Participation in an electronic auction: step-by-step instructions. Property at auction. Participation in electronic trading. EDS. Electronic platform Roseltorg Regulations for holding an auction on the Roseltorg platform

Tomorrow I have an auction at the Roseltorg site. I went to check my account and decided to write a short guide on how to enter the auction room at the EETP. I think it will be useful for beginners to know that the link to the auction appears at a certain moment.

We go to the website of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform and log in using our digital signature. Important! If you log in using a password, we will not be able to place bets.

24 hours before the auction, a link will appear in the column: Transactions: Bargaining. Click and go to the Auction Hall (on Roseltorg it is simply called: Bidding).

The image turned out to be long and narrow, I enlarged it for clarity.

If you log in before the time of the electronic auction, a warning window will appear and tell you how much time is left before the auction.

IN allotted time, in our case at 09.36 MV, the auction will begin. Please note that on this platform, unlike Sberbank AST, local time is indicated.

10 minute rule

During the auction, keep an eye on the timer (time until the end...), 10 minutes are given per step, if no one takes a step, the auction will end.

At Roseltorg, as well as at other Federal sites under Federal Law 44, there is a regulation according to which, if none of the Participants takes a step, then the Customer has the right to conclude a Contract with the first Participant to submit an Application.

Example: You submit an Application for an auction, and from the Protocol of consideration of the first parts of applications you find out that there are two of you. If you submitted an Application first, you may not rush to make price offers. If time runs out, you are already a winner.

Still have questions? Feel free to click

If you decide to take part in electronic auction By 44 Federal Law, then several should be taken into account important points, namely:

  1. Your company must be accredited on the site on which your treasured auction is located. Accreditation is registration on the space of a particular site as a participant in placing an order, i.e. supplier of goods, works, services. At the time of accreditation, you receive access to your personal account on the site from which you can perform various actions necessary to interact with customers within the framework of auctions for 44 Federal Law.

Let me remind you that there are five state sites in total; accreditation is not a complicated process, but it is responsible, because any incorrect information about your company will result in the rejection of your application for accreditation until the errors are corrected. I also recommend getting accredited for all five , because It is not always possible to predict which ETP the customer will place the auction on; just in case, it is appropriate to have access to all five resources.

  1. If you have been successfully accredited to the ETP, then the next important step will be to replenish your personal account at the site so that you, as a bidder, can secure your application in cash. It turns out that the application security is a certain amount of money that is set by the customer himself in the range from 0.5 to 5% of the initial maximum contract price (IMCP), and which you must transfer from your company current account to the site’s settlement data. (Each site has its own details; in the next article I will describe in detail the moment of replenishing ETP personal accounts). This amount will be displayed in your personal account in the Accounts section. At the time of submitting your application for participation, the amount of the application security will be blocked and will be returned to you at your free disposal after the government contract is concluded under this procedure for which you applied, regardless of whether you win it or not.

If the conditions of paragraphs 1 and 2 are met, then now we will talk about technology submitting applications to participate. Let's start by looking at what this application for participation consists of (). And the application consists of two parts, while the application is not divisible and both of these parts are submitted simultaneously in the due time allocated by the customer for submitting applications for participation in the auction. First part of the application does not contain any information about the company that submits this application. The first part contains only the consent of the supplier (which one is not indicated, i.e. the company name does not need to be indicated) to perform work, provide services, supply goods, as well as specific indicators of the goods with which the supplier intends to fulfill the terms of the contract, if any are required by the customer. I also want to note that in specific product indicators you cannot indicate what kind of company you are. The first part of the application MUST NOT contain any information about your organization. It is on the basis of the first parts of the application that the customer allows participants to proceed to the bidding process itself, during which the price will be reduced downwards. Thus, at the auction, neither you, the customer, nor all other participants will be able to see who is participating in this auction. Participants will be identified by serial numbers. It turns out that you can guess who is bargaining with you only by knowing and understanding your competitors well. contains all detailed information about your company, and despite the fact that the first and second parts are sent as an application at the same time, the customer receives access to the second parts of the application only after bidding. This is how the platform system works. Before the auction takes place, the customer will not be able to declassify information about the second parts and see who submitted bids. The second part of the application consists of several required documents:

  1. Declaration of conformity with the Customer's requirements for the Supplier. This is a document that declares that your company is not bankrupt, that your organization has not been subject to liquidation, and that you are not on the register of unscrupulous suppliers.
  2. Questionnaire or card of your company. It’s easier to say these are your details, which also need to include information with the personal TIN of all founders and managers of the company.
  3. Decision or protocol on the election of a leader.
  4. Declaration of your affiliation with small businesses (if you are a small business enterprise).
  5. Decision on a major transaction (a document that reflects the amount of a major transaction, above which you do not plan to develop contracts in the near future).

As well as all specific documents depending on your type of activity (for example, licenses from SRO, Ministry of Emergency Situations, ISO certificates, etc.)

Of course, with submitting applications for participation in an electronic auction It is important to carefully read the auction documentation, in which the customer is obliged to write all the required documents as part of the application. Considering that there are auctions on completely different topics, it can be assumed that, for example, in the second parts they may require confirmation of work experience (copies of contracts with acts for similar work, etc.). This means that the standard package of documents described above may be superimposed on other documents, so be careful.

About the process submitting an application, consisting of two parts, we will analyze an example involving the EETP site (Roseltorg).

Watch the video:submitting an application for Roseltorg By 44 Federal Law.

Site website -

JSC "Unified Electronic Trading Platform" is the largest operator electronic trading For government customers And commercial enterprises. JSC "EETP", formed in 2009, is a shining example a successful, dynamically developing company that guarantees its customers the most convenient and efficient work on the leading electronic trading platform.

The history of the company's development began in 2005, when the first electronic auctions were held to place government orders for the Moscow Government, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, interregional companies of the Svyazinvest group and the Sistema holding company. EETP JSC celebrated its official opening in 2009. The founders of the company are the Moscow City Government - supreme body executive power in Moscow, headed by the mayor of Moscow (52%), and the Bank of Moscow is one of the largest banks in Russia, one of the ten leading banks in the Russian Federation (48%).

The Unified Electronic Trading Platform was one of the first to begin carrying out the procedure open auction V electronic form By new edition Federal Law 94-FZ as part of an experiment to implement pilot electronic trading for government customers. Since July 1, 2009, by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755-R, EETP JSC was included in the three platforms authorized to conduct electronic auctions under Chapter 3.1. Conducting auctions on the “Unified Electronic Trading Platform” allowed government agencies save a lot budget resources: During the auction, the average savings was 18%.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 26, 2009 No. 428, EETP JSC was among the winners of the competitive selection of electronic platforms and became a national operator of electronic trading for government orders with accreditation until 2015.

To participate in the auction, you must register. To do this you need to register electronic application to participate in the auction within the period from the date of publication of the notice of the auction until the closing date for accepting applications specified in the notice.

To apply for participation in an auction, find the desired auction and click on the “Apply for participation” link in the line corresponding to the selected auction.

A page with forms for filling out the first part will open.

and the second part of the application for participation,

as well as a declaration

Fill out the form fields (fields marked with (*) are required!) and attach the required documents. Files up to 20 MB in size are accepted in the following formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, .7z, .jpg, .gif, .png.

If the customer, when publishing, established a requirement to hold an auction among SMPs, then personal account The participant in the second part of the application contains a section that allows you to declare membership in the SMP. If this requirement is not specified, then there are no fields to confirm membership in the SMP.

To confirm his membership in the SMP, the participant must activate the checkbox in the block “Declaration of the participant’s membership in the SMP or socially oriented organizations” non-profit organizations(Article 30 44-FZ).” After activation, a field will be available for attaching a document confirming the participant’s membership in the SMP. This section is optional; activation of the checkbox and attachment of a document is done by the participant at will.

If you need to pause work on an application, save the application as a draft using the button "Save". To submit an application, you must click on the button “Sign and submit the application”. In the next step, a form with the text of the application will open.

To continue, click on the button "Sign and send". A dialog box will open with a list of electronic signature certificates. Select the required certificate and click on the button "OK". The application will be sent and a message indicating successful submission will appear.

Electronic trading. Apartments from auction. Registration of an electronic digital signature (EDS). Accreditation on the trading platform. Drawing up an application for participation in the auction. Auction of apartments in Moscow and registration of the transaction.

Changing situations in the real estate market contribute to the exploration of new sources of income for realtors. As the Moscow market became saturated with new buildings, other types of apartment purchases began to develop—buying at auction. I decided to carry out such a transaction, to participate in electronic trading by apartments. The reason was an investor contacted me, wanting to purchase a new building and make money from it. This was not an easy task; I was not involved in analyzing new buildings or studying investment activities. We had to sift through proposals from different areas of Moscow and select individual options that were suitable for this task.

Participation in electronic trading was not usual. It was necessary to act without error.

We have selected one object. The apartments are sold by the owner - the State-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow "Civil Construction Administration". Those. The state attracts various developers to the construction and sells its apartments through electronic trading at an auction on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform - EETP. IN in this case This is the platform Organizer of the auction: Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

Participation in trading involves a sequence of steps, namely:

  1. First step - registration of electronic digital signature (EDS) . There was little time left before the auction began. The client decided not to speed up the process of obtaining an electronic signature (EDS). It takes several days to do it. The process of obtaining an electronic signature can be accelerated for additional money (+ 2,500 RUB.) An electronic signature is made for 1 year, you can slightly increase the period (3 months) for a separate payment (+ 1,490 RUB.)
  1. Accreditation on the electronic platform. Step two. What do you need?

It also takes 5 working days. Need to be composed correctly application for accreditation V in electronic format. At this stage, some of those wishing to take part in the auction are eliminated. They can apply for participation a second time, but all this again takes time. In this connection, of course, it is possible to speed up accreditation by paying additional money - about 10 thousand rubles. Accreditation on the electronic trading platform roseltorg. ru valid for 3 years.

  1. Security payment.

The third step is the transfer of a security payment for the selected apartment to participate in the auction. The amount of payment is set by the seller, in this case - the State-owned enterprise of the city of Moscow, Civil Construction Administration. In our case, this amount was 2% of the starting cost - the initial contract price. This amount may vary according to different auction conditions. Here, too, it is important to transfer money on time in order to take the next step.

  1. Application for participation in the auction. Fourth step.

Apply for participation. It is very important to fill out the electronic form correctly. The bid number is your electronic bidding number during the auction. At this stage, many people who filled out something incorrectly are also eliminated. In short, participating in bidding on an electronic platform is like “dancing on a minefield”, where you can be eliminated at any stage of the movement towards the auction. Applications are also reviewed within 5 working days. And after consideration of applications for participation in the auction The electronic platform posts a protocol for considering applications - a list of all participants for a specific lot (apartment) participating in the auction.

The protocol is posted 2-3 working days before the auction.

  1. Auction. The fifth most exciting step.

At 10.00 Moscow time, bidding on your lot will start on the appointed auction date. It is known in advance, long before the start of the sale. In our case, trading took place until 00.30 am the next day. Quite a tiring competition. In our case, the price of the apartment increased by 850,000 rubles. from the initial cost. For another similar apartment it increased by 1,150,000 rubles.

This is what the electronic platform looks like during the auction.

6. Drawing up a purchase and sale agreement. Step six.

Unfortunately, my client did not become the winner of the auction and did not buy the exhibited object. Of the participants, and there were 12 people, only 5 people accepted Active participation in the auction, the rest remained just observers, without taking one step during the auction. The cost of one auction step was 0.2% of the starting price of the apartment (in my case it was just over 13,000 rubles), i.e. I could make offers increasing the cost by an increment of 13,000 rubles.

The winner was the participant who offered the highest price for the apartment. The next two participants (in descending order of the offer amount) could return their security payments for the apartment only after the first participant signed the Sale and Purchase Agreement. If the first participant had not signed the purchase agreement, this right would have passed to the second participant. If the second participant refused to sign, then the right would pass to the 3rd participant. We ended up fourth. According to the agreement to participate in the auction, we could immediately return our money after the auction by submitting a request for a refund. That's what we did.

  1. Signing the purchase and sale agreement. Registration of the agreement in the Russian Register.

We have not reached this point. But this is a purely technical step that does not present any particular difficulties for experienced realtors. Information about the date and place of signing the contract will be sent to the email address. Within 10 days, the buyer must pay the remaining amount for the apartment. The commission for using the electronic platform is 5,200 rubles. Then the Agreement is signed by the State Enterprise of the City of Moscow “Civil Construction Department” - this is approximately 3-4 working days. And it takes 10 days to register at the registration chamber.

The keys to the apartment according to the acceptance certificate are issued immediately after signing the Sale and Purchase Agreement. Registration and drawing up a purchase and sale agreement costs 25 thousand rubles. Such a transaction can be carried out using borrowed mortgage funds. It certainly becomes more complicated, but it is still possible.

This seems to be the whole scheme and costs of such a transaction. It’s a very useful experience, but it’s far from safe to embark on it without real estate skills, especially for older apartments that have rent arrears and their own history of transfer of rights.

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