Tamara Sinyavskaya health. Sinyavskaya Tamara: details of the personal life of the legendary performer. Childhood, family

“Opera Queen Tamara” - this epithet was coined at one time by Svyatoslav Belza. And in many ways he is right: exceptional artistry and a magnificent voice, rare in its beauty and richness, and in type as such (a rare contralto!) - these are the main components of Tamara Sinyavskaya’s success on the opera stage.

Her creative and life union with Muslim Magomayev was fruitful and brought great dividends to the artist: her fame was very loud in the vastness of the former Soviet Union due to the fact that she constantly appeared in government and variety concerts By Central television, toured the country a lot.

Sinyavskaya’s international career was much more modest, which is a bit of a pity: with such rare beauty, a magnificent voice and bright appearance, this career should have been more significant and loud. It is difficult to say what prevented this from happening, but the scenes and roles in which Sinyavskaya performed in Europe and in the world were clearly not of the scale that Sinyavskaya’s talent deserved.

Nevertheless, Tamara Ilyinichna’s contribution to the Bolshoi’s treasury is, of course, invaluable: there were not so many performers of the mezzo and contralt repertoire, such bright artistic personalities, on its illustrious stage as she was.

Today Sinyavskaya is a teacher, nurturing young people, an organizer vocal competitions, a man of art who does a lot for development classical music in our country.

“I would like to finally say about the irreplaceable quality of Tamara’s character. This is sociability, the ability to face failure with a smile, and then with all seriousness, somehow imperceptibly for everyone, to fight it. For several years in a row, Tamara Sinyavskaya was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization opera troupe Bolshoi Theater, was a delegate to the XV Komsomol Congress. In general, Tamara Sinyavskaya is very alive, interesting person, likes to joke and argue. And how funny she is about the superstitions to which actors are subconsciously, half-jokingly, half-seriously subject. So, in Belgium, at a competition she suddenly gets number thirteen. It is known that this number is “unlucky”. And hardly anyone would be happy about him. And Tamara laughs. “Nothing,” she says, “this number will be happy for me.” And what do you think? The singer turned out to be right. Grand Prix and gold medal brought her her thirteenth number. Her first solo concert was on Monday! Also according to signs, a difficult day. That's bad luck! And she lives in an apartment on the thirteenth floor... But Tamara does not believe in omens. She believes in her lucky star, believes in her talent, believes in her strength. Through constant work and perseverance he wins his place in art. "

One of the minor planets is named after her 4981 Sinyavskaya solar system, known to astronomers under the code 1974 VS.

If beautiful voices were sold in supermarkets, they would have many buyers. It’s a pity that they haven’t thought of this yet,” Marlene Dietrich once said. But even if they had thought of it, it would be impossible to buy such an amazing voice as the People’s Artist of the USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya for any money. A native Muscovite, she Since childhood, she was endowed with special grace and early felt a calling to the stage. creative path began at the age of six, when the girl was accepted into the dance (!) group of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers, led by Vladimir Loktev. Later, Tamara Sinyavskaya joined the choir of this ensemble and graduated School of Music at the Moscow Conservatory, and then GITIS in the singing class. While still a student - a rare occurrence - she attracted attention and was invited to Grand Theatre, became a soloist. The singer gained great fame after impressive victories at international vocal competitions in Bulgaria, Belgium and at the IV International Competition named after. Tchaikovsky (the weight of this gold medal increases greatly if we remember that the jury then included Maria Callas and Tito Gobbi). An internship at Milan's La Scala theater gave the young artist a lot to understand the secrets of bel canto. Rare in beauty voice - mezzo-soprano with contralto capabilities, allowed Tamara Sinyavskaya to shine in many roles in the Russian and foreign opera repertoire: Ratmir and Vanya, Olga and Marina Mnishek, Lyubasha and Marfa, Laura and Konchakovna, Carmen and Azucena…. The singer has also gained great popularity from her extensive concert activities, in which she performs not only opera arias and classical romances, but also Russian folk songs, often performs with her famous husband Muslim Magomayev.


In 1972 she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber musical theater under the direction of B. Pokrovsky “Not only love” by R. Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). 1973-74 - completed an internship at the La Scala theater in Milan. He performs a lot abroad. Participant music festival"Varna Summer" (Bulgaria). Performed in plays opera houses France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some roles from Sinyavskaya’s extensive repertoire were performed abroad for the first time: Lel in “The Snow Maiden” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (Il Trovatore) and Ulrika (Un ballo in maschera) in the operas of G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France with great success sang the works of R. Wagner, in the Vienna State Opera was a participant in the production of the opera "War and Peace" by S. Prokofiev (part of Akhrosimova).

Leads an extensive concert activities, With solo concerts performed in the largest concert halls in Russia and abroad, including the BZK, Concert hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). IN concert repertoire singers the most complex works S. Prokofiev, P. Tchaikovsky, "Spanish Cycle" by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works of old masters accompanied by organ. She performs interestingly in the genre of vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She collaborated fruitfully with Evgeny Svetlanov, performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.


In 1968 she won the I Prize IX International Festival youth and students in Sofia.

In 1969, at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium), she received the Grand Prix and a special prize for best performance romance.

In 1970 she received 1st prize IV International competition named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and became a laureate of the Moscow Komsomol Prize.

In 1971 she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1973 she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR".

In 1976 - the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

In 1980 she received the Order of the Badge of Honor.

In 1982 she was awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR".

In 2001 she was awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2004, she became a laureate of the Irina Arkhipova Foundation Prize and was awarded the Order of Lomonosov, 1st degree.

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Tamara Ilyinichna, do you happen to drink Azerbaijani tea? Or the wife of singer Muslim Magomayev, in principle, cannot drink any other drink?

Tamara Sinyavskaya: This is, of course, a coincidence. At one time, when all sorts of additives appeared, we mixed everything into tea, mixed it... At first it was very tasty and interesting. And then time put everything in its place, I wanted a natural taste. Muscovites all remember the “Indian elephant”, “Ceylon tea”, but, unfortunately, they have disappeared somewhere.

But now natural Azerbaijani tea has appeared, which I settled on and which I recommend to everyone, I really like it. Look what a beautiful color! Like ancient cognac, or something... And Muslim loved tea very much...

Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomaev, 1994. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Opera singer José Carreras said in an interview: “You can’t even imagine what monsters singers are. My whole life is dedicated to my voice. By and large, my voice is number one in life for me. And all those close to us are already in second to twentieth place.” And in the life of Tamara Sinyavskaya, too, was everything based on the voice?

I would like to. But my upbringing is different, my mother raised me in such a way that you are not the main one on earth. That was it, and I accepted it very easily. Both in the theater and at home. I always remembered that there were people nearby who were more talented, more mature, more intelligent, more perfect. And it was easier for me to live. And I still think so. I am not afraid that the crown that each of us wears (to ourselves) will take and fall. She has already played her role, so there is no point in holding on to her.

Who was the star at home with Muslim Magomayev?

What do you think?

Judging by the way you are wise woman, I think you gave the palm to your husband.

Certainly. I knew his worth well. And then, there was no talking here. So how? A man is a man, how can a woman be in charge next to a man? Even if you really think so, then think to yourself, don’t demonstrate it. On the other hand, I never wanted to be in charge. I was just a woman next to a Man.

Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomaev, 2002. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

- Golden words... But, you must admit, there is rarely a man with whom it is possible to be just a weak woman.

You are absolutely right! Not every man makes you want to be a woman. If I feel that a person is weaker than me in many respects, he is no longer interesting to me. What I needed was not to look up... But I knew that I could raise my eyes to the sky - and I would see it.

Do you dream about Muslim Magometovich?

Every day. Sometimes - unfortunately... Because when I wake up, it’s very hard for me. I get up, and it seems that now Muslim will ask to pour some coffee... He was an amazing person, so he was not only loved, but also respected...

On stage and in life

After the passing of Muslim Magomayev, what do you do in your everyday life?

I used to have weekdays busy with my favorite job, and holidays with my beloved family. Now all I have left is workdays. They consist of trips to the institute where I teach and head the vocal department.

Tamara Ilyinichna, you are still amazingly beautiful, charming, bright woman. It is clear that a million men are courting you to this day...

I have never seen anyone except Muslim. Yes, I was not interested in whether other men were courting me or not. They are respectful - yes. And I didn’t need any other relationship.

Tamara Sinyavskaya, 1986. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

— Many dramatic artists admitted that if the relationship with a stage partner is bad in life, then it is very difficult to play a love scene with him. Tell us a little about the opera “cuisine”. For example, if your partner was purely humanly unattractive to you, is it difficult to sing a declaration of “love” to him?

I can't say "hard". The singer follows the lead of his voice. When he sings and he needs to take B-flat ahead, he will remember this, and not about whether he loves his partner or not. The voice has little dependence on this. But if the weather has changed - that’s it, the voice may sound a little different.

Although in principle it is desirable that the partners at least sympathize with each other. It is very difficult to sing with a person who is unpleasant to you in life. But everything happened. And then I pushed myself, came up with a lot of good things about my partner, looked for this in him... This is professionalism.

The continuity of generations

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about how today’s creative youth think only about money and fame, which are more important to them than art... What are your students like? How are you different from the youth of your generation?

When they come, I feel how much they have not yet opened their eyes to this life. They see it, firstly, through a television box, and secondly, through the Internet. As for art, students see only the surface of the iceberg, which is called “the creation of a person, an artist, an intellectual.” It is my duty as a teacher to teach them this. I am so pleased when my students begin to succeed at something. I spend a lot of time with them. I'm often tired, to be honest. Because the first results of the work and effort you put in do not appear immediately. Not in a year, not in two, not in three. And by the end of the 4th year, everyone, like a carbon copy, begins to figure it out. Therefore, even in five years of study it is impossible to “fit in,” but here they took away from us whole year study. Maybe acting can still be taught in such a period of time, but it’s unlikely. Then, in the course of life, people will gain dramatic skill if a master remains next to them and venerable, already experienced artists work. But singers are a completely different matter. Only at the end of the 4th year does the singer suddenly begin to become familiar with his body.

If they came to the institute after college (they used to be called schools), having learned at least the basics there. Then it would be reasonable to improve their skills and develop their skills for five or even four years. But we hire very young people...

Tamara Sinyavskaya, 1987. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Makarov

The voice is formed no earlier than 17 years old, and only in girls. And for some young men, their voices generally mature at the age of 21-22. This is a mutation, their larynx changes, their whole physics changes. If this person has a gift from above, then his voice needs to be closely monitored. And teachers should do this. But if a whole year of teaching is taken away from them, then it is very difficult to do this...

I myself had wonderful teachers to whom I am grateful all my life. I was raised wonderfully, I received a good education at the music school at the conservatory, then graduated practically as an external student at GITIS. I was, of course, a visiting student there, because I was already working at the Bolshoi Theater. All creative life, all the searches and works of the troupe - everything was before my eyes. I saw how artists live, what they breathe. Their whole life took place at the Bolshoi Theater. Everything else was like behind glass, like something unreal...

Theater masters say that every young artist needs his own approach. With some you can only achieve results with praise, but with others you need to shout at him, and only then does he begin to move.

Yes, an experienced master knows who to shout at and who to stroke. It's the same in my class. You can say to someone: “Sorry, dear, but you are a fool.” But we need to choose the intonation so that she doesn’t leave and her wings don’t droop and the girl doesn’t look into the vocal class again...

— What kind of teachers did you have? Admit it, did you scold Sinyavskaya?

Unfortunately, everyone liked my singing. And I wanted to be scolded. I wanted to get advice from my teachers, and they: “Oh, how good, oh, how beautiful!” I missed criticism. So I started looking for a teacher. And I found it in this very GITIS, where I now teach. It was Dora Borisovna Belyavskaya - a professor known throughout Moscow and in general throughout Soviet Union. Because it had national personnel, as it was called then. Girls from different republics studied with her. When I sang to her, she looked at me so carefully... I told her: “I just ask you very much: do not praise me.” And when she told me: “Why praise you, you have shortcomings,” I replied: “Well, that’s it, I’ve come to where I need to be.” (Laughs.) I always liked to be given difficult tasks.

With the famous singer of the Bolshoi Theater, widow of Muslim Magomayev Tamara Sinyavskaya we met at GITIS, where Tamara Ilyinichna heads the vocal department...

Tamara Sinyavskaya. Born in 1943 in Moscow. Opera singer, winner of international competitions, teacher. From 1964 to 2003 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Widow people's artist USSR Muslim Magomayev.

"Give me my doll"

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Tamara Ilyinichna, you once toured all over the world and the Union. If you and your student singers were invited to perform in Kyiv now, would you go?

I don't think so. To hear some word after?.. Who is waiting for me there? You know, this is approximately the same as the relationship between a man and a woman. If you are desired, go. And if you are unwanted, why are you going to him? (Pause.) Probably, if I had spoken there, I would either have been condemned for my views in the press, or they would have said: “Let’s live together”... Everything that is happening now looks like a scandal in a common kitchen, where they share pots and burners... Why even swear at the whole world? For me personally this is very low level...People think two lives will be lived? My friends, remember, there is Love, Art, there are Feelings... We are native peoples! At first, because of the news about Ukraine, I did not sleep - my heart was pounding... I lived my adult life in the Soviet Union, it never occurred to me that Ukraine was a “neighboring state”...

Singer Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya receives first prize at the IV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. June 2-25, 1970. Photo: RIA Novosti / Oleg Makarov

- And some Ukrainian politicians believe that America is closer to them than Russia...

Every person has the right to their opinion. And also the right to have brains. Well, talk to yourself, what is better for you - to be friends with your eternal nearest neighbor or with distant America? For God's sake, if you like the way so much American life- take a visa, a ticket and go, your homeland will be there. I don’t really understand what kind of spiritual relationship with America they are talking about?!

But looking at today's confrontation between the former Soviet republics, doubts involuntarily arise about the former friendship of peoples... Was there such a thing?

- (With pressure.) It was! I remember government concerts at the Palace of Congresses. It was a real parade of arts from all 15 republics. Moldova - Maria Biesu. Estonia - Georg Ots. Ukraine - Dmitro Gnatyuk,Yuri Gulyaev,Anatoly Solovyanenko,Evgenia Miroshnichenko. Azerbaijan-jan - can you guess who it was? (Muslim Magomaev. - Ed.) Lithuania - Virgilius Noreika. And, of course, the Bolshoi Theater exhibited all its most powerful clips: Tamara Milashkina, Evgeniy Nesterenko, Vladimir Atlantov, Elena Obraztsova,Yuri Mazurok, and your humble servant. We artists were friends with each other, we admired each other. For example, Virgilius came from Lithuania - and why didn’t he call? (Speaks with a Lithuanian accent.) “Muslim, I’m here in Moscow, maybe we can meet?” How else? Friendship at the level of art has no limits. Or, let’s say, I come to Kyiv and I know that I have a lot of friends there and many of them will come to my performance. As a rule, at the end of a solo concert I sing a song in the language of the country in which I am touring. Naturally, she sang in Ukrainian. The next day the newspapers wrote: “She’s Ukrainian, she’s just hiding it.” I must say that I loved Ukraine very much, and I still love it... By the way, all of Ukraine adored Muslim!

Participants of the charity evening "Premiere Premiere" People's Artist of the USSR Ekaterina Maksimova, People's Artist of the RSFSR Tamara Sinyavskaya, People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Spivakov on the stage of the State cinema and concert hall"Russia". 1987 Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Makarov

We didn’t even think about nationalities back then! To be honest, I don’t think about them even now... I married Muslim Magomayev out of great love and with endless admiration for the man whom the Lord God so generously gifted. The more time passes, the more I feel it. Indeed, if you like a person, if you literally “drink” him, are you going to think about how much blood flows in him? Never in my life! Apparently, we were raised that way. (Sings.) Back in 1957, I heard a wonderful song - it was the anthem of democratic youth, which sounded on all the streets of Moscow during the First Moscow Festival of Youth and Students. "Children different nations, we live the dream of peace, in these terrible years We are going to fight for happiness...” Of course, this is a song from childhood...

“We were proud of the USSR”

Elena Obraztsova said with great pain: today’s singers, having studied in Russia, travel all over the world...

I completely agree with Elena Vasilyevna, may she rest in heaven. At one time, we were raised to love our home, our homeland, without being shy about this word! Yes, we went on tour. Yes, you have a home, and you can go “visiting” as much as you like. And if you don’t have a home, who are you? Eternal nomad! Eternal pilgrim. When going abroad on tour, I always knew who I was. And who do I represent? (Raises his voice.) And if anyone tries to say something bad about my country in front of me! In some inexplicable way, I immediately became a human tribune! And I proved that I was right by being on stage. And those people who 15 minutes ago were skeptically grimacing: “Oh, the Soviet Union,” clapped for me! Note - I’m not them! That was the task. We were proud of our Motherland! And they didn’t just sing at international competitions, but they won the honor of their country!

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR Tamara Sinyavskaya and her husband, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev during a performance at a concert. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko Unfortunately, now I mentally cannot grasp a single singer or singer for whom Russia, as they say, would be the “main place of work,” a base. It turns out that you are a “dear guest” both abroad and at home. And how to understand this?.. I am extremely sensitive to the fact that now many people allow themselves to say whatever they want about Russia. (Sighs.) Doesn't this mean that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you are spitting in your own face?! And just as I loved my Motherland, I will love it to the end. And do you know when I physically felt it? On TV they showed Putin’s first meeting with the current Crimean leadership... This event stirred up all my childhood memories, when the Loktev Pioneer Ensemble sent me as an incentive to Artek in the winter, I studied at school there... Then Crimea was still in the lineup Russian Federation... I got goosebumps from the thought that Crimea is returning! Mura-a-ashki! There is only one explanation: I am a native Russian person. And in this sense, I have a great gut. (Laughs.)

Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomaev Photo: www.russianlook.com

"We're all running, we're running"

Tamara Ilyinichna, looking at today’s performers, the question arises: where are the blocks? Why aren’t personalities on the level of Muslim Magomayev born?

It's not just about the voice. Of course, there are young, vocal guys. But! We are always running, running somewhere... We don’t even have time to look back. For example, some wonderful voice appeared - do you think it will be shown on TV a second time? No! Let's move on! We are looking for new ones, making them stars in quotes. These “stars” flash twice on the screen and either fade away or tour around the country... And with Muslim, I think, there is no need to even compare... He was noted by the Lord God. And this is my firm belief. Until the very last day his stay on this earth aroused interest in himself. Without doing anything for it. Just once and for all capturing you with your talent.

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna

Singer (mezzo-soprano).
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/24/1973).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (05/25/1976).
People's Artist of the USSR (04/30/1982).
People's Artist of Azerbaijan (2002).

She began to study singing in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers under the direction of V. Loktev.
In 1964 she graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, in 1970 she graduated from GITIS in the singing class of D. B. Belyavskaya.
In 1964-2003 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
In 1973-1974 she trained at the La Scala theater (Milan).

In 1972, she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of B. A. Pokrovsky “Not Only Love” by R. K. Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). Participant of the Varna Summer music festival (Bulgaria).
She has performed in performances at opera houses in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some parts from Sinyavskaya’s extensive repertoire were performed abroad for the first time: Lel in “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (“Il Trovatore”) and Ulrika (“Un ballo in maschera”) in the operas of G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France she sang the works of R. Wagner with great success, and at the Vienna State Opera she took part in the production of the opera “War and Peace” by S. S. Prokofiev (as Akhrosimova).

She conducts extensive concert activities and has performed solo concerts in major concert halls in Russia and abroad, including Great hall Moscow Conservatory, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). The singer's concert repertoire includes the most complex works by S. S. Prokofiev, P. I. Tchaikovsky, the “Spanish Cycle” by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works of old masters accompanied by an organ. She performed interestingly in the genre of vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She collaborated fruitfully with E. F. Svetlanov and performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.

Teaches at the Faculty of Musical Theater at RATI - GITIS.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 11th convocation (1984-1989).
One of the minor planets of the Solar System, known to astronomers under the code 1974 VS, is named after Sinyavskaya - 4981 Sinyavskaya.
Honored Worker musical art (International Union musical figures, 2016) - for special personal merits in the study, preservation, development and popularization of Russian artistic culture and art.

Wife of People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev (1942-2008).

theatrical works

Page (Rigoletto by G. Verdi)
Dunyasha, Lyubasha (“ The Tsar's Bride"N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Olga (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky)
Flora (La Traviata by G. Verdi)
Natasha, Countess (“October” by V. Muradeli)
Gypsy Matresha, Mavra Kuzminichna, Sonya, Helen Bezukhova (“War and Peace” by S. Prokofiev)
Ratmir (Ruslan and Lyudmila by M. Glinka)
Oberon (A Midsummer Night's Dream by B. Britten)
Konchakovna (“Prince Igor” by A. Borodin)
Pauline (" Queen of Spades"P. Tchaikovsky)
Alkonost (“The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Kat (“Cio-Cio-san” by G. Puccini)
Fyodor (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Vanya (Ivan Susanin by M. Glinka)
The Commissioner's Wife (The Unknown Soldier by K. Molchanov)
Commissioner (“Optimistic Tragedy” by A. Kholminov)
Frosya (Semyon Kotko by S. Prokofiev)
Nadezhda (“The Pskov Woman” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Lyubava (Sadko by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Marina Mnishek (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Mademoiselle Blanche (“The Gambler” by S. Prokofiev) - the first performer in Russia
Zhenya Komelkova (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by K. Molchanov)
Princess (“Rusalka” by A. Dargomyzhsky)
Laura (" Stone Guest"A. Dargomyzhsky)
Carmen (Carmen by J. Bizet)
Ulrika (Un ballo in maschera by G. Verdi)
Marfa (Khovanshchina by M. Mussorgsky)
Azucena (Il Trovatore by G. Verdi)
Claudia (“The Tale of a Real Man” by S. Prokofiev)
Morena (Mlada by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Lyubasha (“The Tsar’s Bride” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

prizes and awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 15, 2006).
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971).
Order of the Badge of Honor (1980).
Order of Honor (March 22, 2001).
Order of Glory (Azerbaijan, July 5, 2003).
Order of Lomonosov, 1st degree (ABOP, 2004).
Order of Honor of Peter the Great (2005).
Order of Friendship (Azerbaijan, July 6, 2013).
1st prize at the IX International Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (1968).
Grand Prix and special award for the best performance of a romance at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium, 1969)
1st prize at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition. (1970).
Moscow Komsomol Prize (1970).
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1980).
Prize from the Irina Arkhipova Foundation (2004).
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation 2013 in the field of culture (2013) - for the creation of the Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Foundation.
Order of Honor (Azerbaijan, 2018) - for many years of fruitful activity in strengthening Russian-Azerbaijani cultural ties.

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