Frequency of labor safety briefings. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

In our country safety is the main prerogative of any production. Many industrial, utility and construction activities involve a range of different types of briefings on safety precautions. This is far from a formality, because human life may depend on it.

The law states that the employer is personally responsible for labor safety in his production and it is he who is responsible for conducting instructions. In large companies or factories, a person must be appointed to help the boss in these matters. This occupational safety engineer. Together with the boss, they carry out all the necessary briefings after a person starts working.

Any such briefing, at its core, is some form of training workers in the basics, and sometimes the nuances, of safe work, rules of behavior in the workshop or on the production site. Such events must be systematic, otherwise they completely lose their meaning. Frequency of briefings labor protection is different for each type.

Types of labor safety briefings

There are the following types of briefings:

  • Introductory.
  • Primary.
  • Periodic (aka repeated).
  • Target.
  • Unscheduled.

Each of them has its own place and time, and also serves a specific purpose.

An experienced occupational safety engineer knows that the most two groups of workers are at risk:

  1. Young professionals with less than 1 year of work experience.
  2. Workers with a huge amount of experience and long service.

As practice shows, it is these employees who most often do not follow safety precautions, which leads to injuries.

The first - because of their inexperience. The latter, on the contrary, are so confident in their abilities that they allow some negligence.

Conducting any of the above briefings usually takes the form of an explanatory conversation or lecture, after which the employee who has completed it is asked to sign special magazine.

This magazine is not only of a “testing” nature, to monitor the implementation of safe work training, but is also proof of the security engineer's innocence labor in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Absolutely all types of instruction must be recorded in a special safety log.

Negligent or formal attitude towards this event never leads to good consequences, so any self-respecting boss must conduct briefings in a timely manner to minimize the risk of injury or appoint an authorized person who will engage in this activity.

Introductory training on labor protection

This type of instruction must be carried out upon hiring, and whether it is temporary or permanent does not matter. It is also carried out for persons who came to the enterprise on a business trip or for an internship (students). Usually he is responsible for it occupational safety engineer. Induction training should cover all areas of activity of a given enterprise.

After completing the issuance of instructions, you can ask any question you may have regarding this topic.

The instructing person is obliged to make sure that the person being instructed is familiar with all types of hazards that await him at work, and also understands the warning signs and inscriptions (caution of high voltage, do not enter, etc.).

Initial briefing on labor protection

Slightly different from the introductory one. It is produced by the immediate supervisor in production. This type of training is required for newly hired employees. These can be both new employees and employees transferred from another workshop, division, etc. This also includes business travelers and students in practice.

The interview program should include questions regarding specific position and features of the new workplace.

Periodic briefing on labor protection

It also has another name - repeated. It is usually carried out with some frequency (hence where it got its name). Held quarterly for work with a high hazard category and for others - once every six months.

Repeated training on labor protection can be done with someone individually or collectively. He's pursuing a goal improving the quality of safety knowledge and serves as a means to prevent accidents.

Targeted training on labor protection

This type of instruction differs significantly from all others in that it is carried out only in certain cases:

  1. The team (employees) receive permission to perform work of a certain complexity.
  2. It requires performing work that these individuals have not encountered before.
  3. Conducting various excursions and other unscheduled events.
  4. Participation in liquidation of consequences natural Disasters and so on.

Provides instructions or OT engineer, or another person authorized by the order.

Unscheduled briefing on labor protection

Done for one of the following reasons:

  1. The emergence of a new regulatory framework or various changes to the old one.
  2. A gross violation of safety regulations by an employee was observed.
  3. At the request of authorized persons.
  4. After a long break from work (30 days), for example, due to illness.
  5. After replacing and installing new equipment or inventory.

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It is not necessary to issue money from the cash register on account

Accountable amounts, incl. for the purchase of gasoline, you can give the employee not only in cash, but also transfer it by bank transfer to his “salary” card.

Tell the tax authorities what address to send the tax notice to

Paper notices for personal taxes will begin mailing out in September. If a citizen does not live at his place of registration, such a notification may be lost. To prevent this from happening, it is better to inform the inspection office in advance of your current address for correspondence.

The invoice form has changed

Thus, a new column 1a “Product type code” appeared in the invoice. It is intended for exporters selling goods to the EAEU countries.

How long should the “primary” be stored?

Primary accounting documents, necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes, must be kept for at least four years. The Ministry of Finance clarified from what point this period should be counted.

In the fall, there will be more reasons for exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

On September 1, amendments to the law on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs come into force. From this date, if there is false information about a company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, tax authorities will forcibly exclude this company from the register.

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On-the-job training: frequency

Update: June 5, 2017

Russian legislation imposes a mandatory requirement for workplace training - frequency. Regular repetition of labor safety requirements by employees is necessary for safe work performance and the elimination of industrial accidents. Let's consider the specifics of the employer's obligation to regularly conduct briefings.

Labor protection legislation

The requirement to train workers in labor safety rules is enshrined in the following regulations:

  • The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations dated January 13, 2003;
  • until March 1, 2017 - GOST 12.0.004-90;
  • from March 1, 2017 - GOST 12.0.004-2015;
  • industry acts on labor protection.

What types of training are conducted regularly?

To establish frequency, let’s first consider the types of briefings depending on the moment of training:

  • introductory - once within a month after signing employment contract before starting work;
  • primary at the workplace - once immediately before the employee starts work at a new place;
  • repeated - periodically in order to maintain the knowledge acquired by employees during other briefings;
  • unscheduled and targeted - due to the occurrence of certain circumstances, which means their frequency will depend on the frequency of occurrence of the relevant grounds.

Based on the above information, it can be concluded that only refresher briefings are organized on a regular basis.

How often should training be provided?

Criminal liability occurs in cases where failure to provide instructions and allow an unprepared employee to work negligently resulted in serious harm to health or the death of a person or several people. Sanction Art. 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for penalties in the form of a fine of up to 400 thousand rubles, forced, corrective or compulsory labor, as well as imprisonment, the duration of which will depend on the qualification of the crime. In all cases, the guilty person is deprived of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities.


It is not necessary to issue money from the cash register on account

Accountable amounts, incl. for the purchase of gasoline, you can give the employee not only in cash, but also transfer it by bank transfer to his “salary” card.

Tell the tax authorities what address to send the tax notice to

Paper notices for personal taxes will begin mailing out in September. If a citizen does not live at his place of registration, such a notification may be lost. To prevent this from happening, it is better to inform the inspection office in advance of your current address for correspondence.

The invoice form has changed

Thus, a new column 1a “Product type code” appeared in the invoice. It is intended for exporters selling goods to the EAEU countries.

How long should the “primary” be stored?

Primary accounting documents necessary for calculating and paying taxes must be kept for at least four years. The Ministry of Finance clarified from what point this period should be counted.

In the fall, there will be more reasons for exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

On September 1, amendments to the law on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs come into force. From this date, if there is false information about a company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, tax authorities will forcibly exclude this company from the register.

Property tax benefits for individuals: what you need to know

Repeated training on labor protection: frequency

Update: June 2, 2017

The legislation provides for several types of instruction. After the initial one has been carried out, if necessary, repeated instructions on labor protection are carried out. The frequency of its implementation may vary, but at least once every six months.

Types of instruction

From March 1, 2017, GOST 12.0.004-2015 comes into force. According to this document, the task of the briefing is to present to the listener in written or oral form specific mandatory and guiding requirements for the procedure, conditions and sequence of the safe performance of their work functions.

There are several types of training provided:

  • introductory;
  • primary
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Which one should be organized depends on the specific circumstances and the need for it.

The training organizer develops training programs. The program must take into account the required measures for organizing hygiene and safety work in a particular organization and the specific job functions of the employee.

Conducting all types of instructions and their assimilation by students must be recorded in special journals.


Repeated briefing is carried out for everyone who has already completed the initial briefing.

And the initial training must be completed by:

  • employees who have just been hired, even if they are hired for temporary work, part-time work or if they work from home (homeworkers);
  • employees who were transferred from another department, or employees who were assigned to perform other work that was new to them;
  • who was sent on a business trip to work for the training organizer by the work team of other companies;
  • contractor workers who will be involved in work at sites and territories controlled by the training organizer;
  • persons undergoing practical training with the training organizer;
  • other persons participating in production activities organizations.

That is, if the above employees have already completed the initial briefing, the subsequent one will be called repeated.

Repeated instructions on labor protection are carried out at least once every six months. It can be carried out if necessary by order of the training organizer.

Program and content

Purpose of the event re-briefing— consolidation of acquired skills and knowledge.

Sample program secondary briefing is given in Appendix B2 to GOST 12.0.004-2015.

  • general information about working conditions: the nature of the labor process, the production environment and equipment at the workplace, the technological process;
  • procedure for preparing for work: safe methods and techniques for performing work, requirements for special clothing, checking the serviceability of equipment and protective equipment;
  • scheme for safe movement around the company territory;
  • emergency situations that may arise in the workplace;
  • familiarization with instructions on labor protection and the workplace by profession.

Who does not undergo training?

Just as with the initial briefing, persons whose duties are not related to:

  • repair, maintenance, operation, adjustment, testing and use of equipment;
  • using electrified or other mechanized hand tools;
  • use and storage of materials and raw materials.

Exemption from instruction is formalized by the decision of the training organizer. This list is approved by the head of the training organizer.

regulations in different industries are established by the relevant industry and inter-industry regulations on safety and labor protection.

The employer is obliged to conduct, and the employee is obliged to undergo, training on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. Specific rules, conditions, terms and frequency of all types of briefings in different industries are established by the relevant industry and cross-industry regulatory legal acts on occupational safety and health.


According to Part 2 of Art. 212, part 2 art. 225 and art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct, and the employee is obliged to undergo, training on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

In addition to the Training Procedure, the document regulating the issues of conducting instruction is “GOST 12.0.004-90. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions", approved by Decree of the USSR State Standard of 05.11.1990 No. 2797 (hereinafter referred to as GOST 12.0.004-90).

Specific rules, conditions, terms and frequency of all types of briefings in different industries are established by the relevant industry and cross-industry regulations on occupational safety and health (clause 2.1.8 of the Training Procedure).

The briefing program includes questions of the fire-technical minimum, the content of which is established by the Standards fire safety“Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645, hereinafter referred to as Fire Safety Standards). After the fire safety briefing, the instructed and the instructing person sign in the Fire Safety Briefing Logbook (clause 10 of the Fire Safety Standards).

In accordance with clause 2.1 of the Training Procedure and section. 7 GOST 12.0.004-90 the employer is obliged to conduct the following types of briefings:

  • induction training, which is carried out with all employees or other persons involved in the production activities of the organization, until they are admitted to workplace(for example, immediately after concluding an employment contract with an employee);
  • initial training at the workplace. It is carried out at the workplace after passing induction training, but before the admission of an employee or other person participating in the production activities of the organization to independent work;
  • repeated briefing (conducted with all employees who have undergone initial briefing);
  • unscheduled and targeted briefings that are carried out with employees upon the occurrence of certain circumstances.


Persons required to undergo induction training are established in clause 2.1.2 of the Training Procedure. These include:

  • persons hired;
  • employees seconded to the organization;
  • employees of third-party organizations performing work in a designated area within the organization;
  • students educational organizations undergoing practical training in the organization;

The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection specialist or an employee who has been assigned these responsibilities by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him) (clause 2.1.2 of the Training Procedure).

Induction training is carried out in a labor protection office or a specially equipped room using modern technical training tools and visual aids(Clause 7.1.3 GOST 12.0.004-90). Its duration must correspond to the training program, which is developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and is approved by order of the employer (clause 2.1.2 of the Training Procedure). There is no unified form for the order to approve the induction program, so it is drawn up in any form.

An approximate list of questions for drawing up an induction program is given in Appendix 3 of GOST 12.0.004-90.

During induction training, employees are provided with general knowledge of labor protection:

  • rules of conduct and basic safety measures on the territory and production premises of the organization;
  • electrical and fire safety rules;
  • rules for using collective and personal protection;
  • responsibilities of an employee in case of an accident, accident, fire, etc.

After this briefing, an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe work practices is carried out (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). Then, in the registration log of the introductory briefing, an entry is made about the date of its conduct with the obligatory signatures of the instructed and the instructing (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure, clause 7.1.5 of GOST 12.0.004-90). In addition, a record of the briefing can be made in a personal training card (clause 7.1.5 of GOST 12.0.004-90).

The forms for registering the introductory briefing and the personal training card are given in Appendices 4, 6 and 2 of GOST 12.0.004-90.

The document forms given in the specified Appendices of GOST 12.0.004-90 are advisory in nature. In this regard, the employer may by order approve other forms, but with the mandatory inclusion of columns that are filled out at the end of the briefing.


Persons required to undergo initial instruction at the workplace (hereinafter referred to as initial instruction) are established in clause 2.1.4 of the Training Procedure. These include:

  • all newly hired employees. These also include:

Employees who perform work under the terms of an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months or for the period of seasonal work;
- part-time workers;
- homeworkers who use materials, tools and mechanisms provided by the employer or purchased by them at their own expense;

  • employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit, or employees who are entrusted with performing work that is new to them;
  • posted workers of third-party organizations;
  • students of educational organizations undergoing practical training ( practical lessons);
  • other persons involved in the production activities of the organization.

May be exempt from passing initial briefing workers not related to the operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other tools, the storage and use of raw materials (clause 2.1.4 of the Training Procedure). In this case, the employer must be list approved professions and positions of workers exempt from undergoing initial training at the workplace.

Initial instruction is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work at a specific workplace before the employee begins independent work.

Clause 7.2.3 of GOST 12.0.004-90 establishes that initial briefing can be carried out:

This instruction must be accompanied by practical demonstration of safe work practices and techniques.

The initial briefing program is developed by the head of the structural unit, agreed upon with the occupational safety specialist or employee assigned these responsibilities by order of the employer (or a person authorized by him), and approved by order of the employer. The program is developed on the basis of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities, structural units, labor protection instructions, technical and operational documentation.

An approximate list of questions for drawing up an initial briefing program is given in Appendix 5 of GOST 12.0.004-90.

After the completion of the initial briefing, an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe work practices is carried out (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure).

Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instructions again (clause 7.8 of GOST 12.0.004-90). In this case, a removal order is issued of this person from work. It indicates the reason, as well as the period of suspension from work - until the employee undergoes initial training at the workplace with a positive result of testing the knowledge and skills he has acquired in safe work practices. The order is issued on the basis of an official (report) note from the person who conducted the initial briefing at the workplace. During the period of suspension from work wage the employee is not accrued (part 3 of article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If a positive result of testing the acquired knowledge and skills is obtained, an order is issued for admission to work. The order is issued on the basis of an official (report) note from the person who conducted the initial briefing at the workplace.

At the end of the initial briefing, the following are entered in the briefing registration log:

  • date of its holding;
  • a record of its implementation with the obligatory signatures of the person being instructed and the instructor (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure);
  • record of permission to work independently.

In addition, a record of the initial training can be made in a personal training card. The briefing log form is given in Appendix 6 GOST 12.0.004-90.


Is it obligatory for an employee to undergo an on-the-job training after completing initial training?

After the initial briefing, all workers during the first 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work and qualifications) are required to undergo on-the-job training (clause 7.2.4 of GOST 12.0.004-90).

But according to Part 3 of Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only persons entering work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions should undergo on-the-job training. Based on the rules established by Art. 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the provisions of GOST 12.0.004-90 can be applied to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, clause 2.2.2 of the Training Procedure also establishes that training in safe methods and techniques for performing work with on-the-job training is carried out by the employer in relation to persons hired for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

Thus, on-the-job training after initial instruction is mandatory only for persons entering work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.


Repeated training is carried out at least once every six months for all employees who have undergone initial training (clause 2.1.5 of the Training Procedure).

Instruction is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work at a specific workplace according to the initial instruction program (clause 7.3.2 GOST 12.0.004-90) and must be accompanied by a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods. For more information about this, see paragraph 2.3 of this material.

Repeated training can be carried out:

  • individually with each employee;
  • with a group of people servicing the same type of equipment, and within a common workplace.

After the end of the repeated briefing, an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe work practices is carried out (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instructions again (clause 7.8 of GOST 12.0.004-90). In this case, it is necessary to issue an order to remove them from work.

An entry is made in the briefing registration log about the date of the repeated briefing with the obligatory signatures of the instructed and the instructing (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure).

In addition, a record of repeated instruction can be made in a personal training card. The briefing log form is given in Appendix 6 GOST 12.0.004-90.


The circumstances under which an unscheduled briefing is carried out are established in clause 2.1.6 of the Training Procedure. These include:

  • introduction of new or changes in legislative and other regulatory legal acts, as well as instructions on labor protection;
  • change technological processes, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created a real threat of serious consequences (industrial accident, accident, etc.);
  • requirement for unscheduled briefing of officials of state supervision and control bodies;
  • breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - more than two months);
  • decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him) to conduct unscheduled training.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work at a specific workplace only with those employees who are affected by the circumstances specified in clause 2.1.6 of the Training Procedure. For example, in the case of equipment replacement, unscheduled training is carried out with the persons who perform this work.

This training can be carried out:

  • individually with each employee;
  • with a group of workers of the same profession.

The volume and content of unscheduled briefings are determined in each specific case depending on the reasons and circumstances that caused the need for it (clause 7.4.2 of GOST 12.0.004-90). For example, an unscheduled training program may reflect changes in instructions, rules, technological processes, working conditions and organization, etc. It is approved by order of the employer. Instruction must be accompanied by practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods.

The instructor conducts an oral examination of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe work practices (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instructions again (clause 7.8 of GOST 12.0.004-90). In this case, it is necessary to issue an order to remove the employee from work.

According to clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure, upon completion of the initial briefing, the following are entered in the briefing logbook:

  • date of its holding;
  • a record of its implementation with the obligatory signatures of the instructed and instructing;
  • information about the reason for its implementation (clause 7.9 of GOST 12.0.004-90).

In addition, a record of an unscheduled briefing can be made in a personal training card. The briefing log form is given in Appendix 6 GOST 12.0.004-90.


The circumstances under which targeted instruction is carried out are established in clause 2.1.7 of the Training Procedure. These include:

  • performing one-time work;
  • performing work to eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters;
  • performing work for which a permit, permit or other special documents are issued;
  • holding in the organization of mass events.

Targeted briefing carried out by the immediate supervisor of work at a specific workplace with those employees who are affected by the circumstances specified in clause 2.1.7 of the Training Procedure. For example, with persons engaged in high-risk work (with mandatory registration of work permits), with workers involved in the liquidation of consequences of accidents.

The instructor conducts an oral examination of the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe work practices (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo instructions again (clause 7.8 of GOST 12.0.004-90). In this case, it is necessary to issue an order to remove the employee from those types of work for which targeted instruction was carried out.

An entry is made in the briefing registration log about the date of its holding with the obligatory signatures of the instructed and the instructing (clause 2.1.3 of the Training Procedure). The briefing log form is given in Appendix 6 GOST 12.0.004-90.

If the targeted briefing was carried out with those working under a work permit, a record of its conduct is made in the work permit (clause 7.9 of GOST 12.0.004-90).

According to the Rules and GOST 12.0.004-90, the following types of briefings are carried out: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted.

Induction training on labor protection is carried out upon admission to permanent or temporary work by the labor protection service of the enterprise. All new entrants to the enterprise, as well as business travelers, students arriving for internships, graduate students, and interns are required to undergo this instruction.

The purpose of this instruction is to introduce general rules and labor protection requirements at the enterprise.

The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a specialist from the organization who is assigned these responsibilities.

The conduct of initial instruction and internship is confirmed by the signatures of the persons who conducted and completed the instruction (internship) in the occupational safety instruction registration log or in the personal training card, if used.

Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out for everyone hired at the enterprise before the first admission to work (including business travelers, students, those arriving for internships, graduate students, interns), as well as upon transfer from one unit to another.

Initial training at the workplace is carried out with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods. It is allowed to conduct such instruction with a group of workers servicing the same type of equipment within a common workplace.

The purpose of such instruction is to study the specific requirements and safety rules for specific equipment when performing a specific technological process.

All workers, after initial training at the workplace, must undergo 2-14 shifts internship under the leadership of a person appointed by order (instruction) for the workshop (area, etc.). Workers are allowed to work independently after an internship, testing of knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to a program approved by the head of the organization.

Re-briefing held at least once every six months, and for high-risk work - once a quarter according to the initial training program at the workplace or according to instructions on labor protection for professions and types of work.

The purpose of this briefing is to restore labor safety rules to the employee’s memory, as well as to analyze existing violations of safety requirements in the practice of the enterprise.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out when:

Adoption of new regulatory legal, technical acts, standards, rules, instructions, as well as amendments and additions to them;

Changes in technological processes, replacement or modernization of equipment and other factors affecting labor protection;

During breaks in work for 60 calendar days, and for work for which additional (increased) safety requirements are imposed, for more than 30 days;

In case of violations by employees of regulatory, technical legal acts on labor protection, which led or could lead to an accident, an industrial accident and other serious consequences;

During breaks in work by profession (position) - more than 6 months;

Upon receipt of information materials about accidents and accidents that occurred in single-profile organizations;

At the request of supervisory authorities.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out individually or with a group of people working in the same profession (position).

Targeted instruction is carried out when:

Performing one-time work not related to direct responsibilities in the specialty (loading and unloading, cleaning the territory, etc.);

Elimination of consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes;

Carrying out work for which a permit is issued; conducting excursions to organizations; organizing public events with students (excursions, hikes, sports competitions, etc.).

The instruction ends with a knowledge test by oral questioning or using technical training tools.

Registration of briefings. Primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out by immediate supervisors (foreman, industrial training instructor, teacher). Conducting initial, repeated, unscheduled, targeted briefings and internships is confirmed by the signatures of the persons who conducted and completed the briefing (internship) in the occupational safety briefing registration log or in the personal training card (if used).

Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work under work permits, permits, etc. (provided for individual species work of increased danger) is mandatory recorded in the work permit, permit or other document authorizing the work.

When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason for conducting it is indicated in the briefing log.

The introductory briefing logbooks and labor safety briefing logbooks must be numbered, laced and sealed. The introductory briefing registration log is certified by the signature of the head of the organization or his authorized person.

Retention period for the named journals 10 years since the last entry was made.

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