Thinsulate - what is it? How to wash things with thinsulate insulation. Thinsulate filler - what is it and why is it better than other heaters

It has long been believed that the warmest is clothing made from natural materials: down, sheepskin, leather. But they have some disadvantages. Leather and sheepskin quickly get dirty, and they can only be properly cleaned in dry cleaning.

Down clothing is difficult to care for. For example, drying a coat with such a lining is very long and troublesome. With high humidity, rain, it is also not very convenient. The fluff often clumps, as a result of which not only the appearance is lost, but also the quality of outerwear.

All living creatures like to wind up in downy products, for example, mites that cause allergies.

Nowadays, many different synthetic materials have been created, which, in their main parameters, are trying to replace products made from natural fluff. More than 30 years ago, a material was created that succeeded. It's called thinsulate filler.

Filler composition

Thinsulate - insulation, consisting of very thin fibers. It has another name - artificial fluff.

In translation "tinsulate" - "thin insulation". Created by its representatives American company"3M". It was originally intended for tailoring clothes and shoes for astronauts. When creating, thermal bonding technologies were used according to the principle of "warmth without excess volume". Creating it, the manufacturers peeped the composition of the bird's down. Each fiber is ten times thinner than a human hair. All of them have a three-dimensional configuration, so they are very elastic. Between these thinnest threads there are air layers. All of them together create protective layer to prevent heat from escaping. And because of the elasticity of the fibers, the fabric does not stray. The principle of creating a heater is that it should contain as much bound air as possible. Since the fibers of thinsulate are very thin, there is much more air in it than in other fillers. Without passing heat, the material allows moisture to pass through it.

Clothing made from a fabric called thinsulate is warm and light at the same time. Perhaps a sheepskin coat will warm you more, but wearing it on your shoulders is not very pleasant. And where is it now to freeze in modern conditions?

Clothing with thinsulate insulation is well washed, tolerates high humidity. However, it is not as voluminous as a down jacket. And this means that such clothes look elegant. The filler does not come out through the fabric, like a synthetic winterizer.

Thinsulate structure is microfiber. It allows you to keep warm at temperatures up to -60 ° C. Comparing thermal insulation properties different materials, similar in purpose, of the same density and thickness, then they will be the best for thinsulate.

Thinsulate Benefits

  • Easy.
  • Capable of heat regulation.
  • When wet, it retains heat.
  • Not allergic.
  • Does not restrict movement.
  • Holds up well to washing.
  • Does not shrink, does not stray.
  • Restores its shape after being compressed.
  • Doesn't need quilting.

Varieties of thinsulate

  • "Platinum Insulation" for the production of casual and sports outerwear.
  • "Platinum Insulation Flex" has increased elasticity, which allows clothes to stretch by 40%.
  • "Platinum Insulation X-Static" has antimicrobial and deodorizing properties due to the silver threads inside. It is used for the manufacture of clothing and footwear, both ordinary and sports.
  • "Platinum Insulation FR" contains flame retardant fibres. It is used for the manufacture of work clothes.
  • "Platinum Insulation Ultra" is very resistant to frost. Used for the production of winter shoes.

Application of thinsulate

It is applied for:

  • everyday winter clothes (jackets, coats, gloves, hats);
  • ski suits;
  • tourist equipment (sleeping bags, jackets, tents);
  • suits for fishing, hunting;
  • special suits;
  • blankets, pillows;
  • automotive industry (insulation and sound insulation).

Thinsulate insulation: how to wash

Caring for tinsulate products is quite simple. They are machine washable at 40°C. Items must not be soaked. Dry them away from heat sources, after straightening them. They don't iron.

Dimensions, price

Thinsulate filler is available in rolls.

Width - 1.5 meters, thickness - 1.5 centimeters. The price of such material is $ 4 per linear meter for wholesale purchases. At retail, one linear meter costs more than 7 dollars. You can buy a roll of thinsulate filler. The price is 150 dollars.

Everyone who cares about his winter clothes was not only stylish, but also warm enough, when buying, she is interested in its contents. That is a heater. Many still use synthetic winterizer, fluff or holofiber that have been proven over the years. But experience shows that, as a rule, many problems arise with them - cleaning, washing in a machine can cause accumulation of material inside the jacket. As a result, one has to resort to special knowledge in order to restore its former appearance and try to preserve this state for a longer time. Even in the best case scenario, they quickly sit down and lose their warming functions.

But in the West, they have long been engaged in the development of an ultra-modern insulation that would be able to maintain its shape for a long time. It had to be warm enough for harsh winter conditions and not restrict movement. One such example is insulation. modern generation thinsulate.

In this material, we propose to understand in detail the question of what a thinsulate filler is and why it often turns out to be better than other heaters: isosoft, holofiber, synthetic winterizer and even natural fluff.

What are its advantages?

Thinsulate is an artificial down, the properties of which have been significantly improved. So, it does not lose its shape when washed and does not cause allergies, unlike its natural counterpart. It is twice as warm as regular down and other synthetic insulations. The easiest way to answer the question of what is thinsulate insulation is this: artificial fiber imitating the structure of natural swan down.

For the first time, the material was used in the insulation of astronaut suits. After he successfully passed all possible tests, he began to be used in the production of everyday outerwear, shoes, hats and other accessories that should be insulated.

And now it’s worth talking about what are the advantages of the practical use of this material, what are its advantages. Small fibers allow him to keep warm, as a result, in order for a jacket or winter pants to be warm, it takes a lot less material. Despite the fact that at first glance the material seems thin, it warms two to three times better than any other filler.

Young mothers will appreciate the following properties of the material: firstly, it is good even in the most severe frosts; secondly, it does not deform after washing (you do not have to scold the child for the fact that you have to wash the suit very often, because you are afraid that it will deteriorate), and thirdly, it is very easy and comfortable to move in it. Children will feel easy and free in them, they will be able to run at their full strength; lovers of an active lifestyle can move freely in a ski suit filled with thinsulate material on skis, skates, snowboards, and in general, engage in any winter sport.

The only negative of this type of insulation is the high price, but to be honest, it's worth it. After all, in addition to keeping warm, it evaporates excess moisture from clothes well, and this is important in winter, when sweating, it becomes very, very easy to get sick.

The washing temperature is 40 degrees. Read carefully the instructions for washing the product, as the fabric of the outerwear may have any special indications.

What is the best heater?

Thinsulate or down to choose for harsh winter weather as an outerwear insulation, you ask? There are pluses to both. But still, thinsulate is presented by manufacturers as an improved version of natural fluff. Much more natural down will be required if you want to create such an effect of warmth, which gives us an artificial counterpart. In addition, it is very important that the material is hypoallergenic. Yes, and the jacket comes out much easier, and warmer at times.

The older generation believes that natural down is more reliable and time-tested. They immediately recall that it is used to make clothes for workers in the Far North, but I want to say that now thinsulate is also used to produce this type of clothing.

It is possible that holofiber and can resist thinsulate. But let's talk about each one in turn. It is also an environmentally friendly material, it even has a special certificate of the European standard - for manufacturers who stand up for quality, this is a very important fact. Isosoft and Thinsulate, of course, also have similar certificates.

The material breathes well - evaporates moisture, is absolutely hypoallergenic (European brands use it for mass production of outerwear for newborns) and is suitable for long-term use. After several washes, there may be problems with restoring the original shape, but compared to other domestic heaters, this is a very good option.

Isosoft is also highly valued, as is thinsulate. It is characterized by high heat-insulating properties, and the density of the material can be very, very small. It is for this that many European manufacturers appreciate it, even without paying attention to the rather high price. Things with such a heater are worn quite easily, do not hinder movement and are erased without deforming the original appearance. Manufacturers have achieved this effect thanks to the microfibers that are located inside the material - they provide sufficient air density, as a result of which the material ideally keeps your body and legs warm, even at minus 40 degrees.

Thinsulate was developed in the USA in 1973, when a high-quality insulation material was required for space programs. Synthetic insulation consists of thin connected fibers, it is light and airy.

This material surpasses in its characteristics not only synthetic winterizer, but also other materials with similar properties. Let us consider in more detail the production technology, characteristics, areas of application and the rules for caring for insulation for clothes with thinsulate.

Insulation production

Thinsulate fibers

The material is made from polyesters, which are chemically produced from polybasic acids, that is, from organic polymers. It is currently very popular and effective method creation of synthetic fabrics and fillers.

To obtain polyester fibers, polyethylene terephthalate is melted - a thermoplastic, which belongs to polyesters. The raw material is heated to form thin twisted fibers with a diameter of 5 microns, which are coated with silicone.

Thinsulate production is complex chemical process, but the result is a material that is widely used in everyday life, in the manufacture of clothing and other heaters. Thinsulate protects a person even in extreme conditions, when the air temperature drops below 40 ° C.

An interesting fact: the same American company produced scotch tape and thinsulate, so at first the material was made on equipment for the production of scotch tape.

Material characteristic

Any thing that will warm should be comfortable and have a number of positive characteristics. Tinsulate benefits include:

  • thin fibers connect very freely and form a kind of air cushion, which allows you to maintain a comfortable body temperature and retain heat (it warms even better than natural fluff);
  • free air circulation inside the material does not create an airtight cushion around the body, and human skin “breathes” freely;
  • clothes with thinsulate are very light and thin due to the structure of the material;
  • the material is not impregnated with foreign odors;
  • fibers are bonded to each other in such a way that during movement or the process of tailoring the material remains elastic and retains its shape, and subsequently does not restrict movement;
  • this synthetic material is non-toxic, melts on contact with fire, but does not ignite;
  • suitable for the manufacture of children's clothing, does not accumulate dust and microorganisms;
  • is a reliable insulation and soft, comfortable filler;
  • does not absorb moisture and does not get wet in bad weather, and also dries instantly after washing;
  • the material has high wear resistance, serves for a long time and keeps its shape, does not rub or thin, remains dense and uniform;
  • Thinsulate is easy to clean and wash both at home and in professional dry cleaning.

The disadvantages are associated with the synthetic origin of thinsulate:

  • difficult to stain;
  • accumulates static electricity;
  • can cause overheating of the body;
  • high price.

Natural filler "down and feather" loses in comparison with thinsulate

Thinsulate also has some advantages over other similar materials:

  • isosoft - only insulates and is not used as a filler;
  • thermofinn - superior in quality to synthetic winterizer, but due to novelty and little fame to the mass buyer, it is still inferior to thinsulate;
  • holofiber - retains heat somewhat worse, but is more affordable financially;
  • natural fluff - does not retain heat so effectively, falls off, loses volume and does not tolerate washing, but is absolutely environmentally friendly.

All of the above materials are versatile and effective in various specific situations. The buyer chooses what is available, in stock and suitable for the main parameters of the material.


Thinsulate is a unique multi-profile insulation. Even a very thin layer of this material is able to effectively warm and looks sleeker and more aesthetically pleasing than a voluminous padding polyester.

How tinsulate "works"

With the participation of thinsulate produce:

  • insulation for specialized clothing (overalls for cosmonauts and divers, fishing and hunting suits, uniforms for workers in the submarine fleet, coal, woodworking and oil refining industries, as well as for polar explorers);
  • tracksuits that protect lovers winter views sports (ski overalls, hats, gloves);
  • thermal underwear;
  • winter waterproof shoes (sports and casual);
  • outerwear for adults and children (jackets, down jackets, coats);
  • household items (covers with filler, blankets, pillows);
  • children's goods (soft toys, stroller envelopes).

Thinsulate is never used on its own, but complements other materials. It is connected with fabrics with a line, and with interlining - with ultrasound.

How to care for thinsulate

Proper care will increase the life of things insulated with Thinsulate. General recommendations:

  • the material is washed in a delicate or gentle mode in washing machine;
  • permissible water temperature - 60 degrees;
  • machine drying is also allowed in a gentle mode;
  • it is recommended to use liquids for washing, not powders;
  • it is required to rinse the product several times;
  • it is necessary to store or dry things away from open fire and heating devices;
  • to renew the shape and volume, it is enough to shake the product several times after washing;
  • so that the product dries quickly, it can be turned over;
  • Thinsulate can not be ironed or use hot steam.

For the most correct care of each specific item, you must follow the instructions on the label.

Thinsulate is a heater that is becoming more and more affordable and popular. The material is widely used in the manufacture of items of everyday and specialized clothing, for textile decor (pillows, toys). It has a large list of positive aspects, it is safe to use. It is very easy to take care of the material. Things insulated with thinsulate are very soft and light, ideal for the cold season.

Video about fillers for jackets:

Thinsulate, or, in other words, artificial down, has long won the hearts of those people who are used to purchasing quality items and do not plan to buy new outerwear every season.

Fur coats, bird down coats are no longer as popular as things based on synthetic materials.

Many natural insulations do not have such a long service life as artificial down, and also require extremely delicate care.

A feature of tinsulate insulation is that it form the thinnest threads, with a diameter of about 5 microns. Between them there is a so-called air gap, which allows things to keep warm human body and create a layered effect.

Material is made from polyester fibers, which are stretched under heating into the thinnest synthetic threads. They are twisted into spirals, covered with a layer of silicone, and thin layers of material are formed from them.

Exist state standards for the manufacture of workwear using thinsulate, which indicate to what temperature it is designed and for what climatic zones you can use this heater.

Since this insulation is able to withstand extreme low temperatures, then it is in accordance with GOST can be used in climatic zones of protection class 1-4 (from -7°С to -41°С and below). It also meets all the requirements for heat-shielding properties set by the standards, which allows it to be used in extreme conditions without fear for life and health.

Varieties and their differences

Many do not know what tinsulate has many varieties, and not every wardrobe item has the same type of material. It is customary to distinguish between several main types:

  • Ultra. It has a maximum density, a rather voluminous material, in comparison with other types. It is usually used when sewing the top casual wear, as well as for classic ski and tourist suits.
  • classic. It has medium frost resistance, suitable for the manufacture of wardrobe items for the off-season.
  • Flex. It has good elasticity, a rather thin fabric is used in clothes for active or professional sports.
  • Lite Loft. Expensive, widely used in the manufacture of tourist equipment. It is popular with those who plan long and long trips, as it has a high compression density and can decrease several times. Things made on the basis of LiteLoft thinsulate are light and mobile.
  • Thinsulate insulation Ultra Extreme Performance for Footwear for clothing, designed for survival in extreme conditions.

In addition to the above types of material, it is also distinguished by density: it comes with markings C, B, Tib and P, where C is the lightest type of thinsulate, and P is the most dense and frost-resistant.

Performance characteristics and properties, advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the material include:

The main disadvantages of the material are:

  • Enough high price.
  • The ability to accumulate static electricity.
  • Potential danger of overheating of the body. Despite the fact that it is precisely for the excellent thermal insulation that thinsulate is valued, nevertheless, if you use clothes from this material for other purposes, you can easily get hyperthermia.

Requirements for overalls, photo

Artificial down, due to its above characteristics, has found wide application in the production of specialized clothing. It has a number of requirements:

  • Required total thermal resistance.
  • Ability provide maximum comfort to maintain efficiency and health during prolonged exposure to low temperatures.
  • Availability of functional accessories.
  • No "migration" of fibers. In other words, artificial fluff should not be deformed.

The new thinsulate filler for down jackets looks like in the photo:

Thinsulate-based clothing is made for workers in industries such as oil refining, woodworking, coal and many others. In addition, hunting, fishing and ski resorts not without special clothing.

Thinsulate is used as a filler for the following types of overalls:

  • a set of jacket and trousers;
  • a set of jackets and semi-overalls;
  • overalls;
  • vest and trousers set.

Special clothing can be supplemented with insulated shoes, gloves and other accessories.

Use in other areas

Thinsulate is also used in the manufacture of such specific things as:

  • diving suits;
  • suits for astronauts;
  • ski boots and helmets;
  • thermal underwear.

Clothing with artificial down is very actively used by residents of the Far North. It should be noted that the production of children's things with this insulation is gaining popularity. Warm envelopes in the stroller, overalls, blankets and blankets will help the child feel as comfortable as possible on a winter walk.

Average prices, nuances of care

Caring for products insulated with artificial down is quite simple.. You ask how to wash thinsulate and which temperature regime select? They perfectly tolerate frequent washing in the washing machine or dry cleaning.

However, thinsulate does not like excessively high temperatures, so it is best to wash it in warm or cool water.

It is best to dry clothes based on artificial down at natural air temperature, in no case on a radiator.

Necessary adhere to the following rules when caring for clothes:

  • use liquid detergents;
  • in the automatic washing mode, set an additional number of rinses (at least two);
  • pre-wash especially contaminated areas of clothing;
  • for faster drying, set the intensive spin mode.

Due to the fact that thinsulate is a rather plastic material, things based on it can be stored in vacuum packaging in order to save space. The properties of the clothes will not change in any way.

The table below shows the average prices for things insulated with artificial down.

As can be seen from the table above, Thinsulate-based garments are relatively expensive, however, their cost fully justifies itself with its service life and versatility.

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