Difference between Catholic and Orthodox Church. The main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

The Orthodox and Catholic Church, as we know, are two branches of the same tree. Both of them revere Jesus, wear crosses around their necks and make the sign of the cross. How are they different? The division of the church occurred back in 1054. Actually, disagreements between the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople began long before this, however, it was in 1054 that Pope Leo IX sent legates led by Cardinal Humbert to Constantinople to resolve the conflict, which began with the closure of the Latin churches in Constantinople in 1053 by order of Patriarch Michael Kirularia, during which his sacellarius Constantine threw out the Holy Gifts, prepared according to Western custom from unleavened bread, from the tabernacles, and trampled them under his feet. However, it was not possible to find a path to reconciliation, and on July 16, 1054, in the Hagia Sophia, the papal legates announced the deposition of Kirularius and his excommunication from the Church. In response to this, on July 20, the patriarch anathematized the legates.

Although in 1965 the mutual anathemas were lifted and Catholics and Orthodox no longer look askance at each other, proclaiming the idea of ​​common roots and principles, in reality differences still remain.

So, what is the difference between Catholics and Orthodox Christians? It turns out that the point is not at all that some cross themselves from right to left, and others vice versa (however, this is also the case). The essence of the contradictions is much deeper.

1. Catholics venerate the Virgin Mary precisely as a Virgin, while Orthodox Christians see her primarily as the Mother of God. In addition, Catholics postulate the fact that the Virgin Mary was as immaculately conceived as Christ. From the point of view of Catholics, she was ascended alive to heaven during her lifetime, while Orthodox Christians even have an apocryphal story about the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. And this is not the Hicks Boson, the existence of which you can believe or not, and this does not prevent you from conducting research and someday getting to the bottom of the truth. Here is a fundamental question - if you doubt the postulate of faith, then you cannot be considered a full-fledged believer.

2. Among Catholics, all priests must observe celibacy - they are forbidden to have sex, much less get married. Among the Orthodox, the clergy is divided into black and white. That is, this is why deacons and priests can and even must marry, be fruitful and multiply, while sex is prohibited for the black clergy (monks). At all. It is believed that only monastics can achieve the highest ranks and titles in Orthodoxy. Sometimes, in order to be promoted to bishop, local priests have to part with their wives. Most the best way at the same time - send his wife to a monastery.

3. Catholics recognize the existence (besides hell and heaven) of purgatory - where the soul, recognized as not too sinful, but also not righteous, is properly fried and bleached before it manages to penetrate the gates of heaven. Orthodox Christians do not believe in purgatory. However, their ideas about heaven and hell are generally vague - it is believed that knowledge about them is closed to humans in earthly life. Catholics long ago calculated the thickness of all nine paradise crystal vaults, compiled a list of plants growing in paradise, and even measured in honey measures the sweetness experienced by the tongue of the soul that first inhaled the aromas of paradise.

4. The essential point concerns the main prayer of Christians, the “Symbol of Faith.” Listing what exactly the adept believes in, he says “in the Holy Spirit, the life-giving Lord, who proceeds from the Father.” Unlike the Orthodox, Catholics also add “and from the Son” here. A question on which many theologians have broken spears.

5. At communion, Catholics eat unleavened bread, while Orthodox Christians eat bread made from leavened dough. It would seem that here we can meet each other, but who will take the first step?

6. During baptism, Catholics only pour water on children and adults, but in Orthodoxy it is necessary to plunge headlong into the font. Therefore, large babies who do not fit completely into the children's font, as a result of which the priest is forced to pour a handful of water on the protruding parts of their body, are called “drenched” in Orthodoxy. It is believed, although unofficially, that demons have more power over Oblivanians than over those who are normally baptized.

7. Catholics cross themselves from left to right and with all five fingers joined together. At the same time, they do not reach to the stomach, but make a lower touch in the chest area. This gives the Orthodox, who cross themselves with three fingers (in some cases two) from right to left, reason to claim that Catholics draw on themselves not a normal cross, but an upside-down one, that is, a satanic sign.

8. Catholics are obsessed with fighting any type of contraception, which seems especially appropriate during the AIDS pandemic. And Orthodoxy recognizes the possibility of using some contraceptives that do not have an abortifacient effect, for example, condoms and female contraceptives. Of course, legally married.

9. Well, Catholics consider the Pope to be the infallible representative of God on earth. In the Orthodox Church, the Patriarch holds a similar position. Which, theoretically, can also fail.

Orthodoxy differs from Catholicism, but not everyone can answer the question of what exactly these differences are. There are differences between churches in symbolism, ritual, and dogma.

The first external difference between Catholic and Orthodox symbols concerns the image of the cross and crucifixion. If in the early Christian tradition there were 16 types of cross shapes, today a four-sided cross is traditionally associated with Catholicism, and an eight-pointed or six-pointed cross with Orthodoxy.

The words on the sign on the crosses are the same, only the languages ​​in which the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” is written are different. In Catholicism it is Latin: INRI. Some Eastern churches use the Greek abbreviation INBI from the Greek text Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ Bασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων. The Romanian Orthodox Church uses the Latin version, and in the Russian and Church Slavonic versions the abbreviation looks like I.Н.Ц.I. It is interesting that this spelling was approved in Russia only after Nikon’s reform; before that, “Tsar of Glory” was often written on the tablet. This spelling was preserved by the Old Believers.

The number of nails often also differs on Orthodox and Catholic crucifixes. Catholics have three, Orthodox have four. The most fundamental difference The symbolism of the cross in two churches is that on the Catholic cross Christ is depicted extremely naturalistically, with wounds and blood, in a crown of thorns, with his arms sagging under the weight of his body, while on the Orthodox crucifix there are no naturalistic traces of Christ’s suffering, the image of the Savior shows the victory of life over death, the Spirit over the body.

Why are they baptized differently?

Catholics and Orthodox Christians have many differences in rituals. Thus, there are obvious differences in the performance sign of the cross. Orthodox Christians cross from right to left, Catholics from left to right. The norm for the Catholic blessing of the cross was approved in 1570 by Pope Pius V: “He who blesses himself... makes a cross from his forehead to his chest and from his left shoulder to his right.” IN Orthodox tradition The norm for performing the sign of the cross changed in terms of two and three fingers, but church leaders wrote before and after Nikon’s reform that one should be baptized from right to left.

Catholics usually cross themselves with all five fingers as a sign of the “sores on the body of the Lord Jesus Christ” - two on the hands, two on the feet, one from a spear. In Orthodoxy, after Nikon’s reform, three fingers were adopted: three fingers folded together (symbolism of the Trinity), two fingers pressed to the palm (the two natures of Christ - divine and human. In the Romanian Church, these two fingers are interpreted as a symbol of Adam and Eve falling to the Trinity).

Supererogatory merits of the saints

In addition to the obvious differences in the ritual part, in the monastic system of the two churches, in the traditions of iconography, Orthodox and Catholics have a lot of differences in the dogmatic part. Thus, the Orthodox Church does not recognize the Catholic teaching about the supererogatory merits of saints, according to which the great Catholic saints,

The teachers of the church left an inexhaustible treasury of “excessive good works” so that sinners could then use the riches from it for their salvation. The manager of the wealth from this treasury is the Catholic Church and the Pontiff personally. Depending on the zeal of the sinner, the Pontiff can take wealth from the treasury and provide it to the sinful person, since the person does not have enough of his own good deeds to save him.

The concept of “extraordinary merit” is directly related to the concept of “indulgence”, when a person is freed from punishment for his sins for the amount contributed.

Papal infallibility

IN late XIX century, the Roman Catholic Church proclaimed the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope. According to him, when the pope (as the head of the Church) determines its teaching concerning faith or morals, he has infallibility (inerrancy) and is protected from the very possibility of being mistaken. This doctrinal infallibility is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to the Pope as the successor of the Apostle Peter by virtue of apostolic succession, and is not based on his personal infallibility.

The dogma was officially proclaimed in the dogmatic constitution Pastor Aeternus on July 18, 1870, along with the assertion of the "ordinary and immediate" power of jurisdiction of the pontiff in the universal Church. The Pope only once exercised his right to proclaim a new doctrine ex cathedra: in 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The dogma of inerrancy was confirmed at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) in the dogmatic constitution of the Church Lumen Gentium. The Orthodox Church accepted neither the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope nor the dogma of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary. Also, the Orthodox Church does not recognize the dogma of Immaculate Conception Virgin Mary.

Purgatory and ordeals

Orthodoxy and Catholicism also differ in their understanding of what the human soul goes through after death. Catholicism has a dogma about purgatory - a special state in which the soul of the deceased is located. Orthodoxy denies the existence of purgatory, although it recognizes the need for prayers for the dead. In Orthodoxy, unlike Catholicism, there is a teaching about aerial ordeals, obstacles through which the soul of every Christian must pass on the way to the throne of God for private judgment.

Two angels lead the soul along this path. Each of the ordeals, of which there are 20, is controlled by demons - unclean spirits who are trying to take the soul going through the ordeal to hell. In the words of St. Theophan the Recluse: “No matter how wild the thought of ordeals may seem to wise men, they cannot be avoided.” The Catholic Church does not recognize the doctrine of ordeals.


The key dogmatic difference between the Orthodox and Catholic churches is the “filioque” (Latin filioque - “and the Son”) - an addition to Latin translation The creed adopted by the Western (Roman) Church in the 11th century in the dogma of the Trinity: the procession of the Holy Spirit not only from God the Father, but “from the Father and the Son.” Pope Benedict VIII included the term “filioque” in the Creed in 1014, which caused a storm of indignation on the part of Orthodox theologians. It was the “filioque” that became the “stumbling block” and caused the final division of the churches in 1054. It was finally established at the so-called “unification” councils - Lyon (1274) and Ferrara-Florence (1431-1439).

In modern Catholic theology, the attitude towards the filioque, oddly enough, has changed greatly. Thus, on August 6, 2000, the Catholic Church published the declaration “Dominus Iesus” (“Lord Jesus”). The author of this declaration was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). In this document, in the second paragraph of the first part, the text of the Creed is given in the wording without the “filioque”: “Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre procedit, qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur, qui locutus est per prophetas” . (“And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord who gives life, who proceeds from the Father, to whom, together with the Father and the Son, belongs worship and glory, who spoke through the prophets”).

No official, conciliar decisions followed this declaration, so the situation with the “filioque” remains the same. The main difference between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church is that the head of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ; in Catholicism, the church is headed by the Vicar of Jesus Christ, its visible head (Vicarius Christi), the Pope.

God is one, God is love - these statements are familiar to us from childhood. Why then is the Church of God divided into Catholic and Orthodox? Are there many more denominations within each direction? All questions have their own historical and religious answers. We will now get acquainted with some of them.

History of Catholicism

It is clear that a Catholic is a person who professes Christianity in its branch called Catholicism. The name goes back to Latin and ancient Roman roots and is translated as “corresponding to everything,” “according to everything,” “conciliar.” That is, universal. The meaning of the name emphasizes that a Catholic is a believer who belongs to the religious movement whose founder was Jesus Christ himself. When it originated and spread across the Earth, its followers considered each other as spiritual brothers and sisters. Then there was one opposition: Christian - non-Christian (pagan, true believer, etc.).

The western part of the Ancient Roman Empire is considered the birthplace of the faiths. It was there that the words themselves appeared: This direction was formed throughout the first millennium. During this period, spiritual texts, chants and services were the same for all who worship Christ and the Trinity. And only around 1054 the Eastern one, with its center in Constantinople, and the Catholic one - the Western one, the center of which was Rome. Since then, it has come to be believed that a Catholic is not just a Christian, but an adherent of the Western religious tradition.

Reasons for the split

How can we explain the reasons for the discord that has become so deep and irreconcilable? After all, what’s interesting: for a long time already after the schism, both Churches continued to call themselves catholic (the same as “Catholic”), that is, universal, ecumenical. The Greco-Byzantine branch, as a spiritual platform, relies on the “Revelations” of John the Theologian, the Roman branch - on the Epistle to the Hebrews. The first is characterized by asceticism, moral quest, "life of the soul." For the second - formation iron discipline, strict hierarchy, concentration of power in the hands of priests of the highest ranks. Differences in the interpretation of many dogmas, rituals, church governance and other important areas of church life became the watershed that separated Catholicism and Orthodoxy on opposite sides. Thus, if before the schism the meaning of the word Catholic was equal to the concept of “Christian,” then after it it began to indicate the Western direction of religion.

Catholicism and Reformation

Over time, the Catholic clergy deviated so much from the norms that the Bible affirmed and preached that this served as the basis for the organization within the Church of such a movement as Protestantism. Its spiritual and ideological basis was the teachings of its supporters. The Reformation gave birth to Calvinism, Anabaptism, Anglicanism and other Protestant denominations. Thus, Lutherans are Catholics, or, in other words, evangelical Christians, who were against the church actively interfering in worldly affairs, so that papal prelates went hand in hand with secular power. The trade in indulgences, the advantages of the Roman Church over the Eastern, the abolition of monasticism - this is not a complete list of those phenomena that the followers of the Great Reformer actively criticized. In their faith, Lutherans rely on the Holy Trinity, especially worshiping Jesus, recognizing his divine-human nature. Their main criterion of faith is the Bible. Distinctive feature Lutheranism, like others, is a critical approach to various theological books and authorities.

On the issue of the unity of the Church

However, in the light of the materials under consideration, it is not completely clear: are Catholics Orthodox or not? This question is asked by many who do not understand theology and all sorts of religious subtleties too deeply. The answer is both simple and difficult at the same time. As stated above, initially - yes. While the Church was One Christian, everyone who was part of it prayed the same, worshiped God according to the same rules, and used common rituals. But even after the division, each - both Catholic and Orthodox - consider themselves the main successors of the heritage of Christ.

Interchurch relations

At the same time, they treat each other with sufficient respect. Thus, the Decree of the Second Vatican Council notes that those people who accept Christ as their God, believe in him and are baptized are considered Catholics as brothers in faith. They also have their own documents, which also confirm that Catholicism is a phenomenon whose nature is akin to the nature of Orthodoxy. And the differences in dogmatic postulates are not so fundamental that both Churches are at enmity with each other. On the contrary, relations between them should be built in such a way that together they serve a common cause.


Catholicism and Orthodoxy, like Protestantism, are branches of the same religion - Christianity. Despite the fact that both Catholicism and Orthodoxy belong to Christianity, there are significant differences between them.

The reason for the split of the Christian Church into Western (Catholicism) and Eastern (Orthodoxy) was the political split that occurred at the turn of the 8th-9th centuries, when Constantinople lost the lands of the western part of the Roman Empire. In the summer of 1054, the Pope's ambassador to Constantinople, Cardinal Humbert, anathematized the Byzantine Patriarch Michael Cyrularius and his followers. A few days later, a council was held in Constantinople, at which Cardinal Humbert and his henchmen were reciprocally anathematized. Disagreements between representatives of the Roman and Greek churches also intensified due to political disagreements: Byzantium argued with Rome for power. The mistrust of East and West turned into open hostility after the Crusade against Byzantium in 1202, when Western Christians went against their eastern fellow believers. Only in 1964 did Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople and Pope Paul VI officially lift the anathema of 1054. However, differences in traditions have become deeply entrenched over the centuries.

Church organization

The Orthodox Church includes several independent Churches. In addition to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), there is Georgian, Serbian, Greek, Romanian and others. These Churches are governed by patriarchs, archbishops and metropolitans. Not all Orthodox Churches have communion with each other in the sacraments and prayers (which, according to the catechism of Metropolitan Philaret, is a necessary condition in order for individual Churches to be part of the one Universal Church). Also, not all Orthodox Churches recognize each other as true churches. Orthodox believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church.

Unlike the Orthodox Church, Catholicism is one Universal Church. All its parts are different countries the world are in communication with each other, and also follow the same creed and recognize the Pope as their head. In the Catholic Church, there are communities within the Catholic Church (rites) that differ from each other in forms of liturgical worship and church discipline. There are Roman, Byzantine rites, etc. Therefore, there are Catholics of the Roman rite, Catholics of the Byzantine rite, etc., but they are all members of the same Church. Catholics also consider the Pope to be the head of the Church.

Divine service

The main worship service for the Orthodox is Divine Liturgy, for Catholics - Mass (Catholic liturgy).

During services in the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to stand as a sign of humility before God. In other Churches Eastern rite You are allowed to sit during the service. As a sign of unconditional submission, Orthodox Christians kneel. Contrary to popular belief, it is customary for Catholics to both sit and stand during worship. There are services that Catholics listen to on their knees.

Mother of God

In Orthodoxy, the Mother of God is first and foremost the Mother of God. She is revered as a saint, but she was born in original sin, like all mere mortals, and died like all people. Unlike Orthodoxy, Catholicism believes that the Virgin Mary was conceived immaculately without original sin and at the end of her life she was taken up to heaven alive.

Symbol of faith

Orthodox believe that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father. Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and from the Son.


Orthodox Church and Catholic Church recognize seven main Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation (Confirmation), Communion (Eucharist), Penance (Confession), Priesthood (Ordination), Anointing (Unction) and Marriage (Wedding). The rituals of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are almost identical, the differences are only in the interpretation of the sacraments. For example, during the sacrament of baptism in the Orthodox Church, a child or adult is immersed in the font. In a Catholic church, an adult or child is sprinkled with water. The sacrament of communion (Eucharist) is celebrated on leavened bread. Both the priesthood and the laity partake of both the Blood (wine) and the Body of Christ (bread). In Catholicism, the sacrament of communion is celebrated on unleavened bread. The priesthood partakes of both the Blood and the Body, while the laity partakes only of the Body of Christ.


Orthodoxy does not believe in the existence of purgatory after death. Although it is assumed that souls may be in an intermediate state, hoping to go to heaven after Last Judgment. In Catholicism, there is a dogma about purgatory, where souls remain awaiting heaven.

Faith and morals

The Orthodox Church recognizes only the decisions of the first seven Ecumenical Councils, which took place from 49 to 787. Catholics recognize the Pope as their head and share the same faith. Although within the Catholic Church there are communities with in different forms liturgical worship: Byzantine, Roman and others. The Catholic Church recognizes the decisions of the 21st Ecumenical Council, the last of which took place in 1962-1965.

Within Orthodoxy, divorces are allowed in individual cases, which are decided by priests. Orthodox clergy divided into "white" and "black". Representatives of the “white clergy” are allowed to marry. True, then they will not be able to receive episcopal or higher rank. "Black clergy" are monks who take a vow of celibacy. For Catholics, the sacrament of marriage is considered to be for life and divorce is prohibited. All Catholic religious clergy take a vow of celibacy.

Sign of the Cross

Orthodox Christians cross themselves only from right to left with three fingers. Catholics cross themselves from left to right. They do not have a single rule for how to place your fingers when creating a cross, so several options have taken root.


On Orthodox icons, saints are depicted in two dimensions according to the tradition of reverse perspective. This emphasizes that the action takes place in another dimension - in the world of spirit. Orthodox icons are monumental, austere and symbolic. Among Catholics, saints are depicted naturalistically, often in the form of statues. Catholic icons are painted in straight perspective.

Sculptural images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and saints adopted in Catholic churches, are not accepted by the Eastern Church.


The Orthodox cross has three crossbars, one of which is short and located at the top, symbolizing the tablet with the inscription “This is Jesus, King of the Jews,” which was nailed above the head of the crucified Christ. The lower crossbar is a footstool and one of its ends looks up, pointing to one of the thieves crucified next to Christ, who believed and ascended with him. The second end of the crossbar points down, as a sign that the second thief, who allowed himself to slander Jesus, went to hell. On the Orthodox cross, each foot of Christ is nailed with a separate nail. Unlike Orthodox cross, the Catholic cross consists of two crossbars. If it depicts Jesus, then both of Jesus' feet are nailed to the base of the cross with one nail. Christ on Catholic crucifixes, as well as on icons, is depicted naturalistically - his body sags under the weight, torment and suffering are noticeable throughout the image.

Funeral service for the deceased

Orthodox Christians commemorate the dead on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days, then every other year. Catholics always remember the dead on Remembrance Day - November 1st. In some European countries November 1 is an official holiday. The deceased are also remembered on the 3rd, 7th and 30th days after death, but this tradition is not strictly observed.

Despite existing differences, both Catholics and Orthodox are united by the fact that they profess and preach throughout the world one faith and one teaching of Jesus Christ.


1. In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the Universal Church is “embodied” in each local Church, headed by a bishop. Catholics add to this in order to belong to the Universal Church local Church must have communion with the local Roman Catholic Church.

2. World Orthodoxy does not have a single leadership. It is divided into several independent churches. World Catholicism is one church.

3. The Catholic Church recognizes the primacy of the Pope in matters of faith and discipline, morality and government. Orthodox churches do not recognize the primacy of the Pope.

4. Churches see differently the role of the Holy Spirit and the mother of Christ, who in Orthodoxy is called the Mother of God, and in Catholicism the Virgin Mary. In Orthodoxy there is no concept of purgatory.

5. The same sacraments operate in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, but the rituals for their implementation are different.

6. Unlike Catholicism, Orthodoxy does not have a dogma about purgatory.

7. Orthodox and Catholics create the cross in different ways.

8. Orthodoxy allows divorce, and its “white clergy” can marry. In Catholicism, divorce is prohibited, and all monastic clergy take a vow of celibacy.

9. The Orthodox and Catholic Churches recognize the decisions of different Ecumenical Councils.

10. Unlike the Orthodox, Catholics depict saints on icons in a naturalistic manner. Also among Catholics, sculptural images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and saints are common.

Before 1054 Christian church was one and indivisible. The schism occurred due to disagreements between Pope Leo IX and the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cyroularius. The conflict began due to the closing of several Latin churches by the latter in 1053. For this, the papal legates excommunicated Kirularius from the Church. In response, the patriarch anathematized the papal envoys. In 1965, the mutual curses were lifted. However, the schism of the Churches has not yet been overcome. Christianity is divided into three main directions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Eastern Church

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, since both of these religions are Christian, is not very significant. However, there are still some differences in teaching, performance of sacraments, etc. We'll talk about which ones a little later. First, let's make a short overview of the main directions of Christianity.

Orthodoxy, called the orthodox religion in the West, is currently Professes about 200 million people. Approximately 5 thousand people are baptized every day. This direction of Christianity spread mainly in Russia, as well as in some CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

The baptism of Rus' took place at the end of the 9th century on the initiative of Prince Vladimir. The ruler of a huge pagan state expressed a desire to marry the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Vasily II, Anna. But for this he needed to convert to Christianity. An alliance with Byzantium was extremely necessary to strengthen the authority of Rus'. At the end of the summer of 988, a huge number of Kiev residents were baptized in the waters of the Dnieper.

Catholic Church

As a result of the schism in 1054, a separate denomination arose in Western Europe. Representatives of the Eastern Church called her “Catholicos”. Translated from Greek it means “universal”. The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism lies not only in the approach of these two Churches to some dogmas of Christianity, but also in the history of development itself. The Western confession, compared to the Eastern one, is considered much more rigid and fanatical.

One of major milestones In the history of Catholicism, for example, the Crusades brought a lot of grief to the common population. The first of them was organized at the call of Pope Urban II in 1095. The last - the eighth - ended in 1270. The official goal of everyone crusades there was the liberation of the “holy land” of Palestine and the “Holy Sepulcher” from the infidels. The actual one is the conquest of lands that belonged to Muslims.

In 1229, Pope George IX issued a decree establishing the Inquisition - a church court for apostates from the faith. Torture and burning at the stake - this is how extreme Catholic fanaticism was expressed in the Middle Ages. In total, during the existence of the Inquisition, more than 500 thousand people were tortured.

Of course, the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy (this will be discussed briefly in the article) is a very large and deep topic. However, in relation to the Church towards the population in general outline its traditions and basic concept can be understood. The Western confession has always been considered more dynamic, but also aggressive, in contrast to the “calm” Orthodox one.

Currently, Catholicism is the state religion in most European and Latin American countries. More than half of all (1.2 billion people) modern Christians profess this particular religion.


The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism also lies in the fact that the former has remained united and indivisible for almost a millennium. In the Catholic Church in the 14th century. a split occurred. This was connected with the Reformation - revolutionary movement that arose in Europe at that time. In 1526, at the request of German Lutherans, the Swiss Reichstag issued a decree on the right of free choice of religion for citizens. In 1529, however, it was abolished. As a result, a protest followed from a number of cities and princes. This is where the word “Protestantism” comes from. This Christian movement is further divided into two branches: early and late.

At the moment, Protestantism is widespread mainly in the Scandinavian countries: Canada, USA, England, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. In 1948, the World Council of Churches was created. The total number of Protestants is about 470 million people. There are several denominations of this Christian movement: Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Calvinists.

In our time, the World Council Protestant churches conducts an active peacekeeping policy. Representatives of this religion advocate easing international tension, support the efforts of states to defend peace, etc.

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism

Of course, over the centuries of schism, significant differences have arisen in the traditions of the churches. They did not touch upon the basic principle of Christianity - the acceptance of Jesus as the Savior and Son of God. However, in relation to certain events of the New and Old Testament There are often even mutually exclusive differences. In some cases, the methods of conducting various kinds of rituals and sacraments do not agree.

The main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism





Patriarch, Cathedral

World Council of Churches, councils of bishops


Bishops depend little on the Patriarch and are mainly subordinate to the Council

There is a rigid hierarchy with subordination to the Pope, hence the name “Universal Church”

There are many denominations that have created the World Council of Churches. Sacred Scripture is placed above the authority of the Pope

Holy Spirit

It is believed that it comes only from the Father

There is a dogma that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son. This is the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism.

The statement is accepted that man himself is responsible for his sins, and God the Father is a completely impassive and abstract being

It is believed that God suffers because of human sins

Dogma of Salvation

The Crucifixion atoned for all the sins of mankind. Only the firstborn remained. That is, when a person commits a new sin, he again becomes the object of God’s wrath

The person was, as it were, “ransomed” by Christ through the crucifixion. As a result, God the Father changed his anger to mercy regarding original sin. That is, a person is holy by the holiness of Christ himself

Sometimes allowed


Allowed, but frowned upon

Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

It is believed that the Mother of God is not free from original sin, but her holiness is recognized

The complete sinlessness of the Virgin Mary is preached. Catholics believe that she was conceived immaculately, like Christ himself. In relation to the original sin of the Mother of God, therefore, there are also quite significant differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism

Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven

It is unofficially believed that this event may have taken place, but it is not enshrined in dogma

The assumption of the Mother of God into heaven in a physical body is a dogma

The cult of the Virgin Mary is denied

Only liturgy is held

Both a mass and a Byzantine liturgy similar to the Orthodox can be celebrated

The mass was rejected. Divine services are held in modest churches or even stadiums, in concert halls etc. Only two rites are practiced: baptism and communion

Clergy marriage


Allowed only in the Byzantine rite


Ecumenical Councils

The decisions of the first seven

Guided by 21 decisions (the last one passed in 1962-1965)

Recognize the decisions of all Ecumenical Councils if they do not contradict each other and the Holy Scriptures

Eight-pointed with crossbars at the bottom and top

A simple four-pointed Latin cross is used

Not used in religious services. Not worn by representatives of all faiths

Used in large quantities and are equal to Holy Scripture. Created in strict accordance with church canons

They are considered only decoration of the temple. They are ordinary paintings on a religious theme

Not used

Old Testament

Both Hebrew and Greek are recognized

Greek only

Only Jewish canonical


The ritual is performed by a priest

Not allowed

Science and religion

Based on the statements of scientists, dogmas never change

Dogmas can be adjusted in accordance with the point of view of official science

Christian cross: differences

Disagreements regarding the descent of the Holy Spirit are the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The table also shows many other, albeit not very significant, but still discrepancies. They arose a long time ago, and, apparently, none of the churches expresses any particular desire to resolve these contradictions.

There are also differences in attributes different directions Christianity. For example, the Catholic cross has a simple quadrangular shape. The Orthodox have eight points. Orthodox Eastern Church believes that this type of crucifix most accurately conveys the shape of the cross described in the New Testament. In addition to the main horizontal crossbar, it contains two more. The top one represents a tablet nailed to the cross and containing the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” The lower oblique crossbar - a support for Christ's feet - symbolizes the “righteous standard”.

Table of differences between crosses

The image of the Savior on the crucifix used in the Sacraments is also something that can be attributed to the topic “the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.” The western cross is a little different from the eastern one.

As you can see, with regard to the cross there is also a very noticeable difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The table shows this clearly.

As for Protestants, they consider the cross to be a symbol of the Pope, and therefore practically do not use it.

Icons in different Christian directions

So, the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism (the table of comparisons of crosses confirms this) with regard to attributes is quite noticeable. There are even greater differences in these directions in icons. The rules for depicting Christ may differ, Mother of God, saints, etc.

Below are the main differences.

The main difference between an Orthodox icon and a Catholic one is that it is painted in strict accordance with the canons established in Byzantium. Western images of saints, Christ, etc., strictly speaking, have nothing to do with the icon. Typically, such paintings have a very broad subject and were painted by ordinary, non-church artists.

Protestants consider icons to be a pagan attribute and do not use them at all.


With regard to leaving worldly life and devoting oneself to serving God, there is also a significant difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and Protestantism. comparison table, presented above, shows only the main discrepancies. But there are other differences, also quite noticeable.

For example, in our country, each monastery is practically autonomous and subordinate only to its own bishop. Catholics have a different organization in this regard. The monasteries are united into so-called Orders, each of which has its own head and its own charter. These associations may be scattered throughout the world, but nevertheless they always have a common leadership.

Protestants, unlike Orthodox and Catholics, completely reject monasticism. One of the inspirers of this teaching, Luther, even married a nun.

Church Sacraments

There is a difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in relation to the rules for conducting various kinds of rituals. Both of these Churches have 7 sacraments. The difference lies primarily in the meaning attached to the main Christian rituals. Catholics believe that the sacraments are valid whether a person is in tune with them or not. According to the Orthodox Church, baptism, confirmation, etc. will be effective only for believers who are completely disposed towards them. Orthodox priests even often compare Catholic rites with some pagan magical ritual, acting regardless of whether a person believes in God or not.

The Protestant Church practices only two sacraments: baptism and communion. Representatives of this trend consider everything else superficial and reject it.


This main Christian sacrament is recognized by all churches: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism. The only differences are in the methods of performing the ritual.

In Catholicism, it is customary for infants to be sprinkled or doused. According to the dogmas of the Orthodox Church, children are completely immersed in water. IN Lately There has been some departure from this rule. However, now the Russian Orthodox Church is again returning in this ritual to ancient traditions, established by Byzantine priests.

The difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism (crosses worn on the body, like large ones, may contain the image of an “orthodox” or “Western” Christ) in relation to the performance of this sacrament is therefore not very significant, but it still exists.

Protestants usually perform baptism with water. But in some denominations it is not used. The main difference between Protestant baptism and Orthodox and Catholic baptism is that it is carried out exclusively for adults.

Differences in the Sacrament of the Eucharist

We have examined the main differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. This refers to the descent of the Holy Spirit and the virginity of the birth of the Virgin Mary. Such significant differences have emerged over centuries of schism. Of course, they also exist in the celebration of one of the main Christian sacraments - the Eucharist. Catholic priests administer communion only with unleavened bread. This church product is called wafers. In Orthodoxy, the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated with wine and ordinary yeast bread.

In Protestantism, not only members of the Church, but also anyone who wishes, are allowed to receive communion. Representatives of this direction of Christianity celebrate the Eucharist in the same way as the Orthodox - with wine and bread.

Modern relations of the Churches

The split in Christianity occurred almost a thousand years ago. And during this time, churches of different directions failed to agree on unification. Disagreements regarding the interpretation of Holy Scripture, attributes and rituals, as you can see, have persisted to this day and have even intensified over the centuries.

The relations between the two main faiths, Orthodox and Catholic, are also quite ambiguous in our time. Until the middle of the last century, serious tension remained between these two churches. Key concept there was the word “heresy” in the relationship.

Recently this situation has changed a little. If earlier the Catholic Church considered Orthodox Christians almost a bunch of heretics and schismatics, then after the Second Vatican Council it recognized the orthodox Sacraments as valid.

Orthodox priests did not officially establish a similar attitude towards Catholicism. But the completely loyal acceptance of Western Christianity has always been traditional for our church. However, of course, some tension between Christian directions still remains. For example, our Russian theologian A.I. Osipov does not have a very good attitude towards Catholicism.

In his opinion, there is a more than worthy and serious difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Osipov considers many saints of the Western Church to be almost crazy. He also warns the Russian Orthodox Church that, for example, cooperation with Catholics threatens the Orthodox with complete subjugation. However, he also repeatedly mentioned that there are wonderful people among Western Christians.

Thus, the main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is the attitude towards the Trinity. The Eastern Church believes that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father. Western - both from the Father and from the Son. There are other differences between these faiths. However, in any case, both churches are Christian and accept Jesus as the Savior of mankind, whose coming, and therefore Immortal life inevitable for the righteous.

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