How old is Anton’s mother from house 2. Facts from the past of Oksana, Anton’s adoptive mother Shoka, have surfaced. Why did your adoptive parents turn their backs on you?

Anton Batrakov (Shocks) was adopted American family, when he was 14 years old. A boy from Chuvashia, on his way to America, thought that fate had finally smiled upon him. He went to the land of freedom with a dream of flying in the sky, about becoming a pilot, about happy life in an American family, where in addition to his father and mother he will have half-brothers and sisters. But after just a few months of staying in the USA, he realized that his dreams were not destined to come true. His adoptive parents, whom he did not understand because he did not speak the language, turned him in to the police with accusations of sexual abuse of their three children, and then abandoned him completely. After several years of wandering around orphanages and foster families in the United States, Anton finally returned to Russia. And here another story began, also not like sugar, but the world, as it turned out, is not without good people...

Now Anton is preparing to enter the law faculty and heads a large charity project with the support of the famous public figure and producer of the group “Tender May” Andrey Razin. The Return Charitable Center will allow Russian orphans with the same unsuccessful adoption as Anton’s to return from abroad back to their homeland - Russia.

Anton told SP-Yug about his life before his adoption to America and after returning to Russia.

Chuvash-American Odyssey

Anton ended up in an orphanage at the age of three due to a typical situation for a Russian orphan: his parents were drunk and had no time for the child. In addition, the mother, trying to arrange her personal life, changed men and constantly got involved in some kind of criminal situations, for which she ended up in a pre-trial detention center, and then in a colony, where she still is.

“I went to see my mother in the colony when I returned from America,” says Anton. “Even though I didn’t know her and didn’t love her, I never forgot that she was my mother.” It's not her fault that the circumstances turned out this way. Life had it that way. Now I know that life can batter and break anyone. Therefore, I went to her to say that I forgive her. It was probably important for the mother to hear these words from her son.

About his father, Anton says that he doesn’t remember him. He left his family early. Among the relatives there is a brother from another father. He was brought up with him orphanage in Chuvashia until he left for America. The brother, like the mother, is now in prison.

Anton agreed to be adopted to America on the advice of his good friend, a director from Chuvashia. Yuri Spiridonov, which essentially replaced him at that life period father. Together they thought it would be better for Anton. After all, he will have a better chance of getting an education by training to become a pilot, which the orphan from Chuvashia so dreamed of becoming. True, Anton did not know English, but he hoped to quickly learn the language in American school.

But in reality everything turned out differently. The discord between Anton and his adoptive parents began within a couple of months. Anton did not understand his new guardians, and they did not trust the almost adult, as it seemed to them, difficult, Russian teenager from an orphanage. Anton was dragged around psychological adaptive camps, where he felt out of place. Firstly, he was the oldest among the adopted children in these camps (almost young men), and he was forced, as a small child, to sit on the laps of his guardians and sleep in the same bed with them. As Anton admitted, he just wanted to run away somewhere from this strange and unpleasant situation. And his new parents thought that the boy was wild and abnormal, and tried to protect him from contact with the outside environment.

— My adoptive parents didn’t send me to a regular school, only at monasteries. They were afraid that I would find friends with whom I would spend time. But I still found a friend. I ran to him and spent the night with him.

My parents started locking me in the room with an alarm. Sensors were installed on the window and door. I couldn't even go to the toilet at night. But I broke the sensor on the window and ran away. True, the police quickly returned me. After such an outburst, my parents sent me to a mental hospital. I stayed there for several months. Doctors found no abnormalities. And then my foster family took me to the director of the psychological camp. There I was locked in a basement for 7 days. They didn't talk to me. I sat alone, locked in the room, and they pushed a bowl under the door like a dog,” Anton says about life in a foster family.

Through Google Translator, Anton was able to communicate with his “jailers.” He said that he no longer wanted to live with the Shockey family, and they in turn sent him alone on a plane to Texas, as they told him, forever. There Anton went to school and began to communicate with other children. It seemed that life was starting to get better, but after 3 months, without explaining the reasons, Anton was put on a plane again and returned back to Shoki. Having met the boy at the airport, the American father and mother handed their adopted son over to the police, where they put “bracelets” on Anton’s hands and put him in a cell. Only 3 months later, when Anton began to be taken to court, they explained to him that the Shocs had accused him of sexually harassing their children. From then on, Anton came from a foster family under social care, who placed him in a camp for difficult children with criminal tendencies. And although the boy went through all the unimaginable examinations and was examined by both doctors and psychologists for bad inclinations and mental sanity and was declared normal, he continued to be kept in institutions for “special” children. Then there were three “professional” families, where the “dad” is paid a salary to support the child, and many attempts to contact the Russian consul in order to return to Russia. But several years passed before this happened. During this time, Anton’s status in the United States changed from an adopted teenager to a “state” teenager.

— When I finally got a meeting with the Russian consul, I was 16 years old. I begged to be taken to Russia. The problem was that in America I was under state custody until I came of age. And neither American nor Russian laws allowed me to return to Russia. It turned out that neither our nor the American legislation provides for the return of children in such cases with the preservation of the required benefits,” Anton recalls about all the torment that he had to endure before he was able to return to Russia. — I had to wait until I turned 18 (until the age of majority) Russian laws) so that the Russian consul can provide assistance. During this time I graduated from school with a bronze medal. He worked, bought a car and wanted to go to college to train as a pilot. But because of my African American guardian (third after the Shockeys) who treated me like trash, I couldn't do it. There was a time when I spent the night in the park and there was nothing to eat because the guardian locked the house and could leave for a neighboring state with his son without even notifying me. And then mass street riots of African-Americans began in my city and I was so scared that there was only one thought about surviving at all. Then I wrote many letters to Putin, To Astakhov and to the Russian Embassy. And finally, they helped me. From Missouri I flew to Houston, and there he met me Lavrov and from there I returned to Russia.

PR against the backdrop of an orphan

— Yuri Spiridonov met me at the Russian airport. Not Astakhov, as the media wrote, not government officials, just my friend. And in the two years that I have been in Russia, not a single official, including Astakhov, has helped me. I couldn’t even get a Russian passport. There was nowhere to live. As an orphan, I was denied housing in Russia. They claim that I am listed here on paper adopted child American family Shockey. It turned out that I lost the benefits granted to an orphan there, and I didn’t receive them here. Stupidly, I threw away my American passport when I got off the plane in Russia, and then I had to restore it. It cost me a lot of money - $200. And the most remarkable thing is that so many things have been written and told about me, including Gordon on “First”, and promoted themselves at my expense, but no one helped after the lights of the spotlights and cameras went out,” Anton, exhaling in his hearts with bitterness in his voice and eyes, expressed his thoughts out loud.

— I never liked PR. When I got off the plane and saw the journalists, I got scared. I didn’t want to talk about my life to all these cameras. Went back to Cheboksary. Then I realized that I had done the wrong thing. It was necessary to stay in Moscow in order to knock on some of the right doors. Our regions suffer both materially and in terms of social assistance opportunities. For a long time I could not legalize my education documents in order to enroll in higher education. I wrote and called Astakhov, but I couldn’t reach him...

I legalized the documents myself, paying 10 thousand rubles. It took, however, 2 years. Now the problem is to refresh your knowledge. But I am not weak person, I decided to enroll, so I will enroll. The knowledge of a lawyer is needed for my goal, to help orphans like me. And if it works out, then become the Commissioner under the President Russian Federation on children’s rights,” Anton shared.

The world is not without good people

— I am very grateful to Andrei Razin. He noticed me when he came to Cheboksary with concerts " Happy May" I was watching the news at the hotel and there was a story about me. He found me and invited me, along with the entire boarding school, to the “Tender May” concert. And then he said that he was taking me to Moscow immediately after the end of the tour.

He arranged for me to register, restored my Russian passport, helped me find a job, and now I have an apartment in Sochi thanks to him. And although there are still bare walls and no documents, I hope that everything will be there. The apartment, by the way, is in the same building where the “Return” charity center is planned to open. There will also be apartments for other orphans like me,” Anton said about the fateful meeting and plans for the future.

Another good friend in Anton's life (among the few) - Andrey Isaev Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the Party " United Russia" Anton became friends with Isaev when he had the opportunity to work in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Even though it was a short experience, it was a useful one. As Anton said, thanks to this work, he had an opening in his life. new goal and the direction of his current activity appeared - the curator of the charity project “Return”.

— In Sochi, Andrei Razin and I are opening the official office of the charity Center for the return of orphans from abroad back to Russia. In October we are scheduled to fly to America to open 10 representative offices of the Return Center there. The official head office is planned to open in Washington at the Russian Embassy. Children will be able to apply there directly,” Anton spoke about the project, adding that the first important steps towards its implementation have already been taken.

— We sent 2 thousand letters to various large companies with a request for help, funds have already begun to flow into the budget of the charity project. Thanks to them, it became possible to purchase 15 apartments for orphans. The website has already been created, the development of which I am working on. Now I find Russian orphans abroad who need help and who want to return to Russia,” says Anton.

Small tragedies on a grand scale big country

In America, of course, there is good families, where Russian orphans end up, but there are also scary cases, much worse than Anton's.

— In March, I contacted my friend Christina Knopp. She and I are from the same orphanage in Chuvashia. She also wanted to return, but did not wait. An acquaintance killed her. When I found out, I couldn’t eat or sleep for a week. It’s terrible that orphans abroad have nowhere to call or seek help from difficult situation, says Anton.

Christina, who died in the United States, was adopted by Americans in 2009. The girl passed away on March 23. No one told her relatives what happened to her there. To this day they do not know the circumstances of her death, and they were informed about Christina’s death only after her funeral. This is how the life of a Russian orphan girl from the Chuvash province ended in a foreign land.

Do you think it will be so

— America taught me a lot. The brain began to work differently,” admits Anton. — It was as if my brain gave out another 200% of its energy when I began to learn English, and then think in it. And I also realized that whatever you think, it will be so. I have always tried and try to see the good in the bad. When you have a positive attitude, a lot happens.

Yes, I can go to America, but I decided to stay in Russia and change our country for the better. As they say, where you were born, you came in handy. I'm proud of my country no matter what. I see Russia as promising and I hope that others will understand this and then everything will work out...

Look at Russian realities

“The main thing is to learn to see people and evaluate them not from the point of view of how much money a person has, but from the point of view of what he is, what he can do for himself and for others,” Anton shared his thoughts.

“Sometimes I ask myself the question: wouldn’t it be better to stay in America?” I wanted so badly to return to Russia and believed in my country, but in reality everything is different than on TV. I saw that Russia suffers greatly from corruption and this causes many troubles. It is clear that Russia is changing in better side. Russia big country, With great opportunities. Including financial ones, but people live poorly. The reason again is corruption. And now everyone is being told that there is a crisis in the country, but in reality there is no crisis - it is an artificially created situation. The money is just going in the wrong direction.

I had an incident here in Sochi when I was walking along the embankment with a bottle of beer in my hand. The police stopped me and asked for my documents. I had an American passport with me. Seeing him, the policeman began to tell him very emotionally how he wanted to go to America, and how bad and hopeless things were in Russia. This is very revealing!

Ordinary people depend on officials, and they do God knows what instead of working in their place. This is why Russians have such an attitude towards their country and have no faith in the future. This is the main difference between Russia and America. Now I understand why Russians are so eager to leave for the USA, even despite the propaganda that everything is bad there. In fact, our prospects and opportunities are enormous.

There is someone “up there” and he sees everything...

— Meeting Andrey is like help from above. Yes, there was a lot of bad things in my life, but now I understand that I had to go through all these negative moments in order to get to who I am now and what I have now. I never tire of thanking God for everything that happened in my life. I can’t say that I often go to church, but I believe in God or whoever is above. When I feel bad, I just look at the sky and talk to HIM. I'm sure HE hears me. And you will always get what you need if you ask. Not a million dollars, of course, but some real things. “I know it from myself,” says Anton. “And after they helped me get to Moscow and restore my passport, I believed 100%.

I lived in Chuvashia, worked everywhere and in whatever way I could: as a photographer, as a bartender, and sold jackets to save up for a passport. Money was very difficult. We also needed funds for a ticket and a hotel. I asked for help so much and then they call me from Moscow, from Channel One, from Gordon’s program, and offer me participation in a TV show: they pay for travel, a week’s stay in a hotel and also give me a fee of 40 thousand. It was like a miracle!

"Dom-2" as a "panacea" for begging

— There was a story when I wanted to get to Dom-2, I even applied through my brothers Zaitsevs had every chance to pass the casting. But, firstly, I didn’t know what it was then. And secondly, I had nowhere to live and there was a problem with work due to lack of registration and Russian passport. A friend told me to go to Dom-2. There is a roof there, they will feed you, and they will give you more money. Plus you'll be on television. They will find out about you and maybe help you life situation. That's why I went there, but when I found out what it was, I refused. Although who knows what would have happened if I had gotten there. Life is so unpredictable... - Anton says.

Russian orphans must remain in Russia!

— In my orphanage in Chuvashia, where I grew up, there are now three or four children left. It can be seen that orphanages in Russia are disappearing thanks to state policy. This is cool! We can cope here without foreigners. I am categorically against our children being taken abroad. Although such as Navalny, are pushing a different policy towards our orphans. In this regard, I think that officials are simply making money from orphans. If you delve into this topic, you can understand what it’s about. we're talking about.

It is necessary to ban the export of our children abroad - this is our future, how can you be so wasteful! Think about it, in just 2 years (from 2012 to 2014) 60 thousand children were given up for adoption abroad from Russia. Now multiply by geometric progression, imagining that these children will have children, and then grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What could they do for their country - maybe there are geniuses among them?! In addition to the demographic issue, this is an impressive money cycle, not to mention other aspects,” Anton Batrakov-Shoki expressed his thoughts.

Anton Shoki was born on November 25, 1995 in the city of Cheboksary. Russian surname Anton - Batrakov. According to the zodiac sign - Sagittarius, according to eastern calendar- pig.
Anton had a rather difficult childhood. He was born into a family that led an antisocial lifestyle. The father left his mother early, and she drank a lot, brought her into the house different men, got involved in crime stories. So, after another illegal activities, Anton's mother is sent to prison, and at the age of 3 he is sent to an orphanage.

Anton lived in an orphanage for 11 years. Afterwards, when the boy was 14 years old, he was adopted by a family from America. Anton hoped that now his life would change, that in new country he will be able to achieve success. However, the young man's joy was short-lived. The American family did not want to deal with the boy in any way, did not teach native language. There was always a language barrier between the adoptive parents and Anton. In addition, his adoptive family took him to different psychiatric clinics, and eventually admitted him to psychiatric clinic. After Anton left her, his parents accused him of sexual harassment towards their other children, as a result they abandoned the boy and handed him over to an American orphanage.

Anton lived there for 3 years, when he turned 18 he returned to his homeland. I learned from the social authorities that I was deprived of any benefits and therefore could not apply for housing. ABOUT sad story Anton Batrakov is recognized by Andrei Razin, who is a politician and producer and helps the boy get on his feet. Buys a good apartment in the capital, offers participation in the group “ Tender May" In addition, in Russia, Razin finds a good adoptive family for Anton. Organizes internships in the State Duma.

Coming to the project

Anton Shoki came to television show House 2 February 6, 2017 with his adoptive mother Oksana. Oksana at the execution place told everyone about Shoka’s difficult childhood; his story touched every participant. Anton expresses sympathy for Lilia Chetraru, but after the execution he meets Vika Komissarova. Sympathy immediately arises between the young people and they begin to build relationships. However, Victoria could not confess her love young man, looked for various excuses.

Anton Shoki said on Lobnoye that he came for a relationship, but he would also like to communicate with people, resolve issues without the help of fists. Due to his difficult childhood, Anton gets into fights at every opportunity. Despite his thin build, Shoki is always the first to bully guys who are many times larger than him. He is not afraid to get hit in the face, and he does not miss the opportunity to hit.

The relationship between Anton and Vicky on the project began to crack after the parents of both participants expressed dissatisfaction with the choice of their children. Komissarova's father insisted that she leave the project or break up with Anton. Shoka's adoptive mother was also unhappy with Victoria; she believed that the girl was not serious about the guy and would leave him at any moment. She even came to the execution site to talk some sense into her adopted son.

The final discord in the guys’ relationship was brought about by Dmitry Pshenichny, who expressed sympathy for the blonde; Victoria immediately switched to the new participant. She stated that Anton was small for her, she wanted a more mature young man. Out of jealousy, Anton more than once got into fights with Pshenichny, but still could not keep his beloved, she broke up with him.

After a short time, Komissarova realized that Dmitry was boring for her, broke up with him, and began to look for ways to reconcile with Anton. After a large number of attempts, Anton gives up and makes peace with his beloved. The team kicks Victoria out at one vote, Anton leaves after her.

According to the new rules, the viewer voted for Anton Shoki to return to the project. The young man’s second visit took place on February 21, 2018. After Anton arrived, he spoke unflatteringly about the participants on his social networks, saying that it was all a game, there was no honest relationship. The presenters set strict conditions for the young man: if he does not find a girlfriend within a week, he will go home.

The new participant of House 2, Anton Shoki, judging by the reviews about him online, is liked by many fans of the show; however, there are also viewers who consider the guy impudent and even inadequate. Anton was brought to the project by his adoptive mother, and on “frontal” she told about the difficult fate of his “son”: an orphan without a penny in his pocket, he lived in the USA for four years, where he had a very difficult time.

The biography of Anton Shoki (Batrakov) is really very interesting. Anton is from a dysfunctional family; at the age of three he ended up in an orphanage because his mother was sent to prison. At the age of fourteen, the teenager was adopted by the Americans - the Shokis. The temperamental Anton did not have a good relationship with his foreign “parents”; his guardians accused him of sexually harassing their children and filed a statement with the police.

Anton was sent to mental asylum for examination, and then to special camp for difficult children with criminal tendencies. During his stay in the United States, Shoki changed four foster families. At the age of sixteen, Anton decided to return to the Russian Federation; he turned to the Russian consulate for help. Shoki had to wait another two years to come of age, that’s the law. When Anton turned eighteen, he was helped to leave America.

Anton Shoki's arrival at the House 2 project watch online:

Upon arrival at home, Shoki learned that he was deprived of benefits and, therefore, could not apply for housing, and even problems arose with replacing an American passport with a Russian one. Anton came to Cheboksary, where he was originally from, and found refuge in a boarding school. Thanks to publicity in the media, Shoki came to the attention of Andrei Razin - music producer and politics. Razin took Anton Batrakov to Moscow and helped with paperwork and registration.

Razin gave Shoki an apartment in Moscow, organized an internship for him in the State Duma, and invited him to try himself as an artist - a member of the “Tender May” group. Andrei Razin conceived the idea of ​​founding the charity center “Return”; for Anton, the politician assigned the role of curator of the project. Razin bought Shoki another apartment - in Sochi, where it was planned to open the main office of the center. After the conflict with Razin, Anton Shoki went to the House 2 project.

Not all participants come to the project with a well-lived life behind them. One of these household members can safely be called Anton Shoki– 21 year old boy from the city of Cheboksary. The guy gained popularity very quickly and not entirely good reputation, perhaps this is due to the guy’s childhood, which undoubtedly left an imprint on his whole life. Biography of Anton Shoki evoked sympathy among many. The thing is, he was always an orphan, for a long time lived in an orphanage. This definitely left its mark on his character. He grew up quite rude and hot-tempered, but no one blamed him for it. He was adopted, but over time new family also refused it. The guy lived abroad, but decided to return to his homeland. In Russia he found a new family who adopted him. He had a young mother and father.

He came to the project with his mother Oksana. The woman immediately informed that the guy did not have a penny. Anton also did not receive any education other than school. The guy’s main hobby is writing poetry. He often raps.
At the time of joining the project, Anton did not have great experience in communication with the opposite sex. He came to “Dom-2” in order to discover in himself best features, realize hidden talents and meet your soulmate. Anton came to Lilia Chetraru, but the team immediately informed him that this girl was not for him. After all, this young lady has great demands on men and material wealth is of great importance to her.

Next to whom Anton Batrakov- and that’s exactly what it sounds like real name guy, - laid eyes on him, became... Before Anton had time to come to his senses, Vika had already surrounded him with her attention and was already trying to please his adoptive mother.

At first, the guy behaved quietly, modestly and shyly and practically did not speak. His “mother” conducted all the dialogues for him. The presenters gave the guy a chance to open up, and were afraid to send him on a “free swim” outside the clearing. But Shoki revealed himself in a very unexpected way. Fights, swearing, insults to the team - this is not the whole list. Everyone tried to endure, remembering the story of his childhood. The presenters made concessions in many ways and did everything to prevent the team from being hostile to the guy.

Perhaps all the negativity that came from Anton was due to quarrels with his girlfriend. After all, Victoria was constantly dissatisfied with something and tried to change it. The couple constantly quarreled, separated, and reunited. The turning point for the guy it was Komissarova’s betrayal. Anton suffered this act very painfully. The scale of the quarrel increased even more because of Victoria’s conflict with Anton’s mother, who came to the project to support the guy during such a difficult period for him. She was even offered a job in the clearing so that she could come and visit her adopted son.

The reconciliation of the young people was very unexpected for everyone. So on a talk show they announced that they still love each other and are ready to forgive everything. Anton wasn’t even stopped by his mother’s disagreement. The couple was immediately called fictitious; according to the participants, everything was planned for broadcast.

After this use, the relationship on the project did not last long; Anton and Vika left the television set, without the right to return. On your page in social network Anton accused the presenters of deception. They did not pay the full amount for participation in the project for 3 months, and did not provide the promised work for his mother. The couple considered it necessary to leave this place.

On this moment the couple is still in a relationship, but outside of the reality show.

Many believe that the main idea television project"DOM-2" is a gathering of the brightest representatives of golden youth from all over the great and vast Russia, and even from beyond its borders. There are many rumors among TV viewers that everything that the participants say about themselves is entirely a farce and inventions of screenwriters, but in reality they are all just children of successful and influential people who want to appear on television and earn easy money. In reality, everything is not so - in any case, there is one among the household members who has never spent a penny from his parents’ wallet, because he had neither a father nor a mother. Story Anton Shoki very popular on the Internet and known not only within reality - the guy grew up without parental care, he had to change his place of residence more than once, going abroad and returning back to Russia. When he lived in an orphanage, agreed to take him in married couple, but later the adoptive parents abandoned the boy, sending him to a boarding school. In the end, there were still those good people that they agreed to take custody of the guy, although by that time he had already become quite old and independent. Shoki clearly did not come to the television project “DOM-2” for the sake of fame - he already managed to take part in large quantities programs on domestic TV. The young man really wants to learn to love, and also to become loved by a special girl - after all, this is the happiness that Anton managed to know so little of, being lonely. Years of living alone have made him rude and callous - the boy himself does not hide this and is not ashamed, but he really wants to correct the situation by finding humanity, and with it new friends and the love of his life.

Initially, Shoki did not show much initiative at the front - but she noticed the guy and decided that she herself should act first. She managed to establish contact with Anton, and then the guys began to gradually get closer, until they declared themselves a couple and began dating. Since then, they have been perhaps the brightest tandem of the project - many fans worry about their relationship almost more than their own. And although young people quarrel very often, they always somehow miraculously manage to find mutual language and make peace.

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