Top games about the navy. Games about pirates on PC

There are a huge variety of simulators of various equipment on PC. There are trucks, cars, construction equipment, airplanes, tanks, tractors, etc. What about ship simulators on PC? In fact, good and worthy games in in this direction not so much, but today, as part of the article, we will list a few of the best, which are definitely worth playing, if you want, of course. Let's begin!

Ship Simulator: Maritime Search and Rescue

The first game on today's list is Ship Simulator: Maritime Search and Rescue. The game was released in 2014 and so far there have been no recent updates or new versions. Nevertheless, this ship simulator on PC is very interesting, even the graphics look quite acceptable.

The game features a story campaign in two seas - the North and Baltic. In both the first and second cases, the player will face a huge number of main and secondary missions, among which will be rescuing people caught overboard, putting out fires at sea, helping sinking ships and much more. In addition to the career, there is also a simple mode where you can simply swim in the sea.

Features of Ship Simulator

What is interesting about this game about ships and what features does it have? Well, for starters, it’s worth noting that there is a fairly large base of various maritime transport, ranging from boats to huge rescue ships.

The second point is high realism. All equipment, interiors, exteriors of ships, physical models, characteristics of ships - all this is displayed as accurately and realistically as possible in the game, so the similarity with reality is very high.

Third - well designed the world. The sea in the game really looks natural, which adds even more realism. I would especially like to note the waves that change depending on the weather. In other words, if the weather is clear, then the sea is calm, but if things are heading towards a storm, then the ninth wave is not far off.

Well, the last thing is management. There are two options - simplified control and full control. In the first case, the computer will take on some of the functions and responsibilities, but in the second case, the responsibility falls entirely on the player.

Coast Guard

The second ship simulator on PC is Coast Guard. This game is somewhat similar to the previous one, since in both cases the player will have the role of captain of a coast guard vessel.

The main goal is to catch criminals at sea, collect evidence of violations in order to prove guilt, help people on sinking ships, put out fires, transport criminals to the shore, etc. In short, do everything that the coast guard usually does.

The action in this ship game takes place over a large area, where there are even small islands on which you can land. The sea model is well designed, plus it is very closely related to weather conditions. The player will have to complete his tasks not only in calm or calm weather, but even in a storm.


The choice of ships here is not very large, but nevertheless the models are drawn very accurately and realistically. All characteristics of the vessels have been preserved for greater verisimilitude.

In addition to the career mode, which, by the way, is not very large, the game also has a single-player mode, where you can simply swim and enjoy the beauty of the sea.

TransOcean 2: Rivals

Another ship simulator on PC that is definitely worth playing is TransOcean 2: Rivals. Here the player will no longer play as the coast guard, but as the manager of a huge transport company. This simulator is significantly different from the previous two, because here you will have to focus more on the development of your company for the delivery of goods across the sea.

The whole world is open to the player. Cargo can be delivered absolutely anywhere in the world. The funds received from the delivery will have to be invested either in the development of the company or in ships.

Simulator Features

The features of the game include the following: interesting points: development of your fleet, unlimited number of ships, wide variety of equipment, almost endless streams of missions, pumping mode, good graphics, multiplayer mode and much, much more.

Those who love strategy and simulation games will definitely like this game.

World of Warships

Well, the last one on the list is a warship simulator. Riding on the sea and transporting tourists, cargo, or simply pursuing violators is a fun thing, but what if you want to directly control a warship, moreover, take part in military operations? Install World of Warships! Yes, perhaps someone will say that this is not a full-fledged simulator, but this is not entirely true.

IN game World of Warships there is a huge number of different ships from different countries from the First and Second World Wars, divided into respective classes. There are battleships, there are destroyers, there are cruisers and aircraft carriers - the choice depends only on the player. All ship models are very realistically designed and created in accordance with all the characteristics and features of real models.

There is physics in the game, and it is of very high quality. The sea deserves special attention, its behavior completely resembles the present one and, when weather conditions change, it radically changes its behavior. Another thing worth saying about the weather is that the outcome of the battle often also depends on it, because in order to win, for example, in a storm, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Game Features

The main features of the game include excellent physics, a large number of ship models, realistic controls, an excellent combat system, multiplayer mode, well-developed and drawn locations and excellent graphics.

So if one evening after a difficult working day If you want to sink a couple of ships, then the ship simulator game World of Warships is perfect for these purposes.

Rating: 7.5 (25 votes)

Gamers can expect endless ocean expanses, a romantic horizon line with an indigo sky above, the cries of seagulls, and the splashing of waves. But suddenly there is an explosion - the ship is attacked from the flank, it is damaged. Such impudence cannot be left unanswered.


Chief Caliber is a naval shooter that invites you to try on captain's shoulder straps, feel like a real commander, admire the bright explosions and have a good sniff of gunpowder.

Users of this game become the owners of a small island. But he has prospects - with time this place will definitely turn into the lair of the luckiest, most desperate pirates. It is necessary to establish production on the territory and provide protection from enemy attacks.

This game is called one of the most promising. It's not even about the graphics. It’s just that every aspect excites gamers. For example, the size of the world. The game has three giant continents, each of which can easily accommodate the universe of an average online project.

Seven Seas Saga will take you into the world of naval warfare! Start your journey with a little trough and try to become the best captain! Hire the best sailors, load the guns, load the cargo and go on a sea voyage!

The realistic simulator World of Diving will invite players to take on the role of a diver and dive into the magical sea ​​world! Explore, take pictures, look for ancient artifacts, treasures and upgrade your equipment!

The online role-playing game World of Pirates will allow you to plunge into the world of piracy! Choose a character, board your ship and go on a sea voyage. There is also a trading system, massive battles, and so on.

Everyone knows that a three-pipe ship is much more durable when compared to a single-pipe ship. But a large target is always easier to hit. NavyField is a real-time multiplayer strategy game that will appeal to anyone who once dreamed of being an admiral.

Navi Age is an interesting multiplayer game about pirates. Take on the role of a ship captain, trade, fight with other players and develop your fleet! Beautiful graphics, character development and trading systems, interesting gameplay - and all this is free!

Grand Voyage – sea online strategy, which will take you into the world of sea adventures. Create trade alliances, design your own ships, battle with other users and manage the vast gaming market!

Gamers are offered a sequel to the once popular sea game. In comparison, the second part came out much more massive. Here we see ten classes of ships (including aircraft carriers), in the middle of each class you can also find additional gradations.

This project– simulator of sea battles in online mode. The plot is centered on the Golden Age of cannon battleships, that is, the action takes place somewhere in the period 1905-1950. The product is completely Russian, so the domestic fleet receives enough attention.

The deck creaks underfoot, the sea air around is saturated with salt. A fresh wind fills the sails - all this is offered to its users by the game WindofLuck: Arena. Players are transported back to those glorious times when all the seas belonged only to pirates.

Sea games open up unprecedented scope for organizing quality gameplay. Complete worlds created by talented developers are waiting for your actions! Capture ships, take part in in-game smuggling, divide the loot, etc. Of course, break new ground with romantic and epic sea sagas. All you need to do is download and install sea Online Games, which in large quantities presented on our website.

The gameplay is built around ships, islands and colonies. You can play from first and third person, control big amount weapons or crush enemies using cunning economic schemes. Find sea ​​game online to your liking and immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable, high-quality gameplay and excellent graphics.

It’s interesting that the best games about pirates on PC are not known to everyone, because this topic is not as popular as the same ones.

But even in this topic there is something to play and something to sit over for more than one night.

No. 10. Pirates of Black Cove

One of the most striking strategies with arcade elements in history, which will allow you to plunge headlong into the world of the tropics, one-eyed bandits and an endless amount of rum.

In Pirates of Black Cove you will play as one of three heroes.

The meaning of the game is quite classic for a pirate theme - you need to sail the seas on your ship, attack other people's ships and earn money.

With each such capture, the character's level increases, he can buy new weapons, skills and everything else.

the main objective game is to stop the East India Campaign - quite bravely!

Pirates of Black Cove - Video review

Video review of a pirate-themed arcade game - Pirates of Black Cove.

No. 9. Sid Meier's Pirates

The first game with this name was released in 1987. At that time, it was almost the only decent game about pirates.

Its remake was released in 2004 with improved graphics, new maps and a battle system.

Initially, here you can choose your basic skills, appearance and nation - English, Dutch, Spanish or French.

Main character gets on a ship, where there is a riot and he becomes captain.

After this, the player begins to do what pirates usually do - rob, kill and earn money.

Sid Meier's Pirates has a plot that revolves around defeating the Marquis de Montalban, but you can also just travel around the map killing and committing heists.

The battle consists of three stages - designating the ship that will be attacked, fighting with its captain with swords and winning or losing.

The main thing is not to get on warships, which will continue to defeat the player for a very long time, despite his level.

One day, a certain nasty guy with a pack of thugs breaks into our character’s house and kidnaps the entire family, except, in fact, the main character, who miraculously manages to escape.

No. 8. Monkey Island

This is already a whole series of games that are best played one after another. True, the first part was released in 1990, so the graphics are unlikely to please modern gamers.

But they may well play in Tales of Monkey Island in 2009.

Here you have to fight for young Threepwood and make him a real threat to the Caribbean islands. His main enemy is the ghost LeChuck.

In the last part, he becomes human, but releases a dangerous magical virus that turns other pirates into zombies.

The player will have to stop the epidemic.

This is not a strategy, but an adventure game with very unusual graphics, which is what allowed it to gain such popularity.

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: Lechuk's Revenge - Video review

A year ago, LucasArts released a remake of the first part of the legendary Monkey Island series. Now it’s the turn of the second part of the game.

No. 7. Pirates of the Caribbean. On the edge of the world

We all remember the film with this name, but in the game we have to repeat the events of the films “Pirates of the Caribbean. Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean. On the edge of the world".

First, we are on a mysterious island, which also serves as a prison, and we play as the legendary Jack Sparrow.

Captain Teague frees him from prison and allows him to find out main task games - gather nine members of the Brotherhood Council, find Tia Dalma, a dangerous fortune teller, and avoid running into a meeting with Davy Jones.

At the end we fight the pirates on the Dutchman and on the Pearl. In this first-person action game, we get to play as almost every character in the franchise.

In general, fans of the film should definitely play this game, and just fans of pirate themes too.

pirates of the caribbean at world's end review part 1

TOP 10: The best games about pirates in history

No. 6. Freelancer

If you're used to classic pirates that roam the Caribbean, then Freelancer will simply shock you!

Here we have to fight not on earth, but in space and participate in battles that history has not yet known.

True, the nations of earth are still fighting - the Alliance (USA, Germany and others) against the Coalition (Russia and China).

Only in Freelancer you need to play not for space pirates, but for young Edison Trent, who receives an assignment from the local police and goes to catch pirates (this is short, but in general the plot in the game is very extensive).

In the end, he receives recognition from the President and the entire planet.

By the way, the action takes place in Sirius, where 1200 years ago the Coalition drove the Alliance out.

The game amazes with the variety of ships that the player can control or simply observe. So, there are Kusari ships, which were created according to the ideas of Japanese designers.

Rhineland ships are distinguished by the unusual round shape of the fuel and energy compartment. All types of ships have fighters and trucks.

Corsair fighters have significant armor but poor maneuverability.

In general, the world here is created very well, which is good news. And the combat system is also at a high level.

Game review: Freelancer

Freelancer is an epic space simulator that gave players a lot of positive emotions and other developers computer games, an idea for their projects.

No. 5. Rogue Galaxy

Another game for fans science fiction, only here the Japanese brought to life their wildest fantasies about what aliens could be like.

They created their own, completely unique universe with eccentric and unusual creatures.

The difficulty is that the game was originally designed for Play Station 2, so in order to play it on a PC, you will have to make a lot of effort.

But, as another character said famous game, “the effort is worth it.”

Rogue Galaxy is also worth paying attention to the combat system, in which the player controls three heroes at once.

Although he can essentially switch control to only one, all three fight. Management occurs from a third party.

It also has all the elements of classic science fiction, such as teleportation. The well-drawn, almost cartoon-like graphics are also noteworthy.


TOP 10: The best games about pirates in history

No. 4. Port Royale

Another great series of games in which you will need to manage your settlement in such a way as to defeat everyone else in economic competition.

The plot is based on the struggle between pirates and buccaneers, and you can play as one or the other. You can earn money by doing business or completing quests.

Of course, there is also a criminal way to make money – piracy.

If the player decides to run a business, he can set up meat farms, sawmills, factories, plantations and much more.

The greater the accumulated capital, the higher the rank of the main character.

the last part Port Royale 3 will please you new graphics, a large number of buildings and ships.

Port Royal Review - with Tom Vasel

TOP 10: The best games about pirates in history

No. 3. Risen 2: Dark Waters

Opens the top three best games on the pirate theme of Risen 2: Dark Waters.

Released in 2012, colorful role-playing game will delight gamers with an interesting plot and a large game world.

Interesting! The first part was not very warmly received by gamers around the world, but the second became, as they say, a cult favorite. The plot continues the first part, only slightly changing the appearance of the main character.

The world is being destroyed by terrible monsters called Titans.

The main character meets a girl, Patty, whose father knows a way to safely travel the seas without noticing these very monsters.

Together they go in search of him.

Risen 2: Dark Waters has several main locations - Ticaragua, Sword Coast, Island of Thieves, Antigua and Maracay Bay.

The player can use a variety of weapons, including regular swords and double-barreled guns.

The task of passing is to upgrade the main character and give him more skills. The passage itself consists of completing quests.

Risen 2: Dark Waters gives you the ability to use magic.

The hero can belong to one of the factions - Inquisition, Aborigines and Pirates.

Finally the world's first simulator has arrived! civil courts! At the same time, graphics, physics, realism are at a high level, as if this is not the first option. Exciting and unpredictable transportation missions, rescue operations... 9 types of ships will not let you relax! Sail through the waters of the ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg or through the waters of the tropical islands of Phi Phi (Thailand), among the boats you will meet the famous Titanic!

Game Features :

Required for multiplayer play the local network or Internet access

Game information :

Name: Ship Simulator - Civil ships
Genre: Simulator / 3D
Platform: PC
Developer: VSTEP
Publisher: Game zone
Language: English Russian
System requirements: Pentium 4 RAM: 512 MB Video card: 128 MB
All inclusive
Size: 654 mb

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We recommend downloading the game Ship Simulator - Civil Ships (PC) via torrent for free to your computer in one click without registration. Select the Russian version of the game in the table and click on the green button. Remember, the greater the number of pumpers and distributors, the faster speed downloads. Keep in mind that to download via torrent you need a torrent client program, for example uTorrent. If you don’t have such software yet, install it, or just download the game directly from a file hosting service.

How to download Ship Simulator - Civil Ships (PC) for free?

The best way to download Ship Simulator - Civil Ships (PC) for free without a torrent is to download via a direct link without viruses from secure file hosting services. Such as: Unibytes, DepositFiles. Principle of operation everyone has one - in 4 steps. 1 Go to the file page; 2 Select regular download, refusing “Premium” access (no, thanks); 3 Wait for the countdown; 4 Enter the captcha (characters from the picture) and get a direct link to the file from the server. The order of these steps differs from service to service, the main thing is to read further tips. After these simple operations, you can install the game on your PC and it will work without bugs and brakes even on Windows 10. If you still can’t download, click on the “How to download?” button, where you will find a detailed video review of each specific file hosting service.

Description of flash game

Naval battles

Sea Battles

Hello everyone on land. In touch with you naval forces. We invite you to join our ranks in the naval game" Naval battles". This is a shooting game for boys, about destroying enemy ships. Your boat will end up in enemy territory, and soon a real battle will begin here. You will see cargo Ship, swim towards it. This is your ship that needs to be protected from enemy attacks. You appeared on the ship's radar, which means help will arrive soon. They will attack you, and you must destroy them first. Your boat is equipped with military weapons, a target of two stripes will appear on the screen, when the enemy is in the center of the target, it will turn red. This means you can fire shots. Your task in the game "Sea Battles" is to shoot down the largest number of enemy ships and boats. Upon completion of the level you will be equipped with top level.

In the top multiplayer panel you can see what supplies you have. Among them will be not only high-caliber rifles, but also long-range weapons. You will need them to fire rockets for an instant explosion. The game is made in 3D graphics and every detail and element of the game gives the impression of integrity and organicity. Thanks to this and the exciting genre of the game, you join in unnoticed.

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