Oriental dance video lessons for beginners for free. Oriental dancing for weight loss

Can't sit still when you hear the sounds of oriental music? It's time to learn a new hobby - belly dancing! Eastern dance will turn you into a mysterious beauty and teach you to love your body!

If you want to always be the center of men's attention and stay in in a great mood, there is nothing left to do except learn how to dance oriental dances. This is one of the most! The mesmerizing shine of costumes, hypnotizing rhythmic sounds of drums, incredibly flexible movements female body– all this is about the oriental dance “belly dance”. Belly dancing quickly burst into our culture about 10 years ago, along with the appearance on domestic television. fairy tales about the life of Arab beauties.

A little history: when belly dancing appeared

Historical name of oriental dance Arabic sounds like “Raks Sharqi”, in Turkey it is called Oryantal dansı. Its original version is very far from what modern belly dancers dance, if only for the reason that the Islamic dress code would never allow a woman to expose her body in the presence of men.

What we are watching with enthusiasm today is a modernized product of the synthesis of several dance techniques: the Gypsy dance “Ghawazi”, European cabaret and Arabic dance traditions. For the first time, a show with oriental dancers in the interpretation that is popular to this day was shown in Paris in 1889. Nowadays, there are already more than 50 styles of oriental dance, founded by various leading schools of the world.

Theory and technique: where and how to learn to dance

The popularity of this exotic dance has led to the fact that today even in Slavic and European countries there are a lot dance clubs and groups that teach the art of belly dance. The main thing is to find a teacher you like; in some ways this task is similar to the right one. Under no circumstances should you immediately enroll in the first school you come across and buy a subscription. First, go to a trial lesson with a trainer and find one who explains things clearly for you and in whose presence you do not feel constrained.

Take an interest in the students’ achievements in various competitions, because this is an indicator of the mentor’s skill. Not always even a great dancer can become good teacher. The group in which you will study is also very important - when there is a friendly atmosphere in the classes, and not malicious competition, the chances of mastering the skill of dance are much greater.

Various competitions have a very positive effect on improving the level of skill. Don’t be afraid to participate in them, even if you are new to this business! Competitions always have separate categories for both beginner amateurs and seasoned professionals. You will see how the first diploma you earn, even among beginner dancers, will make you train with even greater zeal.

If for certain reasons you don’t want or can’t practice in a group, don’t worry, today there are many manuals that will help you learn oriental dancing at home. To get started, watch a few videos to decide which of the dance techniques and styles of oriental dance you like best.

First lesson for beginners: a few important movements:

On specialized sites you can easily find a lot more video lessons and melodies. Having chosen a suitable song, listen to it several times to get a good feel for the rhythm, and start training! It is advisable that you have a mirror in your home. full height, which will help you see yourself from the outside during exercise and evaluate the correctness of your movements.

Where to buy a costume for rehearsals and performances

For beginner dancers, it is better to purchase the simplest costume, not burdened with various details that will complicate the practice of movements. If the question is where to buy a costume for oriental dances, then consider one of the options:

  1. The cheapest way to buy such an outfit is from girls who have already mastered a sufficient level of skill and dance in complexly cut costumes.
  2. If you want a new outfit, specialized online stores offer a wide selection to suit every taste and budget.
  3. The right outfit will definitely be found in oriental markets or in specialized stores for dancers, which are simply full of costumes, both mass-produced and hand-made.
  4. If you have basic handicraft skills (sewing, etc.), then it’s quite easy to build a costume yourself, having on hand a piece of fabric, an unnecessary bra, some beads, sequins, rhinestones, and ribbons.

From theory to practice: where to show skill

You can apply the skills acquired during rehearsals anywhere. Today there are a lot of nightclubs and discos where oriental dances are performed and theme parties are often held. And even at regular discos, the movements you learned in training will be useful to you. The main thing is to listen carefully to the melody, because many songs popular on modern dance floors contain oriental motifs.

Belly dancing is suitable for any figure

During training in oriental dances, as well as, the sense of rhythm and plasticity develops well, so after several lessons you can easily turn into a graceful disco star! You are guaranteed the attention of men, and the problem will remain a thing of the past!

The only condition for achieving success in belly dancing is not to be ashamed of your body! A small tummy and curvy hips will only be beneficial. To love your body, you can try classes or. Even if you dance exclusively for yourself, you can increase your self-esteem in a month and achieve new success in other areas. Turn on the music!


Before you start classes, purchase the clothes you will dance in, or choose something from your existing wardrobe. Clothes should not restrict your movements, but they should not be too wide either. For example, you can wear a short and leggings. In such clothing you will be able to clearly see all your movements, it will be easier for you to notice your mistakes and shortcomings. You can also buy a loincloth embroidered with beads or. Chiming coins helps some people feel the rhythm of the music better.

Choose the way in which you will study oriental dancing. There is enough information on this dance style both on the Internet. Perhaps it’s better to first get acquainted with the history, what types of dance there are, what kind of music this wonderful dance is performed to.

And then you can proceed directly to classes. For this it is better to use . In stores you can purchase entire series of CDs with oriental dances. Usually in these series the first disc is devoted to learning the basics of dance, you will learn what the basic movements are, learn how to maintain correct posture, learn the basic positions of the arms and legs, and perhaps learn your first dance. With subsequent discs you will learn more new movements, learn more complex, but also more interesting dance performances.

If you don’t want to spend money on buying CDs, there are a lot of video lessons on the Internet. Some videos can be downloaded, while others can be watched in. The advantage of this method is that you can study according to the lesson that you like most. The downside is that sometimes you have to sort through a lot of material before you find something that suits you both in content and quality. And of course, in order to achieve some results by practicing at home, you need to have a fairly strong will to force yourself to train regularly, and without this you will not be able to study all the intricacies well.

Video on the topic


  • Oriental belly dancing. Bellydance for beauty and health
  • how to learn belly dance at home

Indian classical dances are the oldest dances in the world, which have survived to this day almost unchanged. Today in India there are many dance styles, from classic to modern. What they have in common is that every movement in Indian dance, even with a finger or an eyebrow, has its own meaning. Any dance has its own meaning and tells a small story, usually about love. You need to have a lot of perseverance and a lot of time to learn how to dance Indian dances beautifully and correctly.


Sign up for dance studio, which specializes in Indian dances. Indian ones are quite popular in Russia, and in any big city You can choose a studio according to your liking and money. With the help of a coach and like-minded people, learning is easier and more fun.

Buy a self-instruction CD for Indian dances if you can’t study in a studio. Start with the easiest level. Classical Indian dances are the most difficult. Therefore it is better to start with modern dance. You can download dance lessons from the Internet or take free dance training on-line.

Set up a space for dancing if you decide to study at home. Large mirror– this is the main condition. Even if it seems to you that you are repeating the movements exactly after the dancer on, a completely different picture may be reflected in the mirror. Our perception of our own body may differ from how it looks from the outside.

Many girls in childhood went to various clubs or sections, most of from which I chose dances. Today we would like to introduce you to such a popular type of dance as “oriental dances”, this is a unique style distinguished by its charm and grace. Oriental dances are always fascinating and sensual movements that will help you discover completely new facets of talent and feelings, feel a new level of control over your body, coordination and mind.

I would like to immediately note that oriental dances are more of a direction, there are many of them, they are divided into varieties, which are sometimes very different. A popular question among many interested is whether there is a difference between oriental dances and the well-known Belly Dance. The answer is simple, there is and there is no difference, Belly Dance is one of the directions of oriental dances. Everyone who is closely involved in Belly Dance can be said to be engaged in oriental dances, but those who practice oriental dances do not always have an idea of ​​​​what Belly Dance is.

Oriental dances are divided into many types, the most basic of which are as follows:

  • Belly Dance, which we talked about above. This is a kind of classic style of belly dancing. Performed by women, it is distinguished by grace and isolation of movements.
  • Tribal is a more extensive dance style that includes several styles in its technique, including folklore, ATS and the above-described Belly Dance. It is distinguished by a certain wildness and passion, reminiscent of folk dance. The movements during performance, although they seem somewhat improvisational, are still very polished. By the way, this type of dance is performed not only by women, but also by men.
  • Folklore, which was mentioned above, is also a direction of oriental dances, which includes many styles, such as, for example, “Khalidi”, “Baladi”, “Dabka” or the Egyptian - “Saidi”.

We figured it out a little. Below you will find video lessons of oriental dances for beginners.

Video lesson 1: Oriental dances - Basic movements!

Video lesson 2: Oriental dances - Arms and abdominal muscles!

Video lesson 3: Oriental dances - Hips and buttocks!

Video lesson 4: Oriental dancing - Burning fat!

A selection of video lessons of oriental dances for beginners:

If one video clip is not enough for you, then below there is a whole selection step by step videos oriental dance lessons for beginners at home, which will undoubtedly teach you something necessary and useful. The video squares are small, click “full screen” for easy viewing.

IN Lately There is a trend to study oriental dances for weight loss. But is it possible to lose extra pounds with the help of such dance moves?

When thinking about oriental belly dancing, an image of a feminine and attractive dancer in airy clothes appears, smoothly moving to beautiful oriental music. Such associations arise for a reason, because this dance comes from the mysterious East.

But, contrary to our opinion, the purpose of these dance movements is not seduction, or rather, not only seduction. They accompany oriental people from birth to last days. There is a dance dedicated to birth a child, a wedding and even death. Many modern Slavic women devote themselves to mastering and studying dance art East for many years.

It is known that any dance movements are a cardio load. It can be both intense and moderate. Depending on the dance rhythm. During the rhythmic sway of your hips and graceful movements of your arms, calories are “burned” with a vengeance.

During training in a sports hall or dance hall, 450 kilocalories can be “burnt” in 60 minutes, and if a person dances in front of an audience, then all 600.

With regular training - three to four times a week - a woman loses 1,600 extra kilocalories. But everyone has seen oriental dancers; you can call them slender, right? So can we say that the dance movements of the East are exercises for losing weight? Why oriental women do not lose body weight, despite the fact that they have been dancing all their lives?

The fact is that in the East there is not and never has been the cult of harmony that Europeans have. It is known that no one has ever managed to lose weight without changes in diet, even with intense fitness training. Therefore, if we want to lose weight by moving our hips and other parts of the body in the Eastern way, we need to reduce the number of kilocalories consumed.

Belly dancing sharpens your figure

With the help of belly dancing, a beautiful and feminine figure is formed. “Rocking chairs”, “eights” and “pendulums” tighten the abs and lower back. By moving their arms, dancers strengthen their shoulders and eliminate sagging arms. Most movements are usually performed with bent legs, which is good for the buttocks and thighs. Oriental dance will not help pump up muscles; they become toned, but do not increase in volume. Round and athletic buttocks can be achieved by adding strength exercises.

It is also quite difficult to pump up six-pack abs while doing belly dancing. Dancers' bellies, although toned, are far from flat, but rounded. Therefore, if you want to have sculpted abs, you should also add sit-ups, crunches and other movements that help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

The art of dance and women's health

What happens that a woman who practices oriental dance simply blossoms and always looks fresh and cheerful? Doctors unanimously say that oriental dance movements are very good for health. They strengthen the heart muscle, help a woman stay healthy and attractive to men longer.

Belly dancing has a positive effect on the functions of the internal female organs, strengthens the pelvic muscles, which is the prevention of age-related urinary incontinence in women.

There are often cases when a woman suffering from infertility became pregnant, and one who could not bear a fetus due to constant miscarriages became a happy mother. Belly dancing improves coordination of movements, makes beautiful posture, the gait becomes smooth and feminine, the chest muscles tighten.

Despite the fact that most oriental dancers are not thin, none of them suffer from it: this happens thanks to shaking, which is included in the list of dance movements. This exercise's effect can only be compared with widely advertised vibration simulators. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract also returns to normal. Those who suffered from constipation and discomfort completely forget about it when practicing oriental dancing.

Calm and smooth movements bring it back to normal nervous system, sleep improves, the woman becomes more balanced. Not to mention good mood and increased performance the next day. And most importantly: this beautiful dance speeds up metabolism, which helps normalize weight.

How to lose weight by dancing

Now belly dancing is extremely popular all over the world. So how can you get your figure in order with its help: buy or find video lessons for weight loss on the Internet, go to a dance studio or take private lessons from an instructor?

Exercises under the supervision of a specialist will be more effective: learning any dance on your own is not an easy task.

But there is one more nuance: the main thing is that the lessons bring joy. If you like it Eastern music, and smooth, calm movements bring pleasure, then the effect will not be long in coming. If a temperamental and active woman begins to force herself to dance oriental dances with sole purpose– say goodbye to excess body weight, this is unlikely to give good results. In this case, it is better to choose, for example, energetic Latin American dances or going to the gym.

If a representative of the fair half has come to the conclusion that these dances are for her and if there is also a goal to lose weight, you need to practice systematically and pay attention to your diet. It is necessary to exclude sweets, reduce fatty foods, and give preference to protein and plant foods.

Regularity of classes is important when studying oriental dances for weight loss. If you decide to practice on your own, then it is better to purchase videos with master classes from professional dancers and take a step-by-step training course. Dancing dance the woman's stomach is simply beautiful, she changes not only externally, but also internally, and she is already losing weight, among other things. This way you can lose weight while having fun, without mocking yourself and without raping your own body.

Your feedback on the article:

In the East, belly dancing has become traditional look an art that women are taught from infancy. Belly dancing among oriental beauties is not only energetic body movements, it is a special ritual with the help of which a woman becomes closer to a man. Belly dancing lessons for beginners can be found in any city today, and you can also buy or find training videos on the Internet.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, belly dancing brings a lot of benefits to the female body. This is an excellent physical warm-up accompanied by rhythmic music, during which all the muscles of the body work. Regular training allows beauties to acquire a slender figure and significantly increase self-esteem. For beginners, the best option is to study at home using videos. Lessons for beginners are offered by famous choreographers - videos with Alla Kushnir and Valeria Putitskaya will help you master the basic elements that you can hone at any convenient time.

It is especially useful for those who want to acquire a wasp waist and a flat stomach to engage in this type of art.

Belly dancing brings great benefits to girls who are preparing to become mothers. To dance beautifully, you need to use everything: body movements, arms, alluring curves of the neck, a mysterious look and a beautiful smile.

The main advantages of oriental dance classes:

To learn the intricacies of oriental dance, it is better to regularly visit dance halls, where the instructor can point out mistakes. If you lack the desire and opportunity, you can take lessons at home via video. The same applies to beginners who, for certain reasons, are embarrassed to visit public places. Home learning has one significant advantage - you can study movements at any convenient time.

Belly dance with Valeria Putitskaya

Video lessons with choreographer Valeria Putitskaya allow beginners to smoothly move from awkward hip movements to the beat of music to graceful oriental dance. The master clearly shows how to work the muscles correctly, make turns, maintain posture, combine movements of the arms and legs. Most complex dance consists of simple elements that professionals sometimes perfect for years. Therefore, for beginners, dance lessons with Valeria Putitskaya provide the basics, which are important for subsequent training.

The choreographer begins the belly dancing lesson with a warm-up, great importance gives stretch. During the warm-up, Valeria teaches:

  • movements of the hips, buttocks from lesson 3 (key, barrel, turns, shaking, figure eight, waves, etc.);
  • chest movements;
  • neck movements;
  • hand movements.
Belly dancing, which Putitskaya masters perfectly, is the result of her long training with the world's most famous choreographers. In addition, the dancer has her own studio and is involved in judging at competitions. Fame came to her after participating in the TV show “Dancing” (issue 3).

Ballydance with Alla Kushnir

Alla Kushnir begins her lessons by mastering breathing techniques, then begins teaching basic elements. Breathing exercises before classes allow a woman to relax, better feel the rhythm, hear music and coordinate movements. Alla amazingly combines plastic body movements and monotonous muscle training in her lessons.

Alla Kushnir – beautiful woman with an oriental appearance, a professional master choreographer who knows everything about belly dancing. In the training video, Alla will tell you how to do it correctly simple moves belly, thighs, chest. Her portfolio includes 32 lessons in which the master gives detailed instructions and reveals the secrets of oriental dances. Alla Kushnir became famous after participating in the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent”; in season 3 she was already greeted as an accomplished star.

Oriental dance lessons from Alla are suitable for both beginners and those who already have sufficient knowledge.

In one video, the choreographer practices tactics from simple to complex, gradually combining several simple elements into a single body movement. For those who already own basic technology, you can skip the first 3 classes.

For beginners, the choreographer offers a course of 6 lessons, including:

  • Lesson 1 – learning basic movements;
  • Lesson 2 – working the abdominal muscles and arms;
  • Lesson 3 – work of the hips and buttocks;
  • Lesson 4 – burning fat;
  • Lesson 5 – combining elements into a dance;
  • Lesson 6 – generalization.

Today, oriental dances are popular all over the world. great way get your health in order, restore your shape and become desired by your beloved man. Belly dancing is accessible to any woman, especially since it is possible to learn how to move beautifully at home for free with the help of an instructional video.

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