Brothels in Rome. Forbidden Pompeii - frescoes of an ancient brothel. “And I didn’t squander that kind of money...”

Seven Kings of Rome

Lupanar in Pompeii

Most prostitutes came from slaves and slaves who worked this way under the compulsion of the owner, or as freedmen who earned their living (lat. mulier, quae palam corpore quaestum facit, official name).

Inside a Roman brothel "lupanarium" ( lupanar) was divided into cramped closets. For example, the lupanarium, discovered during excavations in Pompeii in 1862 and located in the center of the city, consisted of a ground floor and a ground floor; in the ground floor there were five narrow rooms surrounding the vestibule, each with an area of ​​2 square meters. m., with a bed built into the wall, with drawings and inscriptions of erotic content. Opposite the entrance there was a latrine, and in the vestibule there was a partition for the gatekeeper. The rooms had no windows, only a door to the corridor, so even during the day a fire had to be lit. The decoration of the rooms was primitive and consisted of a blanket on the floor or a bed with a blanket woven from reeds. Probably, prostitutes did not live in brothels permanently, but only came for a certain time, statutory. Each prostitute received a separate room for the night with her nickname included in the prostitution lists, or “title,” marked on the door. Another sign indicated whether the room was occupied.

Visiting hours for brothels began at 3 pm and lasted until the morning. Time limits were set by law so that young people did not start visiting these institutions in the morning, neglecting gymnastics.

The price of prostitutes' services varied; Thus, in Pompeii the price at one time varied from 2 to 23 asses.

Women of this profession had their own holiday - Vinalia, which was celebrated on April 23 at the Collin Gate and was dedicated to the goddess Venus.

Legislative regulation

Roman laws regarding prostitution strictly enforced the principle of registration and regulation. The functions of the morality police were assigned to the aediles, who supervised taverns, bathhouses, and brothels and conducted searches there in order to identify unregulated prostitutes and uncover other abuses. All women engaged in prostitution were obliged to declare themselves to the aedile in order to receive permission to do this activity, and their names were entered in a special book. After recording, the woman changed her name. From the writings of Martial and inscriptions in Pompeii, such professional names of prostitutes as Dravka, Itonusia, Lais, Fortunata, Liciska, Thais, Leda, Philenis and others are known. The law also applied to clothing. After registering and changing their name, prostitutes were deprived of the right to wear jewelry befitting honest women. While matrons wore a costume called stola, prostitutes wore shorter tunics with togas over them dark color. Matrons convicted of adultery also wore togas, but white. Subsequently, the differences in clothing between prostitutes and other women were smoothed out.

With whitened faces, cheeks painted with cinnabar and eyes lined with soot, Roman prostitutes practiced their ancient craft. They were everywhere - at the walls of the Colosseum, in theaters and temples. Visiting a prostitute was not considered something reprehensible among the Romans. Cheap priestesses of love sold quick sex in the quarters of the old city. Higher-ranking prostitutes, supported by bath attendants, operated in Roman baths.

Rows of representatives of the most ancient profession were replenished by deceived village girls, with whom an agreement was signed, which they had to work off in taverns and brothels. The legal source was the slave trade. Pimps (they existed already in Ancient Rome!) they bought women like cattle, having first examined their bodies, and then sent them to work.

The sexual use of slaves was legal in Rome. The rape of a slave by a pimp was not punishable either. Brothel owners made extensive use of child prostitution. The trade in slaves who became prostitutes brought in income equal to the income from the export and import of wheat and wine. New young, slender women were constantly needed (the “Rubensian figures” were not successful). Greatest demand was at a very young age gentle girls, which corresponded to the pedophilic tendencies of the Romans. After 30 years, the prostitute was not listed in Rome. Her lot was drunkenness, illness and early death. It was a rare woman who managed to save some money for her old age.

Ancient images of “love chambers” in brothels have been preserved. It was, as a rule, a cramped room with a bed made of stone, covered with rough cloth. Such was the haven of quick sexual intercourse, where even shoes were not removed. Visiting a brothel was also available to the poorest sections of the Roman population. Its cost ranged from 2 to 16 aces, and approximately corresponded to the price of a mug of wine or one piece of bread. At the same time, the services of famous courtesans could cost the client thousands of aces. The cheapest was oral sex (Monica Lewinsky from Washington, of course, did not know this). Women who practiced it were considered “unclean” in Rome; they did not drink from the same glass with them, and they were not kissed. But women with shaved genitals were especially highly valued. Slaves in Roman baths specialized in removing pubic hair.

Little was known about venereal diseases in Ancient Rome and they were considered the result of sexual excesses and perversions. Since the 40th year new era prostitutes had to pay taxes. Their calculation was based on unus concubitus - that is, one act per day. Earnings in excess of this norm were not taxed. All the Roman Caesars held tightly to the tax on living goods, which brought a fair amount of income to the treasury. Even already in Christian Rome there is a favorable tax for a long time was preserved.

Only men enjoyed freedom in matters of sexual life in Rome. Patriarchal morals reigned for women, although some Roman matrons allowed themselves love affairs with a young slave. Roman philosophers and poets often addressed the theme of free love. Horace wrote: “If your penis is swollen and you have a maid or a slave at hand, are you ready to give them up? I’m not, I love erotica that easily gives pleasure.”

“Women are expensive, especially prostitutes. Spontaneous adventures are always interesting and will be remembered for a long time,” these two opposite conclusions were made by Minsk DJ Alexey Kutuzov, who was led by an Italian swindler who accidentally met in a bar to a Roman brothel.

Saturday night in Rome, after the traditional run around the city at +36, I decide to spend it calmly - without clubs, parties and festivals. After all, tomorrow is the last day, and then I fly home. An Irish pub in Rome always helps in this situation, and it’s right next to my hotel, where I finish my drink. last glass"Grimbergen" before closing the establishment. The visitors are quietly moving away, the waiters are counting the minutes, and nearby a large group is saying goodbye to each other, loudly kissing. All that remains of them is one intelligent-looking man, who appears to be about fifty years old. He received two whole glasses from his friends, which the waiter immediately poured into plastic cups.

- Hi, where are you from?
- I'm from Belarus.
- Oh, I barely know Russian, my wife is from Russia, do you mind?
- Yes, sure.

Sergio suggests continuing the evening

My interlocutor’s name is Sergio (name changed), he is 53 years old, he is Italian, but lives in Budapest (“I ran away from Italy 7 years ago, I’m tired, taxes are so high here, it’s impossible!”), he exports Italian products or to Hungary , or throughout Europe. Overall, a nice man who inspires confidence.

- Listen, I would continue, how are you? I have a table booked in one place, let's go, I need some company. I'll pay for drinks and taxis. Let’s sit and talk, if you find a girl, that’s your problem.
“Okay,” I answered (I thought to myself: it’s Saturday after all, we have time, why not go, we love spontaneous adventures). - But I need to go to the hotel and take my wallet (otherwise I have 20 euros in my pocket - somehow it’s not serious to go out into the night with that amount).

On the way to the hotel, Sergio found out that I was also a DJ, after which he stopped, almost spilled his beer, and began shouting about the fact that (it turns out) he was in his time in the late 90s - early 2000s (“in golden age house music") was a famous Italian promoter, he made tours for such legends as Marshall Jefferson, Frankie Knuckles... and Joe T Vannelli - in general his best friend. He knows the people from Manumission, those and others in Ibiza, Miami and London, and can organize a tour for me in Ibiza, for example, without any problems. “Well, the guy seems to be in the know,” I thought confidentially, I quickly popped into the hotel to get my wallet, and now we’re on our way to a taxi, where we continue the theme of dance music.

– When I come to Milan, I call Joe T Vannelli, and we always go to dinner. Yes, of course, then I made very cool money. And then the Internet appeared and everything went to hell, everyone’s earnings fell sharply, everything became too accessible. (“Well, yes, there is such a thing,” I thought). Although, even now it’s not bad, David Guetta earns 150,000 per set, well done...

Here Sergio begins to talk about his young wife, who is only 27 years old, and thanks to whom he knows a little Russian. He proudly shows me a photograph of two girls of about the same age. “This is my wife, and this is my daughter from my first marriage.” It turns out that he met a beautiful blonde from Moscow in Budapest, she worked at the Russian embassy - that’s how they met.
“You know, I’m very happy now, she loves me, and I love her very much too, everything is fine with us.” She is now in Moscow, and I decided to go to Rome to go home. She will come here on Thursday, and we will go on vacation to Sardinia together - that’s the plan. But, you understand, I’m Italian! When my wife is not around, I love all women!

“Oops, are we really going to a strip club,” I thought.

To be honest, I have never been to strip clubs, I was never interested in it. I thought it was entertainment for dissatisfied or too old men who were unlucky enough to find a wife half their age, as Sergio did. Although I always understood that with good company, spontaneously and in interesting city, like now in Rome, visiting a strip club would happen sometime in my life. Then we arrived at the establishment. Sergio handed his business card to the security guard at the entrance, we were quickly ushered in and seated at a table with a large soft sofa, offering us something to drink.

We choose our beers modestly. The room is small, more like a dance bar for about 80 people, with niches for tables and sofas. Ours, it seems to me, is the largest. There are about ten girls on the dance floor, a couple of men sitting in the dark corners. The music sounds quite strange: a mixture of Tarkan and Latin, but at slow speeds, so that it is convenient to move your butt, moreover, the sound is not tuned at all, apparently, no one is interested in the quality here. Two girls immediately come up to us and sit down next to us, choosing a man each (that is, me and Sergio). My “companion”’s name is Monica, she is from Romania, Sergio’s girlfriend is from Hungary.

About this theme: How it started sex life at your school

I’ll explain the situation: traditionally, I avoid “commercial” clubs where guys and girls film each other, although, of course, I’ve been knocked up more than once. In our regions, girls usually believe that a man should take the initiative and get to know them (they will wag their nose (“tail”) for a long time, help themselves to drinks, and then in frankly “rentable” places they announce a price tag of 100 bucks - and off we go. At least, this has always been the case in Minsk. I also want to note that I know how to treat women correctly, but I don’t know how to “show up.” It’s quite difficult for me to make acquaintances, no matter how much I like a girl in appearance. on the part of a woman. This barrier has been present all my life, I’m embarrassed and stupidly don’t know what to say at first. And then everything is much simpler, many men have this problem. in this case They immediately started filming me openly! Of course, I became interested.

Monica from Romania and four bottles of champagne

Sergio and I understand that we need cigarettes. A second later a girl appears with a box of cigarettes, we choose Marlboro, which costs 10 euros per pack - we need to pay immediately. So, we have cigarettes, girls and beer - the party begins! Sergio orders a cocktail for his Hungarian girlfriend, and I have to too (my companion can’t sit without a drink). A waiter of about 45 years old works with us. good suit, which brings everything literally in 10 seconds. The cocktail ends quickly enough, after which a bottle of champagne and ice appear for cooling.

Monica from Romania speaks very good English. She is really beautiful in a revealing tight dress. She’s not a fool, she’s well-groomed, and clearly wants to improve her relationship with me. She asks me a lot of standard questions, for example:

– Do you like Rome?
– What other countries have you visited?
– What hotel do you live in? ("Sooo")
-Have you been here for a long time?

All this time, a professional waiter pours us champagne, and his assistant constantly brings ice. My Sergio is cuddling with a slightly curvier Hungarian woman, laughing loudly. Everyone is having fun, the second bottle is on its way, Monica and I are discussing Romanian festivals, life in Rome, I pretend that this is just communication, but Monica shows with her whole body that it is not.

It's time to dance, the girls are asking us to dance. This, of course, doesn’t work for me, but I agree to get up from the couch to look around the room and understand what’s going on in it. Not much happens. Some old man is flirting with a big-breasted blonde around the corner, three girls opposite are watching us with sad faces, obviously jealous of our girls, they grabbed the cool guys. I am pleased with the fact that, after all, Monica is the most attractive in this establishment. Monica, meanwhile, wriggles in front of me, and then accidentally falls into my lap, which delights the couple nearby. Yes, after 30 minutes of dating, Monica can already be caressed and stroked, which she, apparently, likes more and more. Having carefully moved her onto the sofa, I continue to communicate at a distance, already understanding that I need to find out everything to the end in this “journalistic investigation.” The waiter, opening the third bottle of champagne, casually asks me “More?” “Yes, please,” I answer, chatting with Monica, which was my main mistake in this story.

– What are you planning to do tomorrow? – Monica asks another prepared question.
– Tomorrow I’m going on an excursion with my aunt in the morning, and then I’m going to go shopping, if you want, we’ll go together (“What if you get a dress as a gift, baby”). We can have dinner later, sit in another bar...
– No, I’m going to the beach tomorrow to sunbathe (“Of course, dear, this tan needs to be maintained somehow”), and then I work.
-Where do you work?
- Here. From 9 pm to 4 am. Come, let's sit.

Rules of Roman consummation

And then, behind all this flirting and champagne, I discovered a picture for myself of this event- This clean water consummation. Of course, this was clear from the beginning, but I wanted to clarify the details. The establishment, as Monica said, employs 12 girls constantly. Sometimes someone takes a day off or a vacation (soon she’s leaving for Romania for a month, and, of course, I’m already going to visit her). The girls work for a long time, Monica has been here for five years.

About this theme: Anna Trubacheva. “Getting married abroad”

When I decided to go to the restroom, Monica suddenly volunteered to accompany me. I replied that I knew where she was. Monica insists. We walk seven steps and she helpfully shows me the door. In the toilet I imagine a slow motion movie: in this moment a tablet of clonidine or some other powder that knocks the buffalo out on the spot flies beautifully into my glass of champagne. I decide that I won’t drink anymore. Oddly enough, Monica is waiting for me near the toilet, and we return to our sofa. Then I realized that the trick was not done in vain: another girl could easily have intercepted me on the way, and Monica could have lost such a cool gentleman.

- Well, guys, we are going to go together, have you decided yet? – asks the curvaceous Hungarian woman.
– No, we haven’t discussed this yet.
I really avoided the topic of possible sex with my beauty, despite all her sexuality. But at that moment I was pinned down.

Just the fourth bottle of champagne is being poured into glasses, and our adult waiter’s assistant only has time to bring ice. Monica assures me that we are “just having a good time, this is a kind of gentleman’s club where men can relax, have a drink, chat with girls” (I remember Sergio slipping a bill to the waiter, and I understand what a little more here for me and Monika can also find a room), but if I want to take her to my hotel, then “it will cost 350 euros.” I answer that it’s not in my principles to pay for sex (“look at me, honey, I’m not that old yet”).

At some point, I finally decided to check what kind of champagne we were drinking. It turned out to be Dom Perignon. There was a small envelope lying nearby, similar to a menu, where it was written that the bottle still cost the same 350 euros.

Four bottles of empty champagne looked at me menacingly. They were not removed from the table so that we would not forget how much we drank. And the cocktails there cost 30 euros – the menu is quite small, mostly champagne and cocktails.

Monica, flirting, tells me that I'm good and she can give me a discount. Of course, I’m interested to know if we can remain friends for little money: “Well, you won’t go with me for 50 euros, and tomorrow we can also meet...” Monica snorts and says that she can arrange everything for 250. I’ll tell her Once again I explain that I don’t pay money for sex, no matter how beautiful she is. “Is this the final decision?” - "Yes, sure".

Police siren signal

I decide it's time to leave the establishment. And Sergio seems to be planning to leave with the girl. The price of champagne worries me, so I call Sergio for a conversation to resolve this issue.

- Sergio, I'm going to leave. Thank you, will you close the account as promised?
- Wait, let's cut it in half!

Our waiter stands nearby, incorrectly listening to the conversation. “Are you guys having any problems?” - “No, can we talk to each other without you, thank you!” 

At this moment, a 3-second siren signal is heard, and a yellow light near the entrance lights up. Apparently, so that the guards were ready in case of escape.
- Alexey, this is very expensive!

About this theme: – Sergio, I think so too. But you said that you have a table here and you pay for the drinks!

Fake investors The waiter brings our two bills with a total cost of 1800 euros. Four bottles of Dom Perignon for 1400 and probably 500 euros for the rest of the cocktails: beer, table, girls, air in the bar and a waiter’s tie. My inner voice immediately told me: “Lyosha! Under no circumstances should you pay 900 euros for one hour of alcoholic conversation with a stranger!” Everything really happened very quickly, in the establishment they don’t waste time in vain: neither men, nor girls, nor waiters. Of course, then the real interesting part

evenings. Sergio grabs his head and shouts:
- Why did you ask for that bottle?!... It was you who said - pour it!
– You know, the champagne was poured very professionally, I didn’t even know how much it cost, I thought you were in control of the situation, because you pay for the drinks.

“We need to call the police here, apparently.”

I understand that it is necessary to include all the forces of personal diplomacy: – Sergio, sorry, you are meeting stranger
, you promise a table, pay for drinks, a taxi, bring me to a place where champagne costs 350 euros, and where it flows like a river. I thought you were in control of the process. I can not afford it!
– Give me your card, let’s pay (“I can already see how all possible money is being withdrawn from the card, and my bank is happy about my overdraft”).

– Sergio, I’m a simple DJ from Belarus, consider it a parasite, what card? Look, I have 110 euros in my wallet, that’s all! I can give them to you, the situation is really unpleasant.
Sergio grabs his head, saying “how is it possible, where did I end up, what a horror”! The confident Italian lost his dignity in five minutes, our girls are also sitting down. Surely, this is an unpleasant moment in their work - they have sunk to the level of those other girls across the street, left without clients for the night. - Don’t you have more money ? I don’t have one,” Sergio shows me his empty wallet. I really feel sorry for him, although my inner voice

– Sergio, I gave you my 110 euros, and I still have 100 left at the hotel, I’m flying out the day after tomorrow, so I left them the next day.
- And if we go to your hotel, will you give them to me? – Sergio asked with relief.

There was, of course, hope that we would not go to the hotel for a hundred, but I said:

The waiter has been closely watching our showdown all this time and asks Sergio to start paying. He finally leaves with him and, upon returning, reports that he paid for everything except 300 euros, which he promised to bring the next day.

“And I didn’t squander that kind of money...”

About this theme: Sex harassment in Belarusian

We left the club in slight shock, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a police car nearby. Since Italy is a very corrupt country, a signal was probably given to the police, who are paid extra in case of possible fugitives and defaulters, which could be us. On the way to my hotel on foot, Sergio perked up with all his Italian spirit and began to tell how he “didn’t squander that kind of money”, “yes, champagne is expensive here, usually in our clubs and bars Dom Perignon costs 250”, “they know what hotel I was staying at, it’s better that I return 300 euros to them than they throw me out of the hotel,” “you understand, what’s most offensive is that I didn’t have enough money for this girl, and now I don’t have money in my pocket to even go to taxi home”, “you’re a cool dude, I’ll do a tour in Ibiza for you anyway”, and all that. We both of course agreed that it was interesting adventure. But for myself I realized that I received great lesson, and three points can be deduced from it:

1. Never trust Italians, especially strangers.
2. Women are expensive, especially prostitutes.
3. Spontaneous adventures are always interesting and will be remembered for a long time.

I felt a little sorry for Sergio. I got the feeling that I owe him, at a minimum, a cool ride around establishments in Minsk and offer him much more beautiful girls there, and for only 100 bucks. My 210 euros spent so quickly on an unfamiliar girl was also a pity.

Near the hotel we decided to exchange phone numbers. (“Let’s continue tomorrow, it was cool, let’s hang out somewhere and get drunk!”) Of course, we never got on the phone. And having made friends on Facebook, I easily figured out that my Sergio was not yet married to his Moscow girlfriend from Zhitomir, but only engaged.

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The Archaeological Museum of Naples has a secret cabinet where sexual frescoes, mosaics, sculptures and household items are collected. Collection of the Secret Cabinet, founded in 1819 , contains frescoes, reliefs, slabs with texts and other objects erotic and pornographic character discovered in Pompeii.

Previously, only a narrow circle of people were allowed to view the collection. The office was opened to the public several times, but always for a short time, and the final opening took place only in 2000

Votive items in the Secret Office.

The dry rationality of the aesthetics of classicism did not jibe with many Pompeian finds, especially those made in the city lupanarium. Among the “inconvenient” objects for display were frescoes and inscriptions of Priapea, sculptural scenes of sodomy and bestiality, and phallic-shaped household utensils.

"Priapus with Caduceus"

Scientists were at a loss as to what to do with the Pompeian " pornography "until the issue was resolved in 1819 by the Sicilian king Francesco I , who visited the excavation sites accompanied by his wife and daughter. The monarch was so outraged by what he saw that he demanded that all the “seditious” items be taken to the capital and locked in the Secret Office.

In 1849, the door to the office was blocked with bricks, then access to it was still open to “persons mature age and impeccable reputation."

In Pompeii itself, frescoes that were not subject to dismantling, but offended public morality, were covered with curtains, which were allowed to be lifted only for a fee for males.

This practice existed back in the 1960s. At the end of the 1960s. An attempt was made to “liberalize” the exhibition regime and transform the Secret Cabinet into a public museum, but it was stopped by conservatives. The office was open to the public only for a short time.

The Secret Cabinet, as one of the latest manifestations of censorship, was perceived ambiguously, and its contents caused a lot of speculation. In 2000, it was finally opened to the public by adults. Written parental permission is required for teenagers to visit. In 2005, the collection of the Secret Cabinet was finally transferred to the management National Museum archeology.

There was a lupanarium in Pompeii.

Lupanarium(Also lupanar, lat. lupānar or lupānārium) - a brothel in Ancient Rome located in a separate building. The name comes from the Latin word for she-wolf ( lat. lupa) - this is what prostitutes were called in Rome.

It was discovered in 1862 and has been restored several times since then. The last restoration was completed in 2006, the penultimate one in 1949. It is a two-story building with five cubiculas (bedrooms) on each floor. In the hallway, the walls near the ceiling are covered with frescoes of an erotic nature. In the lower floor cubicles there are stone beds (covered with mattresses) and graffiti on the walls

In addition to the lupanarium, there were at least 25 single rooms in the city intended for prostitution, often located above wine shops. The cost of this type of service in Pompeii was 2-8 asses. The staff was represented mainly by slaves of Greek or Oriental origin.

Bed in the lupanaria.

The inhabitants of the lupanarii received guests in small rooms painted with frescoes of erotic content. Otherwise, the furnishings of these tiny rooms were extremely simple; in essence, it was one narrow stone bed about 170 cm long, which was covered with a mattress on top.

At the request of the authorities, everything women lung They wore red belts, called mamillare, raised to the chest and tied at the back..

One of the frescoes from the Lupanarium.

In Pompeii they tried not to advertise such placesA low and inconspicuous door led from the street to the lupanarium. However, finding lupanarium was not difficult even for visiting traders and sailors.

Visitors were guided by arrows in the form phallic symbol carved directly into the pavement stones.

They made their way into the lupanarium after dark, hiding behind their hoods pulled low. A special pointed headdress called the cuculus nocturnus (night cuckoo)), hid the face of the noble client of the brothel. There is a mention of this item in Juvenal in the story of the adventure Messalina

To make love, the women of Pompeii collected their hair in complex hairstyles and never went completely naked. Bracelets, rings and necklaces are visible in the frescoes. Pompeian women already practiced depilation, wore bras and even... bras

Italian journalist Alberto Angela, believes that in Ancient Pompeii the inhabitants simply lived a full-blooded life according to the principle “seize the moment and enjoy life.”

An Italian journalist claims that the reason for this was “life, short and intense, like a dream.” Life expectancy in Ancient Pompeii was 41 years for men and 29 years for women. An ancient Roman deity who personified life,Kairos, was presented in the form of a young man with wings - he will fly away and not be caught!

Therefore, everything that gave pleasure - love, sex, food, jewelry, feasting and dancing - was the subject of lust and the pursuit of pleasure.

The Pompeians and Pompeian women used love potions, love elixirs, sex toys, artificial phalluses carved from wood and covered with leather. Infertile women used the services of surrogate mothers. There were special areas for filming - circuses, forums, thermal baths.

According to Alberto Angel, in Ancient Pompeii there was “a refined, refined society, distinguished by refined taste, passions, emotions... just one example is enough: while the ancient Romans already used a contraceptive infusion prepared from the silphio plant, which no longer exists in the present time, the barbarian Gauls still kept the heads of their slain enemies in their house!”


Marble figurine depicting the copulation of the ancient Greek god Pan with a goat. Found during excavations of the luxurious Villa of the Papyri.

Pan- ancient Greek god shepherding and cattle breeding, fertility and wild nature, the cult of which has Arcadian origin. According to the Homeric hymn, he was born with goat legs, a long beard and horns, and immediately upon birth began to jump and laugh.

Frightened by the child's unusual appearance and character, the mother left him, but Hermes , wrapped it in hare skins, took it to Olympus and before that he amused all the gods, and especially Dionysus by the appearance and liveliness of his son, that the gods named him Pan, since he brought everyonegreat joy.

Materials from open Internet sites were used.

DEAR READERS, I hope you will be correct and well-mannered in your comments.


Abstract on the topic:


Lupanarium building in Pompeii

Lupanarium(Also lupanar, lat. lupānar or lupānārium) is a brothel in Ancient Rome, located in a separate building. The name comes from the Latin word for she-wolf (lat. lupa) - this is what prostitutes were called in Rome.

The extent of the prevalence of prostitution in Roman cities can be judged by the example of Pompeii, where 25-34 premises used for prostitution were discovered (separate rooms are usually above wine shops), and one two-story lupanarium with 10 rooms.

In Pompeii they tried not to advertise such places. A low and inconspicuous door led from the street to the lupanarium. However, finding lupanarium was not difficult even for visiting traders and sailors. Visitors were guided by arrows in the form of a phallic symbol, carved directly into the pavement stones. They made their way into the lupanarium after dark, hiding behind their hoods pulled low. A special pointed headdress, called the cuculus nocturnus, hid the face of the brothel's noble client. Juvenal mentions this item in his story about the adventures of Messalina.

The inhabitants of the lupanarii received guests in small rooms painted with frescoes of erotic content. Otherwise, the furnishings of these tiny rooms were extremely simple; in essence, it was one narrow stone bed about 170 cm long, which was covered with a mattress on top. At the request of the authorities, all women prostitute They wore red belts, called mamillare, raised to the chest and tied at the back.

Frescoes on the walls of the lupanarium in Pompeii (from the Secret Museum)


  1. Juvenal, "Satires" (Satvrae) VI, 118; VI, 330
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/12/11 21:07:44
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