Juno and maybe the first production. The famous poem Juno and Avos - A Love Story. Actors playing the main roles in "Juno and Avos" in "Lenkom"

Also included in the repertoire of the Irkutsk regional musical theater named after N. M. Zagursky, Krasnoyarsk Musical Theater and Rostov Musical Theater, Altai Regional Theater musical comedy, Orenburg regional theater musical comedy, Kharkovsky academic theater musical comedy.

The title of the play uses the names of two sailing ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, on which Nikolai Rezanov’s expedition sailed.

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    The opera premiered on July 9, 1981 on the stage of the Moscow Leninsky Komsomol Theatre, starring Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchita), Alexander Abdullov (Fernando). A few days later, according to Rybnikov’s recollections, scandalous articles about the play were published in the West, assessing it as anti-Soviet, which made life difficult for its authors:

    The Western press reacted as if we were premiering on Broadway, and not in Soviet Moscow. After that, I was pushed into the shadows for a very long time. The play was played, but was not released abroad, the record was not released for a very long time (after all, 800 people go to the performance 2-3 times a month, and the record is mass fame). They didn’t even recognize me as the author, they didn’t sign an agreement with me, and I sued the USSR Ministry of Culture, foreign correspondents came to the trial... Having won the trial, I fell into the category of people with whom it is better not to get involved at all.

    However, after some time, thanks to Pierre Cardin, the Lenkom Theater toured in Paris and on Broadway in New York, then in Germany, the Netherlands and other countries.

    December 31, 1985 on the stage of the Palace of Culture. Kapranov in St. Petersburg, the premiere of a rock opera performed by the VIA “Singing Guitars” (later became the St. Petersburg “Rock Opera” Theater) took place. This stage version differed from the Lenkom production. In particular, director Vladimir Podgorodinsky introduced a new character into the play - the Bell Ringer, actually the “materialized” soul of Nikolai Rezanov. The bell ringer is practically devoid of words and only conveys the tossing of the protagonist’s soul with the most complex plasticity and emotional mood. According to recollections, Alexey Rybnikov, who was present at the premiere, admitted that “Singing Guitars” more accurately embodied the idea of ​​the creators of the opera, preserving author's genre mystery operas and original dramaturgy of Voznesensky. In the summer of 2010, the two thousandth performance of “Juno and Avos” took place in St. Petersburg, performed by the Rock Opera Theater.

    The opera was also staged in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, South Korea, Ukraine and other countries.

    In the summer of 2009 in France, the State Theater under the direction of People's Artist Composer Alexey Rybnikov was presented to Russia new production rock opera "Juno and Avos". The main emphasis in it is on the musical component of the performance. Vocal numbers are staged by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, choreographic numbers by Zhanna Shmakova. The main director of the play is Alexander Rykhlov. On A. Rybnikov’s website it is noted:

    The full author's version... is a serious innovation in the genre of world musical theater and is intended to return the original idea of ​​the authors. IN new version operas combined the traditions of Russian sacred music, folklore, genres of mass “urban” music, with the figurative, ideological and aesthetic priorities of the composer.

    Original story source

    The plot of the poem “Juno and Avos” (1970) and the rock opera is based on real events and is dedicated to the travel of the Russian statesman Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov to California and his meeting with the young Conchita Arguello, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco.

    According to the memoirs of Andrei Voznesensky, he began writing the poem “Maybe” in Vancouver, when he was “swallowing... flattering pages about Rezanov from J. Lensen’s thick volume, following the fate of our brave compatriot.” In addition, Rezanov’s travel diary, which was also used by Voznesensky, has been preserved and partially published.

    Nikolai Rezanov, one of the leaders of the first Russian round-the-world expedition, arrived in California in 1806 in order to replenish food supplies for the Russian colony in Alaska. He fell in love with 16-year-old Conchita Arguello, with whom she became engaged. Rezanov was forced to return to Alaska and then go to the imperial court in St. Petersburg to obtain permission to marry a Catholic woman. However, on the way he became seriously ill and died in Krasnoyarsk at the age of 43 (Rezanov’s life years were 1764-1807). Conchita did not believe the information that reached her about the death of her groom. Only the English traveler George Simpson, having arrived in San Francisco, told her the exact details of his death. Believing in his death only thirty-five years later, she took a vow of silence, and a few years later took monastic vows in a Dominican monastery in Monterrey, where she spent almost two decades and died in 1857.

    And after another century and a half, a symbolic act of reunion of lovers took place. In the fall of 2000, the sheriff of the Californian city of Benisha, where Conchita Arguello is buried, brought a handful of earth from her grave and a rose to Krasnoyarsk to lay at the white cross, on one side of which the words “I will never forget you” are embossed, and on the other - “I I’ll never see you.”

    Neither a poem nor an opera are documentary chronicles. This is what Voznesensky himself says about it:

    The author is not so consumed by conceit and frivolity as to portray real persons based on scanty information about them and insult them with approximateness. Their images, like their names, are only a capricious echo of famous destinies...

    In 1810-1812, Davydov G. I.’s notes “A Double Journey to America...” were published, which set out the history of the captains of the legendary ships “Juno” and “Avos”.

    A similar story happened with the future Decembrist D.I. Zavalishin during his participation in a round-the-world expedition under the command of M. Lazarev (1822-24) (See Questions of History, 1998, No. 8)


    List of musical themes

    • Rezanov - G. Trofimov
    • Conchita - A. Rybnikova
    • Federico - P. Tils
    • Rumyantsev, Khvostov, Father Yuvenaly - F. Ivanov
    • Voice of the Mother of God - J. Rozhdestvenskaya
    • Soloist in the prologue - R. Filippov
    • Davydov, second soloist - K. Kuzhaliev
    • Jose Dario Arguello - A. Samoilov
    • Praying woman, soloist in the epilogue - R. Dmitrenko
    • Praying girl - O. Rozhdestvenskaya
    • Sailor - V. Rotar
    • Group of worshipers - A. Sado, O. Rozhdestvensky, A. Paranin
    • Holy Fool – A. Rybnikov

    Juno and Avos. Author's version

    In 2009, especially for the Pierre Cardin Festival in Lacoste, composer Alexey Rybnikov and the Alexey Rybnikov Theater created a stage version of “Juno and Avos” in the author’s version, which differs significantly from the Lenkom performance. The director of the production was Alexander Rykhlov.

    Performance in numismatics


    1. "Juno and Avos" (12+) (undefined) . orenmuzcom.ru. Retrieved February 2, 2017.
    2. “JUNO” AND “AVOS” on the KHATMK website (undefined) .
    3. Mark Zakharov: on the 70th anniversary of his birth and the 30th anniversary of his creative activity at Lenkom - Theater Poster (undefined) .

    “Juno and Avos” is one of the most famous modern operas by composer Alexei Rybnikov based on poems by poet Andrei Voznesensky. Its first show on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (Lenkom) took place on July 9, 1981.

    Late 1970s famous composer Alexey Rybnikov became interested in creating musical improvisations based on Orthodox chants. One day he demonstrated his work artistic director"Lenkom" to Mark Zakharov, after which he got the idea to create an opera based on them based on "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". It was decided to turn to Andrei Voznesensky to write the libretto for the opera. Voznesensky did not support this idea, but instead suggested using his poem “Maybe,” created in 1970. He managed to convince Rybnikov and Zakharov, after which work began on adapting the poem to the stage. I had to work on many scenes and arias.

    Since the word "rock opera" was prohibited at that time (as was rock music in general), the authors called the work "modern opera".

    The dance numbers were staged by choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev.

    The plot of the poem and rock opera is based on romantic story the love of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco, Maria Conchita Arguello de la Concepcion.

    Chamberlain Rezanov, having buried his wife, decided to devote all his strength to serving Russia. His proposals on the need to try to establish trade relations with North America For a long time they did not receive a response from the authorities, but finally he was ordered to carry out the desired journey. Before leaving, Rezanov says that with youth he is tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the Kazan icon made on him Mother of God- since then he has treated the Virgin Mary more as a beloved woman than as the Mother of God. Appearing to him in a vision, the Mother of God tells him not to be horrified by his feelings and promises to pray for him.

    Two ships, Juno and Avos, sail under the St. Andrew's flag to the shores of California. In Spanish California at that time, the wedding of Conchita, the daughter of the governor, and Senor Federico is approaching. Rezanov, on behalf of Russia, greets California, and the governor invites him, as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, to a ball in honor of his daughter’s sixteenth birthday. At the ball, Rezanov invites Conchita to dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom is openly jealous, Rezanov’s companions make a cynical bet whether he can “pick a California flower.” The men understand that none of them will step aside without a fight.

    At night, Conchita prays to the Virgin Mary in her bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with words of love.

    At this moment, a reciprocal feeling arises in Conchita’s soul, and she reciprocates Rezanov’s feelings. But from that moment on, good fortune turns away from Rezanov. Conchita's fiance challenges him to a duel, during which Federico dies. The Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

    Having made a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov sets off on his return journey. In Siberia, he falls ill with a fever and dies near Krasnoyarsk. And Conchita remains faithful to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting for Rezanov for thirty-five years - from sixteen to fifty-two - she tonsured herself a nun and ended her days in the cell of the Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

    The first cast of the play included Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchitta), Alexander Abdulov (Federico). Immediately after its release, the opera became the most discussed event in cultural life capital Cities.

    The rock opera "Juno" and "Avos" has successfully passed the test of time - the performance is on still with constant sell-outs. Over the 30-year history, there have been six performers of the role of Conchita and three chamberlains Rezanov.

    Currently, on the stage of the Lenkom Theater, the role of the chamberlain, Count Nikolai Rezanov is performed by People's Artists of Russia and Viktor Rakov; Conchitas - Alla Yuganova and Alexandra Volkova.

    There are two television versions of the play - 1983 and 2002. The first version depicts classic look performance with Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulov. The second version, filmed for the 20th anniversary of the play, stars Nikolai Karachentsov, Anna Bolshova and Viktor Rakov.

    The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

    Sensational rock opera "Juno and Avos", which premiered 35 years ago on the stage of Lenkom, still does not lose its popularity. The libretto is based on A. Voznesensky’s poem “Maybe,” dedicated to tragic story the love of the Russian Count Nikolai Rezanov for the young Spaniard Conchita Arguello. Historians argue that the image of the count is too romanticized, and with love story this was not actually the case at all.

    “Juno and Avos” is called the most famous Russian rock opera in the world. It was created by the poet A. Voznesensky and composer A. Rybnikov. The premiere took place on July 9, 1981 at the Moscow Theater. Lenin Komsomol, directed by Mark Zakharov. The images created by N. Karachentsov and E. Shanina were so convincing that no one could doubt the veracity of the story shown on stage. In fact, it was the first Soviet rock opera, but since rock music in those days would not have passed censorship, the authors of the work simply called it “modern opera.”

    According to the plot, in 1806, two Russian ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, headed by naval commander Nikolai Rezanov, set off for California to get food for the Russian colonies in Alaska. In San Francisco, the 42-year-old count met the 16-year-old daughter of the commandant of the fortress, the Spaniard Concepcion (Conchita) Arguello. Love broke out between them, and Rezanov secretly became engaged to Conchita. Afterwards, on duty, he went to Alaska, and then to St. Petersburg to obtain permission to marry a Catholic. On the way, he became seriously ill and died suddenly. For more than 30 years, Conchita waited for the return of her lover, and when the news of his death was confirmed, she became a nun.

    Historians doubt the sincerity of Rezanov’s feelings for the young Spaniard. The count was tasked with inspecting Russian settlements in Alaska, and in order to save local residents from starvation, he went to California to establish trade relations with the Spaniards and get food. The 42-year-old widower actually proposed to the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Jose Dario Arguello, but he was not driven by a sudden outbreak of love. The ship's doctor wrote that Rezanov did not look like a man who had lost his head: “One would think that he fell in love with this beauty. However, in view of the prudence inherent in this cold man, it would be more cautious to admit that he simply had some kind of diplomatic designs on her.”

    The fact is that the action took place at a time of aggravation of Franco-Russian relations. France was an ally of Spain, which at that time belonged to California. The commandant of San Francisco had orders not to enter into trade relations with the enemy. But the daughter of Senor Arguello convinced him to help the Russians and provided them with food. Rezanov planned to marry her and take her with him in order to establish ties with California and strengthen Russia’s position on the American continent.

    Having left California in June 1806, Rezanov never returned there. Having caught a serious cold on the road, the count died of a fever on March 1, 1807. In his last letter, which he wrote to M. Buldakov, the husband of his late wife’s sister, Nikolai Petrovich made very unexpected confession, which sheds light on this whole story: “From my Californian report, do not consider me, my friend, an anecdotes. My love is in Nevsky under a piece of marble (note - first wife), but here is a consequence of enthusiasm and new victim To the Fatherland. Contepsia is sweet as an angel, beautiful, kind-hearted, loves me; I love her, and I cry because there is no place for her in my heart, here I, my friend, as a sinner in spirit, repent, but you, as my shepherd, keep the secret.” According to this letter, before last days only love Rezanov remained Anna Shelekhova - his first wife, who died shortly after giving birth, and in California he actually pursued goals of a diplomatic rather than a personal nature.

    “Juno and Avos” is the most famous and still popular Russian rock opera. The play premiered in 1981 at the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, on whose stage it continues to this day.


    The author of the music for the play is A. L. Rybnikov. He was born in Moscow on July 17, 1945. His parents were people creative professions: mother is an artist-designer, and father is a violinist. Alexey Lvovich began writing music at the age of 8. His first compositions were pieces for piano, and at the age of 11 he wrote the ballet “Puss in Boots.” A. L. Rybnikov graduated from the conservatory in composition class, his teacher was Aram Khachaturian.

    In addition to the work “Juno and Avos,” Alexey Lvovich wrote another legendary rock opera, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta.” He is the author of music for the mystery play “Liturgy of the Catechumens”, for the musical drama “Maestro Massimo”, for the modern opera “War and Peace”, for such films as: “Treasure Island”, “That Same Munchausen”, “The Tale of the Star Boy” ", "Andersen - Life without Love", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Brothers Karamazov", etc., as well as cartoons: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats on new way", "Black chicken", the Moomin Troll series, etc. In addition, A. L. Rybnikov writes symphonic, chamber and choral music. And there is no doubt that awarding him the title of People's Artist in 1999 is quite fair.


    The most famous work The rock opera “Juno and Avos” was and remains by composer A.L. Rybnikov. A brief summary of the performance will be presented in this article. Based on the plot poem of the same name, written by Andrei Voznesensky. She introduces us to true history which happened at the beginning of the 19th century. Russian statesman Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov in 1806 took a trip to California, where he met Conchita, the daughter of the commandant of San Francisco.

    So, “Juno and Avos” ( summary The opera will be described further in detail) - this is a story about how Nikolai Rezanov, as part of the expedition he led, stopped in California on the way to Alaska. At the ball, he meets sixteen-year-old Conchita, who falls in love with him. After getting engaged to her, Nikolai Rezanov is forced to continue the expedition and leave his bride in California. On the way to St. Petersburg, where he was going to apply for permission to marry Conchita, since she is a Catholic, Nikolai Petrovich falls ill and dies. Conchita waited for him for many years and did not believe that he was dead, and having received confirmation of his death, she took monastic vows and took a vow of silence.


    The rock opera “Juno and Avos” (the summary goes hand in hand with the work itself) begins with a prologue. Nikolai Petrovich prays, calling on the Lord and the Motherland. After which a prophet appears on stage and predicts to Russia that the difficult year 1812 is coming soon.

    The first act of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

    The summary of the first part is as follows: after his wife’s funeral service in the church, Rezanov submits a petition to Count Rumyantsev to support his project - the first in the history of Russia trip around the world, which he intends to lead in order to establish friendly relations with America, which promises great benefits for Russia. Having received the go-ahead from Rumyantsev, N.P. Rezanov sets sail.

    Second act

    Rock opera “Juno and Avos” summary (second part) tells about what is happening to the heroes already in America. The scene begins with Nikolai Petrovich writing a letter to A.N. Rumyantsev about the state in which his expedition arrived on the shores of California, and how they were met local residents. Next, the action moves to the ballroom. This is where N.P. Rezanov met Conchita, in honor of whose 16th birthday a ball was given. Nikolai Petrovich presents the commandant's daughter with a gift - a golden diadem from the collection of Empress Catherine. After the ball, Rezanov enters Conchita's bedroom and seduces her. The girl falls in love with him, and he only feels remorse. During confession, the girl tells everything to her confessor, which he reports to her father, who insists on an engagement in order to hide his daughter’s dishonor. Rezanov and Conchita get engaged, after which he sails away, but he is never destined to return to her. For thirty years Conchita waited for the return of N.P. Rezanov, not believing the rumors about his death.

    show location: Moscow state theater"Lenkom"
    staging: Mark Zakharov, directing: Dmitry Pevtsov, Victor Rakov
    composer: Alexey Rybnikov, poetry: Andrey Voznesensky
    actors: Dmitry Pevtsov, Alexandra Volkova, Kirill Petrov

    in the photo: portrait of Count Rezanov by an unknown artist.

    The longest-running theater performances in Moscow

    Particularly successful performances can be staged in the theater for decades; it happens that the same performance is staged for over 30 years in a row, almost completely replacing cast.

    The longest-running performances in modern theater Moscow are "Juno and Avos" theater “Lenkom”(premiere - 1981) and “The Master and Margarita” of the Taganka Theater (premiere - 1977).

    The history of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

    For its time "Juno and Avos" was an unusually progressive production. Firstly, this is a rock opera, and rock in those days was so negative attitude what's called "Juno and Avos" it was written “contemporary opera”, it was impossible to write “rock opera”. Secondly, the music "Juno and Avos" includes musical improvisations on the themes of Orthodox chants, the Madonna and Child appears on the stage. After the premiere of the play, the Western press called it anti-Soviet, and the censorship did not allow the stereo record with the audio recording to pass for 2 years. “Juno and Avos”.

    "Juno and Avos" V Lenkom in its first composition: Nikolay Karachentsov, Elena Shanina, Alexander Abdulov, aria “White Rosehip”

    Over the course of more than 30 years of productions, the cast has changed almost completely: only artist-vocalist Alexander Sado performs in “Junone and Avos” one of the main roles for over 30 years, from the premiere of the play.

    Plot “Juno and Avos” based on real events - about Count Rezanov's expedition to California, his affair with the daughter of the California governor Conchita and sudden death.

    For modern viewer play "Lenkoma" is not dynamic enough - especially its first act, which consists of a set of stage scenes: Count Rezanov’s wife dies, he proposes to the authorities to improve relations with North America, the authorities accept the proposal after some time, the Madonna and Child “appears” to Rezanov, 2 ships, “Juno” and “Avos”, sail to the shores of California under the leadership of Count Rezanov, all to the accompaniment of improvisations on the themes of Orthodox chants. At the same time, the viewer does not feel at all involved in what is happening, which, undoubtedly, is the main drawback. As a result, the first act of the play turns out to be somewhat boring, and due to the accompaniment, even dreary.

    Second act “Juno and Avos” more “lively” and dynamic - love, jealousy, despair, duel - the intensity of passions increases, and the viewer begins to feel what is happening on stage as a participant in the events.

    romance “I will never forget you”: Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina (“Juno and Avos”, Lenkom)

    In the modern version of the play "Juno and Avos" V “Lenkom” The choreography is very original: the duel of Count Rezanov and Fernando is shown without a battle with swords, but with the help of original dance and movement.

    Actors playing the main roles in "Juno and Avos" in "Lenkom":

    Nikolay Rezanov - Dmitry Pevtsov / Victor Rakov;

    Conchitta - Alexandra Volkova / Anna Zaikova;

    Fernando - Stanislav Ryadinsky / Kirill Petrov

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