Difficult words. Connecting vowels E and O. Connecting vowels "o" and "e" in compound words. Compound words in Russian: connecting vowels

From two or even three words you can form a new word. This method of forming new words is called addition, and the words themselves are called complex. To understand where the roots are in a complex word, you must first correctly determine its meaning. For example, a steamship is not one that sails in pairs, but a ship that sails in pairs. Or a mousetrap is not a dexterous mouse, but a trap for mice.

There are words that look like complex words, but in fact they only have one root, and it emerges clearly after finding the meaning of the word. For example, yellowish is not yellow wool, but slightly yellow, the root is one (yellow), and ovat is a suffix. Or the greatest is not great tea, but simply very great.

Let's work on determining the meaning of words with two roots

Vacuum cleaner: A machine for removing dust by sucking it in with a stream of air.

Rhinoceros: A large southern mammal with one or two horns on the front of the muzzle.

Dump truck: A truck with a mechanically tipping body.

Scooter: Early 20th century: military name for a bicycle, a mechanical vehicle.

Scooter: Now: For children: a bar for riding with a standing handle on wheels or rollers.

Helicopter: Aircraft heavier-than-air vertical take-off and landing, with a horizontal main rotor “propeller”.

Airplane: A heavier-than-air aircraft with power plant and a wing that creates lift.

(Interpretation taken from Explanatory dictionary Ozhegova)

Otherwise, a vacuum cleaner is something that sucks dust. Roots dust, suck.
Rhinoceros is an animal with a horn on its nose. Roots nose, horn.
A dump truck is a machine that dumps its own cargo. The roots themselves and the shaft. The C in front of the second root is a prefix.
A scooter is a device that rolls itself. Roots yourself, cat.
A helicopter is a vehicle that flies vertically. Roots vert, years.
An airplane is a device that flies itself. Root yourself, fly.

Examples of words with two roots and connectives o, e

Motorcade, motor rally, concrete mixer, chainsaw, water pipe, waterfall, water strider, all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, diver, trapper, starfall, digger, cook, bark beetle, icebreaker, lumberjack, centipede, mousetrap, meat grinder, oil pipeline, steamship, vacuum cleaner, machine gun, pedestrian, esophagus, bird catcher, fisherman, samovar, airplane, scooter, dump truck, steel worker, snowfall, glass cutter, diesel locomotive, camera, bread maker, electric locomotive.

The connecting vowel -e is written after the stems on the consonant soft, hissing and c (pedestrian, heartbeat, agriculture, etc.). There is an exception: after the stem, a soft consonant can also have a vowel -o. For example, a hitching post, (though a horse), a range finder, (even though there is a distance). The spelling of such words is most often determined by the dictionary.

The connecting vowel -o is written after the stem on a hard consonant.

Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -e-

kashEvar (porridge + cook)

birdsCatch (bird + catch)

pedestrian (walking + walking)

rain gauge (rain + measure)

vacuum cleaner (dust + suction)

poultry factory (poultry + factory)

oil pipeline (oil + conduct)

vegetable storage (vegetable + store)

journey (path + walk)











Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -o-

samovar (yourself + cook)

waterfall (water + fall)

iceOkol (ice + crush)

languageOved (language + know)

SnowFall (snow + fall)

helicopter (vertical + fly)

glass cutter (glass + cut)

concreteMixer (concrete + stir)

ZverOlov (beast + catch)

houseSidden (at home + sit)



Light-emitting diode

electric saw


Another list of difficult words with two roots and even three

Lesson topic: Difficult words. Connecting vowels o and e in difficult words Oh.

Goals: know the methods of forming complex words, the condition for choosing connecting vowels O and E; develop spelling vigilance, communication skills, interest in the subject; cultivate a sense of friendship, collectivism, and the ability to conduct educational dialogue

Equipment: presentation , cards.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time


The guys, before starting the lesson, looked at each other and smiled.

I wish you all good luck, that our lesson will be kind and bright

II. Updating knowledge

Task: Set up students to perceive new material, repeat material about ways to form words.

Exercise: Read the poem “Merry Poems” and tell how words are formed in the Russian language.

How words grow

Once upon a time many years ago
They planted a strange one garden.
There was no fruit garden -
He was only a word.

This word is the root word,
It began to grow soon
And it brought us fruit -
There are many new words.

Here from garden
To you seedling.
Here's another landings near.
And here gardener.
With him gardener coming.
Very interesting
Walk in garden verbal.

III Working on a new topic .

1.Video “Complex words in Russian”

2. Determining the topic of the lesson. Write down the numbers and topics of the lesson in your notebook. Compound words. Connecting vowels o and e in compound words.

- What is the topic of our lesson?

The words pedestrian, electric locomotive, steamship, airplane are complex words. They are formed:

adding whole words: boarding school;

stems of words with a connecting vowel: steamship;

parts of a word stem with a whole word: kindergarten;

abbreviated basics: theater young viewer– Youth Theater.

In compound words, connective O is written after hard consonants, and the connective e– after soft consonants, sibilants and ts.

For example: oil pipeline, airplane, bird catcher.

We found out which words are called complex, and learned that in the formation of complex words two connecting vowels O and E are involved.

There is also the letter I, which plays this role, but with it we will meet when we study numerals, for example: six-year-olds, so we stayed ABOUT And E. They will be the guests of our lesson today.

(Words are written on the board)

Climber←top, climb

Oil pipeline ← oil, conduct
Pedestrian ← pedestrian, walk
Vegetable cutter ← vegetables, cut
Poultry farm ← poultry, factory

3.Preparation for the perception of the topic. Task: solve riddles

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What's happened? (AIRPLANE)

Swims bravely through the waves,
Without slowing down.
Only the hum of the car is important,
What's happened? (STEAMBOAT)

Every day comes out in the morning
On your daily hike.
Must know all the rules
On the roads... (pedestrian)

What is this method of forming words called?
- Can you guess what such words might be called?

4.Working with the textbook Exercise 5 Page 75 From each pair of words, make a compound word, write it down, underline the connecting vowel o or e. Explain your choice. 5.Task: Find antonyms for these words and explain the choice of connecting vowel.

A lazy student is a hard worker.

A serious young man is frivolous.

Monotonous movement - diverse.

A hostile attitude is a friendly one.

6. Fiznutka

7. Task:

For the words in the left column, select words that are suitable in meaning from the right column. Write down a complex word, graphically indicating the choice of connecting vowel.




(Each student receives a card with a crossword puzzle and fills it out independently).

1. Specialist in growing gardens.
2. Locomotive with a steam engine.
3. Channel for smoke exit from the chimney.
4. Russian folk dance game.
5. Forest felled by a storm.
6. Unplanned, spontaneous performance of some business or work.
7. Firearms.

9. Vocabulary work

MANAGER is a specialist who organizes production or commercial activities, organization of foreign trade operations; conducts commercial negotiations.

10. Game "Purchasing Manager"

Imagine that you are a purchasing manager. Make a list Vehicle, in the name of which there would be connecting vowels o - e.

Imagine that you are a manager at a labor exchange. Make a list of professions and occupations that are necessary for our village, region, in which there would be connecting vowels e-o

11. “Silent dictation.” Write the names from the pictures

12. Creative work.

Task: replace the words with one complex word. (Do it orally).

(tea party)

help mutually

(mutual aid)

love work

(hard work)

people of the same surname


one who walks

(a pedestrian)

senior class

(high school student)

13. Working with cards. check yourself






Horse breeding









IV . Pin a topic

Operational control.

Test “True and false statements.”

I make statements, if you agree with him, clap your hands, if you don’t agree, stomp your feet.

1. Compound words are all long words.

2. If the first root ends in a hard consonant, then we write the connecting vowel –O-.

3. After the letters – Ж – and – Ш – it is written – О-.

4. Words that have 2 roots are called complex.

5. In the words gardener, diver, the connecting vowel is -O-.

6. If the first root ends in a soft consonant, then write the connecting vowel -E-.)

VI. Summarizing.


Homework: Write riddles in which the answers are complex words

“Atbasar audanynyn bilim boliminin Atbasar kalasy

1 orta mektebi" KMM

KSU " high school No. 1 Atbasar education department

Atbasar district"


“Connective O, E in compound words”


Prepared by: Shcherbak A.N.

teacher of Russian language

and literature secondary school No. 1

2016-2017 oku zhyly


    to develop in students the skills of finding complex words, the ability to correctly write connecting vowels O and E, the ability to correctly coordinate complex abbreviated words;

    develop spelling vigilance, communication skills, interest in the subject;

    cultivate a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Dog Barysy:

    Organizing time

    Updating knowledge

      Creative dictation.

Replace the phrases with one complex word, which would be a definition of the noun.

1 person, loving life, joy (cheerful).

2) A person who loves work (hardworking).

3) Plantings protecting fields (field protection).

4) A machine that clears roads of snow (snowplow).

5) The river along which ships sail (navigable).

6) Paper sensitive to light (photosensitive).

      Conversation with students.

What do these words have in common?

Name the special ways of word formation that you know.

What is this method of forming words called?
- Can you guess what such words might be called?

III . Learning new material

1. Teacher's explanation.

With complex words They call words that contain two roots, for example: electric locomotive, vacuum cleaner, helicopter.

Some compound words have several roots, for example: aircraft construction.

Compound words are formed in two ways:

1) Using connecting vowels o or e as a result of adding the stems of the original words (steam, steamboat) or whole words (magpie, centipede leg).

2) Without connecting vowels, for example: three-meter, five-story.

2. Revealing perception. Guess the riddles. Write down the words - guesses.

Although he looks tempting,

but nevertheless poisonous.

People have known for a long time:

Inedible (fly agaric)

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What's happened? (AIRPLANE)

We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner.

He willingly swallows dust.

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze. (VACUUM CLEANER)

Every day comes out in the morning

On your daily hike.
Must know all the rules
On the roads... (pedestrian)

Both on the ground and in the snow

I can track the beast

Following the tracks of paws and hooves.

That's why I am... (PATTERNER)

Swims bravely through the waves,
Without slowing down.
Only the hum of the car is important,
What's happened? (STEAMBOAT)

Perform morphemic analysis of words. - How to explain the choice of the connecting vowel “o” in all words? A fairy tale poem will help answer this question.

“How did simple words become complex?”

It was a long time ago

IN far away kingdom,

In the thirtieth state,

Near the Grammaticheskaya River

Long lived words and catchphrases.

We ate, drank, had fun together,

We've never been proud of anything,

They did not quarrel and did not become arrogant:

They were called in simple words.

But one day at the Grammatic River

Strange people appeared:

The letters O and E have escaped from the alphabet,

They began to whisper words angrily:

“Oh, you simpletons and simpletons

Open your eyes, clean your ears!

Let's tell you no offense,

You look very simple!

You have a reputation for being simpletons.

It's unfashionable now

Indecent, ignoble!

And at the Grammaticheskaya River

Simple words rebelled.

"We don't want to be in simple words,

Let all hats be taken off before us,

We are greeted from afar

All fans of the Russian language!

We want to be complex words!

Isn’t such a transformation possible?”

Just one desire is not enough!

How to do it? The letter O suggested:

“Unite, sort out in pairs,

Don’t waste your time.”

The bird flew to catch the word,

The moon rolled towards the word walk,

The water flowed to the word fall.

But they need to be connected somehow!

Two halves fall apart

Without a binding golden mean.

Troublemakers O and E

We decided to use words to help in trouble:

“We will be between consonants

Connecting vowels!

True, O was a little lazy,

I didn't have much to do:

After solid consonants, I decided to become.

And the letter E, loving my friend,

She agreed to take on the rest.

After soft consonants, sibilants and Ts

Let there always be E in complex words!

And after the hard ones let it be O -

No one will confuse them

How can we explain the choice of the connecting vowel “o” in all words?

Try to formulate a rule for writing connecting vowels O and E in complex words.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

3. Working with the textbook. Reading the rules.

4. Work in groups (rows)

A) Choose compound words that mean:

Group 1 – objects household items (vacuum cleaner, samovar, fire extinguisher,

mousetrap, vegetable cutter, meat grinder, washstand, fly swatter)

Group 2 – traits that characterize a person (hard work, good nature, couch potato,

sweet tooth, water-drinker, curiosity, love of life, idle talker,

book lover, arrogance, hypocrisy, conscientiousness)

Group 3 – natural phenomena (starfall, leaf fall, waterfall, snowfall, ice,

sunshine, earthquake, full moon, dry wind, ice drift)

B) Write down the text. Underline difficult words in the text

At the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and his classmates studied herbalism, potions, and other subjects. Hermione read in the book “Potent Poisons” that for the polyjuice potion, the seaweed is collected during the full moon, and the lacewings are infused for three weeks.

B) Write down in two columns, the first - representatives of the fauna, the second -

representatives of the flora.

Petrel , yarrow,rhinoceros , ant-eater , adonis,platypus , tumbleweed, coltsfoot,shrew , wolfhound , fireweed, tryn-grass,wagtail.

D) Write down the sentence and perform analysis.

Our airplane after many hours 2 flight committed landing V Sydney airport 4 . (Narrative, non-narrative, simple, two-part, distributive)

D) Independent work (multi-level tasks )

Level 1

Remember and write down literary heroes, whose names are formed using

compound nouns.

2nd level.

Compose and write down complex words with a stem: bread, snow, leaf, forest.

3rd level.

Come up with 2 words with connecting vowels -o-, -e-. Make up and write down sentences with these words.

V . Lesson summary.

What was the purpose of the lesson? Have we achieved it? Reproduce the rule using the algorithm.

What did you like about the lesson? What was difficult?

    Reflection. Self-assessment of students' activities in the lesson.

I thank you for your work in class. Have you guessed why I used this particular word today? To give thanks - to give goodness, kindness. Let's do good and give good to each other!

    Homework: write a miniature essay on the topic “Sport”,

using difficult words.

At first foreign words, if pronounced e , written yo , For example: yogi, iodine, yoghurt, yeoman, yorkshire, not one bit(But: ions, Jordanian– with separate pronunciation of initial vowel sounds).

IX. Spelling difficult words

§ 41. Connecting vowels o and e

In complex words, after the stem, a connecting vowel is written on the hard consonant O , after the base to a soft consonant, to a sibilant and ts – connecting vowel e . For example: homebody, skin eater, bird catcher, False Dmitry I.

In some cases the final soft consonant v, n, r, t the first stem is pronounced firmly and after it a connecting vowel is written O (in parallel with these words, those in which, according to the rule, it is written e ). For example: long-range - long-range, quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse breeder, bone-carver - bone-crushing, bloodthirsty - blood-bearing, chant - song-making. Wed. various educations after foundation on ts : trapezoid – trapezoidal – trapezoidal – trapezohedron(not all of these formations distinguish two bases in the Russian language).

§ 42. Compound words without a connecting vowel

It is necessary to distinguish between compound words with connecting vowels and compound words without a connecting vowel. Wed: psychotherapy(psycho + therapy) – psychasthenia(psych + asthenia).

In some compound words, the first part is the word in its initial form, for example: time calculation, pastime; cotyledon, seed stalk, ovule(cf.: seed production, seed storage– with a connecting vowel).

Without a connecting vowel, terms like nitrogen-fixing, forward-looking, oxygen-containing and so on.

The letter is saved A at the end of the element air (short for aviation), forming the first part of compound words like airbase, airborne troops, airmail, air unit and so on.

With a case ending in the first part, words arising from phrases are formed crazy, insane and so on.

In the form of the genitive case without a connecting vowel, numerals are included in compound words, for example: three-meter, five-time, seven-year. Exceptions are numerals one, ninety, one hundred And thousand, For example: one-year, ninetieth, hundredfold, thousandth. Numeral fourty as part of compound words it is used in two forms: without a connecting vowel ( forty days) and with a connecting vowel ( magpie, centipede- not in direct meaning accounts).

It is necessary to distinguish between complex words and words in which two stems are not distinguished in the Russian language. Wed: gas pipeline - gasification, electrician - electrification.

Note 1. Foreign language prefixes are written together on a common basis anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra- etc., for example: anti-people(But: Anti-Duhring– in function own name), archiplut, hypersound, international, infrared, counterproposal(But: rear admiral, where the first part has a different meaning), post-impressionism(preserving the initial root And ), post-romanticism(cf. the continuous spelling of the same prefix in words of foreign origin indivisible into morphemes: postscript, after the fact and so on.), dust jacket, subtropics, Trans-Siberian, ultrasound, trendy, extraordinary(But: extra mail, extra class– before a noun).

Note 2. The initial components are written together quasi-, pseudo-, pan- , For example: quasi-scientific, pseudo-classical, pan-German(But: quasi-Pushkin, pan-Europe etc. – before proper names

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