The Tefi Award ceremony ended in the capital. “let him count his figurines”: how the Tefi nominees responded to Posner’s request to change the prize of the Tefi competition laureates

Journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner called on the organizers of TEFI to change the name of the award, and also to replace the Orpheus statuette, which is awarded to the winner, with another award. The publicist explains his decision by the “undemocratic choice” of the finalists and the lack of important nominations. “360” found out from the award nominees and finalists what they think about Posner’s statement.

RIA Novosti / Alexey Danichev

TV presenter Vladimir Pozner asked the Industrial Television Awards Committee to stop using the name TEFI when presenting the award and to abandon the statuette by Ernst Neizvestny, which has been awarded to winners since the foundation of the award. The journalist expressed his opinion in an open letter, which he published on his official website “Posner online”.

In the letter, Posner notes that when creating the award for a long time could not find the author of the award for journalists, so he turned to the sculptor Ernest Neizvestny with a request to create a prize for the winners of the TEFI competition. In return, according to Posner, the sculptor made a promise from the journalist that the choice of winners would be fair and democratic. If “the democracy of choosing Orpheus recipients is not respected,” then Posner will make every effort to ensure that the award ceases to exist.

The journalist cites the change of TEFI organizers as the main reason for canceling the competition. Initially, the Academy of Russian Television (ART) handled the award, but in 2013 the Industrial Committee (IC) was formed, which began holding the competition instead of the Academy. Also, two key players in Russian television, NTV and VGTRK, left the organization, which negatively affected the quality of the award.

It is hardly possible to argue with the fact that the current procedure for conducting TEFI has nothing to do with democratic choice.Firstly, the IC includes only seven founders - exactly half as many as were included in the Academy.Secondly, the number of professional nominations has been sharply reduced, a whole number of professions have been left behind, without which there is simply no television.Third, the finalists and winners are chosen not by members of the Academy of Russian Television, but by a “jury” appointed by the leadership of the Executive Committee

Vladimir Pozner.

In conclusion, the publicist noted that when reforming the competition, the Committee and the Academy signed an agreement, according to which the latter was supposed to receive dividends for the right to use the TEFI brand and the figurine itself, but the current organizers have still not paid anything.

Well-deserved awards

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich

The finalists and prize-winners of TEFI-2017 do not share Posner’s opinion and believe that the award has not lost its democratic basis, and all participants deservedly received statuettes.

“Let Vladimir Pozner count his TEFI statuettes, which he received during his presidency at the Academy,” commented open letter journalist of the editorial office “360”, prize-winner of the competition, TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev.

The winner in the “Interviewer” category, TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, noted that Vladimir Pozner doubts the democracy of voting at TEFI because he is dissatisfied with its results. “I think that the problem is very simple, it is that Mr. Posner cannot cope with the fact that, suddenly, the award was presented to Dmitry Konstantinovich [Kiselev] and me,” the journalist told RBC.

In a conversation with the editors of “360,” Andrei Dobrov, the host of the “Dobrov on Air” program on REN TV, who received the award in the category “Best Presenter of an Information and Analytical Final Program,” said that he does not share Vladimir Pozner’s opinion about the lack of “democratic choice” in the award.

I think that this is the personal opinion of the person who stood at the origins of TEFI, and he has the right to such an assessment of the work of the award. However, if he believes that any legal issues were violated during the change of organizers of the event, then he should have addressed this issue to lawyers and filed an appropriate claim, and not talked from scratch

Andrey Dobrov.

The TV presenter noted that it does not matter what the award will be called or who will be the organizer, the main thing is that journalists receive awards for their professional achievements.

The award nominee, host of the “Special Article” program on the Zvezda TV channel, Alexey Gudoshnikov, called the controversy surrounding TEFI a purely professional matter that does not interest viewers, but can influence decisions within the television workshop.

Vladimir Pozner is considered an iconic figure for Russian television, so his opinion will definitely be listened to, if not by the organizers, then by the professional community, then the professional community will definitely draw the appropriate conclusions. However, arguing about whether the nominees received their awards deservedly is unethical and pointless, since all journalists work for the benefit of the development of modern television

On the third of October, the 21st solemn ceremony awarding the winners of the annual Russian television award TEFI-2017. The best representatives of domestic television competed for the bronze Orpheus statuette in 33 nominations.

The first winner in the category " Evening Prime"was the First Channel's program "Vremya", which was named the best in the "Information program" nomination. Vladimir Solovyov was recognized as the best Russian interviewer according to TEFI. Together with him, the presenter of "Russia 24" Nailya Asker-Zade and Yulia Menshova competed for the bronze statuette of the award, representing Channel One.

Channel One's program "Let Them Talk" won in the category "Entertaining Prime Time Talk Show", but the one released for the award CEO channel Konstantin Ernst prize for the former talk show host Andrei Malakhov, who left the TV channel in August.

Programs are made by a lot of people. This prize, I believe, should go to Andrei Malakhov,” Ernst said from the stage.

Actor Mikhail Efremov received the TEFI television award in the category "Best Actor" TV movie/ series" for her role in the series "Drunk Firm", which is broadcast on the TNT channel. The best actress in this nomination was Chulpan Khamatova. This is her third victory in TEFI. It is noteworthy that both Efremov and Khamatova together became winners in these nominations in 2014 year.

Best presenter entertainment program Maxim Galkin joined the “Evening Prime” block. Together with him in the same category were Vadim Takmenev and the duet of Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov from Comedy Club. The Comedy Club program itself won in the “Humorous Program/Show” category.

The jury named the holiday of secondary school graduates celebrated in St. Petersburg as the main event of this television season. secondary schools "Scarlet Sails". Broadcast of the most colorful Russian High school prom hosted by Channel Five.

Let us remind you that annual bonus TEFI, established by the Russian Television Academy Foundation, is awarded for high achievements in Television Arts. A total of 515 works were submitted for consideration by TEFI experts this year.

The main television award of the year, TEFI, took place in Moscow. The stars of the leading channels had been waiting for this ceremony for a very long time, because it was supposed to take place in the summer. As a result, the red carpet was laid out in front of the Rossiya Theater only on October 3, but there were no fewer famous guests at the awards ceremony: on the contrary, a huge number of celebrities honored the event with their presence. Among those present were Marina Alexandrova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Yulia Menshova, Marina Kim and many other stars.

The best TV shows, broadcast on Russian television, were officially named on October 3 at the TEFI awards. Many popular presenters, producers, actors and directors took to the stage to receive the coveted statuettes.

Thus, showman Maxim Galkin received a well-deserved award in the category “Best Host of an Entertainment Program” and dedicated it to his children, and producer Arthur Janibekyan left the ceremony with “Orpheus” for “Best comedy show» Comedy Club.

From the stage, he admitted that his TNT colleagues did not believe in victory and therefore did not come, and since the “Academy Russian television” still recognized their services to television, which means “something wrong is happening.” “We will change the approach,” Janibekyan joked.

WITH full list The winners can be found below. Do you agree with him?

TEFI-2017 award winners
Category "Day broadcast":

  • Morning program: " Good morning", First channel
  • Leading morning program: Yulia Vysotskaya - “Eating at home!”, NTV
  • Daytime talk show: “Time will tell”, Channel One
  • Entertainment program “Lifestyle”: “Rules of Life”, “Russia-Culture”
  • Educational program: “ A military secret", REN TV
  • TV game: “Own Game”, NTV
  • Documentary project: “Naina Yeltsina. Love Story", "Russia-1"
  • Journalistic investigation: “Blind Mules”, REN TV
  • Reality shows: “Boys”, “Friday!”
  • Television project about sports: “Alexander Karelin. A duel with yourself", Match TV
  • Sports program presenter/sports commentator: Sergey Gimaev - “Youth World Hockey Championship. Russia - USA", Match TV
  • Daytime television series: "Hotel last hope", TV Center
  • Program for children and youth: “ABVGDeyka”, TV Center
  • On-air/non-on-air promotion of television programs: “REN TV and Vasily Lozhkin present”, REN TV

Category "Evening Prime":

  • Information program: “Time”, Channel One
  • News program presenter: Dmitry Borisov - “Evening News”, Channel One
  • Reporter/cameraman: Alexander Rogatkin, Dmitry Rogalev - “Storm of Mosul”, “Russia-1”
  • Information and analytical final program: “News of the Week”, Channel One
  • Presenter of the information and analytical final program: Andrey Dobrov - “Dobrov on Air”, REN TV
  • Interviewer: Vladimir Solovyov - “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”, “Russia-1”
  • Prime time entertainment talk show: “Let them talk”, Channel One
  • Prime time socio-political talk show: “60 minutes”, “Russia-1”
  • Host of a socio-political talk show of prime time: Olga Skabeeva, Evgeny Popov - “60 minutes”, “Russia-1” and Roman Babayan - “Right to vote”, TV Center
  • Entertainment: " Blue bird", "Russia 1"
  • Entertainment program host: Maxim Galkin - “Best of all!”, Channel One
  • Comedy program/show: Comedy Club, TNT
  • Television serial comedy/Sitcom: “Olga”, TNT
  • Television film/series: “Molodezhka”, STS
  • Director of television film/series: Nikolay Bulygin, Maxim Polinsky - “Major 2”, Channel One
  • Best actor in a television film/series: Mikhail Efremov - “Drunk Firm”, TNT
  • Best actress in a television film/series: Chulpan Khamatova - “Mysterious Passion”, Channel One
  • Television producer of the season: Ilya Krivitsky - “Best of all!”, Channel One
  • Event of the television season: “Scarlet Sails”, Channel Five

Konstantin Ernst and Dmitry Chernyshenko, Alexey Zemsky and Timur Weinstein, Vyacheslav Murugov and Arthur Dzhanibekyan, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and Andrey Dobrov, Yulia Menshova and Anatoly Malkin, Eduard Sagalaev and Lera Kudryavtseva, Maxim Galkin and Ernest Matsky came to while away the “Evening Prime” at TEFI 2017 Vičius , Aurora and Alexander Akopov, Dmitry Borisov and Valery Fadeev, Kirill Kleimenov and Yuri Nikolaev, Yuri Aksyuta and Dmitry Kiselev.

Mirrors and chandeliers in the renovated Rossiya Theater created a majestic atmosphere for the ball. Of course, after the ceremony you can find out who rules the roost on domestic TV.

“Information program” is traditionally the first evening nomination. Choose between "Today", "News" and "Time". "Orpheus" is presented by Mikhail Gusman. TV academics voted for "Time". Kirill Kleymenov makes his way onto the stage through a series of handshakes and pats. He is without a tie. “Straight from the control room,” jokes Mikhail Gusman, as he hands out prizes in the information block.

“The presenter of the information program”... The camera habitually focused on the face of Dmitry Borisov. By the way, he was nominated for hosting the Evening News program. With him in the top three contenders for “Orpheus” are Elena Spiridonova (the “Today” program) and Andrei Kondrashov (“Vesti”). The cameraman and director of the ceremony made right choice- Dmitry Borisov received another TEFI.

I miss you very much.... It turns out to be a whirlpool of events. We finished filming at two o'clock, I left the house at eight, looked at last year's "Orpheus" and thought that there are no former information workers. The news is mine big family, - said Borisov.

“News of the Week” (VGTRK) won in the “Information and Analytical Final Program” category.

“We make television with meaning and are grateful to those who appreciate and feel it,” said Dmitry Kiselev. He emphasized that their information school, of course, came out of the “Time” program. Today, their program throughout Russia is carried out by 20 thousand people - Kiselev cites this figure and also says: “We are one family.”

"Leading information and analytical final program." The presenters of this block - Ernest Matskevichyus and Maria Sittel - remember Valentin Zorin, Alexander Bovin and others from whom today's presenters took the baton.

Irada Zeynalova, Valery Fadeev, Sergey Brilev, Andrey Dobrov - these four are in the nomination. “Dobrov on Air” wins.

Increased attention is always focused on the “Interviewer” nomination. But this year the choice of nominees for the “three” is strange: Yulia Menshova is nominated for the program “Alone in Everyone,” which stopped airing, although Yulia’s work in it was impeccable. Next to it is the program “At Working Noon”. And "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov." Soloviev - with "Orpheus".

“Do we really not know who in our profession is really worth what? We know - we make the best television in the world. Everyone is on their own channel, everyone is in their own program... And when we come to any country in the world and watch TV on different languages, we are surprised how much better we are,” said the presenter.

Nomination: “For the best monologue at the ceremony,” jokes Guzman.

In the “Socio-Political Talk Show” category, “60 Minutes” became the best. “First Studio” and “Red Project” were not named laureates.

“This program is the quintessence of the Rossiya1 channel,” says producer Alexander Mitroshenkov. “It would not have been possible without the participation of Oleg Dobrodeev and Anton Zlatopolsky. It was achieved through suffering.”

The best hosts of a socio-political prime time show were Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov. And also Roman Babayan from “Voice Rights”. Artem Sheinin from First Studio was left without Orpheus.

Another nomination that always stands out from the rest is “Reporter/Cinematographer”. Alexander Rogatkin and Dmitry Rogalev receive a statuette for the project “Storm of Mosul” (channel “Russia1”).

“On December 25, 2016, our colleagues died in a plane crash,” recalls Maria Sittel. A minute of silence...

In the category "Entertaining Prime Time Talk Show" receives the "Let Them Talk" award. But Andrei Malakhov is not at the ceremony at this time. Intrigue - who will take the stage? Konstantin Ernst! It is he who congratulates the “Vzglyad” program on its 30th anniversary. And then he says:

“There are a lot of people making programs that have been out for 16 years. However, this prize, I think, should remain in memory of Channel One for Andrei Malakhov.”

The winner in the “Entertainment Program” category is “Blue Bird”. Many predicted “Orpheus” to be the show “You’re super!”, and “The Best of All!”, as they say, is beyond competition. However, even though there is no exclamation mark in the name “Blue Bird”, luck smiled on her. On stage are children and the charming Daria Zlatopolskaya. “I sat with them, they don’t know any of this. Channel One... Russia... all these second meanings... They were just waiting to see whether they would win or not,” says Daria Zlatopolskaya.

Children dream of hugging Yakubovich and meeting Maxim Galkin. Hugs with the host of "Fields of Miracles" take place right on stage.

“The host of an entertainment program” - these are the people whom television viewers know best. Maxim Galkin deservedly receives another TEFI. Vadim Takmenev, Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov from "Comedy Club" are not yet clearing space on the shelves for figurines.

“Just the inscription “Galkin.” "The best!" acted subconsciously,” the presenter joked when receiving the award.

"Orphea" in the category "Best humorous program/ show" received the "Comedy Club". Producer Arthur Janibekyan put on a bow tie on this occasion and said the following:

“For 12 years we were among the laureates without winning prizes. The television community did not pay attention to us. After 12 years, you paid attention to us. Something is wrong with us! We will change it!”

In the block dedicated to movies on TV, “Television serial comedy/sitcom” is the first nomination. The series "Olga" won. Yana Troyanova, who had not previously been seen on the red carpet, suddenly appeared in the hall.

“Molodezhka” beat “Mysterious Passion” and even “Optimists” in the “TV film/series” category. And “Major 2” defeated “Drunk Firm” and “Anna Karenina.” Nomination - "Director of a television film, series."

The series "Drunk Firm" achieved recognition in the person of Mikhail Efremov. He received TEFI as best actor TV movie/series.

Chulpan Khamatova for the role of Bella Akhmadulina in " Mysterious passion"received the TEFI from the hands of Vasily Lanovoy. Marina Alexandrova and Anna Banshchikova remained among the nominees. The award was a gift for the recent birthday of Chulpan Khamatova.

The most influential nomination is television producer of the season. Nominees were Ilya Krivitsky for the show “Best of All!”, Alexander Akopov - “Ekaterina. Take Off”, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov - “Dancing”. Ilya Krivitsky became the best.

After this Andrei Malakhov appeared. On stage in the already familiar “duet” with Boris Korchevnikov. They held the final block of the “Event of the TV Season” ceremony.

And in this nomination, where “KVN 55 years. Anniversary issue”, the series “Sofia”, the Finale in the Kremlin “You are super!”, “ New Year V live on Red Square" won the Channel Five project dedicated to graduates, "Scarlet Sails".

But then they were given more special prizes. There are three of them.

One went to 60 Minutes.

Another - to the television series "Sofia" with the wording "for the best embodiment national history". And - the show “You are super!” Finale in the Kremlin.

Yesterday at the Moscow cinema "Russia" for the 21st time the annual ceremony of presenting the Russian television award "TEFI-2017" was held. 33 nominations were traditionally divided into two categories" Daytime broadcast" and "Evening Prime". Maxim Galkin, Yulia Vysotskaya, Dmitry Borisov, Vladimir Solovyov, Mikhail Efremov, Chulpan Khamatova and others were recognized as the best of the best this evening.

"I received a TEFI as a presenter. I sit and rejoice. I am proud of myself. But most importantly, I thank you, dear TV viewers, for choosing “Best of all!”
Boris Korchevnikov and Andrey MalakhovMarina Alexandrova
Dmitry Borisov Tina Kandelaki Svetlana Zeynalova

Marina Kim
Vladimir Soloviev

The "Evening Prime" category was opened by the nomination "Best Information Program", the winner of which was Channel One's "Time". Dmitry Borisov was named the best presenter of the information program, and Vladimir Solovyov was named the interviewer, beating out Nailya Asker-Zade and Yulia Menshova in this nomination. By the way, not only Yulia was left without a statuette, but also her program “Alone with Everyone,” which has been nominated for “TEFI” for the 4th time. On this occasion, Julia published a detailed comment on Instagram:

The program “Alone with Everyone” was nominated for TEFI for the 4th time in 4 years of its existence. But... even for the fourth time, having been nominated, she did not receive a gold statuette. I personally am not upset, because I am quite indifferent to any insignia and awards. Honestly. But this time I regretted that, since the project was already closed, I could thank everyone who made it all these years from the stage and say thanks a lot our heroes, who were interesting not only for their professional victories, but mainly for their human essence and sincerity. Our entire team and I lived an incredibly interesting 4 years of life, and we were, and continue to be, proud to have done this program. And this is a very rare and valuable feeling! And I sincerely congratulate all the colleagues who left the hall today, carrying TEFI in their hands!

Yulia Menshova

Dilbar Fayzieva, Timur Soloviev and Marina Kim
Olga Ushakova

Lera Kudryavtseva with colleagues on the NTV channel

Timur Soloviev

Marina AlexandrovaTina Kandelaki

One of the most highlights The ceremony was the presentation of an award for winning the “Prime Time Entertainment Talk Show” category of the “Let Them Talk” program, which was hosted by Andrei Malakhov in the last television season, and this year his powers were transferred to Dmitry Borisov. The general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, took the stage behind the bronze Orpheus and noted that this award rightfully belonged to Malakhov.

When it comes to the best entertainment talk show, everyone here knows that the programs are made by a lot of people. Nevertheless, this prize, I believe, should remain in memory of Channel One Andrei Malakhov,” Ernst said from the stage.

It is noteworthy that Andrei Malakhov himself was present at the ceremony, but came on stage - together with his colleague on the Russia 1 channel, Boris Korchevnikov - only at the end of the evening to announce the winners in one of the main categories.

Perhaps the most emotional moment of the ceremony was the posthumous award of the title of best sports commentator to Sergei Gimaev, who passed away in March of this year due to a heart attack at the age of 62. His son Sergei Gimaev Jr. received the TEFI figurine for his father, and the entire audience stood up from their seats.

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