Sports secrets of using the most powerful sports supplements. Vitamins and supplements for athletes: what you need and what you don't

Walk into any sports nutrition store and you will find tons of nutritional supplements designed to grow muscle tissue and restore the body after a strenuous workout. Generally, these supplements work, but not all of them are equally effective for different people. Due to the unique characteristics of each body, athletes will respond differently to certain supplements. But despite these differences, there are a number of supplements that demonstrate the best effectiveness and maximum results for everyone. I'm going to share the top five supplements that will help you gain muscle most effectively.

1. Creatine

is a substance naturally produced in our muscle cells, mainly in tissue skeletal muscles, where approximately 95% of the body's creatine reserve is located. The remaining 5% is distributed throughout the body.

For use in nutrition, this natural metabolite was synthesized in the form of creatine monohydrate. It is used to produce and modulate cellular energy.

Benefits of Creatine Supplement:

  • Dry growth stimulation muscle mass
  • Increased muscle cell volume
  • Accelerated recovery after training
  • Increased glycogen synthesis
  • Increasing the effectiveness of high-intensity muscle loads

Typically, athletes prefer to use creatine during weight training and bodybuilding activities due to the faster rate of increase in lean muscle mass. Likewise, most athletes find it easy to stop taking creatine as it is naturally synthesized in our bodies. When an athlete stops taking this supplement, creatine levels in the body return to normal within 3-4 weeks.

2. Beta-alanine

This is a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid that enters our body with protein-rich foods, such as poultry. Improved muscle tissue growth with the help occurs due to the ability of this substance to increase intramuscular levels. This increased intake of beta-alanine through the supplement suggests an increase in carnosine levels of more than 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is important because during high-intensity exercise, our body accumulates large amounts of hydrogen, which causes the pH of the internal environment to drop (increasing its acidity). This increase in acidity (lactic acid) can cause severe fatigue, reduce muscle performance, and block nerve activity, resulting in the muscles being unable to perform. Supporting high level carnosine by taking a beta-alanine supplement, a bodybuilding athlete can slow down the accumulation of hydrogen and the subsequent increase in acidity, which in turn slows down the onset of muscle fatigue and exhaustion.

When performing high-intensity exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen, causing a drop in the pH of the internal environment.

Additional benefits of taking a beta-alanine supplement:

  • Increased stamina
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Less fatigue
  • Improving body tissue composition
  • The substance has a complementary effect with creatine
  • Better performance for athletes regardless of training intensity and duration

3. Whey Protein

It has long been theorized that bodybuilding athletes and their coaches could improve their performance and lean muscle mass by taking whey protein shakes or supplements. supplies the body big amount, and also causes an increase in the concentration of calcium, magnesium and other minerals, which are easily absorbed in liquid form.

The serum is typically taken pre- and post-workout to enhance muscle recovery and regeneration. Whether you're dieting to gain muscle or are concerned about reducing body fat, adding whey protein to your exercise program can speed up the process or fat loss. Below are a few key benefits of a whey protein supplement.

Easy to digest
Coaches and athletes with busy schedule exercisers can save time by drinking a whey protein shake immediately after workouts and benefit from nutrients that are quickly absorbed. Because these nutritional supplements Contain a number of vitamins not found in our daily food, this is a great supplement for any athlete with a busy lifestyle.

Lactose intolerance
Anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance knows about the unpleasant consequences and discomfort caused by drinking milkshakes every day. Whey protein shakes typically contain a combination of egg whites, soy proteins and. This means no side effects, similar to those that occur when taking whole milk products.

Accelerated muscle tissue recovery
After intense training with weights or participating in sporting event the body needs to repair itself. Certain nutrients are required to perform this task. Protein is essential building element involved in the restoration of muscle tissue; It is found in prepared form in whey protein shakes and supplements. When taken immediately after training, protein triggers rapid muscle recovery.

The serum is typically taken pre- and post-workout to enhance muscle recovery and regeneration.

Natural Appetite Suppressant
Power with high content Protein suppresses appetite, making it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet without feeling too hungry. Whey protein shakes and supplements can be used in place of meals or as a between-meal snack.

Amino acids
In the process of life, our body requires a significant amount of high-quality protein and amino acids. Whey protein supplement contains very high concentrations of amino acids that are involved in protein synthesis.

Improved metabolism
Eating large amounts of protein is fuel for our body. When taken throughout the day, it serves as an excellent source of energy, keeping your metabolism on fire. Thanks to increased metabolism, calories are burned more efficiently and hunger is reduced.

Recommended doses: Consume 30-40 g of whey protein at a time. It is best used before and after workouts; In addition, it is convenient to take the required amount of protein when you do not have the opportunity to eat properly. But never rely on shakes alone—although taking a whey protein shake is ideal remedy post-workout replenishment, but otherwise you should make an effort to ensure you're getting adequate nutrition throughout the day.

4. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA)

Another common supplement that coaches and athletes who are interested in bodybuilding and want to achieve better results turn to is. Of the 21 amino acids present in our body, three belong to the group of branched chain amino acids: , isoleucine and valine. These are the basic elements of protein, which together make up about 30% of the skeletal muscle mass of our body.


The body uses branched chain amino acids to regenerate muscles. Like a whey protein supplement, BCAA delivers nutrients to muscle tissue, causing accelerated recovery after training. The body burns BCAAs while you exercise, so taking a supplement will help replenish these nutrients used up during an intense workout. In addition, it reduces pain caused by muscle fatigue and improves metabolic recovery.

Taking a dietary supplement will help restore the supply of BCAA used up during intense exercise.

In addition, there is an additional benefit of taking BCAAs, which is that such amino acids help improve muscle endurance by constantly supplying them with fuel, which will be of interest to people who cover long distances, for example, lovers of hiking or long races (marathons), swimming long distances. distance or any other prolonged physical activity.

5. Glutamine

Widely known for its ability to slow down the process of micro-damage to muscles during intense exercise, which helps increase muscle strength and enhance endurance. Weight lifters will find that they can lift heavier weights for longer periods of time and train more frequently. As a compensatory mechanism, increasing the limits of muscular endurance will certainly inspire the body to create more lean muscle mass.


In addition, glutamine has a number of other benefits associated with taking it as a dietary supplement:

  • Maintaining muscle tissue allows your body to burn additional fat—the more lean muscle mass your body contains, the more efficient your metabolism is. During workouts aimed at getting rid of fat deposits, the body will also lose muscle mass, so it is important to slow down this process.
  • Moreover, there is data on positive impact glutamine on the immune system in many people taking this dietary supplement. The process of intense training is a strain not only on the muscles, but also on the immune system. Glutamine restores the condition of muscle tissue and also supports the immune system, ensuring rapid recovery of the entire body.
  • Glutamine is known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is the biggest benefit for those focused on muscle growth, as studies have shown that as little as 2g of glutamine in a supplement can increase growth hormone concentrations.
  • Muscle tissue requires nitrogen, and glutamine (L-glutamine) supplement is 20% nitrogen, making it one of the... best sources nitrogen for muscles. When combined with other substances responsible for muscle recovery and growth, such as creatine and whey protein, there is a significant increase in the likelihood of quickly achieving athletic results.


Of course, results can always be achieved without taking supplements, but in this case the process will be slower. My advice is that you first balance your diet. You'll be surprised at how much better your body will respond to weight training when your nutrition matches. Then, if you decide to take the nutritional supplements I have recommended, you will definitely notice improved results.

The results you get from supplementation may vary, particularly because each athlete has their own training regimen. different levels intensity and duration. If your diet is balanced and you train at extreme intensity, I am confident that these supplements will help you take it to the next level.

When looking for a supplement designed to improve the outcome of an intense training program and quickly build muscle mass through faster muscle regeneration and better nutrition, you should consider the five best supplements for muscle growth: whey, branched chain amino acids, creatine, glutamine and beta. alanine.

Why is it important for an athlete to eat right? What should be included in an athlete's daily diet? Types of sports supplements, their features, purpose and functions.

Sports nutrition is quite popular today. It includes various substances and concentrates produced using specific technology for people who prefer to engage in strength sports. Sports nutrition is taken with one desire - to increase strength and performance, as well as build muscle mass.

What types of sports nutrition are there?

During training, athletes will need a huge amount of energy, which ordinary food cannot replenish. In order to develop normally and achieve success, athletes need calories and substances that the body uses as a building block to build muscle groups.

Most novice athletes look at these ingredients with caution, thinking that nutritional supplements are the same pharmacological drugs that professionals use. However, this is not the case.

What is nutrition for athletes? Supplements intended for athletes consist of natural ingredients. The only difference from ordinary food is their concentration, due to which they are quickly and completely absorbed, without having to spend energy on digesting them.

There are several types of sports nutrition that are vital for all athletes, especially beginners:

  • Protein complexes;
  • BCAA.
Let's look at each of these types in more detail.

What does a gainer consist of?

Gainer is a complex of protein-carbohydrate components that help increase weight and compensate for energy costs. Carbohydrates in the product composition, as a rule, occupy from 50 to 70%, and high-quality protein from 15 to 50%. Sometimes the gainer contains small amounts of vitamins, creatine, and other components.

What is Gainer for? The use of a gainer helps athletes, even those just beginning, to dramatically improve their strength and achieve weight gain. This happens due to the high-calorie composition of the product and the presence of building protein in it. Therefore, it is recommended to use the gainer during training or immediately after it.

The gainer supports muscle renewal by replenishing the body with protein, which is easily digested, thereby creating an energy reserve for more intense workouts.

Those who are starting to take a gainer for the first time should note that this supplement is only suitable for athletes with a lean physique. Athletes who are prone to obesity are better off avoiding consuming this product, because all carbohydrates will be collected in the form of excess fat accumulation. In this case, it is better to take protein complexes and consume slow carbohydrates.

How does creatine affect the athlete’s body?

Creatine is one of the most beneficial supplements used to build lean muscle mass. What is creatine and what is its role? The thing is that creatine monohydrate, entering the body, under the influence of metabolic processes turns into creatine phosphate. The body, in turn, needs it to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which supplies muscle tissue with energy so that it can contract more.

Based on this chain, it follows that creatine is an essential nitrogen-containing acid that takes part in the energy processes of both muscle and nerve cells. Creatine helps release more energy in less time for peak performance. The effect of using creatine is also called “explosive energy”.

Thus, by taking creatine, the athlete feels strong and gives his best in training. Uses “explosive energy” and thereby achieves enormous results in a short period of time.

The role of protein in the athlete's body

Another important substance for an athlete is protein complexes. What is protein? Proteins are amino acids linked together in a chain. For a better understanding, it should be clarified that protein is the same protein.

Protein is the main building block for creating muscles, so it should always be contained in sufficient quantities in the body of an athlete who wants to build muscle tissue in order to subsequently obtain such desired results as increasing strength, speed, or simply increasing the size of skeletal muscles (hypertrophy).

In fact, protein is a universal supplement; it is suitable for both weight gain and weight loss. It all depends on how you take it. In the first case, add it to high-calorie foods, but if your goal is to reduce fat, you need to use protein supplements instead of regular meals. With this diet, you do not receive carbohydrates and fats, thereby creating conditions for fat burning.

People who have just started weightlifting will benefit from taking whey protein compounds (casein) - this is a highly concentrated protein produced from whey. Such proteins have a high absorption rate in the gastrointestinal tract. This creates a huge concentration of independent amino acids in the blood and, accordingly, in muscle tissue. Thus, increasing productivity and duration of training.

BCAA amino acid complex

Amino acids are components of proteins, so they, like protein, are necessary for weight gain. However, what are BCAAs? The BCAA complex consists of the three most important amino acids:
  1. Leucine;
  2. Valin;
  3. Isoleucine.
The importance of this supplement lies in the fact that these amino acids are not synthesized by the human body. These three amino acids complement each other, so they are combined into a single complex.

Using BCAAs will help:

  • Increase muscle mass (conditions are created for the appearance of new cells);
  • Replenish energy reserves;
  • Increase glutamine levels;
  • Burn excess fat;
  • Protect your muscles from destruction.
Scientists have proven that about 35% of the muscle group consists of the BCAA amino acid complex. This is quite a large figure, since 25% of the energy is released from these amino acids during training.

No one argues that in sports, in order to achieve results, you can do without additives. However, it will take much more time. Try to choose the right nutrition for yourself, and you will be surprised how your body will respond to training, how it will transform more and more each time.

Video review of American and European sports supplements (proteins, gainers).

The first thing to remember: the sports nutrition market is the same trading platform, where the laws of marketing apply. Manufacturers will do anything to get you to pay for an “advanced formula,” “secret ingredient,” or just flashy packaging.

The second thing amateur athletes should remember is that no supplement can replace hard work. Gym, swimming pool, stadium, tennis court or ring - you have to work hard to get results. It is equally important to monitor the quality of food, the calorie content and composition of which vary depending on the tasks.

Finally, you need to look again at the compiled training program. These points are the foundation. Only after it has been laid can you move on.


Protein is the most popular supplement used by all athletes who take their exercise more or less seriously. Taking extra protein “from a can” helps speed up muscle growth, helping to quickly restore injured muscle fibers.

All whey protein is divided into casein, concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Casein is absorbed by the body the longest, concentrate - somewhat faster, isolate - in 15–20 minutes, hydrolyzate - almost immediately after administration.

Casein is good to drink at night, concentrate can be used for cooking (for example, making protein ice cream), but isolate and hydrolyzate are best taken before and after workouts, diluted with water or milk. This way you will protect your muscles from catabolism and help them recover faster.

Of course, if you get enough protein from regular foods or have kidney or liver problems, you don't need to rely on artificial protein. However, it is important to remember that muscles begin to be built only when the body receives at least 1.5–2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Fish fat

This is the most versatile supplement, the most valuable fatty acids and a powerful immunostimulant of natural origin. Fish oil is prescribed by cardiologists for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases; it is included in the list of auxiliary drugs for the prevention various forms cancer.

Fish oil, even if you are not involved in sports and are reading this article for general educational purposes, is best purchased in sports nutrition stores, and you cannot save on it. For an adult man or woman, the daily dosage of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids (namely, they are found in fish oil) should be 2.5–3 grams.

Fast carbohydrates

Fast, or, as they are also called, simple carbohydrates, you need to “wrap up” your workout, unless, of course, it is aimed at intensive fat burning. This means that you can indulge in jam, honey, bananas or sweet yoghurts before and immediately after training. Most of them will contribute to the rapid resynthesis of glycogen after exercise.

If you don’t want to carry food with you to training, you can buy a dry carbohydrate mixture - a gainer, which, although it will not replace a full meal, will be more nutritious than a simple snack.


Creatine is the sports supplement with the strongest evidence base. Its regular use leads to an increase in strength and muscle mass. Among other things, creatine is the cheapest supplement you can buy at a sports nutrition store. Today there are different forms, however, if you do not like to overpay for beautiful packaging, it is best to buy creatine monohydrate - the oldest and most time-tested form of release.


Vitamins and minerals are needed not only by athletes: with vitamin deficiency or mineral imbalance, the general condition of the body worsens, there is an inability to concentrate on mental work and general lethargy.

It is believed that with a complete, balanced diet, you can forget about tablet vitamins. Considering the condition of the soil, environmental problems, and the accelerated growth of fruits and vegetables, such statements are overly optimistic.

By taking all of the supplements listed (or those that you feel are most appropriate for your athletic goals and training), you will be able to recover faster, feel more energetic, and healthier. It is important to remember that using supplements without a balanced diet and hard training will not bring the desired results. But if you follow the regime and choose the right training program, you can overcome stagnation and speed up your athletic progress.

Today we have no doubt about the benefits of sports supplements. However, most people, when buying this or that product of the sports industry, often simply have no idea what the approximate mechanism of action looks like. In general, few people know enough about supplements to choose products that actually work. Today we will provide a list of the most important sports supplements, along the way explaining for what purpose you actually need to purchase them.

1. Fish oil

Now many manufacturers have begun to produce separate fish oil supplements, which are full of healthy omega-3 acids. In addition, such products boast a decent amount of vitamin D. In general, without vitamins of this group it is quite difficult to achieve significant athletic results. The fact is that they are actively involved in protein synthesis. As for omega-3 fatty acids, they are converted into prostalglandins in the body, which significantly accelerate muscle recovery. And another advantage of fish oil is the activation of fat stores. In a normal situation, fats from the sides, waist and other problem areas burn very reluctantly. Supplementing with omega-3 corrects this problem in the bud.

You should take several grams of fish oil per day, immediately after meals, with a small amount of water.

2. Vitamin and mineral complexes

Just 10 years ago, it was believed that vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements were completely unnecessary products for any bodybuilder. There were indeed many reasons to believe this. Everyone knows that a strength athlete who decides to gain several tens of kilograms of muscle mass should not limit himself in protein nutrition. This in turn leads to a high calorie diet, and where there are a lot of calories there are always a lot of vitamins and minerals. This is why it was believed that bodybuilders would never be deficient in these substances.

Unfortunately, research recent years proved a noticeable decrease nutritional value the vast majority of products that we can purchase in a hypermarket. As a result, we see how many inhabitants of our planet experience an acute lack of vitamins and minerals, let alone bodybuilders.

First of all, you need to pay attention to B vitamins, since they, along with the D group, are actively involved in protein synthesis in the body. They also collectively play a fairly important role in the production of testosterone and growth hormone. Vitamins C and E are of secondary importance; we need them for restoration processes. Their main property is the destruction of free radicals, which have the strongest negative impact for the whole body.

Never take vitamin and mineral supplements on an empty stomach. Only after eating, or while taking it.

3. Carnitine

For many years, it was believed that carnitine only played the role of a transporter of fatty acids. Indeed, many foreign studies have repeatedly proven its benefits in fat burning processes. If we discard all scientific terminology, we can say that the main task carnitine - transports fatty acids into cellular mitochondria, where they are subsequently destroyed, giving us energy. All this is true, but only recently have the secondary properties of this carrier been discovered.

The Massachusetts Institute of Sports Medicine made a unique discovery. It turned out that additional intake of carnitine promotes increased accumulation of glycogen in muscles. Let us remember that muscle glycogen levels are relatively low, as a result of which we can only perform extreme physical work for a short period of time.

Taking carnitine can correct this deficiency. In addition, this amino acid promotes additional synthesis of nitric oxide in the blood. As a result, taking the appropriate supplement before training will allow you to significantly increase your pumping. The effectiveness of the training will significantly increase. It is most rational to take 2-3 grams with breakfast and before training.

4. Arginine

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid, which means that the body produces it in negligible quantities, which in turn is not enough even for the average person, let alone an athlete.

So it is produced with one big goal - to expand the blood vessels and thereby relax the human muscles. That is, arginine is fully involved in the body’s nitrogen metabolism, and as a result, affects pumping. It is worth noting that this amino acid is not only involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide, but is also the main raw material for its production. As a result, additional intake of supplements plays the role of a powerful anabolic steroid. The only drawback is the required dosage, it should be at least 5 grams, and this is quite a lot, especially if we take into account the current prices for this supplement.

We all know about great trinity: leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are honorably called BCAA. These are special branched chain amino acids. The fact is that skeletal muscles for the most part consist of just such amine molecules. Unfortunately, the human body does not know how to synthesize them on its own, which is why it is so important to take them with food. They are full of dairy products and cattle meat. Unfortunately, this diet has a record percentage of fat, as a result of which athletes are forced to use special supplements.

On this moment It is believed that 1-3 g is a completely adequate dose. But before you accept these recommendations as a postulate, think about it. We consume huge doses of protein (protein), sometimes over 30 grams. Proteins, in turn, are broken down into amino acids, losing approximately 15-20 percent of the final mass. It turns out that we take more than 20 grams of simple amino acids obtained from a protein shake, and at the same time we consume only 1-3 grams of the most important ones - BCAA. Surely you will agree that this is rather illogical.

Foreign scientists and professional athletes came to the same conclusion. They recommend consuming large doses of BCAA - at least 10 grams, after each meal, as well as before and after training. In addition, amino acids of this group have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect.

6. Creatine

In one of the previous articles, we already talked about the fact that creatine is not as useful as it seems at first glance. But be that as it may, small doses over short courses are quite acceptable. Many athletes experience a period of stagnation when their strength characteristics stop growing. This is where creatine comes to the rescue. Its short-term use will push you off the “dead” point and you will be able to progress, and on your own.

In general, you should not take it for more than two weeks. Creatine should not be used immediately, but only when it hits a muscle plateau. As for the form of administration, the most convenient is monohydrate, which should be mixed with a protein shake.

7. Casein and whey

Casein is rightfully considered the main milk protein. The fact is that this component is the main nutritional element of milk. Due to the lack of the proper amount of whey protein, casein is absorbed very slowly. If we talk purely about numbers, then one scoop of such protein can take as long as 6 or even 7 hours to digest. But the most amazing property not the speed of absorption at all. Over this range, casein will slowly and steadily provide us with amino acids, continuously. It would seem that this would definitely overload the digestive system, especially considering that it is usually taken at night. In practice, the flow of protein is too slow to cause any problems.

Overall, casein may help you cope with long periods of fasting, which is common. to modern man in busy conditions at work, study, etc. In one of the previous articles, we already informed you about one of the key discoveries. Let us remind you that if you take whey and casein together, you will get a colossal anabolic boost.

Of course, we have to talk about whey protein separately. Its main advantage is its high absorption rate. This characteristic made it indispensable for morning and post-workout meals. IN Lately Athletes are increasingly using whey before heavy training. In just half an hour, the body is saturated with a large amount of free amino acids, as a result of which it does not spend the existing ones (in the muscles) on performing this or that physical work. In general, pre-workout whey intake allows you to meet the load fully armed.

As for dosages, you should stick to the range of 20-40 g.

8. Beta-alanine

At the moment, only a small number of athletes are aware of beneficial properties beta-alanine. The fact is that it is from it that the body synthesizes carnosine, which is directly involved in increasing strength characteristics. Increased levels of carnosine can significantly improve performance during a tough workout. In fact, this is a brother of creatine. Despite their completely different structure and biochemical functions, they have one common property - increasing strength and endurance. This is why many pre-workout supplements contain a mixture of alanine and creatine. Unfortunately, such complexes cannot be taken regularly, since the presence of other stimulating components aggravates the functioning of the central nervous system.

However, no one forbids you to purchase separate supplements with beta-alanine and creatine and mix them in a protein shake. It is difficult to describe the positive effects of such a mixture in one paragraph. Let's just say that the effect of all components, in particular creatine, is noticeably enhanced. It's quite easy to feel this. Mix 1-2 g of alanine with a small portion of creatine. This mixture should be consumed just before training.

9. Glutamine

To this day, there is active debate about the practical benefits of glutamine. We will just give you the facts. Glutamine is actively used and consumed during heavy strength exercises. We all know that the body does not begin to build new protein molecules without the presence of the amino acid leucine in the muscles. It is leucine that is an indicator that all energy restoration processes are completed and all that remains is to fill the microtraumas with amino acid molecules. However, leucine itself and its quantity are not the masters of the situation.

If there is no glutamine in the muscles, then there is practically no leucine in them. Therefore, the more glutamine, the more leucine is produced, and as a result, muscle growth accelerates. In addition, additional supplementation with this substance significantly suppresses the negative effects observed due to the presence large quantity lactic acid.

In general, it turns out that glutamine intake plays a key role in recovery processes. Of course, without taking it additionally you will not get bad results or something similar, but the recovery speed will be noticeably reduced. It is most rational to consume 5-10 grams 3 times a day immediately after meals.

Hello friends! How is your New Year's mood? Has everyone had a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article possible. It will be useful both for boys who love iron and for girls who dream of beautiful ass. So that advertising does not motivate you to flush money down the toilet by buying an arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars of sports nutrition, I will tell you about the most effective sports supplements that give tangible results. There will be no clear distinction here. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helping to lose weight. The main criterion for my selection is the result.

The short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say this because many novice athletes think that by buying more sports nutrition they will immediately begin to show unrealistic progress.

Quite the opposite often happens. Progress remains unchanged, but money goes down the toilet. This happens, as a rule, through no fault of the beginner.

How not to believe the advertising of sports nutrition manufacturers, which promises simply incredible results from the use of various additives? Bright jars with images of the TOP bodybuilders on the planet, and even with names like “Super Protein”, “Mega Pump”, etc. they just ask to be bought.

I would like to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is NOT a substitute for a regular, balanced diet. This is just an addition to the main diet.

It might work well as an addition. But don’t think that if you eat only sports drink instead of regular food, then in a week you will become like the Hulk.

If you stop eating regular food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes to digest it, because sports nutrition is absorbed much easier, it will be absorbed without them. Therefore, all the best in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements are not worth the money that manufacturers ask for them. The effect of some supplements is very subtle, and, frankly, often completely unnoticeable.

Here are some sports supplements that are really worth paying attention to:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine monohydrate

I talked about this additive in much more detail in the article: . I highly recommend you read it!

Creatine is found in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver in the form of creatine phosphate. It circulates approximately three grams in our blood every day.

If we talk about some abstract harmfulness of creatine, then there is no need to worry about this, it is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the class of immins, i.e. is a protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is found in our muscles. When taking creatine, muscles become more massive, voluminous and strong. Creatine stores water. Muscle fibers thicken due to the deposition of additional protein on their walls, i.e. muscle mass grows.

Just don't get confused. Water does not accumulate between muscle fibers, as happens when taking steroids or cortisone, but inside the muscle fibers, which promotes anabolism (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine works like this: when the ATP molecule (adenosine tri-phosphate) is oxidized, the energy necessary for the body’s functioning is released. As a result of oxidation, the ATP molecule loses one phosphate atom and turns into an ADP molecule (adenosine di-phosphate).

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is sufficient for only 10-15 seconds of active work. After this, creatine is needed to replenish ATP reserves. ATP replenishment occurs due to creatine phosphate, which restores the broken phosphate bond and converts ADP into ATP.

It can be taken by both men and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works for about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that approximately 30% of people naturally have elevated creatine levels in their blood.

Why can’t a person engage in intensive work at the maximum level for a long time?

Very simple! This is primarily due to the rapid depletion of creatine phosphate reserves. This leads to the simplest, logical conclusion: additional reception creatine allows us to work harder and longer than usual.

Can you get creatine from regular food?

Yes! Can! The only problem is that to get the daily requirement of creatine (5-6 g per day) you need to eat about 4 kg of meat. This is very harmful because... in addition to creatine, you will put a lot of stress on your digestive system, you will greatly increase your cholesterol and fat levels, and your kidneys will also be overloaded with other proteins that the body cannot absorb. Can you imagine if this happens every day?

This is why it is advisable to take creatine in concentrated form.

In what form should creatine be taken?

In general, there is no difference in what form creatine enters your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy CREATINE MONOHYDRATE! It's the monohydrate.

It doesn't matter in what form. It is available as a powder white, odorless, and in capsules, for example. I find it much more convenient to take it in powder. It turns out cheaper.

Why am I focusing so much on monohydrate? It’s all because sports nutrition manufacturers are now trying to fool their brains with newfangled names and useless “super-working” transport systems.

The transport system is what helps deliver creatine into the blood as quickly as possible, but the trick is that creatine is best absorbed and transported when the level of insulin in the blood is maximum.

Insulin (transport hormone) is produced to lower blood glucose levels. Those. all “transporters” (transport systems) are, in fact, just fast carbohydrates (sugars) that increase insulin levels to transport creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, you will pay 2-3 times more simply for adding, roughly speaking, glucose to creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many people advise taking creatine starting from the so-called phase. "downloads". Those. take 20 g of creatine per day for a week, and then simply maintain your creatine level by drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think there’s no need for this! Swedish scientists conducted an experiment, the essence of which was that they collected two groups, one group took creatine with a loading phase, the other without it. After a month, the level of creatine in the blood of all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I'll tell you for myself. I took creatine monohydrate both ways. I didn't feel any difference. Then is there any point in translating the product?

Creatine dosage regimen:

  1. Take creatine 5 g (one teaspoon) either immediately in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after training.
  2. If you miss one dose of creatine, it’s okay, just continue taking it further according to plan. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the required concentration (about 8 g) within 2 weeks.
  3. It should be taken in cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and is unlikely to cause problems for the kidneys, people in white coats still recommend taking it for 6-8 weeks, and then taking a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not describe protein in detail in this article, because... We have already considered this issue. It’s better to consider how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell you why protein is a working supplement that brings results.

Protein is produced in dairies from whey left over from, for example, cheese or cottage cheese, dried, flavored and poured into colorful jars or bags. In fact, IT'S JUST PROTEIN, but easier to digest.

It can be used to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. It's also very convenient. Instead of a portion of food, just stir the protein in milk or water and drink a delicious cocktail.

You should not completely replace food with protein “from a can,” but as an ADDITION to the main diet, it is a good helper.

Both girls and boys can drink it. Naturally, there are no contraindications. Eat often and drink a protein shake a couple of times a day.

Protein intake regimen:

  1. Drink rapidly digestible protein (whey - WHEY) 2 hours after getting up and immediately after training, 1-2 scoops (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about...
  2. Drink moderately digestible protein (eggs, beef) between meals during the day.
  3. Slowly digestible protein (from cottage cheese (Casein)) drink at night, before bed.

In fact, in most cases, a complete protein containing all of the above types of protein will be more than enough for you.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAA are branched chain amino acids. Particularly indispensable for drying and for vegetarians, because they need to monitor their amino acid profile more closely due to the lack of animal protein in their diet.

BCAAs restore the energy potential of the cell after exercise so that the cell can begin “construction” of new contractile elements.

These amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;

Many studies have been conducted that have proven the real effectiveness of BCAA amino acids, namely:

Quote from the conclusion:

“When adding BCAA (76% leucine) to daily protein doses, it was possible to increase the amount of lean muscle mass, increase the strength performance of athletes, and decrease the level of muscle proteolysis. The amount of fat in the body has decreased” Here is a link to the study.

Here is another interesting conclusion from one study:

Quote from the conclusion:

“Essential amino acids accelerate muscle protein synthesis, but the introduction of non-essential amino acids for these purposes, as the experiment showed, is not necessary. The greater the dose of administered BCAAs, the greater the anabolic response was obtained.” Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, on banks with amino acids the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other is indicated.

For example, the very common 2:2:1 ratio would translate in absolute terms to 5 g of leucine and valine, relative to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual characteristics of digestion and absorption for each person are so specific that it is impossible to choose a universal working BCAA supplement for everyone, but there are still general recommendations according to the peculiarities of their reception, which I will discuss later.

BCAA amino acid intake regimen:

  1. NEVER take BCAA on an empty stomach!
  2. Take 15-20 g of BCAA during and after training. During training, it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of a powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes you should take BCAA before training to eliminate the possibility of insufficient glycogen in liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes body. We should try to get as much of them from food as possible, but at present there are not so many of them in food, because... vegetables and fruits pass different kinds cleaning and disinfection. Various growth stimulants are also used to grow them, but that’s not about that now.

As a rule, every person involved in sports needs to take these microelements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold in sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they are increasingly being counterfeited, so buy vitamins either in large, specialized sports nutrition stores or at a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much lower concentration than special ones, so it makes sense to double their dosage.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of its ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital because... its deficiency causes scurvy (sorbut).

Recommended intake of amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: DRINK VITAMINS IN THE MORNING, AND MINERALS AT NIGHT.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals at large specialty stores or pharmacies.

There are some other very interesting supplements that work great and are available in almost EVERY PHARMACY, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. You can read about them in VERY DETAIL in my article about.

Fat burners

They really work well when combined with proper nutrition. EXACTLY IN COMBINATION! Fat burners will not replace you proper nutrition aimed at reducing body fat. They really work, but at the same time you need to control your diet. As a rule, it should be aimed at losing weight. and are the best options in my opinion.

Fat burners work, but give a temporary effect. They only bear fruit while you're taking them, so you probably don't need them!

They are used, as a rule, for drying, when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Typically, their use is advisable for professional athletes in order to achieve competitive shape.

There are drugs and supplements that are prohibited by Russian law (for example, ephedrine). I won't consider them. I will also not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and, if desired, can be purchased without any problems.

  • Caffeine and guarana

Stimulates the central nervous system (central nervous system) and the production of nor-adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same as coffee, only guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans.

The positive “invigorating” effect of these supplements has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, he will be disqualified for doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

You can easily find this supplement in any sports nutrition store. Carnitine does not burn fat on its own, but it greatly facilitates this process when you are on a diet (without a diet there will be no benefit).

In other words, it helps the body use fat as energy. It also increases the digestibility of food by increasing the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Regimen for taking fat burners:

Caffeine: 3-6 mg of coffee per kilogram of body 30-60 minutes before training.

L-Carnitine: from 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the first half of the day (morning, lunch and before training)


  • sports nutrition is only an ADDITION to the main diet;
  • Creatine Monohydrate is worth buying because... it is inexpensive (500 rub. 500 g, on average), but gives a very noticeable effect;
  • protein can be a good help in replenishing daily norm protein, but if you can eat well (6-8 times a day), then there is no special need for protein;
  • BCAA amino acids work great, but they are a very expensive protein per gram. They are especially necessary for drying and for vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals won't hurt anyone. A good thing, although there is a lot of controversy about the digestibility of “tablet” supplements;
  • Fat burners only work in conjunction with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not expect any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now, I think you will be able to choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or weight loss without any problems. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone in the comments.

Build your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

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