Drawings of different fish. How to draw a fish with a pencil step by step

Explaining to children how to draw a fish is not at all difficult, because these inhabitants of the sea, rivers and other bodies of water have a relatively simple structure. Thanks to the help of adults, kids will successfully cope with this without too much effort. difficult task. Moreover, they will probably be very interested in coloring the finished drawing with bright colored pencils.

It is best to explain and show the children how to draw a fish step by step, because this way it will be much easier for them to understand and learn the lesson. First you need to prepare everything you need:
1. Eraser;
2. Sheet of paper;
3. Colored pencils;
4. Black tint handle. Gel is best;
5. Mechanical pencil.

Having everything you need, you can start working on the drawing:
1). First outline the outline of the fish;
2). Draw a small round eye and an equally small mouth;
3). Draw in the fins;
4). Draw a small tail;
5). Draw the veins on the tail, as well as on all the fins of the fish;
6). The clown fish, which this lesson is dedicated to, has an original color. Therefore, you need to note where the stripes are located;
7). If you wanted to understand how to draw a fish with a pencil, then at this stage you can finish the work. But it’s still better to continue, because a color drawing looks much more impressive. Trace the sketch with a pen;
8). Erase the original sketch with an eraser;
9). Start coloring the fish. First, shade her body (except for the stripes) with an orange pencil. Color the upper part additionally with yellow, and darken the lower part with brown and red-brown. Color the fish's eye blue;
10). Color the fins and tail orange and brown pencils, and the stripes on their edges are gray and black;
eleven). Use a gray pencil to darken the bottom of the white stripes;
12). Pencils blue shades shade the background.
The clown fish drawing is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step, and then color this image with colored pencils.

Complexity:(3 out of 5).

Age: from three years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolors, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through or consolidate knowledge about color (yellow, red, black), shape (oval, circle).

Progress: the child draws a large oval (torso), colors it, separates the head, draws an eye (small circle), lips, draws scales, and adds a tail and fins to the body.

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Take yellow wax crayon and draw an oval. If the baby is not yet confident in himself, draw an oval with a simple pencil until it works. All sketches in pencil are made with a light movement, without pressing hard. The pencil line should be thin so that in case of failure it can be erased with an eraser without leaving a trace.

As soon as we have an oval, we carefully paint it with the same chalk. We separate the head from the body with an arc, which will be in place of the gills of our fish. You can make the gills and scales a different color. We draw each scale separately, striving for the same rounded shapes. You will have to work hard with the scales. The child will need to be patient.

When everything is ready, draw an eye with black chalk. In red we draw the lips (like a rotated heart), fins and tail.

When the fish is completely drawn, prepare watercolors. In this work we can use our imagination and add different colors when we draw water. For this we will choose cyan, blue, violet, green. We spread them in the palette big amount water, each color has its own depression. We take a large brush, dip it into the cell with the selected color, so that the bristle of the brush is well saturated, and paint the sheet with horizontal lines, moving from left to right. Place each subsequent line next to the previous one. Apply them quickly and easily so that the paint does not have time to absorb and dry. Watch how the water paint flows, creating beautiful patterns.

Drawing a fish with watercolor pencils step by step for children

Master class “Iris fish” step-by-step drawing with watercolor pencils.

Author: Tatyana Evgenievna Sopina - Technology teacher, Moscow Chemical Culture Centre, head of the fine arts group.
MBOU Kerch Republic of Crimea “School No. 26”

Master class for children from 10 years old, teachers, parents
Course for beginners
Target: familiarization with the graphic capabilities of watercolor pencils when creating an image of a fish.
- introduce the visual possibilities of watercolor pencils;
- study the proportions of the fish’s structure, train the eye;
- teach how to draw a fish using lines and spots;
- repeat the order of colors in the rainbow;
- develop creative imagination;
- cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, patience, accuracy

Step by Step Process of Drawing a Fish

Materials: album sheet watercolor paper, simple pencil, watercolor pencils, brush, water.

Stages of work:
1. Place the sheet horizontally. In the center we draw the body - draw a horizontal line, divide the resulting segment into 4 equal parts. We mark the location of the head - 1 part, 2 parts - the body, 1 part - the tail.

2. Next, use lines to mark the head, body, and tail. We mark the upper and lower fin along the continuation of the head line.

3. Draw the outline of the fins. We outline the eye just above the center line in the middle of the head - an oval.
For scales. We outline 5 lines vertically, and closer to the tail of the division we reduce them.

4. Draw 7 lines horizontally.

We give a finished look to the scales on the body, rounding each rectangle. Erase the vertical construction lines.

5. Draw the eyes and mouth on the head. And at the bottom we draw the second fin.
6. Draw the eye in blue, the mouth in red, and the head in orange.
Scales. We draw the colors of the rainbow sequentially from red to purple color horizontal strokes in the middle thickness of the pencil.

7. Fins and tail. We stretch the fin, repeating its shape from red to orange color. The tail is the same.

8. Blur clean water, neatly put a rainbow on the fish's body, head and fins.

Colors become richer and brighter.
9. When it dries, we modify the scales. We perform tonal stretching on each scale. From the line of the dividing scale we thicken the tone.

10. Shade the background with purple, blue, green, yellow vertical strokes.

Today I will tell you how to draw a fish with a pencil step by step. A huge variety is found in the world's oceans: both fresh and sea water. And which ones are not among them. In the world, according to various sources, from 25,000 to 31,000 species of fish are known: from the smallest, 7.9 mm in size, to the huge, 13.7 m long. Fish lovers keep them at home in an aquarium and can enjoy the beauty, diversity, and watch aquatic life.

So, let's begin.

How to draw a fish with a pencil step by step

Step one. On the left of the sheet we will outline the pointed muzzle of the fish and draw a smooth line from it up and then down, depicting the back. Step two. First, take a hard pencil and draw with a thin line. Let's look at how the mouth looks in our drawing and try to draw it the same way. In this case, the line of the mouth passes into the gills. Step three. From the gills we draw the line of the abdomen: first a little down, then up. To get a line almost symmetrical to the top, that is, the back. Step 5. Let's draw two large fins: lower and upper. We continue to draw everything with a thin line. Step five. Let's show the forked tail and two lower small fins of our fish. Step six. On the head we will place a large fish eye, consisting of two circles. Let's make the fish's gills more rounded. That's all, now we know. Our fish is ready. If some lines do not work out, then they need to be erased. The resulting drawing can be given color using colored pencils. Good luck with your creativity! Write comments below about this lesson and watch more.

They come in big and small, green and red, dangerous and not so dangerous. They swim in almost all bodies of water on our planet, in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Yes, today we will figure out how to draw a fish.

Realistic example

Let's start with complex example, at the end of which you will understand how to draw a fish step by step in 7 steps. This is not an easy way to draw and if you want something simpler, you can just scroll down the page. Below we will discuss more simple ways drawing.

First we need to make a sketch like the picture below. It should be as symmetrical as possible.

WITH right side draw on the tail. Its lower part may be slightly longer than the upper.

Now take the eraser and erase all the extra lines. Also, at the tip we will draw a mouth with a short strip, and a little higher we will add an eye.

Let's draw the fins. Please note that the right sides of all three fins should be sharp.

We have come to the most difficult part, the application of light and shade and drawing of the scales. If you want, you can simply paint the resulting fish in some colors, and for those who want to achieve maximum realism, read on.

Draw a gradient throughout the body. You need to press the pencil very hard from above, and the lower you go, the weaker it is. This way you will get the effect like in the picture below.

To draw scales, you need to cover the body with cross lines and the fins with regular lines.

On last stage To make it even more realistic, you can add blue.

Pencil drawing method

In this example we will be working on a small but very beautiful fish. So, get your eraser and paper ready, because now we will learn how to draw a fish with a pencil.

First of all, we make a sketch that will depict the contours of our sea creature.

Now let's work on the head. Draw the eyes, gills and mouth. All this is depicted quite simply, the main thing is to place the eye and gills in the right places.

Detailing the fins. In place of the simplest contours that we already drew with a pencil in the first step, we draw graceful lines of the fins. We shade them inside with stripes.

We erase all the contour lines; we won’t need them anymore.

It's time to color. You can take an orange marker and color everything at once, or you can go by difficult path. Below you will see the result professional artist. You can find out how he achieved this result after watching the video.

gold fish

We've come to enough simple examples which are suitable for both adults and children. In this example we will figure out how to draw goldfish, the heroine of a fairy tale in which she granted wishes.

First, we draw the base, which should already have a mouth and an eye.

We add a comb on top and two small fins on the bottom. The scales can be drawn with three vertical wavy lines.

Now we add a long tail, which first goes up and then smoothly descends to the very bottom. This distinctive feature goldfish.

If you want, you can add bubbles and long seaweed to the design.

Take a black marker or felt-tip pen and trace our sketch. Lines drawn with a pencil need to be erased with an eraser.

Now we take any drawing supplies, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to choose gold or yellow and color the fish.

Fish for children

This is a simple drawing example that will help children draw a fish. She is very kind, beautiful and cheerful, so any child and adult will surely like her.

Our fish will be ready in just 4 steps. In this step we will draw its base: body, head and tail.

We draw three fins and a ridge. Since our fish swims to the left, the fins should bend slightly to the right.

Let us depict the scales throughout the body in the form of smooth, rounded lines.

We take the brightest markers and color it. Also, if you want, you can paint on the algae and water.

Beautiful drawing in 5 steps

A fish has a fairly simple body structure, so in just 5 steps you can learn how to draw a fish. Get your colored markers ready, let's get started!

As usual, the first step is to draw a sketch. IN in this case We have a standard fish set: body, fins, tail.

Based on the contours of our sketch we need to draw a large mouth and big eye. The drawing will be done in a cartoon style, which is why some parts will need to be larger than usual.

We use strokes to detail the limbs of our fish.

We've come to enough interesting moment, to coloring. To achieve the effect of cartoon three-dimensionality, we will need two shades of orange: the first is darker, the second is lighter. These can be shades not only of orange, but in general of any color that you find on your table.

We paint our character with a dark color, as in the example below.

Now paint the rest of the part with a lighter color. This way we can achieve a cartoon effect.

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