Development of thinking. Logical thinking

Logical thinking of a person- this is the operational process of mental activity, in which he operates with specific and clear concepts. This type of mental functioning is necessary for the purpose of making decisions, drawing conclusions, when it is required to apply previously acquired experience or knowledge and analyze previously obtained information. People use logical thinking to find answers, arguments and solutions to many problems, for example, when choosing the shortest and most optimal road to the desired destination or in the process of developing a business project. To think logically means to separate the significant from the unimportant, to look for the relationships of objects and find dependencies, to draw conclusions.

Logical thinking contributes to finding justifications for a variety of phenomena and events, helps to consciously evaluate facts, correctly, build judgments. However, the logical thinking of a person, as well as any other ability, must be constantly trained. And it is optimal to start at an early childhood age stage. In many ways, the formation of logical thinking depends on solving problems that encourage reflection.

Verbal-logical thinking

Today, more and more research is directed to individuals with disorders in the relationship between speech and thinking. The mental activity of individuals is inextricably linked with human speech. Since thought cannot originate, flow and exist outside of speech. People think through words spoken to themselves or aloud. In other words, thought processes occur in speech form. The more thoroughly meaningful and deeply thought out each thought is, the clearer and clearer it will be formulated in verbal forms. Also, on the contrary, with the improvement and honing of the verbal formulations of a certain thought, the thought itself will become more distinct and understandable.

The mental function is a socially conditioned mental phenomenon, inseparably connected with speech constructions, characterized by the search for and production of discoveries of a substantially new one. This is a phenomenon of indirect and generalized reflection of reality through its analysis and synthesis. Mental operation is born on the foundation of practical activity through sensory comprehension.

The verbal-logical thinking function is one of the variations of thinking, which is characterized by the use of concepts and the use of logical constructions. It functions on the basis of linguistic means and represents a later phase of historical development and ontogenetic formation of mental activity. In the structure of verbal-logical thinking, different types of generalizations are developed and operate.

Verbal-logical mental activity is a kind of thinking, which is realized with the help of logical operation with concepts. This type of activity is characterized by the use of concepts, constructions of logic, which at times do not have a direct figurative expression (for example, cost, pride, honesty). It is due to the verbal-logical operation that the subject is able to find general patterns, predict the formation of processes in society and nature, and generalize various visual information. However, even the most abstract mental activity is often not completely separated from visual-sensory experience. Any abstract concept has its own concrete-sensual foundation, which is not able to reflect the entire perfection of the concept, but allows not to break away from reality.

The foundation of verbal-logical functioning is the language norms of construction, which combine verbal forms into complex structures that provide the ability to transform judgments into complex logical systems, the study of which allows subjects to perform logical inference operations.

The main element of language systems is the word, which provides an opportunity to analyze events or phenomena, highlight essential features in them, classify objects of a certain class accordingly. Verbal forms, being a means of abstraction and a tool for generalization, reflect the deepest relationships and interactions that are behind the objects of the external world.

The formation of logical thinking occurs gradually. Through the educational process, and later on through training, one masters the methods of mental operation, acquires the ability to perform actions "in the mind" and analyze the process of one's own reasoning.

Logical forms of thinking

By finding answers to complex questions, the following operations of verbal-logical thought processes are formed, namely, comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization.

As an operation of thinking, comparison is based on finding similarities and differences between phenomena or objects. Comparison can give rise to classification, which acts as the primary tool of theoretical knowledge.

The mental operation, which is the division of a complex phenomenon into its constituent elements or qualities, followed by their comparison, is called analysis.

Synthesis as a mental operation is the reverse action of analysis. It allows you to mentally restore the whole, to compose a holistic view of analytically given elements. The joint use of analysis and synthesis contributes to a deeper understanding of reality.

Abstraction is a mental operation based on the selection of important features and relationships of objects, by abstracting from the rest - insignificant ones. As separate objects in reality, such selected characteristics do not exist.

Abstraction allows you to more carefully study the selected features. The result of abstraction is the formulation of concepts.

Generalization as an operation of thinking is a mental association of events and objects according to their common characteristics and essential features.

Logical thinking helps to analyze, compare phenomena, events, situations, objects, evaluating them simultaneously from different positions. All verbal-logical mental operations are closely related to each other, and their absolute formation is possible only in combination. Only the interdependent development of the listed operations contributes to the formation of verbal-logical mental activity as a whole.

The main forms of logical operation include: inferences, concepts and judgments.

The concept as a mental form reflects the essential characteristics, relationships, interactions of objects and events, expressing them in a word or several words. It is formed through socio-historical experience. Individuals learn concepts and their system throughout life and in the process of activity. In turn, concepts are divided into several types.

General concepts apply to a whole group of homogeneous objects or events that have the same name. Single concepts are called concepts that reflect characteristics characteristic only of a separate object or phenomenon. They are a collection of information about one subject, but at the same time display features that can be included in other, more general concepts.

A concept that is easily identified, represented, classified is called concrete, and a concept that is difficult to identify, represented, classified is called abstract.

The theoretical concept contains objective connections between the general and the individual. And the empirical concept registers the same objects in any separate group of objects on the basis of comparison.

Judgment, as a structure of mental functioning, reflects the relationship between objects and phenomena in an affirmative or negative form.

Judgments can be formed in two ways: directly and indirectly. Judgments are formed directly when the perceived is formulated in them, indirectly - through the production of inferences or through reasoning. Judgments also have their own typology. An objectively correct judgment is called a true one. In turn, a judgment that does not correspond to reality is called false. General is a judgment that affirms or denies something about all objects of a certain class or a particular group. A judgment is called private, which affirms something or denies something about individual objects. A singular judgment is one that affirms or denies something with respect to only one subject.

Inference as a structure of mental operation is the so-called conclusion, which is made based on several judgments. Inference, in which reflection is realized from general cases to a single conclusion, is called deductive. And inference, in which reflection is carried out from isolated cases to a general conclusion, is called inductive. Inference that draws a conclusion on the basis of partial similarities between events without sufficient analysis of all conditions is called inference by analogy.

Although mental activity is carried out based on logical operation, it is not always a process in which only logic and intellect are involved. Emotions quite often intervene in the processes of mental operations, while transforming them. They subordinate thoughts to feelings, forcing them to select arguments that testify in the direction of the desired solution or answer. Emotions are capable of, in addition to distorting thinking, stimulating it. Feelings give mental activity tension, relevance, purposefulness and perseverance.

How to develop logical thinking

The ability to reason logically is not an innate personality trait. The ability to think logically develops throughout life. This element of cognition of reality is rather alien to humanity than close to it, therefore, over the centuries, individuals have been diligently avoiding the production of logical conclusions, trying to think in a way that is more profitable and easier for them. However, without logic, the human race would not have survived, since the foundation for the creation of most of life's laws is logic, which represents the ability to think, analyze incoming data, draw parallels and make correct conclusions.

It is logical thinking that allows people to make the right decisions. Therefore, experts around the world are constantly developing games for logical thinking that contribute to the development of the ability to think, using, first of all, logic, and not intuition.

Thinking logically means separating the essential from the unimportant, looking for relationships and drawing conclusions, making arguments and countering, being persuasive and not being a gullible subject. Despite the fact that every individual uses the ability of logical thinking more than once in his own life, the majority of subjects still think in patterns, since they do not seek to develop logical thinking. Such subjects do not stimulate logical mental activity, rarely using logic in reasoning.

How to develop logical thinking? You can start training logic almost from the “diaper” and do it optimally with the help of various games.

Games for the development of logical thinking.

The leading position among the games that stimulate the formation of logical mental activity is occupied by chess, which to this day is considered a classic means of training one's own. Chess teaches not only to think logically, but also to develop strategies, patience, attentiveness, perseverance, predicting the opponent's moves and analyzing the situation on the board.

A simpler option is checkers, but this game should not be underestimated. It forms the objectivity of thinking, trains memory, brings up hard work, accurate calculation and ingenuity, teaches you to find non-standard solutions.

The game "erudite" is also familiar to most since childhood. It helps to stimulate attentiveness, develop logic and memory, expand vocabulary and horizons.

The game "reversi" contributes to the development of large-scale logical thinking, forms the ability to see the prospect of moves and calculate their own actions several steps ahead.

In addition, there are many riddles, the guessing of which contributes to the training of logic and the development of attention.

Today, in the age of innovative developments, it has become much easier to train logical thinking than before. At the present time, for the development of logic, it is no longer necessary to carry a bulky chessboard with you everywhere, it is enough to have a mobile phone, and not necessarily an expensive smartphone. By downloading several games on your phone aimed at training logic, you can use the time, for example, spent on transport to work.

Also, for the formation of logical thinking, many exercises have been developed, such as deciphering an anagram, finding an extra word in a row, searching for analogies, etc.

To the above, you can add a few recommendations, the implementation of which stimulates the brain and develops logic.

In order to develop the habit of deep analysis, one should, when studying new material or performing any actions, explain to oneself why this is necessary, what it will give, etc.

To activate brain activity in an extraordinary direction, you need to learn how to write with a hand that is not leading (for right-handers - left and vice versa).

It is also recommended to move more in the fresh air. Since even a twenty-minute walk helps to activate the brain by almost 60%. In addition, during the walk, you can add up the numbers of the numbers of passing cars. When performing any activity, you should take short breaks every 40 or 50 minutes, directing your own mind to something other than the activities being performed.

Logical thinking is based on building a chain of sequences, arguments, events, which helps to draw certain conclusions and make the right decisions. If a person has a well-developed logical thinking, he can easily find a way out of any situation, predict the consequences of events. It is best to develop this ability from early childhood, but in adulthood you can and should train.

There are many logic exercises that help develop attention, concentration, perception, observation, thinking, intelligence. An exercise called “Logic” is useful. Its meaning is to determine whether the relationship between judgments is correctly established, whether the conclusion, inference, is logical. For example: “All dogs can bark. Sharik is a dog, which means he can bark.” This statement is logical. “All fruits are delicious. Ice cream is also delicious, so it is a fruit.” There is an error in judgment here. When working with children, it is important not just to ask whether a statement is false or true, but to ask the child to explain why he thinks so. Then he will build a logical chain, which will lead him to the right decision. Another effective exercise that helps develop logical thinking is “Ordering”. A set of words or phrases with the same theme is proposed. It is required to arrange them so that the first one is the most particular, and the last one is generalized. For example, "Dachshund - dog - animal." The more concepts in one chain, the more difficult the task, the more those brain centers that are responsible for logical thinking are involved. Also, various games are a simple and interesting method of developing logic. These include chess, checkers, dominoes, puzzles, backgammon, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble and many others. They help develop memory, perseverance, observation. These and many other games can be found in electronic form on the Internet, which will allow you to play without a second partner. Any games of logic develop the speed of thinking, the ability to see into the future, the ability to find solutions at lightning speed. It is these qualities that are very important in the modern world, where every day a person faces a myriad of tasks that need to be solved quickly and correctly. As for the youngest children, they can be offered cubes, puzzles of two or three elements, a constructor, pyramids, and other interesting games that will help not only keep the child entertained, but also develop logical thinking.

Logical thinking will help you succeed in building a career in all areas of activity, even in family life.

Logic itself is not a human skill given from birth, it is learned throughout life, receiving valuable lessons. Such a tool for understanding the world is not close to emotional human nature, so people prefer to think and do as they are used to. However, this science underlies most of the laws of the universe. The ability to think and reason consistently, consistently, is useful in solving many problems. Whether it's building business projects, convincing opponents, or shopping in a store. And the question immediately arises: “How to develop logical thinking and live as efficiently as possible?”. We will answer it in the article below.

People often make illogical mistakes. They think that it is enough to be guided by common sense and experience, ignoring the laws and special techniques of formal logic. However, this may be sufficient only when making elementary judgments and solving simple problems; when performing large-scale operations, certain knowledge will be required that will not allow making erroneous actions.

What is logic

In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to explain this phenomenon more broadly, dividing it into its components.

By thinking is meant the processing by the human psyche of the information received, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and laws of intellectual mental activity. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that knowledge is obtained not from sensory experience, but in the process of analyzing previously obtained data, inferential knowledge.

Thus, logical thinking is a thought process that makes a person use logical constructions and concepts based on evidence, prudence and flexibility of thinking. The main goal is to get the most reasonable conclusion from the available data.

Logical laws are based on empirical knowledge of the world through experience. That is, a person draws a conclusion based on the creation or participation in a certain situation and subsequently awareness of its specific consequences.


The development of creative thinking and logic is possible only if the mind is used to working in different directions. The development of logical thinking needs to be trained, here are some practical tips:

  • The study of natural sciences

Take up the study of a science close to you in spirit, which you have been delaying.
Physics, chemistry or history, other exact sciences perfectly stimulate the flexibility of thinking. They teach to build chains of cause and effect.

  • Use reasoned argument

Instead of the standard desire to answer “because I’m in charge” or “it’s necessary”, try to convey your point of view to your opponent without emotions, constructively. Use logical as well as creative thinking, there can be a huge variety of dialogue options, get rid of the usual phrases and reactions.
Particularly interesting is the method of leading the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion by means of indirect statements with which he initially agrees.

  • Play chess, backgammon, checkers and card games

This is an amazing opportunity for the development of logical thinking. After all, there is a training in cause-and-effect relationships, a calculation of the opponent's moves in advance. It trains to learn lessons even from defeats. Thus, a person gradually removes negative thinking from his life.

  • Find other ways to use items

This exercise contributes to the excellent development of creative thinking in adults. Choose one item, be it a box of matches or a stool. And find all possible ways to use the item for other purposes. You can count on matches, lay out drawings, and use the stool as a Christmas tree stand. Be creative.

  • association game

Use opposite meanings to emerging associations to specific words. For example, hard cotton wool, soft glass, hot ice. This helps our brain tune in a different way, remove negative thinking.

  • Read books from the end

In addition to the understandable difficulties in completing this task, there are still nuances. Our brain is accustomed to the fact that the outcome can only come when specific actions are performed. But as in life and in books, this is not always true. Sometimes the most unexpected events lead to results that were not supposed to. The gradual transition from the denouement to the preface will help debunk your guesses and learn an abstract vision of the situation, and also develops mobility, flexibility of thinking.

  • Expand your vocabulary

When you hear an unfamiliar word, look it up in a dictionary. And also: what is the history of occurrence, the original meaning and use now. This will help you look at the world more differently.

  • Words backwards

When in a vehicle or on the street, read the signs backwards. It will be very difficult. At first, only short words will be obtained, and after that you will master the ability to read whole phrases! This is a great brain workout showing that there are alternatives. And, once in a problematic situation, it will be easier to see other options.

  • Imagine something that doesn't exist

The exercise is to come up with an animal or object, a name that does not exist in nature. Leopantsyr or bird fox, for example. And in detail all this to present or depict. The bottom line is that it's very hard to come up with something that doesn't exist. The brain still tries to reduce everything to familiar forms, especially in adults.

Sometimes negative thinking takes over, it becomes difficult to complete a task that seems absurd. The ability to abstract from familiar forms and concepts, to concentrate on still little-studied facts, to create fundamentally new things, will be useful in any profession.

  • Solve anagrams

From the mixed letters you need to make a word. It develops the ability to quickly find hidden meanings, to see meanings that are incomprehensible at first glance.

  • Use your other hand

If you are right-handed - left, if vice versa - right. Change your hand during daily activities. This stimulates the work of both hemispheres, improving concentration, activating new neural connections, thus stimulating logical and creative thinking.

Who needs to develop logic

Logical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. After all, having the flexibility of thinking, each of us can:

  • find the optimal solution to the problem situation;
  • always be a few steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible actions;
  • choose the right way to achieve the goal;
  • express their thoughts in a form understandable to all;
  • it is easy enough to find arguments for inclining opponents to your side;
  • prevent professional and life mistakes;
  • deal with sophistry and demagoguery;
  • be able to quickly formulate an answer to the question posed, avoiding blurting out the first thought that came to mind, which can greatly harm later;
  • clearly see the manipulations by other people, do not become a victim of their deception;
  • be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, quickly and easily eliminate them.

Why develop logic?

How to develop thinking? Every person has developed it in one way or another. But for a better understanding of reality and the ability to operate with it, logical thinking, developed at a sufficiently high level, is necessary. This can only be learned through practice.

Creative thinking can be developed and negative thinking eliminated. The brain is trained just as much as the muscles, perhaps more. By constantly training thinking and memory, a person can develop throughout his life, methodically improving his performance. The development of intellectual abilities is the guarantor of effective self-improvement.

Thanks to the ability to think logically, a person acquires the ability to think creatively, because a completely different understanding of reality opens up, which gives many advantages.

It is generally accepted that creative thinking is opposed to logic and reason, but this is an incorrect statement. Creative perception of reality is the basis for creativity. This does not mean the need for negative thinking, which is characterized by a concentration exclusively on the bad. On the contrary, it allows you to train the brain, clear it of stereotypes and interfering attitudes, look at everything from the outside. This opens up perfect horizons. As a result, the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way, to find previously impossible ways.

Logic, translated from classical Greek, is reasoning. It would seem that we all reason, therefore, it is inseparable from our mind. However, operations with reasoning are only one of the types of processes of understanding and cognition. Reflecting on the task, solving the problem, we can use one or another type of thinking or several at once.

Young children have not yet developed the ability to think logically and abstractly. Remember how kids are taught to count: in order to give the child an idea of ​​the number “3” that does not exist in nature, he is given to touch three objects of the same type. The child will need an effort to distract himself from the insignificant differences between these objects (for example, from the fact that one of the three apples is green and the other is red) and combine the objects into one group.

Consequently, logical thinking, in contrast to figurative thinking, operates with abstract concepts. This is a special kind of process of comprehension, where ready-made logical constructions, concepts, judgments are used, and in the end a conclusion or conclusion is developed. This is not to say that the use of such a construction will necessarily lead to the correct conclusion. It is also not true that if a person uses the imagination, thinks emotionally, figuratively, or listens to intuition, this will lead him to erroneous conclusions. It is good to use all types of thinking in the process of thinking about the problem, while not forgetting the critical approach.

Our understanding, starting from a specific case, proceeds to abstract logical constructions and inferences, in order, having created a solution, to transfer it again to this specific, single case. Thus, logical thinking passes through the following stages. Analysis, when we break down a certain complex situation into constituent characteristics or parts. At this stage, we apply the methods of induction, deduction and analogy. allows us to conclude that if something is applicable to a group of objects, then it is applicable to one object of this group. And inductive, on the contrary, suggests that some basic qualities of one object apply to all objects of the group. An analogy connects specific objects of two different groups that are similar in some of their properties.

But logical thinking is not limited to simple. In its process, it goes through certain stages. The first of them is the search and determination of cause-and-effect relationships. What gave rise to this phenomenon? Why did this problem occur? The correct establishment of such connections is already the key to the success of a correct conclusion. The second stage is the separation of the main from the secondary. "After" does not mean "due to". If we accept the secondary, the particular as essential, we will construct an incorrect conclusion. Next comes the operation with concepts and judgments - in fact, the search for a solution.

Judgments can be erroneous, stereotyped. If we accept them without a critical approach, we run the risk of ending up in a dead end. At this stage, we abstract from our specific case and think globally, operating in verbal terms. There is no longer a specific image of an object in our mind, but there are linguistic constructions. Verbal-logical thinking is very important at all stages of problem solving: with the correct formulation of the question; upon identification of what caused its occurrence; when identifying what exactly needs to be created (or eliminated) in order to solve the problem. And, of course, in order to understand how to apply your abstract conclusion to this particular situation.

It would be wrong to consider that it is capable of completely replacing or displacing the figurative, sensual, intuitive and associative. Therefore, a person is stronger than a robot, because he is able to simultaneously apply all types of understanding, in addition to solving standard problems using stereotyped methods. Our emotional attitudes (likes or dislikes), our fantasy and imagination, associations that allow us to mentally compare things and concepts that are completely different from each other, sometimes lead us to completely non-trivial, illogical, but surprisingly brilliant conclusions.

Everyone knows what logical thinking is, but formulating this concept is not always easy. Mental activity is an exciting and multifaceted movement forward. Logic is necessary for a person, it is a kind of mechanism for studying, first of all, oneself and the world around. Assistants in this hard work are the senses, as well as the work of thought.

Without logical thinking, it is impossible to form a mental process in such a way as to obtain true conclusions based on a real perception of reality. Logic essentially studies the laws of mental development and reasoning, and also forms them.

Types of logical thinking


The verbal-logical type of thinking makes it possible to think correctly, be able to speak competently, masterfully master one's language and speech. It helps with discussions and even disputes.

Perhaps every person at least once in his life got into a situation where he could not express those feelings and thoughts that were beautifully lined up in his head. It turns out that the development of the work of thought and word is not a luxury, but a means of communication in the information age.


Abstract-logical thinking is higher than sensory experience. It, relying only on reason, tries to determine the essence of objective reality. The level of impressions, views and evaluations is not seriously considered. In other words, it is the culminating form of cognition of the surrounding world.


Figurative-logical thinking is determined by imagination, which helps to most clearly and sensibly restore the parameters of an object or action. It is formed in childhood, starting from a year and a half.

Important! The methods of logical knowledge of the world develop logic, ingenuity, and so on. Exercises that help develop verbal-logical thinking make it possible to keep the connection between speech and thinking.

There are a lot of such master classes, especially on the Internet.

For memory training you need:

  • generality;
  • mediation.

It turns out that the development of logical thinking depends on the process of summarized and mediated (through inference) reflection of the essence. The essence of thinking lies in the interaction of thought processes with ideas in the internal picture of the world. Such exercises allow you to construct a changing image of the world.

The peculiarity of knowledge is as follows:

  • it allows you to deeply understand the laws of the existing world;
  • delve into the changing, dynamic world;
  • guesses the future, makes plans;
  • relies on knowledge accumulated throughout life;
  • flows out of living observation, but does not merge with it.

There are three types of logical thinking:

  • concept;
  • judgment;
  • inference.

A concept is nothing but a special mechanism of mind, thought. Judgment is the basis on which the work of thought is based, in turn, either uniting or not objects and phenomena. Judgments can be:

  • correct;
  • erroneous;
  • total;
  • individual;
  • uncharacteristic.

Important! Inference - a conclusion, a generalization that a person extracts from previous reasoning.

We develop logic and thinking

It is also supposed to classify the methods of cognition according to their characteristic features:

  • degree of formation;
  • directions of tasks;
  • in perfection;
  • by non-triviality;
  • in the image and ;

Important! The degree of development depends on the image, action, logic and abstract logic. The mental process clearly manifests itself both in theory and in practice. A thorough (detailed) process of the work of thought depends on the degree of discursiveness (analyticity) and intuitiveness.

Analyticity is, first of all, reasoning that has a clear sequence in time. Intuitiveness is based on emotional perceptions, has no clear periods, passes quickly, and so on.

According to the degree of unusualness and exoticism, two types of development of thought are distinguished:

  • reproductive:
  • creative or productive.

A reproductive or self-reproducing way of thinking cannot be imagined without images and ideas that are taken from real sources. The creative work of thought is based on inventive imagination.

According to the degree of achievement, thinking happens:

  • visual;
  • verbal.

The visual relies on the appearance and its representations, while the verbal acts on abstract schemes and constructions.

According to its actions, the mental process is divided into:

  • critical;
  • creative.

Remember! Critical is aimed at identifying flaws in the views of other people. Creative work of thought reveals unknown knowledge. This is the formation of one's own ideas, and not the condemnation of other people's assessments and considerations.

Development of logical thinking (exercises for training)

Each member of society thinks in his own way, individually, this manifests his peculiarity, and it also depends on:

  • fruitfulness of the mind;
  • independence;
  • span;
  • scale;
  • compliancy;
  • swiftness;
  • creation;
  • criticality;
  • ingenuity.

And that's not all the criteria. Many people ask questions about how to develop logical thinking. This is the best way to start thinking for yourself. In fact, the improvement of logic is subject to the ability to notice, distinguish, set a task for yourself and solve it on your own.

The flexibility of mental cognition lies in the ability to make a new decision, to change the pre-planned path, if necessary. The inertia of the thought process is manifested in the tendency to use clichés, habitual moves of action. With the inert development of the mind, it is difficult to switch from one system of action to another.

The speed with which logic is improved depends on the exercises that are necessary for its training. The scale of the mind covers a huge range of problems. But the depth of mental knowledge depends on the ability to look into the root of objects, phenomena, actions, and so on.

In order to maintain order in thoughts, it is necessary to develop a sequence of thinking. Criticality is a special kind of thinking that makes it possible to really and even more than evaluate the result of mental activity. Criticality finds the strengths and weaknesses of mental activity, can substantiate the truth of one's own judgments, and so on.

Stability of thinking is based on already known laws and regularity. All these qualities are formed and change over the course of life. Knowing your individual abilities, you can adjust and develop them.

Important! Anyone who masterfully applies special techniques for the development of logic becomes more attentive, thinks clearly and clearly.

For such people it is not difficult to concentrate attention, to assimilate the essence of the material. They devote a lot of time to memory training, it is easier for them to achieve their own goal, to work. The conclusion is as follows: we develop logic - we live fully and creatively.

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