Theoretical definition of persuasive technologies. Definition of the concept of “belief”, “conviction. th step. Offering choices. Practical Persuasion Techniques

Has it ever happened to you that a teacher didn’t believe you, even though you were telling the truth? Or did you really need him to believe, even though you weren’t telling the truth? It's time to reveal the secrets of the psychology of persuasion. We have previously talked about some.

The essence of the problem and its duality

What makes us believe or not believe a story? That's right: narrative logic!

Logic has a direct influence on our mind. But in order to achieve maximum effect, you should not forget about the feelings that give credibility to what is said. That is, it is always worth remembering: you can prove something, but you cannot forcefully convince it.

Let's look from the other side. If you influence feelings and do not take into account logical justifications, you will be able to convince, but not prove.

Result: In order for what is being proven to be convincing, and what is convincing to be demonstrative, it is necessary to use both logical and non-logical methods of proof and persuasion.

Justification of a thesis, in which methods of non-logical influence are used together with logical methods, is called argumentation.

Types and examples of non-logical techniques

The topic of illogical techniques is well covered in the subject of “rhetoric” (the science of public speaking). Using the methods described there, you can achieve incredible results:

  • expressiveness of speech,
  • adding brightness to what was said,
  • increasing emotionality,
  • active influence on feelings.

To achieve all this, they use metaphors, epithets, repetitions, and means that enhance the emotionality and imagery of the process.

There are others simple rhetorical devices: rate of speech and its intonation, masterful use of pauses in speech, gestures, facial expressions, and so on.

It is recommended to use rhetorical methods only in combination with logical techniques. If you overdo it with oratorical tools and neglect logical ones, argumentation turns into demagoguery - an outwardly beautiful statement, but empty in content.

Such a speech can convince, but not prove. Therefore, you will have to look for other methods of persuasion.

4 controversial methods of persuasion

  • Demagogy . Its goal is to mislead by distorting facts, using flattery, false promises, and adjusting to people’s tastes and moods. Demagoguery is akin to populism, which is often resorted to by unscrupulous politicians. Their goal is to achieve wide publicity for obviously false promises. A demagogue strives to create a certain mood by changing people’s feelings with his speech. He actively uses sophistry, deliberately violates the rules of logic by juggling facts and creating the appearance of evidence.
  • Suggestion . Like the previous method, suggestion tends to use human feelings. The speaker tries to infect the listeners with his emotional state, feelings and his own attitude towards the ideas being promoted. The intensity of passions and the infection of the speaker’s feelings allows the speaker to achieve the creation of a general mental state of people.
  • Infection . People are involuntarily susceptible to certain mental states - massive outbreaks of various mental states that can manifest themselves during ritual dances, during panic, at a moment of sports excitement. The speaker skillfully uses this susceptibility of people in a crowd, a mass, since it is in a crowd of other people that every feeling or action is contagious. During the use of this method, people lose their personal consciousness, and the human unconscious predominates. People's thoughts and feelings move in one direction, and there is also a need to immediately, immediately implement all the ideas that have just appeared in their heads.
  • Sophistry . There is a deliberate, conscious violation of the rules of logic here. The purpose of sophistry is to lead to an implicitly incorrect conclusion.

There are clear rules, without which speech may seem unconvincing or unsubstantiated.

Rules of evidence and refutation

The biggest danger in argumentation or justification is making logical errors that arise when certain rules are violated.

Be careful and observe the following rules of the basic methods of evidence and persuasion.

Thesis rule

Rule No. 1: the thesis statement should be clear and precise. The concepts included in the thesis must be unambiguous, with clarity of judgment and indication of quantitative characteristics (you cannot prove something that is part of something, passing it off as part of everything).

Why the violation? Firstly, it is not specified who “we” is. Secondly, it does not say whether all or just some Russians will be made rich. Thirdly, the very concept of “wealth” is too vague and relative - it can be both spiritual and material, wealth in ideas or knowledge, and in the same spirit.

Rule No. 2: the thesis must be consistently unchanged throughout the entire proof. As in the previous rule, the principle of identity plays the main role here. If the thesis is not fully formulated, it is not prohibited to make clarifications during the proof process. However, its essence and content should not change.

It is also necessary to ensure that there is no substitution of the thesis - when the proof of a new thesis is put forward to prove the initially put forward thesis. This is a big logical mistake.

There are two types of thesis substitution:

  1. Partial replacement of the thesis– strengthening or weakening of the thesis, changing its quantitative characteristics or replacing the concept of one volume with a new concept of another volume. Example: a softer thesis “this act is an offense” is replaced by a stronger one “this act is a crime” (or vice versa) . Why is this an error? Because an offense is not always a crime, but can be an administrative or disciplinary offense.
  2. Complete substitution of the thesis- putting forward a new thesis, similar to the original one, but not equal to it. Logical sabotage is one of the subtypes of this logical error. In this case, the opponent, unable to find the proper arguments to prove the thesis, tries to change the topic and switch attention to another issue.

Argument Rule

Rule No. 1: the argument must be true and proven by the provisions. A false argument will not be able to prove or disprove the thesis put forward.

The use of false reasons leads to the appearance of a logical error, which is called the basic fallacy. An argument is only an argument when it is not only true, but also proven.

Therefore, if an argument cannot be proven, then it is not an argument at all. If this requirement is not met, such a problem occurs logical fallacy as anticipation of a reason .

For example, in the past no other arguments were required if a person admitted his guilt . It was believed that this was the best evidence. Therefore, in practice they used completely various methods influences, including physical ones. But we know that one’s own confession can be either true or false. This means that it cannot be a sufficient basis for admitting guilt.

Modern law states that a personal confession of guilt can be the main charge only if there is cumulative evidence in the case to corroborate the confession.

Rule No. 2: the argument must be based on judgments, the truth of which would be independent of the theses. Sometimes, to avoid committing the logical fallacy of anticipating a reason, people refer to the thesis. This is also logical fallacy "Circle of evidence" – when arguments are substantiated by theses, and theses by argument.

An excellent example of the circle of evidence is when people try to prove that a person is a rational animal by the fact that he can reason. And the ability to reason is proven by the fact that man is a rational animal.

Rule #3: the argument must be sufficient for the thesis. A logical fallacy can be speech that contains too few or too many arguments. Thus, if there are too few of them, the argument seems insignificant to justify the falsity or truth of the thesis. If there are too many of them, the proof process becomes unclear, and it is easy to find contradictions and weak links in it.

Demonstration Rule

The rule of demonstration is the rule of inference in the form of which the demonstration is structured.

You must always remember that there must be a logical connection between theses and arguments. If this rule is violated, a logical error occurs such as imaginary following - evidence of the absence of this very connection, i.e. when the thesis does not follow from the argument.

An example of a violation of the rule of inference: the statement “he is healthy” cannot be a consequence of the statement “he has a normal temperature, since we know that many diseases occur without an increase in body temperature.

There are other demo errors:

  • from what is said with condition to what is said unconditionally– when an argument that is true only under certain conditions becomes an argument outside the context of those conditions. For example, when a doctor recommends that a patient take antibiotics, this does not mean that the person with any other disease is obliged to take these antibiotics;
  • from separative to collective– when an argument that is true for a certain part is used to substantiate a thesis that belongs to the entire set. For example, the statement about the benefits of winter swimming for walruses is not unquestionably true for people;
  • from collective to divisive– when a statement that is true for collective meaning, is used to make a statement in a disjunctive sense. For example, a positive characteristic of a group of people is not a sufficient basis for a positive characteristic of individual representatives of this group.

Using false arguments

It is also interesting that in rhetoric there are a number of quite convincing techniques that are completely rejected by logic. They are called arguments and are used in various disputes, discussions, and debates between the parties in courts.

  1. Argument to personality. This is the logical basis of the statement, but refers to additional methods of persuasion. It is used in argumentation (for example, in characterizing an offender).
  2. Argument to the public. The speaker tries to evoke certain feelings in the audience so as to change their attitude towards the issue on the agenda. This argument strengthens the existing argument. But it is best not to use it without (or as a replacement for) the main evidence.
  3. Argument to Authority. Here the main argument is the statement famous personalities(scientists, politicians, philosophers). Like previous methods of persuading a person, this argument is recommended to be used as an additional, and not the main one.
  4. The Case for Compassion. Often, in order to receive a positive assessment or contribute to a satisfactory resolution of an issue, a person tries to evoke sympathy or pity for himself or someone else.
  5. Argument to Ignorance. The calculated use of arguments known to be unknown to the public.
  6. Argument to benefit. Here the expectation is that the arguments provided will be positively received by those listening only because they are beneficial. For example, during an election appeal, people automatically have a better attitude towards someone who promises an increase in wages without evidence, because the people are interested in this.
  7. Argument to Strength. The use of threats against those who express their disagreement with the stated theses.

None of these arguments are accepted by logic because the purpose of proof is to substantiate the truth.

So, during the discussion, the interlocutor can use the following manipulation techniques and methods of persuasion and suggestion:

  • substitution of theses in the process of evidence;
  • using thesis of arguments that do not prove anything or are partially true under certain conditions, or the use of deliberately false arguments;
  • evidence of the falsity of someone else’s thesis and the correctness of one’s own statement.

Imitation as a psychological way of influence and persuasion

There are other secrets on how to convince your interlocutor that you are right against his will. The most important method of persuasion (especially in raising children) is imitation.

Imitation is the reproduction of actions, activities, qualities of other people whom you want to be like.

Conditions under which a person wants to imitate:

  • positive attitude, respect or admiration for the object;
  • insufficient amount of experience in relation to the object of imitation;
  • attractiveness of the sample;
  • conscious orientation of will and desire towards an object of imitation.

However, with imitation, not only a change occurs in the person himself, but also in the model. A person likes that someone is trying to imitate him. And on a subconscious level, he tries to begin to imitate him in response.

You can imitate quite consciously for one of the following purposes:

  1. Introduction new information into the opponent’s attitudes and belief system.
  2. Making changes to the installation system.
  3. Changing the opponent’s attitude, that is, implementing a shift in motive, a shift in a person’s value system.

When making changes to your opponent's setup system, you should know what the main functions of setups are:

  • fixture function- the need to achieve the most favorable position in society. Hence the innate attitude towards useful, favorable attitudes for oneself and an aversion to sources of negative stimuli;
  • ego-protective function– the need to maintain our internal stability, as a result of which a negative attitude automatically emerges in us towards those who may be a source of danger to our integrity. We are prone to low self-esteem if someone significant evaluates us negatively, so we automatically develop a negative attitude towards this person only on the basis of his attitude towards us, and not the actual presence of bad qualities;
  • value-expressive function– our need for personal stability. Positive attitudes are developed in us towards individuals of our own personality type. That is, if I am strong and independent, I will have a positive attitude towards the same people;
  • function of worldview organization– development of attitudes in relation to existing knowledge about the world around us. In our head, all knowledge forms a system, then the system of attitudes is the totality of our knowledge about the world and people with our emotional coloring. But when we encounter facts that contradict our beliefs, we automatically reject them. That is why new ideas, theories, inventions are constantly met with mistrust and misunderstanding.

Basic methods of persuasion

Methods of persuasion and influence include:

  1. Verbal methods, that is, words. Different words can be used for different people, since everyone has only their own level of self-esteem, experience, character traits, intellectual abilities, and personality type.
  2. Non-verbal methods: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, postures, behavior and degree of trust.
  3. A specially organized activity in which a person is involved. By changing the status during this activity, one can change a person’s behavior, as well as his experiences, behavior, and state.
  4. Regulation of the level and degree of satisfaction of needs. If a person agrees that another has the right to regulate his level of need satisfaction, then changes will occur. Otherwise there will be no impact.

All these attitudes are interconnected, so changes do not happen quickly. But if you use them regularly and purposefully, they will work.

So we have looked at ways of persuasion, influence, evidence for influencing other people. But here's what you always need to remember: if you try to influence a person against their will, do not forget that someone else can do the same to you. You can call it karma if you want.

However, innocent pranks in communication with a teacher are so innocent that it is hardly worth experiencing pangs of conscience. After all, it is likely that using logical errors will help you pass an exam or even defend your diploma! If these measures do not help, you can always contact the student service, which is capable of this task.

To achieve success in business, organize the work process in a team, establish and maintain authority, a leader must have certain techniques that can motivate a person to take action. The method of persuasion is one such technique.

You will learn:

  • How methods of persuasion and coercion are combined.
  • What rules of communication are used as the main methods of persuasion.
  • What are the tactics of persuasion methods?
  • What methods of psychological persuasion exist.

The method of psychological influence is the method of persuasion combined with the method of coercion. Coercion and persuasion are methods of influencing human consciousness and a method of forming consensus. These two methods are inextricably linked: they have a dialectical connection and a single character.

Coercion method - This is a method of influence that has two forms: moral-psychological and physical. In essence, the method of persuasion and coercion are very similar. The goal of both methods is to ensure that the person being persuaded accepts the point of view of the interlocutor. The coercion method, like the persuasion method, is based on proving one’s point of view.

Methods of persuasion - leaders in methods of organizational influence, because they have a reasoned basis, proof of the need (unnecessity) of an action or an explanation of its correctness (incorrectness).

The process of persuasion is very complex, since the object of persuasion is a free person. It is necessary to follow certain rules of persuasion. The key point in this process is argumentation, which will contribute to the acceptance of the desired position by the listener, will force him to reconsider his existing views and ultimately share the opinion of the interlocutor.

In methods of persuading an interlocutor, there are many methods of argumentation. There are four methods of argumentation:

  • The hook technique outlines the situation in general and makes it possible to use it as a starting point during the discussion.
  • Technique for relieving tension. During the persuasion process, the environment should be made less tense. The atmosphere should be light, relaxed, conducive to discussing the issue.
  • The direct approach is a method in which the initiator moves on to the conversation without unnecessary preamble.
  • The stimulation technique is based on a variety of questions posed at the very beginning of the conversation.

There are also certain rules of persuasion that allow you to achieve the desired result.

1st psychological technique - convince, not argue. An argument with an interlocutor in no way contributes to his goodwill, alienates him from the subject of discussion, and causes a negative attitude. Tolerance for the interlocutor’s opinion and the ability to listen to his position is the key to success.

2nd method of persuasion is respect for the opinion of another person. You should not categorically state that his position is incorrect in relation to yours, this will cause a similar reaction in relation to your position.

3rd method - method of recognition. An opinion or position may turn out to be incorrect, and you need to be able to admit this.

4th way - a polite, calm, friendly tone. You should not raise your voice, “splashing with saliva”, to prove your position.

5th The method is to achieve an affirmative answer at the beginning of the conversation, since by saying “no,” it is psychologically more difficult for a person to reject his own word and accept someone else’s position.

6th The method is to let the other person talk a lot, much more than you.

The method of persuasion influences the interlocutor and helps him convince him of the correctness of your point of view and acceptance of the latter.

What persuasion methods work in sales?

It is important not to scare off the client with an incorrectly chosen phrase. To avoid losing customers, use the algorithm with scripts for sellers, which is offered by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine.

The tips will be useful to any company if you adapt the script to business tasks.

What are the different types of persuasion methods?

There are two types of persuasion: direct and indirect.

Direct method Persuasion is the belief of an audience that is already ready to accept information.

Indirect method persuasion is the belief of an audience that is attracted by random factors.

The direct method is relevant when the audience is initially interested in the topic or is endowed with the gift of an analyst. If the topic does not attract the audience, then in this case you can use an indirect method of persuasion. Persuasion in a direct way is deeper and has a greater chance of influencing people positively.

The whole process can be divided into 4 methods of persuasion:

  • Informing.
  • Explanation.
  • Proof.
  • Refutation.

Informing - notifying a person why he should do something. In order to force a person to act, a line of stimulating factors is needed. This happens because a person must make sure, before starting to act, of his capabilities and the necessity of this action. No person will start an activity if he is not sure that it is necessary and is not sure that he can carry it out.

Explanation - another method of persuasion, which is no less significant than informing. Managers have a lot of explaining to do. The explanation is divided into 3 types:

  • Instructional.
  • Narrative.
  • Reasoning.

Instructional explanation clearly explains the procedure to a person without affecting him critical thinking, but using his memory. This type of clarification causes rejection among creative people, but among people with a mathematical mindset who work “like robots” according to the program, instructive clarification causes positive dynamics.

Narrative explanation- a method of persuasion that involves presenting the essence of the matter in the form of a story. At the end of the story, a person comes to a certain conclusion. This type is more relevant for most people, since they have been accustomed to it since ancient times. A person’s entire life is built on stories from parents, teachers, and friends. But the use of narrative explanation obliges the leader to possess certain skills: he must know how to construct a story, know what the timbre of the voice, facial expressions, and gestures should be.

Reasoning explanation- a method of persuasion for an audience willing to participate in a dispute, capable of instantly activating mental activity, clarification contributes more attentive attitude audience to the problem and accompanying conclusions. This technique is relevant for managers whose audience is people with a creative mindset, who are active and sociable.

Proof. This method of persuasion is based on logic; the process of proof is built on the fundamental laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of excluded middle and the law of sufficient reason. The essence of proof comes down to highlighting a certain idea and its argumentation in the process of proof.

This whole action is called a demonstration. The leader must have factual evidence to prove the correctness of this idea. Proof cannot exist without facts. Factual confirmations set the audience up to perceive information in the right way and create an attitude.

Refutation. The essence of this method of persuasion is to point out to people their wrong views, undermine faith in inappropriate behavioral norms, destroy old ones and direct them to the formation of new attitudes. When working through refutation, the main “stumbling block” is the human ego, which means that logical arguments alone will not be enough. In case of refutation, the dispute is also ineffective. A person does not admit that he is wrong; it takes time to replace existing, ingrained attitudes.

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Rules of communication as the main methods of persuasion

Scientists are working on research to find and study the reasons that push a person to agree to someone else's request. We rely on the fact that in making a decision we are driven by the acquired knowledge in a particular area, but in fact, in order to make a decision, we need strict rules and established norms that we obey every day.

Robert Cialdini, professor of psychology and researcher in social and experimental psychology, has identified 6 basic rules that guide a person's decision making. In his work “The Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive,” he gives many more such rules, but he considers the main ones to be reciprocity, rarity, authority, consistency, sympathy and agreement.

With the ability to use these rules and knowing their clear definition, it is possible to achieve much greater results in persuading a person to agree to his request. Let's look at each of the examples in more detail and analyze the work of some American scientists in the direction of methods of suggestion and persuasion of people.

  • Reciprocity

The psychology of most people has this function - they believe that they are obliged to “repay the debt” for a service once rendered to them. That is, “an eye for an eye.” For example, a person invited you to his birthday, you should invite him to yours. Or if you were once given a loan, then you must also lend money to the person if necessary. When it comes to social obligations, people are more willing to meet those to whom they owe something.

The most striking example of the principle of reciprocity can be considered studies conducted at food outlets. Let’s say that at the end of dinner at a restaurant, the waiter, along with the bill, brought you a small “compliment” from the establishment in the form of a cake. And here comes the question: how will this sign of attention affect the tip? The vast majority will say no, but they are wrong; such a small compliment can have a completely unexpected effect.

According to statistics cited in studies, such a cake increases the tip size by three percent. An interesting fact is that if instead of one cake they bring you two, then the tip grows not two, but four times and reaches 14%. But if the waiter leaves one cake, takes a couple of steps, and then returns and says that he has one more for the most wonderful guests, then the tip increases to 23%. This has to do with the choice of way in which the compliment was given.

This means that the basis for applying the rule of reciprocity is to be the first to provide a service that will be a pleasant surprise.

  • Rarity

Another point of human consciousness is that people want what is difficult to get. A striking example This is the case with British Airways, when in 2003 the company announced the termination of the sale of tickets for the London - New York flight due to lack of profit, then the next day a “boom” of sales was recorded. At the same time, the company did not make any changes to the flight, nor to the ticket prices, nor to improve the service, nor to improve the aircraft. Simply, in economic terms, supply has decreased, which inevitably leads to increased demand. Therefore, the use of the “rarity” technique as a method of persuasion and influence is clearly defined.

Telling people what they gain by purchasing the product or service offered is not enough. You should focus the attention of the potential buyer on the uniqueness of your offer, and tell about the possible losses in case of refusal.

  • Authority

The point is that people pay more attention to authoritative opinion, that is, the opinion of an expert. For example, a doctor can have a much greater influence on a person by acting by forming consciousness and persuasion through the demonstration of his awards, diplomas, and letters of gratitude. Or you might be more willing to park your car in another place if someone in uniform, rather than an ordinary person, asks you to do so.

Before attempting to persuade, people need to be convinced of your competence and sufficient level of knowledge. This is not always an easy task, you can’t promote yourself by saying how wonderful you are, but there is always the possibility of someone else doing it.

This is where it becomes irrelevant whether this someone has income from your advertising or not. This method of persuasion was used by a certain legal bureau, which was able not only to increase the number of requests for legal advice, but also significantly increased the number of clients who turned to the firm’s specialists for specific help. It was all about receiving calls. The administrator, answering calls from potential clients, conducted the dialogue as follows: “Now I will transfer the call to Ernest Petrovich, he has been specializing in this matter for 15 years” and stuff like that. The result of this way of working with clients was an increase in requests for consultations by 20% and an increase of 15% in concluded contracts for the provision of legal services. Quite a good result for an unobtrusive method of persuading people that does not require material investments.

  • Constancy

People strive for consistency in words and actions. To get people to act consistently, you need to invite people to do some simple action.

An experiment was carried out, during which a rather interesting result was obtained. A small number of residents agreed to install a sign in their yard promoting road safety. And in another district, four times as many people agreed to install the same sign, because they were prepared in advance, they were offered to put a small propaganda leaflet on the windowsill. This piece of paper became the starting point for a more complex task and achieving a fourfold increase in effect. Therefore, when planning to use such a technique, the persuaders act in such a way in relation to the person being persuaded that they perform the actions on a voluntary basis, and with some enthusiasm. The best outcome of events is confirmation of actions in writing.

For example, one experiment resulted in an 18% reduction in failed doctor appointments. This was facilitated by the fact that patients were given the opportunity to issue a registration coupon themselves, whereas previously this was done by registrars.

  • Location

People are more willing to respond affirmatively to a request if they feel sympathy for the person. Why do people feel sympathy? Experts identify several factors:

  • We feel sympathy for people similar to us.
  • We like those who praise us.
  • We are brought closer to people by a common cause.

Students of business schools of the Master of Business Administration faculty took part in a number of studies on the psychology of persuasion during negotiations.

For one part of the students, the task was listed as “Time is money” and therefore negotiations had to be started immediately. The task of the other group was to find common ground between the negotiators. In the first case, 55% of students achieved a positive result, and in the second, 90%. In both cases, the result increased by 18%.

We can conclude that in order to use the “sympathy” tool in methods of working with beliefs, you need to approach this with special care, pay attention to finding things in common with people, and achieve their favor. It would be nice if, before starting negotiations, you make a couple of light, unobtrusive compliments.

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Tactical techniques of persuasion methods

  • Using “I-Formulations”

During the negotiation process, a fairly large amount of time is allocated for discussion and criticism of the opposite side. The situation is significantly aggravated by distrust of the interlocutor or criticism of his personal distinctive features.

It is unacceptable to say “You are deceiving us,” “You and your employees are not negotiating properly,” “You are acting inappropriately,” or similar statements. The style of their construction - “You” statements, contributes to the emergence of persistent hostility and opposition, shows that you do not trust the side, suspect it of something. And thereby you achieve the opposite of the desired result.

The following types of “I” statements are allowed: “I feel that I am being deceived,” “It seems to us that the negotiations are not being conducted properly.”

  • Receiving a leisurely objection

The essence of this method of persuasion is the non-categorical rejection of the client’s arguments. That is, objections are allowed in a mild form. If categorical objections are raised against the interlocutor’s arguments, if they do not require such, then the latter receive additional weight, which is absolutely unnecessary in this situation.

  • Deferred objection

There are times when there is no immediate argument to be found that contradicts the interlocutor’s arguments. In this case, you can postpone answering your interlocutor, and during the conversation try to find out as much as possible about the person, try to find out more about his position on this issue.

  • Pressure

This method of persuasion is based on the principle of reinforcement. That is, the conversation is structured in such a way that each argument presented is more significant in its persuasiveness than the previous one. The goal here is to undermine the position of the interlocutor, you need to force him to doubt his arguments, while not giving in to the initiative, that is, the “locomotive” principle applies. This technique is good when you see that your interlocutor is “floating.” In other words, he tries to avoid answering, or finds it difficult to answer. In this case, pressure as a method of persuasion will be ideal.

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What methods of psychological persuasion can be used?

  • Orders

An order is a form that requires precise, unconditional execution. When receiving an order or instruction, a person does not have the right to discuss it, but must carry it out. There are two types of orders: prohibitive and incentive. Prohibitory orders (Stop! Shut up!) are designed to instantly stop an unwanted action. This requires a certain, developed tone. The voice should be calm, slightly colored with shades of emotion. Incentive orders (Do it! Complete it!) push a person to perform an action. And such methods of persuasion should not cause negativity in a person; they should be taken for granted.

  • Method of Instruction

This method of persuasion works only in the case of a loyal attitude, with a certain amount of sympathy for the leader. The peculiarity of this method of persuasion is that, constructed in the form of an imperative mood, it activates “performing” behavior in a person. Instruction can manifest itself in the form of instructions, orders, prohibitions. The difference between an order and an instruction is that an order activates existing skills, and an instruction, in addition to motivation, has a teaching function.

The content of the instruction, as in other forms of persuasion, is very important. A carefully thought-out text, the essence contained in the instructions, is the basis for the success of the technique. In addition, the tone of delivery, voice, intonation, pronunciation, facial expressions, and gestures are very significant, since the imperative form of instruction itself requires certain behavioral norms from the leader.

  • Approval indirectly

This method of persuasion involves evaluating the speech of the person trying to persuade. Here it is unacceptable to use such direct expressions as: “You are undoubtedly right and your method is the most correct.” This undisguised flattery, which, although loved by some people, is unpleasant for most, because the person knows that he can be deceived. IN in this case, if you want to somehow praise your interlocutor, you need to use phrases like: “Such methods of work are very effective.” Thus, the leader activates the feeling in a person self-esteem. Naturally, tone and emotional accompaniment are the determining factors. This method of persuasion contributes to the continuation of activities in the same format.

It should be noted here that this method of persuasion will not work with an egocentric person with a heightened sense of self-esteem. He does not accept such methods and for him such presentation is a derogation of his capabilities.

  • Unjustified expectation

For this method of persuasion to work, preliminary preparation is required. It is necessary to create in advance a situation that will limit the interlocutor, that is, he will have to act only in the specified method. And subsequently this method should not live up to expectations, it should not work. Such a staging confuses the interlocutor, and of course, he accepts the position that is offered to him. This situation is typical for many aspects in life.

  • Explosion method

Methods of persuasion in psychology vary in their effect. And one of these psychological techniques is the explosion method. It is based on the fact that, under the influence of some powerful emotional excitement, it rebuilds the personality. A. S. Makarenko substantiated this theory scientifically.

To use the “explosion” method, you need to create a situation that will shock a person with surprise and unusualness. This undermines the interlocutor’s nervous system and causes panic, which leads to a fundamental change in views not only on ordinary things, but also on the worldview as a whole. Cases have been recorded where supposedly proven facts of infidelity by one of the spouses in the right families put the other in a catastrophic emotional situation. In families in which betrayal is perceived as some kind of pampering, this does not happen.

In a work team, the “explosion” method of persuasion can be used against unreliable employees who violate discipline, bring confusion to the team, and often abuse alcohol. There are certain varieties of the method, the use of which depends on the current situation. This could be censure, help from management, forgiveness of past “exploits.” The main thing in this method of persuasion is sincerity, participation, you must provide the interlocutor with the opportunity to take the path of correction. Formal interest in the problem will not work here.

  • Placebo or suggestion method

This method of persuasion began to be used in medicine. Its meaning is that the doctor prescribes some remedy that has no effect, but convinces the patient that it is very effective in treating his disease. This method of persuasion most often leads to positive dynamics in the treatment process due to the patient’s psychological mood. This technique began to be used by both educators and coaches, who in this way stimulated athletes to achieve heights. In pedagogy, this method of persuasion is very effective, but you need to be careful with its use. Using it, you must be sure in advance that the result will be what you expect, otherwise, realizing that he was deceived, the person will lose faith, and the placebo will lose its effect.

  • Firm requirement

The essence of this method of persuasion is an order. But it can be applied in the case when the leader enjoys unquestioning authority among his subordinates. And the correctness of his judgments is not questioned. In other cases, this method of persuasion is pointless and can even be harmful. A firm requirement can be synonymous with prohibition with a certain amount of coercion.

  • Recommendation

To work with this method of persuasion, you need the interlocutor to trust you. The delivery methodology for the perception of advice is especially important here. The leader's voice must be warm and sympathetic, sincerity must be felt, otherwise the method is not only ineffective, but can also turn against the adviser.

  • Criticism

The “criticism” method of persuasion works in such a setting when the person being persuaded is identified with the persuader. That is, they make him understand that they are in a “single team.” In other cases, criticism will be perceived simply as an ordinary edification, to which you should not pay special attention. A person who is sensitive to his “ego” will perceive this method of persuasion as an attempt to accuse him of lack of independence.

  • Hint method

This method of persuasion in human psychology works as follows: the interlocutor is presented with an idea in the form of irony, jokes or drawing parallels. That is, it does not affect a person’s consciousness, but his emotional environment. It is better to use this method of persuasion in an informal setting. And the main thing is not to offend your interlocutor. To do this, first apply this technique to yourself, how would you feel if you were presented with an idea in this way.

  • Praise or compliment

A compliment is an unobtrusive method of persuasion that does not cause rejection in the interlocutor. A compliment should not look like flattery, which is unpleasant to many people. A compliment does not have the same properties as flattery, so it can be quite effective.

  • Aggressive negotiations: do not hesitate to deceive and “assault”

What forms of persuasion method to use, based on psychotype

Achieving the desired outcome of negotiations does not always depend on the proposal. No matter how productive it may be. An initial determination of the interlocutor’s psychotype makes communication with him more effective.

The psychotype is made up of genetically determined characteristics of the nervous system. Instantly determining the psychotype of the interlocutor allows you to build negotiations in a way that will achieve success. A psychotype can be identified by three parameters: emotions reflected on the face, speech, and gestures. Below we consider six psychotypes of people most often found in business:

  • Hyperthymas

This type seeks to gain new knowledge through active communication. This type is the only one that is able to adapt to another, adopting his features, perhaps to the point of completely copying him, which is very important.

How to identify. Emotions reflected on the face - joy and surprise: widely open eyes and a slightly open mouth, horizontal lines running across the forehead. Speech is emotional, a person speaks a lot and quickly. Gesticulation is active with a wide arm span.

Communication tactics. Give such a person the opportunity to try something, but not to explore, but to see something new. The phrase “You will see this for the first time” will be effective here. At the same time, if you sell the simplest product, accessible and popular, this does not negate the effectiveness of the latter. IN special cases, with goods that are difficult to sell, seminars and various introductory events work well.

  • Paranoid

These people pursue a global goal and are often found in management and politics.

How to identify. Emotions on the face - disgust, determined by two nasolabial folds. The speech is built on a specific goal, without “water”, perhaps adding a few facts for greater effect. Gestures are open, addressed to the public.

Communication tactics. It is important to show the paranoid how useful you can be to them. To sell something to them, you need to present everything clearly and to the point, talk about the product/service and its necessity for them. You can dilute the monologue with some facts for specifics.

  • Schizoids

They believe that they are called to make the world a better place. They are constantly improving and creating something. A very common psychotype in Russia.

How to identify. Emotions are visible in the upper part of the face in the form of wide-open eyes and stripes running down the forehead. The lower part of the face is “petrified”. In constructing a speech, priority is given to secondary features, and then to the main idea. There is no gesture or it differs from the words.

Communication tactics. The schizoid psychotype is characterized by exploration, in contrast to paranoids. You need to present the idea with special attention to detail. Everything new for him is the basis; he is interested first of all in the process, and then in the profit from the product/service.

  • Epileptoids

Such people strive for continuous control and achieving stability in all areas of life. Businessmen of this type are former military men, or people accustomed to life according to the regulations.

How to identify. Basic emotions - anger, frowning, lips compressed, vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are noticeable. The speech is dominated by specifics, the tempo is low, and is often tinged with negativity. Use prohibitory expressions. The range of gestures is not wide and uses clear, precise movements. You can watch them grab air with their hand.

Communication tactics. You will need absolutely all documentation related to the case. You must be one hundred percent prepared, know the answer to every question, and not promise what you cannot deliver. For them, the main thing is stability. You cannot manipulate eleptoids and ask questions that do not carry a semantic load.

  • Hysteroids

People with increased egocentrism. Often found in areas where self-PR is required: “sales people”, advertisers.

How to identify. It can be noted that the basic emotion is “one-sided contempt” (a smile on the right or left side of the lips, directed downward). Speeches that are not burdened with clear arguments, but are convincing, have charisma that helps them achieve their goals. Gestures use plastic hand movements.

Communication tactics. An excellent method of persuading a hysterical would be flattery; play on his egocentrism. In their case, the important thing is a product that not everyone, but a select few can afford, the price does not matter.

  • Emotives

The character has empathy for the interlocutor, and is especially sensitive to others. They mainly dominate in the procurement sector, are very responsible and do not know how to steal.

How to identify. The face shows sadness and joy at the same time . "Pierrot's face." Expression wrinkles around the eyes and raised eyebrows. Speech is quiet and calm. They approach the main idea of ​​the conversation very slowly and carefully choose expressions. Lovers of tactile contact, among the gestures you can observe stroking movements.

Communication tactics. Disadvantages and risks should not be mentioned. Environmental friendliness, safety and product quality are the basics that will attract him. The manipulative method of persuasion works with emotions and responds to requests for help. It is very important to follow etiquette and “play by his rules”; if he doubts your capabilities, he will simply disappear from sight.

  • How to convince people to buy your product: 7 fail-safe tricks

Expert opinion

Harsh methods and means of persuasion are extreme but effective measures

Mikhail Urzhumtsev,

General Director of Melon Fashion Group OJSC, St. Petersburg

I do not adhere to rigid methods of persuasion and avoid difficult partners. The most important thing is not to leave the impression on your partner that he was “rolled over like a steamroller.” Otherwise, you will be associated with unsatisfying emotions, and he will no longer want to work with you. You need the most comfortable business stop and a bit of humor during negotiations.

There were situations when it was necessary to firmly defend one’s line of behavior. Recently I had the opportunity to take advantage non-standard method beliefs, which is more like talking “like a man.” In addition, we brought in people with higher positions for negotiations. The first stage of negotiations can be entrusted to managers who know how to find a way out of non-standard situations and make decisions. The final part is the dialogue between directors and owners.

Argument as a method of persuasion

Using argument as a method of persuasion is effective if you follow the rules:

  • Tact

Don't play on a person's ego. Under no circumstances should you offend him or try to humiliate him, otherwise you will end up with absolutely the opposite result and will never be able to convince him.

  • Start with strong arguments

Start a dialogue by bringing all the most significant, powerful arguments. No need to beat around the bush. And then you can supplement your position with less significant facts.

  • Indication of authority

Try to tell as much as possible about yourself, how competent you are in the matter, that you have been doing this for a certain amount of time, that you are familiar with all the details in detail, and most importantly, you managed to make good money from it.

  • Correct wording

The word is a powerful tool in methods of persuasion, and therefore the use of speech patterns such as “Here you are right, everything is exactly like that, but here I don’t support you.” The person will see that you are paying attention to his thoughts, and will pay it to yours.

  • Unexpected compliment

In order to weaken the control of your interlocutor and make him relax, you need to tell him a couple of unexpected compliments. So praise, but don't flatter.

  • Get on the same wavelength with your interlocutor through his consent

Follow the rule of consistency: first present arguments with which the person initially agrees, and then state your position. This increases your chances of success.

  • Avoid heated moments of argument

Avoid moments that can aggravate the conflict, as well as your “weak points”, otherwise you will not find arguments to prove that you are right. If such a moment suddenly “looms”, urgently move the conversation to another topic.

  • Keep an eye on the little things

Watch gestures and facial expressions - they can tell a lot about a person. If you notice that when arguing an argument a person begins to get nervous, then continue to focus on this argument, it is the strongest.

  • Positioning your words as useful

Make the person believe that your position will bring him some benefit and benefit, and his position is absolutely useless.

  • Showing interest

During an argument, try to listen carefully to your interlocutor, even if he is unpleasant to you. He will notice that you are listening to him, even if you have the opposite position on this issue, and this fact will be imprinted in his mind. When choosing a partner, he will take this into account.

How the persuasion method works: an example for each option.

  • Response method

Perfume sellers leave you a sample of perfume, and after some time they return so that you can place an order and find out your opinion about the properties of the product. The perfume is really long-lasting, and the woman and everyone around her likes the scent, and of course she will purchase at least one bottle from the seller.

  • Contrast method

Salespeople in a clothing store will first offer you a dress or suit, and then additional accessories, such as a handbag or tie. Accessories are much cheaper than the dress itself, so first of all you need to sell the more expensive item.

  • Friendship method

Persuasion methods work better when the person is visually attractive. Studies have shown that physically attractive people are much more likely to have successful negotiations. A pleasant appearance suggests that a person is more successful, talented, smart and honest. Therefore, to achieve success, try to take care of your appearance.

  • Waiting method

In 1991, Israeli residents were warned of a possible chemical attack from Iraq. They were issued special protective equipment. Later, ballistic missiles were fired at Israel, but chemical weapons were not used. Residents of Israel began to turn to medical institutions asking for help, allegedly feeling the effects of chemical weapons. This case shows how persuasive the law of expectation can be.

  • Association method

During the election campaign, presidential candidates often resort to this technique. Candidates use the words of former presidents from the opposing party in campaign speeches. For example, Republicans quote Democrats, thereby winning them over. This method of persuasion, if handled correctly, can significantly increase the number of votes.

  • Sequence method

President Clinton lost the trust of many citizens due to the fact that his post-election policies did not coincide with the pre-election ones. That is, people, seeing the inconsistency of actions, begin to look for another option.

  • Conformism method

For the most part, people are led and subject to public opinion. But usually public opinion is very easily swayed, and this can play into the hands of masters of persuasion.

  • Consumer Behavior: Types, Management and Motivation

Expert opinion

When the Most Effective Persuasion Techniques Fail

Igor Loginov,

General Director and founder of Veneta Systems, St. Petersburg

In 2007, such an incident occurred in the company. Mass layoffs began in the logistics department; people did not want to work and went on sick leave. The reason for this was the unhealthy atmosphere in the team. I tried absolutely every method of persuasion that led to nothing.

What convinced the logistics department employees to work efficiently. This method of persuasion came to my mind - the idea of ​​​​buying new cars for employees. Having bought new cars, I set a condition for people that they must buy it as their own within five years. For many of them, a new car is a pipe dream that has a chance to come true. Using this method of persuasion, I achieved stable work of the team for the next five years.

Even taking into account that the loan was paid by the company, this method of persuasion turned out to be not very costly. The loan amount was 9 thousand rubles, and the driver’s salary decreased by only 3 thousand, but the drivers themselves paid the interest to the bank. In addition, we paid compensation for the use of personal vehicles. Therefore, this option was very beneficial for employees.

Results. This method of persuasion worked very well . The company's costs per employee, of course, have increased slightly, but their efficiency has increased by 1.5 times. The loan did not allow people to go on sick leave, quit or not go to work. Discipline in the team has improved. New employees, seeing how others worked, could not afford to perform worse. Turnover has decreased significantly. The situation in the department has stabilized. I was very pleased with the result.

Information about the experts

Mikhail Urzhumtsev, General Director of Melon Fashion Group OJSC, St. Petersburg. The St. Petersburg clothing company Melon Fashion Group owns the Zarina, befree and Love Republic chains.

Igor Loginov, General Director and founder of Veneta Systems, St. Petersburg. Field of activity: restoration of the printing properties of cartridges for printers, faxes and photocopiers. Number of personnel: 130. Annual turnover: 200 million rubles. (in 2013).

Today on the blog: How the psychology of persuasion works, psychological techniques of persuasion, how you can convince another person, or, if you like, the art of persuasion.
(see psychological games)

Greetings, dear blog readers, I wish everyone mental health.

Psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of human persuasion is based on the fact that, when persuading, the speaker influences the consciousness of the person being persuaded, turning to her own critical judgment. The essence psychology of persuasion serves to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlighting the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Convictions appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic and evidence prevail and the persuasiveness of the arguments presented is achieved. Convincing a person as a psychological influence should create in a person the conviction that the other is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the speaker

The perception of persuasive information depends on who is communicating it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. A person who convinces someone of something can create an impression of his competence in three ways.

First- begin to express judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will gain a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second- be presented as a specialist in the field.

Third- speak confidently, without a shadow of doubt.

Reliability depends on the manner in which the persuader speaks. People trust a speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend something that goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and confidence in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuasion of a person. The term “attractiveness” refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems more convincing to listeners.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are the easiest to persuade. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence can remain for life, since the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong arousal, agitation, and anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (compliance with persuasion) increases. A good mood often promotes persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking and partly because it creates a connection between a good mood and a message. People in a good mood tend to see the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in the restaurant.

Conformers are more easily persuaded (easily accepting the opinions of others) (test: Personality Theory). Women are more susceptible to persuasion than men. It may not be particularly effective psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, who are acutely worried, as it seems to them, about their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, and not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher a person's intelligence, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content is, the more often they assimilate information but disagree with it.

Psychology of human persuasion: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, a person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or by an influence directed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective when it influences a person and causes fear. This psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only scare with the possible and probable negative consequences certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is easy to imagine, are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea).

However, using fear to persuade and influence a person cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terrorism, which is often observed when advertising various medicines on radio and television. For example, we are told with enthusiasm how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many of the population, according to doctors, should get the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just day after day, but almost every hour, and It is completely ignored that there are easily suggestible people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow medications that are not only useless in this case, but also harmful to health.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment “do no harm.” At the same time, it does not take into account that the source of information that deprives a person of mental and psychological peace may be denied trust.

A person is more convinced by the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (recency effect).

Psychology of human persuasion and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to ourselves. The weakest are those given mentally, somewhat stronger are those given to oneself out loud, and the strongest are those given by another, even if he does it at our request.

Psychology of persuasion. Methods:

fundamental: represents a direct appeal to the interlocutor, who is immediately and openly introduced to all the information that makes up
the basis for proving the correctness of the proposal;

contradiction method: is based on identifying contradictions in the arguments of the person being persuaded and on carefully checking one’s own arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counter-offensive;

"draw conclusions" method: arguments are not presented all at once, but gradually, step by step, seeking agreement at each stage;

"chunks" method: the arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong (accurate), medium (controversial) and weak (erroneous); They try not to touch the former, but the main blow is dealt to the latter;

ignore method: if the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted;

accent method: emphasis is placed on the arguments presented by the interlocutor and corresponding to common interests (“you say it yourself...”);

two-way argumentation method: for greater persuasiveness, first outline the advantages and then the disadvantages of the proposed solution
question; it is better if the interlocutor learns about the shortcomings from the persuader than from others, which will give him the impression that the persuader is unbiased (this method is especially effective when persuading an educated person, while a poorly educated person lends itself better to one-sided argumentation);

“Yes, but...” method: used in cases where the interlocutor provides convincing evidence of the advantages of his approach to resolving the issue; first they agree with the interlocutor, then after a pause they provide evidence of the shortcomings of his approach;

apparent support method: this is a development of the previous method: the interlocutor’s arguments are not refuted, but, on the contrary, new arguments are presented
in their support. Then, when he has the impression that the persuader is well informed, counterarguments are given;

boomerang method: the interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the opposite direction; arguments "for" turn into arguments

The psychology of persuasion is effective when:

1. when it concerns one need of the subject or several, but of equal strength;

2. when carried out against the background of low intensity of the persuader’s emotions; excitement and agitation are interpreted as uncertainty and reduce the effectiveness of his argumentation; outbursts of anger and swearing cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor;

3. when we are talking about minor issues that do not require a reorientation of needs;

4. when the persuader is confident in the correctness of the proposed solution; in this case, a certain dose of inspiration, an appeal not only to the mind, but also to the emotions of the interlocutor (through “contagion”) will help enhance the effect of persuasion;

5. when not only one’s own is proposed, but the argumentation of the person being persuaded is also considered; this gives a better effect than repeated repetitions of one’s own arguments;

6. when argumentation begins with a discussion of those arguments on which it is easier to reach agreement; you need to ensure that the person being persuaded more often agrees with the arguments: the more assents you can get, the greater the chances of achieving success;

7. when an argumentation plan has been developed that takes into account the opponent’s possible counterarguments; this will help build the logic of the conversation and make it easier for the opponent to understand the position of the persuader.

The psychology of human persuasion is appropriate then:

1. When the importance of the proposal, the possibility and ease of its implementation are shown;

2. When they present different points of view and analyze forecasts (if they are convinced, including negative ones);

3. When the significance of the advantages of a proposal is increased and the magnitude of its disadvantages is reduced;

4. When to consider individual characteristics subject, his educational and cultural level and select the arguments that are closest and most understandable to him;

5. When a person is not directly told that he is wrong, in this way one can only hurt his pride - and he will do everything to defend himself, his position (it is better to say: “Perhaps I’m wrong, but let’s see...”);

6. When, in order to overcome the negativism of the interlocutor, they create the illusion that the proposed idea belongs to him (to do this, it is enough just to lead him to the appropriate thought and provide him with the opportunity to draw a conclusion); do not parry the interlocutor’s argument immediately and with apparent ease, he will perceive this as disrespect for himself or as an underestimation of his problems (what torments him for a long time is resolved to others in a matter of seconds);

7. When in a dispute it is not the personality of the interlocutor that is criticized, but the arguments he gives, which are controversial or incorrect from the point of view of the person persuading (it is advisable to preface the criticism by admitting that the person being convinced is right in something, this will help to avoid his offense);

8. When they argue as clearly as possible, periodically checking whether the subject understands you correctly; arguments do not draw out, as this is usually associated with the speaker having doubts; phrases that are short and simple in design are built not according to the norms of the literary language, but according to the laws of oral speech; use pauses between arguments, since the flow of arguments in monologue mode dulls the attention and interest of the interlocutor;

9. When the subject is included in the discussion and decision-making, since people better adopt the views in which they take part;

10. When they oppose their point of view calmly, tactfully, without mentoring.

This concludes the review of the psychology of human persuasion; I hope that the post was useful.
I wish everyone good luck!

Bosses and subordinates: who is who, relationships and conflicts Lukash Yuri Aleksandrovich

Methods of persuasive influence used in constructing speech

The main methods of persuasive influence that are used to construct a persuasive speech in order to convince listeners and persuade them to the opinion of the speaker, his position, are:

- belief;

– informing (transfer of information);

– suggestion;

- ethical way of persuasion.

The effective persuasive effect of speech depends on the correct use of all the possibilities inherent in each of these methods of persuasion.

The main way of persuasive speech influence on listeners is persuasion. To build a persuasive speech, the following forms of persuasion are used:

– logical belief;

– emotional persuasion;

– persuasion in the form of discussion.

Logical persuasion is carried out through the logical operations of proof (proof), criticism and refutation. Proof is a logical operation of justifying the truth of a judgment with the help of other true and related judgments; it is a type of argumentation process, namely argumentation that establishes the truth of a judgment on the basis of other true judgments.

To ensure the persuasive impact of speech when constructing it, it is necessary to follow the rules of logical proof, which boil down to the following basic provisions:

– the thesis and arguments (arguments) must be clear, precise, and precisely defined;

– the thesis must remain identical, i.e. the same, throughout the entire proof (justification);

– the arguments given to support the thesis should not contradict each other;

– substantiation of a true thesis requires the use true arguments;

– the truth of the arguments must be established (proven) regardless of the thesis;

– arguments (arguments) must serve as a sufficient basis for this thesis;

– in the course of proof (justification), it is necessary to observe the forms of inference (deduction, induction and analogy) and the logical laws of thinking: the law of identity, the law of non-contradiction, the law of excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason.

Violation of these rules leads to logical errors, which sometimes occur in speech, such as:

– a false foundation, or basic fallacy, when they try to derive the thesis being justified from false premises;

- anticipation of the foundation, or unproven foundation, when they try to derive a thesis from premises that themselves need confirmation of their truth;

– a vicious circle, when the thesis is deduced from the premises, and those, in turn, from the thesis;

– a complete substitution of the thesis, or a deviation from the thesis, is manifested in the fact that, having put forward a certain position as a thesis, the argumentator actually substantiates something else, close or similar to the thesis, and thereby replaces the main idea with another;

– partial substitution of the thesis is expressed in the fact that during the speech the argumentator tries to modify his own thesis, narrowing or softening his initially too general, exaggerated or too harsh statement;

– excessive evidence according to the principle “the more arguments, the better”; the argumentation in this case will be excessive or illogical, especially when, unbeknownst to himself, the arguer uses clearly contradictory arguments;

– confusion of a causal relationship with a simple sequence in time, when reasoning according to the principle “after this, therefore, because of this”;

– false following, when in support of the thesis they move from what was said in a certain relation to what was said without regard;

– hasty generalization, when an argument confirming only part of the thesis is used to justify the entire thesis;

– an error in demonstration when there is no logical connection between the arguments and the thesis being substantiated.

This kind of logical errors causes a critical attitude towards the speaker’s position from the listeners. In such cases, in the process of polemics, to convince and convince each other, to win over, and to attract listeners to their side, judicial speakers use two more methods of logical argumentation:

– criticism – i.e. a logical operation aimed at destroying a previously held process of argumentation. If the goal of argumentation is to develop a belief in the truth or at least partial validity of a position, then the ultimate goal of criticism is to dissuade people from the validity of a particular position and convince them of the falsity of this position. The final goal of criticism is not always achieved. Sometimes it is only possible to establish the unfoundedness of the statement, and sometimes the falsity of the statement or the low degree of credibility is indicated. Therefore, two methods of criticism can be distinguished: criticism of the argument and establishing the falsity, or low degree of credibility, of the statement. In the first case, criticism is called counterargumentation, and the criticized position is called a thesis. A special case of counterargumentation is logical refutation;

– refutation – i.e. establishing the falsity of any provision using logical means and proven provisions. These kinds of provisions are called refutation arguments. According to the direction of reasoning, there is criticism of the thesis by substantiating the antithesis and criticism, which is called reduction to absurdity.

Logical persuasion in the form of refutation, criticism and evidence is usually combined with emotional persuasion, which is designed to awaken and use in subsequent thought processes the experiences, emotions and feelings corresponding to the circumstances presented. Rational logical belief is stronger when it is perceived in a certain emotional state. This is explained by the fact that emotions are a necessary element of any cognitive process and at the same time act as a stimulating principle, a necessary condition knowledge itself. The need to resort to emotional persuasion in speech follows from the fact that, as established by research, when listening to a speech, the highest level of understanding of the subject of speech is achieved, in which they not only understand what the speaker was talking about (remembered the main idea), they understand what was said about this (they remember the main arguments), but also retain the impression, remember how the speaker spoke, is achieved only when the speaker managed to make a deep impression on the feelings of people with his oratory.

Persuasion in the form of discussion is carried out by exchanging arguments and statements in order to defend one’s point of view in the process of polemics. Speakers resort to this form of persuasion when, after listening to the speeches of all participants in the debate, the parties speak one more time - with a remark. Defense attorneys often use this form of persuasion when constructing a defense speech to refute the position and arguments contained in the speech of the state prosecutor.

The use of these forms of persuasion also involves the use of such a method of persuasive speech influence as informing (transmitting purposefully selected information). Consciously selected and targeted information has great persuasive power and can seriously change the way of thinking and opinion of every person. In speech, the essence of informing as a method of persuasive speech influence lies in the purposeful transmission of messages about certain facts, information about the participants in the event in question, their behavior during, before and after the commission of the act in question and other information relevant to the case. By transmitting pre-prepared, selected and systematized information, the speaker has the necessary impact on the audience: the transmitted information increases the mental activity of listeners, forms one or another direction of their cognitive processes (perception, thinking, imagination), and leads to the need to reassess the individual circumstances of the case under consideration.

The correct use of information (transmission of information), various methods of logical persuasion (proof, criticism and refutation) and emotional persuasion (as in the above fragment of Andreevsky’s speech) creates the prerequisites for the effective use of two more methods of persuasive influence: the ethical method of persuasion and suggestion.

Suggestion as a method of persuasive influence is very effective. IN social psychology Suggestion as an additional means of persuasion is understood as a person’s purposeful influence on other people in order to induce a predisposition in them towards oneself, to gain their complete trust in oneself, in what is being said to them and, as a result, to successfully instill in them one’s reasoning and convince them of their fidelity.

Attempts by the speaker to exert a psychological influence on listeners without suggestion, using rational arguments alone, reduce the effectiveness of such influence, especially when it comes to polemics. In the process of polemics, the evidence of speech, being the basis for constructing a persuasive speech, does not yet guarantee the formation of inner conviction about the correctness and fairness of the speaker’s provisions and arguments. The practice of polemical speeches shows that in a dispute you can prove a position, but not convince others of its truth, and, conversely, convince, but not prove. Similar situations occur in adversarial trials, when the losing party (prosecutor or defense attorney), when developing and delivering a judicial speech, does not use a variety of methods of persuasive influence, including those that provide the effect of persuasive suggestion, i.e., help to win over .

Speech provides the effect of persuasive suggestion only when listeners trust the speaker. The degree of confidence in a speaker’s speech, especially in conditions of information uncertainty, with a lack of evidence, depends on his moral characteristics. One of the most important conditions for gaining the trust of listeners is the speaker’s ability to deliver lively, free, impromptu speech. Such lively, free speech has a more effective impact on the interlocutor or listeners (for example, during a meeting) because it provides not only evidence, but also a suggestive effect.

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Department of Educational Psychology

Course work

Technologies of persuasive influence and their application in business communication


Chapter 1. Theoretical definition of persuasive technologies. Definition of the concepts “belief”, “conviction”

1.1 The relationship between the personal interests of the person being persuaded and the result of persuasion. Open questions

1.2 Nonverbal interaction as a component of persuasion technologies

Chapter 2. Practical application of persuasion. Technologies of persuasion in business communication

2.1 Persuasive condition in the process of business communication

2.2 Speech adjustment and adaptation to body language as methods of effective persuasion




For quite a long time, many people have known the phenomenon of persuasion. Psychologists around the world are increasingly convinced that the idea of ​​psychological influence (including persuasion) - one person influences another - is basic for all psychology. V.N. Kulikov writes that in the problems of psychological influence, interaction and self-influence, the demands of social practice and the needs of psychological science itself are organically connected. Their development will have an outlet both in psychological theory and in broad social practice.

It should be noted that the relevance and importance of persuasive technologies in the modern world cannot be disputed. Modern society uncontrollably strives for success, achieving one’s own goals, position in society, and increasing social status. It should also be noted that many people, seeking not only to expand the range of their knowledge, but also to gain some practical skills, turn their attention to the field of psychology, in particular to technologies of persuasive influence and influence.

The importance of persuasive technologies in the field of education is undeniable. With the help of persuasion, it is possible to achieve various pedagogical goals, objectives, and attitudes. Moreover, with the proper use of persuasive technologies, the authority of the teacher increases, which greatly simplifies the process of education, upbringing and interpersonal interaction.

Nowadays, training in persuasion technologies is of great attention and demand among representatives of various professions. Thus, there is a need for further, more thorough study of this phenomenon.

This problem was studied by Pratkanis E., Aronson E., Dotsenko E.L., Cialdini R., Kabachenko T.S. and others.

Object of study- persuasion as a way of purposefully influencing a person.

Subject of study- technologies, methods of persuasion and their application in business communication.

Purpose of the study- identify and study the basic technologies of persuasion.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Conduct an analysis of various literary sources, reflecting this topic.

2. Reveal the role, importance, and general meaning of persuasion in the process of interaction between people.

3. Determine the main types and directions of persuasion.

4. Justify the practical application of persuasion technologies.

5. Study the content of some persuasive technologies and methods of persuasion.

Method - analysis of theoretical and experimental literature on psychology; studying the practical application of the phenomenon of persuasion.

Chapter 1. Theoretical definition of persuasive technologies. Definition of the concept of “belief”, “conviction”

Society is a single organism, the components of which are closely interconnected. In other words, a person is an inseparable part of society, while the thread that connects all people is communication. In the process of communication, a close relationship occurs between people, contacts are established, information is transmitted, and personality development occurs. When communicating, people express their emotions, impressions, and reasoning. Moreover, in the process of communication, the mutual attitude of the interlocutors to each other is formed. Nowadays, it is also no secret to anyone that with the help of communication structured in a certain way, you can influence your interlocutor, including convincing him of the correctness of your views. I would like to take a more thorough look at the phenomenon of persuasion, methods and technologies of persuasion.

Belief - it is a method of influencing people by appealing to their own critical perceptions. Conviction is, first of all, an explanation and proof of the correctness and necessity of certain behavior or the inadmissibility of any offense.

Using the method of persuasion, psychologists proceed from the fact that it is focused on the intellectual-cognitive sphere of the human psyche. Its essence is, with the help of logical arguments, to first obtain from a person internal agreement with certain conclusions, and then, on this basis, to form and consolidate new attitudes (or transform old ones) that correspond to the goal.

When persuading, you must follow certain rules:

The logic of persuasion must be accessible to the intellect of the target;

It is necessary to convince with evidence, based on facts known to the object;

In addition to specific facts and examples (without them it is impossible to convince those who lack breadth of vision and developed abstract thinking), information must contain generalized provisions, ideas, principles);

Persuasive information should look as believable as possible;

The facts and generalities communicated must be such as to evoke an emotional reaction from the target.

The process of persuasion is the most difficult among other methods of influence. The leading place in this process is occupied by the argumentation of one’s position and activities. Therefore, we will take a closer look at argumentation as the most important basis for persuasion.

There are many ways to argue. Here are some of them:

1. technique for relieving tension. Requires establishing emotional contact with the interlocutor. A few words are enough for this.

2. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly outline the situation and, linking it with the content of the conversation, use it as a starting point for discussing the problem. For these purposes, you can successfully use some events, comparisons, personal impressions, an anecdotal incident or an unusual question.

3. The technique of stimulating the imagination involves asking at the beginning of the conversation many questions about the content of the problems that should be considered. This method gives good results when the performer has a sober view of the problem being solved.

4. The direct approach involves a direct transition to the point without any introduction or preamble.

The criterion for the effectiveness of persuasive influence is conviction. This is a deep confidence in the truth of the acquired ideas, concepts, concepts, and images. It allows you to make unambiguous decisions and implement them without hesitation, to take a firm position in your assessment of certain facts and phenomena. Thanks to conviction, people's attitudes are formed that determine their behavior in specific situations.

An important characteristic of conviction is its depth. It is directly related to people’s previous upbringing, their awareness, life experience, and ability to analyze the phenomena of the surrounding reality. Deep confidence is characterized by great stability. In order to shake it, it is not enough logical conclusions. It is advisable to use persuasive influence in the following cases:

When the target is able to perceive the information received;

If the object is psychologically capable of agreeing with the opinion imposed on him. Therefore, the correct choice of the object of psychological influence and the content of the persuasive influence are equally important;

If the object is able to compare different points of view, analyze the argumentation system. In other words, persuasive influence is effective only on the condition that its object is able to understand and appreciate what is being presented to him;

If the logic of thinking of the subject of influence, the argumentation he uses are close to the peculiarities of thinking of the object. Hence the importance of taking into account the national-psychological characteristics of the object, the entire complex of social, national-religious, cultural factors that influence its perception of the content of the message;

If there is time to convince. Convincing people of something, especially something that benefits the other party, usually takes time. Changes in the sphere of people's rational thinking occur only after comparison and reflection of facts, which requires significant time expenditure. In addition, the varied content of persuasive influence requires repeated confirmation with various arguments and facts, which also makes the process more long-term.

Persuasion usually includes:

Impact of information source

Impact of information content

Impact of the information situation.

Impact of information source. The effectiveness of persuasion depends to a certain extent on how the people who perceive it relate to the source of information.

Impact of information content. It largely depends on how evidence-based and convincing it is.

Evidence is based on the logic, plausibility and consistency of the material presented. In other words, it is important not only what is communicated, but also how it is done.

Persuasiveness depends to a large extent on taking into account the inherent attitudes, beliefs, interests, needs of the object of influence, his way of thinking, national psychological characteristics and the originality of the language. Thus, to achieve persuasiveness, a significant number of factors must be taken into account.

To obtain maximum effect, persuasive influence must meet certain requirements:

1. Be properly oriented and planned.

2. Be aimed at a specific object.

3. Be focused primarily on the intellectual-cognitive sphere of the object’s psyche.

4. Be aimed at initiating a certain behavior.

The basic principles of persuasive influence should be:

The principle of repetition. Repeating a message multiple times gives an effect that cannot be obtained with a single exposure;

The principle of achieving primary impact. If the object has received some important message, then in his mind there is a readiness to perceive subsequent, more detailed information that confirms the first impression.

The principle of ensuring trust in the source of information. Among the methods of achieving trust in a source of information at present, in addition, include creating an image of “special knowledge” about those events that, for some reason, are hushed up by official sources (this is achieved by transmitting facts whose reliability is known or can be easily verified ); creating an image of “objectivity, independence and alternativeness”, which is achieved by citing documents, expert assessments, opinions of eyewitnesses of events, etc.

Activation principle mental processes the object's perception of information content.

Persuasion involves a gentle influence on an individual, with the goal of radically adjusting his views in order to influence subsequent behavior. This option is the most ethical way of influence, because there is no brutal violence or penetration into the subconscious of the object.

Persuasion is used to long-term change a person’s ideas and attitudes in the required direction, to attract cooperation, to induce the object to the desired action.

In technical terms, persuasion is an explicit, sometimes hidden, discussion, supplemented by some kind of stimulating effect.

Each person has his own attitude towards something or someone. There are three gradations of such an attitude: obvious sympathy (a tendency to accept something); indifference (with a slight bias in one direction or another); denial (rejection).

Any attempt to rudely impose the desired opinion will only lead to a negative result, since a person always resists the restriction of freedom of choice.

To change an individual's attitude towards something, one needs to reorient his attitude. Please note that:

In the duel between reason and attitude, attitude often wins;

In the course of changing attitudes, a person must be shown the direction and content of the necessary changes; all this must be understood and accepted by him;

Changes will be more successful the more in tune they are with the needs and motivations of the object;

The easiest way to restructure installations is those that do not have fundamental (vital) significance for a person;

In case completely negative attitude its reorientation usually requires special sophisticated methods of reprogramming the individual’s psyche.

Depending on the conditions of the situation and the specific characteristics of the object, you can try to convince him directly (during a conversation) or indirectly (through inspired actions), while acting in an accentuated-logical manner, imperatively (categorically), excitatively (with the involvement of emotions), alternatively (by reducing problems to choose “either/or”).

It is also known that it is much easier to convince those who have a bright vivid imagination, an orientation towards others rather than towards themselves, a somewhat low self-esteem (timid and weakly trusting their own opinion subjects).

On the other hand, people with obvious hostility towards others are difficult to persuade (the resistance shown, by the way, can often arise as a result of the desire to dominate others), with a strong spirit of criticism, an invariable readiness to change their views (in other words, the desire to always have one more position in reserve).

1.1 The relationship between the personal interests of the person being persuaded and the result of persuasion. Open questions

Open questions can be divided into “questions about desires” and “questions about problems.” The former are aimed at updating what a person wants, the latter direct him to a problem area that needs to be resolved in order to satisfy the desire.

Having asked a question, you need to give the person being persuaded the opportunity to speak out completely. The more he talks, the more he clarifies his desires and problems, the more more possibilities subsequently, paraphrasing his statements, strengthen the interlocutor in a certain opinion. When he can connect the achievement of his goal, the fulfillment of a desire, with the need to solve a certain problem, then he will begin to look for this solution. It is at this moment that he is internally ready to accept this or that proposal as a possible option for achieving the goal.

Naturally, in the process of communicating with a partner, it is rarely possible to immediately move from desires to problems, and from them to the search for solutions. At the same time, what stronger desire The clearer the essence of the problem, the faster you want to solve it. One of the most effective means psychological impact is an expression of interest and readiness to perceive what the partner says. There are verbal and non-verbal forms of expression of interest.

Verbally, interest can be shown by repeating what the interlocutor said, retelling his thoughts in his own words, as well as through the use of words like: “I understand,” “good,” etc. Non-verbally, interest is expressed through approving nods, movements towards the interlocutor, friendly smiles and so on.

When a partner hears that the interlocutor is retelling in his own words or repeating the thought expressed by him (in an interested and friendly manner), this significantly increases his confidence in the significance and appropriateness of the judgments. And most importantly, it encourages him to say even more about what they want to hear from him. Non-verbal signals of interest are perceived by the interlocutor unconsciously and make him want to repeat or cover in more detail those points that aroused the interest of the other party. Thus, the interlocutor not only discovers, but also strengthens his feelings related to the topic of conversation.

The ability to find the right words also plays an important role when asking questions and managing your partner’s train of thought. In order to actualize the desires of a partner, to awaken his desire to solve the problem facing him, it is necessary to talk with him about understandable, familiar and at the same time significant things, using simple and specific expressions, remembering that most people tend to think specifically. We must always remember that the benefits and advantages that a business partner expects to receive by accepting your offer must be tangible and clearly imaginable. Only by learning to make these advantages visible and vivid for your partner can you gain the necessary psychological leverage to exert influence.

In a conversation, the purpose of which is to provide a psychological impact, you need to adhere to a certain plan. Your thoughts should be presented gradually, making sure that the interlocutor understands the information being communicated well and correctly. To do this you need to use feedback, that is, to provide the interlocutor with the opportunity to express what meaning the proposed ideas make for him. After all, first he perceives the message, then interprets it from the position of personal experience, evaluates it in the light of his goals and life prospects, and only then reacts to it.

1.2 Nonverbal interaction as a component of persuasion technologies

Interpersonal communication and the phenomenon of persuasion occur not only at the level of transfer of verbal information. The exchange of messages between interlocutors usually occurs at two levels - at the level of “content” and “attitude”. At the level of “content” we convey informative messages, usually verbally; at the level of “attitude” we communicate, often non-verbally, explicitly, our vision of the interlocutor, the situation, the information conveyed. Both types of messages are integral to successful persuasion.

At the nonverbal level, however, more than just “attitude” messages can be conveyed. Nonverbal signals in the communication process are very powerful, especially when they complement or contradict verbal signals. We often rely on nonverbal cues more than our actual verbal cues. In order for such signals to be considered persuasive, they must have some degree of purpose and awareness for at least one of the parties involved in the communication. Nonverbal persuasion can be spontaneous or symbolic. Spontaneous belief is the outward manifestation of our emotions. Symbolic persuasion involves socially constructed symbols that imply a particular interpretation. They are always encoded and deciphered at a conscious level.

Nonverbal signals can be used to convey independent meaning, to accompany and supplement a verbal message, as well as to regulate the process of communicative interaction.

Accompanying verbal messages, nonverbal signals can duplicate them (usually occurs when expressing emotions), clarify them (gestures), replace them (an attempt to avoid verbal expression), or contradict them.

Sending nonverbal messages and persuasion at the nonverbal level occurs through the following channels:

Proxemics (position and movement in space)


Kinesics (gestures, body movements)

Paraverbal messages (phonetic features of speech)

Tactile communication (touch)

Proxemics determines the degree of formality of communication, the psychological closeness of the interlocutors, and is also a way to preserve one’s “image.” Often, by paying attention to the distance between interlocutors, you can understand how close their relationship is and, therefore, how much one of them can influence the other.

Appearance plays significant role in business interpersonal communication, since visual contact largely shapes the initial assessment of the interlocutor. Clothing can convey information about a person's social status, his personal characteristics, self-esteem. Thanks to a favorable appearance, a person’s authority increases and the level of trust in him increases. Thus, a person has a greater chance of achieving persuasion effectiveness.

The gaze conveys the emotions of the speaker, performs a regulatory function during communication, and also records the perception of our interlocutor, which also affects the better assimilation of information and contributes to the effectiveness of persuasion.

Facial expressions are one of the most powerful nonverbal signals, since they are biologically inherent in humans and are perceived at the emotional level outside of cultural conventions.

Kinesics involves gestures and body movements that serve to express the psycho-emotional state of the speaker and enhance the verbal effect. Kinesic behavior includes: emblems (gestures that can be easily converted into verbal messages), illustrators (gestures and body movements that accompany speech, emphasizing meaningful words, showing what is being said), emotional indicators, regulators, adapters ( gestures and body movements that are resorted to to cope with an emotional state, awkwardness, etc.)

Paraverbal signals include such features of speech as intonation, volume, pitch, range, tempo, and timbre of the voice.

Tactile communication implies a culture of touch. These nonverbal cues are culturally determined on the one hand and contextually determined on the other.

It should be noted that the outcome of persuasion can be influenced not only by communicative competence, rhetoric of persuasion, mutual interest, but also by social status. However, the result and the degree of conviction of the interlocutor are directly related to the persuasive technologies and methods of persuasion used. As mentioned above, nonverbal technologies occupy one of the most important positions in the process of persuasion. But it should be noted that there is a special technology for their use. If necessary, make the most of your interlocutor strong impression, the task is first of all to become familiar with the meanings of various gestures, body movements, touches, in what situation they can arise and what causes them to occur. This will help you better understand your interlocutor and his emotional state. The next step is the mastery of various non-verbal signs by the persuader himself. In the future, the communicator will be able to use them in the process of persuasion to achieve the goal.

Chapter 2. Practical application of persuasion. Technologies of persuasion in business communication

Based on our understanding of the “business” situation, we can see that it involves a fairly wide range of situations, both in professional communication and in Everyday life. However, it turns out to be consonant with the modern understanding of business communication. Business communication usually refers to the process of verbal interaction between two or more persons in which activities, information, and experience are exchanged that involve achieving a result, solving a specific problem, or realizing a specific goal. Recently, due to the development of information technology and the expansion of the boundaries of the communication space, as well as the growing role of business in public life any country business style constantly and willingly expands the scope of its functioning.

However, business communication can be interpreted in a narrower sense - as an activity. Presuming the achievement of certain interests and goals in business areas.

Business communication is always appropriate, and therefore the use of linguistic means in business speech is clearly subordinated to the personal position on a specific problem and the achievement of a positive result in solving a specific problem.

Business communication always occurs in a certain context and turns out to be dependent on it. The specific situation, including the number of participants, the nature of the goals set, the levels of interaction with recipients, gives it characteristic features, allowing us to identify several forms of its manifestation. These include: business conversation, business meeting, business public speaking or presentation.

Regardless of the type of situation, most often the speaker tries to convey the essence of his speech to the audience, to persuade them to accept their point of view and ideas. In business, it is especially important to be able to convince opponents of the correctness and effectiveness of your ideas. This cannot be achieved by a person who does not have the strongest natural gift of persuasion without knowledge of certain methods and techniques of influence and without persuasion skills.

Quite often in the process of communication a lively discussion arises, during which opinions are expressed. different opinions, ideas, new proposals, and objections are also announced. However, the persuader must be prepared for them. With a minimum of effort, you can imagine in advance at least 90 percent of all possible objections to a particular proposal. If you don't think about an objection, it will take you by surprise and cause unnecessary confusion and lead to erroneous reactions.

You should listen carefully and completely to the interlocutor, give him the opportunity to express his objection, show interest in his words and mood, the arguments put forward, and argumentation. However, you should avoid any statements or actions that may increase his anxiety.

Under no circumstances should you let your partner understand that his objections and concerns cause a negative attitude. For a partner, his objections are completely justified and logical, so if you verbally or non-verbally question his logic or intelligence, then further persuasion can be considered useless. In such situations, you need to show tact and, first of all, show your interlocutor your understanding of his feelings and the reasons why the objections arose.

You should never contradict what the person being persuaded says. After all, the task is to calm him down and help him develop a logical, rational decision. A person cannot be reassured by a direct counter-objection; this can only be done by showing an understanding of his condition. Only by feeling confident and supported will the interlocutor be able to overcome his own worries and anxiety.

2.1 Persuasive condition in the process of business communication

To achieve the best result, conditions should be created for the persuaded under which he could admit that the persuader is right, while saving his “face.” Since most objections are essentially questions, it is quite natural to try to find out exactly what question the partner wants to ask, what worries or confuses him in the proposals presented, what he needs to explain in more detail.

When setting out the main arguments against the objection raised, it should be remembered that every person has a characteristic need for security, fear of losses, and fear for his fate. Therefore, the person being persuaded needs appropriate assurances to all his objections. Moreover, if he has not raised a single objection, the persuader himself should raise this question and answer it.

The nature of the conversation and the arguments depend on the specific situation, on the essence of doubts and anxieties, and on the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the target.

However, in any case, it is necessary to show an interested and friendly attitude towards the interlocutor, record everything, even the smallest details of his behavior, and carefully monitor his mental state. All this is necessary in order to accurately determine the moment in the development of relationships and the dynamics of its motivation when the impact can be transferred to the next, higher stage.

The next step on the path to effective persuasion is taking into account the mental states of the interlocutor.

In the process of communication, the partner experiences at least two phases of perception and evaluation of the information received: uptime and downtime.

In the uptime phase, a person is ready and open to receiving information. In the downtime phase, he is in a state of internal mental activity (he

thinks, plans, organizes and processes received information or fantasizes).

When a partner is in a state of downtime, it is useless to tell him information, since he does not perceive it. At the same time, he appears to have stopped. Unfocused look. Only when the partner again has a direct and focused gaze, when eye contact is established, can the exchange of information continue.

When communicating information to a partner who is in a state of uptime, you need to give enough time for downtime so that he is able to process the received message. If the listener often plunges into downtime, this means that he is overloaded with information.

2.2 Speech adjustment and adjustment to body language as methods of effective persuasion

By approaching the language of the object, reflecting his speech with our speech, we facilitate the establishment of psychological contact. There are three main individual styles to keep in mind: imaginative thinking, reflected in speech: kinesthetic, visual, auditory.

1. Kinesthetic refers to people whose speech often contains words expressing physical sensations: “I feel at ease around you” or “he irritates me”, “Don’t push me” and so on. When establishing contact with a kinesthetic learner, it is advisable to use words that convey kinesthetic sensations. For example, “How do you feel about this proposal?”

2. Visual concerns people primarily operating visual images, which is reflected in their speech: “to be in focus”, “in sight”, “it has perspective”, “fits into big picture" For more effective communication With these faces it is advisable to use words containing visual information. For example, “You see how this is developing,” “See what can come of this,” “You and I have looked at this,” and so on.

3. Auditory is characteristic of people who live primarily in the world of sound images. Their speech contains the expressions: “listen to me properly,” “our information sounded good,” “this will be a big deal.” In this case, you can increase the effectiveness of communication by using words that evoke auditory associations. For example, “Let's think about what he asked you about,” “It seems that the situation is consonant with your interests.”

When it comes to body language, it is a set of individual and repeated non-verbal characteristics of human behavior. For example, tilting the head when talking, swaying the body, tapping the foot, twitching the mustache, and the like.

One of the most effective ways to establish a psychological connection (rapport) is to mirror a partner by imitating his movements (macro and micromotor skills). If, for example, the speaker brings his own breathing rhythm into harmony with the breathing of another person, then he will be involuntarily in contact with him.

For example, in a conversation with a partner a conflict situation arose. Under normal conditions, the breathing rhythm of both partners will change depending on the progress of the discussion. This means that fast and shallow breathing, a subconscious signal of irritation and aggression, will cause an aggressive response. But if one of the partners begins to coordinate his own breathing rhythm with the opponent’s breathing, and then gradually reduces it, then the tension in the conversation will ease, and a psychological connection will be established.

The display object can also be other movements of the object: tilting the head, crossing the knees, rubbing hands. You might think that your target would quickly notice your attempt to mimic their pantomime, but people rarely notice.

“Cross mapping” is also possible, in which the expressive movements of some parts of the partner’s body are reflected by other movements of the partner: a breathing movement by moving an arm or leg at the same pace; tapping your foot at the same speed as your partner's speaking speed. An experienced communicator does this involuntarily and sometimes unconsciously.

With the help of display, you can interrupt the development of an unwanted psychological connection. Let's say the interlocutor is too talkative and requires increased attention. A direct remark in this situation can extinguish his zeal and enthusiasm. But if you deliberately do not allow consistency in expressive movements and breathing, then the interlocutor’s desire for psychological contact will be reduced without awareness of this on his part.

Signals that stable and deep psychological contact (rapport) is not deepening can strengthen your position in a conversation with your partner. The discomfort experienced by a partner seeking approval or support in a conversation can serve as an impetus for concessions on his part that could hardly be achieved in any other way.

The importance of the place of authority in the persuasion process should also not be underestimated. For the success of persuasion, the object's deliberate belief in honesty or knowledge, conscientiousness or competence, benevolence or competence, and the authority of the suggestor is necessary.

Someone who is under the influence of authority usually thinks: “it’s obvious that he wants the best for me: it’s clear how smart, talented, and knowledgeable he is in what he’s talking about; he is convinced, confident, which means he is strong in the problem, he speaks energetically, which means he is sincerely interested and aware of what he is saying; you can trust him."

Persuasion is not accomplished without the confidence that the suggestor is able to understand and help, that he knows something, wants good and benefit, and strives to do the best.


In conclusion, I would like to note that persuasion is one of the fundamental components of successful business communication and interaction in the modern world. The phenomenon of persuasion is worthy of further more careful consideration, study and wider application in practice.

So, I would like to summarize the information received and draw some conclusions.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that:

1. To influence a particular person, you need to know and appeal to the internal picture of his world, the system of reference points that guides him when making decisions.

2. It is inappropriate to express criticisms about the proposed course of action when the interlocutor hesitates.

3. It is necessary to create the appearance of giving the object complete information, but you cannot scare him off with criticism, indications or hints of danger, security threats, damage to health, or large expenses.

It should also be noted that during the work the assigned tasks were solved.

1. The concept of the phenomenon of persuasion has been carefully considered. Some related concepts were also covered. The degree of importance of the phenomenon of persuasion in modern life, and especially in the field of business and business relationships, is also noted.

2. Several areas of persuasion have been explored.

3. The practical use of persuasion as a way of influencing an interlocutor is substantiated.

4. Various methods and methods of influencing the interlocutor through persuasion are revealed. Some practical techniques and approaches are given to achieve the goal set by the influencer.


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2. Gouman D. Emotional leadership: the art of managing people based on emotional intelligence, M: Alpina, 2005, 118-120

3. Dotsenko E.L. Psychology of manipulation, M: CheRo, 1997, - 344

4. Dushkina M.R. Corporation "I" - psychological safety: Resistance to influence in business communication, M: Eksmo-Press, 2005, 133-134

5. Zimbardo F. Social influence, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000, - 96-97

6. Kabachenko T.S. Methods of psychological influence, M: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000, - 34-39

7. Kovalev S.V. Effective leadership or how to manage anyone, anywhere, M: Phoenix, 2006, - 47-51

8. Levin S., Krom M. How to influence people and achieve success in a changing world, M: Potpuri, 2005, - 93-95

9. Litvak M.E. Command or obey? Management Psychology, M: Phoenix, 2005, - 271-274

11. Pratkanis E., Aronson E. The Age of Propaganda: Everyday Use of Persuasion and Abuse of Persuasion. St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2001, - 47-51, 116-119

12. Sokolov A.N. Problems of scientific discussion, Leningrad: 1980, - 33-37

13. Taranov P.S. Techniques for influencing people. St. Petersburg: Fair Press, 2006, - 452-456

14. Harris R. Psychology mass communications, St. Petersburg: 2001, - 86-90

15. Hogan K. Persuasion, M: Ripol-Classic, 2005, - 201-203

16. Cialdini R. Psychology of influence, St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999, - 17-19, 31-35.

17. Cialdini R. Convince-influence-defend, 5th edition, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009, 245-247


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