Modern methods of personnel selection. Recruitment: how to find the right methodology

Technologies for searching and selecting personnel do not stand still. Methods that worked well just a few years ago do not give the desired results today. There are many reasons for this: the demographic situation, the “difficult” labor market, changes in the motivation of young professionals, and so on. The essence remains the same. Finding the right candidate is becoming increasingly difficult.

In my article I want to dwell on two components of the personnel selection process - the search (methods of attraction) and selection (evaluation) of personnel.

I note that detailed description The “work” of all the methods (who/how/why/when to use them and how much it costs) is not my task.

The article turned out to be lengthy, so I won’t bore you with a long introduction.

Personnel search

4 main recruitment technologies:

  • Mass recruiting (massrecruiting) — used for selection large quantity employees. These are mainly line-level specialists with fairly clearly defined professional skills and experience;
  • Recruiting (recruiting) — search and selection of qualified specialists. As a rule, it is carried out among candidates already looking for a job;
  • Direct search (executive search) — search for rare specialists and/or middle managers. Conducted both among free specialists and those still working;
  • Headhunting - Poaching a specific working specialist.

Methods of attracting personnel (search sources):

Speaking about methods and sources of personnel search, it is worth noting that some of them are used only by direct employers (due to certain restrictions), while some are more often used by recruitment agencies.

  • Personnel reserve— nominating a candidate from among the organization’s employees for an open vacancy;
  • Referral Recruiting– There are two types of referral recruiting: within the company and external. Referral recruiting within the company - employees recommend candidates from among their friends; outside the company - the candidate is sought by recommendation former colleagues, acquaintances, etc.;
  • Targeted training in universities— the company “grows” future employees by offering employment after completing targeted training;
  • Employment centers at universities – attracting young specialists for a period of industrial practice with subsequent employment, especially relevant for blue-collar and technical specialties;
  • Open days – This is an acquaintance of candidates with the organization “from the inside”, an opportunity to evaluate working conditions with their own eyes and communicate with managers. The main disadvantage of this method is the lack of guarantees of attracting interesting candidates and the very labor-intensive process of organizing an event;
  • Job fairs– industry-specific ones are the most interesting, a good opportunity to make a company presentation and collect contacts of candidates interested in the job;
  • State employment centers - This method works well when attracting personnel with low salary requirements;
  • Targeted retraining of specialists in training centers – training of promising employees of the organization with their subsequent promotion;
  • Posting job vacancies near the organization– one of the “guerrilla” methods, works well for retail and workers, production specialties;
  • Recruitment agencies– by contacting the agency, the employer receives a guarantee of attracting a certain number of candidates who meet his requirements, from which he can choose the most suitable one;
  • Posting vacancies on specialized employment sites- one of the most common passive ways attracting personnel, among the minuses I would note the low activity of candidates and the inconsistency of the responses received with the stated requirements;
  • Searching for resumes on specialized employment sites– one of the most common active ways to attract personnel, often expensive and extremely labor-intensive;
  • Placing advertisements about vacancies in specialized print media – well suited for searching for blue-collar, technical and manufacturing specialties;
  • Placement of vacancy announcements in non-core print media– allows you to reach candidates who are not open to currently market;
  • Posting advertisements for vacancies in public transport – The main advantage of this method is large area coverage and the opportunity to interest candidates not open to the market;
  • Posting job vacancies on radio and television– perfect for a small city, but for a metropolis this method is too expensive.

If we talk specifically about modern methods of personnel search, we can highlight the following:

  • Search for candidates in in social networks – a relevant, inexpensive, but labor-intensive method of attracting personnel. Well suited for searching for young and mid-level professionals.
  • Searching for candidates on the Internet (forums, specialized communities) - inexpensive, but rather labor-intensive method. Allows you to contact a narrow circle of specialists, as well as receive recommendations for interesting candidates.
  • Posting job advertisements on the Internet in video format – one of the most popular methods today. The cost of creating a video about a company/vacancy is comparable to the cost of traditional methods of attracting personnel. The effectiveness of this method is quite high. Thanks to distribution on the Internet, the maximum number of views is ensured.

The active use of these methods of attracting personnel is associated with the development of the global web. Following the candidates, recruiters also went to the Internet.

Recently, methods such as:

  • Personnel leasing– the use of temporary labor resources provided by recruitment agencies for a long period of time to solve the organization’s production problems;
  • Outsourcing– transfer to a third party of some business processes that are non-core for the organization;
  • Temporary staff– unlike leasing, it is used in cases where an organization needs additional employees for a short period (from one day to several months);
  • Outstaffing– registration in the staff of a specialized agency of employees working in a company that, for one reason or another, no longer wants to maintain these personnel.

Of course, these methods are not methods of attracting personnel to the organization, but they solve the problem of its shortage no less effectively.

Personnel selection

Speaking about the selection of candidates, namely all sorts of different tests, we can no longer make a distinction between direct employers and agencies. They use all selection methods equally, and their choice depends on the knowledge and experience of a particular selection specialist.

So, the main methods for selecting candidates:

  • Analysis of resumes and other documents- screening based on formal criteria;
  • Telephone interview— screening according to formal requirements, determining the level of expected salary;
  • Interview— in addition to the necessary competencies, the appearance, and the candidate’s demeanor;
  • Stressful interview— level of stress resistance, pattern of behavior in a stressful situation;
  • Questionnaire— compliance with procedures, willingness to make contact;
  • Testing— psychological, level of intelligence, etc.;
  • Essay— the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing;
  • Solving business cases— model of behavior in a given situation;
  • Logical and associative tasks- behavior, reaction to questions, logical thinking abilities;
  • Infusion into work groups— evaluation of communications, work proposals;
  • Collection of recommendations— recommendations from employers, colleagues from previous places of work;
  • Collecting information on social networks.

I would also like to note some unconventional and largely controversial selection methods:

Anthropological selection method

Anthropological- the candidate’s abilities, his intellectual and Creative skills are assessed based on the structure of his skull: the size of the brow ridges, the position of the lips and ears, etc.

Graphological selection method

Graphological— the applicant’s handwriting is analyzed, and based on this analysis, conclusions are drawn about the candidate’s individual characteristics. According to graphologists, graphological examination allows one to assess personal and business qualities person. It must be said that this method is used mainly in Europe. In Russia it is not widespread, and graphology itself is often classified as a pseudoscience.

Astrological selection method

Astrological— the candidate’s zodiac sign is analyzed. It is believed that by the zodiac sign one can determine the personal and business qualities of a candidate, the success of his entry into the team, and his predisposition to certain types of work, professions and positions. In Russia, again, this selection method is not common.

It is rarely used by professional recruiters (well, perhaps out of female curiosity). But a male leader can resort to him at the most unexpected moment and make a choice in favor of a candidate based on his zodiac sign.

Numerological selection method

Numerological- the same story with numerology. The candidate is assessed by date of birth (the numbers themselves, their order, combination, etc.).


Palmistry- Palmists evaluate a person’s abilities based on palm parameters. They even say that palmists can evaluate professional qualities.

The boom in attracting palmists, magicians, psychics and other people of outstanding abilities occurred in the “dashing” 90s. Turning to such “specialists” removes the responsibility for making a decision on choosing a candidate, but the quality of assessing candidates is difficult to assess.


Polygraph (Lie Detector)- the least exotic method, has a real scientific basis. Used for over 100 years. Average level The reliability of the lie detector is 95%. IN Lately is becoming increasingly widespread.

To sum up the unconventional methods of personnel selection, I will say that I have formed a rather entertaining image of a recruiter-astrologer-numerologist-palm reader with a polygraph at the ready. Do I need to say that I don’t know such a specialist? And you? 🙂

Of all the above unconventional methods there is not a single one that would guarantee 100% correctness of choice (with the possible exception of a lie detector). But traditional methods do not provide such a guarantee.


The choice of ways to attract and select personnel depends on many factors: the state of the labor market, the profile of the vacancy, the corporate culture of the organization, its financial capabilities. At the same time, recruiters, as a rule, do not stop at any one method, but use them in combination.

For each company, the best recruitment methods are those that are applicable in its conditions. This is perhaps why it is difficult to determine which of them are innovative and which are outdated. The decision remains with the HR service specialists, but for it to be correct and justified, it is necessary to master the entire set of techniques and tools that allow you to select highly professional and successful employees.

Personnel search methods

As you know, there are not many methods of recruiting personnel. There are only four of them, and they have long been firmly established in the daily work of HR managers in almost all companies. Let's briefly describe each of these methods.

1. Recruiting- search and selection of middle and lower level personnel. As a rule, it is carried out among candidates who are already looking for a job.

2. Exclusive search(exclusive search, direct) - direct targeted search and selection of senior management personnel and rare specialists. As a rule, this method is used if it is necessary to find people who have a key impact on the company’s business and ensure the implementation of the strategy - as a rule, these are management personnel. The search is carried out both among free specialists and those still working.

3. Head hunting- a type of direct search, in which there is a kind of “hunt” for a specific specialist and his “enticement” to the company. This is complex work, which is usually necessary when searching for senior managers, as well as key and rare employees - both in their specialty and level of professionalism.

The search technology is complicated by the preliminary collection of information about the specialist and the careful preparation of “recruitment”. Head hunting is also used if the customer does not know a specific specialist and the “hunter” must find him himself through a thorough analysis of competing companies and collecting information about key employees of these organizations. This procedure is lengthy (the average period is up to six months), expensive and responsible.

4. Preliminaring(preliminary) - attracting promising young specialists (students and university graduates) to work through practical training and internships, who will become the key to the company’s success in the future.

Which one of listed methods can be considered the most modern? It is hardly possible to answer this question unambiguously - they are all good in their own way and in their own time. When choosing a search method, it is necessary to proceed from the position and position, the state of affairs in the company, the urgency of the vacancy and the situation on the labor market. It seems that at present more attention should be paid to preliminarization as the most promising method of forming labor collective. It is clear that from the point of view of the general organization of personnel management in the company, it is very labor-intensive, since we do not get a ready-made specialist with established experience and skills, but a newcomer who needs to be trained and supervised. But if the organization has a high-quality adaptation and training system, preliminaring is good way find loyal young employees who will renew the established team.

Methods for selecting the best

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the methods of assessing candidates for vacancies during personnel selection. There are many more of them than search methods, and they make it possible to create a personnel selection system that is suitable for each specific organization and solves its problems more effectively.

So, how do you choose the best applicant from all the applicants who respond to a job advertisement? First, it should be noted that the definition of “best” will vary significantly from company to company. One organization needs an employee who exactly meets the stated requirements, so that from the first day of work it is possible to get a full-fledged result (although it is unlikely that it will be possible to find such a candidate and you will still have to adapt the employee to the conditions of the new company). Another employer is ready to put up with the lack of certain skills and “finish training” for a new specialist, but demands that he must have a certain set of personal qualities and quickly fit into the job. corporate culture. For the third company, the human qualities of the candidate come first, and experience is not so important.

There are no universal recipes here, and there cannot be. But it is necessary to master the entire set of methods for assessing candidates in order to make exactly the choice that will ideally meet the company’s needs.

Collection of data about applicants

Primary screening, as a rule, occurs before personal communication with candidates - already at the stage of receiving a resume. It seems that now only the lazy do not know how to write a resume correctly, and it will not be difficult for recruiters to complete the initial assessment. But sometimes it is the unification of these techniques that leads to the fact that HR specialists stop carefully reading the resume and do not notice truly interesting candidates, paying attention only to the formal side of the presentation of information. It must be admitted that this stage deserves a more thorough approach than searching for “key words” in applicants’ resumes. You need to learn to “read between the lines” - and then the likelihood of missing out on a valuable employee will be less.


This concept has quite a few interpretations, but for our article the definition that is most suitable is given by the dictionary business terms: “An interview is a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan.” It is the plan prepared in advance that distinguishes the selection interview from any other conversation.

When recruiting personnel, various methods are used different types interview.

Brief telephone interview

This is the most common type of interview, conducted by a personnel specialist after studying written resumes from applicants. Many recruiters neglect this method, shifting these responsibilities to assistants. But in vain! During a short telephone interview, you can clarify and supplement the information presented in the resume, as well as understand whether the applicant is ready to work in your company. This method is good for almost any vacancy; it does not take much time and effort, so you should not abandon it.


This is the central, key stage of the selection system. Interview is the most common method that is always used when recruiting any employees.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Well-known startup website manager Anton Nosik, who launched such portals as Rambler and Lenta. ru and many others, prefers to use correspondence for personnel selection e-mail and blogs. He believes that a personal interview is not informative, and gives the following arguments:

The interview does not last long - on average half an hour, and during this time the candidate can gather himself and “play the role” of a successful and interesting person, although in fact it is not.

The situation can be just the opposite: an intelligent and experienced, but overly modest professional gets lost, which is why he looks withdrawn and does not make the right impression.

But interviews are usually not neglected. There is an opinion that a well-conducted interview is much more effective than all assessment methods combined. Experience in conducting interviews is gained only through practice - subject to constant, thoughtful use existing tools. It is best to conduct an interview from the position of equal partners. The exception is the so-called stress interview (I think this type is already going out of practice). As for the structure of the interview, its order may be as follows:

1. It’s best to start with a greeting and an outline of the interview procedure.

2. Then you should briefly talk about the company (within 3 - 5 minutes) and provide the candidate with more detailed information about the vacancy.

3. Body: At this stage, the interviewer asks questions to the candidate.

4. The interviewer answers the candidate’s questions.

5. You should thank the applicant and explain further actions and deadlines.

Prepare for the interview in advance: make notes on your resume, think through a rough list of questions. Don't confuse an interview with an interrogation. The candidate must see the logic of the questions; give him time for possible clarifying explanations or counter questions. Help the applicant understand the question correctly and, if necessary, reformulate it. Before you find out anything, clarify for yourself why you are doing this, what you want to find out. The wording of questions must be correct - tactful and not subject to double interpretation. Do not ask questions whose answers are contained in the resume - this is only permissible at the very beginning of the interview in order to “get the candidate to talk.”

The interview can take place in various formats:

- Structured interview contains an approved list of questions for a specific vacancy or category of personnel. Allows you to compare the answers of different candidates to the same questions and choose the best one more objectively.

- Free unstructured interview(actually a conversation) is used in cases where there are not very many applicants for a vacancy and the position itself is quite creative. In this case, standard questions will not allow you to get a full impression of the candidate.

- Situational interview used to obtain important data when recruiting personnel for management positions, as well as vacancies for managers with high level responsibility. In essence, this type of interview is a special psychological test, adjusted to meet the requirements for the responsibilities of the future employee. For each situational interview question, several answer options are offered, more or less close to the “correct” ones.

Group interview

This method also called an expert group interview - this refers to the situation when several interviewers communicate with the applicant. Such an interview creates the most stressful situation for the interviewee, and this allows you to assess whether he is able to withstand pressure. The need to conduct a group interview may arise when a vacant position requires highly specialized knowledge that an HR employee cannot assess. To make sure that the applicant has the necessary knowledge, representatives of the department in which the vacancy is open are invited. In addition, a group interview allows you to evaluate not only the professional, but also the personal qualities of the applicant and reduce the likelihood that he will not join the new team.

When planning this type of interview, it is necessary to clearly distribute roles between interviewers. However, a situation is possible when one of them is the leader, and the rest join in the conversation as necessary to ask additional questions.

Assessment center

One of the types of group interviews can be called the currently popular assessment center method. It was formed in the West during the Second World War. It was used to recruit junior officers in the UK and intelligence officers in the USA. Subsequently, it was adopted by business organizations, and now in the West almost every big company uses this method to evaluate personnel. In Russia, the assessment center began to be used in the early 1990s, and now this method of studying human resources is the most popular. It is perfect for working in mass recruitment situations, when it is necessary to select the best one from a large number of candidates in the shortest period of time.

This method is based on the observation of specially trained assessors (appraisers) of the behavior of employees in real work situations or when they perform various tasks. The content of assignments reflects the main aspects and problems of activities within a particular position. Each assessment center includes a number of procedures and is developed taking into account the requirements for employees. An important component of this method is measurement.

The assessment center is close to tests, since it involves standardization, that is, the presence of certain standards for carrying out procedures and a rating system (criteria and rating scales). Sometimes, in addition to special tasks, the assessment center includes a structured interview and testing.

When conducting all types of interviews, do not forget about the following: effective means, How projective techniques, self-presentation of candidates and cases, which are an indispensable source of data for assessing a potential employee of the company.


Testing is a fairly common method of selecting candidates and includes several types of assessment. When using them, you must adhere to certain rules.

Psychological tests

Nowadays, many personnel services necessarily offer to pass psychological testing candidates for a variety of positions. However, when using psychological tests in recruitment, there are some limitations to keep in mind.

Testing should be used only when there is really a need for it, for example, a position requires the employee to have certain personal qualities that can be identified using a test.

Tests used to assess candidates must be professional and fit for purpose. They must have a high degree of objectivity, reliability and validity (i.e., they actually measure what they are intended to measure).

A professional psychologist must conduct psychological testing of candidates.

In addition, there are ethical standards that must be followed when choosing this method of assessment: the candidate must undergo testing voluntarily, since a person cannot be subjected to psychological examination against his will (except special occasions regulated by law, to which the hiring process in ordinary companies does not apply).

Professional questionnaires

Professional questionnaires make it possible to identify incompetent candidates already at the first stage of the interview and thus significantly save the HR manager’s time. They are effective in selecting the best employees different professions- accountants, lawyers, programmers, IT or telephony specialists. The questions are developed by the personnel service together with the head of the department in which the applicant will work. The completeness and depth of the candidate’s knowledge in the professional field is assessed by his potential supervisor. The objectivity of this method can reach 80%.

Testing skills and abilities

This method can be classified as professional testing. It consists of the fact that the recruiter or expert checks the skills necessary for the candidate to perform the job well, for example, typing speed and/or knowledge of shorthand for a secretary, level of proficiency foreign language for a translator, etc. The main condition is that the skill must be mandatory and can be easily measured. Of course, such a method cannot be used in every case, but if it is suitable for a given vacancy, it should not be neglected. It is almost 100% objective and therefore should take its rightful place in the arsenal of any recruiting manager.

Summing up

We looked at the main methods of searching for candidates and assessing them, used when recruiting personnel for a company. It is worth noting that there are no good or bad methods - there are suitable and not suitable for a specific company, position and situation. Therefore, to form a better and more flexible system staffing Each HR department can choose the means and methods that meet the goals and interests of the company. Typically, the selection process includes a set of methods depending on the vacancy and the situation on the labor market. This is precisely where the talent of a recruiter lies - to use exactly those methods that will be good in their time and place.

The successful operation of any company largely depends on the talent, competence and dedication of its employees. That is why the search for personnel for any manager is very important issue. However, this task requires an integrated approach that takes into account the features that a specific field of activity of the organization has.

Personnel policy

This concept is relevant in any organization, even if its main provisions are not set out on paper. Personnel policy is a certain set of rules and principles that determine the effectiveness of personnel management. Moreover, its main features directly indicate how attractive the company is to potential employees in the labor market.

The main goal of any personnel policy is to provide all enterprise structures with the employees they need with certain qualifications. Moreover, such activities include the following areas, which include:

Hiring employees;
- selection and further promotion of personnel;
- training of qualified workers and their ongoing training;
- placement of personnel in accordance with the existing production system;
- analysis of the labor potential of employees.

Hiring staff

One of the most important areas The personnel policy pursued by the enterprise is the formation of the necessary personnel. And the first stage of this process is hiring staff. It can be described as a series of activities aimed at attracting certain candidates whose qualities are necessary for the organization to achieve its goals.

Recruitment is a whole complex of organizational activities, which include such stages as recruitment and assessment of personnel, selection of applicants, as well as their further admission to the staff of the enterprise.

List of necessary procedures

Organizational arrangements involving staffing activities consist of:

1. Set. This process is the creation of a data bank of candidates most suitable for vacant positions. In other words, it is a mass attraction of applicants.

2. Selection. At this stage, the most suitable candidates are selected from the reserve created during recruitment. Selection is part of the recruitment process and involves selecting a number of candidates from a large number of people who want to fill the position. The goal that personnel services pursue at this stage is to assess the compliance of the candidate’s personal and professional suitability with the requirements imposed by this vacant position. Such a problem can be solved in the shortest possible time using legally, ethically and economically justifiable means.

3. Selection. This stage represents the choice of a position or activity that contributes to the fullest realization of all the employee’s capabilities. When selecting personnel, the identity of the characteristics of the candidate and the requirements of the position, as well as the organization as a whole, is established.

4. Choice. This stage involves making a commission decision on the preference of a certain candidate, based on the results of public procedures.


This stage is the most critical in the work of personnel services. After all, mistakes made today will cost the organization dearly tomorrow. In order to hire people suitable for the enterprise, the person involved in personnel selection must have a certain talent. After all, when hiring worthy employees, the company will certainly work well, and bad ones, in addition to their unsatisfactory work, will begin to negatively influence others.

That is why recruitment is continuous and painstaking work which will require special character traits and abilities, skills and knowledge. High professionalism of the employee involved in hiring personnel presupposes the presence of deep knowledge in economics and law, psychology and sociology. In this case, certain methods of personnel selection should be used. The organization decides which one to choose. However, as a rule, personnel services use the most common methods of personnel selection. Let's take a closer look at them.

Intra-organizational search

Sometimes when successful work the organization is expanding or there is a certain movement of employees within the company itself. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? One of them is intra-organizational search. Its main goal is to recruit employees for senior and middle management positions.

In such cases, management appoints those employees who are already working in the organization to fill the available positions. This method has a number of advantages. It helps to increase the level of loyalty to the organization, and is also attractive because candidates do not have to go through the process of integration into the team. Among the disadvantages of the intra-organizational method, one can highlight restrictions in the selection of applicants, the absence of the possibility of the arrival of new forces, as well as the encouragement of localism among the heads of structural divisions.

Employee assistance

Often, organizations require employees for ordinary positions, as well as unqualified personnel. What recruitment methods can be used in such cases? In this case, personnel services can use the help of employees. The advantages of this method include a high degree of compatibility. Among the shortcomings, the employees who offered their help do not know the specifics of the vacancy, as well as their lack of experience in personnel selection.

Appeal to the media

Methods of searching and selecting personnel sometimes involve the use of media space. This provides the greatest possible coverage of the audience of potential applicants. Moreover, when using this method, the organization will require small financial costs. The success of such an event, as a rule, depends on the frequency of publication, circulation, ease of registration on the site, ease of use, etc. But, be that as it may, when placing an advertisement in the media, personnel services must be prepared for the appearance of a large number of candidates.

Modern methods personnel selection

Searching and evaluating employees for a particular position is important stage in the formation, development and improvement of any organization. The professional suitability and level of qualifications of the selected employees depend on the amount of time and attention devoted to assessing candidates.

Recruiting agencies can help employers in the employee selection process.

Recruitment agencies

The best option for resolving the issue of hiring employees is to contact a recruitment agency. Modern recruitment methods allow agents to achieve the best results, regardless of the complexity of the task.

Solving the issue of hiring employees by contacting a recruitment agency gives results in the shortest possible time, saves the employer money and has excellent quality indicators.

Recruitment methods

Which method is used for personnel selection depends primarily on the requirements of the employer and the characteristics of the vacant position. Also, the choice of methodology is influenced by the massiveness of recruitment, the type and scope of activity of the customer’s organization and other nuances.

Basically, recruitment methods can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Mass selection. Selection of a large number of working personnel for junior positions. This method is also called recruiting. It is used in cases where it is necessary to recruit the maximum number of employees in the shortest possible time. As a rule, it is not used for the selection of mid-level specialists and is never used for hiring for senior and managerial positions.
  • Active, targeted search for candidates. Can be used for workers in many strategic positions. Typically used for executive selection. The most common method used, as a rule, by recruitment agencies. The advantage of the method is that the most suitable candidate is targeted for the position, rather than evaluating and selecting the most suitable option from the list of submitted resumes, as in the previous method.

Specific methods for assessing the suitability of employees for a position depend on the details of the contract, the employer’s requirements, labor market offers and other nuances. An individual approach and flexibility in personnel selection and assessment methods ensures the achievement of the best results for any variations and positions.

Leading economists have long included human resources as important components of enterprise. It's true - without good employees development of any company is impossible. Therefore, selecting good personnel is the basis for the effective operation of any company.

Rules for recruiting personnel for an enterprise

Competent selection of personnel is impossible without strict adherence to certain general principles:

  • The need for personnel must be determined in advance, taking into account the possible growth and expansion of the company’s scope of activities;
  • Dividing the hiring of workers into two directions: long-term and short-term;
  • Short-term hiring involves solving operational problems. The head of the structural unit is responsible for it. It comes from operational analysis;
  • Long-term hiring – strict adherence to the business plan;
  • The hiring of personnel should involve the use only open sources information;
  • Competing firms must have equal and independent conditions for admission;
  • The principle of impartiality in relation to candidates is the key to success.

Just like the head of the organization, the head of the human resources department should not participate in production activities. If we consider this statement using the example of a company director, then: a manager cannot be busy solving a production problem, since by doing this he deprives himself of the opportunity to manage production process. The same principle should be implemented when recruiting personnel.

Consequently, the main task of a recruiting manager should be formulated something like this: Identify the innate and acquired qualities of an employee and compare them with the position. Consequently, one of the main rules of recruitment is a clear knowledge of the positions and the set of traits required for them.

Modern recruitment methods

History knows many methods of recruitment. From a three-day Chinese test to an English fluent survey about relatives. They are all good in their time and for their setting. But what works in our time?

Now there are 4 recruitment methods that most managers use. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Mass recruiting

Recruitment method for low and mid-level positions. Involves searching for work for specific vacancies. Nowadays advertisements are used on company websites and/or contacting special agencies. Typically, an employee hired in this manner is minimally tested and cleared to return to work.

Exclusive search

As the name suggests (exclusive search) is a direct search for an employee. As a rule, it is used when searching for senior specialists, or people with special knowledge and skills. Employees hired this way are more likely to have a direct impact on the business. The search is carried out not only among free specialists.

Head Hunting

A variation of the previous method, only even more subtle and complex. This is a hunt for one senior specialist who works in another company. The most difficult thing is collecting information about the specialist and preparing the luring process itself. It can also be used when the manager does not know a specific specialist, and the hunter must find him on his own through an analysis of competing companies. Expensive, lengthy and responsible procedure.


A method based on the use of young specialists through internships and practical training. Even during training, promising students are recruited, who will later become the key to successful development companies.

However, there is no clear guidance on which of these methods is best. Each of them solves problems assigned to the company in a certain period of time. The HR manager must decide for himself which method to use and what it can give to the company at one time or another.

How to choose the best specialist?

Unlike recruitment methods, there are much more ways to determine the competence of an employee. It is from these methods that the organization should create its system for selecting candidates.

Despite the similarity of methodologies, companies’ requirements for candidates are very different. And this is understandable. When in one team the microclimate is more important than certain skills and experience, then in another, abilities come first, and character traits are forced to be tolerated.

Based on the characteristics of the company, the HR manager must draw up a specific strategy for identifying best candidates for one position or another. That is why, in order to objectively evaluate candidates, it is necessary to be fully aware of the selection methodology.

Primary data processing

The actual selection of candidates occurs much earlier than their meeting with employers. Even at the stage of studying resumes, HR managers eliminate the majority of candidates. Of course, you can always find online how to fill out a resume correctly, but each company has its own special requirements for candidates.

Nowadays, the process of reviewing resumes is somewhat standardized. People simply read the text without understanding the information. This method deserves improvement, because reading between the lines will allow you to collect much more information and not miss a potential employee.


The definition of interview in the business dictionary is: “A conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan.”

It is precisely the fact that a preliminary plan for the conversation is drawn up in advance that distinguishes this method from others.

There are different types of interviews, but the simplest is a short telephone interview.

After processing, managers call the potential employee and ask him for some additional information that turned out to be unclear. During a short conversation, you can understand the seriousness of the applicant’s intentions and draw the necessary conclusions.


The main stage of the entire system. This is what the idea of ​​a potential employee should be based on. A well-conducted interview provides many times more information than all other methods of assessing a candidate. An HR manager must have experience in conducting interviews, which can only be gained through constant thinking through their actions.

What others exist? Our article will tell you about this in detail.

In the article you will learn what a personnel management system is and why it should be introduced at the enterprise.

To properly conduct personnel certification, carefully study the recommendations.

In order for the interview to go well, as mentioned above, you need to think through a plan in advance:

  • A greeting and a statement of the order in which the interview will be conducted;
  • You need to talk about the company culture and the details of the position. Answer any questions that arise;
  • Skip to the main part - ask questions and listen to answers;
  • The farewell stage, at which gratitude is expressed and the future relationship between the employee and the company is explained.
  • By observing this simple recommendation, you can conduct an interview at a high level.


One of the most difficult recruitment methods for a candidate is self-presentation. The applicant is invited to come up with and implement a story about himself, including everything that in his opinion the employer will need. Most approach this issue creatively, although it would be worth doing everything concisely and to the point.

The method is not the most reliable, since most inexperienced candidates, as well as closed and modest people, are unlikely to be able to impress the manager. On the other hand, for high positions that require the ability to communicate and get along with people, this method is perfect.

Psychological tests and professional testing

Meaning psychological tests It's very overrated in recruiting. They should be used only to identify the qualities required for a particular position, nothing more and nothing less. Tests must be carried out by professional psychologists, therefore requiring additional costs. financial resources to hire a specialist.

At the same time, professional testing - great way identifying a potential candidate. Yes, this approach is somewhat standardized, but it allows you to create the right impression of the candidate’s skills. Testing should be carried out by a specialist, most often the head of a department, together with a manager.

Main mistakes when recruiting personnel

In Russia, the personnel recruitment system is poorly developed. Instead of one or more highly qualified specialists doing this, more often some girl with no experience is appointed to the position of HR manager, who slides into the role of a secretary. This is where typical errors often arise:

  • Error in problem statement. That situation when the manager himself does not understand what kind of person is needed for a particular position. What data, traits and skills should he have;
  • Error when interacting with agencies. If a manager turns to a recruitment agency for help, then he must understand what he wants and how he can get it. All disagreements and problems arise due to incorrectness in the formulation of the problem. The more specific information given to specialists, the better;
  • Following stereotypes. The first thing a successful HR manager should get rid of is following stereotypes. You should never form an opinion about a person based on unverified data and personal assumptions;
  • Ignorance of the field of activity. The manager must have at least a rough idea of ​​what a person should do in a particular position, and what set of skills he should have. Only certain vacancies requiring special knowledge should be beyond his competence;
  • Drawing up erroneous relationships. A fairly common mistake is when a manager can find connections that are completely beyond logical explanation;
  • Failure to develop. Improvement in any position is a mandatory process. But many people forget about this and do not update their knowledge base.

Recruiting staff is an extremely difficult task. It is better to entrust it to a specialist who is not involved in other company processes. Knowledge of the methodology, methods and common mistakes will allow you to competently draw up a plan and course of action when searching for the necessary candidates and select competent specialists.

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