The influence of the sun on a person’s emotional state. The effect of the sun on the human body

Speaking about the influence of the sun on human body, it is impossible to accurately determine the harm or benefit it brings. Sun rays are like kilocalories from food. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion, and in excess they cause obesity. So it is in this situation. In moderate amounts, solar radiation has a beneficial effect on the body, while excess ultraviolet radiation provokes burns and the development of numerous diseases. Let's take a closer look.

Solar radiation: general effects on the body

Solar radiation is a combination of ultraviolet and infrared waves. Each of these components affects the body in its own way.

Effect of infrared radiation:

  1. The main feature of infrared rays is the thermal effect they create. Warming up the body helps to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.
  2. Warming has a relaxing effect on the muscles, providing a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  3. Under the influence of heat, metabolism increases and the processes of assimilation of biologically active components are normalized.
  4. Infrared radiation from the sun stimulates the functioning of the brain and visual apparatus.
  5. Thanks to solar radiation, the body's biological rhythms are synchronized, sleep and wakefulness modes are triggered.
  6. Treatment with solar heat improves the condition of the skin, eliminating acne.
  7. Warm light lifts your mood and improves emotional background person.
  8. And according to recent studies, it also improves sperm quality in men.

Despite all the debate about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, its lack can lead to serious health problems. This is one of the vital factors of existence. And under conditions of ultraviolet deficiency, the following changes begin to occur in the body:

  1. First of all, the immune system weakens. This is caused by a violation of the absorption of vitamins and minerals, a failure of metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. There is a tendency to develop new or worsen chronic diseases, most often accompanied by complications.
  3. There is lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and the level of performance decreases.
  4. Lack of ultraviolet radiation for children interferes with the production of vitamin D and provokes a decrease in growth rates.

However, you need to understand that excessive solar activity will not benefit the body!

Contraindications to sunbathing

Despite all the benefits of sunlight for the body, not everyone can afford to enjoy the warm rays. Contraindications include:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • tumors, regardless of their location;
  • progressive tuberculosis;
  • angina pectoris, ischemic disease;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • pregnancy;
  • recovery period after surgery.

In all cases, active radiation will aggravate the course of the disease, provoking the development of new complications.

Elderly people and infants should not get carried away with the sun. Treatment is indicated for these populations sunlight in the shadow. The required dose of safe heat will be enough there.

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Negative effects of the sun

The time of exposure to infrared and ultraviolet waves should be strictly limited. Excessive amounts of solar radiation:

  • can provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the body (so-called heat stroke due to overheating);
  • negatively affects the skin, causing permanent changes;
  • impairs vision;
  • provokes hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • may provoke the development of allergic reactions.

So lying on the beach for hours during periods of maximum solar activity causes enormous damage to the body.

To get the necessary portion of light, a twenty-minute walk on a sunny day is enough.

The effect of the sun on the skin

Excessive amounts of solar radiation lead to serious skin problems. In the short term, you risk getting a burn or dermatitis. This is the most small problem, which you may encounter if you get carried away with tanning on a hot day. If a similar situation is repeated with enviable regularity, the sun's radiation will become an impetus for the formation of malignant formations on the skin, melanomas.

In addition, exposure to ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, making it thinner and more sensitive. And constant exposure to direct rays accelerates the aging process, causing the appearance of early wrinkles.

In order to protect yourself from the negative effects of solar radiation, it is enough to follow simple safety measures:

  1. IN summer time Be sure to use sunscreen every year? Apply it to all exposed areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs and décolleté. The SPF icon on the packaging is the very same ultraviolet protection. And its degree will depend on the number indicated next to the abbreviation. When going to the store, cosmetics with an SPF level of 15 or SPF 20 are suitable. If you plan to spend time on the beach, use special means with higher rates. A cream with maximum protection SPF 50 is suitable for children's skin.
  2. If you need to stay outside for a long time at maximum intensity of solar radiation, wear clothes made of light fabrics with long sleeves. Be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat to hide your delicate facial skin.
  3. Control the duration of sunbathing. Recommended time is 15-20 minutes. If you stay outside for a longer period of time, try to hide from direct sunlight in the shade of trees.

And remember that in the summer, solar radiation affects the skin at any time of the day, with the exception of night hours. You may not feel any noticeable heat from infrared waves, but ultraviolet light does. high level activity, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

Negative effects on vision

The influence of sunlight on the visual apparatus is enormous. After all, thanks to light rays we receive information about the world around us. Artificial lighting, to some extent, can become an alternative to natural light, but reading and writing with a lamp increases eye strain.

Talking about negative impact on humans and the vision of sunlight, implying eye damage from prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses.

Some of the unpleasant sensations that you may encounter include cutting pain in the eyes, their redness, and photophobia. The most serious damage is a retinal burn.. Dry eyelid skin and the formation of fine wrinkles are also possible.

  1. Wear sunglasses. When purchasing, first of all pay attention to the degree of protection. Fashion models often slightly shade the light, but do not prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to put aside bright frames and opt for high-quality lenses.
  2. Make sure that direct rays do not hit your face. Stay in the shade and wear a hat, cap or other headdress with a visor.
  3. Don't look at the sun. If you do not experience discomfort, this does not mean that this idea is safe. Even the winter sun has enough activity to cause vision problems.

Is there a safe time of year?

The use of solar radiation as a healing procedure is a common practice. Both ultraviolet and heat are considered strong irritants. And the abuse of these benefits can cause serious problems.

Tanning is the production of melanin. And to be more precise, then defensive reaction skin to the irritant.

Is sun radiation dangerous at any time of the year? It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Everything will depend not so much on the time of year, but on geographical location. Thus, in mid-latitudes, solar radiation activity increases by 25-35% in the summer. Therefore, recommendations regarding staying outside on a clear day apply only to hot weather. In winter, residents of these regions are not threatened by ultraviolet radiation.

But residents of the equator face direct sunlight all year round. Therefore the probability negative impact is present on the body both in summer and winter. The inhabitants of northern latitudes are luckier in this regard. Indeed, with distance from the equator, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the earth changes, and with it the radiation activity. The length of the thermal wave increases, and at the same time the amount of heat (energy losses) decreases. Hence it is winter all year round, since the surface of the earth does not have enough heat to warm it up.

Solar radiation is our body's friend. But you shouldn't abuse this friendship. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious. Just enjoy the warmth without forgetting about safety precautions.

The influence of the sun on a person and his body is difficult to overestimate, because it is a source of heat, light and life. All processes on Earth are closely related to the action of the Sun, which for many peoples of the world symbolizes life, fertility and Immortality. The sun plays a leading role in the formation environment. Besides, Solar energy largely shapes and determines the development of man in particular and humanity in general.

The sun in a person's life

In many cultures around the world, the Sun is considered not just intelligent being, but by the Supreme Mind, which governs our world and is responsible for the laws of the universe.

The sun has always played a huge role in human life; it is not without reason that our ancestors worshiped it. However, science believes that the Sun is plasma, and therefore solar energy and light can be dangerous to humans.

However, the Sun has a special meaning for a person, since it carries spiritual and healing information necessary for every person. The sun is not only light and warmth, it is a source of self-knowledge, it is a symbol of something perfect that we must strive for in order to emit light ourselves and become a source of energy for others.

And when, for example, the Sun touches a person’s skin, then through this information is read about the state of the person himself, about what he needs and what is needed for his further evolution. There are billions of Galaxies in our Universe, and each Galaxy has its own Sun, which controls the development of this system.

One should not be afraid of the influence of the Sun on a person. There is no point in being afraid of the Sun, its light and its energy, then It will not cause harm, will strengthen intuition, increase the spiritual level and will decode human DNA. When a person uses sun protection devices, this means that he does not want to accept the energy of the Sun, he fences himself off from it and experiences a certain fear.

According to research, the influence of the Sun on the human body really exists. It turned out that the use of sunscreen increases the incidence of skin cancer.

There is also a misconception that looking at the Sun is harmful. In fact, this is very useful, but it is recommended to do this at dawn, and not at noon, when viewing the sunlight will not bring either spiritual or physical pleasure.

It is very important to look at the Sun correctly, namely by blinking quickly while looking at the light. In this case, light enters the human body in portions, distributed to those parts of the body where it is most needed.

One can imagine the Sun in the form of Mind, bringing light and holding all solar system in a certain energy field.

Every day more and more evolutionary programs come to Earth for each person. And all a person needs to do is turn with Love and Gratitude to the Sun, which carries physical and spiritual Light.

The fact that the Sun has always played one of the primary roles in human life is also proven by the fact that in some aboriginal cultures and even in ancient Rus' there was and still is a simple process of turning to the Sun, which helps to gain new life, new spiritual vibrations and healing.

When a person directly turns to the Sun, his body cells change, creating new program DNA development, the structure and composition of the blood changes.

In addition, each person carries within himself the Light and its program, which is embedded in the Center of the Sun itself. Based on all of the above, everyone can draw a conclusion for themselves about how the Sun influences a person’s life.

We should not forget that in ancient times there was a cult of the Sun, and this was correct, since Light is natural both for nature and for man. Essentially, Light is the Spirit of God himself, therefore the Light coming from the Sun carries Cosmic Spirituality, Immortality and Freedom.

How does the sun affect a person?

Some people make the mistake of thinking that life arises and is sustained only by sunlight. Let's talk further about how the Sun influences a person, his life and development.

In fact everything exists due to the energy of the sun, which exists everywhere, regardless of the time of day. And therefore, saturation and filling with solar energy occurs at the level of plasma, which exists both in the human body and in the plasma of his blood.

When a person is passionate about his work, when he improves and develops himself every day, does everything with love and inspiration - he not only lives on solar energy, and is filled with it. In this state, a person sleeps little, does not feel tired or need food, and is full of energy. This is the amazing influence of the Sun on humans.

Thus, we can conclude that solar energy and prana ( Vital energy) - It is the same. And therefore we can say that beings and Angels in higher dimensions than the human world feed on precisely this kind of energy, the energy of joy, gratitude and love for other beings. Most solar energy accumulates in the core of planet Earth.

How does the Sun affect humans through solar energy and sunlight? And what is this energy? This is the energy that gives everything existing life, therefore it is the energy of the Mother.

The revival of the Cult of the Mother occurs with the revival of the Cult of the Sun, because the Light coming from the Sun is the Mother Energy, and she is the Mother. Because even God himself is and initially abides in these mysterious Feminine Waters of the entire Cosmos.

And when the Light of God is poured out in the form of rays of Light, then creation occurs. This is the essence of the Unity of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother. The true religion of God is Light, and this Light exists in every person, because in essence Light is indestructible and inexhaustible. When the understanding comes that God is Light and is Unity, then there will be no need for limited religions, because true religion is Light and God is Light.

What can you do for your healing and development? There is a simple appeal to the Sun when you are facing the east: “Dear Sun, I Love You and thank you for your Light, fill my life, body and Soul with your Light.” Each person has a path back to the source of his divinity, which is Light, and everyone will sooner or later dissolve in this Light and merge with it.

Remember that it is not only the influence of the Sun on a person and his body that is important, but also how a person uses the Sun. A person needs to learn to use solar energy for his own benefit, for the benefit of the body and Soul.

Man himself is a manifestation of Light, and therefore the Sun, Bringer of Light, is of utmost importance in human life. Therefore, the future of a person, his development and well-being will depend on how a person relates to solar energy and the energy of the Sun.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The bulk of sunlight consists of rays with very short wavelengths, which are measured in nanometers (nm), 1 nm is equal to 0.001 microns.

Within the optical part of sunlight are: ultraviolet invisible rays(280-400 nm), light rays (400-760 nm) and infrared invisible rays (760-2800 nm).

Visible rays giving sensation white, when refracted through a triangular prism, decompose into the following colors: violet (the shortest), blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange and red (these are the colors of the rainbow).

Ultraviolet radiation causes mainly a photochemical effect, and infrared radiation causes a thermal effect.

At the earth's surface, 59% of solar radiation comes from infrared rays, 40% from light rays and about 1% from ultraviolet rays.

When passing through the earth's atmosphere, about 60% of solar radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere and dispersed into space with the help of water vapor and the ozone layer. Near the earth, radiation delay occurs mainly due to atmospheric pollution with dust, smoke and gases, during cloudiness and fog. Ultraviolet rays are retained the most. In large industrial cities with heavy smoke and gas pollution, the loss of ultraviolet radiation reaches 40%, and the overall illumination sharply decreases.

The amount of direct solar radiation decreases with distance from the equator, as the angle of incidence of the sun's rays decreases. The most a large number of radiation in mid-latitudes occurs in May, during the day - at noon.

There are more ultraviolet rays in the south than in the north. In addition to direct solar radiation, diffuse radiation is of some importance. When the sky is clear, the short-wavelength bluish-blue part of the spectrum is predominantly scattered, which causes the blue color of the sky. The activity of scattered radiation is low, but the large amount of ultraviolet rays makes it biologically very useful. Therefore, you can sunbathe while in the shade.

Some solar radiation is reflected from the surfaces on which it falls. For example, snow reflects up to 85% of total radiant energy, yellow quartz sand - 35% of solar radiation, river sand - 29%, green grass- 26%, chernozem - 14%, water surface with sheer incidence of sunlight - only 2%. This information must be taken into account when choosing a place for sunbathing in different climatic conditions.

Except thermal effect and implications for vision, the radiant energy of the sun has a beneficial healing effect on the entire body. Acting through the visual analyzer, light energy affects metabolism, general tone, sleep rhythm, etc. Light also serves as a signal thermal stimulus, which can cause a feeling of warmth and reduce metabolism even in the absence of real heating by solar or artificial light rays.

When skin is irradiated, photochemical reactions occur in the body, causing complex chemical transformations in tissues and having a serious impact on metabolism. Ultraviolet rays with wavelengths from 290 to 315 nm have the strongest biological properties.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is formed in the skin. Direct sunlight kills tuberculosis bacteria in a few minutes, staphylococci in 15 minutes, and typhoid bacilli in 60 minutes. There are observations that in clear sunny weather the prevalence and duration of epidemics of influenza, diphtheria, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases transmitted through the air are much smaller and shorter.

And with the so-called light starvation, which is observed in people who are deprived of the opportunity to use sufficient daylight (those living in the North during the polar night, those working in mines, in the subway), numerous disturbances occur in the vital functions of the body. Children develop rickets, the number of cases of dental caries increases, bone strength decreases, functional disorders of the nervous system appear, and the course of tuberculosis worsens. However, if exposed to sunlight for too long without a regular change of day and night (Arctic region), fatigue of the nervous system and changes in a person’s reflex activity are possible. Even “white nights” can cause irritation and fatigue of the nervous system.

The human body has mechanisms that protect it from sudden fluctuations in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and changes in atmospheric pressure. But sometimes this protection does not work. Increased air humidity at high temperatures can cause general overheating of the body. This painful condition is called hyperthermia, or heat stroke.

The cause of heat stroke is a violation of the body's thermoregulation, which is expressed in increased heat generation with insufficient heat transfer. Heat accumulated in the body negatively affects the function of the central nervous system. Oxygen starvation develops. Blood viscosity increases and blood circulation is impaired.

Heatstroke can occur when working in stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms, especially if high air temperatures are combined with high humidity. The cause of this condition may also be tight, poorly breathable clothing.

Heatstroke can also occur on outdoors: at high physical activity in a humid, stuffy atmosphere (even in the absence of sun), in calm weather and if the rules for sunbathing are not followed.

In infants, the cause of heatstroke can often be staying in an overheated room, in a crib placed near radiators and central heating pipes.

When overheated, patients develop headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. They experience extreme thirst and nausea. Worried about weakness, drowsiness. Initially, redness of the skin and its moisture are observed; then the skin becomes dry, pale, cold. There may be fainting. Breathing becomes more frequent, tachycardia develops, and blood pressure drops. Vomiting and nosebleeds may occur.

In severe cases, delayed reactions or agitation, severe headaches, loss of consciousness, convulsions, a rise in body temperature to 39°-41°C, and respiratory depression are observed. Infants experience severe vomiting and diarrhea. In such cases, urgent health care. But first, the patient must be placed in a cool place, in the shade, provided with access to fresh air, freed from tight, constricting clothing, and given a drink cold water, put a cold compress, and, if possible, ice on the head, in the armpits and groin areas (large blood vessels pass there). Water procedures have a good effect: in mild cases, a shower at a temperature of 26-27°C for 5-8 minutes, in more serious cases - a bath at a temperature of 20°C for up to 8 minutes. After the water procedure, it is mandatory to rest in a lying position and drink plenty of fluids. Unlike heat stroke sunstroke there may not be general overheating. It can be caused by direct exposure to sunlight on an uncovered head. There is no pronounced change in thermoregulation. However, the patients' complaints are similar.

Prevention of heat and sunstroke:

To avoid overheating, you need to maintain the microclimate in residential and industrial premises, maintain an optimal drinking regime, and also use rational clothing.

It is recommended to wear clothes made of porous fabrics (cotton, linen, etc.), through which air can easily be exchanged. This is especially true for clothing in the warm season. In the summer, even without taking a special air bath, try to get rid of excess clothing: for example, when working in the garden, take off your shirt or T-shirt.

It is sometimes believed that the more tightly the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. Often, for this purpose, thick towels are tied around the head, and tall caps are made from newspapers. But all these “hats” interfere with normal heat transfer. Light white a Panama hat, a small light cap with a visor, a cotton scarf, a straw hat will perfectly protect your head from the sun.

Thermoregulation is negatively affected by the subcutaneous fat layer, which is poor in blood vessels. Therefore, overweight people need to be especially careful about overheating.

Long, dark days of winter, time spent sitting in front of the TV or computer, or excessive use of sunscreen - all this can lead to minimizing sun exposure to the human body. Although it may seem like your tan is the only thing that suffers when you don't get enough sunlight, in fact, your health can also be affected. Lack of sunlight can affect a person physically, mentally and emotionally.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is a nutrient essential for maintaining a healthy body, including the formation of strong bones and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to the sun, and thus lack of sun exposure can lead to low level vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D can lead to muscle and joint pain, and doctors have also documented a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and an increase in the incidence of heart attack, stroke and heart failure, as well as multiple sclerosis. People with dark skin who live in northern areas are most susceptible to vitamin D deficiency.

Seasonal affective disorder

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a form of depression caused by a lack of sunlight. People most often suffer from SAD during the winter months, when the days are shorter and darker. Symptoms of SAD include sleepiness, loss of energy and fatigue, overeating, anxiety, mood swings, decreased sex drive, and decreased concentration. Those suffering from this form of depression may also be more prone to illness or infection due to a weakened immune system. The effects of SAD can vary from person to person. While some people experience only minor mood changes, others may find themselves unable to function fully. Treatment for SAD includes the use of light sessions, antidepressants, and complementary therapy. In most cases, SAD symptoms begin to subside with the arrival of spring and the return of sunlight.

Changes in sleep structure

Lack of sun exposure can also affect sleep. Sun exposure helps the body determine when to produce the hormone melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate the body's internal clock, signaling when it's time to go to bed. In a five-day study conducted by researchers in New York State, children were given glasses that blocked the blue light found in sun rays. The results showed that the children had delayed melatonin production and went to bed an average of an hour and a half later than at the start of the study.

Ways to deal with the consequences lack of sun exposure

Exist effective ways to combat the effects of lack of solar radiation. The easiest way to do this safely is to increase your exposure. This means going outside more often sunny days or open the curtains wide to allow sunlight into the room. You should use the recommended amount of sunscreen to prevent your body from being overexposed to UV rays, but avoid overusing protection as this may unnecessarily shield your body from receiving the benefits of the sun. During the winter months, you can combat the lack of sun with the help of special lamps. You can also combat vitamin D deficiency by taking it in the form of a supplement.

“Where the sun rarely shines, the doctor often comes.” So it says folk proverb. How is it really in life? It is well known that the sun's rays have a powerful effect on the human body. And not always positive.

But if you learn to use the light of the sun rationally, it will not only be a morning alarm clock, but also a cure for many diseases, as well as a factor that will improve the condition of the skin. A beautiful tan can add a sophisticated charm to your appearance.

Types and characteristics of solar radiation

The sun generously gives us three types of radiation, which have different effects on the human body.

Visible radiation

Radiation, visible to the eye, are the colors of the rainbow that are familiar to us. This radiation penetrates the skin to a depth of 1 centimeter. The visible spectrum affects nervous system a person, penetrating the retina of the eye. Man has learned to use this measure of influence in everyday life in order to create a harmonious space for his existence.

For example, a room decorated in yellow, orange or green has a positive effect on our mood. Shades of red can stimulate activity, while blue shades can slow down. Purple color depresses the psyche, green calms.

This feature of the influence of all colors of this type of radiation on the human body is often used for practical purposes when decorating the interiors of residential premises and offices.

Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet radiation has the most powerful effect on humans. With a short wavelength, UF rays are extremely energetic. They penetrate only a millimeter into our skin, but they can have both a healing and general strengthening effect and a severely harmful one. It all depends on the dose.

Under the influence of UF radiation, various biologically active substances are produced, which are distributed throughout the body along with the blood, affecting the functioning of all systems and organs.

Human skin heats up under the influence of infrared rays. They are able to penetrate tissue to a depth of 3 centimeters. Under their influence, blood vessels heat up and dilate, and the blood circulation process intensifies. This promotes activation of redox reactions.

Positive effects of the sun on the body

Moderate sun exposure has a good preventive and healing effect. The effect of UF rays varies and is related to the wavelength.

Some rays contribute vitamin D production, other - skin pigmentation(tan formation). It has been scientifically proven that a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the human body is produced under the influence of sunlight. Even a nutritious diet cannot make up for it.

From a lack of this important vitamin, children can develop rickets, so from birth every child needs to receive a sufficient amount of solar radiation. In adults, a lack of vitamin D causes bone fragility and damage to the structure of dental tissue.

Shortwave rays have a strong bactericidal effect on the human body, killing pathogenic microbes. As early as 1903, doctors from Denmark used solar radiation to treat skin tuberculosis.

Physiotherapist Finsen Niels Robert was awarded for his developments in this area. Nobel Prize. The healing power of the sun's light lies in its ability to influence skin receptors, causing complex chemical reactions.

The effect of sunlight on health and mood

The secret of healing and Have a good mood lies in the fact that sunlight tones our nervous system. At the same time, the functioning of the hematopoietic organs is further improved and normalized metabolic processes, and the endocrine glands begin to more actively produce hormones.

Ultraviolet light not only prevents, but also completely cures many diseases: jaundice, rickets, eczema, psoriasis.

It is important to remember that only a moderate dosage of solar radiation has a positive effect on health and mood.

Negative effects of sun rays on humans

Living cells, absorbing ultraviolet radiation, begin to change and divide incorrectly. In this case, all kinds of mutations appear, and healthy cells die.

Eyes often suffer from sun exposure. Reflecting sunlight, water, White sand, snow increase the brightness of the lighting. The result of such irradiation can be inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye or inflammatory processes in the cornea. In particularly serious situations, a person may lose vision for several days.

This is usually the result of solar reflection from snow. It begins with profuse lacrimation and ends with chronic eye irritation. The situation can be aggravated by repeated irradiation.

As a result of strong eye irradiation, many people experience clouding of the lens. In 20% of cases, blindness occurs.

The body's reaction to ultraviolet radiation

All people have different reactions to exposure to ultraviolet light. Sensitivity largely depends on age, natural skin color, condition thyroid gland, as well as the time of year.

Children and the elderly, people with increased thyroid function, fair-skinned people and red-haired people are especially sensitive to the effects of solar radiation. You need to be careful when sunbathing in spring and summer.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on human skin

Many people, wanting to tan faster, abuse their exposure to the sun. It is a mistake to believe that radiant energy has an exclusively positive effect on the skin, and that tanning is a sign of health.

After just a short period of time in the sun, the skin becomes hot and begins to turn red. Soon the redness will disappear if you leave the sun in time. After a couple of hours it will appear again and last about a day. Successive doses of irradiation will cause the formation of a pigment called tanning.

The desire to quickly get a beautiful tan and a long stay in the sun will give a completely different effect. Sunburn, caused by exposure to UF rays on the skin, is an unpleasant, painful, and even dangerous phenomenon. After a short period of time after prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red and swelling appears on it. Severe burning and painful sensations are just the tip of the iceberg. Toxins that are formed as a result of cell breakdown poison the entire body. As a result - headache, nausea, malaise.

Unwise use of ultraviolet irradiation leads to the fact that the skin thickens in defense. The process of accelerated aging begins. With repeated irradiation, skin cells change and begin to die quickly. The tan becomes uneven, and unsightly pigment spots and moles appear on the skin.

Important! DNA molecules that help restore skin are damaged by repeated irradiation. As a result, the skin begins to generate immature precancerous cells, and sometimes cancerous ones.

Cellular atypia caused by solar radiation can cause types of cancer such as carcinoma and melanoma. Both prolonged exposure to the sun and excessive use of solariums can cause such changes in the body.

Measures to protect against solar radiation

Most residents of the middle zone and northern latitudes are eagerly waiting for spring to bask in the warm rays of the sun. We strive to use the first sunny days as a healing factor, often abusing sun exposure.

You need to take sunbathing wisely, following several life-tested rules:

  • Diffuse solar radiation in the shade is recommended for older people and infants, as well as those with problems with the cardiovascular system and those suffering from chronic diseases.
  • Even healthy and strong people should limit their time in the sun, and it is recommended to sunbathe only during safe hours, when the sun is least active.
  • During the daytime, when solar radiation is strongest, it would be better to protect yourself with a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and an umbrella.
  • Applying sunscreen good quality with a high protection rate will eliminate many problems.

The amount of solar radiation reaching the earth is related to the time of year. At the equator, this indicator practically does not change. As you move away from the earth's belt, this difference increases.

In winter, the sun is low above the horizon and we get scattered, sliding rays. Their intensity is reduced during this period. In summer, they fall vertically to the surface of the earth, which shortens their path and reduces heat loss as they pass through the atmosphere. Therefore, in winter, solar radiation is the least dangerous.

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