Easy face paintings for girls. How to do face painting? Drawing on faces

IN Lately quite often at theme parties, exhibitions, carnivals or sports competitions people meet unusual drawings on the face. Agree, this may cause surprise, but certainly not boredom. Face painting or face art is a type of popular modern. This trend is gradually gaining momentum among fashionistas and is becoming a great way to liven up the holiday.

About the origins of face painting

Drawing on a person's face has a long history. Many cultures around the world have traditionally painted their faces to symbolize readiness for war, weddings, life changes, etc. For example, African tribes used war paint to intimidate the enemy. Indian tribes with a pattern on their face they demonstrated their belonging to the animal world. In India, patterns were applied for religious and aesthetic reasons.

The modern one came to us from Europe (and there from America), where face painting has long been practiced for carnival processions, holidays or sports matches.

Methods and materials for drawing

In order to apply the intended image to your face, you will need: desire, imagination, artistic training, tool and paint. If you don’t have any visual skills, it’s better to contact a specialist (there are face art studios in almost every city). Alternatively, you can first make a stencil and follow the figured patterns.

As available equipment, you will need brushes of different sizes, colored cosmetic pencils, and water-based paint. Alternatively, you can use theatrical makeup or special markers. You should not use paints that are difficult to wash off with water, otherwise flaws when applying the design will be difficult to correct.

To begin with, it is recommended to draw on the face with a pencil: simple patterns can be easily drawn on open areas of the face with your own hands. Thus, as you gain experience, you will master the face art technique step by step. After all, this is essentially a creative make-up, familiar to any girl.

Face painting - art directions

The direction and theme of the pattern on the ditsa depend on the event for which you need the design. It could be a wedding, a theme party, New Year, advertising campaign, sports competition, original photo shoot or children's party.

Wedding face painting

A wedding is an unforgettable holiday that requires vivid impressions. Therefore, the bravest girls are increasingly practicing painting on their faces: beautiful, delicate patterns in the form of lace or floral motifs. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so as not to look sloppy or comical. Brides should not apply the design on their face themselves if they do not have the appropriate experience. A professional should work here.

Theme party

A fun feast in friendly company– a great opportunity to practice the art of creating patterns on the face. There is no need to apply a perfect design in the salon. You can conduct your first face painting lessons at home. The main thing is that the ornament is effective. For example, on Halloween you can compete with your friends for the most frightening image. Or on Maslenitsa, play up the pancake theme, and on Ivan Kupala, draw the treasured flower on your face. The field for imagination is boundless! It’s interesting to radically change your image for the evening.

New Year's drawing

New Year is always a fairy tale! Many salons have in their arsenal special sketches for the images of the Snow Maiden, Snow Queen, Santa Claus, bunnies and others fairy tale characters. Typically, the design scheme contains “frosty” patterns, stars, icicles and other winter paraphernalia. Some clients order themselves to paint on the face of an animal whose year begins according to the Eastern calendar.

Promotional images

At various exhibitions and trade shows, drawing on a person's face will be quite popular, some companies hire models to advertise their brand or a certain product. Accordingly, they are made to special order recognizable drawings on the face with a company logo or slogan to attract the attention of potential customers.

Sports theme

During the major competitions, Olympics, football matches fans paint their faces in the colors of their favorite club or apply the symbols of the country. This is usually done in an artisanal way. However, some craftsmen approach the issue with inspiration, thus unhurriedly step by step drawing on the face of the club emblems or state emblems serves as a kind of ritual for them.

Drawings for a photo shoot

To take original pictures in a photo studio, girls often resort to the art of face art. With the help of non-trivial graphics, you can visually change the shape of your face or appear in an unusual role. Photography allows you to gradually change images depending on the proposed drawings.

Children's face art

Drawing on the face with a pencil - what can be the best activity for kids. It will be for them a new game, new role and new sensations. For children, this holiday can be done anytime and anywhere; this is the special beauty of the process. Boys prefer the faces of bear cubs, wolf cubs and dogs. And the girls are cats, birds and foxes. You can simply draw a beautiful flower or a funny bug on your cheek. There is no need for instructions for applying a pattern to the face, the main thing is that the child is comfortable and happy. In addition, step-by-step drawing of pictures on the face will teach the baby perseverance and imaginative thinking.

Recently, it has become fashionable to hold various special events for which it is necessary to appear in a certain form. At the same time, not only clothes, but also hairstyle should correspond to the holiday. Women may have certain conditions for applying makeup. This article will talk about how to do various drawings on the face. It is worth noting that unusual decor can also be used for children. Kids love to transform into fairy-tale characters and imitate them.

Drawings on the face

In order for the image to be as harmonious as possible, it is necessary to correctly approach this issue. First you need to think about your appearance. Depending on the theme of the celebration, different decor can be chosen. Before making drawings on the face, it is necessary to properly prepare the workplace.

Leather treatment: preparation

Before applying cosmetics and paints, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin. You can do this using your usual cleansers. If the drawings on the face will be created for children, then you can simply wash the skin using a small amount of baby soap.

After cleansing, it is necessary to moisturize the surface of the face. Use any low-fat day cream or baby milk. Wait until the product is completely absorbed into the skin. Only after this can you start applying makeup.

Depending on the theme of the celebration, many different images can be created. You will get to know some of them below.

How to create designs on facial skin

Currently, there are a lot of manufacturers that produce special pencils, markers and paints. This product is always marked “Aquagrimm”. Drawings on the face with paints of this kind are completely safe. They will not harm your skin. Also, these products can be used for children.

If desired, you can use classic decorative cosmetics: eye shadow, lipstick, pencils and foundation. However, it is worth noting that such makeup will be quite difficult to wash off with plain water. You will probably need a special cleanser.

First option: cat on the face

A drawing of this type is suitable for a ball or masquerade. You can also decorate a child’s face in a similar way during play activities.

Use a black pencil to draw the outline of the eyes. If desired, you can use gray or red colors. The tip of the nose also needs to be painted over. This part of the face may be black or Pink colour. A mandatory addition to the cat's image will be a mustache. Draw several randomly scattered dots around the nose. After this, draw confident and clear mustache lines.

Cats' lips can be black or pinkish. Drawings on the face with paints allow you to mix colors and select the most suitable ones. You need to create a noticeable bend in the eyebrow area. Make a few lines in the shape of an unfinished triangle. The appropriate wardrobe and additional accessories will help you complete your cat's look. If makeup is created for an adult, then it will be interesting to use special cat lenses. You can purchase them at any accessory store. It is better for children to refuse such additions.

Horrifying images

Quite often, club visitors and entertainment halls asked to make face paintings for Halloween. This holiday is becoming increasingly popular every year among Russian population. There are many ways to create makeup for Halloween, but the most common are vampire or witch looks.

To create such makeup, a person often has to resort to face bleaching. This can be done using a white foundation, but such makeup will not stay on the face for a relatively long time. The best option would be to prepare your face foundation at home. You will need to mix one spoon of starch and the same amount of flour. Next, you need to add a little water and a few drops of glycerin to the mixture. The last ingredient can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat them in the microwave.

While the mixture is still warm, apply it evenly to your face. After this, wait until it dries completely and start creating the image. For the “Vampire” makeup, you need to line your eyes with red and black pencil. You also need to decorate the mouth area. If desired, you can use additional accessories in the form of fangs.

Witches may prefer gold, silver and muted tones. You need to beautifully draw arrows and paint your lips. In addition, you need to style your hair, make it slightly disheveled. Only in this case will the image be completely completed. Draw on your face and bring your ideas to life! Good luck to you in this interesting work!

Every child loves colorful pictures and makeup; every year, facial designs are becoming more and more popular. If the makeup was originally used for adults, theatrical productions or animators, now drawings on the face have become a favorite children's entertainment. Parents delight their children with beautiful paintings at children's parties, festivals, photo shoots or vacations.

What is face painting called?

More and more people are painting on children's faces, but adults also continue to paint scary or funny images for Halloween or New Year's masquerades, and this type of creativity is called face art. Body art has long been known, when the body is painted, but here only the face is made up. Mimes, which can often be seen at children's parties or wedding celebrations, also use face art.

What colors can you paint on your face?

If the desire to create makeup on your face or the face of a child came at a time when there are professional artists nearby, then you do not need to worry about the composition of the paints or the method of application, unless you or your child suffers from an allergy to a very rare component. In the case where face painting occurs at home, it is better to be on the safe side and read the composition of the chosen products.

To paint faces, several types of means are used, thanks to which you can create a bright composition:

  1. Face painting – the most popular type for drawing on children's skin. It is completely harmless, and the drawing created using this product will last for a long time.
  2. Decorative cosmetics - more suitable for applying makeup for adults. Many parents are against having powder or mascara touched their child's face, even if they are specifically designed for drawing on the skin.
  3. Water-based markers - these are used for outlines or sharp lines. The drawing itself is not done using only a marker. The only disadvantage of this product is that it is difficult to wash off, and your little one can spend more than one day with the drawing.
  4. Food coloring - this type is more suitable for home use. In case there are no specialized stores nearby, and the children's party is in full swing, you can combine baby cream, starch and food coloring and delight the children's company.


This is a separate issue that should be given due attention. You can often see how adults, preparing for Halloween, apply images to their faces using paints. But parents should not follow this example. Remember that art paints are only for sheets of paper, and in no case for human skin, and especially not for children's face art. These paints contain harmful substances that cause irritation.


Watercolor, like gouache, is an artistic paint. It contains substances that can adversely affect the health of the child and cause skin irritation. Watercolors should not be used on the skin, face or any other part of the body. Do not use gouache, watercolors and pencils in face art; all these tools are intended only for drawings on paper.

How to draw

If you know how to draw, then there will be no difficulties at all. But if you are an artist only at heart, this is not a reason to give up and leave children's eyes sad. Step-by-step and step-by-step implementation will not be difficult, you only need to remember the sequence. To create face art you will need:

  • paints (face painting, water-based markers);
  • sponges;
  • brushes different sizes;
  • water;
  • napkins.


  1. To begin with, you should moisten the sponge in water and squeeze it out completely, after which you can pick up paint with a damp sponge. The sponge is needed to create tone in the area where the makeup will be applied.
  2. If the face will completely turn into a work of art, draw the tone over the entire surface.
  3. We carry out the same actions with the brush, moisten it in water and pick up paint. When the paint is taken correctly, it should stretch like cream. A brush is convenient for drawing details and painting a picture.
  4. The marker is needed for a distinct facial contour.
  5. You can use napkins to remove makeup imperfections or wipe your hands.

Tips for applying face painting to a child:

  1. If this method of entertainment is unknown to the child, then you need to be careful in application. Not all children enjoy the feeling of paint on their skin. If a child starts to be capricious, you don’t need to apply makeup all over your face, you can smear the red nose with a sponge - you’ve already got a minimalistic clown. Small patterns on the face also look attractive and do not require long-term application. A simple drawing is in no way inferior to a complex one in beauty.
  2. Each child is an individual, and each child should have a special approach. You must listen to his wishes and properly adapt to the demanding client.
  3. Thanks to the use of a sponge, it is possible to cover the face with tone in the most inaccessible places, in the corners of the mouth or eyes. Even if the child winces, thanks to the sponge, all hard-to-reach places will be covered with paint. A light tone will look advantageous, even if the base of the pattern is in the center of the face.
  4. To paint the eyelids, you need to ask the children to close their eyes or look up to draw the lower eyelid.
  5. Be careful when applying designs to your face. Children are little energizers, be careful, avoiding unpleasant accidents like getting a brush in the eye.

What kind of drawings can you make?

There are an incredible amount of makeup ideas and samples. Be sure to calculate your strength, whether you can draw a real tiger, if your maximum is a pirate with a painted eye. Often, the drawings for boys and girls are different, because from childhood, girls are princesses, and boys are superheroes. Follow the rule - bright and short in execution, since children are tired of sitting and waiting.

For girls

Ask cute princesses what they want to see on their faces. Don't forget where you are at the time of face art: maybe it's a themed party or a photo shoot. It is important for girls to create a fabulous and enchanting atmosphere. Princesses, butterflies, fairies, foxes, kittens and cute cats, flowers, mermaids are favorite motifs for girls.

For boys

For boys, choose superheroes, and only then animals or other drawings. Superman, Batman, knight, clown, pirate, tiger, lion, puppy, hare, vampire, car - good drawings for little men. Don't forget that children love to repeat after each other. Even if the kids wanted to paint their faces the same way, you shouldn’t completely deprive them of their individuality: draw the same puppy, but in different colors.

For girls

Girls paint for themed parties, Halloween or New Year's carnival. Big girls are no different from little ones, so princess themes are no less in demand at the age of 25. And also:

  • Festive, creative, floral - all of them are suitable for themed photo shoots or parties.
  • For Halloween - images of sexy pirates or vampires.
  • Catwoman is one of the most spectacular images for adult girls, which will suit any masquerade.

Scary drawings

Children should not make very scary pictures on their faces; it is not in your interests to instill horror at the holiday. In this case, you can draw on your face skeletons, pirates or villains that children know from cartoons, but will not be afraid of. Draculas, vampires, bleeding faces will appeal to adults main holiday evil spirits A cheek with a bone sticking out of it, a head with a bullet hole in the skull, will only provoke the cool and at the same moment scary image.

Animal makeup

Both adults and children love animals. Face art for children with animal faces enjoys in great demand. Every child dreams of being an affectionate kitten or a perky puppy, a green toad princess or a funny teddy bear for at least a few hours. Adults also love to make up their faces in the images of animals, especially if the theme requires it.


Drawings on the face will create a cheerful atmosphere for anyone children's party. In this article we will tell you how and with what you can draw pictures on a child’s face and show you the most interesting photos face painting so you can repeat them at home

Do-it-yourself face painting is very simple. To work with face painting, you need to purchase special water-based paints. Face painting comes in two types - in the form of a dry, compressed powder that looks like watercolor paints and in liquid, already diluted form. In addition, you will need a set of sponges - sponges for applying tone to the model's face and brushes for painting. You can use natural hair brushes for watercolor or gouache in different sizes. You will need both a thin, pointed brush for drawing small elements, and a thick brush with a flat end, you need at least two of them.

What to pay attention to before applying face painting?

  • Only use face paints that are clearly labeled for use on the skin only. Acrylic, oil or nitrate paints are not safe for use on leather.
  • Refuse to draw for those children who have open wounds or sores on the face.
  • Very young children tend to not like the feel of paint on their face, so you can simply smack a smear of red paint onto their little nose and you've got an instant clown face.

The most popular paintings faces for girls- Butterfly, Fairy, Princess, Fantasy, Rabbit, Ladybug, Cat, Flowers, Rainbow, Dog (Puppy).

The most popular face paintings for boys- Red Spider Web, Pirate, Skull, Tiger, Robot, Bat, Clown, Dog (Puppy), Foreigner, Indian.

PHOTO of drawings on the face. Face painting options for children

What could be more fun for a child than drawings on his face? They create a wonderful holiday atmosphere and help the little dreamer fully feel like a naughty kitten or a cute little dragon.

Face paints (children's face painting) are completely harmless to sensitive children's skin and are washed off with ordinary warm water and soap. With the help of face painting, you can not only draw attention to a child’s costume, but also show the character of the character chosen by the child, giving the child the opportunity to completely immerse himself in a fairy-tale world.

Choosing children's face painting

To please your baby, you will first of all need face painting, brushes of various thicknesses, and soft cosmetic sponges. When choosing face paint for children, you should exercise maximum caution, because the makeup will be applied to child's face, whose skin is very delicate and sensitive.

You should make sure that the chosen paints are intended specifically for leather. Otherwise, the child may have a severe allergic reaction, and in the worst case, even poisoning! Face paints should be classified as hypoallergenic and contain only natural or organic ingredients. Chemical components in paints are completely unacceptable. The brand and type of paint must fully comply with certain quality standards.

High-quality face painting is sold in the form of compressed powder,

which in appearance resembles the classic ones. In addition, you can purchase a liquid analogue, sold in small jars. The compressed powder is simply diluted in a small amount of warm water until creamy, and then you can use it to paint on your face.

When choosing brushes, you should give preference to soft bristles. The ideal choice would be a brush made of natural hair. Then, when applying face paint, it will not scratch the child’s face.

You should also be very careful when choosing a sponge. After all, it will be needed in order to paint large areas of skin. The best selection criterion will be a sample. Place the sponge on your baby's face. If no particles remain after it, then it is completely suitable.

We are developing the design of future makeup

How to decorate your face with paints? If this process is new to you, then first of all it’s worth developing several options for different children’s images. Your imagination will help you with this. You can come up with many images, from a funny dog ​​to magical superheroes.

Paint for face painting: do it yourself

If suddenly the local store simply doesn’t know what paints they use on their faces, then

this problem is completely solvable. To please your child, any mother can do these magic colors on one's own.

For this we need:

  • starch;
  • moisturizer (ideally for children's skin);
  • regular food coloring.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • put 3 tablespoons of starch, a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of cream into a deep bowl, and then mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • prepare a concentrated solution of food coloring;
  • adding a few drops of dye to the prepared mixture, achieve the desired shade of paint.

That's it, you can call your tiger cub or kitten and start transforming to the end!

Makeup technique

What will be drawn on the child’s face depends entirely on his imagination and artistic abilities his parents. But, regardless of who the model for body art will be (a boy or a girl), all drawings have the same basis and a certain technique of execution. Let's take a closer look at each stage of applying makeup.

1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials in advance:

Multi-colored face paints;

Brushes with which you will paint;

A set of cosmetic sponges or ordinary soft sponges (the main thing is that they do not leave any particles on the child’s face) for applying the basic tone to the baby’s face.

2. Conduct an allergy test: apply a small amount of paint to the child’s skin and wait a little. True, sometimes the reaction does not appear too quickly, but within the next hour.

3. Remove all hair completely from the child's face, securing it with a hair band. Change your little model's clothes, and put on clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. But even if you get dirty, don’t worry too much, because children’s face painting is a special completely water-based face paint that can be washed off quite easily.

4. The first step in doing makeup is to apply the base tone. He

should be evenly distributed on the face and have a smooth surface. To achieve this effect, wet the sponge with water, then dip it in the paint and begin applying it to your face in short movements. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, otherwise cracks may appear on the surface after it dries. The areas around the eyes, lips and nose should be treated especially carefully. Let the applied paint dry slightly.

5. Next, we begin to draw the contours and small parts. It is best to have in front of your eyes the picture that you have chosen as a sample, especially if you are not a professional artist. The paint should be applied to the brush. It should have a creamy structure, that is, it should not spread or drip from the end of the brush.

6. Face painting is applied to the face strictly at right angles with thin lines or strokes.

The most favorite characters for makeup

The most popular patterns among children are the faces of animals or insects, patterns of flowers and the faces of popular superheroes: Batman, Spider-Man, Superman and others. Girls prefer to transform into fairies, butterflies, ladybugs and dragonflies. They love to decorate their faces with floral patterns.

Of course, you should give preference to kind fairy tale or home characters, otherwise children may scare each other during the game.

Features of working with a child

A small child is a very difficult model to work with. This fidget is unlikely to be able to sit still for a long time, so get ready to work very quickly. Get your baby into a working mood in advance, otherwise laughter caused by a brush tickling his face can ruin all your efforts. You can play him a cartoon or an audio fairy tale. This will help the child cope with forced calm more easily. But the result will simply delight him and give him a lot of unforgettable impressions.

How to remove makeup?

Water-based face painting is very easily washed off with regular warm water and If the face paint is based on cream or oil, then you will need a little more effort and additional special means. If additional glitter was used, you must first remove it. And only then can you remove the base paint.

Where to buy face paints?

Any children's toy store will offer you a huge selection. various types face painting, but if for some reason it is not possible to purchase this product in your city, then you can place an order in any online store.

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