TV presenter Irina Muromtseva, where is her personal life now? Irina Muromtsev: biography, personal life. – The ideal holiday for you is...

Irina Muromtseva was born on February 11, 1978 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) into a military family. Due to regular forced moves due to her father’s difficult profession, she graduated from school in Bryansk. WITH early childhood a sociable and versatile girl, keeping pace with the romantic wave of youth, dreamed of becoming famous actress surrounded by many fans. In her fantasies, people recognized her on the street, constantly interested in the biography, personal life and photos of Irina Muromtseva.

But the parents did not support their daughter’s fantastic illusions, predicting a completely different future for her. They believed that it was necessary to get a profession that could definitely provide for a girl without relying on fame and frequently changing fashion trends. Therefore, they channeled her efforts into humanitarian efforts to make sure that her daughter would never be left without a livelihood.

Therefore, after graduating from school and being an obedient, flexible girl, Irina listened to the opinion of the older generation and entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism in Voronezh. But, despite the fact that childhood ended long ago and the girl’s romantic vision diminished, she still dreamed of a career in the capital of Russia. Therefore, listening to the impulses of her heart, Irina transferred to Moscow in her third year of study. This decision changed her destiny and helped her realize her childhood dreams.

Capital Television

Having chosen the capital as her place of residence, Irina Muromtseva decided new round in his biography and personal life. Crazy, dynamic Moscow with its powerful life rhythms and energy amazed and won the heart of the young journalist. Arriving in such a large and constantly pulsating city, Irina realized that the doors to a fabulous future would not open before her until she herself created a star worthy of the attention of the general public. The girl knew that she needed to achieve a lot in her studies and build her own life. Therefore, she worked on herself for many years, independently forming the personality she was seen to be in the future.

Irina Muromtseva: photo

Ambitious, purposeful Irina clearly knew her goals in life and purposefully walked towards their implementation. After just two years of living in Moscow, Muromtseva became a presenter at a radio station, honing her skills and gaining professional skills. And after a short time, she managed to pass the competition among many other applicants for the vacancy of an NTV channel presenter in the Segodnychko information program.

Despite the desire to gain popularity and be remembered by the general public, working on camera was not so easy for Irina. But over time, she adapted to her new responsibilities and got used to the illumination of many spotlights. Noticing something fresh and Beautiful face, shining with incredible charm, Irina was invited to the “Old TV” program, where Lev Novozhenov acted as the main presenter.

As a presenter in the show “Morning of Russia”

The responsibilities of the new TV presenter included creating interesting story sketches about famous people XXI century, which influenced the course of history. The work seemed so intriguing and exciting to Irina Muromtseva that she completely devoted herself to collecting information about biographies, processing photos and creating most interesting materials about the family and personal lives of other people.

New millennium

With the beginning of the new century, marked by the year 2000, the career of a television journalist took off sharply. Irina decided to test herself as a producer in the new project “Hero of the Day,” created together with Andrei Norkin and Marianna Maksimovskaya. The work was not easy, since Irina had to prove herself as a wonderful diplomat who knows how to negotiate filming even with those people who are absolutely not in the mood for an interview. But, despite the difficulties encountered in terms of negotiations with famous personalities, Irina successfully coped with the task assigned to her. She even managed to invite the world to the filming of the program. famous star– Jackie Chan, who came to Moscow for a day on personal business.

Irina Muromtseva host of the program “Hero of the Day”

Irina Muromtseva – Strong woman With amazing biography, managed to arrange her personal life in parallel with her career, where there was a place for family and children. Having gone into a small maternity leave to give birth and raise a child, famous TV presenter soon returned to duty. But in her absence, the program “Hero of the Day” was closed, and the young mother had to look for new opportunities to continue her career as a journalist and presenter.

In 2001, finding herself in a situation where she did not have a job due to a lack of places on TV, Muromtseva had a difficult time. At first, Irina Muromtseva worked as a radio journalist, where she anchored the morning news and successfully promoted to the masses a program that revealed the world ethnic music on Radio Liberty. But a year later, as soon as the opportunity arose to return to television, the girl hurried to the NTV channel as a news anchor.

A new round of career

Returning to the usual place and plunging into my native and familiar environment television programs, Muromtseva, who began her work with the “Today” program with Kirill Pozdnyakov and at the same time working in the “Country and World” project on the NTV channel, was able to try herself in different roles and master new professions. During this year, Irina was both a writer and a production editor, and even tried herself as a producer of information programs covering topics of culture and education, scientific research and innovation in technology.

While participating in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

But, despite her considerable experience in working on camera, Irina was still not comfortable participating in filming. To rid herself of timidity and fear of the camera and the light, the ambitious journalist enrolled in television skills courses. Regularly attending classes with tutors, Muromtseva was able to overcome her fears and learned the intricacies of television art.

The TV presenter's skills, honed to perfection, helped Irina Muromtseva get a new job - at federal channel“Russia”, where she began her career as the host of the “Vesti” program. After some time, thanks to her ability to work “on camera,” she was transferred to “Morning of Russia,” where the presenter felt “at ease.” In a warm and pleasant atmosphere, where a well-coordinated team of professionals gathered, Irina worked until 2013.

Irina Muromtseva famous TV presenter

Having again gone on a short maternity leave lasting six months, the presenter returned to work in the same program, where she worked for exactly another year - from May 2013 to December 2014. It was during this period of time that Irina was invited to Channel One, where she was offered to be not only leading most interesting program, but also a producer. Muromtseva could not refuse such a tempting offer, becoming the host of the program “Park of Culture named after Rest”, where every Sunday she analyzes the events of the week and sums up the results together with the celebrities invited to visit. Another project that the presenter runs in parallel is called “Guests on Sundays.”

Combining work and family

Irina Muromtseva, like many famous people who have chosen the profession of journalist and presenter, does not like to delve into the details of her life, telling the general public about her successes and disappointments in life. love front. Therefore, almost nothing is known about Irina’s first husband, except that the marriage was very short-lived, and her ex-husband is a successful entrepreneur. And in 2001, the TV presenter gave birth to her first child, whom the girl raised on her own, without the help of her biological father.

Irina with her husband and youngest daughter

Irina Muromtseva, her biography and personal life changed dramatically in 2012, when she had new husband. Having married music producer Maxima Volkova, she was finally able to feel herself a real woman, which, if necessary, can lean on a firm and confident male shoulder.

After a year of marriage, in March 2012, the TV presenter gave birth to Maxim’s daughter Alexandra. Irina Muromtseva, a woman with an amazing biography and love for her career, sought to hide her personal life from the general public, and only a few years later she began posting photos of children on her blog. Until this moment, the presenter tried not to advertise not only her marriage, but even her pregnancy, working in the program until the very last moment.

Russian TV presenter, journalist, director and producer. She is known for her work on the Russia 1 channel and Channel One.

Irina Muromtseva. Biography

Irina Muromtseva born on February 11, 1978 in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) in a military family. After graduating from school, she wanted to fulfill her dream - to enter a Moscow university, but her parents insisted that in such a way big city It’s dangerous to live alone, so in 1996 Irina entered the Faculty of Journalism at Voronezh State University. However, Irina Muromtseva did not give up her dream of conquering Moscow, and after a couple of years she began broadcasting a news program on one of the capital’s radio stations.

“Moscow captivated me in in a good way this word. She captivated me with her energy and her capabilities. But, on the other hand, Moscow is like a stepmother. She seems to be kind to you, but at the same time, step-brother. Therefore, she does not allow you to relax, and this spurs you on. But if Moscow hadn’t been what it is, I wouldn’t have become who I am now either.”

The creative path of Irina Muromtseva

In 1999, Irina Muromtseva transferred to distance learning and went to work on television, where she began her creative path on the NTV channel as a correspondent for the information and journalistic program “ Today" Her next work is documentary stories in one of the most interesting programs about cinema called “ Old TV", which was dedicated to events or personalities that one way or another entered the history of Soviet cinema and television.

Within a year Irina Muromtseva decides to become a producer and works on news programs " Voice of the People" And " Hero of the day"together with Svetlana Sorokina, Andrei Norkin and Marianna Maksimovskaya. To capture the viewer's attention and raise the ratings of the programs, they did everything possible to make the programs interesting - they arranged interviews with the most inaccessible public figures, sifted through tons of information to find out what interests the public now. They managed to persuade even Hollywood actor Jackie Chan, who secretly flew to Moscow on business for just one day.

In the early 2000s, when the NTV channel was in a fever and programs were closed one after another, Irina Muromtseva was on maternity leave. Before leaving it, she tried herself as a radio presenter at the station " Liberty“, but realized that TV attracted her much more.

...Thanks to the child, I survived all the unpleasant events on the channel somehow completely painlessly. I remember all these ugly feuds, when some left the Ostankino building, others remained on the channel, and I watched all this on TV. I was lucky that I didn’t have to choose one camp or another. Besides, I was still a very young journalist at that time, and it would have been difficult for me to make a choice.

In 2002, Irina Muromtseva returned from maternity leave and decided to start doing news broadcasts, having been a writer, a production editor, and even a producer.

For two years, I tried all the hypostases, except leading. While working as a correspondent, I noticed that at the time of recording a stand-up (part of a report when a journalist appears in the frame), I was very afraid of the camera. I'm clenching! I understand that the only way overcome this fear - try yourself as a news anchor.

Irina Muromtseva She approached the profession of presenter very seriously, took lessons in speech techniques and attended television skills courses that were conducted by the Ostankino School of Television, and eventually moved to the federal TV channel “Russia” in the program “Vesti”.

...Many girls use this profession to solve their personal needs, as a rule, trying to get noticed and successfully marry an oligarch. I have never set such a goal for myself. I just wanted self-expression. And since I am not shy about publicity and the attention of spectators and feel comfortable in public, I realized that this is the area in which I need to develop.

From " News» Irina Muromtseva moved to the information program “Good Morning”. In her opinion, she found her calling there.

On May 20, 2013, Irina Muromtseva returned to the Rossiya channel after maternity leave and began hosting the Good Morning program.

At the end of November 2014 it became known that Irina Muromtseva left the TV channel “Russia 1” and, accordingly, the program “Morning of Russia”. Numerous fans of the presenter were upset that they would no longer see their favorite on television. However, information soon arrived that Muromtseva back in the summer of 2014, very tempting offer from the head of Channel One Konstantin Ernst.

Irina Muromtseva: “The management of Channel One made me an offer to become not just a presenter, but also a producer of a new Sunday project... An incident decided everything: at the TEFI award ceremony I crossed paths with Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. He made me an offer to produce and host new program on Channel One."

Every Sunday in the Channel One program “Park of Culture named after Recreation” Irina Muromtseva and the guests in the studio summed up the results of the past week, but the news was presented not in the usual dry analytical way, but in a light form.

The premiere of the program “Park of Culture named after Rest”, hosted and produced by Muromtseva, took place in the winter of 2015.

Also in 2015, the program “Guests on Sundays” was released on Channel One, where Irina Muromtseva became the leader. Later she returned to Channel One’s “Good Morning” program.

In the winter of 2019, Irina Muromtseva and the actor became the hosts of the show "". In an entertainment television project Russian stars show business, music, sports or television, far from cinema, tried their hand at acting. Twelve participants in the program were transformed into heroes of legendary Soviet films.

Irina Muromtseva about the show “ the main role“And working in it with Pavel Priluchny: “Never in my life could I imagine that I would have a project where I would sing and dance. For me, as for all the other participants, this project became a challenge - to do something that I had never undertaken before, to step over the internal barrier of “I can’t do this.” With my co-host Pavel Priluchny we had a lot of songs and dances from different films: “Office Romance”, “12 Chairs”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”, “ Caucasian captive"and others. It seems to me that if I started working in cinema and Pasha was my partner, I’m sure I would have successfully “started”, because it’s very easy with him, he helps amazingly. And in general Priluchny is a good guy.”

Irina Muromtseva. Personal life

Almost nothing is known about the first husband of TV presenter Irina Muromtseva, except that he is a businessman. In this marriage, in 2001, Irina gave birth to a daughter, Lyuba. For a long time Muromtseva raised her daughter on her own.

In the fall of 2012, Irina Muromtseva got married for the second time. Music producer Maxim Volkov became Irina’s husband. In March 2013, Irina and Maxim had a daughter, Sasha.

The TV presenter hid her pregnancy for a long time and worked on the set almost until she gave birth.

Irina Viktorovna Muromtseva(born February 11, 1978, Leningrad) - Russian journalist, producer and director, TV presenter.


She was born on February 11, 1978 in Leningrad in the family of a military man (some sites indicate the date of birth as October 13, 1975).

She graduated from high school in Bryansk.

In 2001 she graduated (in absentia) from the journalism department of Voronezh State University.


IN student years worked at the radio stations “Radio Rocks”, “Open Radio” and “Europe Plus Bryansk”.

My television career started in 1999 as a correspondent for the Segodnychko program, aired on the NTV channel. Next place her work was another program by Lev Novozhenov on the same TV channel - “Old TV”, where Irina made story sketches about famous people of the past who changed the course of history.

Since 2000, after Svetlana Sorokina left for the “Voice of the People” program, she has been the producer of the nightly talk program “Hero of the Day” (hosts: Marianna Maksimovskaya and Andrei Norkin). Among Irina’s stories is an interview with Jackie Chan for “Hero of the Day” (in 2000, the actor secretly flew to Moscow for one day).

In 2001, she worked in the morning news on Radio Liberty. I also made a program about ethnic music there.

Since 2002, she has worked in the “Today” programs with Kirill Pozdnyakov and “Country and World” on NTV (writer, production editor, producer of information programs). Muromtseva's main topics as a news producer were culture, education, science, advanced technologies and achievements.

In 2006, she worked for a short time as the host of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel.

From 2006 to November 2014, she was a permanent presenter of the TV show “Morning of Russia” (TV channel “Russia”), paired with Andrei Petrov, and later with Vladislav Zavyalov.

At the end of 2014, she decided to move to Channel One, where she began working on own project“Park of Culture named after Rest” (later - “Park”) in which she was both a producer and a presenter (together with Nikolai Fomenko and Alexey Pivovarov).

From November 29, 2015 to June 26, 2016 - talk show host“Guests on Sundays” on Channel One.


First marriage: husband - businessman; daughter Lyubov (born 2001).

Since the fall of 2012, she has been married to music producer Maxim Volkov; On March 7, 2013, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra.

  • Irina dreamed of entering VGIK.
  • Muromtseva took part (paired with Artyom Mikhalkov) in the show “Dancing with the Stars” (2011).

Irina Muromtseva

Irina Viktorovna Muromtseva. Born on February 11, 1978 in Leningrad. Russian journalist, producer, director, TV presenter.

She graduated from high school in Bryansk.

“My girlhood dreams were never connected with television.

Irina Muromtsev: biography, personal life

My friends and I often watched films like this famous directors, like Bernardo Bertolucci, Federico Fellini, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, and then I was much more attracted to the world of cinema. But by the age of 18, when the time came to choose, I already had some experience as a radio presenter and decided that I needed to go further in this direction, and entered the Faculty of Journalism at Voronezh State University"- said Irina.

In 2001 she graduated (in absentia) from the journalism department of Voronezh State University.

During her student years she worked at the radio stations “Radio Rocks”, “Open Radio” and “Europe Plus Bryansk”.

She began her television career in 1999 as a correspondent for the Segodnyachko program, aired on the NTV channel.

Her next place of work was another program by Lev Novozhenov on the same TV channel - “Old TV”, where Irina made story sketches about famous people of the past who changed the course of history.

Since 2000, after Svetlana Sorokina left for the Voice of the People program, she has been the producer of the nightly talk program Hero of the Day. Among Irina’s stories is an interview with Jackie Chan for “Hero of the Day” (in 2000, the actor secretly flew to Moscow for one day).

In 2001, she worked in the morning news on Radio Liberty. I also made a program about ethnic music there.

Since 2002, she has worked in the “Today” programs with Kirill Pozdnyakov and “Country and World” on NTV (writer, production editor, producer of information programs). Muromtseva's main topics as a news producer were culture, education, science, advanced technologies and achievements.

In 2006, she worked for a short time as the host of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel.

From 2006 to November 2014, she was a permanent presenter of the TV show “Morning of Russia” (TV channel “Russia”), paired with Andrei Petrov, and later with Vladislav Zavyalov.

At the end of 2014, she decided to move to Channel One, where she began working on her own project, “Park of Culture named after Rest” (later “Park”), in which she is both a producer and a presenter (together with Nikolai Fomenko and Alexey Pivovarov) .

In 2011, together with Artyom Mikhalkov, she participated in the show “Dancing with the Stars”.

Irina Muromtseva in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

She considers American presenter Oprah Winfrey to be her idol.

Favorite book is “Matilda” by R. Dahl and “Conversations with the Dalai Lama about life, money and politics.”

Favorite film is “Spring” by Grigory Alexandrov.

Irina was offered many times to act in films, but she refused: “People often ask me why I am “so characterful” and at the same time refuse to act in films. But I honestly admit that I have never studied this profession, so I will not portray anything Sometimes you read next to worthwhile names movie legends and just a sweet girl, and both are signed as actresses. And if you offer a choice, they will choose a legend. People feel fake, but I don’t want to be fake!” she says.

Irina Muromtseva's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Muromtseva:

As Irina said, in her youth she was in a relationship with married man and received a bitter experience from this novel: “When I was 17 years old, I started dating a married man. Secretly from my mother, of course. If I could tell my mother... I wouldn’t be in so much pain after a year and a half. This could not but affect her character and relationships with men. If an adult had taken me under protection, everything could have been different.”

From his first marriage to a businessman, he has a daughter, Lyuba (born in 2001).

Irina Muromtseva and daughter Lyuba (2001)

In 2012, she married for the second time - to music producer Maxim Volkov. On March 7, 2013, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra.

Irina Muromtseva and Maxim Volkov

our history

Founded in 2012 by producer Maxim Volkov, the Volkov PRO production center is based on the many years of experience of its director, who since 1998 has established himself as one of the best professionals in the field of organizing major concerts and theatrical performances, large-scale festivals, as well as tours throughout Russia as domestic musical and theatrical groups, as well as the best representatives of foreign culture.

In 15 years professional activity Maxim, as a producer and organizer, has held more than 400 events at central concert and theater venues in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia.

Our partners

Partnerships developed over the years with large concert halls and theater venues, constant work with leading companies in the field technical support give Volkov PRO the opportunity technical equipment sites with equipment of any complexity, which allows amazing shows world level. And long-term partnerships with ticket agencies, knowledge of the advertising and PR market, as well as understanding of the interests and tastes of the Russian audience make Maxim Volkov’s company an indispensable partner and successful organizer of events, tickets for which are sold out quickly and with great pleasure by spectators.

Our successes

Among the most striking events held by Maxim Volkov are tours of the cities of Russia and the CIS by such artists as Jamiroquai, Seal, Ennio Morricone, The Chemical Brothers, Nouvelle Vague, concerts by A.

Irina Muromtseva - biography, information, personal life

Gradsky, S. Rotaru, V. Meladze, “Turetsky Choir”, tribute to A.B. Pugacheva “Songs for Alla”, festival “ Golden Mask», creative evenings Alex Dubas and other writers, actors and artists.

Since its inception, Volkov PRO has sold out the Moscow premiere and tour of Russia of Rezo Gabriadze’s new play, as well as the play “MKAD” produced by Maxim Volkov by Alex Dubas and Mikhail Kozyrev, initiated and performed charity festival"MULTCONCERT", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian animation, organized a tour in Moscow of the world famous Israeli troupe modern dance KibbutzKontemporaryDanceCompany and popular concerts Russian performers, including Alexander Gradsky, Dolphin, the groups Uma2rman and Valentin Strykalo, the art group Soprano 10 and many others.

Irina Muromtseva: After 'Good Morning' - a walk in the 'Park'

The face of Irina Muromtseva has become familiar to TV viewers who are accustomed to starting the morning with the Russia-1 channel. It is not surprising that her disappearance from the screens, which occurred at the end of 2014, raised many questions and speculation. However, everything turned out to be simple: Irina Muromtseva decided to try herself in a new capacity - not only as the host of a program of a new format, but also as a producer.

Irina Muromtseva is a native of St. Petersburg (February 11, 1978), although she is not a resident of this city. Irina’s father was a military man who was forced to change his place of residence due to duty, so she graduated from school in Bryansk. Beautiful and talented girl dreamed of a career as an actress and VGIK, but at the insistence of her parents she began to study journalism at Voronezh University. However, in 1999, Irina transferred to the correspondence department and nevertheless set off to conquer Moscow. At first she was a radio presenter, and over time she decided to try herself on television.

NI. Muromtseva came to work on NTV in the Segodnychko program - first as a correspondent, then as a presenter of individual stories. The next step in Irina’s television career was the audience-favorite documentary program ‘Old TV’, which talked about outstanding events and personalities in the history of Russian cinema and television. A year later, Irina began producing work - together with her colleagues, she participated in the creation of the Voice of the People programs, then Hero of the Day, which talked about the most interesting events and people. In particular

Irina Muromtseva managed to invite the legendary Jackie Chan to the program during his one-day visit to Moscow.

During the radical transformations on NTV, Irina Muromtseva was occupied with other concerns: her daughter Lyubasha was born, and Irina became a very responsible mother (although the TV presenter remains silent about the father of her daughter and whether they were married). However, studying and applying in practice the most advanced methods of child development did not prevent the young mother from conducting news and music programs Radio Liberty. Returning after vacation to channel N

B, Muromtseva saw a change in the format of the usual programs. This forced Irina to change her occupation - she began to specialize in news broadcasts, wrote texts, edited, and was engaged in producing activities. At the same time, she completed television mastery courses at the Ostankino School of Television and seriously worked with speech techniques. In addition, understanding how important good looks and physical form, Irina began regularly visiting a cosmetologist and doing yoga. At the same time, the famous TV presenter claims that the best

The Russian bathhouse is a restorative remedy for her.

In 2006, Muromtseva began collaborating with the federal TV channel Rossiya. At first, she began to host the news program 'Vesti' - the block that was broadcast on Far East. A little later, Irina became the host of the entertainment and information block ‘Good Morning, Russia’ (later ‘Morning of Russia’), and over time she became the face of the morning broadcast. In 2011, Irina, paired with Artem Mikhalkov, took part in Dancing with the Stars. Despite the good level of the pair, achieving high p

They failed to achieve any results - their partner’s leg injury prevented this. In October 2012, Irina married music producer Maxim Volkov, and after some time, viewers began to notice changes in the appearance of the charming TV presenter, which, however, did not spoil her at all. The channel's management was sympathetic to the fact that Muromtseva would become a mother again, and she continued to broadcast until March 6, 2013, when during a recording of an interview with a studio guest, which Irina conducted on the last day before her planned vacation, she felt signs of approx.

awaiting childbirth.

Irina Muromtseva: biography, personal life

Having informed the management, Irina and her husband went to the Center. Kulakova, where her second daughter Sasha was born. The famous TV presenter's vacation did not last long - already at the end of May, TV viewers again saw Irina Muromtseva on the screens, who entrusted the morning care of the baby to her father and grandmother and returned to her favorite job.

In addition to working on television and caring for her family, Muromtseva did not stand aside from social and charitable activities - she was on the board of trustees of the Share the Warmth foundation, participated in

charity company of the Avon brand to fight breast cancer. It would seem that her life and career can be considered prosperous and established. However, in the episode of Morning of Russia, aired on November 27, 2014, another presenter appeared next to Vladislav Zavyalov instead of Irina. A heated discussion began on the channel's website and other online resources - what happened to Irina? Muromtseva was frank. The main reason for her leaving the Russia 1 channel was her reluctance to stay within the usual morning broadcasts and the desire to do something new. Poet

when Konstantin Ernst invited Irina to become a producer and presenter in the new project of Channel One, Irina did not hesitate for long. After several of her proposals made to the management of the Rossiya channel did not receive support, she switched to Channel One and plunged into work. Instead of the established and familiar morning broadcasts, Muromtseva now had to work almost 24 hours a day, creating a program literally from scratch.

Format new program, which has no analogues in the world practice of television, is best described with the words ‘a well-forgotten hundred

oe'. TV viewers are offered an information and entertainment program based on the concept of the long-standing tradition of a Sunday walk in the park with the whole family, the background of which is the park named after. Gorky and the studio located there. This combination positive information, communication with stars of all generations, unique show numbers and much more that will not leave TV viewers of any age indifferent. The first issue of 'Recreation Park' was released on June 7, 2015, and the charming Irina Muromtseva fit very organically into summer landscapes and a lively crowd of visitors

Toys for a child - how many should there be?🤔 ⠀ I can’t say that I had an unhappy childhood, and what’s next - wooden Toys, nailed to the floor❌ We lived modestly, but well.

Irina Muromtseva is outraged by her ex-husband's claims

There were enough dolls and other different interesting things ☝️ (Psychologists simply explain parental toy mania by the lack or low availability of all these joys in childhood). ⠀ Obviously there were fewer of them and not in such abundance as now, but not to such an extent that going into shopping mall, instead of the clothing department, go to the Children's store. I don’t know about you, but I’m going. Or rather, she was walking 🤦🏻‍♂️ ⠀ Parents! Present and future, if it is important to you how satisfied your child will be with the benefits he receives from life, slow down with filling your child with toys!!! something new⭐️ This is where Sasha and I stumbled. Yes, I heard the fact about 10-15 toys, enough for a child to understand what is in the game’s arsenal and what is missing, but you can come up with more by using your imagination🔥 But you know: then mom and dad want to bring something from trip, then my daughter saw the girl’s baby doll in the garden and now she needs the same one. In short, the house is littered with toys, but there is no happiness from them. In a couple of days, the cherished baby doll lies in a box with half-naked barbies, bears and a construction set mixed in 🤷🏻‍♂️ ⠀ With Sasha, we did the following important things: 1. We sorted out what was boring and what was still relevant⭐️ 2. Of the actual ones, we left the cherished 10-15 different toys⭐️ 3 The remaining relevant ones were hidden so that they could be changed later. When it is forgotten, and then appears again, it pleases no less than the new one.⭐️ 4. We buy new things for a reason: a holiday, a reward, a rare but pleasant surprise.⭐️ ⠀ Well, I don’t even set foot in a children’s store now! No matter how long it takes. If I come in, it’s for a specific purpose. And in the case when I don’t know what to buy, I consult with the seller, what interesting and developing things are there for our age!😇 ​​⠀ How are you doing with buying toys? On what basis and reason do you buy new? Put ☹️ if you are among the toy addicts and 🙂 if you have coped with this harmful addiction!

Irina Muromtseva is a talented Russian presenter of the Rossiya TV channel. Ira Muromtseva worked as a radio news presenter, graduated from Voronezh State University, worked on Radio Liberty in the morning news, was a correspondent for the Segodnychko program, and tried herself on the NTV channel as a correspondent.

Height: 162 cm.
City of birth: Voronezh USSR
Date of birth: October 13, 1975

In 2001, Irina Muromtseva completed her studies at the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University.

In recent years, Irina Muromtseva studied there by correspondence, because... in Moscow she already had a job - first on the radio - as a news presenter, then I came to NTV as a correspondent. It was 1999, and Irina Muromtseva worked as a correspondent for the Segodnychko program.

Then I went to the “Old TV” program - old films, actors, directors, screenwriters, cameramen - bright personalities Soviet cinema, and in general the people and events of our country that influenced the course of history. Then it was very interesting for Irina Muromtseva to work in the documentary genre, at least in story sketches.

In 2000, Irina Muromtseva, having become acquainted with many interesting and bright people, decided to try herself as a producer of information programs. It was then that Svetlana Sorokina began hosting “Voice of the People.” And when she moved there, she took almost all the editors and producers with her. The “Hero of the Day” program needed both. The program was hosted in turn by Andrey Norkin and Maryana Maksimovskaya. The new presenters did not want to lose the previous viewer, so they needed very interesting characters and exciting interviews. They combed through all the newspapers and information sites, getting hold of the most inaccessible characters. Irina even has an interview with Jackie Chan, who secretly flew to Moscow for one day, but ended up on their program. In general, it was interesting, but not for long.

Some went to the rally, some to other channels, and Irina Muromtseva went on maternity leave. True, all this time I worked at Radio Liberty in the morning news, and also made a program about ethnic music there, which is something like a hobby for me.
In 2002, Irina Muromtseva returned to NTV in the news. First she worked as a writer, then as a production editor, and then as a news producer. To be honest, she was not as interested in producing political topics as, say, topics related to science, culture, education, advanced technologies, etc. Interesting, smart and talented people seeing and hearing is much more pleasant and useful!!!

At the same time, while working in the news, Irina Muromtseva decided to try herself as a presenter - to learn how to work on camera, to feel the same drive that my colleagues - Kirill Pozdnyakov, Alexey Pivovarov, Anton Khrekov - spoke about with such admiration. I approached this issue responsibly and studied specifically with teachers of speech technique and television skills from Ostankino school Television.

Everything worked out, but not right away. Irina Muromtseva now understands what a green and inexperienced presenter she was when she came to Vesti on Russia. Thanks to the patience and understanding of her leaders, because it was they who gave her this carte blanche and waited for Irina Muromtseva to become relaxed and quick to react from being constrained and slow.

Then I found out that the program Good morning is looking for a presenter on their channel. Irina Muromtseva loves the news, and yet her former affections made themselves felt, so the choice was made in favor of this program.

Something new will probably still be ahead. Life does not allow you to stop, and Irina Muromtseva would not want stagnation either in work, or in creativity, or in life, or in love. Always ready for interesting 99.9%. This is Galina Volchek, who once said (I interviewed her for the anniversary of Sovremennik) that you can only work professionally and honestly at 99.9%. 100% is dangerous to health, and simply put, fatal.

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