Behind the scenes of the show “Psychics vs. Detectives. Psychics vs detectives Who won detectives or psychics

A grand battle between intuition and deduction, premonition and logic!

For the first time in history Russian television investigators, operatives and criminologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will fight with those with paranormal abilities - shamans, witches and parapsychologists. The host of the project “Psychics vs. Detectives” was actor Alexey Kravchenko.

Fighting on the side of the psychics will be: witch Elena Yasevich, hereditary sorcerer Roman Fad, military psychic Vitaly Bograd, Slavic sorcerer Astart Ward, telepath Isa Bagirov, fortune teller Aza Petrenko, clairvoyant Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, city shaman Ekaterina Ryzhikova and witch Nadezhda Vorobei. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will act against them: a special investigator important matters Alexey Assesorov, investigators Elena Koroleva, Alexey Katkov and Kirill Smirnov, criminologists Ilya Zakharov, Victoria Tsarskaya and Dmitry Ratnikov, as well as detective Sergei Khudyakov and operative Ivan Semyonov.

According to the rules of the project, teams will have to solve real crimes. They will receive a condensed dossier and a set of evidence in a criminal case. After this, psychics and detectives will have only 12 hours to describe the identity of the alleged criminal and tell the details of the incident. After this time, a secret witness who knows absolutely everything about the crime under investigation will determine the winner.

Psychics and detectives will have to work as a team, give up their ambitions and constantly listen to their colleagues. With each episode, the relationship between the players will become tense, because once a week the losing side will have to part with the one who turned out to be, in the opinion of the team, the weakest link.

Participants in the show “Psychics vs. Detectives” will compete for a large cash prize of 5 million rubles. To do this, the players will have to forget about personal ambitions for a while and defend the honor of the team. At the end of each program, the losing side must lose one of the participants by voting. But when there is very little left before victory, will the finalists remember those without whom this success would have been impossible?

The television project “Psychics vs. Detectives” on the NTV channel is a battle of superpowers and deduction. Two teams - psychics and detectives - investigate real crimes, using methods familiar to them. Psychics turn to their Gift, and detectives turn to the conclusions of official examinations and everything that they use in their daily work.

The team of detectives also included 9 professionals in their field, with at least 10 years of experience.

The winner of the project receives 5 million rubles.

Project leader famous actor Alexey Kravchenko.


The corpse of an unknown girl was found in the village of Astashovo, such meager information is available to participants and viewers at the beginning of the final episode of the television project “Psychics vs. Detectives”. None of the participants yet know that the death of an unknown person will lead them to an organized criminal group, whose members are guilty of many crimes. There is only one member left in the team of psychics - the Black Witch Elena […]

A successful businesswoman disappeared 15 years ago. She went on vacation to her Vacation home and no one saw her again. My daughter has been looking for her all these years. What will Psychics and Detectives say about all this? There are only two psychics left; the shaman Kazhetta lost her chance to win 5 million rubles in the last program. Elena Yasevich Black Witch Aza Petrenko […]

Dead body general director plant found in the production area. The method of murder resembles something ritualistic - the man was shot with a crossbow. Two women are under suspicion - a jealous secretary who was having an affair with her boss and a wife who is also jealous, only besides jealousy she has another motive - a rich inheritance. So who took the man’s life? About this in […]

Liliya Cherkasova, a single mother, a nurse in a children's hospital, was vilely killed - with one stab in the back. Why was a 35-year-old woman killed? Was your colleague afraid of revealing the secret of an office romance? A jealous and hot businessman didn’t want to share his beloved with anyone? Or did her grief-stricken parents, whose child died in the hospital during Lilia’s shift, take revenge on her in such a terrible way? Whole […]

One of the most terrible human feelings- jealousy. The heroes of the program will have to deal with it, or rather with what it sometimes leads to, in the 12th issue. A brutal murder, 4 people died: Tatyana Petrova, her daughter, future son-in-law and their mutual friend. There are many surprises in store for viewers in this episode. For example, the deafening scandal that […]

On May 2, police in the Moscow region town of Klin found 6 corpses in a private house. At the same time, the front door was not broken into and was locked, which means that the killer who committed the atrocity was allowed into the house by the residents themselves. Who was it, and how strong a motive did this person have to have to commit a crime that carries a life sentence? […]

Single mother Elena, her adult son Nikita and nephew Semyon are missing. The country house they rented was robbed: money, both cash and credit cards, disappeared. Forensic experts found traces of blood washed away in the house. According to the residents of the village, a gang of robbers had been operating in those places for several months; perhaps it was their doing? Or maybe it was done […]

A 17-year-old girl, Katya Silina, was killed. Last time she was seen alive in Moscow State University at preparatory courses. After leaving the university, Katya disappeared without a trace. Katya was probably in some serious danger, since some time before she had asked her friends that if something happened to her, they would immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. In it […]

A grand show-fight on the NTV channel between intuition and deduction, premonition and logic.

"" is a large-scale television project in which real investigators and the best criminologists will challenge people with extraordinary abilities. The host of the new project was actor Alexey Kravchenko (“Come and See”, “Brigade”).

About the show Psychics vs. Detectives

According to the rules of the project " Psychics vs Detectives“Both teams will have to solve real crimes in each program. At the beginning of graduation, they will receive a condensed dossier and a set of evidence in a criminal case. After this, psychics and detectives will have only 12 hours to describe the identity of the alleged criminal and tell the details of the incident. After this time, a secret witness who knows absolutely everything about the crime under investigation will determine the winner.

Psychics and detectives will have to work as a team, give up their ambitions and constantly listen to their colleagues. But with each episode, relations between the players will become tense, because once a week the losing side must part with the one who turned out to be the weakest link in the team’s opinion.

The methods of psychics and detectives are polar opposites. The teams will have only 12 hours to solve one crime. Can a magic staff gypsy cards, a shaman's tambourine, gemstones, a grandmother's scarf and a live owl compete with laboratory research, examination of documents and inspection of the crime scene? The show will answer this question. Psychics vs Detectives».

Participants in the show “Psychics vs. Detectives” will compete for a large cash prize of 5 million rubles. To do this, the players will have to forget about personal ambitions for a while and defend the honor of the team. At the end of each program, the losing side must lose one of the participants by voting. But when there is very little left before victory, will the finalists remember those without whom this success would have been impossible?

Participants in the show Psychics vs. Detectives

In the project, the following will fight on the side of psychics: witch Elena Yasevich, hereditary sorcerer Roman Fad, military psychic Vitaly Bograd, Slavic sorcerer Astart Ward, telepath Isa Bagirov, fortune teller Aza Petrenko, clairvoyant Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, city shaman Ekaterina Ryzhikova and witch Nadezhda Vorobei.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will act against them: an investigator for especially important cases Alexey Assesorov, investigators Elena Koroleva, Alexey Katkov And Kirill Smirnov, criminologists Ilya Zakharov, Victoria Tsarskaya And Dmitry Ratnikov and also a detective Sergey Khudyakov and operative Ivan Semenov.

Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Assesorov: “I don’t see any enemy at all in psychics. Those people who really have some abilities, in my opinion, exist only in Orthodox Christianity- they exist, but they do not have the gift. Some truth is simply revealed to them, if they believe in it. But not a single truly spiritual, righteous person will use his gift for selfish purposes. And the main goal of psychics is to extract material benefit for myself personally."

Two teams will have to solve real crimes, and the TV viewer will have the opportunity to see two different approaches to work and decide what he trusts more - mysterious intuition or cold deduction. Leading Alexey Kravchenko guarantees a fair battle.

Slavic sorcerer Astart Ward: “It seems to me that detectives are able to solve, decipher and get to the truth of some easy tasks. But if we are talking about something ancient and half-forgotten, then they will have difficulties, because over time all the evidence is lost. And for us, this dark past reveals its secrets.”

“Psychics vs. Detectives” is the first project in which experienced law enforcement officers who do not recognize superpowers will compete with magicians and clairvoyants.

Shaman Kazhetta I came on the show to test myself, not to show people my abilities. She wants to see her gift, to understand where she is wrong, in what emotional aspects she is right. And Kazhetta also came to hear harsh criticism addressed to her.

Hereditary sorcerer Roman Fad: “As a rule, I work from photographs. This is a kind of energy phantom of a person from which a lot of information can be read. As a last resort, I use the crime victim’s belongings.”

Major Ivan Semenov On the eve of the start of the project, he said that if he wins, he will divide the money between the members of his team.”This team game, we have nine players. If I become the winner, I will split all the money among my colleagues who are taking part here. After all, all of us also do everything possible to win. I can’t single myself out in this regard, so it would be fair to share the prize.”

And here is the black witch Elena Yasevich answered the question of what he would do if he won, briefly: “I’ll buy my daughter an apartment.”

This transmission is mystical in nature and reveals mysterious world magic, inexplicable and incomprehensible otherworldly phenomena, various dark forces. In addition, it provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of indisputable facts, clear evidence and clear evidence.

Everything that the viewer sees in the project will evoke a whole bunch of different feelings and emotions. There will be surprise, admiration, fear, and confusion. Whose side exactly is the real truth on? The answer to the question will most likely be shocking and will amaze even the most firm and convinced viewer. So, in the program, a brave and friendly group of esotericists, as well as witty investigators, will have to fight long and hard to get every right be called the most the best specialists in the field of crime investigation.

Don't you want to know who is the true professional and winner of this serious game? Probably everyone will want to watch such an intense process. One thing is clear - the battle will be serious, since, mysticism and logical thinking will come out to fight in a duel. What new does the interested viewer have to learn? Will detectives be able to substantiate what the mystics claim?

The best detectives and the strongest, psychics in each program they have to unravel a real crime. For the first time in the history of Russian television, investigators, operatives and criminologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will fight with those with paranormal abilities. Who will find the criminal faster - psychics or professional detectives. Clairvoyance versus deduction. Mysticism versus logic. On the NTV channel there is an uncompromising battle for 5 million rubles.
We are starting a unique experiment with which we will find out whether it is possible with the help of psychic abilities solve the crime or is it only possible through deduction, logic and professional experience, you will find out from the release of a new TV show.
Each team has 9 people. Each week the losing team will lose one of its members. As a result, only the strongest will remain, those who will fight for the main prize.
There are real crimes to be solved. Participants will be able to visit the crime scene and interview witnesses. Each team can use its own methods of work, psychics can use all their unique capabilities, detectives are allowed to interview witnesses and request expert results. At the end of the program, you need to describe the crime as accurately as possible and, if possible, name the criminal. A secret witness who has already investigated the crime will tell which team won.

Leading gay Alexey Kravchenko with an earring in his ear.
NTV TV channel

Alexey Katkov (captain), Dmitry Ratnikov, Ilya Zakharov (criminalist), Kirill Smirnov (investigator), Victoria Tsarskaya (criminologist), Sergey Khudyakov (search engine), Alexey "Assessorov" (organized criminalist, bloodhound), Elena Koroleva (high-iq bloodhound) , Ivan Semyonov ("pedophile" fight)

Season 1 psychic team:
Roman Fad (captain and part-time hereditary sorcerer in the 4th generation), Ekaterina Ryzhikova (shaman of the city), Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, Aza Petrenko (fortune teller), Elena Isevich, Nadezhda Vorobey (Polesie sorceress in the 6th generation with a falcon), Astard Ward ( sorcerer), Vitaly Bograd (parapsychologist), Isa Bagirov (telepath),

1 issue dated September 2, 2016

Brutal murder of a 36-year-old woman. On June 3, they called from Volgogradsky Prospekt in Moscow, a fire had started there, in apartment No. 297. And at the door was the corpse of a woman, Elena Morozova, with traces of knife wounds. Margarita her ex-girlfriend will be a witness who said that the murdered woman rented an apartment, and a voice-over 15 minutes later said that she bought an apartment).
A native of Uzbekistan, Ulunbek Suyunov, was sentenced under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to 11 years.

Issue 2, September 9, 2016

Who was bothered by the 23-year-old fashion model?
A man who called the cops found his daughter dead in the bathtub, Moscow, st. Krasnaya Presnya 11 kv.6.
Fashion model Natalya Trapeznikova came to Moscow from Nizhny Novgorod, her photographs often appeared on the pages of magazines. But her life was cut short when mysterious circumstances. Who is involved in her death - a rejected groom, a rich admirer or one of her friends in the modeling business. Could you best friend Natalya was poisoned out of envy or the girl was killed by her young man out of jealousy.
The secret witness is Valery Yurievich Trapeznikots, the father of the murdered woman.
Natasha T.’s friend died along with her mother from drugs.
Groom Andrey.
Karina is a friend of the deceased model.
St. Rusakovskaya 29, girl Olya.
Georgian psychologist Georgy Martirosyan, 42 years old, a psychologist-healer and magician for girls from a modeling photo agency, scammed chicks for money, declaring that he could give them good luck with money. He killed a model by adding a hard drug to alcohol and faked death in the bathroom.
On April 22, 2014, the MGU found Zhora Martirosyan guilty and imprisoned him for 23 years.

Issue 3 dated September 16, 2016

Moscow, Vladimirskaya street, house number 27, building 1, armed attack on block 23, an unknown person burst into the pensioner Lyubov Vasilievna Lazarenko’s house and stabbed the elderly woman’s son several times with a knife and killed him. What are the reasons for the attack and who is the perpetrator?
The murdered man turned out to be Andrei Borisovich Medvedev (born May 7, 1957). He was the owner of the apartment, lived with his mother, and after a heart attack quiet life, I worked as a courier at a research institute and I can hardly interfere with anyone.
Svetlana Isaeva - secret witness and close relative the orderer of the murder.
The murder was committed by Andrei Borisovich Babanov, born in 1979, the customer was Anatoly Semenovich Afanasyev, born in 1937 (recognized as insane). The motive was to live together with the grandmother, her son was a hindrance.
The detectives won.
Psychics kicked out Katerina Ryzhikova who did huge contribution into culture.

Issue 4, September 23, 2016

The brutal murder of Honored Artist of Russia Evgeny Maranogli shocked the Moscow public. Famous clown and the trainer was found in his apartment undressed from 16 stab wounds May 17, 2013. The circus star had no chance to survive. Valuables disappeared from the apartment. At first glance, it was an ordinary robbery, if not for a piquant circumstance - on the eve of his death, the artist was preparing for a romantic date, and his wife was away these days. Treason, jealousy or cold calculation - what could have caused the tragedy, who today can figure out this story - psychics or detectives?
Moscow region, Dzerzhinsk, Lesnaya street.
Olga Klepatskaya is Maranogli's mistress.
Andrey and Svetlana Kazarov are sellers of video-audio equipment.
Dmitry Klepatsky killed the clown Maranogli. On August 1, 2014, the court sentenced Klepatsky to 13 years for robbery and premeditated murder. Olga Klepatskaya was sentenced to 4 years.
The psychics lost and kicked out Isa, who chose himself.

Issue 5 dated September 30, 2016

Inheritance hunters were interested in gold, money, precious stones and an apartment in Moscow. A lonely elderly woman lost her life because of an apartment. House of housing cooperative Congress, Entrance No. 7, apt. 216-251. Who dealt 8 fatal blows.
On July 2, a resident of Profsoyuznaya Street 85 k1 in Moscow found his neighbor Tamara Petrovna Lenskaya dead (86 years old). Her head was broken when the cops opened the apartment. What happened?
Secret witness goddaughter Ekaterina Nikolaevna Makeeva.
Court decision - July 7, 2015 The Moscow City Court found Marina Danshina guilty under Article 105 Part 1 of murder. Punishment: 9 years imprisonment.
The psychics under the leadership of E. Yesevich won. Detectives kicked out Alexey Katkov.

Issue 6 from 7-10-2016

Yuri Malinin, 23 years old, disappeared in Moscow; he accompanied his beloved girl to the airport and mysteriously disappeared. 5 days later he was found tied and strangled in the Moscow region. Relatives claimed that Yuri had no enemies, who and why dealt so cruelly with the guy who worked as a simple newspaper delivery man. Yuri Lvovich Malinin born September 19, 1989, not married. On July 15, there was a statement from Natalya Nikolaevna Malinina about the loss.
On the border of the Stupinsky and Ramensky districts, the corpse of a man was discovered with signs of violent death.
Secret witness - Marus Alexey Nikolaevich, lawyer.
The murder took place in a cottage rented in the name of Danilov, 2 children and the city of Murom.
Zarema Artskhamova, a 23-year-old girl of oriental appearance, was a tipper in the capital through a dating site, men came to her in cars for sex, and then they were killed, and the cars were sold for spare parts at car dismantling yards. On criminal path it was directed by her boyfriend Igor Prokushev.
Prostitute Zarema M. Ortskhanova, born in 1992, worked in a cottage in the village of Kosyakino.
Accomplice Prokoshev I.I. had already been convicted.
On December 19, 2014, the court sentenced Prokoshev, Alexander Danilov and Alexander Nikulin to prison for up to 15 years.
The team of Psychics led by Kazheta won.
The detectives kicked out Kirill Smirnov.

Issue 7 from 10/14/2016

On June 8, in the city of Orekhovo-Zueva, Gagarin Street 49, 68, 52-year-old Marina Vasilyeva Morozova was killed; the woman’s paralyzed mother heard screams in the next room, but could not help. The killer stabbed the victim several times and fled. The unfortunate pensioner called the police.
The murderer Andrei Walbauer and his wife Yulia (secret witnesses) were clients of the fortune teller Morozova, who told fortunes about financial well-being and at the same time cursed if she was paid little money.
On February 7, 2014, the Orekhovo-Zuevsky City Court of the Moscow Region found Andrei Walbauer guilty of murder in a state of passion caused by a long-term psychotraumatic situation that arose in connection with the systematic unlawful behavior of the victim. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 2 years for the murder of a witch.
The winner of issue 7 was the detective team.
Vitaly Bograd left the psychics, 3 participants voted for him.

Issue 8 from 10/21/2016

Passion, jealousy and love triangle, which ended in a bloody tragedy. This time detectives and psychics will have to unravel the murder of Olga Fedorova. The young woman was liked by men and often changed partners. Shortly before her death, she entered into an affair with two men at once, Nikolai and Sergei, and soon her body, with signs of severe beating, was discovered in a cardboard box by random passers-by in Bitsevsky Park. Which of Olga Fedorova’s men dealt so cruelly with her, today psychics and detectives will have to find out. The teams are on equal terms.
The victim, Olga Mikhailovna Fedorova, born in 1983, was divorced.
The body was found in a box, all the bones were broken, there was minced meat instead of a face.
She was killed on the night of September 27, 2013.
Alcohol level of 4 ppm was found in the girl’s blood.
Secret witness: Andrei Rogov in a curly wig. He helped the killer take out the box with the corpse.
Nikolai Vogulkin worked in a billiard room.
By a court decision on June 18, 2014, Sergei Kulikov was found guilty under Article 105 Part 1 of Murder and received a sentence of 10 years in prison.
The detectives lost and kicked out Ilya Zakharov, who waived his captain's immunity.

Issue 10 from 3-11-2016

On January 14, 2015, Ramensky’s police department received a statement about the disappearance of a family of three in the Moscow region village of Kratova, 10 Komarova Street. Money and an expensive Land Rover car disappeared from the house.

Secret witness: Vadim Strelnikov, it was his sister and 2 nephews (Elena, Semyon and Nikita) who disappeared.

Accountant of the MADI Institute Elena Vyacheslavovna Golovina (born January 17, 1971) was widowed early, after sudden death her husband suffered from a heart attack, she alone raised her son Nikita Golovin (born September 4, 1991, 1st year student at Moscow State University). After some time, she met a businessman named Nikolai. He gave a car and made serious plans, but the son was categorically against a new husband for his mother and the couple was forced to separate. Nikita stabbed someone and was convicted.
Nadezhda Redko is a resident of the village of Kratovo.
Tesiev Semyon born April 28, 2002 student of school No. 70 Moscow.
Nikita pushed his mother, she hit herself and died. Then he killed his nephew so that there would be no witnesses. At night, he burned the bodies and fled in my mother’s car. The police detained him in Kazakhstan in Almaty.
Children of Cain are children who kill their parents.
The Moscow City Court found Nikita Golovin guilty of causing death by negligence and intentionally causing death and secret theft of someone else's property under Article 109 part 1, 105 part 2 158 part 4. Punishment: 20 years imprisonment.
The psychics won, the detectives kicked out Dmitry Ratnikov.

Issue 11 from 11-11-2016

On May 2, the brutal murder of an entire family shocked the entire Klin region near Moscow. The murder took place in a private house where the owner Irina, common-law husband Turaev Ikram born in 1979, nine Valery, and a guest from Ukraine Vyacheslav were killed. The attackers did not even spare the 10-year-old boy Danila. The corpse of a certain Fedor from Tajikistan, born in 1970, was also discovered.3222+
Secret witness Turaeva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Ikram’s mother.
Nina Strelyaeva is a neighbor of the deceased family.
Olga Redko is a friend of the deceased.
Pyotr Kurov and Oleg Samchuk are residents of the city of Klin.
For the deliberate murder of 5 persons and a body in a helpless state, committed with particular cruelty by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, the Moscow regional court sentenced Igor Nikonorov to life imprisonment in a special regime colony; his son Ilya Fomin, the court sentenced him to 19 years in a maximum security colony.

Issue 12 from 11/18/2016

On August 18, Vatutinki, house No. 27, apartment 6, near Moscow, the bodies of three women and one man were found; perhaps the killer wanted to set up an arson to hide traces of the crime, but he failed.
Four people tragically died - Tatyana Petrova (born 1953), her daughter Marina Khvalieva (born 1976), fiancé Ivan Berezhny (born 1975) and friend Zinaida Skobaro. Project participants do not know that the killer must be looked for in the list of dead. Nina also rented a room.

Out of jealousy, Ivan Berezhny killed his wild friend Marina, her mother and an acquaintance, and then opened his vein with a knife and stuffed the knife into his knife.
The detectives won. The psychics in a coalition of three people voted against each other, Kazhetta freaked out and ran away, then the editors calmed her down, she returned and kicked Roman Fad out of the coalition.

Issue 13 from 11/25/2016

Early in the morning of October 5 in Moscow, at a tram stop in the Koptevo district, a stab in the back ended the life of a 35-year-old woman, who could have been prevented by her single mother, who worked as a nurse in a children's hospital. Liliya Cherkasova had an office affair with a married surgeon who was afraid of publicity; on the other hand, she was jealous of a certain Guran, who had his own point in the market. And she was also threatened with trouble by her parents, whose newborn died in the hospital where Liliya Cherkasova worked. The investigation had 3 versions - robbery, murder due to jealousy and someone's revenge, but everything turned out to be much worse. A sophisticated and well-planned contract murder today will have to be unraveled by detectives and psychics.
The secret witness to the crime is the friend of the murdered Cherkasova, Ekaterina.
By the decision of the Koptevsky District Court of Moscow, 19-year-old Bogdan Kozarenko was found guilty of committing murder under Article 105 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to imprisonment for 11 years. 16-year-old Tatyana Cherkasova was found guilty of instigation and aiding in the commission of murder under Article 33 Parts 4 and 5 and Article 105 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a sentence of 9 years in a correctional colony.
The detectives lost and kicked out Ivan Semenov, now there are two of them left.

Issue 14 from 2-12-2016

At the height of the working day, the body of the general director was discovered at a factory in the Moscow region. The investigation suspected a young secretary who had sex with her boss and the director’s wife, who after his death became the owner of the plant. I was just confused unusual way murders - Evgenia Stepanovich (or Semonovich) was shot with a crossbow.
The plant specializes in powder products, a secure enterprise.

Nikolai Kuzmin, an electrician at the enterprise, said that a couple of years ago lightning struck the plant and everything went dark. Kopylov changed the cable and was hired immediately. Kopylov and his wife paid for the cable as rent for the laundry.
Galina Rybakova, an accountant at the enterprise, was very afraid of the card fortune teller.
The plant director's secretary was beautiful girl about 30 years old, she had a boyfriend, Bogdan, a foreman in a turning shop.
Sergey Baranov is an employee of the enterprise, works in workshop 2.

The plant's chief power engineer, Alexei Kopylov, could no longer tolerate constant insults from the director; he lured his boss into the electrical room under the pretext of an accident and shot him with three arrows from a crossbow. Having hidden the body under sheets of iron, Kopylov wanted to later remove the corpse from the plant territory in a truck.
Vladimir Fedorovich Nedosov, a colleague of the murdered man, is a secret witness.
On October 30, 2013, by the decision of the Troitsky District Court of Moscow, Kopylov A.V. found guilty of murder, Article 105 Part 1. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to 9.5 years in a maximum security colony.
Elena Yasevich is led by the spirit of a convict.
The psychics lost. Actress Isevich, like, refused immunity, but they still kicked out Kazhetta together. Kazheta, in her long final speech, lovingly cursed the remaining two, and wished the cops (police) to win this battle, because they have a small salary.

Issue 15 from 9-12-2016

In April 2001, citizen Marina Alimova said that her mother Galina Stepanova, who was driving successful business in an estate in the Tver region.

The Dagestani driver Akhmed Alimov, who transported Galina Stepanova to her estate, had his eye on her and married her. For Galina this was already the second marriage. Marina already had 2 children from her first marriage. Ahmed always beat his wife when he was drunk. And he drank often. He also secretly fucked his daughter Marina. And soon Ahmed married Marina and became a domestic tyrant, beat her and she lost her child.
Galina Stepanova in Soviet time I was raising construction sites in Magadan.
Daughter Marina, who had not given birth to her 6th child, buried the body on the estate.
The deputy bandit bought this house after Galina disappeared.
Neighbor Alexander Safronov says that the "Tver" bandits beat the death of the watchman Viktor Kuznetsov and tortured him, he was a native resident nicknamed paratrooper.
Brothers Oleg and Stepan Kusymov worked in a tire shop.
Galina Stepanova ordered the murder of Akhmed to the watchman Victor of her estate, after using his clafelin. Having learned about the murder, the local criminal Tver organized crime group blackmailed her into rewriting the rights to the estate in the name of Andrei Zuev and the woman went on the run.
Crime boss Andrei Zuev, nicknamed Shtaket, was later released from prison.
On March 27, 2002, for the murder of Akhmed and the illegal acquisition of weapons, the city regional court sentenced Viktor Nikolaevich Kuznetsov to 11 years in prison, and Galina Ivanovna Stepanova to 8 years in prison. The criminals who kidnapped Galina Stepanova were convicted of extortion and a number of other crimes.
Victory for the detectives in this episode.
Two psychics voted against themselves and therefore all those who have already dropped out of the game will vote on who will reach the finals.
Evil Yasevich was very dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation. And while choosing a card who would lose, Elena Yasevich cursed Kazhetta with the help of her convict. And he also cursed Astard Ward for 10 years - “You will burn in hell and your life will be hell.”
Aza Petrenko was kicked out. Elena Yasevich, exhausted for the game, but strong for curses, reached the finals.

FINAL 16 issue from 16-12-2016

Black witch against opera and sledak. Today, the famous female psychic will fight alone with the best detectives in the final battle of the main mystical show for a prize of 5 million rubles.

On August 28, 2004, in the village of Ostashevo, on the shore of a Russian reservoir, the body of a woman, Yulia Yakovleva, was discovered.

The witch Elena Yasevich as a child lay in a coma and was struck by lightning.
Railway worker Sergei Khudyakov is the deputy head of the Moscow criminal investigation department. Collector Zaporozhtsev.
Cook Alexey Assesorov is a senior investigator for particularly important cases and a lieutenant colonel of justice. Likes to reveal factions.

Crime boss Yuri Trofimov, a repeat offender nicknamed Patron.
Secret witness Semenov Igor Ivanovich is a neighbor, the girl was strangled on his sofa.
Detectives met homeless people in the house. A homeless man, clean-shaven, paid 100 rubles for a bottle of champagne to a lady in fashionable shoes, and told everything.
Children's Home Sunny.
Sitting Sergei Akimov, his father is a writer. Akimov took the cars and stole them.
The owner of the restaurant is Azis Rakhmanov.
Anatoly Stupin is a resident of the village of Ostashevo.
Criminal Yuri Trofimov, a “blank cartridge,” learns from a minor prostitute Olesya that her friend Yulia is an orphan and owns an apartment in Moscow. The patron and the counterfeiters take the girls out of town, forces Yulia to sign the apartment over to him, after which he kills her and dumps her body in a Russian vault. The bandits drown Olesya in the Klyazma River as an extra witness.
A black realtor notary helped the bandits re-sign apartments. The girls were injected with vodka containing drugs using a syringe.
Larisa Surikova is a prostitute who worked with 15-year-old Olesya.
By the decision of the Moscow regional court July 16, 2007 for fraud, embezzlement on an especially large scale, extortion, kidnapping and premeditated murder, including Yulia Yakovleva, committed organized group, Yuri Trofimov was sentenced to 25 years in prison penal colony strict regime, Irina Romanova for 16 years, Sergei Akimov for 15 years, Sergei Shutov for 14 years.

The winners of the show Psychics vs. Detectives are DETECTIVES! Two cops took away the victory from the only psychic Elena Yasevich, who beautifully sends people into hypnosis.
The detectives won 5 million rubles and the winner's cup.

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