The five-pointed star and its secrets. Five-pointed star: meaning, symbol. How to make a three-dimensional five-pointed star from paper

Since ancient times, the five-pointed star has had important religious and ideological significance. Its rays emanating from the center form the same angle, equal to 36°. Historians and occultists claim that the first images of this symbol were found in ancient city Uruk, belonging to the Sumerian civilization. If this is true, then the age of this symbol is at least 55 centuries.

The five-pointed star was used in different ways at certain times by certain cultures and social strata of society. For example, the five-pointed star is a permanent symbol of the Air Force. Such stars are also present in the state symbols of certain countries.

For example, the founding father of the United States, George Washington, once decorated his coat of arms with red five-pointed stars. The magnitude of this man's personality led to the current use of these stars on the American national flag.

What does it symbolize?

This star found its popularity in Ancient Babylon: there this symbol was used for . Then it was believed that the five-pointed star was a talisman that would protect a room or room from unauthorized entry. The meaning of the five-pointed star can be interpreted in another way.

For example, its four peaks symbolize the well-known elements - water, fire, earth and air, and the fifth - ether. This interpretation allowed people to believe that the five-pointed star forms a group of elements that make up the world.

It is curious that the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras generally considered such a star to be a symbol of the cycle in nature, as well as perfection and the beginning of life. Some essays mention that ancient people allegedly saw in this star a human palm with outstretched fingers. This made it possible to give man the status of the crown of nature with his legs outstretched and spread apart.

What else does the five-pointed star mean?

This star is still used as a symbol in some world religions. For example, in Christianity it means the five wounds that appeared on the body of Jesus Christ at the time of his crucifixion. But in occult cultures and movements, the five-pointed star is endowed with a completely different meaning.

For example, a star located upside down symbolizes Satan: its upper peaks are horns, its side ones are ears, and its lower peak is a beard. It turns out something similar to a goat's face. In this case, it is called a pentagram and is used by Satanists to conduct their sacraments and rituals.

It is curious that in Medieval Europe, a pentagram with a five-pointed star symbolized the coat of arms of King Solomon, an unusually wise ruler. In addition, Emperor Constantine included a five-pointed star in the coat of arms of the Roman Empire. He believed that it was she who showed him the path to real religion, which he later proclaimed official throughout Rome.

It is worth noting that at all times, five-pointed stars personified military valor. For example, the knights of King Arthur's time used a coat of arms with a gold star set on a red background. Currently, five-pointed stars are "indicators"

Ornamental emblem. (Architecture: an illustrated guide, 2005) ... Architectural Dictionary

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star- STAR1, s, many stars, stars, stars, g A celestial body, which is a hot gas ball, visible to the human eye from the Earth as a luminous point. The forest will be filled with rustling and ringing in the morning, but in the meantime a dark sky with bright ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Means the presence of deity, supremacy, eternal and undying, highest achievement, angel messenger of God, hope (shining in the darkness), eyes of the night. Stars are attributes of the Heavenly Queens, whose crowns often consist of stars. Morning or evening... ... Dictionary of symbols

Regular four-pointed star A star is a certain type of flat non-convex polygon, which, however, does not have an unambiguous mathematical definition. Typically, stars mean figures that resemble the image of a star in shape. One of... Wikipedia

Y, plural stars, w. 1. A celestial body consisting of hot gases (plasma), similar in nature to the Sun and appearing to the human eye as a luminous point in the night sky. polar Star. Evening Star. □ The air was fresh and... ... Small academic dictionary

Regular four-pointed star ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Star (meanings). Zvezda (in Russian also often referred to as a diminutive endearing form"asterisk") element of the rank insignia of various military personnel armed forces states ... Wikipedia

star- s, plural stars, stars, w. 1) A celestial body visible in the sky at night as a bright point. Morning Star. Bright Star. The stars shine in the blue sky, the waves lash in the blue sea... (Pushkin). Synonyms: light (high) 2) trans. About a figure of art, science,... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


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  • Five-pointed star, . This is truly star book` presents to our readers the most famous, iconic modern Russian authors. They did big name our newest literature, revived to it...

Today, the origin of the red five-pointed star is described differently. Some publicists claim that the Bolsheviks accepted Masonic symbols for their state and calmed down on that. This is partly true; the influence of Masonic organizations on revolutionary activities in Europe is difficult to overestimate. But the question of the symbolism of the young state is much more complicated than is commonly believed: after all, it was formed over the years, and the most different people took part in this process. For example, the swastika, which they initially tried to introduce as a symbol of the communist movement, came not from the Freemasons, but from supporters of the theosophy of Helena Blavatsky.

There are several interpretations of the meaning of the red five-pointed star.

The star, as a concept of European thinking, initially served as a symbol of eternity, and later became a symbol of high aspirations and ideals.

Even the ancient Pythagoreans, who believed that the basis of the world is number, made a discovery: the proportions of a five-pointed star are based on the principle of extraordinary attractiveness to the eye. Later these proportions were called the “golden ratio”.

The five-pointed star is anthropomorphic (that is, human-like): in the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, a man with closed legs and outstretched arms looks like a cross; with open legs - on a star.

Stars in heraldry differed both in the number of rays forming them and in color. The combination of both gives different semantic and national values every star. Five-pointed star (pentalpha, pentagram, star turned with its “head”, that is, one of the rays upward) - ancient symbol protection, safety and security. And vice versa, a five-pointed star, turned with one ray down and two up, acquires an ominous and bad meaning - in Western Europe Since the Middle Ages, it has been customary to consider such an inverted star a sign of the devil. The origin of the symbol is hidden.

Nowadays it is believed that Europeans borrowed the star from cultures Ancient Egypt or China. But it turns out that the five-pointed star has been familiar to the peoples of the North since ancient times. For example, among the Sami of Russian Lapland, the five-pointed star was considered a universal amulet that protects deer - the basis way of life most northerners. In North Karelia back in mid-19th centuries, the fact of veneration of the five-pointed star by Karelian hunters is attested. Stumbling into winter forest When looking at a bear, the hunter quickly drew three five-pointed stars in a row in the snow and retreated behind them. It was believed that the bear would not be able to cross this line.

And among Russian pagans, the red five-pointed star was considered a sign of the spring god Yarila, the patron saint of farmers and warriors.

The pentalfa was perceived by laymen as the main symbol of Freemasonry, since it “has a connection with the tradition of Kabbalah and goes back to the “seal of Solomon”, which he noted Foundation stone your Temple." However, this is a misconception - in the symbolism of the brotherhood of masons, the five-pointed star had a subordinate meaning.

Freemasons and other European occultists especially valued not the red, but the “flaming” star. The famous mystic Dr. Papus reported about her: “The brothers learned about the existence invisible light, which is a source of unknown forces and energies - this secret light is depicted in the form of a pentagonal star. She was the symbol of a person emitting a mysterious light from himself, and thus established this wonderful emblem.”

The red star appeared in Soviet symbolism after the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Formation of the Red Army, formed on December 20, 1917, proposed it as a military emblem. It was specifically advocated by Konstantin Eremeev, the first Soviet commander of the Petrograd Military District, chairman of the Commission for the formation of the Red Army. According to another version, the author of the idea was the military commissar of the Moscow Military District Polyansky.

By order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of April 19, 1918, the red five-pointed star was introduced as a badge for all personnel Red Army. Its wearing was confirmed by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 310 dated May 7 of the same year.

The wearing of the badge was also regulated by order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs No. 321 dated May 7, 1918, signed by Trotsky, Mekhanoshin, Podvoisky and Sklyansky. The order read: “The Red Army badge belongs to persons serving in the Red Army. Persons not serving in the Red Army are asked to immediately remove these signs. For failure to comply with this order, those responsible will be tried by a military tribunal. The order comes into force from the date of its publication.”

The order was accompanied by a description and drawing of the Red Army insignia.

According to an article in the newspaper of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee "Red Star", the red star symbolized the struggle of workers for liberation "from the hunger of war, poverty and slavery", and was the emblem of "the workers' and peasants' Soviet power, the defender of the poor and the equality of all workers." Explaining this symbol, the Military Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a special leaflet with the image of a star. It said, among other things:

“This red star is the sign of the workers’ and peasants’ Red Army, the defender of all workers, all the poor. You see a hammer and a plow on the red star. Do you know what this is? The hammer and the plow mean the unity of the city worker and the village plowman, who entered into an alliance to defend their land and freedom, their workers’ and peasants’ power and the socialist Fatherland from the enemies and executioners of the working people to the last drop of blood.”

However, it is unlikely that the Revolutionary Military Council ignored another meaning of the symbol: the red star - Mars - the god of war. And almost certainly many revolutionaries easily accepted the red five-pointed star because they remembered Bogdanov’s popular novel, in which the red star was a sign of utopia, a better and more just future.

Later, other, sometimes curious, interpretations appeared.

Merits of Jewry to the working people

In 1923, the symbol of a five-pointed star was included in the coat of arms of the USSR as a badge as a figurative addition to the motto “Workers of all countries, unite!” The five rays of the star were explained as five continents, where there is a struggle between labor and capital. From that moment on, the red star began to be considered the emblem of international workers' solidarity. The Red Star has regained its cosmopolitan character, not tied to the national army of a particular state. The god of war was replaced by the god of the coming world unity...

What is a pentagram?

The modern word Pentagram apparently comes from the Greek " pente" - five and " gramma" - letter (meanings of “line or line” are also possible), its other names are also known, such as, for example, pentalfa and pentageron. In general, the pentagram has many names - almost every nation or magical tradition had its own name for it, or even several, for example, the Egyptians called it “ Star of Isis" or " Star of the Dog-Headed Anubis", and the Pythagoreans - " Pentalfa" How geometric figure- a pentagram is a star formed by the intersection of the extended sides of a pentagon (regular pentagon). A pentacle is a pentagram inscribed in a circle. Today the pentagram is perhaps one of the most famous magic symbols. At the same time, it is one of the most ancient, significant and powerful.

History of the pentagram and its meanings

Unfortunately, it is now impossible to say for certain how exactly the pentagram symbol originated. The first reliable archaeological sites of symbols having pentagonal symmetry, date back to the first ten thousand years BC, but it is possible that the pentagram existed earlier. One of the possible versions is that it appeared as a result of astrological observations of the planet Venus and began to be used by the priests and magicians of Mesopotamia. The fact is that when observed from the earth, Venus passes through all the signs of the zodiac in the sky in 8 years, while making 5 “curls” of the trajectory. If you draw a classic astrological circle with the signs of the zodiac, mark these “curls” on it and connect them, you will get a clear pentagram.

One way or another, with the advent of written sources, we can say more about the meaning of this symbol. In ancient civilizations (Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc.) the pentagram had a dual meaning. Firstly, it was considered the strongest symbol of help and protection, which was depicted on amulets, house doors (to protect the home from various harms), clothing and religious objects. Secondly, for initiates it was a symbol of secret power and might. We can say that it was a symbol of magic itself in a broad sense in those days. Also in ancient Egyptian writing there was a hieroglyph in the shape of a five-pointed star. There are opinions that it meant “enlightenment, learning” or “enlightened, blissful spirit” (however, there are other interpretations).

After this, the pentagram slal was widely used in the most various fields life of humanity - in addition to all of the above, it could be found on state symbols, seals and coins, it was used as an element of coats of arms and banners, and depicted on shields. The pentagram begins independently of each other use different peoples- for example, it appears in India and China. To describe all the meanings that have ever been given to the pentagram, it is necessary to write a separate huge work (if at all possible), in this article we will outline only the main milestones of its history.

In Ancient Greece, the pentagram was also called " pentalpha", since it was obtained by intertwining five Greek letters " alpha" The pentagram played an important role in the teachings of Pythagoras. He figured out what it contained golden ratio and therefore came to the conclusion that she is the geometric embodiment of mathematical perfection. Subsequently, it will become an important symbol for his followers. The Pythagoreans called the pentagram Hygieias (this is also the name ancient greek goddess health) when they used it as a symbol of bodily and spiritual harmony and perfection. At the same time, they used it as a symbol of their community, which also symbolized the five years of silence before initiation. The Pythagorean school, perhaps, was the first to present, now a classic, the concept that the world consists of five elements - fire, earth, water, air and ether (although Empedocles is considered the first to develop the concept of elements). Based on it, the pentagram, on the rays of which these five elements are located, is a symbol of the universe in a state of perfection and harmony. Subsequently, this interpretation will be reflected in Hermeticism and alchemy. The pentagram was also used by the Pythagoreans when teaching geometry and arithmetic directly as a geometric figure and has since been included in a number of training courses. And we can still see their echoes even in modern courses and textbooks.

The peoples of ancient India and China also came to the use of the pentagram, and probably independently of other civilizations. In VI BC. e. In China, the concept of Wu Xing arose, which means “five movements” or “five transformations,” which was a logical continuation of the Yin-Yang concept. According to them, the interaction of the universal principles of Yin and Yang gives rise to five elements, or otherwise - five elements, of which the world visible to us consists and thanks to the interaction of which it exists. These five elements are different from the five elements European tradition- according to Wu-sin, these are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. The interaction pattern of these elements forms a pentagram. This scheme formed the basis of ancient Chinese philosophy, traditional medicine (for example, acupuncture, where it is successfully used to this day), and was widely used in numerology, fortune-telling practices and martial arts.

The pentacle was revered in ancient (and not only) Japan, as well as among the American Indians.

For the Jews, the pentagram was a symbol of the sacred Pentateuch, which, according to legend, was received by Moses from God.

The symbol of Islam is considered to be a five-pointed Star with a Crescent (although this symbol, of course, existed before Muhammad, whom Muslims consider their prophet). In Islam, the pentagram symbolizes the five main pillars of this religion, and sometimes the five daily prayers.

Next, it would be logical to talk about the use of the pentagram in Christianity, however, due to the trends that arose in Lately, we will temporarily skip this topic and cover it in detail a little later, but for now we will talk about the later use of the pentagram. In the twelfth century, Hildegard of Bingen, a nun and abbess, wrote works in which she considered the pentagram as a symbol of man (this was partly motivated by the fact that pentagonal symmetry is characteristic of man - the pentagram can serve as a schematic representation of him, we have five limbs, five senses, etc.). And since man, according to Christian beliefs, was created in the image and likeness of God, the pentagram for her became his personification.

This long forgotten wide circles history, like the works of Hildegard herself, could have long been consigned to universal oblivion, but perhaps it was her ideas that formed the basis further development pentagram as a symbol in the environment of mystical Christianity, Hermeticism, alchemy and occultism. They gradually developed a tendency to associate the pentagram with a person. Perhaps this is also the influence of the emerging Humanism. Sometimes the image of a person was simply inscribed in the pentagram, as was done, for example, by Cornelius Agrippa in his “Occult Philosophy”. As a result, the classic Pythagorean pentagram of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether with a person inscribed in it began to symbolize the Microcosm and the spiritual work of man manifested in the material world. Drawing parallels with alchemy, we can say that in it such a symbol could mean the “Great Work,” although the alchemists themselves often used their own symbol to designate the “Great Work,” which in to a large extent due to their tradition.

After this, the pentagram was used by various occult-religious and other movements and orders - Gnostics, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Martinists, etc. Nowadays, the pentagram, among other things, is also a symbol of the Wiccan tradition and neo-paganism (especially in Western countries). This is one of the most common signs that can be found almost anywhere - from state flags to ritual objects.

Are the pentagram and inverted pentagram a symbol of evil?

Recently, the opinion has spread significantly that the pentagram or the so-called “inverted pentagram” (with one end pointing down and two points up) is in one way or another connected with some negativity, evil, dark forces, etc. Basically, something similar can be heard from some (though by no means all) Christian hierarchs, seen in various mystical thrillers and “horror” films, and sometimes even heard from some unenlightened magicians who have little understanding of the history of this issue.

To expose this misconception, it is best to turn to perhaps the most unexpected, at first glance, source - namely, Christianity itself, its symbolism, architecture, iconography and history. This may surprise some, but Christians themselves actively used both the pentagram and the inverted pentagram. As we have already written, these symbols existed long before the emergence of Christianity, but it adopted them from previous magical traditions and gave them a new meaning.

Thus, the “inverted pentagram”, which is now so actively reviled, along with the usual one, already for the early Christians became a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. The explanation for this is simply banal and is connected with the biblical parable about the wise men who, following a star, found Jesus and They brought him gifts - with her beam directed downward, she pointed them to the place where Jesus would be born, because according to scripture, she moved across the sky from east to west and stopped right above the cave with the baby’s cradle. Sometimes in the images, to emphasize this idea, the beam was extended to the ground. Not to mention ancient monuments, such images can be found even in modern religious literature, although their use has significantly decreased due to the spread of the mentioned misconception.

Striving for objectivity, it is necessary to make a digression here and mention that the Star of Bethlehem has come a long historical way - in different times and in different areas of the planet it was depicted in different ways, and with different numbers of rays, since the number of its rays is not limited by the Christian canon, however, it can be confidently stated that the pentagram was also widely used as the Star of Bethlehem. Actually, in this capacity, it has survived to our times, for example, in the form of the tradition that came to us from Europe to decorate the Christmas tree top with a pentagonal star.

Early Christians wore the “inverted” pentagram precisely as a guiding amulet, to gain spiritual guidance and protection - so that higher power protected and guided them. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine I the Great, who stopped the persecution of Christians and, in fact, made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire, placed an “inverted” pentagram on his personal seal.

Gradually, the inverted pentagram became a symbol of the transfiguration of Christ, as well as his descent into the world (that’s why it is directed downwards). In particular, we can recall famous icon Andrei Rublev’s “Transfiguration of the Lord,” written by him at the beginning of the 15th century, where Christ is depicted against the background of a clearly visible inverted pentagram. Here it must be emphasized that Andrei Rublev is one of the most famous and most revered Orthodox icon painters, who, by the way, was canonized. He was the author of many rules that later became the canons of icon painting and the contribution that he made can still be felt in icon painting. An inverted pentagram, along with an inverted cross in Christianity, can also symbolize the Apostle Peter, since, according to biblical legends, he was crucified on an “inverted” cross - upside down.

In general, it should be said that in Christian tradition The symbol of the pentagram developed and acquired new meanings and applications, of which, in the end, a fair amount accumulated. As we have already written, it was used by Christians as an amulet of protection and spiritual guidance (later the cross began to play this role), and was a symbol of transformation and the descent into the world of Christ. It also symbolized the 5 wounds of the crucified Jesus, the 5 joys of the Virgin Mary, etc. It was also a symbol of the Savior himself - the five ends symbolized the holy trinity, as well as the divine and human nature Jesus. Subsequently, this scheme will become one of the foundations of the occult concept of the Pentagrammaton. The association of the Savior with a five-pointed star was also sometimes justified by quotations from the Bible, for example: “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you this in the churches. I am the root and the descendant David, the bright and morning star” (Rev. 22:16). Among cabalistic Christianity one could find the following explanation of the pentagram as a symbol of Jesus: “...the inverted pentagram is “Zeir Anpin”, Microprosopus or “Small Face” of the Lord, which is formed on the Tree of Life by six lower Sephiroth: Hesed-Geburah-Tiferet-Netzach-Hod-Yesod, separated by an Abyss from the three Higher Sephiroth. However, “Zeir Anpinom” is also one of the names of Tifiret, the Divine Son, through the union with which our world (lower Sephira - Malchut) could be saved. By identifying Christ with Tiphiret, Christian Kabbalists could quite logically identify the entire inverted pentagram as a whole with him.»

As in antiquity, the pentagram and inverted pentagram were actively used by Christians in heraldry. For example, we can consider the coat of arms of the ancient German family Wieser. At the same time, the pentagram was also used spiritual orders of knights. Here, as an example, we can consider the Order of the Knights of Bethlehem (or as it was also called the “Order of Bethlehem” or “the Order of the Crusaders of the Red Star on Blue” - “Betlemitani o Ordine militare" And " Ordine crociferi con stella rossa in campo blu"Italian). It arose as an order of crusaders during the first crusade. It is interesting to us because, as its name suggests, its coat of arms was a red pentagram on a blue field.

Pentagrams can also be found on medieval robes of priests, drawings, stained glass windows, mosaics, bas-reliefs of temples, churches and cathedrals. So the bas-relief in the Church of St. Peter and Moses in Solina (Croatia), IX-XI centuries. contains a very obvious pentagram. IN catholic church St. Peter and Paul (XIII century) in the Estonian city of Kaarma (Saaremaa island) you can see a painting in the form of an inverted pentagram. The window of the north nave of the Amiens Cathedral in France (it was built between 1220 and 1410) is made in the form an elaborate stained glass window depicting an inverted pentagram. If you find yourself in Hannover, then you can see a huge inverted pentagram (adjacent to the hexagram) on the so-called “Market Church” (MarktkircheGerman) St. George and St. Jacob, built in the 14th century. IN cathedral St. Stephen's in Vienna, built between 1359 and 1511 there is a bas-relief depicting the adoration of the Magi, on which there is a pentagram symbolizes Star of Bethlehem. In the northeastern part of the Bethlehem Basilica of the Nativity (according to Christian tradition, it was built on the site where Jesus was born) near the northern exit from the Cave of the Nativity, there is an Armenian altar on which you can distinguish a clear relief pentagram, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem. The Moscow Theological Church, built in 1805, is also capable of surprising the unenlightened with a bas-relief with a pentagram on its wall. And the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg is simply replete with various images of pentagrams. And all of the above are by no means exceptions, but only vivid and well-known examples. In general, in most large temples, churches or basilicas you can, in one form or another, find an image of a pentagram.

Thus, the myth that the pentagram or an inverted pentagram has since ancient times been considered symbols of some kind of evil or something similar can be considered debunked. Just the opposite - everything historical facts they say the opposite. There are several versions of the origin of this misconception and several key events associated with it. There are versions that the beginning of the negative perception of the pentagram was the rise of the Inquisition or the massacre of the Templar Order. However, the author of this article has not yet been able to find any significant arguments in favor of the first version; the second was argued mainly by the fact that many Templars had pentagrams as part of their coats of arms. However, this was a common practice both before and after the Templars. In addition, as we have already shown, pentagrams were actively used later, in Christian iconography, painting and architecture.

Perhaps the first to associate the inverted pentagram with the devil was the French occultist Alphonse Louis Constant ( Alphonse Louis Constant fr.), better known under the pseudonym Eliphas Levi Zahed, who lived in the 19th century. In his work “The Teaching and Ritual of High Magic,” he wrote that a pentagram with two rays facing upward is a symbol of Satan. However, it should be noted here that in the millennia of history of this symbol, this was perhaps the first documented statement of this kind. Previously, neither in Christian sources, or anywhere else, there was no such information. Thus, this opinion was first expressed in the middle of the 19th century. As for the very source of this opinion, everything is not so simple here either. Despite the fact that Eliphas Levi has some authority as an occultist (albeit sometimes questioned), his opinion can hardly be considered the only correct one. Them moreover, given the age of this symbol and the numerous traditions, cults and esotericists of the past who did not adhere to such an opinion. It must also be taken into account that at that time Levi’s interpretation did not become some kind of sensation that turned the world of occultism upside down - it existed, but it existed quietly and peacefully along with other interpretations of the pentagram symbol that contradicted it. It did not change the perception of the pentagram by the broad masses (most of whom, it must be admitted, had no time for these matters at that time). Finally, a number of modern occultists, who, perhaps, to some extent, can be considered descendants and continuers of the tradition, into the formation of which Eliphas Levi made a significant contribution, point out that in this case his words must be interpreted not literally (speech, in this case, we are talking about the Order of the Eastern Templars).

For the perception of the pentagram in Russia important milestone became the rise to power of the Bolsheviks - because one of their main symbols was the red five-pointed star. The hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church admit that before the revolution the pentagram was actively was used by the church and the turning point in this sense came precisely as a result of persecution Soviet power to the church. This was one of the key factors for changing the perception of the pentagram by Russian believers. The second important milestone was an event that occurred in the USA in 1966 - then Howard Stanton LaVey (also known as Anton Szandor LaVey) founded the so-called Church of Satan and (being familiar with the works of Eliphas Levi) made a stylized inverted pentagram with inscribed in it is a goat's head and a number of signs, the symbol of this organization. Subsequently, the shocking effect that attracted attention and detailed coverage of this organization in the Western media became the reason for the spread of associations of the pentagram with Satanism among the broad masses. To top it off, the release of various films and other mass media products began, which, being historically unreliable, also contributed to the strengthening of these associations.

Thus, as we see, the opinion about the connection of the pentagram with something negative arose only in the second half of the 19th century, and became truly widespread only in the second half of the 20th century. And the foundation of this opinion is very shaky - in fact, everything is based only on the mystical experience and experiences of Eliphas Levi.

It is noteworthy that the indiscriminate denunciation of this symbol (as well as some others), which was quite common among church hierarchs certain quality, soon hit them themselves - numerous pentagrams and hexagrams in temples now serve as grounds for accusing the church itself of being mired in Satanism or that it is controlled by Jews (a version popular among nationalists). Here we can only shrug our shoulders and note that the desecration of one’s own (and the world’s) spiritual and cultural heritage It could hardly have ended differently.

Why did the Bolsheviks make the star a symbol of the USSR?

The five-pointed star has become a symbol Soviet Russia thanks to one of the Bolshevik leaders Leon Trotsky. When it was officially approved by the order of the People's Commissar of Military Affairs of the Republic Leon Trotsky No. 321 dated May 7, 1918, the five-pointed star received the name “Mars star with a plow and hammer.” The order also stated that this sign “is the property of persons serving in the Red Army.”

Trotsky was seriously immersed in esoteric sciences and knew that the five-pointed pentagram had a strong psychological impact and is one of the brightest And memorable characters. It must be said that the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries was the time of the “triumph of occultism” - almost every educated person went through a fascination with mysticism. And the star in those days was a very fashionable symbol.

Igor Avdeev.

The five-pointed star is a symbol known to everyone and extremely ambiguous. For people living in countries former USSR, the pentagram is associated primarily with this state. Depending on the attitude towards the Soviet past, some people love this sign, others hate it.

In the West, the five-pointed star is known as a symbol of evil. It is often used in horror films, where satanic rituals are performed with its help. She is also a frequent companion evil forces and in other Western popular culture: in books of the “mysticism” and “fantasy” genres, in computer games, comics. Why this happened, and what other meanings the pentagram has - read our article.

Pentagram: the meaning of the symbol without prejudice

In fact, the five-pointed star is many thousands of years old. For Pythagoras and his students it was a symbol of harmony. Among the first Christians, the pentacle was considered one of the ways to depict the name of Jesus, and it was drawn so that there was a letter on each ray (in Greek and Latin, there are five letters in the name Jesus). The five-pointed star, meaning Christ, can still be found in ornaments Gothic cathedrals, as well as on ancient Orthodox icons.

The connection with the name of Christ provided the pentagram with the ability to ward off the forces of evil. Therefore, it was engraved on swords and knightly armor, hung above entrance doors, like the well-known horseshoe amulet. Lovers classical literature may remember Goethe's Faust, where during the first conversation with Mephistopheles main character asks if he was afraid of the pentagram. The German poet had in mind precisely the protective meaning of the symbol of the five-pointed star.

In many areas of magic, a five-pointed star also means a combination of the five elements - air, earth, fire, water and ether. Its meaning is also known as a symbolic image of a human figure. The pentagram could also mean dawn, hope, the Kingdom of Heaven.

History of the symbol and its use

The first five-pointed star appears in Sumerian records. It symbolized the trajectory of the planet Venus in the sky. Since this luminary was already associated with love and passion in those days, the Sumerians depicted it on talismans, which were supposed to attract good luck to the wearer in his personal life. Also, the pentagram on the letter indicated holes or corners. Similar meaning The heirs of Sumer, in ancient Babylon, also had the sign.

Among the ancient Greeks, a five-pointed star designated five places where the primeval chaos (Tartarus), bound during the creation of the world, was hidden. It was believed that in these dark places one could gain great wisdom and magical abilities.

Semitic peoples attach great importance to the pentagram. Jews love not only the familiar six-pointed one, but also the five-pointed one. It symbolizes the coming Messiah.

Among Muslim Arabs, the five-pointed star signifies the five virtues of Islam and the five daily prayers.

We have already talked about the meaning that was put into the pentagram in medieval Europe. Let us only add that it was in the Middle Ages that some people began to consider the pentagram a satanic symbol. After all, she was the sign of Venus, and many Christians associated the morning star with Lucifer, Satan.

In Old Russian manuscripts and the enemy christian god, and Venus are named the same - “Dennitsa”.

The use of the pentagram received a further impetus in the years French Revolution. The Jacobins and other figures chose it as a convenient symbol to apply. Also, the five-pointed star had another meaning - a sign not only of Venus, but sometimes also of Mars, born from a lily flower with five petals. As a symbol of a warlike god, a star with five rays came in very handy for the young Republic, which was at war with all its neighbors and counter-revolutionaries in the country itself.

The pentagram was also used by the French revolutionaries before the Soviets.

After the revolution, the five-pointed star was adopted by humanists, and with them the Freemasons, who expressed devotion to the ideals that came from France. The fact that in many cultures the star of Venus meant dawn was also helpful. Young political forces attached great importance to the coming era of freedom, equality and fraternity, and considered themselves its harbingers, just as Venus foretells the Sun at dawn.

Subsequently, the five-pointed star received new life- made it his emblem Soviet Union. Initially, the Bolsheviks put into it the same meaning as the French revolutionaries. Then it began to mean the struggle for workers' rights on the five continents where people live. The pentagram also has this meaning on the symbols of modern communist parties.

Pentagram and Satanism

In Satanism, the five-pointed star was popularized by Eliphas Levi in ​​the nineteenth century. He himself had no direct relation to Satanism, but pointed to an inverted pentagram inscribed in a circle as a symbol of the devil. He inserted a goat's head into it.

A few years later, another occultist, Stanislas de Guaita, redrew Levi's drawing into his book, The Key to Black Magic. To the drawing he added the inscription “Leviathan” around the circle, and between the rays - the names of Samael and Lilith. Already in the middle of the twentieth century, Anton La Vey, the founder of the Church of Satan, chose de Guaita’s drawing as a symbol of his organization.

The occultist Eliphas Levi connected the five-pointed symbol with Satanism, and he also added a goat’s head to it.

Modern pagans in Western countries also revere the pentagram as a symbol of the five elements. In ancient times, in this capacity it was drawn with two rays upward, but Wiccans and neo-Druids depict their symbol in the opposite direction. This is due to the fact that the inverted five-pointed star, thanks to La Vey, is associated exclusively with Satanism.

The most famous types of pentagrams

The five-pointed star is a fairly common symbol, as in old times, so it is today. Here are a few famous examples use of the pentagram:

  1. Venus Talisman;
  2. Emblems of all kinds of left-wing political movements.

We will tell you about each of them in more detail.

Venus Talisman

This amulet is based on a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle, directed upward with one ray. In each corner there are symbols or letters that correspond to the names of the five angels morning star. It can be made by hand, but this requires knowledge of Kabbalah.

As you might guess, this type of pentacle is purely “”. It helps to find a partner or life partner and strengthen relationships. It is best suited for women, although no one forbids a man to use it.

King Solomon was known for his wisdom and for being a powerful magician. Most often in magic, the seal of Solomon is used in the form of a six-pointed star. But one of the options for its outline is still a pentagram. Many historians believe that this is what Solomon's seal originally looked like.

On the Seal of Solomon, the pentacle is enclosed in a circle and engraved on silver. It was believed that he ancient king with its help he could understand the language of animals. IN modern magic The symbol is used to protect against the evil eye, damage,.

The reasons why the five-pointed star adorned the young coat of arms Soviet country, we have already stated above. In the Soviet army during civil war a plow was depicted against the background of a star. Then it was replaced with a hammer and sickle.

In the flags and emblems of communist countries and parties, a straight pentagram is used, with one ray directed upward. It is usually not inscribed in a circle and no symbols are indicated in the rays. Often used in conjunction with other elements modern heraldry. Vivid examples- flags of modern Vietnam, China, Senegal and many other countries today or in the past associated with communism or socialism.

There are exceptions: pentagrams can be found on state symbols of countries that have nothing to do with communism. They can, for example, be found on the flags of the USA and the European Union.

Use in magic

There are countless options for using a five-pointed star in witchcraft. In preparation for the ritual, it can be drawn by the most different ways. For example, Wiccans carve a cherished symbol with a ritual knife, Satanists draw with black chalk. Often the sign is sculpted from clay or depicted in front of you in the air.

The meaning of a five-pointed star changes in diametrically opposite ways depending on whether its ray is directed up or down. It is also important whether it is drawn counterclockwise or clockwise.

  • The pentagram with its apex upward calls on light forces and good energy. Used by white magicians and Wiccans.
  • The pentagram with its apex down summons the forces of evil. Used by Satanists.
  • The five-pointed star, drawn clockwise, promotes rituals performed for the purpose of creation.
  • If you draw it counterclockwise, you are collecting energy for the purpose of destruction.

It is worth, of course, understanding that destruction is not always evil, and creation is not always good. For example, a healer or light magician “destroys” a tumor in a person’s body.

To increase its magical power, the five-pointed star is enclosed in one or more circles. Often candles are lit on its rays or around its circumference, talismans are laid out, and letters are drawn.

How to use a talisman with a symbol and handle it correctly

Magicians use the pentacle not as a talisman, but as a sign. If you are a practicing magician, then the five-pointed star will enhance your abilities. Common man she will protect from evil. When using the amulet, you should remember the following safety measures:

  • Do not let the pentacle amulet turn over, this will turn its light energy into dark.
  • You should not constantly wear an amulet with a pentagram. His energy is too strong, it will drain you if you exceed a certain limit.
  • For the same reason, a five-pointed star cannot be applied to the body as a tattoo.
  • Do not wear the amulet in plain sight and do not allow other people's hands to touch it.
  • Periodically clean the talisman with salt or fire, but not with water.
  • If the amulet is broken, there is no need to repair it, this means that it has fulfilled its purpose. Bury it in the ground with words of gratitude and make a new one.

The five-pointed star cannot be applied to the body as a tattoo. A pendant or ring with a pentagram would be a good alternative.

It is believed that the most strong talismans with a five-pointed star - made by yourself. When making a talisman, remember that the material should be selected in accordance with its purpose, as well as your zodiac sign. And the most important thing is accuracy. The pentacle is an example of the golden ratio. If you violate the proportions or draw an uneven line, the pentacle in the amulet will lose its power.

Talisman pentagram and zodiac signs

Different signs of the Zodiac belong to different elements, and the five-pointed star unites them all. Therefore, simply as a symbol it will suit any person. When making a talisman with a pentagram for a particular sorcerer, the symbol of his sign can be applied to the center of the star. The material depends on the element of your sign:

  • Gold is suitable for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
  • Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) - animal bones, wood.
  • For air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) - silver or steel.
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - copper or bronze.

This is just one of possible options combination with signs. The talisman can also be decorated with stones that suit your zodiac. It is best to contact a specialist who will help you choose the best option.

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