Serega Instagram. The famous Russian rapper Seryoga, having lost weight and pumped up, has changed beyond recognition. Personal life of Seryoga

In the mid-2000s, Sergei Parkhomenko was called the most famous Belarusian rapper and proudly said: “Ours, Gomel.” Cell phones were bursting with carefully cut fragments of the hit “Black Boomer”, and “Discomalaria” really made you itch. A former boy from the streets of Gomel turned into a respectable man in perfect physical fitness, whom loved ones call a robot. In an interview with, Sergei talks about his own fitness method, relationship with Leps, production through bed, and admits that he does not like people.

“Chronicles of a Boy from the Gomel Streets” was published in 2008. This was Seryoga’s last album in his then incarnation - a street poet and the voice of the generation of those “who survived the nineties.”

Seven years have passed, and the seriously transformed giant Sergei Parkhomenko is again in the spotlight. Under the slightly transformed pseudonym Seryoga, the musician released two solo album. He is actively involved in the street rapcore group “Gnu Shoes”, and recently launched the “Polygraph SharikOFF” project, which he calls aesthetic. And also his own clothing line, his own fitness system... Sergei says that his day is usually scheduled in seconds.

We meet on the terrace of one of the Minsk cafes, he immediately offers to switch to “you”, but at first he reacts sluggishly to questions: his attention is focused on the phone screen.

- Such a long silence. What was it connected with?

- I worked on the X Factor show for almost five years, and television is an industry that absorbs you completely. I was tired, to be honest, and wanted to take a break. At some point I just switched to something else. That is, I wrote songs, but for other people - I wrote and gave them as gifts, I didn’t even sell them. You've heard my compositions, you just didn't understand that I was behind it.

- Apparently, you are tired of the old repertoire?

- I got tired of the old repertoire much earlier than I stopped concert activities and began a television career.

- To be honest: is “Black Boomer” annoying?

- No, he's not annoying. This is a hit song of all times[Sergei laughs, and so does everyone around him. - Approx.] . People's reactions infuriate me, they sometimes drive me crazy. It’s infuriating how people are not ready to worry with you. They just want to celebrate life: waste it, have fun for no reason. It’s infuriating how shallow, shallow and simple people are for the most part. It’s infuriating how easy it is to deceive everyone and how difficult it is to make them think.

- How can you make a person think?

- A person must be capable of this, tuned in to a certain wave. If not, then only life itself will force him. If something happens, he will start looking for support and will realize that there were people who thought and felt the same way, but then he did not care.

- You recently released two solo albums, judging by the intonation, very personal. Has something happened in your life?

- Life happened. And there is nothing more serious than life and death. It so happened that a man who always felt very deeply and subtly lived to be 38 years old and brought out all the everyday things that happened to him for everyone to see. Because that's how he feels. Moreover, I am aware that no one needs this: this is not commercial, and the audience for these two albums is very small. But I still do it. To avoid getting sick is a kind of self-therapy.

- Why now?

- And when? It accumulated and began to come out of me. I wrote compositions for other artists, but in the end I realized that they could not convey the emotions that the author put into the song, so I started performing them myself again. This is if we talk about the Seryoga project.

“Polygraph SharikOFF” is also me, but a completely different part and facet of me. What can I tell you about him? I believe that the height of skill is to write cheerful, hooligan songs when you feel bad. Anyone can write sad songs in a minor key; it is much more difficult to triumph over one’s own pain, and to triumph sincerely and without throwing dust in people’s eyes, but with a smile and a tear in the eyes to say: “Yes, this is fucking life. But while we’re alive, we’ll have fun, we’ll have a blast.”

This is an aesthetic project, it is in no way for plankton. This is not Potap and Nastya, who make up words, bark like dogs and treat us like insects. This is not Shnur, throwing on himself the enormous charisma that he imbued with in St. Petersburg. Is he its bearer on a human level? I doubt it very much. It seems to me that he is a very modest and quiet person with two higher educations. I don’t see anything hooligan about him: he’s a small, crooked man. "Polygraph SharikOFF" is something else. This is the kind of gypsy girl with a way out that people have been waiting for a long time. Especially for this project, I developed a line of clothing, I sew it myself: vests, eight-piece caps - everything is very serious.

And “Gnu Shoes” appeared six months before the events in Ukraine. It all happened at the level of premonition - I cannot otherwise explain to myself why such songs, why such cartoons. Accumulated rage, animal anger, wild testosterone rush dictated this musical form.

You always underestimated me, you always saw some kid in a cap and were surprised when I suddenly started speaking German, you were surprised when I showed off my amazing athletic form. You were always surprised at everything just because I looked something. In life, everything is completely different.

- But as?

- Don't even know. You must understand one thing: I am the wind. The wind, changing every day, does not change itself. For some it is a light breeze, for others it is a hot southern monsoon, and for others it is a hurricane. I can be each of them, but now I am a hurricane.

- You once said that Mikhalok - good clown, and you are evil.

- This is true. In any case, Mikhalok is a good clown, no matter what he sings, no matter how much he swears. And you just need to tell yourself: “Yes, I am kind. It’s cool to be kind.” It seems to me that he would have done much better if he had not given up on this. However, it’s up to him to decide.

- Where does this anger come from in you?

- I’m just weaker than him: the good ones are always stronger. And I don't really like people. People are imperfect, and this imperfection in them infuriates me. I somewhat understand Byron, who wrote the poem “Prometheus.” This is a situation where a person challenges heaven every time, and heaven forces him to suffer, to be even stronger, and he must live and constantly compete with his desire to be better and become like a deity. This human nature tormenting the spirit and pulling upward, these terrible swings are a constant source of pain and irritation, but they are the ones that give rise to a constant desire to move forward. This alone pushes us to do great things.

- Do you have time for everything now?

- You can say so. This is, of course, difficult. I think that I already need to open some kind of reality show, so that a camera will simply follow me and show what an ordinary person is doing.

- What is he doing?

- People close to me say that I am a robot. I don't even remember when last time I was sick: everything bounces off me. I sleep several hours a day, train many times a day, manage complex matters - my day is scheduled in seconds, I instantly accept difficult decisions. I only talked about music project X. But there is also fightсlub99 - this is my own fitness system, which I will launch on October 1 in Ukraine and will try to spread to other territories. This is a challenge to all fitness clubs and the sports industry: I guarantee a person that in 99 sports hours I will get him in shape, teach him to eat properly, train and promise that he will not get any injuries. Moreover, all this is spelled out at the contract level: if I fail to fulfill what I promised, then I return the person’s money. According to statistics, only 30% of people who buy a gym membership achieve acceptable results by the end of the second year - everyone else quits. No one in such places gives a guarantee that you will not get injured, and the personal trainer is not interested in you achieving results in the shortest possible time, because you will immediately stop going to him. I tell people the truth. We are not addicted to any chemicals or products from specific manufacturers, this is simply “Spartan” food that you can buy at any store and cook yourself. A person who goes through my system will be able to eat and exercise properly for the rest of his life without a personal trainer.

- In just three months?

- Three whole months - 90 workouts of 66 minutes. This is enough to transform a person.

- Given such a busy schedule, is three full-fledged musical projects a feasible burden?

- Who said that I strive to develop them fully? I just do it the way it comes. “Wildbeest Shoes,” for example, lay idle for a long time, and many of the songs are still there - I could release two albums at once. “SharikOFF” also began to be written at the last moment; with Seryoga I generally took a break for a while. I just live, do creativity, and I feel good. Am I doing everything commercially correctly... I’m a bad businessman: I’ve always had a very easy attitude towards money.

- You used to produce artists.

- Helped them. The producer must be somewhat amoral, pragmatic and tough. For example, I never dated the girls I worked with, but it was necessary: ​​sometimes in order to attach a woman, you need to sleep with her. And in 99% of cases this happens. I did not apply sanctions, strictly regulating relations with the artist, and did not demand reimbursement of expenses. I just let people go. It's easier for me to give advice for free. Why sign a contract? If you are meant to be an artist, you will become one. And I have my own tasks, my own flock. And no matter what I do, I will still try to raise the bar for the audience.

And often this bar is lowered - this is what the above-mentioned artists do. Come on, let's swear, it's cool! And you try to make it so that it is angry and sharp, but without swearing. You know poetry by heart, you read Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, you have two higher education, and one of them is theological, and you are pretending to be a fringe. Why are you barking? What kind of song is this anyway? Who do they take us for? I feel sorry for the people who applaud this. You say: “He’s just jealous of their success!” I swear no. I'm ashamed of them and the people who like it. We are so rich musical history! If we talk about urban romance, then there are Leonid Utesov, Arkady Severny, Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky - there are a lot of examples so as not to slide into obscenity.

- Previously, you were called the most famous Belarusian rapper, now this title has passed to Max Korzh.

- Sooner or later everything goes to someone: women, money, illnesses. I’m happy for Max: he has a cool song “Live in a Bliss.” And in general, Max is cool, he put together Arena. I wish him to quickly free himself from the producer's ties and earn his own apartment[laughs. - Approx.] .

- Don’t you miss big venues yourself? Are you planning big concerts?

- Well, how can you plan this? I don't know. Maybe no one will come at all.

- It seems to me that you are lying.

- Why? It doesn’t work out like this: lyrics and mathematics are mutually exclusive. At the moment when the song is written and you make the arrangement, mathematics comes into play, but initially there is only impulse and strain. Everything happens exactly like this for me - it cannot be calculated. People might have come to the Polygraph SharikOFF concert, but after reading this interview, they will think: “God, what an asshole.” And only the sound engineer, my friends and the customers who flew in will be on site.

Concert magnetism is something you can't predict. There are absolutely uninteresting artists, but people love them and go to their concerts. Now, of course, I’m talking about Grigory Leps. Grisha begged me to write a rap for him. It's true. I was the person who dissuaded him. We were sitting in the same room, hung with icons, and suddenly Timati came in. And Grisha says: “Timofey, come in!” Timofey hesitated immediately. And Grisha told him: “You brought the song there, but show me!” But he didn’t want to show it to me. It was the song "I'll go to live in London." Damn me, it happened! In the end what? The result was this imperishable thing. It could have been me in Timofey’s place, but I would have sent Leps to another city[laughs. - Approx.] .

I don’t know where, but definitely not London. What is the point? We envy them, we watch them perform in big halls, but they probably want something different. Grisha dreams of being an independent, poor rapper in bondage to a producer.

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In the early 2000s, this hit sounded from every stall. Now from the “boy in a fashionable cap” not even a “worn gold tooth” remains. The frail performer turned into a brutal fitness trainer, helping participants in the reality show “Weighted People” lose weight on STS TV channel. The artist told SV about how the fate of that same “boomer” turned out, about a radical change of job and why sugar is more harmful than alcohol

Such a boy once “smiled and started the engine,” but now he himself has turned into a “sports car.” Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva.


We sit down at a cafe table. Sergei orders two cappuccinos and, looking with bright blue eyes, says: “Let's get started! I have a plane to Sochi in a couple of hours.” Weighted Men is filmed there. Let's start the conversation. Carefully! I was warned that the hero has an explosive character. An awkward question - and he will either send you off into the distance, or get up and leave.

- Sergey, why did you suddenly turn from a rapper into a fitness trainer?

This is all nonsense. I'm not a coach. For example, in the “Weighted People” project, I am a senior comrade, a guide, a mentor - anyone, but not a coach.

- What's wrong with the familiar name of the profession?

I'll tell you what I mean. I have so much energy that it looks for a way out in different forms. All my roles exist in parallel. And there are many of them. Only the majority do not see this or do not want to notice. For the last two or three years I have been actively reading scientific literature, got himself and others in shape, learned to eat right, developed personal training, and at the same moment songs, albums, and videos were born.

What rapper Seryoga looks like now. Photo:

- Members of “Weighted People” call you nothing less than Prometheus. Why?

Do not consider everything I say to be the ravings of an urban madman, but for many centuries we have been striving to be like Prometheus. The same one cousin Zeus, who stole fire from the gods from Olympus and gave it to people. On the show they gave me this nickname because I don’t divide people into weak and strong. If you set tasks correctly and distribute the load, the weak can become strong and reach the goal faster than they think. If you give him that same “divine fire”.

- Did someone also help you ignite a flame from a spark?

- Creative individuals themselves seek this fire within themselves, processing any experience into songs, drawings, poems...

And they find it when they create great creations. But after creation appears to the world, the divine remains divine, and man becomes human again. And his consciousness sits on a painful split. You need to come to terms with the fact that, on the one hand, you are great and can do a lot, but on the other hand, you are insignificant and weak. You need to eat, admit to yourself that you are getting old. I experienced this drama of Prometheus after I wrote “Black Boomer”.


- It was a cool car. I wonder where that “black boomer” from the video is now?

It seems to have safely rotted somewhere in a landfill. This is a '91 car, and it's unlikely to run.

Why did you decide to dedicate a song to her?

We are with a wonderful Belarusian musician Stanislav Satsura (he, by the way, like me, is from Gomel) sat in the kitchen, and we had, so to speak, an act of creativity.

- Sergey, children read us!

We're talking about something else! Something came out of nothing. That year, the film “Boomer” by the wonderful director Pyotr Buslov was released, and the waves from it spread everywhere. I felt them. The idea arose that you could come up with an appropriate song, and it would bring success. I told Stas: “I bet I’ll write a song, it will be called “Black Boomer” and will blow everyone up!” And so it happened.

- Well, did you drive a “Boomer”? The film featured a BMW "seven", if I'm not mistaken.

No. But there was another model - BMW-850. And now I have an Aston Martin. I've always gravitated towards British classics. In everything. They have the best sense of style.

At first there was a simple Seryoga, then he became SERYOGA, then you got tired of solo swimming and you organized the group “Gnu Shoes”. But the most questions are raised by another image of yours - Polygraph SharikOFF. Do you identify with the character in Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”?

Are you surprised? Do you know that I would be one if I weren’t so deep and serious (winks). Polygraph SharikOFF - this one has never rapped. This is a different genre. These are funny songs with accordion, chanson, urban romance - in general, there is music that the parents of those who listen to rap love.

Small Motherland


- Let's return to “Weighted People”. The heaviest of them is on your team. He weighs 250 kilograms. Is it much more difficult for him than for others?

Yes. It is generally dangerous to live at this weight. Metabolism is not active. It hurts to walk, breathe, relieve need. This guy could wake up one day, get out of bed and hurt himself. There is practically no chance of living to be forty.

- What passions! Is there any product that can completely destroy it?

Any nutritionist will say that you can’t eat sweets, but I will answer: you can. True, we need to figure out what we mean by this concept. Sugar does not equal sweet. Sugar was invented by man. This is a product industrial production, which is not absorbed by the body. The cause of illness, aging, early care. Sugar is much more harmful than alcohol. Eat fruits and natural honey, and they will provide you with the same sweet taste, which leads to the release of dopamine, endorphin or serotonin. Clean water Of course, you need to drink. I recommend at least two liters per day. Separate from food. On the other hand, ask yourself: are you happy? If yes, then no matter how harmful your life is, don’t change anything in your life! “He who is happy is right,” said Leo Tolstoy. Let's believe the classics.

- Do you miss your native Gomel?

I left there more than twenty years ago. A lot has changed since then. Now Gomel for me is a children's country. Small, fabulous. There was a completely different person inside her. He resembles me only in his eyes, but he lived and trembled differently. This is a memory that I can easily refuse, because during this time I have become a person of the world, for whom the planet is so small that cities seem like separate rooms, and countries like corridors. My home is everywhere. I don’t want to become attached to either the city or the country. Credit card, passport - that's all I need.


Sergei Parkhomenko was born in 1976 in Gomel into a family of engineers. He studied for two years at the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and went to study political science and economics in Germany. He released his first album, “Lyalya Ruined,” in 2003 in Russia and Belarus. The hit “Black Boomer” was released in 2004 and immediately became a chart leader. The songs “Near Your House” and “Chalk of Fate, or Tamerlane’s Song” were included in the Day Watch soundtrack. He performed under the pseudonyms Seryoga, Seryoga and Polygraph SharikoOFF, as the leader of the Wildebeest Shoes project. He starred in the films “Election Day”, “Give You Youth!” and others. Three-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award. Was married three times. Two sons: 9-year-old Mark and 6-year-old Plato.

Having gained wild popularity in the mid-2000s, rapper Seryoga still makes people talk about himself today: he changed his stage image and began performing under a new pseudonym.

For my creative biography the singer managed to star in films, make a career on television, and also took up sports seriously, achieving excellent results in this field. Now the pumped up brutal Sergei Parkhomenko not only appears on the covers of bodybuilding magazines, but also acts as a coach in the fourth season of the show “Weighted and happy people"on STS.

First steps in a musical career

Sergei was born in 1976 in the city of Gomel, Belarusian SSR. He does not like to talk about his childhood and parents, so there is no information about them. However, it is known that he had a love for music back in school years, thanks to which he learned to play the piano. After graduating from school, the young man entered the university, but two years later he left for Germany. Studying political science and economics in a foreign country, he quickly realized that this was not his business.

Sergei Parkhomenko in childhood. Photo from Instagram of singer seryogamusic.

Fascinated by rap, Parkhomenko recorded his first track with the German artist Azad, called “2 Kaiser,” which immediately drew the attention of many producers. After staying in this country for five years, the aspiring singer returned to his homeland to take up musical career. In 2002, his first track “Ruin ​​Lyalya” was released, and two years later a disc called “My Yard: Weddings and Funerals” was released, which appealed to Belarusian and Ukrainian music lovers.

Singing activity

Soon they learned about the talented hip-hop artist in Russia, where his songs “Doll”, “Burn Lyalya” and “Black Boomer” captivated listeners. The hit “Black Boomer” not only topped the music charts, but also received an MTV Award nomination Russian Music Awards. A year later, Seryoga released new disk- “Discomalaria”, the hit of which was the composition “Near Your House”. The singer’s next albums (“Not for sale”, “Chronicle of a boy from the Gomel streets”) were also loved by fans of his work.

Still from the video “BLACK BOOMER”.

Parkhomenko did not pursue a musical career for several years, so new album“50 Shades of Gray” was released only at the end of 2014. Even then he decided to create new project, changing his repertoire and stage image. Now, under the pseudonym Polygraph SharikOFF, the singer performs songs in the genre of chanson or urban romances. In the fall of 2015, the first single of this project, “Charisma,” was recorded, and then the videos “Charisma” and “Cocoa” were released white”, which resonated with his fans. He also worked under the stage name Seryoga, filming such videos as “Roof”, “Antifreeze”, “Fury”.

Career in television and passion for sports

During a creative crisis, the hip-hop artist began working on radio and television. On the radio station “Humor FM” he hosted his own column, where he also performed ditties. In addition, he wrote songs for other performers. Since 2010, Sergei has been a mentor on the television project “X-Factor. Ukraine" and took part in the shows "Two Stars" and "King of the Ring".

During these same years, the singer began to seriously engage in sports, training own system called "fightclub99". Seryoga himself is quite pleased with his appearance(with a height of 184 cm, his weight is about 95 kg). By creating his project, he helps other people achieve good results and improve their health. It is not surprising that after this Parkhomenko again attracted attention, thanks to which he was invited to take part in the show “Weighted and Happy People” on the STS channel as a coach. He will be accompanied by presenter Anfisa Chekhova and fitness trainer Natalya Lugovskikh. During the program, the rapper intends to train the participants of the show differently than in other seasons, and become a real guide for his team.

Failed marriages and raising sons

Sergei does not like to advertise his personal life, preferring to talk about his career successes. Now he is free from marriage and has no intention of getting married in the near future. It is reliably known that his wife was the Cuban model Dayami Morales, who lived with him in Kyiv. However, due to frequent tours, this union quickly fell apart.

In the photo the artist with ex-wife Polina.

Soon the rapper began dating his longtime friend Polina. The lovers got married, and in 2009 they became happy parents: They had a son, Mark. In 2012, their family was expanded with another child, son Plato. But the family idyll did not last long, and Parkhomenko divorced his wife.

They now live in different countries: the singer settled in Moscow, and his ex-wife and children lived in Kyiv. Despite the distance, he communicates with his sons on Skype, taking the most Active participation in their upbringing. Children are already learning English language, and also swim, play chess and go to the boxing section. The singer’s parents live in Sevastopol, however, due to busy schedule he rarely visits them.

Sergei Parkhomenko, better known to the general public as rapper Seryoga, was born in the Republic of Belarus on October 8, 1976. Seryoga spent his childhood and school years in his hometown of Gomel. After school, Sergei entered the university, where he studied for almost two years, after which he went to Germany for further education.

In Germany, Seryoga devoted five years of study to studying such disciplines as economics and political science. In parallel with his studies, he was interested in composing songs and music. This hobby led to the fact that Sergei began to look for like-minded people among his friends and acquaintances to create a joint creative musical union.

Seryoga's creativity

In Germany, Sergei’s first rap track was recorded together with the German artist Azad. After finishing his studies, Sergei returned to his homeland with the conviction to continue the path of a rap artist. Already in 2003 it was recorded quite famous song in the musical arsenal of Sergei Parkhomenko - “They ruined Lyalya.” In the winter of 2004, Seryoga first appeared on Ukrainian television. In the same year, Seryoga released an album called “My Yard: Weddings and Funerals,” which very quickly conquered the Ukrainian and Belarusian music markets, and soon appeared in Russia under the slightly modified name “My Yard. Sports ditties."

The famous "Black Boomer"

The year 2004 became significant in the life of singer Seryoga thanks to such an event as the creation famous hit“Black Boomer,” which only the deaf have never heard, and the recording of a video clip for this musical composition in Kyiv.

The song “Black Boomer” with its appearance on radio stations and music channels produced the effect of a bomb exploding, its popularity was so great that it was quickly nominated for the MTV Russian Music Awards in two categories at once. In 2006, one of the well-known musical compositions rapper Seryoga called “Chalk of Fate” (“Song of Tamerlane”), which was recorded for the very popular movie “Day Watch” in those years. Seryoga is known not only to people interested musical news and rap compositions, but also to a large number of fans computer game GTA 4, which featured songs by Seryoga such as Liberty City: The Invasion and King Ring. In 2010, Sergei first tried himself as a jury member in the famous television project “X-Factor Ukraine”, where he also had the opportunity to take on the duties of producer of the musical team “Collectives”, in 2011 of the team “Over Twenty-Five”, in 2012 - of the team “Guys”, and in 2013 a team called “Girls”. Behind long years Seryoga managed to work with quite a lot of his creative musical path famous performers, such as Bianca, St1m, Satsura, Max Lawrence and some others. In his musical career on this moment are happening significant changes regarding the performance style and the image of the singer himself. Seryoga's texts become more mature and meaningful than at the beginning of the singer's career.

The internal changes in Seryoga were also reflected externally - the singer gradually changes his clothing style, removes some tattoos and is seriously interested in sports. After the creative crisis of 2012-2013, Seryoga returned to music industry, to prove to fans of his work that he does not intend to give up and is full of strength for new victories and the creation of new musical masterpieces. In early autumn 2014, Seryoga plans to release an album called “50 SHADES OF GRAY”, which will contain songs with specific emotional background and special deep meaning from the “reborn” Seryoga. In addition to his career as a rap artist, Seryoga also tries himself as a film actor. Almost simultaneously with the release music album“50 SHADES OF GRAY” viewers will be able to get acquainted with the film “Gadzhio” (gypsy for “alien”), where Seryoga will play main role.

Personal life of Seryoga

At the moment, performer Seryoga is officially in the “single” status, but behind him there is one failed marriage with famous model Dayami Morales. The fact that Seryoga is not married does not prevent him from being the happy father of two sons Mark (born in 2009) and Platon (born in 2011) from his Ukrainian girlfriend Polina.
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