Sevara's biography is personal. Sevara Anvarzhonovna Nazarkhan: biography, career and personal life. Latest news about Sevara Nazarkhan

The amazing voice of Sevara Nazarkhan, penetrating the heart and touching the innermost strings of the soul, is very rare. By her performance, she brings beauty and love to the viewer. This is not surprising, because her name is translated as "giving love."

Musical roots

Born on December 23, 1986 in a deeply musical family, the girl literally raved about music from an early age, she wanted to become a star without fail. She was the third child in the family: she has a brother and sister, and a younger brother. But only she was distinguished by her ineradicable persistence in childhood. Dad, playing the dutar, instilled in the girl a love of folk music, introduced her to the instrument, while her mother, a vocal teacher, gave her first lessons in performing skills.

Although Sevara herself says that there was a period at an early age when she wanted to become a dentist. And he immediately admits that it is difficult to be a doctor, but writing songs is easy - "you dive into music and create your own style."

She studied at an ordinary Russian-language school, was a diligent student, she considers both languages ​​- Russian and Uzbek - native.

In the late 90s, the girl left her native Andijan and went to Tashkent to submit documents to the conservatory. From that moment on, her path was determined - only music.

Creative activity

Sevara's singing career begins with the "Sideris" girl quartet, which was founded and produced by Mansur Tashmatov, widely known in Uzbekistan. The young singer did not receive much satisfaction from working in it, and it quickly disintegrated.

For some time, the girl sings jazz, performs modern folk compositions on dutar. Her fame is starting to grow. But they really started talking about her after the performance of one of the main parts of the musical "Maysara - Superstar".

And then the rising star makes an eccentric, in her words, act - with the last money he flies to London and participates in an ethnic festival. But this act brought her a meeting with a significant person.

During a performance, a man is filming everything on camera. It turned out to be the famous musician Peter Gabriel, who turned Sevara's whole life and pushed her to fame.

Peter helps the original singer record a solo album and arranges a world tour that includes the countries of Western Europe, the USA and Canada, and subsequently Russia and China.

Sevara becomes super popular in her homeland, performs a lot, writes music, releases albums. One of the few Uzbek artists who managed to achieve such recognition. In 2002 she was awarded the title - Honored Artist of the Uzbek Republic. Boris Grebenshchikov and Vyacheslav Butusov considered it an honor to sing with her.

She lives and breathes music, creates only according to her inner will, even if she is not always understood. Sings about beauty, about love, about what keeps us all on this earth. The composer's music contains an incredible synthesis of ethnicity and modernity.

But, unfortunately, Sevara is popular only at home and abroad, and the Russian audience, for the most part, is unknown to her work. She decides to participate in the show "The Voice". The project did not submit to her, but brought it to the crest of popularity, the singer won in huge audience love. Igor Nikolaev's romance "There Is No Me There", masterfully performed in the second round, instantly took off to the top lines of the charts.


An unusually open, bright singer, literally striking the stage with her powerful energy, is restrained in life, modest in an oriental way. He prefers not to talk about his personal life.

Her husband, Bahram Pirimkulov, is Sevara's greatest friend. They got married in 2006, although they had been friends for seven years before. The next year the son Dengiz was born, and in 1916 the daughter Iman was born.

Leaving the stage, a happy wife and mother prefers to give loved ones her love, tenderness and warmth.

At the age of 13, horses and equestrian sports burst into her life, which the woman does not leave even now. She is also engaged in fitness, attends Argentine tango lessons and is fond of yoga, which for her is not only exercise, but the basic philosophy of life. Sevara is a deeply religious person.

I read a lot of reviews, everyone is discussing the correctness or incorrectness of Leonid Agutin's choice, and also assess Sevara's attitude to his choice. But one thing amazes me: why did everyone forget another very important character who participated in these dramatic events? Why didn't anyone mention Pelageya?
When Agutin made a decision, Pelageya was shocked more than Sevara herself, she applauded, and her eyes were wet. And all this after Sevara so callously rejected her. Remember, Pelageya went straight to the stage and said: "I promise that if you choose me, we will tear this project up, all the spectators will have their brains in tatters." In my opinion, there is a certain equivalent of the phrase: "Together we will conquer the world."
And so restrained, so judicious, able to correctly express her thoughts, to get away from the verbal trap where Julia tried to lure her when she forced her to say unequivocally whether she forgives Agutin or continues to get angry, and so, I repeat, this reasonable and restrained Sevara suddenly begins to get confused, give completely incomprehensible explanations when she is asked what guided her when choosing a mentor. In my opinion, only a person who has nothing to say can be so confused and make senseless arguments. Pay attention to this point.
Sevara: “Of course, I never expected that Pelageyushka knew me. And ... Well, firstly, she was touched, and secondly, she was moved that she was so ... It turned out that ... ”.
Yulia: "Did you know right away that you would like to go to Agutin, or was it a spontaneous decision?"
Sevara. “No, at that time, of course, I had assumptions that, perhaps, Agutin was closer to me and I was more comfortable with him in terms of work. Because it is very important to be on the same wavelength. And Pelageyushka in this sense left me no choice, because she surrounded me with such love, in which one could simply drown. I think that later, perhaps, not everyone would have understood this if I had gone through every tour. Although, who knows ... Still ... ".
Yulia: “That is, just the fact that Pelageya was so emotional and influenced you, you thought,“ No, you definitely don’t have to go here ”.
Sevara. "Well, it was just too much love on her part."
What does “too much love” mean?
And how to understand these words: “... I think that later, perhaps, not everyone would understand this if I went through every round. Although, who knows ... Still ... ". Just some kind of babble. What would not everyone understand later and how does the choice of a mentor affect the fact that a participant should go through each round? Of course, "who knows ...". Julia simply saved Sevara by inserting a new question at this moment, otherwise she would have wandered for a long time in the dark waters of rhetoric, trying to explain that senseless cruelty that cannot be explained. The only thing that unequivocally speaks in favor of Sevara is her admission that she had chosen Leonid Agutin in advance and assumed that it would be more comfortable with him in terms of work. If she made a choice only out of contradiction, fearing to drown in love (can there be more senseless fears?), Then it is rather difficult to understand and forgive.
And what is this arrogant appeal - Pelageyushka? No, not affectionate, but arrogant. This is how they are used when they laugh at a person's feelings. And when Sevara's speech interrupts the address of Pelageya, who has been following her performances for a long time, we see the old admiration, a kind and emotional person who is forced to love somehow from afar. And when Yulia Menshova mentions how we had to interrupt filming because of Pelageya's feelings, we again hear the same cold, restrained answer: "Oh, my Pelageyushka." Some kind of emotional stupidity, nothing can get through this person. And then Sevara explains: "No, I hugged her and we understood each other." Favorable position! Don't you know how often people make virtue out of necessity? Or did Pelageya have to push Sevara away from herself, so that it would finally become clear what was happening to her?
They may object to me that they sang a duet after the "Voice" project, as well as the fact that Pelageya was very worried at every performance of Sevara and was sincerely rooting for her. I agree, but this does not mean understanding each other. Only saints can understand when they are stepped over, and only such people as, for example, Alexander Gradsky, could calm themselves and sincerely, without any self-deception, say to themselves: "It's okay, life goes on." It's just that when a person loves, he forgives a lot. Even senseless cruelty and monstrous injustice.

Sevara Nazarkhan is one of the most successful pop singers in the history of modern Uzbekistan. Her songs are famous and popular outside of her home country. The geography of her touring tours stretched from Asia to Europe. Her talent is undeniable, however, it seems that the current popularity is just the beginning. After all, this bright Uzbek singer, for sure, has something to say to the world.
Anticipating the events, today we will present to your attention the life story of Sevara Nazarkhan - without a doubt, the best singer of sovereign Uzbekistan.

Sevara's childhood

Sevara Nazarkhan was born in sunny Andijan. The family of the future singer consisted entirely of representatives of creative professions, and therefore from the earliest years the life of a young girl was saturated with music. The role of her mother was especially important in the fate of Sevara Nazarkhan. As a music teacher, she often gave her daughter vocal lessons, helping with advice in other industries. Thus, at an early age, the future singer received the necessary knowledge base that helped her in her future career.
→ Sevara Nazarkhan - participant of the show Voice
Her father also took part in the formation of Sevara. From an early age, he played her the dutar - an old Uzbek instrument - instilling in the girl a love of Asian folk music.
So, thanks to the influence of her parents, Sevara began to get involved in music. In 1998, the girl moved to Tashkent, where she submitted documents to the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. Here she continued to develop her innate talent and study the features of stage vocals. In a way, this period became the period of formation of Sevara Nazarkhan as a professional singer. While studying at the conservatory, she acquired many connections and very soon began performing on the big stage.

Becoming a pop singer Sevara Nazarkhan and first success

According to some sources, Sevara Nazarkhan began her professional career with jazz. Performing in the evenings in bars and restaurants in Tashkent, the girl performed classical jazz compositions by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, for which she received her first singing fees.
As a jazz singer, Sevara became well known in certain circles, and therefore very soon began to receive the first serious proposals from directors and producers of Uzbekistan. While still a student, she played one of the main roles in the Tashkent musical "Maysara - Superstar", and soon became part of the women's group Sideris, in which she sang along with three other girls. Despite the fact that People's Artist of Uzbekistan Mansur Tashmatov was behind this project, the group did not become widely popular and some time later ceased to exist. Despite this fact, the designated period in Sevara's work can hardly be called a failure. She received the necessary experience, acquired numerous connections. All this will subsequently greatly help her in building a solo career.
Sevara Nazarkhan - Where I am not

Solo career of Sevara Nazarkhan

The ascent of Sevara to the heights of the musical Olympus was bright and impetuous. In 2000, the girl recorded the album "Bahtimdan", which instantly became popular throughout Uzbekistan. This was followed by a performance at the international festival of ethnic music Womad, during which the singer met the English musician Peter Gabriel, who invited the Uzbek artist to record a solo album at his studio Real world Records.
Thus, already a few months later, Sevara's second album, Yol Bolsin (Bon voyage), was recorded in London. The record's music producer is the famous French musician Hector Zazu. As a result, the success of the new album exceeded all expectations. The record of the Uzbek singer was warmly received by the European public, and very soon Sevara Nazarkhan went on a tour of Western countries.
The tour, called Growing Up, included performances at the best venues in the USA, Canada and Western Europe. In 2005, on the wave of success, Sevara Nazarkhan won the BBC World Music Award, in which she was recognized as the "Best Artist in Asia".
After that, the Uzbek singer turned her gaze to the east. The performer's concerts were held in Russia, China and other Asian countries.
Participants of the HSE show: Sevara Nazarkhan, singer
In 2006 and 2007, two new albums by Sevara Nazarkhan appeared on the shelves of music stores around the world - "Bu Sevgi" and "Sen" (the latter was recorded in collaboration with producers Bruno Ellingham and Viktor Sologub). The releases were successful, although in Uzbekistan, native to Sevara, the voices of critics still sounded, calling the pop performance of folk music blasphemy. However, such remarks were taken seriously by few of the artist's fans.

Sevara Nazarkhan now

In 2010, under the pseudonym "Sevara & Elf", the album "So Easy" was released - the singer's first Russian-language disc. After that, the artist began to appear more often in Russia and perform with live concerts. In 2012 and 2013, Sevara Nazarkhan took part in several television projects on Russian television, including the Voice and HSE programs. These appearances strengthened the popularity of the Uzbek singer and attracted additional attention to her songs and concert programs.
The last disc of Sevara Nazarkhan at the moment is the album "Tortadur", which consists of Uzbek folk songs. The recording of this disc took place in Uzbekistan. The collected material was mixed by specialists from the London studio Abbey Road Studios.

Personal life of Sevara Nazarkhan

In 2007, Sevara Nazarkhan was married to Bahram Pirimkulov. What the spouse of our today's heroine is doing is not known for certain. Sevara herself, answering this question, said a very meaningful phrase, noting that her husband was "both a chauffeur, a cook, and a designer."

→ Sevara Nazarkhan is married, but does not advertise her personal life
The couple have a young son, Dengiz. The family currently lives in Uzbekistan. When asked about moving to Europe or the United States, Sevara refuses, emphasizing that she is a patriot of her country.

Sevara Nazarkhan was born in sunny Andijan. The family of the future singer consisted entirely of representatives of creative professions, and therefore from the earliest years the life of a young girl was saturated with music. The role of her mother was especially important in the fate of Sevara Nazarkhan. As a music teacher, she often gave her daughter vocal lessons, helping with advice in other industries. Thus, at an early age, the future singer received the necessary knowledge base that helped her in her future career.

Her father also took part in the formation of Sevara. From an early age, he played her the dutar - an old Uzbek instrument - instilling in the girl a love of Asian folk music. So, thanks to the influence of her parents, Sevara began to get involved in music. In 1998, the girl moved to Tashkent, where she submitted documents to the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. Here she continued to develop her innate talent and study the features of stage vocals. In a way, this period became the period of formation of Sevara Nazarkhan as a professional singer. While studying at the conservatory, she acquired many connections and very soon began performing on the big stage.

Becoming a pop singer and first success

According to some sources, Sevara Nazarkhan began her professional career with jazz. Performing in the evenings in bars and restaurants in Tashkent, the girl performed classical jazz compositions by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, for which she received her first singing fees. As a jazz singer, Sevara became well known in certain circles, and therefore very soon began to receive the first serious proposals from directors and producers of Uzbekistan. While still a student, she played one of the main roles in the Tashkent musical "Maysara - Superstar", and soon became part of the women's group Sideris, in which she sang along with three other girls. Despite the fact that People's Artist of Uzbekistan Mansur Tashmatov was behind this project, the group did not become widely popular and some time later ceased to exist. Despite this fact, the designated period in Sevara's work can hardly be called a failure. She received the necessary experience, acquired numerous connections. All this will subsequently greatly help her in building a solo career.

Solo career

The ascent of Sevara to the heights of the musical Olympus was bright and impetuous. In 2000, the girl recorded the album "Bahtimdan", which instantly became popular throughout Uzbekistan. This was followed by a performance at the international festival of ethnic music Womad, during which the singer met the English musician Peter Gabriel, who invited the Uzbek artist to record a solo album at his studio Real world Records. Thus, already a few months later, Sevara's second album, Yol Bolsin (Bon voyage), was recorded in London. The record's music producer is the famous French musician Hector Zazu. As a result, the success of the new album exceeded all expectations. The record of the Uzbek singer was warmly received by the European public, and very soon Sevara Nazarkhan went on a tour of Western countries. The tour, called Growing Up, included performances at the best venues in the USA, Canada and Western Europe. In 2005, on the wave of success, Sevara Nazarkhan won the BBC World Music Award, in which she was recognized as the "Best Artist in Asia". After that, the Uzbek singer turned her gaze to the east. The performer's concerts were held in Russia, China and other Asian countries.

In 2006 and 2007, two new albums by Sevara Nazarkhan appeared on the shelves of music stores around the world - "Bu Sevgi" and "Sen" (the latter was recorded in collaboration with producers Bruno Ellingham and Viktor Sologub). The releases were successful, although in Uzbekistan, native to Sevara, the voices of critics still sounded, calling the pop performance of folk music blasphemy. However, such remarks were taken seriously by few of the artist's fans.

Best of the day

Sevara Nazarkhan now

In 2010, under the pseudonym "Sevara & Elf", the album "So Easy" was released - the singer's first Russian-language disc. After that, the artist began to appear more often in Russia and perform with live concerts. In 2012 and 2013, Sevara Nazarkhan took part in several television projects on Russian television, including the Voice and HSE programs. These appearances strengthened the popularity of the Uzbek singer and attracted additional attention to her songs and concert programs. The last disc of Sevara Nazarkhan at the moment is the album "Tortadur", which consists of Uzbek folk songs. The recording of this disc took place in Uzbekistan. The collected material was mixed by specialists from the London studio Abbey Road Studios.

Personal life

In 2007, Sevara Nazarkhan was married to Bahram Pirimkulov. What the spouse of our today's heroine is doing is not known for certain. Sevara herself, answering this question, said a very meaningful phrase, noting that her husband was "both a chauffeur, a cook, and a designer."

The couple have a young son, Dengiz. The family currently lives in Uzbekistan. When asked about moving to Europe or the United States, Sevara refuses, emphasizing that she is a patriot of her country.

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