Roman what to do with the image of Rakhmetov. Rakhmetov is a special person

Rakhmetov is the hero of the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

Central to the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” is the image of Rakhmetov - a “special person”, “a superior nature”. In his image merged best features advanced people of the Chernyshevsky era.

An aristocrat by birth, he becomes a democrat in his outlook on life and way of behavior. Rakhmetov is a professional revolutionary, revolutionary leader. This is a “knight without fear and reproach,” a man as if forged from pure steel. There are few people like him. “I have met,” notes Chernyshevsky, “so far only eight examples of this breed (including two women)...”

Rakhmetov did not immediately become a “special person.” He came to St. Petersburg as an ordinary decent young man. A rapprochement with Kirsanov, who introduced Rakhmetov to the teachings of the utopian socialists and the philosophy of Feuerbach, was the impetus for his transformation into a “special person.” “He listened greedily to Kirsanov on the first evening, cried, interrupted his words with exclamations of curses for what should perish, blessings for what should live.” Gifted with extraordinary abilities, Rakhmetov, having studied the theory of socialism, soon moves on to revolutionary actions, becomes a revolutionary, a man of a “special breed.” “He is more important than all of us here, taken together,” Kirsanov says about him. Rakhmetov expands his knowledge with amazing speed. At twenty-two years old, “he was already a man of very remarkably thorough learning.” Rakhmetov reads only “original” works, which, in his opinion, “there are very few major works on each subject; in all the rest it only repeats, dilutes, spoils what is contained much more fully and clearly in these few works. You need to read only them; any other reading is just a waste of time.” Realizing that the strength of a leader lies in his closeness to the people, Rakhmetov closely studies the life of the working people. He traveled all over Russia on foot, was a woodcutter, sawyer, stonecutter, and pulled the strap together with barge haulers. For common man he is his dear person. No wonder the barge haulers nicknamed him Nikitushka Lomov in memory of the legendary Volga hero-barge hauler.

Rakhmetov, preparing himself for revolutionary activity, knows that he will have to endure hardships, torment, and perhaps torture from the tsarist jailers. And he strengthens his will and body in advance, accustoms himself to endure physical suffering, and renounces all luxury. Rakhmetov is distinguished by his rare ability to work. “He managed to do things terribly with me, because in the disposal of time he placed upon himself exactly the same curbing of whims as in material things. He didn’t waste an hour a month on Thursdays for entertainment; he didn’t need rest.” His activities are varied, and changing them is a rest for Rakhmetov. Chernyshevsky, for obvious reasons, could not speak openly about Rakhmetov’s secret revolutionary work. He only dully mentions that Rakhmetov “had an abyss of things to do, and all the things that didn’t concern him personally; He had no personal affairs, everyone knew that... He was at home little, he kept walking and driving around, walking more. But he... had people... often he was not at home for several days. Then, instead of him, one of his friends sat with him and received visitors, devoted to him in soul and body and silent as the grave.” Rakhmetov, knowing that the revolution needs devotees and knowledgeable people, takes care of the training of revolutionary personnel: his fellows study at several universities, preparing for underground activities. Rakhmetov seems to be a stern and gloomy person. He himself says: “You see sad things, how can you not be a gloomy monster.” But his severity is only external; behind it lies a tender and loving nature. “For all his phenomenal rudeness, he was, in essence, very delicate,” notes Chernyshevsky. “What a gentle and kind person he is,” Vera Pavlovna thinks about him. In order to help the oppressed, Rakhmetov refuses personal happiness in the name of revolutionary work. “I must suppress love in myself,” he says to the woman he loves, “love for you would tie my hands, they will not be untied soon, they are already tied. But I'll untie it. I shouldn’t love... people like me don’t have the right to connect someone else’s fate with theirs.”

Rakhmetov fights for the happiness of the people, and this struggle becomes the work of his whole life. The path that Rakhmetov follows is not easy, but it is rich in happiness and joy. The importance of the Rakhmetovs for life is enormous. “They are few, but with them the life of all flourishes; without them it would stall, it would turn sour, there are few of them, but they give all people to breathe, without them people would suffocate. There are a great number of honest and good people, and there are few such people; but they are in it... a bouquet in noble wine; from them its strength and aroma; this is the color the best people, these are the engines of the engines, they are the salt of the earth.” For many generations of revolutionary fighters, the image of Rakhmetov was an example of behavior and imitation, a source of inspiration, from whom they drew strength and courage.

Roman by N. G. Chernyshevsky"What to do?" It was written in the Peter and Paul Fortress. It was started on December 14, 1862 and completed on April 4, 1863. It was written during the era of the rise of the revolutionary movement in Russia. The hero of the novel, Rakhmetov, is a revolutionary. He is a nobleman by birth. His father was a rich man. But the free life did not keep Rakhmetov on his father’s estate. He left the province and entered the Faculty of Science in St. Petersburg. Rakhmetov easily became close in the capital with progressive thinking people. I met Kirsanov, from whom I learned a lot of new and advanced things in political relations. I started reading a lot. Six months later, he stopped reading books and said: “Now reading has become a secondary matter for me. I am ready for life on this side.” He began to give orders to himself and to carry out these orders exactly on time. Next, Rakhmetov began to harden his body. He took on the hardest work. He was even a little boy. He did all this in preparation for great revolutionary deeds. Rakhmetov moved along the path he had chosen once and for all.

He only ate what ordinary people ate, although they had the opportunity to eat better. He explained it simply: “This is necessary - it gives respect and love ordinary people. This is useful, it may come in handy. Rakhmetov refused to marry a rich young widow. He explained it this way: “... I must suppress love in myself: love for you would tie my hands, they will not be resolved soon for me - they are already tied. Chernyshevsky, in the image of Rakhmetov, portrayed a revolutionary leader, a special person. The author wrote about such people: “... These are the colors of the best people, these are the engines of engines, these are the salt of the earth.” Rakhmetov is a knight without fear or reproach, a man who seems to be forged from steel. He expands his circle of knowledge with amazing speed and carefully studies life.

How actor Rakhmetov appears in the chapter "Special Person". In other chapters his name is only mentioned. But one feels that this image is Central, Rakhmetov - main character novel "What to do?" Chapter " Special person"forms, as it were, a small independent story in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it. When talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the time frame and does not provide a consistent description and biography. He uses hints and innuendo, interweaving what was “known” about him with what was “found out” later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the sacristan Chernyshevsky make the main character of a socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility are giving up their privileges, it means that a crisis is ripe. Rakhmetov's rebirth began in his early youth. His family was obviously a serf family. This is indicated by the terse phrase: “Yes, and he saw that it was in the village.” Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice. “Thoughts began to wander through him, and Kirsanov was to him what Lopukhov was to Vera Pavlovna. On the very first evening, he “listened greedily” to Kirsanov, “interrupted his words with shouts and curses of what should perish, blessings of what should live.” Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only by his aristocratic pedigree, but also by the fact that he has exceptional strength of character, which is manifested in the constant hardening of body and spirit, but especially by his tenacity in preparing for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word. For Rakhmetov, the dream of a revolution is a guide to action, a guideline for his entire personal life.

The desire for rapprochement with ordinary people is clearly manifested in Rakhmet. This is evident from his travels around Russia, physical labor, and severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Mikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who spoke condescendingly to the “thick-bearded” men, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. He believes that the people are worthy of respect and are trying to experience at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasants' shoulders. Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetova as a “very liquid” person, “a special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new social group, albeit a small one. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe demands on himself and others, even with a gloomy appearance.

Vera Pavlovna first finds him “very boring. “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt time and some cowardice in front of him ... except for Masha and her equals or those who surpassed her in the simplicity of their souls and dresses. But Vera Pavlovna, who got to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: “... What a gentle and kind person he is.” Rakhmetov - rigorists, that is, a person who never deviates from anything accepted rules behavior. He prepares himself for the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. Having slept the night on nails, he explains his action, smiling broadly and joyfully: “Test. Need to. It’s implausible, of course, but it’s necessary just in case. I see I can." This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question “What to do?” Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph. The figure of this rigorist influenced subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people; their “favorite was especially Rakhmetov. I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like this hero.

poured on Rakhmetov. I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like this hero.


From stories about new people

(Novel, 1863)

Rakhmetov- one of the main characters. The chapter “A Special Person” is dedicated to him. From noble family, known since the 13th century. Among his ancestors are boyars, okolnichy, general-in-chief, etc. His father, at the age of forty, retired as a lieutenant general and settled on one of his estates; he was of a despotic character, intelligent, educated and ultra-conservative. The mother suffered from the difficult character of the father. The author mentions the hero’s rather significant income (three thousand a year, despite the fact that he spends only four hundred on himself) to emphasize his unpretentiousness and asceticism.

At the time of the novel's action he is 22 years old. He has been a student since the age of 16, studied at the Faculty of Science, but left the university for almost 3 years, took care of his estate, wandered around Russia - both by land and by water, had many adventures that he arranged for himself, took several people to Kazan and Moscow universities , making them their fellows. Returning to St. Petersburg, he entered the philological department. Friends call R. “rigorist” and Nikitushka Lomov (after the famous barge hauler) - for the outstanding physical strength that he developed in himself through exercise. After several months of studying at the university, R. made acquaintance with particularly smart heads like Kirsanov and Lopukhov, and began to read books according to their instructions.

“Some time before he left the university and went to his estate, then to wander around Russia, he had already accepted original principles in material, moral, and mental life, and when he returned, they had already developed into a complete system, which he adhered to unswervingly. “I don’t drink a drop of wine. I don't touch a woman." And the nature was ebullient. “Why is this? Such an extreme is not necessary at all.” - “That’s necessary. We demand complete enjoyment of life for people - we must testify with our lives that we demand this not to satisfy our personal passions, not for ourselves personally, but for man in general, that we speak only on principle, and not on bias, on conviction, and not out of personal need.”

Therefore, R. leads the most severe, Spartan lifestyle, eating only beef to maintain physical strength, citing the fact that he should eat only what is available to the common people. Constantly tests willpower (the textbook episode of lying on nails). His only weakness is cigars. He manages to do an enormous amount because he has made it a rule to restrain himself and to manage his time, without wasting it either on reading unimportant books or on unimportant matters.

R. lives in general, not personal, is constantly in trouble, and is not at home much. There is a well-known episode of his love for a certain lady whom he saved by stopping a charabanc with a runaway horse. R. deliberately refuses love because it ties his hands. And in response to the author’s ridicule, he says: “Yes, feel sorry for me, you’re right, feel sorry: after all, I, too, am not an abstract idea, but a person who would like to live.” R. probably participates in the “disappearance” of Lopukhov, acts as his confidant, passing on his letter to Vera Pavlovna. During a visit to her, he explains to her in detail his view of her situation, reprimands her for transferring the workshop to other hands, and he speaks about the guilt of Lopukhov, who, in his words, “did not prevent this melodrama.”

The image of R. bears the stamp of mystery, which is encrypted revolutionary activity the hero is the “hidden” plot of the novel. It also marks his chosenness. Despite the fact that the hero takes part in the novel’s conflict, his plot function is different - to represent the type of special, “ideal” person with whom all other characters are compared in one way or another. It is known that two years after the events described in the novel, he leaves St. Petersburg, believing that he has already done everything he could here, sells his estate, distributes part of the money to his fellows so that they can complete the course, then his traces are lost. The author calls people like R. “salt of salt”

Here genuine person, which Russia especially needs now, take his example and, whoever is able and able, follow his path, for this is the only path for you that can lead to the desired goal.

N.G. Chernyshevsky.

Rakhmetov appears as a character in the chapter “A Special Person.” In other chapters his name is only mentioned. But it is felt that the image is placed in the center of the reader’s attention, that Rakhmetov is the main character of the novel “What is to be done?” The chapter “A Special Person” forms, as it were, a small independent story in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it.

When talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the temporal order of facts, and does not give a definitely consistent description and biography. He uses hints and innuendo, interweaving what was “known” about him with what was “found out” later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the commoner Chernyshevsky make the main character of a socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility renounce their privileges to live at the expense of the people, it means that a crisis is ripe.

Rakhmetov's rebirth began in his early youth. His family was obviously a serf family. This is indicated by the terse phrase: “Yes, and he saw that it was in the village.” Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice.

“Thoughts began to wander in him, and Kirsanov was for him what Lopukhov was for Vera Pavlovna.” On the very first evening, he “listened greedily” to Kirsanov, “interrupted his words with exclamations and curses on what should perish, blessings on what should live.”

Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only in his aristocratic pedigree, but also in his exceptional strength of character, which is manifested in the constant hardening of body and spirit, but especially in his absorption in the matter of preparing for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word.

For Rakhmetov, the dream of revolution is a guide to action, a guideline for his entire personal life.

The desire for rapprochement with ordinary people is clearly manifested in Rakhmetov. This is evident from his travels around Russia, physical labor, and severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who spoke condescendingly to the “thick-bearded” men, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. For him, people are worthy of respect. He is trying to experience at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasant’s shoulders.

Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetov as a person of a “very rare”, “special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new social group, albeit a small one. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe demands on himself and others and even a gloomy appearance.

Vera Pavlovna at first finds him “very boring.” “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt at times a certain cowardice in front of him... except for Masha and those who were equal to her or superior to her in the simplicity of their soul and dress.”

But Vera Pavlovna, having gotten to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: “...what a gentle and kind person he is.”

Rakhmetovrigorist, that is, a person who never deviates from the accepted rules of behavior in anything. He prepares himself for the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. Having slept the night on nails, he explains his action, smiling broadly and joyfully: “A test. It’s necessary. Implausible, of course: however, it’s necessary just in case. I see, I can.” This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question: “What to do?” Nikolai Gavrilovich answers with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph. The figure of this rigorist had a huge influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that “Rakhmetov, in particular, was their favorite.”

I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like Rakhmetov.


“The Rakhmetovs are a different breed,” says Vera Pavlovna, “they merge with the common cause so that it is now a necessity for them, filling their lives; for them it even replaces their personal life.”

Novel by N. G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” - a novel about new people, about their new life. This is an advanced, progressive-minded intelligentsia from commoners. These are people of action, and not of abstract dreams, they strive to win happiness for the people in the fight against the existing unjust social foundations. They love work, are ardently devoted to science, their moral ideals high. These people build their relationships on mutual trust and respect. They do not hesitate in the struggle, they do not give in to difficulties. The heroes of the novel fight for the ideal of a bright future, for better life. Among them, the figure of a special person, Rakhmetov, stands out. Probably, wanting to more convincingly prove to his readers that Lopukhov, Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna are really ordinary people, Chernyshevsky brings to the stage the titanic hero Rakhmetov, whom he himself recognizes as extraordinary and calls him a special person. Rakhmetov does not participate in the action of the novel. There are very few people like him: neither science nor family happiness satisfies them; they love all people, suffer from any injustice that occurs, experience great grief in their own souls - the miserable existence of millions of people and devote themselves to healing this illness with all their fervor.

Rakhmetov became in the novel a true example of a comprehensively developed person who broke with his class and found in life common people, in the struggle for his happiness, his ideal, his goal. Critics wrote: "Even in the early student years the rigorism of a special person was formed, that is, habits were developed for stern, unyielding adherence to original principles in material, moral, and mental life." The path of an ordinary, good, kind and honest young man - student began with reading books, with the development of a new view for a living. He went through a school of political education with the common student Kirsanov. Rakhmetov took books for reading recommended by Kirsanov in bookstores. After immersing himself in such reading, he became stronger in the idea of ​​​​the need for the fastest possible improvement of material and moral life the most numerous and poorest class.

Rakhmetov studies and does something in his homeland, and not abroad. He learns from Russian people engaged in everyday work. He needs, first of all, to know how financially constrained their lives are compared to his. own life. From the age of seventeen he became familiar with the harsh lifestyle of the common people. Initially, he became a laborer for several hours a day: he carried water, carried firewood, dug the earth, and forged iron. Rakhmetov finally gained the respect and love of ordinary people during his three-year wanderings around Russia, after he passed the entire Volga as a barge hauler. His comrades affectionately dubbed him Nikitushka Lomov.

Rakhmetov, through his harsh lifestyle, cultivated the physical endurance and spiritual fortitude necessary for future trials. Confidence in the correctness of his political ideals, the joy of fighting for the happiness of the people strengthened the spirit and strength of a fighter in him. Rakhmetov understood that the struggle for a new world would be life and death, and therefore he prepared himself for it in advance. I don't think it's required great effort and special imagination to understand general character Rakhmetov’s activities, he was constantly involved in other people’s affairs, he simply had no personal affairs, everyone knew that. Rakhmetov is involved in the affairs of other people, he seriously works for society. Rakhmetov generally had many distinctive features. For example, outside his circle, he only met people who had influence on others and had authority. And it was difficult to dismiss Rakhmetov if he decided to meet someone for the sake of business. And with unnecessary people he behaved simply boorishly.

He performed unimaginable experiments on his body and scared to death his landlady, Agrafena Antonovna, who was renting out a room to him. He did not recognize love, suppressed this feeling in himself, did not want to allow love to tie him hand and foot. Rakhmetov abandoned love in the name of a great cause.

Yes, funny people, even funny ones... There are few of them, but with them the life of everyone around them blossoms; without them it would have stalled, gone sour; There are few of them, but they give all people the opportunity to breathe, without them people would suffocate.

There are a great number of honest and kind people, but such obsessed people are few; but they are in it - tea for tea, a bouquet in noble wine; from them its strength and aroma; this is the color of the best people, these are the engines of engines, this is the salt of the earth.

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