Do vampires really exist? Vampires in real life

In modern cinema, they are quite popular mystical heroes, presented in the form of dead people feeding on human blood. Watching such films makes you wonder whether this is just a figment of the directors’ imagination. Oddly enough, an exact positive or negative answer has not yet been received. There are known statements by individual people, both confirming and refuting this fact.

Who are vampires and do they really exist?

It is believed that dead people who have risen from their graves are vampires. However, certain reasons can change the essence ordinary person, turning him into a bloodsucker.

Distinctive features of vampires

The most common ones include the following:

  • magical influences;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • maintaining an antisocial lifestyle;
  • lack of faith in God.

How to recognize a vampire among people

In addition, such people have distinctive external signs, by which it is quite easy to determine his belonging to evil spirits. Please note the corresponding external data:

  • pale skin;
  • unusual shade of the eye pupils;
  • fangs appearing at moments when this entity is ready to attack.

What is the power of energy vampires

The organs of bloodsuckers most often do not function, while stable brain function is observed.

  • To survive, they need constant nourishment, which they receive in the form of blood or energy from living people.
  • Most often, creatures strive to unite into certain groups, each of which has its own leader. The constant desire for management presupposes high leadership positions in reality.

Do vampires exist in real life?

How to recognize a vampire and whether an ordinary person can do it. If we talk about the exceptional abilities of these fictional creatures, they are quite extraordinary and are endowed with the following powers:

  • possess immortality, superhuman strength;
  • master hypnosis,
  • can walk on vertical walls;
  • have fast movement;
  • experience a constant need to produce creatures equal to themselves.

Find out more about how to control people's energy:

Werewolf and vampire whose power is more powerful

Entities belonging to different clans are in a constant state of unspoken competition in strength and abilities. So, who's cooler: vampires or werewolves?

Who are werewolves

No one can boast of having witnessed such a competition. However, if we talk about the inherent abilities of each of them, then the primacy in this duet is given to werewolves.

  • His consciousness can be compared to both human capabilities and the skills of an animal.
  • Such a store of knowledge, supported by instincts, gives unlimited strength and powerful potential.

How to recognize an energy vampire

Opportunity to meet a real ghoul in real life many people question it. But even psychologists do not deny the existence of individuals with extraordinary abilities who consume human energy and feed on it. Hence the name - energy vampires, absorbing the emotions of others.

The distinctive characteristics by which it is possible to determine whether a person belongs to this type of bloodsuckers are as follows:

  • a constant desire to unbalance the interlocutor in order to get enough of raging emotions;
  • the ability to maintain meaningless conversations for a long period of time;
  • the need to talk about your failures or the tragedies of friends and acquaintances, focusing on suffering;
  • openness and desire to tell the truth to the interlocutor’s face, without selecting phrases and expressions.

Find out more about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire:

The existence of vampires today

The desire to discover the truth, whether vampires exist in real life, is inherent in all of us. Bloodthirsty monsters that constantly consume other people's blood are found even in literature. Moreover, each country has its own information about pale-faced entities, for which one of the main goals is the need to bite. Such facts give faint hope that bloodsuckers still exist.

Real facts from life

IN modern world there is not much evidence of real-life encounters with ghouls. Statistics indicate hundreds of similar episodes. It is interesting that the descriptions of the incidents have obvious similarities, although the participants in the events are completely unfamiliar with each other. Such things make one involuntarily think that this evil spirits actually exist.

Mythology about vampires

Fans of the mystical and connoisseurs of the other world are well aware of the wide famous names the risen dead.

  • Among various nationalities they are often found in legends and myths.
  • Names and names vary depending on the location and religion of the inhabitants.

But common signs are still present in bloodsuckers.

Where do vampires appear?

  • Those risen from the grave most often appear at the bedside of sleeping people to refresh themselves.
  • So that the victim cannot resist, she begins to have terrible nightmares.
  • Many beliefs claim that dead people who lead an ungodly life during their lifetime most often turn into vampires.

The most famous vampire names

To understand who vampires are and whether they really exist, you should plunge into the thick of it ancient history. Almost all nations in their chronicles mentioned the dead, who do not like sunlight and seek to satiate themselves with the blood of others.

Famous names of ghouls

NationalityVampire nameCharacteristic
Babylonian demonologyLiluSpirits that are similar in essence to vampires.
Sumerian mythologyAksharasEffeminate demons, whose main victims were pregnant women and newly born babies.
Ancient Armenian mythologyDakhanavarThe owner of superhuman strength was the defender of his own country and never touched his fellow countrymen who were in the vastness of his habitat.
HindusVetalsVampire-like creatures that inhabit corpses. They were also associated with bats. Their habitats were cemeteries and rooms where the cremation of the dead took place.
ChineseLimping corpseThe mythology of the peoples of China tells that every person possesses the vital essence of qi. She is the one main goal and a source of food for this creature.
FilipinosMananangalThe evil spirits that eat people do not like the smell of spices and vinegar, are frightened by the blow of a whip and cannot stand the tail of a stingray. Most often of an effeminate appearance, it has wings with membranes. Going in search of a victim, it is divided into two parts, one of which remains on the ground. Looks for sleeping people (usually women) and uses their proboscis tongue to suck their blood.
Ancient Roman talesEmpusa, Lamine, Lemur, Strix birdThey live only at night and eat not only human blood, but also flesh. The Romanians called vampires “strigoi”.
Albanian etymologyShtrigaMost often they appeared in male form and sought to inflict as much harm on people as possible.
African tribesAdzeIt inhabited the human body in the form of a clot of fire.
Arab peoplesAlgulIt was believed that this ghoul was especially cruel and held feasts at cemetery graves.
Female vampire namesBrooksHer target is young boys, whom she fiercely hunts and kills.
The most famous ghoulCount DraculaKnown for having a coffin as a bed for sleeping, he always wears a black cloak and is endowed with incredibly sharp fangs.

Legends of our time

The origin of the myth about blood-consuming creatures was Eastern Europe. In addition, he appeared there under the influence of Slavic folklore. They considered vampires to be creatures that fed on the blood of people, killing or strangling them.

To avoid being exposed negative influence evil spirits, numerous attempts have been made to deal with them.

How to kill a vampire

  • Beheading,
  • A stake made of aspen wood, driven straight into the heart,
  • Burning a corpse to prevent resurrection.

It is important to know whether it is possible to wear the clothes of a deceased person:

Vampirism could awaken in the most ordinary person after death. Several reasons contributed to this.

The following factors are considered the most common:

  • Birth in a water shell
  • Signs of a tail or tooth in newborn babies,
  • Taking one's life
  • Rejection from church affairs
  • Certain days when conceiving a child leads to the manifestation of bad signs.

How they fought vampires in the old days

It was believed that one could prevent one from becoming a vampire. Therefore, if it was assumed that this could happen to a certain person, then usually the following actions were performed:

  • The crucifix was placed in the coffin,
  • The chin was held with some object. This prevented the dead man from eating the shroud.
  • Lots of sawdust in the coffin. Since the awakening of vampiristic tendencies usually occurs in evening time days, the process of counting sawdust, which was mandatory before leaving the grave, dragged on until the morning. And the sun's rays are destructive for any ghoul.

Real life stories about vampires

Numerous beliefs and legends have tried to convey the idea of ​​whether vampires exist in real life. For example, the story of Baron von Axtausen is known. It tells the story of two wanderers who accidentally wandered into the domain of Dahanavar. Realizing that they were in danger of a night attack, they decided to conduct a bloodsucker: they settled down to sleep quite in an unusual way, placing your feet under each other's heads. What he saw confused Dakhanavar. He was frightened by a two-headed creature without legs and disappeared without a trace.

The most famous werewolves

To be able to distinguish an ordinary person from a possible blood-sucking creature, you need to understand known types, into which these creatures are conventionally divided. By studying the features of each of them and taking a closer look at your everyday surroundings, you will understand whether their existence on earth is real, or whether it is all speculation and fairy tales.

Types of vampires

Types of Vampires Characteristic
Real Sent by Lucifer himself to our Earth.
  • Their purpose is to increase the number of suffering people.
  • They have sufficient strength, but do not tolerate sunlight and the garlic smell.
  • Pure blood flows in their veins, which is not spoiled by human genes.
  • Most often noticeable by their light skin and rather long teeth.
  • Nowadays there are only a few of these left, but they are constantly in the crowd of people.
Modern A hybrid formed by mixing with human data.
  • Not as strong as the first type, but also sensitive to daylight and garlic.
  • It is difficult to distinguish from an ordinary person.
Energy As the name suggests, human energy is used as a power source.
  • They feed exclusively on human blood

How to protect yourself from vampires

As a matter of fact, you already understand what vampires are afraid of and whether their existence in your environment is real. You can trust these assumptions, or you can be skeptical about this. However, various facts still confirm the possibility of the presence of such creatures.

What does a dream about vampires mean?

There are people who believe that the existence of bloodsuckers in real life is possible, so they are afraid to meet them. If this evil creature appeared to you in a dream, then most likely expect unpleasant events. That in order to get a more correct and expanded interpretation, try to remember every detail of the plot you saw and the emotions you experienced.

If you dreamed about a vampire, what does it mean?

The bloodsucker is chasing youPossible illness or loss of strength. Important changes are coming, entailing troubles and suffering. A certain person endowed with a certain amount of power will have a significant impact on your calm and balanced life.
You are at the same table with this evil spiritsPrepare for a long trip that will not bring the desired results.
Coffin with a vampire insideSerious damage to the current course of your affairs is expected.
The uncleanness has bitten youSoon you will receive news of losses and upcoming difficulties. It can also be said that Higher power warn you of an upcoming intrigue, as a result of which you can become dependent on a person in power.
For an unmarried ladyThe development of a relationship with a new acquaintance is coming, which will not bring anything good.
For married womenThe appearance of a secret admirer who will push you to commit ungodly acts.
A werewolf attacking youBe prepared for the difficulties that fate will present to you. The loss of a person dear to the heart is not excluded.
You watch a ghoul drink bloodThe appearance of a dangerous disease in one of your loved ones or acquaintances.
You have turned into a vampireYour self-confidence pushes you to take rash actions. As a result, this can trigger troubles and dangerous events. More this dream may indicate that you are used to coping with your own difficulties at the expense of others.
You personally feed on the blood of another personThe desire to satisfy your own needs may push you to break the law. At the same time, you will be subject to financial problems or you are at risk of serious illness.
You have defeated evil spiritsYour wisdom and ingenuity will allow you to successfully maneuver in a whirlpool of problems and get away with difficult circumstances.

What are vampires afraid of?

It cannot be said that absolutely all people believe in the possibility of meeting in their environment a person with vampire abilities. But some still tend to believe that this is actually the case. That is why it is important and necessary to have information on how to cope with possible attacks by night demons, which most often can result in death.

How to recognize and kill a vampire

Differences between bloodsuckers and ordinary people not always obvious, so simple weapons will not help you in this case. To prevent a meeting with a representative of the clan of the dead from becoming a tragedy, you should know ways to help defeat him.

What are vampires afraid of in real life?

  1. Shine bright sunlight on the demon's body,
  2. Use holy relics: crucifixes, pectoral crosses And so on. These things have a destructive effect on the flesh of impurity, pumping out strength from it.
  3. Use holy water. Contact with it will cause burns on the body. Their spread and prolonged exposure can result in death.
  4. Make a sharp stick from aspen wood. It should be driven straight into the heart of the demon-like creature. Why does aspen have such a destructive effect on ghouls? It is believed that it was on it that Judas hanged himself. Therefore, many healers use this tree to make various amulets.
  5. Use silver bullets. This metal is credited with sacred properties that are destructive to various unclean creatures.

Do not give in to provocative influences energy vampires. If possible, it is better to avoid communicating with them.

The revived dead, who consume human blood, hunt exclusively at night. In cinema they are presented in the form different images. It can be the bats or dead people in coffins.

Ancient healers who mastered black magic knew rituals that allowed them to summon these demons from the kingdom of the dead.

Find out more about how to summon a spirit from the Kingdom of the Dead:

How to perform the ritual

  • Such actions were carried out only at night, since daylight is destructive for bloodsuckers.
  • For the midnight ceremony, place two mirrors facing each other in a dark room.
  • Stand nearby, drawing yourself in a circle on the floor.
  • Place two black candles outside and light them. Sit in the lotus position and, looking into the mirrors, say the following text:

You will have the opportunity to communicate with dark forces and clarify all the necessary information.

Then you should definitely carry out the Undead with the words:

Important points of the ritual

  • After completing the ritual, cover the used mirrors with a dark piece of cloth and only then leave the circle.
  • Be sure to clean mirror surfaces from adverse effects from the other world.
  • To do this, expose them to the sun's rays for three days, having previously drawn crosses, and cover them with thick material at night.
  • Never use them in daily life.

How to Summon a Werewolf Spirit

As a second ritual that you can perform yourself, you can offer the following.

  • Spread blankets in front of the installed mirror, arrange candles in a circle and place a wreath.
  • The latter should be reflected in the mirror surface.
  • Look in the mirror continuously for some time and say:

If your actions are correct, you will see a dark clot of energy. This entity can be asked questions or asked to fulfill its plans.

After the process is completed, turn on the light and extinguish the candles. All items that have been used should be burned outside the home.

Believe it or not

So, the mystery shrouding the real existence of vampirism has been slightly revealed. The burning interest of most people in this topic is not unfounded. But only you can decide what it is - a figment of the imagination of the directors and famous writers or real werewolves living in our environment. It is most likely impossible to say with certainty whether vampires exist in real life. But the fact that some people have the ability to influence our psychological condition, it’s quite difficult to argue with this truth. Therefore, it is important to recognize such people in a timely manner and not give them the opportunity to invade your thoughts.

Find out more mysterious practices.

Nowadays, the hobby of vampires has become quite popular. Many films and TV series instill public interest in these. Often many people ask themselves whether vampires exist in real life. Many people don't give it

this phenomenon has no meaning, thinking that these are just fairy tales. However, there is matter in the world that is quite dark and black, which can cast doubt on any skeptical arguments. Well, if vampires exist in real life, what do they look like? Are they really that dangerous for the average person? Let's try to understand all these issues.

Concept Basics

There are different interpretations of the word "vampire". Some talk about the animal nature of creatures that feed on blood, some point to a supernatural component. According to ancient beliefs, vampires are demonic creatures lower level. Many believed that because they were afraid of light, they dwelt in their coffins until nightfall. It was believed that night was a great time for them to hunt people, because they fed exclusively on human blood. To kill this creature, according to, again, beliefs, you will need a stake or

But all this does not answer the question of whether vampires exist in real life. According to the same beliefs of ancient peoples, only a person who died a cruel, violent death became a vampire. That's why they presented

Be evil and vengeful spirits, capable of sucking all the blood from the victim. If suspicions of vampirism fell on any deceased person, he should immediately be reassured by excavating the body.

If the remains looked as if the person had not died at all, but was in deep sleep, then there was no doubt about his involvement in night trips. To get rid of the remains, it was necessary to first pierce the heart and then burn them.

Vampires in our time

Ancient beliefs have not lost their power to this day. But the question still remains as to whether vampires exist in real life. Let us at least remember the well-known figure whose image became the progenitor of all vampires in the world. It is noteworthy that Vlad the Impaler, who was the prototype of the main vampire, is a historical figure and a real one. He lived in Transylvania and was incredibly cruel and bloodthirsty. However, there is no clear evidence of his vampire

the snake was never introduced. Therefore, the creation of the image of Count Dracula lies entirely on the writer’s conscience

Now, in the era of mass globalization, the Internet is replete with messages that vampires exist in real life. Photos of such creatures are unusual and even scary. However, how true these facts are is also an open question. The only thing that has been confirmed by science is the existence of energy vampires. Such people suck out of a person not blood, but energy. Surely each of you has encountered an acute feeling of fatigue or emptiness after communicating with a certain person. They often act without realizing it. All this happens because their own energy field is full of holes, like a sieve, so they have no choice but to draw energy from others.

Whether vampires exist in real life is a rather controversial question. Whether or not to believe the facts that are constantly presented is up to you to decide. Only one thing is clear: all the legends and myths could not be based on nothing.

Probably each of us, after watching numerous feature films wondered: do vampires really exist or not? And, as a rule, we reassured ourselves with the answer that all this was the imagination of the authors fantastic works, and in real life vampires do not exist.

However, we are all deeply mistaken.

In real life, vampires exist, however, they do not wear black cloaks like Count Dracula, and they try in every possible way to keep silent about their existence. This is not surprising - who wants to be in the center of attention of modern society as an object of bullying or as a guinea pig.

Real vampires feed not only on blood, but also on the energy of living beings (usually human). They believe that this is simply vital for them. And often volunteer donors meet them halfway and supply blood if the vampires need it. This shocking diet, in the opinion of many, allows vampires to restore strength and improve their deteriorating health. Real vampires may not actually be interested in the legends of their ancient relatives or vampirism in modern culture to somehow identify yourself. They are afraid public opinion and do not want to be pigeonholed as vampires with subsequent condemnation and witch hunts.

Real vampires can confess different religions, belong to different races or ethnic groups, have different gender or sexual orientations, profession and age.

Why do real vampires hide from people?

Real vampires also fear that doctors classify them as people with obvious mental disorders, followed by forced treatment. Modern society simply will not accept vampirism as something normal and will accuse representatives of this social unit as vicious and incapable of educating or performing other duties. social roles in society. Moreover, people can accuse vampires of any crimes that the latter did not commit, which will bring upon them the wrath of society and excessive attention from law enforcement officers and psychiatrists.

Many scientists today urge doctors, including psychiatrists, to treat real vampires in the same way as other people representing alternative identities. After all, most vampires are not able to make a choice regarding their alternative status, because, according to them, own opinion, they are born with it and try to integrate into society as comfortably as possible without causing harm to others.

Evidence that vampires exist

The incredible popularity of vampires in last years(although books and films have been made about them before) pushes scientists and doctors to more thoroughly study this phenomenon. Vampirism has its origins in Eastern Europe, mostly in Poland, where there were very often reports of people drinking human blood. But to distinguish truth from fiction, to modern man we need evidence, facts.

The world-famous scientist Stefan Kaplan began searching for evidence of whether vampires exist in real life back in 1972, organizing a center for the study of vampires and searching for evidence of their existence in New York. And Kaplan very quickly found real vampires, who turned out to be ordinary-looking people, but with some peculiarities in behavior and nutrition. Here are the conclusions he came to:

vampires really don't like sunlight, so they use sunglasses and special sun creams;

real vampires' nails do not turn into claws, but their fangs are of the most ordinary size;

Vampires are not able to transform into other people or animals;

real vampires actually drink blood, but to quench their thirst, one 50 mg shot three times a week is enough for them;

real vampires do not show aggression, being, as a rule, good parents and friends;

in the absence of human blood (which donors share with them voluntarily), vampires drink the blood of animals, although the taste of such blood is significantly inferior to human blood (all vampires who have been studied by scientists say this).

Vampires exist or not in real life - now you can answer this question yourself. Yes, they exist, but they appearance and behavior differ significantly from those known in modern society stereotypes. Real vampires are people with an unusual physiological (and not mental, as many believe) need to consume human blood. Scientists have proven the existence of vampires in real life, but have dispelled many myths that have haunted people who drink human blood from century to century. What do you think about vampires?

Exists a considerable amount myths and theories about what a real vampire looks like. Some say that the creature must be tall and skinny, but this is just a legend. There are many legends that witches and vampires were extremely light in weight and tall in stature. It is possible that such a description was suitable for the evil spirits that lived in ancient times. Nowadays, their build can be completely different.

If you decide to become a part of this evil community yourself or find one of them, then you should definitely know all the features that distinguish this evil spirits from ordinary people.

In fact, there are both tall and short, thin and plump creatures. They can be plump, stocky and completely squat. Regarding the myth about the paleness of their skin, so opinions differ here. On the one hand, yes, a vampire can be identified by their deathly pale skin, but they don’t always have it like that. Certain eyewitnesses say that after the vampire finishes “feeding,” his cheeks turn sharply pink and his lips become scarlet, although before that they were almost bluish.

As for the obvious protruding fangs, it is also impossible to give any definite answer. Some say that their fangs always protrude, even when their mouth is closed. However, there is a theory that they stretch only as the feeding process approaches and during it. That is, when a creature sees its victim, feels its pulsating veins, the blood seething in them, and it is ready to attack. In this case, the teeth increase in size due to thirst.

There is another common myth - Vampires have a fear of light. It is widely believed that a vampire simply needs to be under sunlight and his body begins to collapse, his skin literally explodes with a hiss and the creature turns to ash. Maybe something similar happened with the ancient ancestors of modern evil spirits. However, modern offspring have long been adapted to light and do not experience such reactions. Still, they do not at all like to appear under scorching heat. sun rays, however, there will be no hissing or special effects with burning in the sun’s rays, as in films.

How do modern descendants of Dracula live?

Is it possible to turn into a vampire in our time? These creatures have always attracted people with their mystery and charm. dark forces and yours enormous power, with which comes enormous opportunity. Attitudes towards these creatures have always been very different: for some they aroused only adoration, while others ran away in fear. The former were always looking for a way to summon them and join the ranks of these incredible creatures. Some people despised them for this, some simply laughed, and some generally believed that such people belonged in psychiatric hospitals. However, there were those who had incredible knowledge and shed some light on this question of “How to become a vampire?”

At this moment, a person looking for an answer to a question and already doubting the reality of all this, lost all doubts about this truth hiding in the darkness of the night. But where does such a desire come from? Unanswered love, suffering, incredible loneliness. Many of those who have thought about such a transformation cannot fully explain their cherished desire and, in addition, they do not fully understand the improbability of the process, as well as the complexity of their future survival. They naively believe that vampires are the rulers of the human race and can do absolutely anything. In fact, this is not true at all.

From today's elite there are very few such representatives of darkness. In fact, they hide because of their lifestyle and stay away from public life and socialization.

They stay away from crowds of people because they fear for their existence, and some of them are simply trying to cope with the incredible madness that is inextricably linked with their “life.” If you have thoughts like “How to become a vampire’s girlfriend?” simply because you are bewitched by this " eternal love”, the spirit of which is imbued in science fiction books and films, then you need to know that this is just a myth. These creatures are ghouls who mainly care only about ensuring that fresh blood does not stop regularly flowing into their body. Blood is their most basic need. They will do absolutely anything for her.

Often dreams of becoming a creature of the night come to those who extremely dissatisfied with my life and simply wants some changes. These people naively believe that replacing their humanity with something else is exactly what they need, and only after that they will be able to experience incredible, all-encompassing happiness. However, this is just another myth, since a creature that is dependent on human blood as if on drugs cannot be happy by definition.

All that awaits kind person, who sets foot on this path after he converts - this is eternal torment, suffering, sorrow and loneliness. And, of course, boredom, from which there will simply be no escape, no matter where the transformed person goes.

What awaits those who decide to become a ghoul?

However, there is also something that desire to join the small “army” of darkness appears out of nowhere and only grows every day. If you actually start to feel the urge to go somewhere and look for someone, then it is likely that you have fallen under vampire "call". This call, which the people around you cannot feel, will be the beginning of something new for you. Here you don’t need to look for any opportunities, since fate has already decided everything for you. And “life” awaits you ahead, filled with incredible strength and abilities, growing with every active day, as well as an incredible thirst for blood and longing for your old life.

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can become a being of darkness for only a few days or hours, and then you will simply return back to your former life. There is no turning back from this path. This new “life” is filled with a wide variety of dangers. Present in it:

  • Simple hunting.
  • Fight against opponents equal in strength or even superior to you.
  • In order to survive, you will have to learn to exist among people, constantly hide in plain sight and keep your secret with incredible caution.

When the strongest loneliness overwhelms your soul and you want someone to be nearby. Someone who will share your experiences and torments. This someone will be the so-called neophyte - this is a person who wants to become a ghoul.

How to become a vampire in real life

The most banal option for turning into a creature of the night is the bite of another vampire. There is no way you can summon or attract this vampire; he will find you at night. The process itself is very complex and painful; it involves a complete restructuring of the body. The process can last from several days to several weeks. Throughout the entire period of treatment, a more “mature” vampire should be nearby.

If a person has any serious health problems, then he can simply die, unable to withstand the extreme agony. No painkillers will help here, since the transformation occurs at cellular level in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord.

Such attacks of agony can be survived, and the power of a nearby vampire can help you with this:

  • He will constantly nourish the strength of his ward with the help of his own blood in order to support the changes that his body undergoes.
  • He will make sure that in an attack of incredible pain the ward does not harm himself.
  • He will protect his convert during metamorphosis, since at this time the ward is incredibly vulnerable.

The process itself can only be carried out by a vampire with a huge reserve of strength, since this process requires incredible efforts of will not only from the convert, but also from him and from this same vampire the outcome of the entire transformation directly depends. It is for this reason that a strong vampire will not make just anyone his ward.

Therefore, if you decide to do this, then be prepared for the fact that something will be required of you in return. For example, in return, you can offer an experienced vampire to introduce him to a girl who only dreams of becoming a vampire's girlfriend. Of course, in most cases nothing good awaits this girl.

However, You should never, under any circumstances, do the following:

It is important to remember that the most main reason for the treatment of children at night - this is their personal benefit in the process. If you have the qualities that he needs, then he will very simply agree to this process, otherwise you may simply suffer (this is in the best case).

Now you can find many advertisements on the Internet that offer to become one of the vampires. However, if you follow this ad, you are very likely to fall for ordinary fraud or some psychopath who thinks she is a vampire. Vampires have long since stopped using the Internet as a means of finding neophytes, as they have already encountered problems with the law and various authorities. Now they act much more carefully and secretly.

Therefore, if your desire cannot be quenched by the usual method of a bite, since a real vampire simply does not communicate with you, then you can very well use other methods, right at home.

How to go to the side of darkness using a spell

There is a certain “Ritual of Initiation”, which can be mentioned quite often. They say that after it, you will become a real vampire. And such a proposal is very interesting, since its conditions are much simpler and more accessible compared to metamorphoses after a bite. However, the truth of this ritual is rather doubtful.

The point here is not even that real vampire magic is wielded exclusively by selected vampire magicians, who are extremely problematic to find, because even their own people consider them hermits and unsociable. This category of vampire magicians belongs to the highest elite, of which very few can become a part.

They choose their students so carefully, as far as possible, while the students will have to undergo all sorts of tests and extremely difficult tests. This is how sifting occurs. These checks last for years and even centuries. Only after these checks does the initiation ritual become available to the adept, the secret of which is known only to dark magicians who are not accustomed to divulging their secrets in any way, so it is very unlikely that the rituals that are in public access have at least something in common with the truth and will give you the opportunity to become a real vampire.

At the same time, you should understand that after such a ritual, gigantic opportunities will open up for you and after training with ghoul magicians, you will be far from an ordinary vampire, but part of a special elite, which everyone fears as much as they respect. In addition, you will have access to such powers and knowledge that others can only dream of. A small feature of this caste of vampires is that they not only drink the blood of their victims, but use the victim’s entire body to satisfy certain needs, if you know what I mean... Perhaps that is why they are disliked and feared.

Vampirism by nature

There are people in this world who, from birth, have a certain inclination. They are usually called "natural vampires". They are quite rare. However, it should be understood that having a tendency towards vampirism and being a vampire are two completely different things. Since innate skills still need to be developed.

This development occurs through intensive training and meditation. At some point, certain tendencies will begin to manifest themselves more and more strongly.

Attention, TODAY only!

Vampires or similar creatures are found in the myths of all peoples. In Russia they are also called ghouls or ghouls. I wonder if there are legends about drinking blood Evil spirits at least have some truth?

Theories of the origin of vampires

In Eastern Europe, vampires were the living dead who drank the blood of living people at night. A vampire could become a suicide, a criminal or a sorcerer, as well as a person who suffered violent death. In addition, according to beliefs, vampirism could be caused by the birth of a child in a “shirt” (fetal membrane), conception occurring on certain days, excommunication from the church, or improper performance of funeral rituals.

Potential vampires were also considered to be those who were born with teeth or a tail (sometimes such a pathology happens). And, of course, a vampire’s bite turned his victim into a vampire...

How were vampires identified and what was done with them?

They said about vampires that they do not age and have supernatural powers. physical strength, do not cast shadows and cannot be reflected in a mirror. They also believed that vampires were afraid of garlic and could not enter a house without an invitation.

The death of livestock and people, most often close to the alleged vampire, was considered evidence of the presence of a vampire in the vicinity. If vampirism was suspected, the grave was opened. If the dead man looked like he was alive, that is, his cheeks were rosy, blood was visible near his mouth, and so on, then they tried to destroy him. To do this, it was necessary to cut off the head of the deceased, drive an aspen stake into his body, or burn him... Sometimes they made do with milder rites, such as a repeated funeral ritual, sprinkling with holy water, or expelling evil spirits from a dead body (rite of exorcism).

Natural science versions

Perhaps the first attempt to give a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of “vampirism” was made in 1725 by researcher Michael Ranft in his book"De masticatione mortuorum

in tumulis" . He wrote that deaths during contact with a “vampire” could occur due to the fact that the “contactees” became infected with cadaveric poison or the disease from which this person suffered during his lifetime. In addition, the impressionable relatives of the “vampire” who believed in his “resurrection” could become delusional, as a result of which it seemed to them that the deceased was coming out of the grave, communicating with them, etc.

It was only in the second half of the 20th century that a disease called porphyria was discovered. It occurs in one in 100 thousand people, but it also carries hereditary character. In porphyria, the body is unable to produce red cells, which are the main component of blood. As a result, a deficiency of oxygen and iron occurs in the blood, pigment metabolism is disrupted, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hemoglobin begins to disintegrate - hence the myth that vampires are afraid of sunlight...

The skin of patients with porphyria becomes brown, becomes thinner, and becomes covered with scars and ulcers in the sun. Due to the fact that the skin around the lips and gums dries out and becomes tough, the incisors are exposed, creating the effect of a grin, which in turn gives rise to legends about “vampire fangs.” Tooth enamel may become reddish or reddish-brown. Finally, porphyritics cannot eat garlic, since the sulfonic acid it contains aggravates the disease. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by mental disorders.

As for the “living” corpses that were observed during exhumation, this can be explained by certain features of decomposition. For example, a body can decompose with at different speeds, depending on conditions such as temperature, humidity and so on. During the process of decomposition, the corpse swells with gases, and the skin becomes darker, blood may flow from the mouth and nose... Under the influence of decomposition, the body may move, which gives the illusion that the dead person is moving...

Finally there is mental disorder called "Renfield syndrome", in which the patient is drawn to drink the blood of people or animals. Some serial maniacs suffered from it, for example, Peter Kürten from Dusseldorf and Richard Trenton Chase from the USA. They killed their victims and drank their blood.

So the belief about ghouls rising from their graves at night is most likely nothing more than fiction. Vampirism as a phenomenon does exist, but it is a purely medical problem in which there is nothing mystical.

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