Tamara Miansarova - biography, photos, songs, personal life, family, children of the singer. The bitter fate of Tamara Miansarova Career of a pop singer

She received her education at the music school at the Minsk Conservatory, from which she graduated in 1951. In the same year, she entered the piano department of the Moscow Conservatory, in the class of Professor L.N. Oborin, and at the same time (from the 2nd year) took elective classes in the vocal department with Professor D.B. Belyavskaya. In 1957, after graduating from the conservatory, she worked as an accompanist at GITIS, but soon switched to the stage and began performing her own solo concert numbers.

In 1958, she was awarded third prize at the III All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, performing a Strauss waltz to her own accompaniment on the piano. After the competition, Tamara Miansarova performed for some time with the Latsi Olah orchestra, and since 1960 she has become a soloist at the Moscow Music Hall, participating in the play “When the Stars Light Up.”

In 1962 at VIII World Festival youth and students in Helsinki was awarded first prize and a gold medal. She performed with Igor Granov’s ensemble and performed a cheerful song by L. Lyadova to the poems of B. Bryansky “Ai-lyuli”.

In 1963 he became a laureate International Festival songs in Sopot for the performance of A. Ostrovsky’s song to the verses of L. Oshanin “The Solar Circle” (“Let there always be sunshine”). From this time on, for many years the song will remain business card singers. In 1963, on the wave of great popularity in Poland, the singer starred in musical film“25 minut z Tamarą Miansarową” (TVP). Since 1964, she performed with the group “Three Plus Two” created especially for her by Leonid Garin (Viktor Prudovsky - piano, Adolf Satanovsky - double bass, Alexander Goretkin - drums). In 1965, the singer performed several songs in a concert film (TVP) with the participation of Polish and foreign performers, V different time who performed at the Sopot festival (H. Hegerová, H. Kunicka, E. Rutten, Z. Sośnicka, V. Villas, B. Wilke).

In 1966, he won the “Friendship” pop song competition of socialist countries. The competition consisted of six rounds, held in six countries (USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary), and under the terms of which each participant had to perform a song from the country where the tour took place. Tamara Miansarova won 4 first prizes at once, ahead of her main competitor, the Bulgarian singer Lili Ivanova.

In 1970, while working at Mosconcert, Tamara Miansarova fell out of favor with influential cultural leaders and suffered an unenviable fate, which many representatives experienced more than once. national stage. As a result of the unspoken ban, she immediately fell into the category of “not allowed to travel abroad,” her performances disappeared from television and radio broadcasts, and touring concert activities became completely impossible. Actual ban on professional activity led to the fact that she was forced to resign from Mosconcert and leave the capital in search of work. Fortunately, work was found at the Donetsk Regional Philharmonic, where she was invited, and where she subsequently worked for 12 years.

In the 1980s, having returned to Moscow, T. G. Miansarova taught vocals at GITIS (from 1988 to 1996) and at the Taganka Youth Arts Center. In 1988 she was a member of the jury of the International Song Festival in Sopot.

On February 21, 2014, she signed, together with Vasily Lanov, Joseph Kobzon, Elina Bystritskaya and cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, an appeal to Yanukovych “to use all the power and strength that is in your hands to restore order in the country.”


Father: Remnev, Grigory Matveevich - was an artist of Odessa musical theater dramas and comedies, then an artist.
Mother: Alekseeva, Anastasia Fedorovna - singer, worked as a soloist in Minsk opera house.
First husband: Miansarov, Eduard Arsenovich - pianist, arranger.
Son: Miansarov, Andrey Eduardovich - pianist, composer.
Husband: Feldman, Mark Mikhailovich - violinist, director concert groups.
Daughter: Khlebnikova, Ekaterina Igorevna - poetess.
Miansarov Andrey - finishes music school
Tamara - artist
Anna is a student at the Faculty of Economics.


1962 - winner of the song competition at the VIII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki
1963 - Golden medal(first in) laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot for the performance of the song “Sunny Circle” (A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin)
1966 - winner of the pop song competition “Friendship”, held in the capitals of six countries (USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary)
1972 - Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR
1996 - People's Artist of Russia
2005 - personal star on the “Square of Stars” in Moscow
Order of the Badge of Honor
Order of Friendship of Peoples
full holder of the Order of Miner's Glory
Golden Order of the Diplomat of Cambodia
Laotian Order of the Three Elephants


Tamara Miansarova’s repertoire includes more than 400 songs (in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish), many of which have become hits.
  • "Black cat"
  • "Ai-lyuli"
  • "May there always be sunshine"
  • "Letka-enka"
  • “Ryzhik” (cover version of the song “Rudy rydz”, the original was performed by Polish singer Helena Majdanets).
  • "Top-top"
  • "Grandma, teach me to dance"
  • "Let's never quarrel"
  • "Kohaniy"
  • « Wild geese»
  • "Golden Key"
And many more. Most of the recordings were degaussed in storage in the 1970s. as directed by the management.

Yesterday, July 12, 2017 Lately, the People's Artist of Russia, the most famous performer throughout the USSR, Tamara Miansarova, died in one of the Moscow clinics. Everyone, both small and adult, knows her songs, which are heard in countries that were formerly part of the USSR, to this day - “Black Cat”, “Let there always be sunshine”. Tamara Miansarova sang and played the piano. Everyone admired her work.

Mark Feldman (husband of Tamara Miansarova): biography, personal life

The last, fourth husband of Tamara Miansarova was Mark Feldman. The couple lived together for a long but happy 40 years. They were always inseparable, but for some reason they never officially married. Once upon a time there lived lovers civil marriage. Mark Feldman himself is still a citizen of Ukraine, although he has been living here in Russia for 38 years.

Several scandals are associated with the performer’s last husband. It all started when Alika Smekhova found out about Tamara Miansarova’s poor condition. This woman taught the actress a lot, so she simply could not stand aside. It turned out that the family has almost no money, Tamara has been in bed for 4 years now, and her husband is looking after her, who guards his beloved like gold - he does not let anyone in and does not allow her to communicate with anyone.

Stas Sadalsky, who is good friend Tamara, said that Mark Feldman sits next to his wife like a Cerberus, not letting anyone in to see her. According to Sadalsky, after the release of the “Live Broadcast” program, they found doctors who agreed to treat the famous singer. They allocated the best room and decided to carry out a complex operation - all free of charge. However, the husband never entrusted his wife to the doctors. He said they could handle it themselves. He only asked for money to hire a nurse. They helped him, hired and paid him monthly a nurse, Miansarova. The family did not accept any more help.

Let us remind you that the singer died last night. The cause of death was pneumonia with complications. Mark Feldman informed people that Tamara Miansarova was hospitalized on July 6 of this year. All this time the doctors fought for her life, but yesterday, it was too late, she left...

The day before, on July 12, the famous Soviet performer Tamara Miansarova died. The singer, beloved by millions, had a bitter fate, which was described by actor Stanislav Sadalsky.

Tamara Miansarova was born on March 5, 1931. Her father left the family when she was only six months old. Tamara spent the war years in Minsk. While studying at the conservatory, she married pianist Edik Miansarov. Despite the fact that the marriage soon broke up, Tamara gave birth to his son Andrei.

In 1957, the artist graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. She was sent to work at GITIS as an accompanist. But soon Tamara decided that the stage was closer to her and began to successfully perform solo concert numbers, as well as participate in various competitions. The apogee of the singer’s popularity came in 1963, when with the song “Sunny Circle” she won the International Song Festival in Sopot, Poland. This song became her calling card. In the press, Miansarova was called “the nightingale of Moscow.”

Until 1970, the artist successfully worked at Mosconcert. But then she fell out of favor with an influential person in the Ministry of Culture. So she became “restricted to travel,” and the singer’s performances disappeared from television screens and radio stations. Tamara Grigorievna was forced to leave Mosconcert. She moved to Donetsk and worked at the local philharmonic for 12 years. At this time, the singer was married to Igor Khlebnikov, the administrator of her team. From him Miansarova had a daughter, Ekaterina. However, the marriage did not last long.

In the 1980s, Miansarova returned to Moscow. That's when she met violinist Mark Feldman. IN Russian capital From 1988 to 1996, the singer taught vocals at GITIS and at the Taganka Youth Arts Center. Then she retired.

A few years ago, the artist got into a scandal. It all started with a harmless message from Alika Smekhova, who, through social networks, asked people to help Miansarova, who until recently was her vocal teacher. Tamara broke her hip and could not get out of bed. Then it turned out that the singer was literally living on the brink of poverty. According to the artist's husband, the children do not want to help, so he hired a nurse.

When journalists contacted Miansarova’s grandson, he presented a completely different picture of events. Allegedly, Mark Feldman is preventing him from seeing the woman. “When dad recently came to visit her, Mark Mikhailovich did not open the door. He doesn’t let us see her and turns off the phone. So dad stopped coming. It’s very difficult to do anything in this situation, so we pulled away,” the man said in an interview in 2015.

According to Miansarova’s grandson, Mark Feldman is much more younger than the singer, quite a strong and healthy man. They met at a rehearsal, and when they got married, Feldman began introducing himself as her administrator. “I was a child and I remember that when I lived with my grandmother, Uncle Marik shouted at her and could publicly say that she was old. In my opinion, this is incorrect towards a woman, especially an actress. But my grandmother has a very gentle character, and Mark Mikhailovich suppressed her,” said the singer’s grandson.

As for Tamara’s second child, this is her daughter Ekaterina, who is already about 50 years old. She has no family, and several years ago she was hit by a car, resulting in a pelvic injury and leg problems. She cannot work; her husband was killed in a fight. Therefore, her retired parents sent her food and painkillers through a nurse.

The most monstrous thing in Miansarova’s life is that she was allegedly betrayed and robbed by her own son. “While I was earning money, my mother was needed, and then that’s it. “He deceived her all his life,” Feldman said in an interview. - Even before perestroika, she wanted to provide Katya with a dowry - to buy her a cooperative with the money raised from the sale of the dacha. Then Andrei suggested: “Mom, what are you going to sell to strangers, let me buy it.” She transferred the dacha to Andrey, and in the end she saw neither the money nor the house.”

Moreover, according to the singer’s husband, when she asked her son to take her to the cemetery to clean up her mother’s grave, he then took money from her for gasoline.

Stanislav Sadalsky spoke about the artist’s bitter fate in his LiveJournal. “How much I wrote about her, how many times I asked the first channels to film a program, to do an interview, how much I wrote about them all, about this whole outgoing galaxy pop stars 50-60s - and everything seemed to be in a cosmic void. He said - take it off, the man is in his ninth decade, but has a bright mind, a clear voice, has not smoked, has not ***, despite the fact that all her life she has been bullied, squeezed, suppressed, forbidden, betrayed. But decent people are not interesting to anyone... “- stated the actor.

However, presenter Boris Korchevnikov in his “Live Broadcast” program raised the issue of helping Tamara Miansarova. According to Sadalsky, doctors were at a low start to hospitalize the singer. However, it was Mark Feldman who refused medical help.

"No! - Tamarin’s husband Mark said then, “we only need money to pay for a nurse, now we also need medicine!” He completely privatized the right to communicate with Tamara, sat next to him like a Cerberus, not letting anyone in - and I understand him, despite the fact that he and Tamara lived for about forty years and she loved him, they were not married, he is a citizen of another country ( Ukraine), no rights to the apartment. If other people had taken care of her, he would have been forced to leave for Vinnitsa,” Stanislav noted in his publication.

Sadalsky also spoke about Miansarova’s son. “I also didn’t notice any particular desire in my son to communicate with his mother - at the time of filming the program, he had not seen her for more than two years. Motivation is killer: last time When he was driving to her, he got stuck in a traffic jam and was delayed, and when he left, Mark told him - don’t come again. I then told him - if I were a son, I would kick everyone away and would now be next to my mother,” said the artist.

Master Joseph Kobzon also spoke about the late artist. “Very quickly, performing at the Blue Lights, she gained popularity. Tamara began to “play” songs on the stage for the first time: we were all blinkered, wearing ties, dresses and suits... I helped with the treatment as best I could... It’s a shame, of course, my condolences to Mark,” RIA Novosti quotes Kobzon as saying.

Tamara Miansarova died on July 12 at the 87th year of her life in the First City Hospital. "What can I say? Now I don't know anything. I don’t even know what world I’m in. On the sixth, she was hospitalized with pneumonia,” said Miansarova’s grief-stricken husband, Mark Feldman.

Tamara Grigorievna Miansarova (nee Remneva). Born on March 5, 1931 in Zinovievsk (now Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovograd region, Ukraine) - died on July 12, 2017 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian pop singer (lyric soprano). Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1972). People's Artist of Russia (1996).

Tamara Remneva, widely known under the name Miansarova, was born on March 5, 1931 in the Ukrainian city of Zinovievsk, which later became Kirovograd, and now renamed Kropyvnytskyi.

Father - Grigory Matveevich Remnev (1903-1982), worked as an artist at the Odessa Musical Theater of Drama and Comedy, and later became an artist.

Mother - Anastasia Fedorovna Alekseeva (1905-1988), singer, worked as a soloist at the Minsk Opera House.

Since childhood I was interested in music and planned to become a pianist. She studied at the music school at the Minsk Conservatory. As she recalled, she was literally obsessed with music: “I fell asleep at dawn, sitting under the piano on a mattress specially sewn by my mother.”

At the request of the school director, she, as a promising pianist in post-war Minsk, was given a personal two-room apartment(later, having become a student at the Moscow Conservatory, she exchanged it for a room in a Moscow communal apartment).

She graduated from the music school at the Minsk Conservatory in 1951.

In the same 1951, she entered the piano department of the Moscow Conservatory, in the class of Professor L. N. Oborin. At the same time, from the 2nd year, she studied optionally in the vocal department with Professor D. B. Belyavskaya.

In 1957, after graduating from the conservatory, she worked as an accompanist at GITIS, but soon switched to the stage and began performing her own solo concert numbers. This happened after in 1958 she was awarded third prize at the III All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, performing a Strauss waltz to her own accompaniment on the piano.

“I came to the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists as a musician, and left as a singer. I sang there just like that, without hope of success, and suddenly everything started spinning and spinning,” she recalled.

After the competition, Tamara Miansarova performed for some time with the Latsi Olah orchestra, and since 1960 she became a soloist at the Moscow Music Hall, participating in the play “When the Stars Light Up” together with Bernes, Mirov, Novitsky and Capitolina Lazarenko.

In 1958, Igor Granov created a jazz quartet (piano, double bass, drums, guitar). The ensemble's repertoire included works Soviet composers in his own processing and jazz classics. In search of a soloist, Granov draws attention to Tamara Miansarova, who recently left the music hall - a young singer with two highest musical education And in a high voice classic range.

Having worked on her performance style, Igor Granov prepared Tamara to perform the pop repertoire.

As the singer said, at first she had problems with the repertoire, because composers wrote for already famous singers. “I sat down at the radio, caught foreign melodies and immediately wrote them down with notes - how do I professional musician it wasn't difficult. And then I ordered poems from poets based on this music. This is how “Letka-Enka” was born, “Grandma, teach me to dance the Charleston,” she recalled.

She worked closely with Leonid Derbenev, then an aspiring songwriter.

In 1962, at the VIII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki, she was awarded first prize and a gold medal. She performed with Igor Granov’s ensemble and performed a cheerful song by L. Lyadova to the poems of B. Bryansky “Ai-lyuli”. “In the Finnish newspapers they called me that later. “Girl Ai-lyuli” - it was difficult for them to make out my last name,” the singer shared.

In 1963, Miansarova became a laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot for her performance of A. Ostrovsky’s song to the verses of L. Oshanin “The Solar Circle” (“Let there always be sunshine”). From this time on, the song will remain the singer’s calling card for many years.

In 1963, on the wave of great popularity in Poland, the singer starred in the musical film “25 minut z Tamarą Miansarową” (TVP).

Since 1964, she performed with the group “Three Plus Two” created especially for her by Leonid Garin (Viktor Prudovsky - piano, Adolf Satanovsky - double bass, Alexander Goretkin - drums).

In 1965, the singer performed several songs in a concert film (TVP) with the participation of Polish and foreign performers who performed at different times at the Sopot festival (H. Hegerová, H. Kunicka, E. Rutten, Z. Sośnicka, V. Villas, B Wilke).

Her performance of the Japanese song became a hit folk song"Golden key" During the first performance, accompanied by an ensemble directed by V. Pishchalnikov, Tamara Miansarova used a black fan, and the song was shot on black and white film.

Tamara Miansarova - Golden Key

December 31, 1964 on New Year's Day Blue light» Tamara Miansarova performed famous song about the mushroom “Ryzhik” (music by B. Klimchuk, lyrics by A. Eppel).

In 1965, at the New Year's "Blue Light" Tamara Miansarova performed her famous song "Black Cat" (Yu. Saulsky - M. Tanich). The song gained extreme popularity for many years.

Tamara Miansarova - Black Cat (1965)

In 1966, she won the “Friendship” pop song competition of the socialist countries. The competition consisted of six rounds, held in six countries (USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary), and under the terms of which each participant had to perform a song from the country where the tour took place. Tamara Miansarova won 4 first prizes at once, ahead of her main competitor, the Bulgarian singer Lili Ivanova.

In 1966, a film concert “Tamara Miansarova Sings” was filmed on Polish TV.

In 1970, while working at Mosconcert, Tamara Miansarova fell out of favor with influential cultural leaders, and she suffered an unenviable fate, which many representatives of the domestic stage have experienced more than once. As a result of the unspoken ban, she immediately fell into the category of “not allowed to travel abroad,” her performances disappeared from television and radio broadcasts, and touring concert activities became completely impossible.

An actual ban on professional activities led to the fact that she was forced to resign from Mosconcert and leave the capital in search of work. Fortunately, work was found at the Donetsk Regional Philharmonic, where she was invited, and where she subsequently worked for 12 years. "Here, by the way, at that time there was best philharmonic of all in the USSR. Miansarova, Obodzinsky, “Four U” quartet, Symphony Orchestra“It was a very strong line-up,” the singer recalled. Tamara Miansarova is a full holder of the Order of Miner’s Glory.

In 1974, the concert film “Tamara Miansarova Sings” was shot in Kyiv. Musical accompaniment- ensemble led by Evgeniy Dergunov.

Tamara Miansarova’s repertoire includes more than 400 songs (in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish), many of which have become hits (“Black Cat”, “Ai-lyuli”, “Let there always be sunshine”, “Letka-enka”, “Ryzhik” , “Top Top”, “Grandma, Teach Me to Dance”, “Let's Never Quarrel”, “Kohaniy”, “Wild Geese”, “Golden Key” and many others), but most of them were demagnetized in storage in 1970 's as directed by the management.

In the 1980s she returned to Moscow, taught vocals at GITIS (from 1988 to 1996), at the Taganka Youth Art Center and at the Moscow Institute contemporary art. Professor Russian Academy theatrical arts(former GITIS).

About my pedagogical practice said: “There were talented students. Larisa Gordiera, Julian, Alika Smekhova, Lada Maris, who sings in the play “Jesus Christ - Superstar”. I am proud that I gave them something in terms of profession.”

In the 1980s, the Polish magazine Panorama named the four most popular singers for 25 years. According to the magazine, the list of the best was made up of: Edith Piaf, Karel Gott, Charles Aznavour and Tamara Miansarova.

In 1988 she was a member of the jury of the International Song Festival in Sopot.

Since 1991, she has taken part in retro programs dedicated to Soviet song together with other performers of the 1950-1970s - Kapitalina Lazarenko, Irina Brzhevskaya, Vladimir Troshin. She often performed a medley of her most famous songs and they sang along with her, as before, devoted listeners asked her to sing a song about the Black Cat. This song was included in the repertoire of many contemporary performers- and the Bravo group, Evgeniy Osin.

Tamara Miansarova - Black Cat

Tamara Miansarova is the author of music for three songs: “My Russia”, “Song of Songs” and “Hands”. In 1994, with the Variety Theater Orchestra under the direction of V. Starostin, she performed and recorded the song “As if Yesterday” (Music by M. Raiko, lyrics by B. Shifrin).

In 1994, at the invitation of the famous American TV presenter Oleg Frisch, she performed in America.

In 2004, Miansarova’s personal star was installed on the “Square of Stars” in Moscow, and on February 9, 2005, anniversary evening V concert hall"Russia".

In September 2007, as part of the Flea Market exhibition, a collection of concert dresses was exhibited pop singer Tamara Miansarova.

In 2012, Tamara Miansarova’s book “Tamara Miansarova. Both in life and on stage.” It represents memories of life and career.

On February 21, 2014, she signed, together with Vasily Lanov, Joseph Kobzon, Elina Bystritskaya and cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, an appeal to the then President of Ukraine V.F. Yanukovych “to use all the power and strength that is in your hands to restore order in the country.”

“What happened to Tamara is Andrei’s fault. The daughter came to her, but the son did not. She was very worried. Two months before her death, she called him and asked him to come, but he never showed up,” said Mark Feldman.

Filmography of Tamara Miansarova:

1964 - Blue Light 1964 (film-play) - song "Ryzhik"
1965 - The squadron leaves for the west - the song "Asleep Paris"
1970 - Sunny Ballad
2005 - Motley Ribbon. Arkady Ostrovsky. The song stays with the person (documentary)
2007 - Let there always be me. Lev Oshanin (documentary)
2010 - Sung in the USSR (documentary)

Songs of Tamara Miansarova:

"The Scarlet Flower"
"Grandma, teach me to dance"
"Waltz of Parting"
"Eyes on the Sand"
"Bunches of Rowan"
"Let's never quarrel"
"Wild Geese"
"Golden Key"
"Kohai me"
"Wings of Fortune"
"My swans"
"Mom's holiday"
“Children copy us”
"Last call"
"May there always be sunshine"
"Dawn Years"
“Ryzhik” (cover version of the song “Rudy rydz”, the original was performed by Polish singer Helena Majdanec)
"Black cat"

The life of a talented singer Tamara Miansarova was full of ups and downs, and if she creative career was developing almost perfectly, then in my personal life everything was not going so smoothly. Tamara Miansarova was the winner of various competitions not only in the territory of the former USSR, but also far beyond its borders, the songs she sang instantly became hits, and many of them are still performed by popular artists. The most famous hits perhaps they became "Black cat", "Ryzhik", "Top-top", and of course, "May there always be sunshine". Tamara Miansarova did not plan to become a pop performer, she graduated from two faculties of the Moscow Conservatory, the fact is that she initially entered the piano department, and from the second year she managed to simultaneously begin studying vocals, attending elective classes with the professor D. B. Belyavskoy. That is, I planned to become opera singer, but life turned out so that Tamara Miansarova She devoted herself to the stage, she had a unique high voice of the classical range, such a talent was difficult not to notice, she was invited to festivals and competitions, where she easily won all the main awards. It happened and fell, as without this in Soviet time, when demand could depend on weighty word some official, yes Tamara Miansarova had to resign from Mosconcert", where she was in good standing and got a job in Donetsk regional philharmonic society. But essentially on her concert activities this did not have a global impact, the singer toured again, had the opportunity not to interrupt her variety activities, although the tours were mainly around Ukraine, but Miansarova received the title of Honored Artist Ukrainian SSR.

To date Tamara Miansarova, of course, they have already forgotten, but such is the fate of artists, today crowds of fans follow them, everyone knows and loves their songs, and it seems that this glory will never end, it will last forever, every artist will forever remain in history. But everything and everyone fades into oblivion, only archival records and a Wikipedia page remain, idols are replaced by new idols, other people become popular, and today we can even say that voiceless singers with luxurious bodies have had their noses operated on more than once , with silicone-pumped lips, are very popular, rich in money and beautiful life, their achievements can also be traced to colossal work, they also sing, it doesn’t matter that they are voiceless, they get no less tired from their touring activities than singers with voices. But there are not so many singers like before, and if in old timesfamous singer This is a must for the one who has an amazing voice, then now, you know, the soundtrack, beautiful appearance, energy, a dubious trendy hit and the viewer is yours.

Career Tamara Miansarova She was developing wonderfully, but in her personal life she was a complete failure; she could not, while touring and being constantly on the road, be able to raise decent children. Of course, the point here is not only that talented singer I didn’t devote enough time to my son and daughter, but even in the way these kids were originally, the inevitable catastrophe in such cases is often inherent in the genes.

In this photo is the son of Tamara Miansarova and her husband Eduard Miansarova

Son Andrey Miansarov from childhood he was not particularly kind, he grew up bitter and angry, but perhaps if his mother had been with him all the time, she would have noticed something was wrong and would have devoted more time to this issue, it is a colossal work to raise a child a decent person, of course, there are people in whom this decency is inherent from the very beginning, and no life trials will not be able to destroy the voice of conscience in such a person, but in most cases a person is a product of the environment in which he grew up, what values ​​were laid down, what was allowed to him, and so on. This is all very subtle, you still need to see your child as often as possible for a connection to exist, and if everything is done correctly, this still will not give any guarantees of success. So, Tamara Miansarova began to notice that her son Andrey very often he is cruel not only towards her, but also towards other people, but she believed that the boy himself would outgrow this difficult period. At that time, the singer had already separated from her first husband Edward, from whom she, by the way, inherited her last name Miansarova, at birth she was given a surname Remneva.

In this photo, Tamara Miansarova and her first husband, talented pianist Eduard Miansarov

Eduard Miansarov was a talented pianist, later he even became Honored Artist of Russia. But Eduard he didn’t need children, he was too absorbed in music, she was everything to him, he immediately told his wife that if she got pregnant, he would leave her, and he kept his word.

True, he didn’t run away on the very day he found out that his wife was pregnant, but did it later, when the child was born and began to interfere with him doing what he loved. But that doesn't mean that Eduard Miansarov crossed out ex-wife and a son from his life, of course he came, the surviving photographs are witnesses to this, but he honestly admitted to his wife that being a father is not his recognition, he has absolutely no desire for this, that is Tamara knew who she was giving birth to. Tamara Miansarova was twenty-five years old when my son was born Andrey, Eduard was 23 , of course, being so young, he was not ready for children, he lived by music, but our heroine needed to feed her family, and she began to tour throughout the Soviet Union.

In this photo, Andrei Miansarov is with his grandmother Anastasia Fedorovna Alekseeva, his mother’s mother. Anastasia Fedorovna worked as a soloist at the Minsk Opera House.

Well, what’s there to lie about, of course, it wasn’t just about making money; any artist cannot imagine his life without a stage and Tamara Miansarova lived it, she was young, it seemed to her that her mother, kindest soul a person will be able to raise his grandson and grow out of it wonderful person. But let's take the genes of a father, talented, but removed from worldly concerns, the genes of a talented mother, kind woman, but programmed for success, in this situation there was hardly a high probability that from Andrey would grow up an exemplary family man and a kind, sympathetic son, although everything happens in this life, I don’t argue. But what has grown has grown. Friends, loved ones Tamara Miansarova and her son never did. She loved him, saw that he was doing disgusting things, but she justified him, turned a blind eye to all his flaws, and trusted him again and again. Andrey married early, he was eighteen years old, his wife Lyubov twenty, they gave birth to two daughters, but soon the family broke up, subsequently Andrey was married two more times, so thanks to him Tamara Miansarova there are two granddaughters and one grandson.

In this photo, Tamara Miansarova with her son Andrei and grandson Andrei.

When Tamara Miansarova she became weak, and what can I say, even earlier, her son refused to visit her, they had not seen each other for years, living in the same city. And then, as always happens with wealthy artists, apartments came into play. Some of the relatives there have an apartment, someone has a communal apartment, they come to an agreement among themselves, change something, resell something, join some kind of cooperatives, and then such schemes follow that it is easy for a person to get confused in owning no real estate. In general, this family did not share something, having bought each of the children an apartment, the mother provided for her children the necessary conditions for further personal growth.

In this photo there is a grandson Tamara Miansarova Andrey. The guy works as a DJ.

Andrey Andreevich Miansarov with his family.

The middle one in the photo is the son Tamara Miansarova, the girl next to him is his daughter-in-law.

Tamara Miansarova with his daughter-in-law and grandson.

Andrey Andreevich Miansarov with his wife.

And by the way Tamara Miansarova By that time I had found the man of my dreams. Some pianist Mark Feldman, with whom, by the way, she lived for about forty years. Andrey And Mark couldn't find mutual language, new husband the mother too zealously protected her beloved from her dishonest son, because she was blind in love for her child, Andrey He began to blame his stepfather for all his troubles.

In this photo, Tamara Miansarova’s daughter Ekaterina Khlebnikova.

When Tamara Miansarova was forty years old, from her third husband Igor Khlebnikov she had a daughter Catherine, this marriage also did not work out, the husband cheated, drank, became rowdy, and raised his hand against his wife.

In this photo, Tamara Miansarova with her daughter Ekaterina Khlebnikova and son-in-law Evgeniy.

Daughter Kate She grew up as a flexible girl, cheerful, talented, she loved to dance, she studied at the All-Union Creative Workshop pop art, married her same age musician Evgenia, which according to evil fate fate died shortly after the wedding. I went out to smoke in the vestibule, and there was a tipsy group, a fight, word for word, Eugene fell under the hot hand and now Catherine remains a widow. Daughter Tamara Miansarova She had a hard time with the loss of her husband; she stopped going out during the day and only walked her dog at night. One day during night walk Ekaterina was hit by a car, due to the consequences of her injuries, she could no longer go on stage, became disabled, could not cope with depression and essentially lived on the support of her mother, but since she herself was not rich, she could only help her by buying food.

In this photo are the parents of Tamara Miansarova. Anastasia Fedorovna Alekseeva and Grigory Matveevich Remnev.

When mother Tamara Miansarova became pregnant, her husband, the future father of a pop star, went to work in another city and never returned to his legal wife, found himself new family, then there were attempts to catch up, but his wife could not forgive him for abandoning her in the most hard times. On Ukraine came Holodomor, a terrible famine, people died whole families, and Anastasia with a baby in her arms, she was in despair, she was even on the verge of deciding to hand over her daughter to Orphanage, so there would be at least some chance to save the life of your child.

What's the result? Tamara Miansarova In the last years of her life, she was practically forgotten by her fans and son, her daughter came to her periodically, but naturally she could not help either physically, psychologically, or financially. Why did she die? Tamara Miansarova? After the singer broke her hip, she was bedridden, and on top of that she suffered a heart attack. Died Tamara Miansarova V 86 years, obviously, if she had been surrounded by the care of children and grandchildren, she would probably have lived even longer, but her faithful, grumpy husband took care of her Mark Feldman. I don’t understand the accusations against him, allegedly he wanted to make money at the expense of his wife, but wait, at the time of his death Tamara Miansarova he was 72 years old, they are not officially painted, the apartment is in Moscow doesn't belong to him. What did he get from her? A man cared for his bedridden wife, what profit was there? They were together for forty years, that's a whole life.

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