. 8.2. Production cycle structure

The execution time for basic product processing operations is technological cycle and determines the time during which a person’s direct or indirect influence on the subject of labor occurs.

Breaks can be divided into two groups: 1) breaks associated with the operating mode established at the enterprise - non-working days and shifts, inter-shift and lunch breaks, intra-shift regulated breaks for workers' rest, etc.; 2) breaks due to organizational and technical reasons - waiting for a workplace to become free, waiting for components and parts to be assembled, inequality of production rhythms in adjacent ones, i.e. dependent on each other, jobs, lack of energy, materials or vehicles, etc.;

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, only those time costs are taken into account that are not covered by the time of technological operations (for example, time spent on control, transportation of products). Breaks caused by organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, violation of labor discipline, etc.) are not taken into account when calculating the planned duration of the production cycle.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the subject of labor through the operations existing in the enterprise. Typically one of three types is used; serial, parallel, parallel-serial.

With sequential movement, processing of a batch of items of labor of the same name at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Let’s assume that you need to process a batch consisting of three products ( n = 3), while the number of processing operations (T= 4), time standards for operations are, min: t 1 = 10, t 2 = 40, t 3 = 20, t 4 = 10.

For this case, cycle duration, min;

T c(last) = 3(10 + 40 + 20 + 10) = 240.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form:

Where C i ,- number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the subsequent operation is carried out individually or in a transport batch immediately after processing in the previous operation:

Where R- size of the transport lot, pcs; tmax- time to perform the longest operation, min; With max- number of jobs in the longest operation. For the example discussed above; R =1.

With parallel motion, the production cycle time is significantly reduced.

With a parallel-sequential type of movement, objects of labor are transferred to the subsequent operation as they are processed in the previous one individually or in a transport batch, while the execution time of adjacent operations is partially combined in such a way that a batch of products is processed at each operation without interruptions.

The duration of the production cycle can be defined as the difference between the cycle duration for a sequential type of movement and the total time savings compared to the sequential type of movement, due to the partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations:

For our example: R = 1.

T c(par-last) = 240 = 160 min.

Cycle duration

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment determine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes. Organizational factors of the movement of objects of labor during processing are associated with the organization of jobs, the work itself and its payment. Organizational conditions have an even greater influence on the duration of auxiliary operations, service processes and breaks.

Economic factors determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration), standards for work in progress.

The faster the production process takes place (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year.

As a result, monetary resources are released that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise.

For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of specific material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Under production capacity refers to the maximum possible output of products in the planning period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater their number can be produced in the same period of time.

Labor productivity, with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, increases as a result of an increase in the volume of output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of production, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees.

The cost of production when the production cycle is shortened is reduced due to the reduction in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general plant and workshop expenses with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of intensification and increase in production efficiency in industrial enterprises.

The reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of equipment and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, deepening specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor and workplace maintenance, and the introduction of robotics.


1. The production structure of an enterprise characterizes the division of labor between divisions of the enterprise and their cooperation. Rational construction of the production process in space is a necessary condition for its effectiveness.

2- The main elements of the production structure of an enterprise are workplaces, sections and workshops.

3. The production structure can be organized by technological, subject or mixed type, with a full or incomplete production cycle.

4. All workshops and farms of an industrial enterprise can be divided into workshops of main production, auxiliary workshops and service farms.

5. The formation of the enterprise structure depends on external factors (industry, regional, general structural) and internal (the nature and volume of products, features and capabilities of the enterprise’s fixed assets, level of specialization, cooperation, etc.).

6. Depending on the range of products, production volumes, types of equipment, labor intensity of operations, duration of the production cycle and other factors, single, serial and mass production are distinguished.

7. The production process is a set of labor processes aimed at transforming raw materials into finished products,

The principles of rational organization of the production process are: specialization, parallelism and proportionality, straightness and continuity, rhythm and technical equipment.

8. Production processes are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical, etc.; continuous “discrete; procurement, processing and finishing; manual and mechanized.

The main parameters of the production process are the tempo and tact of the operation.

9. Production cycle - the period of time for manufacturing a product or batch from the moment raw materials are launched into main production until the finished product is received.

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products.

10. The duration of the production cycle is influenced by technological, organizational, economic and other factors.


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Production cycle - one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activity of an enterprise. On its basis, for example, the timing of launching a product into production is established, taking into account the timing of its release, the capacity of production units is calculated, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other production planning calculations are carried out.

The production cycle of a product (batch) is the calendar period during which it is in production from the launch of raw materials and semi-finished products into main production until the receipt of the finished product (batch).

Loop structure

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products (Fig. 8.2).

Rice. 8.2. Production cycle structure

The time for performing the main operations of processing products constitutes the technological cycle and determines the time during which direct or indirect human influence on the subject of labor occurs.

Breaks can be divided into two groups:

- breaks, related to the operating mode established at the enterprise, - non-working days and shifts, inter-shift and lunch breaks, intra-shift regulated breaks for workers’ rest, etc.;

breaks, due to organizational and technical reasons, - waiting for a workplace to become free, waiting for components and parts to be assembled, inequality of production rhythms in adjacent ones, i.e. dependent on each other, jobs, lack of energy, materials or vehicles, etc.:

Calculation of derivative cycle duration

T p.ts , T tech- respectively, the duration of the production and technological cycles;

T lane- duration of breaks;

T time of natural processes.

When calculating the production cycle time T p.ts Only those time costs that are not covered by the time of technological operations are taken into account (for example, time spent on control, transportation of products). Breaks caused by organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, violation of labor discipline, etc.) are not taken into account when calculating the planned duration of the production cycle.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the subject of labor through the operations existing in the enterprise. Typically one of three types is used: serial, parallel, parallel-serial.

With sequential movement, processing of a batch of items of labor of the same name at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Example 8.1.

Let's say you need to process a batch consisting of three products (n = 3); number of processing operations (m = 4), time norms for operations are: = 10, = 40, = 20, = 10 minutes.

For this case, the cycle duration

T ts(last)= 3(10 + 40 + 20 + 10) = 240 min.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form

Where , - number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the subsequent operation is carried out individually or in a transport batch immediately after processing in the previous operation:

Where R- size of the transport lot, pcs; t max- time to complete the longest operation, min ; WITH max- number of jobs in the longest operation. For the example discussed above: p = 1.

T c(par)= (10 + 40 + 20 + 10) + (3 - 1)40 = 160 min.

At parallel In the form of movement, the duration of the production cycle is significantly reduced.

At parallel-serial In the form of movement, objects of labor are transferred to the subsequent operation after they are processed in the previous one individually or in a transport batch, while the time for performing related operations is partially combined in such a way that a batch of products is processed at each operation without interruptions.

The duration of the production cycle can be defined as the difference between the cycle duration for a sequential type of movement and the total time savings compared to the sequential type of movement, due to the partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations:

For example 8.1: p = 1.

240 - (3 - 1)(10 + 20 + 10) = 160 min.

Cycle duration

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment determine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes. Organizational Factors in the movement of objects of labor during processing are associated with the organization of jobs, the labor itself and its payment. Organizational conditions have an even greater influence on the duration of auxiliary operations, service processes and breaks.

Economic factors determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration), standards for work in progress.

The faster the production process takes place (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year.

As a result, monetary resources are released that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise.

For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of specific material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Production capacity refers to the maximum possible output of products in the planning period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater their number can be produced in the same period of time.

Labor productivity with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, it increases as a result of an increase in the volume of output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of production, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees.

Product cost when the production cycle is shortened, it is reduced due to a decrease in the cost per unit of production of the share of general plant and workshop expenses with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of intensification and increase in production efficiency in industrial enterprises.

The reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of equipment and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, deepening specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor and maintenance of workplaces, and robotics.


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