Dream Interpretation: What does a potato mean in a dream? Why do you dream about potatoes in various variations and the work of growing them?

Her appearance in a dream predicts communication with a cunning and difficult person, wasted work and troubles. Pay attention to whether there were a lot of potatoes in your dream. Peeled potatoes predict work, troubles, routine.

Sometimes she dreams of communicating with a cunning and slippery person. An unrefined product predicts work and unpleasant responsibilities for you. This is how the dream book writes why raw potatoes are most often dreamed of.

Collect, clean, see, buy

A lot of potatoes in the ground means unpleasant and routine work. Small tubers mean little money, problems and conflict situations. Some people see such a dream as a sign that they will receive less than they planned.

Large tubers portend profit. You may get more than you expected. If you dreamed large potatoes, then the dream book writes that you will evaluate yourself and be satisfied with the result. Perhaps you will spend the money you receive on something that is truly interesting and important.

Small potatoes predict bad result, especially if it has sprouted and turned out to be unfit for food. Planting it back into the ground means a second attempt to get what you want, to achieve well-being and happiness.

Digging potatoes in your garden is a way to achieve results. How many tubers you get, so much money will be in the house. If, despite all your efforts, you harvest few potatoes, this means losses and poverty.

Seeing a vegetable and digging it in someone else's garden is a sign of envy or theft. Sometimes such a dream means curiosity, cunning and resourcefulness.

If in a vision you stole a bag of potatoes from someone else’s garden and no one noticed, this is a fortunate turn of events. You will not only learn where the money of those who succeed comes from, but you can also make great money yourself.

Carrying someone else's potatoes in bags and loading them into a car means hard and unprofitable work. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes illness of the heart, lungs and spine. If you drop the bag and it falls on your feet, beware of injuries and diseases of the lower extremities.

Buying potatoes in bags means illness. Sometimes a dream comes to great troubles, worries and suffering.

If they were carrying heavy boxes and bags of potatoes, this is a bad sign. Most likely, you will overestimate your own strength. For some people, the dream foreshadows difficulties and obstacles in business.

Carrying bags to your own cellar and putting them in boxes means you will have money that you will put aside in reserve. Some people have such dreams before receiving an inheritance.

Selling potatoes means profit. Especially if trading goes well.

Peeling potatoes means routine and unprofitable work. When a vegetable has a very thick peel, the dream predicts trouble for you. For some people, this night vision portends troubles and illnesses, a streak of bad luck.

A potato plantation dreams of very big troubles. The more vegetable beds you dig up, the worse your situation will be. Carrying boxes with this vegetable means a lot of physical labor. Sometimes this is a sign of a difficult and impossible task that you can handle.

Other meanings of sleep

If a raw, unpeeled potato shrivels and sprouts, this is a surprise. For some people, a dream foreshadows a bad streak of troubles or sudden hope for the best.

Planting it in the ground is an attempt to realize oneself. Peeling a lot of potatoes and making soup from them will improve your health. For some people, such a dream predicts joy or the arrival of guests.

Frying in a frying pan means improving your financial situation. If you began to obtain starch or flour from potatoes, then the dream foreshadows a successful outcome of bad intentions.

Eating raw, unpeeled potatoes means trouble. Some people dream about inflammation of teeth and gums. If you dream of personal happiness, act. Perhaps you will soon have a chance to show yourself.

If the potato fell on the floor and you couldn’t grab it, the woman will soon leave your house. Sometimes a dream foreshadows an unexpected and courageous act by a daughter, which can greatly frighten and upset you.

If a potato slips out of male hands, then he will make a mistake and miss the benefit or lose his wife.

Dreams take a person into the world of his suppressed fears and desires. Every detail of night vision will allow you to better understand yourself. If a woman dreams of potatoes or she does the work to obtain the root crop, dramatic changes will soon await her. The details of the dream determine the overall negative or positive message of the sign.

Dream interpretation for women

Dream interpretation is a separate science. She talks about the subconscious and the problems that are hidden in it.

Basically, potatoes in a dream promise problems at work or at home. But if it digs easily or lies on the surface of the earth, it is positive sign. Soon there will be changes that the dreamer has been waiting for a long time.

The interpretation depends on whether a woman or a man dreams of potatoes. In the article we will look at predictions for women.

Choosing a dream book

The dream book is a collection that reveals a synthesis of images and probable events in real life. Signs that you dream of do not always come true, so it is useful to keep your own diary of dream observations.

The most true dream books that are suitable for a woman:

  • Miller - it is one of the most popular and universal;
  • For the woman who believes in magic and magic higher powers, a collection of Vanga’s interpretations will be useful;
  • The modern dream book is used to make predictions for any person;
  • Tsvetkov's collection;
  • The seasonal dream book is useful in cases where you need to analyze dreams related to agriculture.

An important detail of any prediction is the sensations that remain after sleep. They define its overall message.

Interpretation according to Miller

Planting and then digging up potatoes is a sign of favorable changes.

The dream book warns that success will come if you dream only of a large and whole fruit. If it is damaged, then expectations will turn out to be illusions.

Seeing other people's fruits, stealing them or spoiling them - such a dream speaks of a loss of authority. If a person starts a risky game, it will not work.

The increase promises a rich harvest in the garden.

Interpretation of Vanga

During her lifetime, the Bulgarian healer offered her own version of the interpretation of the unusual dream.

Planting root crops for a girl means false hopes. The young lady has feelings for an unworthy man - he is either a traitor or a deceiver.

For an older woman, boiling fruits in their “uniform” means poverty. Her man will not be able to provide for the family and be a good example for the children.

Digging up root crops means profit or a long-awaited event. Life will get better soon.

A modern collection of interpretations

On the pages modern collection The following predictions have been collected:

  • holding a large fruit in your hands means a quick raise or promotion;
  • clean - to new acquaintances;
  • cutting dirty potatoes means betrayal;
  • collecting small fruits means empty accumulation of money.

It’s a joy to plant and harvest big fruits. The deeper they are planted, the more reliable the dreamer’s relationship with his close circle.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book suggests important changes.

If there are a lot of potatoes in a dream, changes will come at the very least. this moment. The faster they can be collected, the better things will go in the near future.

Seeing potatoes with soil means temporary difficulties. They can be overcome with a little effort.

If you dream of mashed potatoes or fried potato slices, you should expect guests. They will appear suddenly and bring a lot of joy.

Seasonal dream book

The seasonal collection describes one sign, but depending on the time of year.

Planting root crops in the spring in a dream means big trouble. New opportunities will appear, but people will not be able to take advantage of them.

If you dream of such work in the fall, the dream symbolizes difficulties; they will drag on for a long time. In summer, such a sign is positive. All human affairs will be transformed.

In winter, dreams about potatoes are associated with a calm flow of life and stability.

Dream details

Every detail is additional information. It allows you to consider problems that have arisen in the subconscious from different angles.

Seeing a bag of potatoes means winning. Looking for this bag means great difficulties. Strangers constantly interfere with development and spiritual growth.

Buying equipment to dig up crops is a waste. It is better for a woman not to fulfill all her whims.

Seeing dug up earth with root crops sticking out in a dream means a waste of energy: a woman is constantly busy with things that only distract her.

Raw potatoes

Raw potatoes represent hope. A woman hopes for circumstances or a specific person. If the root crop is perfectly smooth, your expectations will be justified.

Frying raw potatoes in a frying pan means a quick change of partners. It will be difficult for a woman to decide on her likes.

Boiled or fried potatoes a young girl dreams about before meeting a potential groom. You cannot refuse proposals or invitations to go on dates. A raw product lying around the house speaks of quarrels with close friends.

Root size

Dreaming of large root vegetables means good luck. Success will overtake a woman at work or in her personal life. If such a sign has to be cleaned, but it does not decrease in size, all the difficulties that exist in currently, will soon disappear.

Why do you dream about Potatoes (Dream Interpretation)

Dig the ground

Tearing up the ground means struggling with difficulties. Dream books warn that such work in a dream promises:

  • for a pregnant woman - difficult childbirth;
  • losses if you have to dig hard ground;
  • quarrels if a large potato crumbles in your hands as soon as you manage to get it;
  • profit if the potatoes on top are clean and light.

Digging in a dream means finding yourself. It is not so important whether the root crop is found or not, the process itself represents important internal changes.


For a woman of any status and position, dreams are an important clue. If she dreams about the process of planting and harvesting, she will be able to realize herself.

The harder she works, the more profit and other benefits she will receive. Details such as the size of the potato, its shape and appearance are important.

Sometimes we have vivid, unusual and memorable dreams. But they can also be completely unremarkable, which are difficult to remember. In any case, most night dreams carry hidden messages. To reveal their secret meaning, you can look into the dream book. Potatoes, for example, are the most common vegetable. However, seen in a dream, it foreshadows interesting events and experiences in the future. To more accurately know the meaning of such a vision, you need to try to remember all its details, even minor ones. Then the interpretation will be complete and truthful.

Why do you usually dream about potatoes?

Potatoes seen in a dream are usually a good and kind omen. It portends success, good luck and pleasant unexpected surprises. However, a lot depends on the details, even small ones. Having remembered them, you can safely pick up the dream book. Potatoes are usually dreamed of before any significant events. For example, buying these vegetables promises a proposal of either a romantic nature, or new job. And selling potatoes means getting rid of unwanted guests.

If in a dream a person peels tubers, then in reality he will soon be freed from someone else’s negative influence. However, potatoes must be fresh - rotten ones do not bode well. If you see spoiled tubers in a dream, it is better to try to complete all your tasks before a bad streak begins.

As the culinary dream book foretells, potatoes during flowering symbolize joyful romantic experiences. Relationships will give pleasant emotions and surprises. And if the flowers have already fallen, then you should wait for changes. Relationships will reach a new level.

A potato bush seen in a dream is help in solving a difficult issue. Perhaps you need to dig a little deeper and you will find the answer.

There are also very funny dreams and their interpretations. So, throwing potatoes when sorting out relationships means quarrels and reality, and possibly even fights. The sleeper should be more restrained and cautious to avoid problems in relationships with others.

Digging potatoes in a dream means good luck

A person’s actions during a night’s rest are of great importance. In order not to forget or miss anything, it is better to immediately look into the dream book. Digging potatoes, for example, is a great success. Such a dream promises good luck in all matters, as well as financial well-being. And if others dig the potatoes, then loved ones will be caring and considerate towards the sleeping person. Collecting root vegetables also promises pleasant changes in your personal life. According to the culinary dream book, digging potatoes is a sign of a romantic acquaintance.

And if a person dreams that he is stealing tubers from someone else’s garden, then perhaps he is tormented by a feeling of envy of more successful acquaintances or dissatisfaction with his financial situation. It is better to get rid of this feeling, as it will not bring anything good.

Planting potatoes - interpretation

What else can you find out by looking in a dream book? Planting potatoes means fulfillment of desires and harmony in your personal life. If an unmarried man saw such a dream, then now is the right moment to meet his soulmate. A family created at this time will be strong and happy. And if you dreamed about this unmarried woman, then they will soon propose marriage to her.

And planting potatoes is a sign of pleasant entertainment in fun company. This dream also promises very pleasant business prospects.

Raw or ready?

What kind of potato you see also plays an important role. For example, boiled one foreshadows the arrival of guests from afar. It is better to prepare for this event in advance and treat your visitors to delicious dishes. Puree is a sign that you will soon have to make some important decision regarding business and finance.

According to modern dream book, raw potatoes are an omen of unexpected and pleasant news. And when fried, this vegetable promises joy and a fun holiday with friends. For a girl, such a dream promises a marriage proposal. And also, as the dream book foretells, fried potatoes can be a harbinger of a new good job.

Peeling potatoes is a sign of a new acquaintance, which at first will seem successful, but later will disappoint. Preparing any dish from this vegetable means pleasant chores associated with close relatives. This vision may also mean obtaining a new profitable position. And if a person dreamed that he was eating potatoes, he should expect guests. There is another similar interpretation. So, if the dreamer eats boiled potatoes with his hands, success in a new business and incredible income await him in life.

Big or small?

The size of the tubers is also important. As the dream book says, raw potatoes, and also small ones, symbolize tears and lack of funds. We'll have to save until they come better times. This also means that those around him will soon notice some kind of shortcoming in the dreamer. Large and fresh potatoes, on the contrary, portend wealth and prosperity. Therefore, the size of the tubers must be taken into account when interpreting.

Color is also important. White potatoes are a harbinger of a stable financial situation. And pink tubers promise a lot of pleasant excitement and worries.

Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes?

Also, when interpreting a dream, you need to remember the number of tubers. So, for example, a bucket or bag of potatoes usually promises cash flows, and quite substantial ones. And if there is a lot of it, for example, a whole field (or an unusually high harvest), then the meaning of this dream multiplies many times. However, this only applies to good potatoes.

But tedious work in the field, seen in a dream, does not bode well in reality. Perhaps there will be hard work or even illness.

You may notice that dreams about potatoes are different, and each of them has its own meaning. Therefore, you should not rely on any one dream book when looking for clues. Potatoes, although not distinguished by sophistication and originality, can pleasantly surprise, since in most cases the interpretations are favorable. And even if this is not the case, then you should not rely entirely on the dream book, but rather treat reading such a collection as pleasant entertainment.

Why do you dream about such an ordinary product as potatoes? There are quite a few interpretations of this image and they are not always positive. Transcripts various dream books, taking into account the dreamer’s actions and the state of the fruits in the dream, they will tell you about the most current options.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Miller’s dream book?

In the work of this American psychologist, dreams about potatoes warn you of accidents, not all of which bring positive changes.

For execution in the foreseeable future cherished dream indicates the process of planting potatoes. At the same time, the process of digging up potatoes, according to the dream book, foreshadows the success of your endeavors.

You can begin to prepare for significant benefits if you happen to eat potato dishes in a dream, and wait for a lucrative job offer if you happen to cook them yourself.

Did you dream about spoiled and rotting root vegetables? The image indicates the collapse of hopes, the end of a joyful and happy streak in life, a return to which will not be possible very soon.

What does potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The dream book of a blind fortune teller generally describes potato dreams in a positive way. If you happen to eat potatoes, your wallet will soon fill up. Planting means future prosperity, and digging up means brilliant career prospects.

Did you dream of flowering potato bushes that have not yet been dug up? They predict good news. The dream book also believes that a harvest harvested and stored in the basement warns of unforeseen difficulties. Let's start cooking tasty dish from potatoes in a dream? In reality, difficulties will be resolved and debts will be returned.

Potato – Modern dream book

A popular modern dream book is sure that if you dreamed of potatoes, then you should prepare for unexpected events.

Eating potatoes in a dream means that your bosses will very soon notice your diligence and diligence, the reward will be promotion career ladder, bonus or promotion wages.

Sowing potato work seen in a dream predicts pleasant changes. Dream book guarantees new position or a marriage proposal from a loved one.

Why do you dream of a spoiled, diseased and rotting root vegetable? The image does not bode well. Enjoy the happy moments, because it is quite possible that they will not last long.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Hasse’s dream book?

Famous for her mediumistic abilities and ability to penetrate other people's dreams, Miss Hasse claims that planting potatoes in a dream speaks of good undertakings, and digging them up means receiving long-awaited income.

Did you dream of a large harvest of vegetables put into bags? The dream book indicates that you don’t even have to worry about financial issues in the near future; everything in this regard will be good and cloudless.

If you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then your work will not be appreciated. Washing it suggests that due to your own honesty, you will not see income, but your conscience will be clear.

Planting, collecting, peeling potatoes in a dream?

Did you dream about the process of planting potatoes? This is a good sign indicating that things will work out in reality the best way. You will be able to achieve your goal in your personal life and in business.

Why dream of planting potatoes in your own garden? The event foreshadows the receipt of a lucrative offer. When it finally arrives, you can safely cast aside your fears and, regardless of the circumstances, get involved in the proposed business.

Large potatoes dug up in a dream indicate that the desired salary increase is just around the corner. You don’t even have to “fight” for it, it’s just that in this way the manager decides to motivate you for further victories and work achievements.

Why do you dream about harvesting potatoes? Universal dream book? The reward you deserve will soon be received. Figuratively speaking, having worked hard, you can count on a big harvest.

Did you dream about digging out large, clean and uncontaminated root vegetables from the ground? You are guaranteed success in absolutely any endeavor.

If in the morning you open your eyes and remember that in a dream you had to peel potatoes, then most likely this indicates that, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get to the bottom of the truth in the issue that interests you. Another interpretation of such a dream says that you may have to change your opinion about a person for the worse.

Fried, boiled, raw potatoes in a dream

Did you happen to see raw, just dug up potatoes in a dream? This good sign, predicting the finding of a new source of income. Perhaps initially they will not be so significant, but every day your financial wealth will grow by leaps and bounds.

The dishes you prepare from your favorite root vegetable in a dream also have their meaning. Did you dream about fragrant fried potatoes? She foreshadows something an important event, perhaps it’s time for you to start mentally preparing for it.

Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? He warns of profits, as well as improved relationships with loved ones. According to Aesop's dream book, the process of boiling potatoes speaks of the arrival of guests from afar; meet them with all possible cordiality and hospitality.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of potatoes

Why do you dream of potatoes dumped in a big pile? This is a sure sign of a profitable offer that awaits you in the near future. Your further material well-being will depend on whether you accept it or not. Planting a large volume of potatoes is a near fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why else do you dream about potatoes - dream options

  • Potatoes in the ground indicate a misconception about your surroundings. Try not to be superficial and not to judge people too harshly.
  • Rotten potatoes are not a very good omen. You are likely to face some difficult times and major expenses.
  • Did you dream about a potato field? The reward for the work done will be very generous.
  • Potatoes in the garden, planted in even rows on well-groomed beds, portend the successful implementation of your plans and ideas.
  • The process of frying potatoes in a frying pan - you are expecting a visit from a person whom you are not very happy to see.
  • Picking through potatoes means you need to do a less pleasant, but important and necessary job.
  • Washed potatoes are a good omen; events happening around you have a positive coloration.
  • Jacket potatoes - set the table, guests are coming to you.
  • Potatoes with mushrooms - most likely, holding a planned party will cost more than you planned.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of raw potatoes” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Many symbols that a person sees in a dream are dreamed for a reason. For example, raw potatoes symbolize joy, according to most dream books. But sometimes such a dream can also warn of troubles. To understand why you dream about potatoes, you need to remember the details: what you did with them and what condition they were in.

Brief interpretation

Can't remember a dream? Remember at least part of it. Sometimes this is enough for the dream book to interpret your dream.

  • Large potatoes are a sign of joyful worries.
  • Small ones promise trouble.
  • Planting or digging up crops means hard work or money.
  • Going through raw potatoes is a sign of trouble.
  • Peeling is good luck.

What G. Miller predicted

Miller's dream book does not give a clear answer to the question of why raw potatoes are dreamed of. His interpretations mention the following: large clean tubers, dug out of the ground or peeled for cooking dinner, symbolize the dreamer's joy and prosperity. But dirty, rotten root crops or their planting - all this portends loss and sadness.

The size of tubers as a symbol of worries

The interpretation of a dream in which you see large potatoes will please you, since such a dream means pleasure and joy. Pastor Loff's dream book, interpreting it, suggests that the dreamer will have a successful resolution of all problems and troubles.

But if you happen to see small tubers of raw potatoes, be patient, because you will have to go through a number of small but unpleasant situations. Boring chores, burdensome worries, a burden and a waste of time - this is what symbolizes this dream.

Planting or digging means hard physical work

Did you dream that you were digging up potatoes? Rejoice! The work awaiting you, although difficult, is promising and profitable, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests. It is likely that its implementation will take you a lot of effort, time and energy, but the income it will bring you will brighten up all the hardships of the labor process.

But if you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, it means vain efforts and expectations, the predictions of the Lunar Dream Book are upsetting. This is a sign that no matter how hard you try to do the assigned work, you will not be able to do it as needed.

Going through root vegetables means a showdown

Wondering why you suddenly had a dream that you were sorting through raw potatoes, separating the good ones from the rotten ones? Someone around you is bothering you. It seems to you that there is a “rat” among your friends. If you see something like this, know that you are in for a showdown with your friends. It’s not a fact that your assumption will be justified, so don’t forget to apologize to those you unfairly accuse.

But if you dreamed that you were sorting potatoes by size, then it is likely that in reality you need to correctly prioritize and decide on the chain of command.

Peeling potatoes means good luck

Are you haunted by the dream that you are peeling raw potatoes, but they still don’t run out? Don't worry, as this is a very good sign. The modern dream book interprets such visions this way: you will be able to clear your reputation, which one of your enemies has denigrated or is trying to do.

Another dream with similar plot may please the dreamer. If you dream that you see a lot of peeled potatoes, a fun event awaits you.

Why do you dream about potatoes? Dream books offer a wide selection of sometimes contradictory interpretations. However, most interpreters agree on one thing: a dreamed root vegetable means that the dreamer is unlikely to be able to stay in the rut.

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Ahead significant events and fateful meetings, harbingers big changes. The details of the dream will help you predict their character. It is enough to remember under what circumstances you happened to see potatoes in a dream and how attractive they looked.

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1 Large copy

When you happen to see potatoes in a dream, Miller’s dream book compares its size with the significance of future events. The larger the specimen, the more clearly the incident will affect its future fate.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream large potatoes. Azar's dream interpreter promises the sleeper prosperity and a well-fed life. An eastern fortuneteller interprets what he saw a little differently: the symbol really foreshadows a chance to get rich, but you have to not miss it. It will take effort to get yours.

In other interpretations, a large variety of root crops is a harbinger of positive changes not only in financial, but also in other areas of life. Such an image in a dream is especially favorable for people who are open to novelty. The Ukrainian dream interpreter promises a fascinating acquaintance that will bring joyful troubles to everyday life.

Interpreting what small potatoes mean in dreams, the dream book is less optimistic. The symbol foreshadows disproportionately large labor costs to achieve an unimportant goal.

Why do you dream about a bag of potatoes: interpretation from the dream book

2 Lots of potatoes

It’s interesting to know why you dream about a lot of potatoes. In most interpretations, the size of each is not of fundamental importance; the overall volume is important. This is how dream books interpret a rich harvest:

  • a huge pile is identified with success in the social sphere, the emergence of new personal and business connections;
  • a large number of potatoes in a dream indicates that the efforts made in reality will be appreciated;
  • the medium Hasse claims that the more vegetables you see, the more obligations you will have to take on;
  • sometimes in a dream such a mundane image means enrichment spiritual world new knowledge and impressions.

Planting potatoes in a dream: interpretations based on dream details

3 From hand to hand

If you had to sell surplus in a dream, the dream book of the sorceress Navi promises a happy deliverance in reality.

Pesky, annoying people will voluntarily disappear from the horizons of the sleeper.

If in your dreams you happened to buy a large batch, in reality your authority and influence will increase noticeably. When the purchase consists of only a few small potatoes, the dream book considers what was seen in the dream to be a serious warning: minor defects threaten to negate a good idea.

Those who often experience envy in real life have to steal the fruits of other people's labor in their dreams.

Dream Interpretation: What does fried potatoes symbolize for a man and a woman?

4 In the ground and on the ground

Dream books contain many explanations of why you dreamed of planting potatoes, caring for beds, or harvesting the land. Often different kinds garden work in dreams characterize the financial situation in the present and future, indicate the dreamer’s ambition, and promise tempting offers.

5 Landing

Planting potatoes in a dream symbolizes plans for the future, for which the foundation is currently being laid. Everything that is done now will certainly pay off in the future, says the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov, so it makes sense to work hard.

Modern interpretation says that a more than attractive offer will soon arrive, most likely related to a promotion or starting a family with a loved one.

The universal dream interpreter draws attention to emotional background. When a dream accompanies positive attitude, the plan will be realized quite easily. Fatigue and dislike for the process indicate that the path to the goal will be thorny.

The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud equates planting with intimacy with a new partner. In Loff's interpretation, the symbol means improvement living conditions. Veles's prediction promises the implementation of the plan.

6 Caring for beds

If you dreamed potato tops, Psychoanalytic dream book believes that a too superficial approach is preventing the solution of the currently pressing problem; it is advisable to study the issue in more detail in order to find a way out.

When hilling appears in a dream, in reality any undertaking is simply doomed to success. Flowers on potato stems portend unexpected powerful support, including material support. Weeding symbolizes successful investments both in your own and in other interesting projects.

If you dreamed of cute and well-groomed potato beds without any effort, the Wanderer’s dream book considers such an image a good sign for those whose income directly depends on the luck factor, for example, for stock exchange and gamblers.

7 Harvest

Why you dream about picking potatoes, the People's Oracle suggests that you take it almost literally: the next harvest will certainly please you. Shereminskaya’s interpretation promises that circumstances will be on the side of the sleeper in any plan.

Persian dream book believes that picking potatoes in a dream happens shortly before fatal coincidences, outright ingratitude, monotony and boredom. It is possible that your health will fail.

The Slavic dream book confirms that collecting small or rotten potatoes is an unfavorable sign, indicating the futility of efforts and the collapse of well-being. Rotten tubers represent financial difficulties. The fortuneteller advises not to start new things in the near future; it is wiser to enjoy life while you have the opportunity.

If you were lucky enough to collect large potatoes in your night dreams, the prediction of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite recommends acting immediately so as not to miss the favor of fortune. When in a dream you managed to harvest the harvest together with your loved one, the Lovers’ Oracle says that the dreaming couple has good prospects.

Digging up tubers indicates the need to get to the bottom of the truth. You can solve a problem or overcome an illness only if you are armed with knowledge. Digging by hand indicates extreme fatigue, which poses a health hazard. Application modern technology indicates an opportunity to strengthen your position in the business sphere.

8 Raw potatoes

Vanga's dream book very symbolically explains why he dreamed of raw potatoes. This sign represents the middle of the path: the fruits are safely ripe, but not yet ready to eat.

The mood that prevails in a dream will tell how the dreamer perceives his everyday life. If having to cook is depressing, it seems like everyday life is quite dull and boring. When potatoes in a dream inspire culinary creativity, in reality the dreamer does not give in to difficulties and is open to novelty.

According to Lunar dream book, raw potatoes symbolize a well-deserved reward. A very favorable plot is one in which one had to admire selected root crops on a counter or at an agricultural exhibition; this is a harbinger of wealth and honor.

9 Cleaning

The noble dream book of N. Grishina will help you find out what potato peelings mean in dreams. Peeling potatoes in your dreams happens shortly before liberation from negative factors, psychological pressure or relationships that have outlived their usefulness.

The sage Aesop identifies the symbol with a certain significant incident that will force you to reconsider your views on life and, in particular, on a certain person. Most likely, opinions will change for the better.

When a dream about peeling potatoes makes you sad, it means that in reality you have to deal with routine too often. If you managed to turn a dirty tuber into a neatly peeled potato with your own hands, in reality you will be able to positively influence another person by personal example. When you have to clean not only along, but also in depth, some news will surprise you a lot. If you dreamed of peeling but no potatoes in sight, there may be disappointment or lack of funds.

10 Condition of potatoes

The newest interpreter says that small potatoes promise a streak of failure after a period of relative luck. The fact that they look frozen, rotten or green confirms the meaning of the dream.

According to the Ancient Russian prediction, small fruits promise universal mourning for no apparent reason. It’s very good if in a dream you managed to sort out unsuitable tubers. The plot means the opportunity to restore order in real life.

11 Containers for vegetables

The container in which the harvest was placed plays a special role in interpretations. Potatoes in a bucket means that the strategy was chosen correctly. The goal will be achieved and will fully meet expectations. Pink potatoes portend big victories in love front If you dreamed about white, your loved ones will be pleased; yellow promises financial success.

A bag of potatoes promises an unexpected, but very timely profit, provided that it is intact. A torn burlap warns against the high probability of missing a unique opportunity.

12 Bins

Grandma’s dream interpreter will tell you why you dream of potatoes in the cellar. It looks like the sleeper has something to hide. At present, the risk of exposure is increasing. Sometimes an image in a dream just represents character traits that you don’t want to show off. In a certain situation, they can suddenly appear in all their glory.

Healer Akulina urges those who happen to take the harvest out of the cellar in the world of dreams to pay more attention to their well-being. A minor ailment can be the beginning of a serious illness.

13 Manipulations with potatoes

If you had a chance to cut potatoes into strips in a dream, in reality you will have to work hard. Root vegetables that are rotten from the inside serve as an alarming signal: your efforts may not be appreciated.

Why not try the raw product in your night dreams? If the taste turns out to be pleasant, you will actually be able to do something out of the ordinary and literally force others to change their opinion of themselves. The White Magician's dream book is encouraging, for the better.

14 Potato dishes

The culinary dream book explains in detail what dreams mean boiled potatoes, also fried, baked and other dishes made from this wonderful product. Often, potatoes in a dream, cooked and served on the table, mean prosperity and hospitality. Agricultural workers can interpret what they saw literally: the year promises to be fruitful.

This is how the dream book interprets potatoes as part of other dishes:

  • a dream in which pies appear calls for getting rid of ballast: excess weight and negative thoughts;
  • meat stew is a harbinger of financial independence;
  • potato soup demonstrates the ability to find joy in everyday things;
  • if you dreamed of a dish with mushrooms, it makes sense to double the estimate of upcoming expenses;
  • Dumplings are dreamed of by those who are about to begin to reap the fruits of something they started long ago;
  • fragrant potato zrazy with meat filling promises a gift from Fortune herself.

You can enjoy any potato dishes shortly before great luck, a win, an unexpected successful completion of a case, the success of which was not really believed. In women's dreams, the plot is fraught with disappointment: the result will not be as significant and tasty as it initially looked.

Often an appetizing plot is associated with career growth or successful steps in own business. Sometimes the symbol predicts the next achievements in any type of self-development: sports, creativity, spiritual practices. A small victory will certainly make you happy, but you shouldn’t place much hope on the result.

15 Be healthy!

It happens that dreams about delicious potatoes should be taken quite literally. Through such images, the subconscious lets you know that the body clearly lacks vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in vegetables. It is advisable to diversify your diet with them.

Frankly dietary dishes signal about excessive loads, which in Lately the stomach of the sleeping person is exposed, you should give him at least a short break from spicy, fatty, alcoholic, and especially fast food, switching to easily digestible food.

16 Your own chef

When you have to see yourself at the stove and cook potato soup, uninvited guests will soon arrive and cause a lot of trouble. Frying a finely and thinly sliced ​​product lets you know that another idea is not worth the time, effort and money invested in its implementation.

Making dumplings with minced potatoes happens shortly before the best time commercial offer. Perhaps the dreamer himself will initiate an economically profitable project. Throwing unwashed, uncleaned vegetables into boiling water happens in moments of dissatisfaction with external circumstances.

17 Puree

Did you dream of potatoes boiled whole, without any culinary tricks? An unexpected event, news or meeting will bring beauty and spirituality into everyday life - this is what such a simple image actually portends. Interpreters call such visions shapeshifters.

Mashed potatoes with sauce serve as a warning: there is a high probability of a trick from unfamiliar people. Abundance of fried onions once again confirms the opinion of the dream interpreter.

Seeing mashed potatoes in an elegant setting, without having the opportunity to try, comes on the eve of a cycle of joyful troubles. For example, participation in the preparation wedding celebration or folk festival.

18 French fries

A frying pan of hastily fried potatoes promises a pleasant pastime with friends. If the dish appeared as a side dish for some delicacy, in reality a new source of income will appear.

French fries cooked and served royally indicate that the dream of beautiful life– a coincidence of circumstances will provide an opportunity to enjoy something previously unavailable. The main thing is not to overdo it.

19 The uniform obliges

If you remember the root vegetable being cooked in its uniform, there is a favorable period ahead for interaction with higher officials. They are ready, more than ever, to meet halfway and even offer something more. Now any proposal coming from an official deserves attention.

Jacket potatoes mean difficult choices regarding financial issues, or work related to financial liability. It is possible that a reception of important guests will have to be organized.

It’s not good when the tubers baked in the fire turned out to be so dirty that you lost all desire to eat them. Such visions reflect a loss of hope, a reluctance to look for a way out difficult situation. If the traditional camp delicacy is successful, the respect and trust of others will increase noticeably and will entail profitable business proposals. Lovers can count on reciprocity.

By following the advice of the dream book, you can avoid many of the pitfalls. In most interpretations, the symbol is considered favorable, a harbinger of change and amazing discoveries, strengthening of financial situation and growth of social status.

Why do you dream about such an ordinary product as potatoes? There are quite a few interpretations of this image and they are not always positive. Decodings of various dream books, taking into account the actions of the dreamer and the state of the fruits in the dream, will tell about the most current options.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Miller’s dream book?

In the work of this American psychologist, dreams about potatoes warn you of accidents, not all of which bring positive changes.

The process of planting potatoes indicates the fulfillment of a cherished dream in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the process of digging up potatoes, according to the dream book, foreshadows the success of your endeavors.

You can begin to prepare for significant benefits if you happen to eat potato dishes in a dream, and wait for a lucrative job offer if you happen to cook them yourself.

Did you dream about spoiled and rotting root vegetables? The image indicates the collapse of hopes, the end of a joyful and happy streak in life, a return to which will not be possible very soon.

What does potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The dream book of a blind fortune teller generally describes potato dreams in a positive way. If you happen to eat potatoes, your wallet will soon fill up. Planting means future prosperity, and digging up means brilliant career prospects.

Did you dream of flowering potato bushes that have not yet been dug up? They predict good news. The dream book also believes that a harvest harvested and stored in the basement warns of unforeseen difficulties. Have you started cooking a delicious potato dish in your dream? In reality, difficulties will be resolved and debts will be returned.

Potato – Modern dream book

A popular modern dream book is sure that if you dreamed of potatoes, then you should prepare for unexpected events.

Eating potatoes in a dream means that your bosses will very soon notice your diligence and diligence, and the reward will be career advancement, a bonus or a salary increase.

Sowing potato work seen in a dream predicts pleasant changes. The dream book guarantees a new position or a marriage proposal from a loved one.

Why do you dream of a spoiled, diseased and rotting root vegetable? The image does not bode well. Enjoy the happy moments, because it is quite possible that they will not last long.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Hasse’s dream book?

Famous for her mediumistic abilities and ability to penetrate other people's dreams, Miss Hasse claims that planting potatoes in a dream speaks of good undertakings, and digging them up means receiving long-awaited income.

Did you dream of a large harvest of vegetables put into bags? The dream book indicates that you don’t even have to worry about financial issues in the near future; everything in this regard will be good and cloudless.

If you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then your work will not be appreciated. Washing it suggests that due to your own honesty, you will not see income, but your conscience will be clear.

Planting, collecting, peeling potatoes in a dream?

Did you dream about the process of planting potatoes? This is a good sign, indicating that in reality things will work out for the best. You will be able to achieve your goal in your personal life and in business.

Why dream of planting potatoes in your own garden? The event foreshadows the receipt of a lucrative offer. When it finally arrives, you can safely cast aside your fears and, regardless of the circumstances, get involved in the proposed business.

Large potatoes dug up in a dream indicate that the desired salary increase is just around the corner. You don’t even have to “fight” for it, it’s just that in this way the manager decides to motivate you for further victories and work achievements.

Why do you dream about harvesting potatoes according to the Universal Dream Book? The reward you deserve will soon be received. Figuratively speaking, having worked hard, you can count on a big harvest.

Did you dream about digging out large, clean and uncontaminated root vegetables from the ground? You are guaranteed success in absolutely any endeavor.

If in the morning you open your eyes and remember that in a dream you had to peel potatoes, then most likely this indicates that, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get to the bottom of the truth in the issue that interests you. Another interpretation of such a dream says that you may have to change your opinion about a person for the worse.

Fried, boiled, raw potatoes in a dream

Did you happen to see raw, just dug up potatoes in a dream? This is a good sign that predicts finding a new source of income. Perhaps initially they will not be so significant, but every day your financial wealth will grow by leaps and bounds.

The dishes you prepare from your favorite root vegetable in a dream also have their meaning. Did you dream about fragrant fried potatoes? It foreshadows some important event; perhaps it’s time for you to begin moral preparation for it.

Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? He warns of profits, as well as improved relationships with loved ones. According to Aesop's dream book, the process of boiling potatoes speaks of the arrival of guests from afar; meet them with all possible cordiality and hospitality.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of potatoes

Why do you dream of potatoes dumped in a big pile? This is a sure sign of a profitable offer that awaits you in the near future. Your further material well-being will depend on whether you accept it or not. Planting a large volume of potatoes is a near fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why else do you dream about potatoes - dream options

  • Potatoes in the ground indicate a misconception about your surroundings. Try not to be superficial and not to judge people too harshly.
  • Rotten potatoes are not a very good omen. You are likely to face some difficult times and major expenses.
  • Did you dream about a potato field? The reward for the work done will be very generous.
  • Potatoes in the garden, planted in even rows on well-groomed beds, portend the successful implementation of your plans and ideas.
  • The process of frying potatoes in a frying pan - you are expecting a visit from a person whom you are not very happy to see.
  • Picking through potatoes means you need to do a less pleasant, but important and necessary job.
  • Washed potatoes are a good omen; events happening around you have a positive coloration.
  • Jacket potatoes - set the table, guests are coming to you.
  • Potatoes with mushrooms - most likely, holding a planned party will cost more than you planned.

Many symbols seen in dreams should not be ignored. For example, raw potatoes express happiness, according to the explanations of many dream interpreters. However, in some cases, this dream is a sign of impending danger. In order to find out what raw potatoes mean in dreams, you should remember the details: what actions you performed with them, and what they looked like.

Short explanation

Couldn't remember the dream? Refresh your memory at least some of its moments. Sometimes this is enough for the dream book to help provide an explanation for the dreamed plot.

  • Large vegetable tubers are a symbol of happy changes.
  • Small ones - portend worries.
  • Planting or digging up potatoes means hard work or money coming in.
  • Sorting vegetables means problems.
  • Peeling off the skin is a sign of success.

What does Mr. Miller prophesy?

The dream interpreter does not provide a single explanation of what raw potatoes mean in dreams.

In his interpretation we're talking about about the following points: the large fruits that you dug up and prepare a delicious lunch from them embody the happiness and income of a sleeping person.

A dirty or rotten vegetable promises loss and disappointment.

The size of the tubers as a sign of concern

The explanation of the dream vision, in the plot of which you saw large potato tubers, will please you, because it portends pleasure and a happy future.

Loff's dream book indicates that a sleeping person will have a favorable solution to all accumulated problems.

When you see small potatoes raw, be more patient, because soon, although minor, unpleasant incidents are foreseen.

Boring chores, burdens and pointlessly wasted time – all that this dream expresses.

Planting or digging means hard physical labor

Did you dream that you were digging potatoes? Rejoice! Painstaking, but highly paid work awaits you, Tsvetkov’s dream book informs.

You may spend a lot of effort and time on it, but you will receive complete satisfaction from the income received.

If you dreamed about planting potatoes, it means pointless efforts and dreams, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

This dream is an omen that no matter how much effort you put into doing the work assigned to you, you will not be able to complete it properly.

Sorting and choosing root vegetables leads to disagreements

Are you interested in what a dream means where you choose raw potatoes, separating the spoiled ones from the good ones?

You are concerned about a person from your existing social circle. You believe that there is an enemy among your friends.

If you dreamed about how you sort spoiled potatoes from good ones, expect a conflict with your comrades.

Perhaps your guesses will not come true, after which be sure to ask for forgiveness from the people you accused.

If you dream that you are sorting root vegetables by size - in real life you should set your priorities correctly and maintain subordination.

Peeled potatoes - you'll be lucky

As the dream book informs, raw potatoes that you peel, but they don’t end, mean a positive symbol.

According to the Modern Interpreter, you will not be able to restore your former authority, denigrated by your enemies.

If you dream that you see a large amount of unpeeled potatoes before your eyes, expect a joyful event.

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