Exercises with 2 kettlebells. Bent-over row with one kettlebell. the most effective exercises with kettlebells

As a rule, women choose kettlebells with weights from 8 to 16 kilograms, and men - from 16 to 32.

To find your weight, try performing five repetitions of one exercise. If it's easy, take heavier weights. If you can't finish the exercise, you need less weight.

Once you find your weight, don't do all the exercises with it. Some of them you can do with heavier weights, for others you will need lighter ones. Check the weight for each exercise separately.

As for the number of repetitions, aim for five sets of 10–15 reps. If you feel you can do more, do it.

Exercises with kettlebells

Russian kettlebell swings are different from regular topics that the weight does not rise above the head, but only slightly above the shoulders. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise, it is best to start with simple Russian swings.

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Grasp the weight with both hands, lean forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  • The back should remain straight, without rounding.
  • Swing the kettlebell, bringing it to shoulder level. The movement starts from the hips, not the arms, which provides the force of the push.
  • Lower the weight down, bringing it back between your legs, and repeat the exercise.

This movement is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you work with one hand.

One-arm swings allow you to better pump up target muscle groups and are suitable for those who have already mastered two-handed kettlebell swings.

This exercise helps to pump up your back well. It will be an excellent replacement for dumbbell rows. Due to the shifted center of gravity of the kettlebell, performing the exercise will be a little more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and lean forward with your back straight and knees slightly bent.
  • Pull the weights towards your stomach. At the final point, the handles of the weights should be located in the stomach area.
  • Pull the weights with your back muscles, not your arms.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position and repeat.

This exercise pumps up the core muscles well and also provides stress on the arms and legs. In addition, it looks quite impressive.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the weight in your right hand.
  • Bend your knees, lean forward slightly with a straight back and bring the weight between your legs at body level.
  • Reach your left arm back and take the weight from your right hand.
  • Move your left hand with the weight forward and move it back between your legs.
  • Reach your right hand back and grab the weight from your left.

During this exercise, you seem to describe a figure eight around your legs, passing the weight from hand to hand. It may be difficult to coordinate the movements at first, but with a little practice you will get used to it.

Due to inertia, the exercise is performed quite easily, so you can take a heavier weight. The main thing is not to slouch your back, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your body.

This exercise will help target your legs and buttocks. By using weights in the form of a kettlebell, you will achieve the desired shape much faster than doing repetitions without weight.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold a weight in front of your chest with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Keeping your back straight and your pelvis back, do a deep squat.
  • At the bottom of the squat, the hip joint should be below the knees.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

If you want to put more stress on your leg muscles and pump them up, try supplementing squats with jumping jacks.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell at your outstretched arms below.
  • Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly less.
  • Jump up from the squat and repeat.
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can place plates or step pads under your feet. This will help deepen your squats, increase your range of motion, and increase your load.

During lunges, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are worked, and lifting the weights provides stress on the shoulders and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold the kettlebell in your bent arm at shoulder level, elbow close to your body, arm turned with your palm facing your body.
  • Lunge forward and at the same time raise your arm with the kettlebell above your head.
  • Return to the starting position, lowering your hand with the kettlebell as you lift.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

The exercise perfectly pumps up the core muscles, but it is quite difficult to perform and has a number of contraindications.

It should not be performed by those who have poorly developed rectus abdominis muscles, a stiff thoracic spine, or have back problems.

Exercise technique

  • Sit on the floor on your ischial tuberosities, press the weight to your body and hold it in both hands, do not place your elbows to the sides.
  • Raise your legs off the floor with your knees bent.
  • Try to keep your back straight.
  • Turn your body to the right and left without rounding your back or lowering your legs.

This exercise requires some flexibility and good hip mobility. It simultaneously stretches the latissimus dorsi and strengthens the muscles of the core, arms and shoulders.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab a kettlebell in one hand and lift it above your head.
  • Bend to the side as far as the stretch allows. Ideally, you should touch your foot with your hand. The weight remains in the outstretched hand at the top.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

This exercise will help you pump up pectoral muscles, arms and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Hold the kettlebell in a bent arm, the shoulder lies on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees. The palm is turned towards the body.
  • Press the kettlebell upward, turning your elbow to the side and your wrist with your palm facing your feet. IN extreme point the weight is located above the chin.
  • Lower the weight to the starting position and repeat.

This is another quite impressive exercise that perfectly pumps up the muscles of the core and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell in one hand.
  • Bring the weight behind your back and grab it behind your back with your other hand.
  • Bring your arm forward and grab the kettlebell with your other hand.

This is a universal exercise that combines regular kettlebell swings with movement around the gym. Great cardio for those who are tired of the treadmill.

Exercise technique

  • Perform a Russian kettlebell swing. When the weight is at the top point (chin level), place your right foot next to your left, connecting them together.
  • As the kettlebell lowers from the top, step sideways with your left foot, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When the weight passes between your legs and goes up again, place your right foot next to your left and connect them together.
  • Repeat this exercise on one side and then the other. To go to the right, you need to put your left foot down during the swing, and when the weight goes down, step with your right foot.

This exercise perfectly pumps up the buttocks and hamstrings. The load also goes to the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in both hands.
  • Tilt your torso, push your pelvis back and lower the kettlebell to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight while bending.
  • Return to the starting position, tensing your buttocks and abs.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This is a fairly challenging exercise, so try it with light weights first and add pounds very carefully. When performed correctly, the exercise provides stress to the legs, buttocks and back.

Exercise technique

  • Place the kettlebell between your legs, lean towards it with your back straight and grasp the kettlebell with one hand.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs behind your body, gaining momentum, and then swing it up to shoulder level, turning your arm so that your palm is facing your body.
  • The elbow should be close to the body, the wrist continues the line of the arm, without bending. The weight seems to hang on the indentation between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.
  • Lower the weight so that it passes between your spread legs and bring it up again.

This exercise will perfectly pump up the upper body: arms, back and shoulders. It also involves the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and throw them over your shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the palms are directed towards each other.
  • Press the weights upward, turning your palms forward so that at the top point the weights are located behind your hand.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position at shoulder level and repeat the exercise.

This is not only a strength exercise, but also a cardio workout. If you choose the right weight, the very first set will greatly raise your heart rate. In addition, the exercise pumps up the shoulders, chest and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and place the kettlebell on the floor between your legs.
  • Lean towards the kettlebell with a straight back, moving your pelvis back, grab it with one hand, and move the other back behind your back.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs, swinging it back a little, and then swing it forward.
  • Snatch the weight, bringing it above your head. The palm faces forward, the weight is behind the hand.
  • Lower the kettlebell down so that it passes back between your legs again, and then repeat the upward jerk.

Try to complicate and diversify the option with weights. This exercise primarily develops the abs, and due to alternate lifting of weights, it puts stress on the arms and back.

Exercise technique

  • Get into a plank position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Raise one arm with the kettlebell.
  • Try to keep your body straight while lifting the weights, do not rotate your hips. Ideally, the hips should be firmly fixed.
  • Pull the weight with your back, not your arms.
  • Lower the kettlebell to the floor and raise your other arm.

This is a very interesting exercise. There's quite a lot of movement in it, so you'll have to put in some effort. great effort to maintain balance. With its help, you can provide stress to all the muscles of the body.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on the floor with your arm extended above your head. If you are holding a kettlebell in your right hand, bend your right leg and place your foot on the floor.
  • Raise your body, holding the kettlebell above your head, into a glute bridge. Lean on your right leg, straighten your left and extend it to the side.
  • Place your left leg behind your right and place it on your knee. You will find yourself at the bottom of a lunge with the kettlebell overhead.
  • Stand up from a lunge and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Return to the starting position, going through all the steps in reverse order: lunge, glute bridge, floor position with bent leg and kettlebell in outstretched arm.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This exercise works the same muscles as: chest, triceps, core muscles. Due to the fact that the hands are not on the floor, but on the handles of the weights, the exercise becomes more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a prone position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Try to tighten your abs and buttocks to keep your body straight.

This exercise combines the two previous ones, and therefore it is even more difficult and effective for pumping up the arms, back and chest.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a lying position, leaning on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up.
  • Raise one hand with the kettlebell to your waist. Keep your elbow close to your body and try to pull the weight with your back muscles.
  • Place the hand with the weight on the floor and repeat the exercise with the other hand.

To enjoy quality sports, there is no need to have a full set of gym equipment. In order to train the muscles of the entire body from head to toe, one weight is enough.

For 12 years now, I've been asking people of all ages and fitness levels: "What's so special about kettlebells?" These steel balls not only allow you to perform high-quality sports, but also perform a sufficient number of exercises. I mean one weight that doesn't take up much space.

For now, let's talk about just one weight. Perhaps someone has only one available or someone is just a beginner athlete. Well, or there are several weights, but this person prefers to put them aside and work with one instead of running from one machine to another in the gym. Perhaps someone already has experience with kettlebells and simply prefers to work with one.

Kettlebell workouts

It doesn’t matter what reasons may motivate a person to work with one weight, but everyone will agree that the choice of each person is directed towards a lighter weight. This may not provide adequate training for low-rep deadlifts, but this type of exercise is great for swings, squats, lunges, and high-rep deadlifts.

This is a common situation and I have two types of training programs. Grab a weight and let's go!

The magic of training with one kettlebell

With a kettlebell you can do everything the same as with a barbell or dumbbells. But special shape and the placement of its handle make the kettlebell an ideal implement for performing exercises such as swings, snatches, and squat cleans.

There is an opinion that all work with weights comes down to swings and jerks, and they are, without a doubt, effective. In fact, one of the Committee's studies physical culture showed that kettlebell exercises performed at 15-second intervals burned the calories equivalent to a 6-minute 1,400-meter run or uphill cross-country skiing. And this is already a serious statement.

However, the reduced training program is not the only end in itself. You can also combine exercises that require explosive muscle power with strength training to warm up your entire energy system, strengthen your heart, and increase muscle strength.

What weight should the weights be? The optimal weight of the kettlebell will be the one with which a person can perform 5 squat presses followed by lifting the kettlebell overhead. If a person can perform 10-15 reps of a kettlebell press using one arm and then raising it overhead, then perhaps this exercise will seem too easy for him, in which case he can increase the number of repetitions, which will make the training more effective. For female beginners, the “golden mean” is usually 4-12 kilograms. For men, usually 12-16 kilograms. For stronger or more experienced athletes, the weight of the kettlebell can be increased.

Standing kettlebell press: execution technique

If a person is unable to perform the overhead press due to limitations shoulder joint or the thoracic spine, then I advise such people to exclude this set of exercises and perform exercises related to the lower body.

After a short dynamic warm-up of the muscles and joint mobility, the warm-up can be as simple as moving your joints in circles or performing one of the following exercises, which include body weight work and kettlebell exercises. The first group of exercises is based on the number of repetitions, the second is performed for a while. By changing workouts 2-3 times a week according to type A/B/A, you can achieve excellent results and master a huge number of exercises with weights.

In both cases, the load can be either increased or decreased. If someone does not want to distribute their training over time, then in this case one can start with the first exercise program and start with two series of each cycle. Over time, it will be possible to increase to three series and continue to increase in the future.

A set of exercises with kettlebells for all muscle groups

Workout #1 with one kettlebell

Workout 1 with one kettlebell

Training cycle: 2-3 series (4 series in total)

1. Kettlebell Turkish Get Up (Squat Style)

Part of the training cycle 1.

1 set of 2 repetitions for each hand.

2. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 1. Performed using both hands.

1 set of 25 repetitions.

3. Turnover at point-blank range

Part of the training cycle 1.

1 set of 10 repetitions for each leg in both directions.

4 Romanian deadlift

Part of the training cycle 2. Performed with a kettlebell.

1 set of 8 repetitions.

5 Push-ups

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

6 Kettlebell Squat

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 10 repetitions.


Part of the training cycle 2. Squat press followed by an overhead lift

8 Mill with weight

Part of the training cycle 2. The mill is performed using body weight.

1 set of 5 repetitions for each side.

9 Single leg kettlebell deadlift

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 10 repetitions for each leg.

10 Bent-over kettlebell row

Part of the training cycle 3. Performed with a kettlebell.

1 set of 12 repetitions for each side.

11. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 12 repetitions for each hand.

12 Isometric exercise to develop the anterior and posterior neck muscles

Part of training cycle 3.

1 set of 10 repetitions in both directions.

13 Squat press followed by lifting the weight overhead

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

14 Climber steps

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 20 repetitions for each side.

15. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of training cycle 4. Performed using both hands.

1 set of 20 repetitions.

16 Jump Squat

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 10 repetitions.

17 Russian twists or Russian twist

Part of the training cycle 4. Body weight or kettlebell is used as additional load.

18 Leg raises to train the gluteal muscles

Part of training cycle 4. Or performed on all fours.

1 set of 5 repetitions on each leg.

Workout #2 with one kettlebell (for time)

For each group of exercises you need to set a timer.

Workout 2 with one kettlebell (for time)

Training cycle: 3 series.

1. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Training cycle 1. Performed using both hands or a swing with a lunge to the side.

2 Pull-up

Part of the training cycle 1. Pull-ups or rows of one dumbbell are performed.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest).

3 Single leg kettlebell deadlift

Part of training cycle 2. Repeated for both hands.

4 Push-ups

Part of training cycle 2.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest.

5. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 2. Performed with both hands.

1 set of 20 seconds and 20 seconds rest.

6 Side lunge

Part of the training cycle 3. Performed using body weight or with a kettlebell.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest for each side.

7. One arm swing with a kettlebell

Part of the training cycle 3. A kettlebell swing or power lift of a kettlebell is performed, followed by lifting it overhead.

8 Plank

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest.

9 Jump Squat

Part of training cycle 4.

1 set of 30 seconds and 30 seconds rest.

The kettlebell is an excellent sports equipment for training strength at home. In this article, beginners will get answers to all questions related to home training.

The kettlebell is used by representatives of almost all sports to increase strength. This sports equipment is great for training at home.

Beginners who decide to start training should first consult with a doctor, and then with a trainer, who will suggest a training program. If this is not possible, then just read this article - in it you will find answers to all questions regarding exercises with kettlebells at home.

Kettlebells - the sport of the strong

No one will argue that kettlebell lifting is popular. Many people train with weights at home. Among the main factors that influenced the development of kettlebell lifting, the following can be noted:
  • A compact sports equipment that can be placed anywhere. In addition, it cannot be broken.
  • Kettlebell training will significantly accelerate the growth of muscle mass.
  • The training can be done anywhere and at a time convenient for the athlete.
  • At the first stage, until strength indicators increase, the training will take no more than 10 minutes. Subsequently, the time will, of course, increase.
  • During exercises with weights, fats are burned well, and a surge of hormonal levels occurs in the body.
  • No need to unlearn a large number of various techniques. All exercises in kettlebell lifting are based on human physiology.
  • With constant exercise, strength increases and the functioning of the central nervous system improves.
  • To create a beautiful athletic figure, you just need to buy a weight and memorize a dozen exercises.
  • Kettlebell training is available to women.
  • Despite the seemingly high danger of the activity, statistics show the opposite - this is one of the safest sports.

How to choose a kettlebell weight

When choosing the weight of a sports equipment, you need to take into account only two indicators: the strength of the athlete and the type of exercise. Beginners can be advised to start with a minimum weight of 16 kilograms. Gradually, most often over the course of a year with constant training, you can reach a maximum weight of 32 kilograms. The training program should be designed in such a way that the exercises for different groups muscles alternated.

The time of one lesson should not exceed 40 minutes, and it is advisable to conduct the training at the same time. At the end of the lesson, you should do breathing exercises, walk quietly for a minute or two, after which you can go to the shower.

The first thing a beginner weightlifter needs to master is the snatch. You can perform this exercise with one or two hands. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the back is straight and the weight is located in the center of the athlete’s body. To perform the exercise, you should bend over and, taking the apparatus by the handle, jerk it down onto your chest. After this, grab the weight with your other hand and lower it into place.

Once the first exercise is mastered, you can move on to bent over rows. Height muscle mass when performing this exercise directly depends on the weight of the sports equipment. However, you should correctly calculate your physical capabilities so as not to get injured.

In terms of technique, the deadlift is not much more complicated than the snatch. The left knee should be on one edge of the bench, and the left hand, accordingly, on the other. Take a weight right hand, and at the same time as you exhale, pull the weight towards you. The arm should be bent at the elbow joint. Return the projectile to its original position while inhaling. Only elbows and shoulders should be involved in the work.

The third exercise was called “mill”. The body bends to the side so that the hand touches the foot. The second hand with the weight rises high up.

What to do if your muscles are weak?

Of course, every person is on at different levels physical training. If the arm muscles are still weak, they should be strengthened. There are special exercises for this:
  1. The back is level. Take 16-kilogram weights in both hands, or, if this is too much weight for you, then smaller ones. Place your arms down and your palms should be facing up. In total, you should do from 2 to 4 approaches, consisting of 8 or 10 repetitions each. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the hands and arms.
  2. Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Left hand placed at the waist, and the weight is in the right hand on the right knee. With your palm facing up, make bending movements so that the weight moves in a vertical plane.
  3. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. In one hand there is a sports equipment, and the second is on the waist. Raise the weight above your head and then raise and lower it. You need to make sure that the elbow does not move. This exercise is designed to train the biceps brachii muscle. It is enough to perform three approaches consisting of 10 repetitions each.
  4. Stand next to a chair and bend over. Hold the backrest with one hand and hold a kettlebell in the other. Start raising and lowering the projectile along your body. The exercise is also performed in three sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. The weight is in one hand, and the second is located on the waist. Raise the projectile towards your chest along a tangential trajectory and make sure that your elbow does not move.

Exercises to train your back muscles

The main task of an athlete is to develop his muscles harmoniously. If you train your arms, but forget about your back, then there will be no benefit from such training. The following are exercises that will help you strengthen your back muscles:
  1. Stand near a chair. Hold the backrest with one hand and grab the projectile with the other.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, with your left leg slightly behind you. Raise and lower the projectile towards your chest. You should do 5 approaches, each with 10 repetitions.
  3. Take the weights in your hands, your back is straight. Pull the projectile towards your chest. Do about 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
  4. The weight is located on the floor. Lean on the projectile with one hand and place the other on the floor. Do push-ups.
  5. The standing press works well on several muscles at once. Place the weight on your shoulder, then begin to lift it. It is allowed to help with your feet.

Now you can get acquainted with a set of 7 most effective exercises that allow you to harmoniously develop all muscle groups.
  • Throwing a projectile. Perform 3 approaches of 15 or 20 sets. Tilt your hip and grab the weight. It is necessary to raise it sharply, while simultaneously straightening the leg, simulating a jump. The elbows should be positioned outward from the projectile, and the shoulders should be directly above it. This position should be held for as long as possible. Make sure that the weight is always located near the body. Straightening your legs, simultaneously raise your shoulders, and when the hand with the weight is at their level, pull the projectile with your hands. Then rotate your elbows so that they are below the projectile. All movements should be performed smoothly.
  • Pulling the projectile by hand. You need to do 3 sets of 15 or 20 repetitions. Feet are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Bend at the hip joint, while your back should be straight. One hand is on the back of the chair, and the other is holding a weight. Pull the weight up, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Remember that your back should always remain straight to avoid injury.
  • Squats. Also 3 sets of 15 or 20 repetitions. The legs are slightly wider than the hip line, the projectile is on the chest. Start squatting. The knees should always remain above the feet. You should return to the starting position after your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Projectile push. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The weight is located near the ear. Perform a squat and immediately rise up, simultaneously lifting the projectile upward.
  • Mahi. The number of repetitions and approaches remains unchanged. The projectile is located between the legs, the torso is tilted. Swing the weight back and swing it forward as hard as you can to chest level. The arms are straight and the hips are straightened.
  • "Mill". The hand with one projectile is straightened and raised up. At the same time, take another weight with your other hand and begin to lift. Switch hands and repeat. The number of approaches and repetitions is the same.
  • Bench press. 3 approaches of 15 or 20 sets. While lying on your back, squeeze the apparatus.
Video lessons of exercises with kettlebells for beginners:

Kettlebell exercises build strength, endurance, and strengthen tendons just like kettlebell exercises, especially juggling and tossing. At the moment when an athlete catches a weight, the muscles work statically, and the tendons are subject to increased load. At the same time, they develop and become stronger. Develops agility, endurance and the vestibular apparatus.

Kettlebells come in weights of 16, 24 and 32 kg. Don't start training with kettlebells without thorough physical preparation. You can perform exercises with a kettlebell if you have been doing exercises with weights for at least six months and can calmly squeeze ten-kilogram dumbbells. The lightest solid weight, weighing 16 kg, is a good place to start.

How to exercise with a kettlebell correctly

  1. Start your workout with a warm-up;
  2. Always follow safety precautions, because... a kettlebell is a traumatic sports equipment;
  3. Perform the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, because... the weight has an irregular shape;
  4. Exercise with weights in specially designated areas where the floor is covered with rubber mats;
  5. Better pick special shoes, which will prevent injury to your legs if you drop the weight.
  6. When training to juggle with kettlebells, the ceiling height should be sufficient;

Warm-up before exercising with kettlebells

At least 20-30 minutes before the main workout with a weight, you need to do exercises to warm up and stretch your muscles. The rules are universal for any warm-up before a power load. Several exercises are performed on the shoulder complex, arms, and hands. The muscles of the back and latissimus warm up. You can do some squats and lunges. It would be nice to do push-ups from the floor. Exercises are performed until light sweating for about 10 minutes in the direction from top to bottom: neck, arms, body, legs. It is recommended to complete the warm-up by stretching the muscles.

Weekly class schedule

The general scheme of exercises with weights is universal for strength training. Three times a week, 2 hours before meals and no less than 3 hours before bedtime. There is a break of one or two days between training sessions.

Workout 1

Exercises for biceps and triceps are performed, trapezius muscle, neck and legs.

  • I. p. (starting position) - standing, arms with weights along the body, hands turned outward. Bending movements are made alternately with each hand. 3-4 sets of 5-10 repetitions.
  • I. p. standing near a chair, legs slightly bent at the knees. Alternately pull the weight to your chest with each hand, resting your free hand on the chair. 4 sets of 8 reps.
  • I. p. lying face down on a sports bench so that the head hangs over the edge of the bench. The weight is suspended from the neck using a thick, wide ribbon. Raise and lower your head 10-12 times. Perform 3 approaches.
  • I. p. standing. The weight lies on the shoulder. Sit down, make springy movements such as a half-squat 3-5 times, without lifting your feet from the floor. Alternate shoulders, shifting the weight. 8-12 times on each side.

Workout 2

The load on the abdominal muscles, back, triceps, deltoids and legs.

  • I. p. standing. The weight is on the left side on the floor. Bend your knees, grab the weight with your right hand, straighten up and lift the weight up. Then lower it to your left leg, but without placing it on the floor. Alternate hands. 6-8 repetitions on each side, 2 sets.
  • I. p. standing. The back is straight. Kettlebells in outstretched arms. Extend your arms smoothly to the sides. It is important that the bodies of the weights rest on the forearms. Slowly, without a jerk, return to the position. Repeat 4-6 times, 3-4 approaches.
  • I. p. standing. The weight is behind the head, held with both hands. Heels connected, toes apart. Squat with your knees slightly apart. Repeat 10-12 times, 3 sets.

Workout 3

Strengthening the pectoral trapezius and deltoid muscles.

  • I.p. lying on my back. Kettlebell on the floor at the head. You need to lift the weight with both hands from behind your head and bring it out in front of you. Smoothly lower to the stomach. Return to starting position. 2 sets of 6-10 reps.
  • I. p. Standing, weight in front of you. Take the kettlebell with an underhand grip, with your wrist turned outward. Slowly bend your arm and lift the weight toward your shoulder. Return to i.p. Perform 3-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  • IP legs slightly bent at the knees. Kettlebell between legs on the floor. The gaze is directed forward, the back is arched. Take a weight and with a sharp movement bring your hand to chest level. Return to i.p. Changing hands, repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Athletes different types Sports include exercises with kettlebells in their training. Let's consider what such training gives, how to choose the right equipment for yourself, where to start training, and also offer a simple complex for beginners.

What muscles work during kettlebell training?

Exercises using kettlebells are a completely acceptable option to pump up your muscles at home, since they save time and money - you don’t need to go to the gym. Gym and fitness centers. The complexes developed by specialists allow you to train and work out all muscle groups.

Did you know? When performing exercises with a kettlebell, you burn 20.2 calories in one minute. An athlete burns the same number of calories while running 1 km in 6 minutes.

  • legs;
  • back;
  • arms (biceps, triceps);
  • shoulder girdle;
  • press;
  • breast.

Pros and cons of training with kettlebells

There are positive and negative points.

The benefits of such training are as follows:

  • develop endurance and physical strength;
  • improves agility, flexibility, coordination;
  • body weight is adjusted;
  • in the process of performing exercises, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, which contributes to the formation of a good athletic figure;
  • This type of sport requires little space, so it can be practiced anywhere, including at home.

Did you know? Exercises with a kettlebell are suitable for rehabilitation programs for athletes who want to quickly restore muscle strength after injury.

There are also disadvantages:
  • not recommended for children (this may negatively affect the formation of the skeleton);
  • there is a risk of injury;
  • during such exercises, the load on the spine increases significantly;
  • due to stress, pain in the joints and hands may appear;
  • to exercise with weights you need to have Strong arms(this type of physical activity is not suitable for people who have weak hands or joint problems);
  • it is impossible to reduce or increase the load when using the apparatus (that is, adjust it to the required weight, like a barbell, and set the desired load, like on a simulator).

How to choose the right kettlebell weight

After deciding to engage in kettlebell training, it is important to choose the right weight for the equipment. Thus, women are recommended to start exercising with sports equipment weighing 8 kg. When performed correctly, this weight is enough to work almost all muscles.

Lighter weight will not give the expected result. For men, a kettlebell weight of 16 kg is recommended at the beginning of training. Not worth it initial stage choose a large projectile mass.

Until you have mastered the correct technique for performing all movements, there is a high probability that you will not be able to hold this sports equipment, which can lead to injury. In addition, you should not put a strong load on your spine until you strengthen your back muscles.

Where is the best place to start?

You should start kettlebell training with a light load, gradually increasing the weight of the equipment, the number of approaches, and adding new exercises. It is best to exercise in the morning or evening.

Important! Before such strength training, you should definitely do a warm-up: jump rope, jog, or exercise with light dumbbells. It is also recommended to include stretching of the major large muscles in your warm-up.

  • First of all, familiarize yourself with the exercise, work out the technique well, and only then increase the load;
  • when lifting weights with one hand, it is best to start the exercise with the weakest limb;
  • Don’t overexert your body and chase results (the main result should be your health);
  • give yourself a rest;
  • eat well while building muscle with weights;
  • stability of training (it is best to train every other day).

A set of exercises for beginners

To begin with, you can use only one weight suitable weight. One item will not cause overload and will perfectly train not only strength, but also coordination.

The complex for beginners consists of five exercises. It not only serves strength development, but also the formation beautiful figure. Many exercises from it are basic for kettlebell lifting.

The first step is to get into the basic stance correctly:

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and point your toes slightly outward.
  2. Straighten your back.
  3. The projectile is in a straightened arm (approximately in the groin area).
Now you can move on to doing the exercises themselves.

Video: a set of exercises with weights for beginners

Classic snatch

It works like this:

  1. Stand firmly in a basic stance, holding a kettlebell in your hand.
  2. Slightly tilt your back forward and swing the projectile between your spread legs.
  3. Straightening up, jerk, extending your arm straight, push it up. Stay in this position for a second (legs, loaded arm, body straight).
  4. Lower the projectile. Swing it between your legs, lift it again, extending your arm up (repeat as many times as necessary).

They are made like this:

  1. Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart (back straight).
  2. Throw the weight over your shoulder and do squats without lowering it (your free arm should be extended forward when squatting).
  3. Do squats as you exhale, and when standing up, inhale.
  4. After doing a set of squats and taking the apparatus in the other hand, repeat the same thing.

Kettlebell push

To perform this classic exercise:

  1. Get into a classic pose.
  2. Swing the weight between your legs, bending slightly, then, bending your knees, place the weight on your chest. This is the starting position.
  3. Inhale, bend your knees slightly.
  4. Exhaling, push the weight up with a jerk, sharply straightening your knees, giving an impulse for the push. Hand effort should be minimal.
  5. Hold the weight at the top point for 1/2 second. The body and legs should be straightened, and the hand with the weight should be next to the head.
  6. Lower the apparatus onto your chest, bending your arm and springing your legs (this will help soften the load).
  7. Repeat the pushes as many times as necessary.
  8. Change hand, repeat the same thing.

The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Take a basic stance, lean forward slightly, bend your knees slightly.
  2. As you inhale, swing the projectile back between your legs.
  3. As you exhale, lift the projectile onto your shoulder in an arched manner, bending your arm at the elbow and straightening your body (it should be approximately in the chin area, closer to midline torso).
  4. Fix your position for a second.
  5. Relax your hand, allowing the weight to fall freely down.
  6. When the hand with the projectile reaches the lower position (not below the knees), tense your hand, bend forward a little, slightly bending your knees.
  7. Make a swing with a cast, repeat the exercise as much as necessary.
  8. Change hands and make the required number of throws on the shoulder.

The process for performing this swing exercise is as follows:

  1. Stand in a basic stance: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis pulled back, back straight.
  2. Swing the projectile between your legs, swinging back. When rocking, they bend forward quite strongly with a slight squat (this is an inhalation).
  3. As you exhale, throw it forward with your arm outstretched (you can do it with both hands). Upon reaching the top point at shoulder level, straighten the body.
  4. Lower the projectile in the same arc and swing it between your legs again, repeating the throws the required number of times.
  5. Perform a swing on the other hand.

Such exercises perfectly train strength and agility, help burn extra calories for both men and women. Main - correct execution exercises with a suitable weight of equipment. They can also be done in home environment, bypassing the gym.

Important! Between kettlebell exercises, you should rest your body for a few minutes.

The complex itself does not take much time, but a warm-up is necessary before performing it. Kettlebell training is good for people with a strong constitution, but people with weak hands or sore joints should avoid them (they are also contraindicated for children).

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