Bedtime story about New Year. Read and listen. A fairy tale about the New Year: how the little animals celebrated the holiday

It turns out that these are the guys who at the end of the past year took part in the children's literary competition "Christmas story"(this event was discussed in detail in the article, where the Competition Regulations were brought to the attention of everyone). And the most active participants in the competition were students primary classes pro-gymnasium "Snow White" Moscow. At this school, the children became members of a real jury - public, open. The contestants' works were read out to the children.(their comrades), and they chose the best and with their votes greatly influenced the final decision of the professional jury in choosing the most worthy. The winner of the school was revealed immediately, even before the New Year - Anastasia Bykova from 4 "b" class. All the guys immediately preferred her fairy tale. Competition entry the winner of this school has already been presented in our article.

But the voting continued. It was necessary to identify the winners in each class, and opinions differed. The conclusion of this has finally come to an end. "fairytale" competition, and we publish original works in this article schoolchildren who won a competition among classmates. Their New Year's tales are now offered to your attention.
We congratulate these guys on their victory and wish them not to bury their talent. We will be happy to continue publishing interesting stories.

Now meet these winners. Here they are.

Fedor Kosolapov from 1st grade and his fairy tale “How Borka the Boar Celebrated the New Year”.

Winter came. White fluffy snow fell. All the paths and paths in the forest have been covered up, but Borka can’t sit at home, he wants to take a walk in the forest. He crawled out of the hole and was surprised: there was commotion all around, everyone was running, in a hurry, in a hurry. He won’t understand anything - what happened? And then Borka saw a crow on a tree. She told Borka that today was coming New Year, so everyone is in a hurry to meet him. And he went into the forest to look for the New Year.

He walks through the forest and thinks: “Who is this New Year, and where can he be celebrated?” He walked and got lost. Suddenly the wind blew, a blizzard arose, and snow began to fall. The trees sway and creak. The wind makes it difficult to walk. Borka the boar got scared and hid under a bush. Sits, trembling with fear.
And then three wolves jumped out into the clearing. They were arguing about something and looking around. Borka listened to their conversation. The wolves were talking about some Santa Claus and a bag of gifts, and about the New Year.
Borka was delighted: “This is who will help me celebrate the New Year.” And so that the wolves would not see him and eat him, he decided to carefully follow them.

Soon they came to a clearing in which some grandfather was sitting on a stump, and next to him lay a huge sack. Suddenly the wolves bent down and began to carefully creep up to the bag. Borka guessed that they wanted to steal the bag, and he decided to stop them. He screamed with all his might, so that grandfather almost fell off the tree stump in surprise, and the wolves scattered. Borka got scared himself and rushed to his grandfather. He just grunted and couldn't say anything. Finally everything became quiet. Grandfather reassured Borka and said that he was Father Frost and was bringing gifts for the New Year. He untied his bag and took out a whole bag of delicious acorns. Borka was happy! This is how he learned what New Year is.


Gracheva Sofia from 1st "b" grade and her "The Tale of the Little Penguin and the Fish".

Once upon a time there was a little penguin, and his name was Pinky. He lived in an ice house. And one day he went to the river to fish. And he caught one big fish, another small one. And then I caught another fish, not an ordinary one, but a gold one. And the fish said to him:
- Don’t eat me, I’ll still be useful to you, I’ll be your friend.
“Okay,” said Pinky.
- What is your name? - asked the fish.
“I’m Pinky the little penguin,” said Pinky. - And you?
“And my name is Rina,” Rina introduced herself.
- Do you know when the New Year will be? - asked Pinky.
“I know, January 1,” said Rina.
- What did you wish for Santa Claus for the New Year? - asked Pinky.
- Become a little penguin like you. In our family, it’s customary to choose one cherished wish – it can be any wish – and make it for the New Year,” Rina answered. - This is my deepest desire.
- Even if you are a different animal? – Pinky asked in surprise.
“Yes,” Rina answered.
“It’s a strange desire,” said Pinky. - And I want skis for New Year so I can ride down the hill. Rina, can you come visit us?
“No, sorry, I live underwater and can’t go onto land,” said Rina. If I get into the snow, I'll freeze immediately. We are not designed to walk on land. Maybe you can come visit me and we can swim together?
“Okay, only on a day off, when there are school holidays,” Pinky answered.
- What date will it be? – asked Rina.
“December 23,” answered Pinky. - Rina, why are you so golden?
- Because I was born this way. We are all like that, goldfish. Different types fish look different. Pinky, why do all the birds fly and you don’t?
Because we were born this way, just like you,” answered Pinky.

Fifteen days later, Pinky the penguin and Rina the fish met.
- The New Year is coming. “We have a Christmas tree,” says Pinky.
“And we have a Christmas tree, elegant and beautiful,” says Rina.
- Oh! Look, there’s a sleigh and Santa Claus with a bag of gifts,” Pinky saw.
- Yes. Soon the night will come and all wishes will come true.
“Alas, it’s late,” said Pinky, “it’s time to go home.”
And they went home. Santa Claus came to everyone and brought gifts to everyone. The little penguin received skis, not simple ones, but magical ones. You can not only ride on them, but also fly. And the fish received a small box. Rina showed it to Pinky.
- What do you think is in it?
“Probably what you wished for,” answered Pinky.
- But I wanted to become a little penguin like you. This is my deepest wish! - Rina exclaimed.
Rina opened the box, and there was ice cream in it. She looked at it in surprise, but ate it, and she wanted to sleep. Rina said goodbye to Pinky. And in the morning, as if nothing had happened, I decided to swim. Then Pinky swims up and says:
- Rina, it’s you, what’s wrong with you?
- And what!? – the fish was surprised.
“You became a penguin like me,” answered Pinky.
“Really?!...” Rina said, barely taking her breath away. - So my wish came true!
“Yes, as you can see,” Pinky clarified. - Well, let's go for a walk.
Pinky took a ride on his magic skis. True, they almost took him to the other side. He stopped in time and let Rina ride. They enjoyed spending the whole day together. And they became good friends. We walked and played together. And they returned home joyful and cheerful.


Sysoeva Marina from 2nd grade and her fairy tale "Winter Adventure".

Once upon a time there was a girl, Eva. It was winter, but there was no snow for a long time. Without snow, everyone was sad - both adults and children. She went into the forest for a walk. And in that forest there lived a Snowman. But he was very, very sad. The girl saw the Snowman and asked:
- Are you sad without snow too?
- I know why there is no snow. The Evil Queen stole the Snow Pegasus, and if he is not saved, there will be no snow,” the Snowman said sadly.
- Can I help you with something? – asks Eva.
- I don’t know... We need to find a solar crystal, and then the evil Queen will become good and release Pegasus.
Eve suddenly remembered that a small copy of the solar crystal was given to her for her birthday. Handing her the crystal, her friends mysteriously said that the day would definitely come when she would be able to help everyone, all adults and children. At that time, she did not pay attention to their words. And now the girl told this to the Snowman, and he was very happy. Eve promised that she would soon sneak into the evil Queen's castle with this crystal, and Pegasus would be freed.
The snowman gave her a map that could be used to find the place where the evil Queen lived, and... soon it started snowing again. And there was no end to the joy of children and adults. The Snowman was also happy, and became even more cheerful when in the distance he saw Eve flying on Pegasus.


But in class 2b there were two winners: Oleg Petukhov and Artem Ponomarev. Meet me.

Petukhov Oleg and his " Good fairy tale» .

On one distant uninhabited island lived a strange little kind dragon named Drakosha.
The island was very far from big land, so no one came to visit him, flew in or sailed. Drakosha was very sad and lonely. He did not know what friends and comrades were. He didn't have holidays. He did not know that once a year there is such a fun holiday as New Year. He had never seen snow, a Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

And then one day, on one of his lonely days, when Drakosha was walking along the seashore, in the distance he saw a ship that was heading precisely to his island. “Who could it be?” - thought Drakosha. He was very happy: “Soon I won’t be alone, hurray!”
The ship sailed closer and closer, and Drakosha saw a black flag on its mast. He didn't like it very much. He decided to hide in the thicket of the forest and watch. When the ship sailed to the shore, Drakosha saw that very scary, evil men were descending from it and leading a tied up old grandfather with a white beard and a very beautiful girl in a wonderful blue hat and fur coat. One of the most formidable little men said: “Let’s leave them here, soon it will be hot and the Snow Maiden will melt, and let the grandfather sit and grieve. And we’ll take all the gifts and surprises to our island and spend the whole year eating sweets and playing with the interesting toys they prepared for the kids. And let the children sit and wait for the holiday for a long, long time.” And they led their captives into the forest.
“It’s terrible,” thought Drakosha, “how such beautiful girl may melt." He felt sorry for the old grandfather and those guys who were sitting and waiting for gifts. And he decided to free the girl and the old grandfather.

Drakosha was kind, but he really did not like evil and unjust people. And once upon a time, his grandfather Drakon Drakonych taught him several magical deeds. He could temporarily transform living beings into dry trees, stones, and stumps.
The angry Drakosha rushed into the forest. At first he decided to come to an amicable agreement with the little men. “Please let the poor old man and girl go!” - Drakosha shouted to them. But in response they only laughed at him. “Who are you to tell us? - they squeaked. “We’ll connect you now.” And the evil men rushed at Drakosha. But Drakosha was very clever and brave. He released fire from his mouth and the first three men quickly turned into round stones. The little men froze for a few seconds, but immediately rushed at Drakosha again. But he was not at a loss and turned several more of them into dry trees. There are only four villains left. They got scared and decided to run to the ship.
“No, you won’t leave,” said Drakosha, and four dry stumps appeared on the road. He ran up to the grandfather and the girl and untied them.

Thank you very much, kind Drakosha! - the grandfather and the girl told him. - You saved us and many, many children who are now waiting for us, waiting for gifts, waiting for the New Year! After all, if we don’t come, the holiday will not come.
- What is New Year? – Drakosha asked.
-You don’t know what New Year is? – the girl was surprised. - My name is Snegurochka, and this is my grandfather - Grandfather Frost. We invite you to our holiday!
Drakosha was very happy. He had never been to a holiday before in his life.
- Then quickly run to the ship, because soon my magical action will end and the evil little men will come to life.
And all three rushed to the ship.

After several days of sailing, the ship sailed to land. But it was all white and shone with multi-colored lights.
- What it is? – Drakosha asked the Snow Maiden.
“It’s snow,” said the girl. - You're so funny.
They got into the sleigh and rushed through forests and fields covered with snow. There is very little left until the start of the new year.
"How beautiful!" - thought Drakosha. And then a huge house appeared in front of Drakosha. There were many, many guys there. But as soon as the guys saw Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on the threshold, they shouted joyfully and clapped their hands.
- Happy New Year, dear guys, with new happiness! - said Grandfather Frost. - We are very glad to see you. We were in a hurry, but on the way we met evil robbers who did not want the New Year to come. But here's ours new friend Dragon saved us and our holiday. Therefore, our New Year will be the year of the good Dragon!
- Hurray! - the guys shouted.
“Hurray,” Drakosha shouted.
And the holiday began! He was very happy, because now he is not alone - he has a lot of kind and good friends!

And Ponomarev Artem with his fairy tale "Factory of Santa Claus".

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya. One day at school he heard from high school students that there is no such thing as Santa Claus. He became very sad and when he came home, he decided to make a strange wish. If it doesn’t come true, it means the older guys are telling the truth. If it comes true, it’s all just fiction. And his desire was this: to visit the magic factory of Santa Claus.

IN New Year's Eve When he had already forgotten about his desire, the boy woke up from the cold. Opening his eyes, he saw that all the windows in his room were open. Sitting down on the bed, Petya looked through the open window at the magical Troll, who was sitting on a shining snow sleigh and, as it turned out, was waiting for the boy. And suddenly the Troll says to him: “Well, you are a sleepyhead. Stop sitting, otherwise someone will see me. Hurry up! There are still two of the same unbelieving guys waiting for us.” The boy quickly jumped out of bed and miraculously found himself in the sleigh. A few seconds later, two more guys were sitting next to him: Styopa and his sister Olya.
-Where are we going? - Olya whispered quietly.
- You wanted to visit Santa Claus’s magical factory! - Troll answered laughing.
Nothing was visible. Everything is white and white. In the icy white desert there stood an icy house. Made of icicles, all sparkling. Santa Claus was waiting for the guys there!

The sleigh slowly went down. But Petya, Styopa and Olya could not move. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was actually Santa Claus's magical factory. The children entered the factory and were amazed. Toys sparkled all around, candies, cookies and confetti rained down. A streamer flew around the factory and slowly fell into gift bags. Snowflakes were falling from the ceiling. And cheerful gnomes in smart collars and white gloves carefully packed gifts. Various magical toys were created in the toy workshop.
- Well, guys, do you like my factory? - the children heard the voice of Santa Claus and turned around.
- Certainly! This is just a miracle! - the guys shouted.
- I’ll tell you a secret: I only come to those who believe in me.
And suddenly, each of the guys unexpectedly woke up in their bed, and under the tree they found a red bag, showered with confetti and streamers.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson. If you believe, it works out and then everything comes true!


Vika Simonenko from 3rd grade and her fairy tale “Seven Stars”.

There lived a boy Dima in Krasnoyarsk. He was seven years old. On New Year's Eve, Dima and his parents began to prepare for the long-awaited holiday. We invited guests, decorated the house, and cut salads. And now Dima approaches his mother:
- Mom, are we going to celebrate the New Year without a tree?
- Oh, exactly. We didn't buy a Christmas tree!
They got ready and went with dad to shopping mall behind the tree. Of course, there were not only Christmas trees, but also firecrackers, Christmas decorations and stars. But most of all Dima liked the garlands. He went to them. They shimmered: now red, now yellow, now green, now blue. Dima really wanted to decorate the New Year tree with one of the garlands. He went to his parents and wanted to tell him about it, but they were no longer there. Dima was horrified. He started running all over the store, but they were nowhere to be found. A passerby approached Dima:
- What happened, boy?
- My parents are missing!
- How did you disappear?
- Well, we came here to get a Christmas tree. I went to the garlands, and when I returned, they were no longer there.
- Do you remember your address?
- No, I’m only seven years old!
- Well then, stay here and don’t go anywhere, and I’ll come soon and everything will be fine.

She left. But for some reason the boy became scared. He imagined some shadows. Then Dima became even more frightened. He started running around the entire shopping center and asking everyone: “Have you seen my parents?” But everyone just looked at him very strangely and passed by.
Then Dima ran out into the street and began to remember the way home.
Everything around was unfamiliar. Then Dima sat down in the snow and tears flowed from his eyes. “I would give anything to go home,” he muttered, sobbing.

And suddenly he saw the stars light up in the sky. He stopped crying and looked at them. Then he started counting them. There were seven of them. "Wow, I've never seen anything like this bright stars“, thought Dima.
They burned so intensely that the boy's eyes hurt. He closed his eyes. Then the light went out. Dima opened his eyes. Strange, but he no longer found himself in the snow in an unfamiliar place, but in front of his house. “This is my house!?” - the boy was surprised.
Dima ran into his apartment.
- Mommy, daddy!!!
- Dimochka, darling! - Mom and Dad rushed to him.
- I miss you so much!!! But why did you leave me in the shopping center?
- Son, you suddenly disappeared somewhere, and we looked for you for a long time.
Everyone was very happy, together they decorated the Christmas tree and began to celebrate the New Year.
When Dima went to bed, one question tormented him for a long time: “How did I get home?”


Shraer Valeria from 3rd "b" grade and her fairy tale « New Year's adventures schoolchildren".

Once, third graders gathered in their class for the New Year holiday and began to discuss Santa Claus.
- Santa Claus exists! - said Petya. – Santa Claus always comes to us with the Snow Maiden and gives us gifts.
- Santa Claus does not exist! – Anya and Kolya assured him. – These are the parents asking the actors to come to our home.
- Santa Claus exists! - Masha exclaimed. – Where do actors get so many gifts?!
- Santa Claus exists! – Eve screamed.
And then the argument began. The guys argued and argued, but suddenly their heads began to spin, their vision darkened, it became dark.
And then the Sun shone, the guys woke up and felt very cold. The schoolchildren looked around and, to their surprise, discovered that they were in the forest.
-Where are we? – the children asked in one voice.
- Guys, help! – a very young girl in a blue fur coat and hat ran towards the children.
Golden curls lay on her shoulders, and blue eyes looked at the schoolchildren.
- Yes, this is the Snow Maiden! - Masha exclaimed.
“Yes, that’s right,” nodded the Snow Maiden, “and you found yourself in a magical forest where Santa Claus lives.” Unfortunately, you will not be able to return home until you help us. New Year is under threat. The evil Ice Dragon captured Santa Claus. We must save him!

So the guys and Snow Maiden went to save Santa Claus. As they walked, they were hit by a blizzard.
- What do we do? – asked Kolya.
“Come up with a magic spell,” said the Snow Maiden.
The guys consulted and argued for a long time and finally came up with the magic words. As soon as they said them, the snowstorm stopped, and in the distance the guys saw some kind of cave. The Snow Maiden said that the Ice Dragon lives there.
Friends decided to go there. They went inside the cave and saw an ice statue of Santa Claus.
“We need to warm him up,” said Eve.
The guys began to dance around Santa Claus and warmed him up. But then the Ice Dragon appeared.
- Who's in my cave? – he growled menacingly.
- It's us, schoolchildren! - the guys shouted. – We want to give you New Year’s gifts, because on New Year’s everyone gives gifts to each other.
- Present? And no one ever gave me gifts.
-You just got offended and became angry. “Let Santa Claus go and come with us to our holiday,” the friends said.
And then suddenly everything began to spin in a whirlwind and the children again found themselves in their classroom.
- And yet Santa Claus exists! - the guys exclaimed in unison. They twirled in a round dance and the fun began.
Do you believe in Santa Claus?


Dear friends of our site! Compose and send us your fairy tales, stories, stories on any topic. We will be happy to publish them on the pages of our website, respecting your authorship, do not forget to indicate your full name, surname, social status(student, teacher, parent, etc.), place of work or study. Write to us at This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. or via .

See you soon

Very soon it will snow, winter will cover it with snow, cold winds will blow and frosts will hit. We will watch the mischief of winter from the windows of the houses, and on fine days we will arrange winter photo sessions, sledding, sculpting snow women and organizing snow fights. But the long ones winter evenings as if meant to be read together winter tales filled with adventure, wonder and magic. We have prepared a list of just such fairy tales to make reading truly interesting and exciting.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

List of winter tales for children

  1. V. Vitkovich, G. Jagdfeld “A Tale in Broad Daylight” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the boy Mitya, who met the unusual snow girl Lelya and now protects her from the evil Snow Women and the Old Year.
  2. M. Staroste "Winter's Tale" (Labyrinth). The Snow Maiden baked a gingerbread man - Khrustik. But the inquisitive Khrustik did not want to lie in the basket with other gifts, he got out... and decided to go to the guys under the Christmas tree ahead of time. Many things awaited him along this path. dangerous adventures, in which he almost disappeared. But Santa Claus saved the hero, and he, in turn, promised not to go anywhere without asking.
  3. N. Pavlova “Winter Tales” “Winter Feast” (Labyrinth). The hare fed the squirrel with a broken leg all summer, and when the time came to return kindness to the squirrel, he began to feel sorry for his supplies. She came up with all sorts of tasks to ward off the hare, but in the end her conscience tormented her and they had a real winter feast. A dynamic and child-friendly plot and N. Charushin’s illustrations will be a good reason for discussing with your child issues of generosity and mutual assistance.
  4. P. Bazhov " Silver hoof» (Labyrinth). A good story about the orphan Darenka and Kokovan, who told the girl about an unusual goat with a silver hoof. And one day the fairy tale became reality, a goat ran to the booth, beat with its hoof, and from under it gems are pouring in.
  5. Yu. Yakovlev “Umka” (Labyrinth). The tale of a little white bear who discovers huge world in all its diversity, about his mother, a polar bear, and their adventures.
  6. S. Nordkvist “Christmas in Petson’s house” (Labyrinth). Petson and his kitten Findus had big plans this Christmas. But Petson twisted his ankle and can’t even go to the store or buy a Christmas tree. But is this an obstacle when there is ingenuity and friendly neighbors?
  7. N. Nosov “On the Hill” (Labyrinth). A story about a cunning but not very far-sighted boy Kotka Chizhov, who ruined the slide that the guys had been building all day by sprinkling it with snow.
  8. Odus Hilary "The Snowman and the Snow Dog" (Labyrinth, Ozone). The story is about a boy who recently lost his dog. And, having found “clothes” for the snowman, he decided to make both: the snowman and the dog. Snow sculptures came to life and there were tons of them waiting amazing adventures together. But spring came, the snowman melted, and the dog... became real!
  9. Tove Jansson " Magic winter» (Labyrinth). One day in winter, Moomintroll woke up and realized that he no longer wanted to sleep, which meant it was time for adventure. And there will be more than enough of them in this book, because this is the first Moomintroll who has not slept all year.
  10. W. Maslo “Christmas at the Godmother’s” (Labyrinth). Kind and fairy tales about the adventures of Vika and her fairy godmother, who works miracles for her goddaughter with her own hands. Just like us, passionate mothers :-)
  11. V. Zotov " New Year's story» (Labyrinth). On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus visits the children to find out what they really want for the holiday. And so grandpa found himself visiting the boy Vitya, who was rude at home, quiet at school and at the same time dreamed of a real car. And he received a film projector that shows the boy’s behavior from the outside. Great teaching move!
  12. Peter Nikl " True story about the good wolf" (Labyrinth). A tale about a wolf who decided to change his fate and stop being just a frightening and terrifying beast. The wolf became a doctor, but his previous glory did not allow him to fully reveal his talent until the animals were convinced of the wolf’s good intentions. Multilayer, philosophical tale. I think that the readers different ages they will find something of their own in it.
  13. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about a cunning fox and a short-sighted, gullible wolf, who suffered the most, was left without a tail, and still did not understand who was to blame for all his troubles.
  14. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about friendship and mutual assistance, in which animals built themselves a hut and together defended themselves from forest predators.
  15. (Labyrinth). A folk tale in which the grandfather lost his mitten and all the animals that were cold came to warm up in the mitten. As is usual in fairy tales, many animals fit into the mitten. And when the dog barked, the animals ran away, and the grandfather picked up an ordinary mitten from the ground.
  16. V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the Needlewoman, who dropped a bucket into a well and discovered at its bottom a completely different world, in which its owner, Moroz Ivanovich, gives everyone justice. For the needlewoman - silver patches and a diamond, and for Lenivitsa - an icicle and mercury.
  17. (Labyrinth). Original folk tale about Emel, who caught and released a magic pike and now strange and unexpected things are happening throughout the kingdom at his command.
  18. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas Porridge" (Labyrinth). A fairy tale by a Swedish writer about how people forgot traditions and decided not to serve porridge to their dwarf father before Christmas. This may cause the wrath of the gnomes and then people will be waiting whole year troubles. The gnome decides to save the situation; she wants to remind people of herself and bring porridge for the gnome.
  19. S. Kozlov “Winter Tales” (Labyrinth). Kind and touching stories about Hedgehog and his friends, about their friendship and desire to help each other. The original decisions of the main characters and the author's kind humor make this book understandable for children and interesting for older children.
  20. Astrid Lindgren "The Jolly Cuckoo" (Labyrinth). Gunnar and Gunilla had been sick for a whole month and dad bought them a cuckoo clock so that the children would always know what time it was. But the cuckoo turned out to be not wooden, but alive. She made the kids laugh and helped with Christmas gifts for mom and dad.
  21. Valko "New Year's Trouble" (Labyrinth). Winter has come in the hare valley. Everyone is preparing for the New Year and making gifts for each other, but then there was a snowfall and Jacob the Hare’s house was completely destroyed. The animals helped him build new house, saved a stranger and celebrated the New Year in a big friendly company.
  22. V. Suteev “Yolka”(a collection of winter tales in Labyrinth). The guys gathered to celebrate the New Year, but there was no Christmas tree. Then they decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and deliver it with the Snowman. The snowman faced danger on his way to Santa Claus, but with the help of his friends he coped with the task and the guys had a festive tree for the New Year.
  23. E. Uspensky “Winter in Prostokvashino” (Labyrinth). Uncle Fyodor and dad go to celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. The plot is slightly different from the film of the same name, but in the end the mother still joins the family, coming to them on skis.
  24. E. Rakitina “Adventures” New Year's toys» (Labyrinth). Small adventures told on behalf of various toys that happened to them throughout their lives, most which they spent on the Christmas tree. Various toys - different tempers, desires, dreams and plans.
  25. A. Usachev “New Year at the Zoo” (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about how the zoo residents decided to celebrate the New Year. And near the zoo, Father Frost had an accident and his horses ran away in all directions. Zoo residents helped deliver gifts and celebrated the New Year with Grandfather Frost.
  26. A. Usachev “Miracles in Dedmorozovka” (Ozone). Fairy Tale about Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and their assistants - snowmen and snowmen, who were sculpted from snow and brought to life at the beginning of winter. The snowmen have already helped Santa Claus with the delivery of gifts for the New Year and organized a holiday in their village. And now they continue to study at school, help the Snow Maiden in the greenhouse and misbehave a little, which is why they end up in prison. funny situations.
  27. Levi Pinfold "Black Dog" (Labyrinth). “Fear has big eyes,” says folk wisdom. And this fairy tale shows how brave a little girl can be, and how humor and games can help cope with even great fear.
  28. « old frost and young frost". A Lithuanian folk tale about how easily you can freeze in the cold, wrapped in warm blankets, and how the frost is not scary while actively working with an ax in your hands.
  29. V. Gorbachev “How Piggy spent the winter”(Labyrinth). The story is about Piggy the boaster, who, due to his inexperience and gullibility, went north with a fox and was left without provisions, ended up in a bear’s den and barely escaped with his feet from the wolves.
  30. Br. and S. Paterson “Adventures in the Fox Forest” (Labyrinth). Winter had come in the Fox Forest and everyone was preparing for the New Year. Hedgehog, Little Squirrel and Little Mouse were preparing gifts, but there was little pocket money and they decided to earn extra money. New Year's songs and collecting brushwood did not help them earn money, but helping a carriage that had an accident gave them an acquaintance with a new judge and a New Year's masquerade ball awaited them.
  31. S. Marshak “12 months” (Labyrinth). A fairy-tale play in which a kind and hardworking Stepdaughter received a whole basket of snowdrops in December from the month of April.

Let's tell you a secret that we decided not just to read fairy tales, but to read and play based on their plots in anticipation of the New Year 2018. Adventures, quests, games and creative tasks. If you want the same fabulous Advent that lasts all December, then we invite you to New Year's quest "The Dog Saves the New Year."

One day, all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale forest had a big quarrel and decided never to communicate with each other again. No one remembered exactly how the conflict began, but everyone was very stubborn and proud. Accumulated grievances did not allow them to take the first step, and the animals were bored alone. But still, this is a fairy tale about the New Year, so let's not talk about the bad.
The holidays were approaching, the forest inhabitants remembered last year's cheerful New Year's Eve and thought about how to celebrate this an important event this year. After all, no one was going to make peace. As a result, everyone decided to celebrate the New Year on their own.

Closer to the 31st, the first difficulties began. The squirrel decorated the Christmas tree with pine cones and nuts, but couldn’t think of anything to do with the lighting. “It’s okay, it’s also very beautiful,” she thought and became sad.
The Bunny had another problem - he found a beautiful garland and was already imagining the festive New Year's lights, but he couldn't reach the tree because he was too short.
The fox prepared a lot of festive dishes, decorated a small but neat pine tree and was about to celebrate when she suddenly remembered that she couldn’t sing at all. The New Year without songs could not fit into her head and this was the main reason for her frustration.
The wolf did not understand aesthetics, much less knew how to cook. Absence festive mood, food and a Christmas tree made him gloomy and angry. And Little Bear, having realistically assessed the situation, decided that sleeping through the New Year was a pretty good idea.
And a similar situation occurred in every house in the fairy forest. The New Year was sad and boring. This would be the end of our fairy tale, if not for the New Year's Magic.

A fairy tale about the New Year for children: why there is strength in unity

The animals seemed resigned to their situation and did not expect anything good or interesting. But on New Year's Eve they wanted to feel the holiday magic. Everyone remembered how beautiful and wonderful it was last year to have fun together near the largest Christmas tree in the forest. For some reason, they decided that New Year's magic was connected with this place and hurried there.
Very little time passed, and the whole forest company gathered near the large fluffy spruce. Seeing each other, they wanted to talk, ask about business, but remembered the quarrel. The animals suddenly became very ashamed. How can you be so stubborn and proud? How can you keep so many grudges to yourself? They understood each other without words and hugged tightly. The world no longer seemed so dim, but without New Year's lights, songs and fun it was very sad.

“How stupid we were. After all, we ourselves ruined our holiday. There is very little time left for the New Year; we won’t have time to really prepare,” the animals cried. At that moment it seemed that no one could change the situation.
“Stop being a ninny!” - suddenly there was a loud sound hoarse voice. It was Little Bear, who was awakened by a noise near a large spruce tree. “We came together, and this is the main thing, because strength lies in unity. Let's quickly decorate the Christmas tree as much as we can, bring our own food and sing songs. Even if the holiday will not be so beautiful, we can still make it fun. Is not it?" – he continued.
The animals agreed, smiled and ran home. This time there are toys, candies, nuts and garlands. No one was sad anymore, everyone was in a hurry to be in time for the New Year.

What was their surprise when they returned and saw a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, New Year's lights, a snowman, colorful lights on other trees and a lot of sweets on the table, which appeared as suddenly as everything else. New Year's Magic came to the animals and gave a real holiday which they deserve. After all, they understood the main thing! Remember the moral of this fairy tale about the New Year - do not accumulate your grievances, learn to forgive others and do not be afraid to take the first step. Only together with friends can you find happiness and encounter magic.

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Bedtime story about the New Year - for new impressions, for your Have a good mood, for a restful, happy sleep. New Year is a holiday that makes hearts kinder, gives hope for the best, fills the soul with warmth and joy. The New Year is full of secrets, miracles, surprises and magic. And it's adorable! Happy New Year! Peace, fulfillment of desires, happiness, understanding, beauty!

Listen to a fairy tale (6min 42sec)

Bedtime story about New Year

Once upon a time there lived Santa Claus. He was tall, stately and with a rich white beard. He lived in a beautiful mansion with painted shutters, a high porch and patterned glass in the lighted windows. Every winter, Santa Claus wished all the inhabitants of the Fairytale Forest a Happy New Year. The inhabitants of the Fairytale Forest dressed up in carnival costumes, and it was impossible to tell which of them was a fox and which was a hare. Santa Claus congratulated everyone, and often stopped by the neighboring Azure Forest to congratulate local residents Happy New Year.

One day a story happened. Early on, a small titmouse flew to Santa Claus and told him that Baba Yaga was asking him to come visit her.

- What does the venerable cheat want? – thought Santa Claus, but did not refuse the invitation.

“I’ll come by lunchtime,” said Santa Claus.

But he was unable to come to dinner, and he showed up at the house on chicken legs only in the evening. There was a stump right next to Baba Yaga's house. Santa Claus accidentally touched it with his staff, the stump swayed, shook himself off and mumbled:

— For some reason or other?

“Baba Yaga herself called,” answered Santa Claus.

“Come in,” the stump said peacefully.

Baba Yaga treated Santa Claus to bagels, and then said:

- In the Farthest, Farthest Forest, you, Red Nose Frost, have never been seen. But there were no Christmas trees there; Only sorcerer oaks grow there. Get ready, take me there New Year tree and gifts for the inhabitants of the forest.

- How will I go there? – asked Santa Claus. “My horses don’t even know the way there.”

“So be it, let’s go together in my mortar,” said Baba Yaga.

“But it will be too small for both of us,” said Santa Claus.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Baba Yaga.

- Why have you become so kind? – Santa Claus doubted.

- So, for once, you gave me a gift today - you gave me a new broom and repaired the stove, otherwise I, the old one, began to freeze completely.

And the next morning they decided to fly to the Far, Far Forest. Santa Claus put on a warm fur coat, took gifts and a New Year tree. But Baba Yaga found fur mittens and put on woolen socks, but she didn’t take any gifts, because Baba-Hedgehogs don’t give any gifts, and she even waved a broom.

Baba Yaga tapped her mortar with a broom, it immediately increased in size, Santa Claus and Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and flew away.

Whether it took a long time or a short time, they flew to the Far-Far Forest. When the inhabitants of the forest saw Baba Yaga flying, they hid in all directions.

Father Frost and Baba Yaga landed and gathered to congratulate the inhabitants of the Far, Far Forest on the New Year, but no one was there. They were screaming and screaming, but there was no one there. What to do? Whom should we congratulate?

And a small titmouse joined them in flight. When Father Frost and Baba Yaga were getting ready for the journey, she slipped into the pocket of Father Frost's fur coat, and sat there the entire way.

When Santa Claus and Baba Yaga began to look for animals and birds, she got out of her pocket and said:

- Don’t worry, I’ll bring animals and birds to you now.

And she flew off to look for the local titmice. I found them and told them that Father Frost and Baba Yaga had arrived to wish everyone a Happy New Year and give them gifts. And they brought something else.

It turned out Christmas tree, which was seen by the inhabitants of the most distant, distant forest, who came running to the Silver Glade. They were invited by numerous tits.

Residents of the most distant, distant forest gasped when they looked at the beautiful Christmas tree with toys, lanterns and lights. Santa Claus gave gifts to everyone, and Baba Yaga told New Year's tale. The little titmouse was asking riddles.

And when Santa Claus's clock struck twelve times, everyone shouted in unison:

- Happy New Year! Hooray!

And they danced together in circles. And then the little sparrow said that he was tired and wanted to sleep. The fox cubs, wolf cubs, and squirrels also wanted to sleep.

Well! Sleep is also a small holiday. A holiday of happy events and fabulous transformations. Children grow up in their sleep. This is great!

Grow up too, my friend. Gain strength and health. Santa Claus asked me to tell you that everything will be fine with you!

Traveling with Santa Claus

Misha was walking around snowy forest and suddenly saw fresh tracks. They interested him extremely: someone had recently walked here in huge, huge boots.

Who could it be? Is it really Santa Claus?

And indeed, soon the boy saw Santa Claus in the distance.

Are you surprised, baby, that I'm here? - Santa Claus asked Misha as he ran up. - But I have a magical fast cloud that can instantly transport you to any place. Do you want to fly it with me?

Wow!!! Who would refuse this? tempting offer?! Santa Claus sat the boy next to him on a cloud, and they flew in the blue of the night over snow-capped mountains and valleys. The cloud then soared upward, to to the bright stars, then fell, touching the tops of the fluffy fir trees. What an extraordinary journey it was!

Soon the lights began to sparkle below big city. All the children had decorated the Christmas trees a long time ago and were now sitting at home and waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Only all the chimneys, unfortunately, were closed. “How do you get into houses to leave gifts? Will the kids never wait for them?” - Misha got nervous.

Don’t worry, it’s better to watch carefully how I will deftly do everything,” said Santa Claus, as if reading the boy’s thoughts, and scattered many small multi-colored parachutes with gifts from the cloud. Each of them had a piece of paper attached to it with the name of a girl or boy. Parachutes slowly descended on the city...

Don’t worry,” Father Frost reassured Misha again, “downstairs all the parachutes will meet the brownies and deliver gifts to the children.”

Misha really wanted to continue this wonderful journey with Santa Claus... but then he suddenly... woke up and realized that, unfortunately, he had only dreamed of it all.

Where's my gift? Did the brownie manage to bring it? - Misha cried, remembering his unforgettable dream.

Jumping out of the crib, the baby ran to the Christmas tree: what happiness! The gift in shiny paper was already in its place.

“But who knows,” thought a satisfied Misha, “maybe what I saw at night wasn’t a dream at all?!”

Father Frost

One winter day, little Pavlik and his girlfriend Katya were skiing in the forest. It had already begun to get dark, and they hurried home, when suddenly among the pines the kids noticed an illuminated large beautiful house. “What if Santa Claus himself lives here?” - Katya had an unexpected thought, and the girl immediately shared it with Pavlik.

Let’s check, it won’t take much time,” the boy continued, and the children immediately moved towards the large house.

Pavlik didn’t know if Santa Claus was at home, so he decided to look through the window first.

Let's go see! - he suggested to Katya.

The children quietly crept up to the window and saw: an old man sitting in the room, all in red and with a thick white beard, packing gifts. Real Grandfather Freezing! Pavlik wiped the frosty glass better, and the friends saw as many toys as they had never seen in any store.

The children quietly moved away from the window so as not to disturb Santa Claus, and hurried home to write letters to him: after all, we need to help the old grandfather, otherwise he does not know who wants to receive what gift for the New Year.

On New Year's morning, the first thing Pavlik did was run to the fireplace. And he froze in surprise: in front of the fireplace there was a small carpenter’s table, and on it lay a set of carpentry tools! Wow! What a gift! And it doesn’t matter that there were no toys, because now Pavlik will be able to make them himself, and this is much more interesting! He made so many toys that there would be enough not only for him, but for all his friends!

Snow Maiden

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. We lived well, amicably. Everything would be fine, but one misfortune - they didn’t have children.

Now the snowy winter has come, there are snowdrifts up to the waist, the children pour out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief.

“Well, old woman,” says the old man, “let’s make ourselves a daughter out of snow.”

Come on, says the old woman.

The old man put on his hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter out of the snow. They rolled a snowball, fitted the arms and legs, and placed a snowy head on top. The old man sculpted a nose, mouth, and chin. Lo and behold, the Snow Maiden’s lips turned pink and her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted and brought her to the hut. They look at her and can’t stop admiring her.

And the old people’s daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.

The old people are not overjoyed at their daughter; they dote on her. My daughter is growing up smart, smart, and cheerful. Affectionate and friendly with everyone. And the Snow Maiden’s work is progressing in her hands, and when she sings a song, you will be heard.

Winter has passed. The spring sun has begun to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green and the larks began to sing. And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

What's wrong with you, daughter? - asks the old man. - Why have you become so sad? Or can't you?

Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I’m healthy.

That's last snow melted, flowers bloomed in the meadows, birds flew in. And the Snow Maiden is becoming sadder and more silent day by day. Hiding from the sun. She would like some shade and some cool air, or even better, some rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, large hail fell. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like rolling pearls. And when the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by a brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, they called Snegurochka.

Come with us, Snow Maiden, for a walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.

The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her.

Go, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls and the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, and lead round dances. Only Snow Maiden is still sad. And as soon as it got light, they gathered some brushwood, built a fire, and started jumping over the fire one after another. Behind everyone, the Snow Maiden stood up.

She ran in her turn to fetch her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was something plaintively moaning behind them: “Aw!” They turned around, but the Snow Maiden was not there. They began to call her.

Ay, ay, Senugrushka!

Only the echo in the forest responded to them.

The Tale of the New Year Tree

It was a long time ago. There was a decorated Christmas tree in a closed room on the night before the New Year. All covered in beads, multi-colored paper chains, and small glass stars. The tree was locked so that children would not see it ahead of time.

But many other inhabitants of the house still saw her. A fat gray cat saw her with his big green eyes. And the little gray mouse, who was afraid of cats, also looked at the beautiful Christmas tree with one eye when no one was in the room. But there was someone else who didn’t have time to look at the New Year tree. It was a small spider. He was not allowed to get out of his modest corner behind the closet. The fact is that the housewife drove all the spiders out of the room before the holiday, and he miraculously hid in a dark corner.

But the spider also wanted to see the Christmas tree, and therefore went to Santa Claus and said: “Everyone has already seen the New Year tree, but we spiders were kicked out of the house. But we also want to look at the festive forest beauty!”

And Santa Claus took pity on the spiders. He quietly opened the door to the room where the Christmas tree stood, and all the spiders: big, small, and very tiny spiders began to run around it. First they looked at everything they could see from below, and then they climbed onto the tree to get a better look at everything else. Little spiders ran up and down all the branches and twigs and examined every toy, every bead up close and personal. They looked around and left completely happy. And the tree was covered in cobwebs, from the bottom to the very top. Cobwebs hung from all the branches and entangled even the tiniest twigs and needles.

What could Santa Claus do? He knew that the mistress of the house hated Spiders and cobwebs. Then Santa Claus turned the cobwebs into gold and silver threads. This, it turns out, is why the New Year tree is decorated with golden and silver rain.


The New Year was coming, and Vitalik really wanted to have a Christmas tree at home. He dreamed of how he would decorate it multi-colored balls, small candles, beautiful garlands. All the boy’s friends bought Christmas trees a long time ago, but he didn’t have a Christmas tree. When he came to the Christmas tree market, there was nothing left there; the last tree was sold. “I’ll go to the forest,” Vitalik decided, “maybe I’ll find myself a Christmas tree there.” He took an ax and went into the forest, to where large and lush fir trees grew, so tall and so dense that no one had ever had them before.

After a long and difficult journey through deep snowdrifts, Vitalik finally came to his goal: he began to chop down one of the best trees - thick and fluffy. The tree was so huge that, having cut it down, the boy could not even lift his prey. Then he decided to cut the tree in the middle. But even this burden turned out to be beyond his strength: Vitalik, groaning, dragged it a few meters, took a breath and went back to work. He will probably never make it home!

Completely exhausted, the kid decided to shorten the tree by half again. “It’s bad, of course,” he thought, “but my tree will still remain the best. Then he set off again.

It was still a long way from home, sweat was already pouring from Vitalik in large drops, his hands were raw. And so, stopping many more times and shortening and shortening the Christmas tree, Vitalik reached his house. He looks and only the top of the tree remains!

Upset, Vitalik returned to the forest and found a smaller Christmas tree - a little fluffy beauty. He was about to raise the ax to cut it down, but then a bunny appeared out of nowhere and screamed pleadingly:

Don't cut it, please! This is the only small Christmas tree we have left!

Vitalik lowered his head sadly: “Now I won’t have Christmas tree, he thought, but then his eyes lit up again, “or maybe I should dress up this forest one?”

He quickly ran home and brought various decorations for the Christmas tree: shiny toys, colorful balls, intricate garlands.

The forest came to life: squirrels came running, sparrows and bullfinches flew in, and little hares jumped up. Some hung balloons, others tied garlands and attached candles. The Christmas tree turned out to be very elegant, and everyone was heartily happy looking at it.

Thank you, boy, for giving us a holiday! We also want to give you a gift. Here, take acorns and oak leaf garlands. Decorate your home with them.

Vitalik returned home cheerful. Humming, he decorated the fireplace and, admiring his work, placed his boots next to it so that Grandfather Frost could put gifts in them at night.

“What do you think, mom,” he asked, going to bed, “will Santa Claus bring me toys tonight?”

Of course,” his mother answered him, “he will definitely bring it!”

Early in the morning, barely opening his eyes, Vitalik quickly jumped out of bed and rolled head over heels down the stairs. His heart was beating loudly from excitement. Will he find the desired toys in his boots?

But what is it? He did not find even the tiniest toy by the fireplace. But there were bunches of carrots, a bag of nuts and a whole bag of grains for the birds.

Vitalik even had tears in his eyes from grief, and he, sad, went out into the yard.

The boy looks - the hare is running, in a hurry, shouting to him from afar:

Let's go quickly, there are plenty of toys under the tree! This is probably all for you. But for some reason there is nothing for us.

The boy immediately understood everything. Well, it turns out that’s what’s going on! It's just that Grandfather Frost mixed up the gifts.

And look, bunny, what he brought me!

The friends took everything that was lying by the fireplace and quickly ran into the forest.

And here, near the Christmas tree, Vitalik saw what he had dreamed of for so long: a train with colorful carriages, a big, big ball and a real guitar!

There were so many toys that you couldn’t carry them all at once!

The rabbits and squirrels, and all the forest inhabitants, also could not get enough of their gifts.

Then everyone stood in a circle and began to dance around the elegant Christmas tree.

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