The second depreciation group is the useful life. Depreciation groups: useful life. Classifier of fixed assets. What changed

Shock absorption groups - these are groups into which depreciable property is divided in accordance with the terms beneficial use based on regulations.

The concept of "depreciation group" is used primarily for income tax purposes, and is also used for accounting.

The main point of assigning a specific object to a particular depreciation group is to determine the depreciation rate for the purpose of establishing the depreciation rate and calculate the depreciation amount.

In tax accounting, for calculating depreciation, depending on the useful life (SPI), they are distributed into ten depreciation groups in ascending order.

The first depreciation group is all short-lived property with a useful life from 1 year to 2 years inclusive;

The second depreciation group is property with a useful life of more than 2 years up to 3 years inclusive;

The third depreciation group is property with a useful life of more than 3 years up to 5 years inclusive;

The fourth depreciation group is property with a useful life of more than 5 years up to 7 years inclusive;

The fifth depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 7 years up to 10 years inclusive;

The sixth depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 10 years up to 15 years inclusive;

The seventh depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 15 years up to 20 years inclusive;

The eighth depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 20 years up to 25 years inclusive;

The ninth depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 25 years up to 30 years inclusive;

The tenth depreciation group is property with a useful life of over 30 years.

The useful life of a fixed asset is the period (number of months) during which the company expects to use the fixed asset and receive economic benefits from it.

Determination of useful life by depreciation group

Note that the lower limit of each depreciation group begins with the phrase “above,” and the upper limit of each depreciation group ends with the phrase “inclusive.”

This means that, for example, for the third group, the lower limit is 37 months (3 years and 1 month), and the upper limit is 60 months (5 years).

Depreciation groups establish the interval of useful life.

So, for example, group 5 includes objects with a useful life of over 7 years up to 10 years inclusive.

It should be noted that within this interval it independently determines the specific period of each object.

So, paragraph 1 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation indicates that “The useful life is determined by the taxpayer independently on the date of commissioning of this item of depreciable property in accordance with the provisions of this article and taking into account the Classification...”.

OS classification

The useful life of an object of depreciable property is determined by the taxpayer independently on the date of putting the fixed asset into operation in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and taking into account the Classification of fixed assets.

OS classifications are a table in which for each group the name of the OS included in it and the corresponding code of the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF) are indicated.

Currently, the Classification is a table consisting of three columns, the first of which indicates the OKOF code, the second column - the name of the OS, and the third column contains “Notes on OS names” (where exceptions or additional explanations may be indicated) .

Within the depreciation groups, fixed assets are grouped into subgroups - Machinery and equipment, Transport vehicles, Structures and transmission devices, Buildings, Dwellings, Perennial plantings, Working livestock.

Let us note that tax legislation does not establish for the purposes of calculating depreciation the unconditional application of the maximum useful life.

Thus, according to the rules of paragraph 3 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer classifies fixed assets into one of ten depreciation groups.

At the same time, the OS Classification provides for the useful life of objects in the range of minimum and maximum values.

Thus, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige the company to establish exactly the maximum permissible useful life of an asset.

Procedure if the OS object is not in the classification

Not all types of fixed assets can be found in the OS Classification.

In this case, you should look at the OS code in OKOF and determine the depreciation group according to this code.

If the object is not indicated in the OKOF, then to establish its useful life, you should use its technical documentation or the recommendations of the manufacturers (clause 6 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In the absence of such information, to resolve the issue of determining the useful life of a fixed asset, you should contact the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Useful life of used fixed assets for profit tax purposes

If a used asset was purchased, then the depreciation rate for this property for the purpose of application linear method depreciation is determined taking into account the useful life established in the usual manner, minus the number of years (months) of its operation by the previous owners.

When applying the non-linear method, the depreciation rate does not depend on the specific useful life of the asset, but on the depreciation group to which it belongs.

In this case, purchased used fixed assets are included in the depreciation group (subgroup) in which they were included from the previous owner.

If the period of actual use of the OS by the previous owner turns out to be equal to the period determined in accordance with the Classification, or exceeds this period, then the company has the right to independently determine the useful life, taking into account safety requirements and other factors (clause 7 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) .

Thus, the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation give organizations the right to independently decide which procedure for determining the useful life of used fixed assets should be applied.

Along with this, the organization must document the depreciation group to which the previous owner assigned the property.

These may be acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, drawn up according to forms independently developed by the transferring party or according to unified forms N OS-1 or N OS-1a, tax accounting documents of the transferring party or any other documents confirming the useful life of this property and, accordingly, the depreciation group (subgroup).

Change in useful life of fixed assets

By general rule the useful life is revised when there is an improvement in the initially established standard indicators of the object based on the results (clause 1 of article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; clause 20 of PBU 6/01):





At the same time, for tax accounting purposes, the useful life can be increased only within the time limits established for the depreciation group in which the asset was previously included.

Application of the OS Classification in accounting

Let us note that the rule that the specified Classification of fixed assets can be used for accounting purposes from 01/01/2017 was declared invalid.

Therefore, in accounting, when establishing useful lives, the rules established by regulatory acts on accounting should be applied.

So, if an organization independently sets the useful life of fixed assets, guided by the provisions of paragraph 20 of PBU 6/01, then in this case the useful life of fixed assets is determined based on:

    the expected life of the facility in accordance with its expected productivity or capacity;

    expected physical wear and tear, depending on the operating mode (number of shifts), natural conditions and the influence of an aggressive environment, the repair system, etc.;

    regulatory and other restrictions on the use of the facility (for example, lease term).

The established useful life of fixed assets should be recorded in the fixed assets inventory card (Form No. OS-6).

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Depreciation groups: details for an accountant

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The classification of fixed assets is constituent element organization of property accounting at the enterprise. It helps to specify information about certain objects and solves certain problems of the accounting process and management. Classification of fixed assets involves their grouping according to certain characteristics. For the purposes of accounting, evaluation, and analysis of property objects, six main criteria for classification can be distinguished.

by natural composition and functions performed (by type)- typical classification. In accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OK 013-94), approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 359 (hereinafter referred to as OKOF), fixed assets are accounted for according to to the following groups(Table 1).

Table 1 - Classification of fixed assets by type

Group name Code Composition of the group
Buildings (except residential) 11 0000000 Buildings of workshops, factory management, workshops, etc. The object of classification in this group is considered to be each separate building or extension if it has independent economic significance (warehouse, garage) along with all communications (lighting, heating, ventilation, water and gas supply, elevator household, internal telephones, etc.) ensuring normal operation
Facilities 12 0000000 Oil and gas wells, bridges, overpasses, roads, mines, sewers, gates, cylinders and tanks, etc. are engineering and construction objects designed to create the conditions necessary for performing certain functions in the production process. The classification object is a separate building with all devices
Dwellings 13 0000000 Panel houses, buildings and other premises used for housing, historical monuments related to residential buildings
cars and equipment 14 0000000

Energy equipment ( nuclear reactors, steam engines, turbines, internal combustion engines, etc.), which either produce electricity or thermal energy, or convert it into mechanical energy of movement. The object of classification is each individual machine (if it is not part of another object), including its constituent fixtures, accessories, instruments, individual fencing, foundation;

Working machines and equipment (machines, machines, devices) for mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the object being processed. The object of classification of working machines and equipment is each individual machine, apparatus, unit, installation, etc., including their included accessories, instruments, tools, electrical equipment, individual fencing, foundation;

Measurement and control equipment (scales, pressure gauges, equipment for remote control, alarms, instruments and laboratory equipment, etc., which are designed to measure various parameters of equipment operation, check the quality of materials, raw materials, finished products etc.);

Communication systems equipment;

Computer equipment, office equipment. Object - each machine, equipped with all devices and accessories necessary to perform the functions assigned to it, and not being integral part any other car;

Other machines and equipment not included in the above groups (fire engines, automatic telephone exchange equipment).

Means of transport 15 0000000 Vehicles for people and various cargo (locomotives, wagons, ships, ships, trucks and cars, buses, airplanes, helicopters, etc.). The object of classification is each individual object with all its accessories and accessories.
Industrial and household equipment 16 0000000 Electric drills, vibrators, jackhammers, workbenches, containers, inventory containers, etc., which are used either to facilitate manual labor or to attach to machines to enhance their power. Classification objects can only be objects that have an independent purpose and are not part of any other object
Working, productive and breeding livestock (except for young animals and livestock for slaughter) 17 0000000 Horses, oxen, camels, donkeys and other working animals (including transport horses); cows, sheep, as well as other animals, etc. The object of classification is every adult animal, except livestock for slaughter
Perennial plantings 18 0000000 Trees and shrubs, hedges, landscaping and decorative plantings on streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, etc. The objects of classification are the green spaces of each park, garden, square, street, boulevard, yard, enterprise territory, etc. . in general, regardless of the number, age and species of plantings
Material fixed assets not included in other groups 19 0000000 Library collections, capital expenditures for land improvement (reclamation, drainage, irrigation and other works)

The classification of fixed assets according to their physical nature is the basis of their analytical accounting. Grouping of property objects in the OKOF classifier is carried out by assigning codes, the structure of which is built according to the following scheme:

  • X0 0000000 - section;
  • XX 0000000 - subsection;
  • XX XXXX000 - class;
  • XX XXXX0XX - subclass;
  • XX XXXXXXXX - view.

Each position presented in OKOF has its own nine-digit decimal digital code (OKOF code), control number (CN) and name. The classification division of objects to the level of subclasses is carried out according to a hierarchical principle. At the very last level of classification - types, facets or lists are used, which are linked to the lower level of the hierarchical structure - subclasses.

According to OKOF, fixed assets do not include:

  1. items that last less than one year, regardless of their value;
  2. items valued below the limit established by the Ministry of Finance of Russia (less than 40,00 rubles), regardless of their service life, with the exception of agricultural machinery and tools, construction mechanized tools, weapons, as well as working and productive livestock, which are classified as fixed assets, regardless of their cost;
  3. fishing gear (trawls, seines, nets, nets and other fishing gear) regardless of their cost and service life;
  4. gasoline-powered saws, delimbers, floating cable, seasonal roads, mustaches and temporary branches of logging roads, temporary buildings in the forest with a service life of up to two years (mobile heating houses, boiler stations, pilot workshops, gas stations, etc.);
  5. special tools and special devices (tools and devices for special purposes, intended for serial and mass production of certain products or for the manufacture of individual orders), regardless of their cost;
  6. replaceable equipment, devices for fixed assets that are repeatedly used in production and other devices caused by specific manufacturing conditions - molds and accessories for them, rolling rolls, air lances, shuttles, catalysts and sorbents of a solid state of aggregation, etc., regardless of their cost;
  7. special clothing, special shoes, as well as bedding, regardless of their cost and service life;
  8. uniform, intended for issuing clothing and footwear to enterprise employees in healthcare, education, social security and other budget-funded institutions, regardless of cost and service life;
  9. temporary structures, fixtures and devices, the construction costs of which are included in the cost of construction and installation work as part of overhead costs;
  10. containers for storing inventory items in warehouses or carrying out technological processes, value within the limit established by the Ministry of Finance of Russia;
  11. items intended for rental, regardless of their value;
  12. young animals and fattening animals, poultry, rabbits, fur-bearing animals, bee families, as well as sled and guard dogs, experimental animals;
  13. perennial plants grown in nurseries as planting material;
  14. machines and equipment listed as finished products in the warehouses of manufacturing enterprises, supply and sales organizations, handed over for installation or to be installed, in transit, listed on the balance sheet of capital construction.

Reference. In accordance with the Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2018-st All-Russian classifier fixed assets OKOF OK 013-94 should have been canceled on January 1, 2016. However, its validity was extended for another year (Order of Rosstandart dated November 10, 2015 No. 1746-st). The new OKOF OK 013-2014 (SNS 2018) is planned to be used from January 1, 2017.

according to useful life. Based on the OKOF classification codes, a list of 10 depreciation groups has been developed, which is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1 “On the classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups.” This document is used mainly for grouping, determining its useful life (SPI) and calculating depreciation amounts for the purpose of calculating income tax. However, clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 No. 1 establishes that this classification can also be used for accounting purposes. Table 2 presents a list of depreciation groups into which fixed assets are combined.

Table 2 - Classification of fixed assets by useful life

Group number Useful life Composition of the group
1 From 1 to 2 years inclusive - Cars and equipment
2 Over 2 to 3 years inclusive - Cars and equipment;

- Perennial plantings.
3 Over 3 to 5 years inclusive
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Industrial and household equipment;
4 Over 5 to 7 years inclusive - Building;

- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Industrial and household equipment;
- Working cattle;
- Perennial plantings.
5 Over 7 to 10 years inclusive - Building;
- Facilities and transmission devices;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Industrial and household equipment;
- Perennial plantings;
- Fixed assets not included in other groups.
6 Over 10 to 15 years inclusive - Structures and transmission devices;
- Housing;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Industrial and household equipment;
- Perennial plantings.
7 Over 15 to 20 years inclusive - Building;
- Facilities and transmission devices;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Perennial plantings;
- Fixed assets not included in other groups.
8 Over 20 to 25 years inclusive - Building;
- Facilities and transmission devices;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Industrial and household equipment.
9 Over 25 to 30 years inclusive - Building;
- Facilities and transmission devices;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport.
10 Over 30 years - Building;
- Facilities and transmission devices;
- Housing;
- Cars and equipment;
- Means of transport;
- Perennial plantings.

by degree of use in the organization's activities allocate fixed assets located:

  • in operation;
  • in stock (reserve);
  • under repair;
  • at the stage of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization and partial liquidation;
  • on conservation.

by owner based on the rights of the organization fixed assets are divided into:

  • own;
  • rented (obtained on lease);
  • under operational management or economic control;
  • received for free use;
  • received in trust.

by functional purpose fixed assets can be:

  • production. Production fixed assets include objects that are used in the normal activities of the organization, i.e. in production, construction, trade, etc.;
  • non-productive. Non-productive fixed assets include objects that are not used in the normal activities of the organization. These are housing and communal services, scientific, cultural, healthcare institutions, etc.

by the nature of participation in production process fixed assets are divided into:

  • active - fixed assets that directly affect the subject of labor and affect production;
  • passive - fixed assets that provide conditions for the normal flow of the production process.

Other types of classifications fixed assets are based on the following grouping characteristics:

by industry fixed assets are distinguished:

  • industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • trade;
  • communications;
  • transport;
  • construction, etc.

by type of ownership fixed assets can be combined into groups:

  • government;
  • private;
  • collective;
  • foreign, etc.

on a material basis allocate fixed assets:

  • inventory - objects that have a material form and can be verified (measured, counted): buildings, structures, machines, equipment, etc.;
  • non-inventory - objects are formed from costs and do not have material content (for example, capital investments in leased fixed assets).

by duration of operation or age composition(not to be confused with useful life) fixed assets are classified into the following groups:

  • up to 5 years;
  • from 5 to 10 years;
  • from 10 to 15 years;
  • from 15 to 20 years;
  • over 20 years.

by region. If an organization has its divisions in regions of the country (and beyond), then fixed assets can be divided into the corresponding regions (and countries).

by physical wear and tear property objects are distributed into groups, each of which the organization sets a percentage (%) of physical wear and tear. For example, up to 15%, 16 - 40%, 41 - 60%, 61 - 80%, 81 - 100%.

by obsolescence: a grouping technique similar to grouping by physical wear.

By technical level fixed assets can be divided into:

  • backward objects;
  • ordinary objects;
  • advanced facilities, etc.

by time of use. There may be several classification options depending on the specific management needs of the organization. For example, from the total number of objects we can distinguish those that are used in 1 shift, in 2 shifts, in 3 shifts. Or distribute fixed assets among those used during the year: up to 150 hours per year, 151 - 300 hours per year, 301 - 450 hours per year, etc.

Any receipt of an object of fixed assets (F), whether it be a purchase, gratuitous transfer or acquisition in exchange, entails the mandatory determination of a depreciation group, which is assigned based on the useful life of the property. It is during this period that the cost of the property gradually becomes part of the company's costs. Write-off of accrued depreciation amounts is carried out in one of four ways that are relevant for accounting for fixed assets, enshrined in the accounting policies of a particular enterprise.

Shock absorption groups

When registering, PF objects are assigned to a specific depreciation group. There are 10 of them in total; they are listed in the OS Classification by depreciation groups. The main criterion for combining units of property into any of the depreciation categories is the useful life (USI) of the object. It is determined by enterprises for each PF facility, based on the expected useful period, operating conditions and regulations regulating the use of property.

SPI is the main criterion for classifying an asset into one of the presented depreciation groups.


SPI property

From 1 year to 2 years

From 2 to 3 years

From 3 to 5 years

From 5 to 7 years

From 7 to 10 years

From 10 to 15 years

From 15 to 20 years

From 20 to 25 years

From 25 to 30 years

Over 30 years

According to the general rules, the organization depreciates the received asset over the period of fixed income, determined by the Classifier (see table). If the company cannot find an object on the list, then the deadline is set based on the specifications of the asset or the manufacturer’s recommendations. If the asset is manufactured in a company, then the company’s specialists independently develop recommendations confirming the effective life of the asset. They are drawn up in any form. This may be an order from the manager or another document defining the PPI of the asset. Let's consider characteristics property assigned to each depreciation group.

1 and 2 depreciation groups

The first depreciation group includes short-lived assets that wear out over a period of 1 year and 1 month to 2 years inclusive. Basically, these are types of property in the “Machinery and Equipment” category (OKOF 330.28 and 330.32), which combines tools and equipment for various fields production, the production period of which does not exceed 2 years.

The second depreciation group (AG) is represented by several types of property:

  • Machinery and equipment, incl. office, tunneling, hay harvesting machines, technological equipment for various industries (OKOF codes 330.28);
  • Vehicles with OKOF codes 310.29.10;
  • production and economic equipment (sports facilities 220.42.99);
  • perennial plantings (520.00.10).

Assets belonging to the second AG have a life expectancy of 2 to 3 years. For example, this is the useful life of MFPs (multifunction devices) . Therefore, upon receipt of this asset, it is assigned the 2nd AG.

Depreciation group 3: useful life

The third depreciation group combines assets whose life expectancy varies from 3 to 5 years. The range of assets that wear out within these periods is noticeably wider in comparison with the two above groups. In addition to the listed types of property, depreciation group 3 contains:

  • structures with OKOF codes 220.41.20, operated in various industries;
  • cars of different carrying capacity, motor vehicles, recreational watercraft, aircrafts(OKOF 310.29 and 310.30).

The AG of production equipment includes animal resources, including, for example, circus or service dogs (510.01.49).

4 depreciation group: useful life

The fourth depreciation group includes assets whose life expectancy is from 5 to 7 years. It includes:

  • non-residential buildings (OKOF 210.00.00);
  • various structures, wells, power lines, process pipelines (OKOF 220.41.20 and 220.42).

The section of cars of the 4th depreciation group is presented various types communication equipment and measuring instruments (OKOF 320.26 and 330.26), ES devices (330.27), machine tools (330.28; 330.29; 330.30).

The fourth depreciation group includes special vehicles, buses and trolleybuses (310.30).

In addition to the production equipment section, which includes communications equipment (330.26) and medical furniture (330.32), group 4 depreciation is charged on draft animals (510.01) and plant resources (520.00).

5 depreciation group: useful life

Depreciation group 5 covers property with a service life of 7 to 10 years. These include:

  • non-residential demountable buildings (OKOF 210.00);
  • the category of structures, which includes depreciation group 5, includes structures of energy, petrochemical, metallurgical companies, forestry, agricultural production and construction industries, heating networks (OKOF 220.41.20), roads (220.42);
  • in the “Machinery and Equipment” section, the fifth depreciation group includes steam boilers (OKOF 330.25), measuring, navigation equipment, tools and other instruments (330.26), steam and gas turbines, harvesting machines (330.28), fire trucks (330.29), laying equipment For railways (330.30;
  • Transport of the 5th depreciation group includes large-sized buses and tractor-trailers with code OKOF 310.29.

In addition, this group includes cultural plantings (520.00), land improvement costs (230.00), equipment servicing aircraft (400.00), facilities intellectual property (790.00).

6 depreciation group: useful life

This group lists assets whose life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years:

  • in the “structures” section, property with OKOF codes 220.25; 220.41 and 220.42;
  • housing (100.00);
  • machines and equipment with codes OKOF 320.26; 330.00; 330.25; 330.26; 330.27; 330.28; 330.30;
  • sea ​​vessels, railway cars, electric locomotives, helicopters, airplanes (310.30), containers (330.29).

The sixth depreciation group includes cultural plantings of stone fruits (520.00).

8 depreciation group: useful life

8 depreciation group combines assets, the effective use of which lasts from 20 to 25 years. For example:

  • non-residential buildings of lightweight masonry (OKOF 210.00);
  • construction industry structures, product pipelines, railways (220.41), berths and piers (220.42);
  • communication structures (330.26);
  • cargo and passenger ships, locomotives, wagons, balloons (310.30).

10 depreciation group: useful life

This group represents assets whose service life exceeds 30 summer period. These include non-residential buildings (OKOF 210.00) and residential (100.00), as well as:

  • structures not included in other groups (220.00);
  • power cables (320.26), floating structures (330.30), escalators (330.28);
  • ships and vessels - combined, cruise, floating docks (310.30);
  • forest shelterbelts and plantings (520.00).

The organization's fixed assets, depending on their useful life, belong to one or another depreciation group for profit tax purposes (Clause 1, Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The useful life of the asset is determined by the organization itself, taking into account the special classification approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups

In 2019, the Classification approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002 N 1 (as amended on April 28, 2018) is in effect. In accordance with this Classification, all fixed assets are divided into 10 depreciation groups.

Please note that the latest amendments to the Classification came into force retroactively and apply to legal relations that arose from 01/01/2018.

Depreciation groups of fixed assets 2019: table

The 2019 classification of fixed assets by depreciation groups is as follows:

Depreciation group number Useful life of OS Example of fixed assets belonging to the depreciation group
First group From 1 year to 2 years inclusive General purpose machinery and equipment
Second group Over 2 years up to 3 years inclusive Liquid pumps
Third group Over 3 years up to 5 years inclusive Radio-electronic communications
Fourth group Over 5 years up to 7 years inclusive Fences (fences) and reinforced concrete barriers
Fifth group Over 7 years up to 10 years inclusive Forest industry buildings
Sixth group Over 10 years up to 15 years inclusive Water intake well
Seventh group Over 15 years up to 20 years inclusive Sewerage
Eighth group Over 20 years up to 25 years inclusive Main condensate and product pipelines
Ninth group Over 25 years up to 30 years inclusive Buildings (except residential)
Tenth group Over 30 years Residential buildings and structures

How to determine depreciation group

To understand which depreciation group your fixed asset belongs to, you need to find it in the Classification. Having found it, you will see which group this OS belongs to.

If your OS is not named in the Classification, then you have the right to independently determine the useful life of this property, focusing on the service life specified in the technical documentation or the manufacturer’s recommendations. The established SPI will tell you which depreciation group your OS falls into.

Each enterprise uses in its work various fixed assets that are its property and are used in the production of goods, provision of services, and performance of work. To accept them for accounting, the initial cost is determined. Accounting during use is carried out at residual value.

All property objects wear out and depreciate over time: part of their value is transferred to cost. Depreciation is carried out over their entire useful life.

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Depending on the SPI, all fixed assets are classified into certain depreciation groups. For this, the OS Classifier and OKOF are used. In 2019, the grouping of fixed assets underwent significant changes that you need to know to correct management accounting.

Main nuances

As a general rule, enterprises depreciate assets over their useful lives (USI). They are determined by the OS Classifier (table).

OS grouping by Classifier:

Depreciation group SPI, years
First 1-2
Second 2-3
Third 3-5
Fourth 5-7
Fifth 7-10
Sixth 10-15
Seventh 15-20
Eighth 20-25
Ninth 25-30
Tenth over 30

Confirmation of the date of commissioning of the operating system is carried out by drawing up a separate act about this. It is necessary to calculate property tax, VAT deductions, the start of depreciation, as well as to confirm the initial cost of the property, its service life, and the depreciation group established for it.

Last changes

Previously, the coding of fixed assets was encrypted with 9-digit values ​​in the format XX ХХХХХХХ. Since 2019, the new encoding is of the form XXX.XX.XX.XX.XXXX. Such changes significantly transformed the structure of OKOF.

Some names contained in the old classifier were removed, and in OKOF-2017 they were replaced with generalizing positions. For example, now there are no separate lines for unique types of various software, but there is shared object « Informational resources V in electronic format others."

At the same time, the PF classifier contains new objects that had no analogues in the previous version. These include equipment that did not exist in the last century.

Among the changes was the new location of some fixed assets in relation to belonging to the depreciation group. This indicates the introduction of other operational periods for them, and, consequently, a change in the period for writing off their original cost in tax accounting.

Innovations apply only to operating systems introduced on January 1, 2019. There is no need to re-determine the depreciation group of fixed assets available to the enterprise. Depreciation on them will be carried out in the same manner.

For new property, special tools are provided for a convenient transition to the new OKOF - transition keys between editions (direct and reverse). OKOF-1994 and 2019 are available in Rosstandart order No. 458 of 2019. They are presented in the form comparative table with comparison of specific property objects. With its help, a new encoding is simply selected.

Important Notes

What is the purpose

Regardless of the form of ownership of the company, its size and types of activities, the issue of efficient use of fixed assets is one of the paramount ones. The competitiveness of the company’s products, its position in industrial production, financial condition organizations. Therefore, the use of OKOF is especially important.

The main tasks that the OS classifier allows you to solve:

  • the possibility of increasing the economic efficiency of property use;
  • access to detailed, conveniently grouped information about the company’s work;
  • the emergence of the opportunity to make the most profitable management decisions;
  • simplification of tax and tax administration;
  • reducing the likelihood of accounting errors.

Checking the correctness of accounting, especially those conducted simultaneously with tax accounting, the control authorities devote maximum attention. Therefore, it is important to know all the nuances and innovations in reflecting fixed assets in reporting documents. This will eliminate the risk of filling it out incorrectly and receiving fines.

Incorrect OS reflection causes many problems for enterprises. An important term used in their accounting is “fixed assets,” which include two types of property: tangible and intangible. Fixed assets are the tangible assets of a company. This conclusion is made on the basis of concepts enshrined in legislative norms.

Classification characteristics

The purpose of accounting is not only to reflect the presence, condition and movement of the company's fixed assets, but also to correctly distribute depreciation charges among cost items. To achieve this we use different ways classification of fixed assets.

The most comprehensive classifications:

  • by functional purpose;
  • by degree of involvement in work;
  • by property and legal affiliation;
  • by methods of influencing objects of labor.

A more detailed classification of operating systems involves classifying them into industry groups. This feature is often underestimated, although together with functionality, it helps to classify depreciation deductions according to cost items. It is mandatory in accounting, analysis and reporting (mainly statistical) and is especially important in multidisciplinary structures.

The main feature of the classification of fixed assets in accounting and tax reporting is the service life. The law allows companies to independently classify their property into one or another depreciation group, based on the intensity of its use, the characteristics of economic and production processes and other factors that allow determining the period of useful service.

The most widespread practice is to use a general standard based on dividing fixed assets into single depreciation groups. The most detailed classification, logically related to grouping by age, by natural material, is called the OKOF classification.


Fixed assets should be registered step by step in a certain sequence.

First you need to determine whether the object belongs to the OS. The service life of the asset in tax accounting must be more than 12 months and have a cost of 100 thousand rubles (clause 1 of Article 256 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If these criteria are met, the value of the property cannot be attributed to expenses at a time. You need to choose a suitable group and useful life for it. After this, you can write it off through depreciation.

At the next stage, a depreciation group is selected. It starts with classification. If the type of property is not found in it, you should contact OKOF. First of all, the fixed asset type code, consisting of 9 digits, is determined. The group is located by the first 6 designations, which must coincide with the Classifier encoding.

Fixed assets available in the Classifier:

OS Group Service life, years Where does it apply?
Printer II 2-3 Electronic computer technology
Personal computer, laptop II 2-3
MFP printing III 3-5 Photocopying facilities
Music center, plasma TV IV 5-7 Television and radio receiving equipment
Office furniture IV 5-7 Furniture for printing, trade, consumer services
A car III 3-5 Cars
Freight car III 3-5 Trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 0.5 tons

The next step is to establish the useful life of the OS. You can select any number of years within the established limits. For property worth more than 100 thousand rubles, it is advisable to establish the same period in tax and accounting in order to avoid discrepancies.

Sometimes necessary means is not available either in the Classifier, but in OKOF. In this case, it can be determined using the manufacturer’s recommendations or technical documents. Other options are sending a request to the manufacturer or seeking clarification from the Ministry of Economic Development.

On final stage you need to check the service life of the OS according to the documentation - enter information into the inventory card. When establishing different deadlines for tax and accounting, this must be reflected.

OS classification according to OKOF:

Establishment algorithm

To correctly classify a property object as an OS, it is necessary to check whether it has the following characteristics:

  • the ability to bring economic benefits to the owner in future activities;
  • the company does not plan its further resale;
  • long-term use is possible (more than 12 months).

If the property meets all the specified characteristics, it is taken into account as a fixed asset.

All operating systems are classified into groups with distinctive features depending on the useful life, which is understood as the time during which the object can serve the achievement of the company’s goals in economic and production activities.

In accounting and tax accounting, the OS Classification is used. The value of already recorded property, the use of which continues, is not revised this year.

How to determine useful life

Initially, the depreciation group and useful life are established according to the Classification approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Clause 2 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation divides all fixed assets into 10 groups. The payer determines the service life independently within the limits established for each group (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-05-05-01/39563 of 2019).

Group decoding is available in OKOF. It is used when there is no property in the OS Classifier. The search is carried out in one of two ways: by subclass encoding and by property class code.

In the absence of an object in both the OS Classifier and OKOF, the period is determined according to technical documents or manufacturer’s recommendations (clause 6 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-03-06/1/36323 of 2019).

Features of inclusion in depreciation groups

Fixed assets are distributed into 10 depreciation groups depending on their service life: from 1 year. The first group includes short-lived objects with a service life of 1-2 years. Next comes property operated for 2-3 years (second group), 3-5 years (third group), 5-7 years (fourth group), 7-10 years (fifth group). The remaining groups differ in their five-year useful life.

The classification of fixed assets to be included in depreciation groups is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. For accounting purposes, depreciable fixed assets are taken at historical cost.

Signs of property according to OKOF

OKOF is based on the attribute of natural property ownership of property and unites OS into the following groups:

  • Buildings – industrial and administrative buildings, buildings, warehouses where economic activities are carried out.
  • Structures – engineering and construction structures for performing technological and technical functions: tunnels, bridges, sewage treatment plants, wells, mines, etc.
  • Transfer devices – designed for the transfer of various energy resources, transportation of gas, liquids: product pipelines, heat and electricity networks.
  • Machinery and equipment – ​​equipment and machine tools (power and working machines, control and measuring instruments, computer equipment). This is the largest group.
  • Vehicles.
  • Tool.
  • Inventory and accessories.
  • Other PF - includes categories of property that are not included in other groups.

Each OKOF group is detailed and reveals the design features of intra-group property. The classification is built in a hierarchical manner down to the OS subclass level.

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