Stand up Nurlan Saburov all performances. Stand Up star Nurlan Saburov made an unfortunate joke at the expense of a spectator who had lost her father. Creative activity now

Nurlan Saburov - organizing and ordering performances on the agency's official website. By general issues organizing performances with the participation of Nurlan Saburov, conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as hosting private events, corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Nurlan Saburov. Nurlan is a comedian, a regular participant in the show “Stand Up” on the TNT channel. The conversational artist was born on December 22, 1991 in Stepnogorsk. There, in the north of Kazakhstan, he spent his childhood. Nurlan’s comedic talent was revealed quite early, and already as a high school student he played in KVN. At first, Saburov was a member of the Karaganda team, then he represented Kokshetau. After graduating from school, I tried to enter a university in Kazakhstan. After missing the budget place, left for Russia.

Creative achievements

At the age of 18, Nurlan ended up in Yekaterinburg. There he became a student at the faculty physical culture, sports and youth policy of the Ural Federal University. IN student years Saburov continued to actively participate in the KVN movement, performing in the university team. During the same period, he became acquainted with a new humorous genre - stand-up. In Yekaterinburg, he was a regular at parties organized by local and capital “jokers”. Once, at one of these concerts, Nurlan was asked to warm up the audience before Dmitry Romanov’s performance. A Moscow stand-up comedian, who was backstage during Saburov’s act, highly appreciated Nurlan’s work and advised him to try his luck in the capital.

Having listened to Roman, the aspiring artist went to Moscow in 2014. For the first time on television, Nurlan made his debut as a guest of the section “ Open mic» show “Stand Up” on TNT. In November of the same year, the comedian presented his own program “Microphone Check”. The first concert took place in the capital's Dom Kino restaurant. In parallel with his performances, the artist worked on the documentary film “Stand-up in Yekaterinburg.” The film appeared on YouTube in January '15.


Since Saburov’s performances were a success, he soon became one of the regular members of the “Stand Up” team. Each video with the numbers of a talented Kazakh collects about two hundred thousand views. Many of Nurlan’s performances are dedicated to his beloved wife Diana. In November 2016, the artist took part in the mini-tournament “Who is the comedian here?” At a party full of improvisation, Nurlan competed in wits with Ilya Shvetsov, Roman Kositsyn, Slava Komissarenko. At the end of last year, the artist was on tour in his native Kazakhstan, and on December 5 he performed with the “Checking the Material” program at the Moscow club Hidden Bar. You will find more information about the artist on the official website of Nurlan Saburov.


Nurlan Saburov - ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organizing performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Nurlan Saburov, invitations to corporate events, presenter for a wedding, anniversary, performances for a birthday, a party, you can call us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40. Official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the contacts section.

February 26, 2018

Recently, during a performance in Surgut, a comedian from Stand Up behaved inappropriately. in the best possible way. The showman was outraged when one girl in the audience loudly answered the phone. Nurlan Saburov made unflattering remarks about her when the spectator left the hall. His behavior outraged Internet users.

Nurlan Saburov / photo:

Last weekend, Nurlan Saburov gave a concert in Surgut. Star Stand Up often interacts with the audience when performing on stage. A comedian rarely misses a chance to make fun of someone in the audience. However, this time his words were unsuccessful. The comedian spoke harshly to the girl who left the hall after answering the call, and this provoked a wave of criticism against the showman.

During Saburov’s number, a spectator loudly answered the call and literally shouted the word “Mom!” several times. When she left the hall, Nurlan sharply commented on her behavior: “I hope you’re dead!” However, at the end of the evening it became known that the girl left the concert because she learned about the death of her father. Soon people found out about what happened and began to criticize the comedian’s behavior on social networks. There were a lot of angry comments on his Instagram fan pages.

“Did you really wish a person to die from the stage?????!!!”, “If this is true about that woman, I am very disappointed..”, “I am ashamed that you are my fellow countryman and we are from the same city. Money and fame have clearly spoiled you”, “I understand that you are a famous comedian, but this does not give you the right to joke like that about common people“,” Netizens began to write. However, the Surgut Tribune newspaper learned that Nurlan apologized to the girl for his joke and even helped her financially, the website reports.

Nurlan Saburov is a young Kazakh comedian. During his student years, he played in KVN, but gained wide fame by becoming a resident of the Stand Up project on the TNT channel.

The charismatic comedian jokes a lot about his nationality and family, delighting listeners with an unexpected point of view on completely ordinary things.

Childhood and teenage years of Nurlan Saburov

Nurlan was born in the small town of Stepnogorsk, in northern Kazakhstan. According to him, all family members, including grandparents, were amazing jokers and pranksters. An atmosphere of humor and fun always reigned in the house, which little Nurlan absorbed.

He liked making people laugh and performing in public from a young age. At school, he constantly played pranks on his classmates, and his teachers also got it from his sense of humor. Nurlan studied well, played sports in his spare time, and devoted eight years to boxing. In high school, he became interested in playing KVN, played for the school team and even participated in the Higher Kazakhstan League.

After receiving secondary education, Nurlan moved to Yekaterinburg, where he entered the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Youth Policy at the Ural Federal University. As a student, he continued to play in KVN, playing for the university team.

Nurlan Saburov and Stand Up

In Yekaterinburg, the aspiring comedian made new friends who invited him to try himself in a new humorous genre - stand-up. Then he did not even suspect that in the future this activity would become his life’s work.

In the meantime young student needed money. Saburov started a family early, and in order to earn a living, he hosted weddings and corporate events in a duet with Yekaterinburg resident Nikolai Tesenko.

Seriously interested in stand-up, the aspiring comedian began writing monologues and performing them at improvisational concerts in Yekaterinburg. At one of these events, he was noticed by the then established comedian Dmitry Romanov - he was the headliner, and Nurlan was his “opening act.”

Stand-up performance by Nurlan Saburov (types of laughter)

Nurlan’s jokes impressed Romanov, and he advised the young stand-up comedian to send recordings of his speeches to editors show Stand Up and apply to participate in the “Open Microphone” section.

Nurlan took his advice, especially not counting on anything, and therefore was incredibly happy when he received an invitation to perform on the show. The young Kazakh comedian immediately captivated the audience with his unique style of performance: a low voice, deliberately careless style, unusual facial expressions and slightly cynical jokes. He was also liked by venerable stand-up comedians like Pavel Volya and Ruslan Bely, and soon received an offer to become a resident of the Stand Up show.

Stand Up: Nurlan Saburov about the provincial maternity hospital

After graduating from the university and receiving a diploma in the specialty "Organization of work with youth", Nurlan moved to Moscow, where he actively performs with his original numbers on the TNT channel, and also conducts successful touring activities.

Personal life of Nurlan Saburov

With my future wife He met Diana Nurlan in Yekaterinburg when they were both students. They dated for quite a long time until the girl became pregnant.

The lovers got married; Soon little Madina was born. So Nurlan, while still a university student, became a young father - he learned about the birth of his baby while sitting in class.

He often talks about this time in his speeches, and rarely fails to mention in his monologues his beloved wife and daughter, as well as the pug that the family got shortly after the birth of their daughter.

Nurlan Saburov is a young Kazakh comedian who became popular after joining the troupe famous show“Stand Up” on TNT channel.

Nurlan was born and raised in the city of Stepnogorsk, located in northern Kazakhstan. As a child, the boy was fond of sports and went to the boxing section for 8 years. Sports and good genetics have led to the fact that today appearance Nurlan is quite TV-like: he is 188 cm tall and has a toned figure.

In addition, while still a schoolboy, Saburov gained fame as an excellent storyteller and joker. Every time Nurlan lost in a boxing sparring match and came to school beaten, the boy came up with funny stories and reasons for this condition. As the artist later admitted, it was most likely a defensive reaction.

Another source of inspiration for the young comedian’s jokes was Nurlan’s grandfather. He kept talking funny phrases and told stories, which the boy later retold to his classmates.

But the main thing is that Nurlan actually liked to make people laugh, and Saburov consciously decided to connect his own biography with this. The young man decided to realize this talent with the help of incredible popular game KVN and joined the team of the city of Karaganda, later performed with the guys from Kokshetau. In addition, Saburov himself says that even then, together with a friend, he went to weddings, where he invited the celebrating people to watch funny scenes and miniatures.

After graduation high school the young man went to receive higher education to the capital of the Urals - Yekaterinburg. There he managed to enter the Ural Federal University, where Nurlan Saburov became a student at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Youth Policy. After graduating from university, the young man received a specialty in “Organization of Work with Youth.”

By the way, throughout his training Nurlan played for student team KVN, but gradually discovered new genre comic show - stand-up. Later in an interview with official page on the website of the show “Stand Up” the artist said that main reason Going to stand-up became an opportunity for Saburov to speak out.

Humor and creativity

At the very beginning, Nurlan Saburov performed in Yekaterinburg along with other aspiring comedians, humorists and showmen. The guys first organized “microphones”, and then full-fledged performances and, as they say, gained experience. According to Saburov, the artist felt like a real stand-up comedian only after the third performance.

For a year and a half, the artists gathered an audience of fans, and once every two weeks 200-300 people came to the performances, wanting to listen to the comedians.

Then, at one of the general concerts, an already established comedian saw the guy and advised him to send video recordings to the TNT channel.

Saburov decided that he had nothing to lose and followed this advice. Soon an invitation arrived. Nurlan first appeared on television as an invited guest in the “Open Microphone” section. The audience liked his show, and the Kazakh comedian was invited to the “Stand Up” show several more times until he became a permanent resident. IN recent seasons of this humorous show, Nurlan became one of the central artists.

First of all, Nurlan Saburov is remembered for his manner. The artist makes colorful performances, and the most funny jokes says with a completely serious face. It is impossible not to note the artist’s amazing, unique facial expressions, as well as the themes of monologues that Saburov takes literally from real life, but presents it from a completely incredible angle.

Nurlan Saburov regularly jokes about his own nationality. In general, the comedian himself is always main character own performances. At the same time, Saburov tries to present himself or his comedy character in a positive light, but he actively belittles those around him, even close people like his wife and daughter, ridiculing their shortcomings.

The comedian’s popularity is also due to some scandalous nature of his performances. The artist openly admits that no topics are taboo for him. In the same provocative vein, the artist maintains an account on Instagram, where he often posts jokes that the public likes.

The comedian takes many of the formats and elements that Saburov uses in his performances from Western stand-up comedians. Among his favorite stand-up comedians, Nurlan names Richard Pryor and Patrice O'Neal.

The comedian also tries to include elements of improvisation in his performances. The artist addresses the audience, asks questions and tries to bring the audience into dialogue. But such elements are not always successful, since often the audience only laughs in response and does not support the dialogue.

In 2016, the artist admitted in an interview that he hoped that in the future his whole life would be connected with stand-up. When journalists tried to find out what the artist would have done if he had not taken up stand-up, Nurlan honestly answered that he did not know. And when asked about his plans if the comedian’s fame quickly fades, he said that in such a future he sees only work at fifteen-hour weddings, where the comedian plans to gradually “rot.”

Personal life

Nurlan Saburov got married while still a student. He dated his beloved Diana for quite a long time, but when it turned out that the girl was expecting a child, he immediately proposed to her. As the young man recalls, he learned about the birth of his daughter while sitting in class at the university.

It must be said that the comedian’s wife is definitely his muse, since both she herself and their little girl are obligatory “participants” in his monologues: very rarely Saburov does not mention his beloved women during his performances.

Until 2014, Nurlan lived with his family in Yekaterinburg, but when he became a resident of the show on the TNT channel on a permanent basis, he moved to Moscow with his wife and daughter and now lives in the capital of Russia.

Nurlan Saburov now

In November 2017, the artist became a guest of the “Improvisation” show. This is a weekly television comedy show with a non-standard format. Four regular actors of the program - , and - participate in improvisational games, that is, in given performance formats they act out short stage sketches, based on new tasks given by the TV presenter.

Nurlan Saburov did not have to compete with the actors of the show. The invited guest is assigned a different role, which is also filled with improvisational moments. Guests come up with words that the actors must insert into dialogue, speech topics, and other parts of tasks that vary from episode to episode.

Before the premiere of the episode with his participation, which took place on November 21, the comedian promised to be “stupid” on the show exactly 21 times.

At the end of 2017, posters appeared that promised that the comedian was going on a large solo tour “IQ” and would give concerts in cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. Also in honor of this occasion, a thematic video clip was released. In the video, which lasts less than a minute, the main emphasis is, naturally, on Nurlan himself. What makes this video poster different is that the clip itself is a parody that reflects Saburov’s comedic style.

In the video, a voice-over rap is read, and the video sequence changes slowly and cyclically, as in music videos famous rappers and R'n'B musicians. But the action does not take place in expensive mansions and limousines, and half-naked models do not dance around the main character. The clip was filmed in a poor apartment, in an average courtyard with grandmothers on benches, and even in a bathroom with an old man washing himself.

In December 2017, as part of his tour, Nurlan Saburov gave eleven concerts in Kazakhstan, and in January 2018, ten in Russia. At the same time, during the Kazakh tour the artist did not perform in Astana, and during the Russian tour he did not perform in Moscow, although he gave a performance in St. Petersburg.

In March 2018, Nurlan Saburov held solo concert In Astana. This is a concert with the support of TNT and the artist’s native project “Stand Up”, but this time only the comedian himself performs on stage with several hours of his own original stand-up.

At the beginning of 2018, the artist and his colleague became a guest of the Soyuz Studio show. According to the terms of the show, the comedians had to guess the melodies of Russian pop music, played with unusual sounds.


  • 2017 - 2018 – “Stand Up”
  • 2017 – “Improvisation”
  • 2018 – “Studio “Soyuz”
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