The oldest concerts of Andrei Makarevich. Tickets for Andrei Makarevich. Bluebird Stew

Andrei Makarevich's concerts are an opportunity to meet a legendary figure in the world of Russian music and appreciate his new discoveries. Talented singer, poet and composer has not ceased to delight the public for many years now own discoveries. Everyone has long understood that you can expect anything from a musician. We will soon find out for ourselves what he has prepared for us this time. There are not so many such interesting, versatile and infinitely talented personalities in the domestic space.

Andrey co school age wrote poetry and was interested in music, at the age of 12 he began playing the guitar, and at 14 he founded the first group that performed cover versions of hits. A year later, the musician creates the legendary “Time Machine”, a group that brought him wild popularity and with which his name is still associated. In parallel with performances as part of a group, the musician often goes on stage with solo concerts. With the beginning of the new century, Andrei opened up to the audience from a new side. He became interested in such trends as jazz, swing, blues, bossa nova and chanson. He even collected new project“Creole Tango Orchestra” to realize all your plans and ideas in these directions. Hurry up to book tickets for Andrei Makarevich’s concert to find out what the musician is passionate about this time and hear his latest achievements.

IN Lately the performer appears more and more often on jazz venues, discovering new talents and delighting listeners with amazing discoveries. Many years have passed since the musician's first appearance on big stage, he managed to achieve great success and universal recognition. Today, as before, he is full of creative energy and strength to move forward and make musical discoveries. Each of his performances is a powerful charge of energy.

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Moreover, in the next two months the musician is going on tour to Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, New York, Washington and other cities of Ukraine and the USA

Photo: RIA Novosti

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Residents of five Russian cities found out a couple of days ago.

Sales of tickets for the concert have been stopped, Komsomolskaya Pravda was told at the Oblaka club in Krasnoyarsk, where Makarevich’s performance was scheduled for November 2. - The concert itself will either be moved to another venue or will be cancelled.

There will be no performance by Makarevich, the Novosibirsk club Izyum told KP. - The reason is a discrepancy with the technical rider - the artist included additional equipment there, and our restaurant does not have enough space to accommodate it.

In Tomsk the situation is similar. Instead of the leader of the Time Machine, someone else will perform at the Teatrum club.

The concert was canceled by the organizer, who brings the artist to us for a performance,” they explained to “KP” at the Kazan bar “Maximilians”. - They don’t tell us the reasons.

The same thing happens in another restaurant of this chain in Saratov:

The sale of tickets for the concert on November 26 has been stopped, now we are returning the money for them, say the employees of the establishment.

However, the singer’s representatives learned about the mass cancellation of performances from Komsomolskaya Pravda:

“I don’t know anything about this, no one told me anything,” says Anton Chernin, the musician’s press secretary. - When the concert director tells me to film the concert, I will film it. I haven't been told anything yet. And then, two months is so long that anything can happen. If such information becomes official, I will send out a press release.

Meanwhile, Andrei Vadimovich is again going to go to Ukraine. According to the poster on his official website, he has four concerts planned in Nezalezhnaya for the same November. “With the program “L.O.V.E. - SONGS ABOUT LOVE” Makarevich will go to Kyiv on November 9, the next day he will move to Dnepropetrovsk, on the 12th he will perform in Odessa, and on the 13th in Kharkov. There is also a clarification: “You understand, anything can happen. But we will try our best!”

In addition, October will be even more busy for the artist - he will give 8 concerts in the USA. Andrey Makarevich will sing in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington. And the North American tour will end in Toronto.

Meanwhile, on the official website of “Time Machine” Russian poster We didn't find any performances.


Andrei Makarevich spoke in Svyatogorsk captured by the Kyiv junta

Russian musician Andrei Makarevich went on tour to Donbass. The singer has already visited Slavyansk, destroyed by the junta, and sang three songs for the residents of Svyatogorsk

Joseph Kobzon to Andrey Makarevich: “You just have to sing in front of Kolomoisky...”

Joseph Kobzon called our editorial office and asked to publish his point of view on Makarevich’s action...

I believe that Andrey’s action is not an action

Andrei Makarevich told KP why he went to Slavyansk

I didn't choose the territory. I went where I was called. I was called to help refugee children. I responded to this matter

Evgeny Fedorov: A person who takes an anti-Russian position cannot have awards

State Duma deputy from " United Russia"Evgeny Fedorov said that he proposed to deprive cultural figures and laureates state awards, if they take a strong, serious anti-Russian position

Joseph Kobzon, People's Artist of the USSR, State Duma deputy: I am against depriving Makarevich of titles and awards. And ready to go to Donbass

People's Artist of the USSR, State Duma deputy commented to "KP" on the initiative of State Duma deputies to deprive Makarevich of all titles for his concert in Ukraine.

You know, I have already publicly condemned Andrei Makarevich’s act. But does this mean that we should cross out 45 years of it? creative activity in one fell swoop?

Andrey Makarevich - “ Komsomolskaya Pravda": "Give away your rewards? Fuck it..."

The rock musician commented on the threats of State Duma deputies and Joseph Kobzon’s proposal to go to Donbass together.

Well, yes, at first Joseph Davydovich criticized me (here Andrei used another word, but we won’t print it. - A.G.), and then defended me

Joseph Kobzon - Komsomolskaya Pravda: Andrei Makarevich is ready to go with me to Donbass

Joseph Kobzon called Komsomolskaya Pravda and reported the following:

As I learned, regarding the proposal that I expressed to Komsomolskaya Pravda the day before - regarding a speech to the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk in connection with Miner's Day... Andrei Makarevich joined my initiative and I think that many others will join

Eduard Limonov about the altercation with Makarevich: “He publicly showed his baseness”

Writer Eduard Limonov does not consider it necessary to respond to an intimate proposal that Andrei Makarevich recently made. He stated this on the radio station KP

Andrei Makarevich: I gave that politician so much credit because I’m tired of wiping myself off after being rude

I am ready to accept any point of view, but I don’t like rudeness. I have certain boundaries, the crossing of which I do not forgive. I may have responded somewhat harshly, but I simply ran out of patience. How else to deal with boors?

Andrei Makarevich asked Vladimir Putin to protect him from bullying

The leader of the group “Time Machine”, musician Andrei Makarevich wrote open letter Russian President Vladimir Putin. The singer asked the head of state to stop the “sabbath that is defaming his name.” The text of the letter was conveyed to Komsomolskaya Pravda by Andrei Makarevich’s press secretary Anton Chernin. We publish it in full

“Makarevich is not a dissident, but a member of the seventies. Therefore, you need to get behind him."

Writer Zakhar Prilepin commented to KP on the situation surrounding the musician’s scandalous letter:

So, Andrei Makarevich is one of the moderate liberal intelligentsia who replaced the sixties. He is so classic, and not just classic, but central, probably, a seventies, one of the idols of the intelligentsia, who for more than 40 years creative work has not lost its position

Evgeny Grishkovets: I don’t agree with Mikhalkov and I don’t agree with Makarevich, with what he says and does

I don’t agree with Echo of Moscow and the Dozhd channel, I don’t agree with Channel One, NTV and Russia 24. I don’t agree with the BBC and CNN. I don't agree with Putin, I don't agree with Obama and Merkel. I do not agree with the choice of the Ukrainian people. I don’t agree with their choice of the European path, and I don’t agree with who they chose as president. I don't agree with what people are rallying around now. Russian society. I do not agree with the war, which has no end in sight

Joseph Kobzon on the Makarevich scandal: An artist must serve his people

People in the public profession - especially poets and performers - must express their point of view in their work so that it is clear whose interests they protect and what decisions they welcome. Makarevich expressed his opinion and gave a concert in Svyatogorsk. This is his point of view. This is his right, on the one hand, and on the other hand, this right is democracy, bordering on the fact that he is betraying the interests of his country

Mikhalkov “smeared” Sobchak for “oysters”, and Makarevich for “songs for children of Ukraine”

I never said that Makarevich sang in front of the security forces. I knew that he sang in front of children. But what does it mean to sing in front of children in territory that is captured by the junta? You don’t have to think that this is a junta, as Makarevich thinks, it’s great. But then I said that this is approximately the same as, say, Klavdia Shulzhenko would have sung in occupied Minsk or occupied Kyiv... also not for the Germans, but for children. But there are portraits of Hitler and swastikas hanging all around. Actually, the analogy is quite close: Bandera flags hang, his symbols, portraits of Bandera and under his name all this happens

Andrey Makarevich wrote new song: “My country has gone crazy”

We expected Makarevich to respond to the events taking place in Russia and Ukraine in poetic form. And so, it happened. This Saturday, at the Ekho Moskvy studio on Gogolevsky Boulevard, the leader of the Time Machine group presented his new song

Andrey Makarevich - “KP”: “I didn’t call my song “My country has gone crazy.” We have a lot of good, normal people."

The famous rock musician organized in Moscow a charity concert, which was seen by several million people.

Initially, we came up with the idea that the main fundraising would take place on the Internet. We live in the 21st century and it would be stupid not to take advantage of this situation - that is, new technologies

In connection with the scandal caused by Andrei Makarevich’s trip to the south-east of Ukraine, publicists and bloggers often recall the article “Blue Bird Stew”. It was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda back in 1982. Its main authors were not Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists, but cultural figures led by Viktor Astafiev. In it, from the ideological positions of that time, the work of “The Time Machine” was criticized as alien to the Soviet people. The authors wrote that the ensemble gives thousands of spectators dangerous injections of very dubious ideas every evening.

During perestroika, Komsomolskaya Pravda was often accused that this article became a reason for persecution popular group, which, in our opinion, is not true. In the USSR, “The Time Machine” was not banned, and the public outcry caused by its publication only likely contributed to the growth of its popularity.

Bluebird Stew

Concert of Andrei Makarevich in Moscow- this is an enchanting and magnificent show that carries various musical styles such as energetic rock, melodic and emotional jazz, expressive tango. Times pass, a new generation is already growing up, but still the same famous musician never ceases to amaze modern audiences. Makarevich independently composes songs and music for his group. Jazz composition and modern romances make his performances more diverse.

Andrei was born in 1953, his father was a participant in the Second World War and had many professional credentials, and his mother worked as a phthisiatrician. In his distant childhood, Makarevich dreamed of becoming a diver and paleontologist. To a large extent, all his dreams came true. He tried himself in various industries, he devoted his life to a huge variety of arts and deepening into many professions.

To make this amazing chance to hear amazing music performed famous musician, purchase tickets to

Andrey Makarevich. People's Artist of Russia, an amazing artist, TV presenter, magnificent poet and composer this evening will give you an unforgettable mood and indescribable sensations. Your soul will soar with delight, and live sound and a state-of-the-art sound system will transport you to a creative magical land.

Concerts of Andrey Makarevich are always in great demand and very popular. His performances are unlike previous ones. Each time he appears on stage in a new image and with new compositions. This talented maestro has many songs written for such famous pop performers as Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru. The texts and music of the Russian composer are used in great demand among folk artists. Today, the demand for musician performances exceeds all possible boundaries. He is the most sought-after idol of millions of listeners and viewers.

To spend an evening with a multi-talented artist, purchase tickets to Andrei Makarevich's concert in Moscow.

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