Famous people named Alena. Alena - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

The secrets of the future are one of the many mysteries for humanity that are not only difficult to solve, but almost impossible. Despite these difficulties, you can partially try to find out the future using some methods, and one of them is to penetrate secret meaning name. What surprises will Alena have, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls - the baby’s adult relatives should definitely try to understand these difficult mysteries.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl is brief

After the birth of a child, a period begins for parents when they need not only to get used to the new responsibilities of caring for the baby, but also try to choose the most promising and beautiful name. Many adults try to study special literature in which they can easily find the most popular and harmonious sounding names, but this is not always enough. You definitely need to not only make a choice based on a beautiful sound, but also try to find out what it means and how it can affect the future.

Alena, the meaning of the name, character and fate - these details worry adults, which is why you should try to find out the secret meaning that the ancestors hid in this name. In order not to regret this choice later, you must carefully study all the features.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl is unlikely to be briefly explained, because it has Old Slavic roots. This was the name of one of the most ancient tribes that lived on the territory of Russia, in its European part. The Greeks often argue with this, arguing that this name belongs to them and that it means “torch” or “flash.” This is not true; the first mention of it can be found in Slavic ancient legends or stories.

What does the name Alena mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Parents often try to decide on a name for their baby by carefully studying Christian literature. It is in the calendar or the church calendar that the most useful and interesting information, which will help you penetrate the secret meaning of the name and find out what unpredictable events it can affect the baby’s life. With the help of Orthodox literature, you can also determine which saints will be protected by the baby, and how many times she will celebrate her name day each year.

What does the name Alena mean for a girl according to the church calendar and when will the holy name days be celebrated? Unfortunately, this name is not in the calendar or church calendar, therefore, the baby will not have any patron saints. You should not get upset prematurely and change the name, re-selecting it from hundreds of suitable ones, because the Lord himself will patronize the child, you just need to ask him well about it. The main thing is not to forget to teach the baby to turn to her patron in prayer and ask for guidance in matters, help in decisions, good health and assistance in work and household chores.

The secret of the name Alena - is there a hidden meaning in it?

What secret of the name Alena should be familiar to parents, and is there something inexplicable hidden in it? Adults should prepare for the fact that from birth quite strange things will begin to happen to the baby. She can have incredible intuition, which is quite difficult to explain. Parents will become so accustomed to this feature of their beloved child that they will often consult it in the most important matters, and my daughter will certainly suggest the right solution.

Great developed intuition will also help in the professions that Alena may choose. If she manages to take the place of the head of a large company or become a banker, her trust will be limitless - the funds invested in valuable shares, thanks to intuition, will multiply at incredible speed.

Another inexplicable quality is the rare gift of providence. From childhood, a child will tell his dreams, which often come true or warn against actions that could lead to problems in life. At first, no one will really believe Alena. Over time, this feature of the baby will become familiar in the family, and they will trust her unconditionally.

Origin of the name Alena and its meaning for children

Almost every child who is already growing up and begins to get involved in various sciences, inexplicable facts and superstitions, sooner or later one begins to be interested in the origin of his name. That is why it is better for parents to arm themselves with the relevant knowledge in advance and find out the origin of the name Alena and its meaning for children.

Since the roots of this name are completely Slavic, there will be no problems finding suitable literature. There are many legends associated specifically with the Alen tribe, whose warriors were distinguished by incredible courage, skills, valiant deeds and love for their homeland. How important can this be in a child's life? One can only hope that the ancestors will react favorably to the baby who bears their name and will help the parents in raising the baby.

Alena, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all these concepts are closely intertwined and can play a very important role in the future. That is why parents need to try to find out everything that is connected precisely with the way they named their child - this will greatly help prevent problems that may arise in the future. life path girls.

Character of a girl named Alena

Will the girl named Alena have a good character, or should she prepare for unforeseen complications? Among the character traits, of course, positive ones will prevail, among them:

  1. cheerfulness;
  2. wit;
  3. good nature;
  4. responsiveness;
  5. gullibility;
  6. curiosity;
  7. emotionality;
  8. compassion.

Most often, Alena acquires character traits that distinguish her father. Disadvantages include slight isolation, which manifests itself only if the parents used the wrong approach in upbringing. Adults must certainly remember that only confidential conversations will help overcome this disadvantage. Heartfelt conversations with mom or dad will certainly bear fruit, and the baby will become less withdrawn.

The fate of a girl named Alena

What do you need to prepare for in advance and what events will the fate of a girl named Alena consist of? She will begin to choose a profession in childhood, finding out all the pros and cons of the professions she likes. A girl can choose such professions.

Most people associate the name Alena with the image of a young red-cheeked lady from the wrapper of a well-known chocolate bar. But what kind of representative of this name actually is? What kind of character does he have, does he have Russian roots?

Origin of the name Alena

The origin of the name is associated with the ancients Slavic tribes Alen or Alon, living in the southwest of Russia. Fearless and strong warriors chose “flame” and “sword” as their emblem. If we adhere to this version, then the meaning of the name sounds like “scarlet”, “fiery”. However, history offers other variations, for example:

  • translated from Greek it means “light”, “torch”;
  • from Hebrew - “oak”;
  • The indigenous Yakuts interpret it as “rain rustling on the river” and call the Lena River Alena.

For a long period of time, everyone was convinced that Alena was a variation of the more popular one. But in modern world most scientists agree that these are two different names, each of which has its own history and meaning.

The name Alena dates back to the 17th century, because it was in those times that mentions of Alena of Arzamas, a militant Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin, first appeared. For disrespect for the boyars and dignitaries, the girl was burned in a log house, and her name was crossed out from the calendar. A terrible sin Even mentioning the name of a rebellious Cossack woman was considered. In this way, the boyars hoped that the people would forget about their heroine and erase her from their memory. That's why for a long time it was believed that such a name did not exist and that there were only variations of the name Elena.

The first mention of the name Alena refers to Alena Arzamasskaya, a militant Cossack woman who organized a peasant uprising in support of Stepan Razin

Forms of the name Alena

Variations of the name: Alyonushka, Alchik, Alyonka, Lelya, Leka, Alik, Elya, Lesya, Olya.

Alyonochka - an affectionate address to a girl named Alena

Church name

Alena does not have her own name day, because it is not included in the list church calendars. However, due to the fact that it was previously considered a derivative of the name Helen, the patrons are considered to be the same saints: Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, Venerable Helen of Diveyevo, Venerable Queen Helen of Serbia. That is why Alena celebrates her name day at the same time as Elena:

  • August 10;
  • June 3;
  • July 24;
  • September 17;
  • March 19;
  • November 12.

Table: the name Alena in different languages

Name transliteration

Name Alena for international passport or bank card: Alena.

Autumn Alena is meticulous about any matter

What middle name does the name Alena harmonize with?

The name Alena goes with many middle names, but the most beautiful sounds:

  • Alena Alexandrovna;
  • Alena Sergeevna;
  • Alena Yurievna;
  • Alena Pavlovna;
  • Alena Viktorovna.

The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna, since it influences our heroine negative impact and she’s not very well formed good qualities. Alena Andreevna is characterized by greed, quarrelsomeness, laziness, and a consumerist attitude towards other people.

Video: Slavic “Alyonushka”

Characteristics and influence of the name

Even in ancient times, people were sure that the name and fate of its owner were secretly connected. At the same time, it was believed that knowing only one name, a person could easily be damaged. That is why babies were always given two names: one for people, the other secret, for the soul. Since that time, there have been rumors that if you want to change your destiny, change your name. Some modern scientists are of the same opinion. For example, the famous psychology professor Boris Khigir, knowing the name (and ideally also the patronymic and year of birth), could talk about a person unfamiliar to him as best friend, who trusted him with his deepest secrets.

Scientist Pavel Aleksandrovich Florensky supports his colleague and also assures that a person’s name and his character are interconnected. On this issue he even wrote research work, published in 1988 in the journal Sociological Research.

Not long before this, Chicago experts became interested in the topic and found out that a name greatly influences the fate and health of its owner. If it is capable of causing ridicule, then a person from childhood has to take a defensive position, fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which is imprinted on his psyche, health and character. They also told the story of the original parents who named their children: Meningitis, Laryngitis and Appendicitis, as a result of which they greatly ruined their lives.

French theologian Pierre Rouget published the book “The Influence of a Name on Human Life,” in which he wrote about the “music of the name.” He believed that each letter is a source of a certain vibration that affects a person’s character.

Rhymes for the name: Alena - worthy of the throne; Alena is as charming as Madonna; Alena - relaxed; Alena is a serious and smart person.

Among strangers little Alena keeps to herself

How the name Alena affects the character of a child

Little Alyonushka cannot be called an overly sociable and open child. On the contrary, among strangers, a girl will try to stay apart, not imposing her company on anyone and living only in her own inner world. However, in a familiar environment, she transforms, becomes cheerful and cheerful.

The girl grows up kind, honest, and sympathetic to the grief of others, which her peers often take advantage of. The only negative is the lack of firmness of character. For example, Alyonushka can bring home a street kitten, bathe it, warm it, feed it and even cry over its bitter fate, but if the parents turn the animal out of the house, the girl will not say a word in its defense. Despite this, it is impossible to call Alyonka a “cute, fluffy bunny” who never shows her teeth. If she understands that she is in even the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and resourceful tigress who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

As a child, Alyonka loved fairy tales and, thanks to her good memory, knew many of them by heart. However, she is generally ideal child: the girl is smart, hardworking, assiduous, which helps her in her preschool years to master reading, mathematics, and sometimes foreign languages. That is why, when sending a child to first grade, parents are confident in her success. However, laziness and reluctance to focus on sciences that are uninteresting to her do not allow Alena to be an excellent student - the girl is an average student.

Natural laziness does not allow Alena to study perfectly

How the name Alena influences the character and fate of an adult

As she grows up, Alena’s character also changes. From a timid, calm child, she turns into a purposeful girl, ready to achieve her goal at any cost. Alena - creative personality, so she has mood swings. Perhaps it is because of this that she often takes on several things at the same time, but her quickly fading interest does not allow her to finish at least something to the end.

Alena's character flaw can be called excessive impulsiveness and emotionality - qualities that she adopted from her father. Because of them, the girl cannot soberly assess the situation and quickly make decisions. right decisions. For this reason, Alena sometimes gets into unpleasant stories that “sober” her, acting as a cold water, poured directly onto the heated head.

Fortunately, even these sudden steps of fate do not break the girl. Alena again pulls herself together and systematically moves towards her intended goal. It should be said that the owners of this name often achieve great heights, but in the process they lose true friends.

Alena is an attractive girl who does not lack attention from the opposite sex

Poems dedicated to Alyonushka: I. Bunin “Alyonushka”, A. Barto “Mysterious Question”, E. Martynov “Alyonushka”.

Professions, business and career

Alena is very witty and does not accept hard physical labor. That’s why he chooses professions in which he needs to think with his head. She often becomes a teacher, doctor, social worker, economist or accountant.

But it is advisable for Alena not to meddle in commerce. The girl quickly gets tired of regular trips, meetings with partners, and the machinations of competitors, as a result of which she stops developing her brainchild and investing money in it. Alena will only stay afloat if a more experienced person pushes her.


Thanks to her active lifestyle, Alena’s immunity is well developed, so she rarely gets sick. The only thing vulnerable spot for a girl it’s her back, but if she initially manages to find good specialist, which identifies the problem, will get rid of the pain once and for all.

Alena’s only weak spot is her back, so she should find a good specialist in this area

Love, sexuality, marriage

For Alena, a love relationship is not just intimate intimacy. This is selfless devotion, mercy bordering on pity. As a result, you shouldn’t be surprised if a girl, instead of an accomplished, confident guy, gives preference to a loser with his head in the clouds. A girl’s feelings are always sincere, pure, real, bordering on self-sacrifice. Alena is of little interest in the financial side. The main thing is that the chosen one loves, respects and appreciates her as a person.

Natural charisma, pleasant appearance, sensuality - all this does not escape the male gaze, so Alena never feels a lack of admirers. However, the girl herself prefers not to waste time on trifles and remain faithful to one chosen one, if, of course, he meets her requirements. The sexual side of a relationship is very important for Alena, so she will demand complete dedication from her companion, otherwise she will quickly find a replacement for him.

Alena is far from being an exemplary housewife, although she tries to keep the house clean and takes care of her family. Her house is always clean and there is delicious food, but the girl does this out of necessity, without inspiration. Among her family, Alena always tries to take a leading position, which she often succeeds in. The girl’s opinion is never discussed and is accepted by the household in its original form.

Alena doesn’t like doing housework too much

Table: Alena’s compatibility with other names

The fateful years of Alena's life

There are periods in Alena’s life that play a huge role in her destiny:

  • 21 years old - it is at this age that a girl will make an important decision that will turn her life 180º;
  • 27 years old - serious internal changes will occur, both moral, psychological and physical;
  • 32 years is a period that determines what should be and what should go;
  • 35 years is the time of final determination in life in terms of profession and family. A second marriage is possible;
  • 42 years old is another crisis that can affect both family life and health;
  • 63 years old - reassessment of values.

There are periods in Alena’s life that play a huge role in her destiny.

Astrology and talismans named after Alena

Each name has its own talismans, and Alena also has them:

  • planet - Sun, Pluto;
  • Zodiac sign - Gemini, Libra, Pisces;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 5, 7;
  • color - red, orange, scarlet;
  • totem animal - scarab, lion;
  • season - spring;
  • wood - Chinese cherry;
  • plant - garden rose, lavender;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - aventurine, chalcedony and onyx;
  • lucky day - Tuesday, Sunday.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Alena

Each letter in a word carries a special semantic and emotional load. Knowing the meaning of the letters in a name, you can feel its full depth and imagine what impact it will have on your destiny:

  • A - thirst for physical and spiritual comfort, desire to create and reach new heights;
  • L - sophistication, artistry, constant search for oneself and one’s purpose in life, the desire to be useful to everyone;
  • E - increased emotionality, sexuality, easy adaptability to any situation;
  • N - the presence of an internal “iron” core, wit, the ability to criticize one’s actions, hard work.

The first letter is considered the most significant, especially if it is repeated several times in the name.

"A" is considered the most significant letter name, since it comes at the beginning and is repeated twice

Characteristics of a name according to the time of year

The time of year in which a person is born is also of great importance:

  • Alena, who was born in the winter, is a persistent and principled person who always achieves what she wants. It is very important for her to have the best, so she is too picky even in choosing friends and a life partner. Purposefulness and pedantry help Alena bring all her ideas to life;
  • spring Alena loves comfort and material wealth. She is smart, ambitious, stubborn and calculating. A girl gets married late because she devotes her best years to her career;
  • year-old Alena loves intrigue and often becomes one herself the main character. A significant flaw in her character is envy. Perhaps this is why summer Alena has no close friends. She gives care, tenderness and attention only to her family;
  • autumn Alena is prudent and careful, demanding and a little picky in her approach to any task. The girl is used to dominating, so it’s not easy for those close to her. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that Alena’s instructions are often not without meaning.

Photo gallery: famous people in history with the name Alena

Alena Apina - Russian pop singer, composer and poetess, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), ex-soloist of the group “Combination” Alena Vodonaeva is a media personality who has gained fame as the most scandalous participant in the TV show “Dom-2” Alena Shishkova is a successful model, second vice-miss of Russia 2012 Alena Sviridova - Russian singer, songwriter, composer, actress, TV presenter Alena Yakovleva - Russian actress Moscow Theater of Satire, who received the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2008. Alena Khmelnitskaya is a Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter Alena Venum is a successful blogger who, over the year of the existence of her channel, has gathered an audience of millions

Songs about Alena: V. Gorbunov “Dear Alyonushka”, gr. Nancy "Alyonushka", Mr. Credo "Alyonushka".

Horoscope named after Alena

The zodiac sign also affects the meaning of the name and the character of its owner:

  • Aries - the girl is overly authoritarian, which manifests itself both in relationships with household members and in communication with colleagues. However, if relatives are ready to forgive Alena, then her colleagues break off all contacts with her, since they do not intend to tolerate her excessive emotionality and impulsiveness;
  • Taurus is a principled and self-confident person who is used to manipulating people and this is how he achieves his goals. However, in relations with her chosen one, Alena-Taurus changes radically, becomes helpless, weak woman who is ready to do anything for the sake of her feelings;
  • Gemini is a charming and attractive girl, optimistic about everything around her. Has many fans and easily overcomes all life's obstacles;
  • Cancer - a girl rarely achieves the tasks she sets for herself, since her dominant qualities are restlessness and excessive fussiness. In addition, the lady is convinced that she is never to blame for anything and that it is the villainous fate who has turned her back on her. Alena also shows dissatisfaction with her loved ones, believing that members of the household do not take part in her life and do not help her in any way;
  • Leo - a constant desire to be the center of the Universe, excessive self-confidence and importunity play bad jokes on Alena - those around her try to avoid her, since the girl simply irritates them with her assertiveness. Alena often treats her husband like furniture, believing that he must unconditionally recognize her authority and never try to challenge her decisions;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan, so it is very difficult for her to find a partner. As a rule, her chosen one is a person who can easily go through life, not paying attention to the excessive self-organization of his companion;
  • Libra - Alena, born under this sign, is often the life of the party. A cheerful chatterbox and laugher, she easily goes through life and always achieves what she wants. There is no shortage of partners, but he will choose only his complete opposite as a wife - serious man standing firmly on his feet;
  • Scorpio is a true creative person, who is characterized by inattention, hot temper, and impressionability. She always acts in a fit of emotion, which she often regrets later. A girl cannot control her emotions even with her loved one, which is the reason for frequent quarrels between lovers;
  • Sagittarius - Alena’s characteristic inconstancy and desire not to depend on anyone lead to the fact that the girl cannot achieve harmony either in the family or in relationships with colleagues. She is too flighty, loves new relationships and acquaintances. Therefore, for a long time he cannot decide on a life partner;
  • Capricorn is a sensible and generous woman who is demanding both of herself and of others. He does not like pettiness and falsehood, he immediately erases such people from his life;
  • Aquarius - the main quality of this person is intelligence. She will never allow herself to judge the actions of other people or interfere in their lives. She will only marry a man who will not try to control her and encroach on her freedom;
  • Pisces - the girl is very delicate, sensitive and good-natured. She will never impose her company or try to help if she is not asked to do so. He has no shortage of fans and believes in love at first sight.

Video: meaning and interpretation of the name Alena

The meaning of the name helps to recognize a person’s character and makes it possible to slightly lift the veil of secrecy about the future. If parents decide to name their daughter Alena, then they can be sure that this girl will have unusually bright appearance, artistry and determination.

The meaning of the name Alena for you will depend on the version of the origin of the name that you choose. But read on about the versions of the origin and meaning of the name.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Alena is considered to be the version of the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena. According to this version, Alena is one of folk forms name, which became an independent name. Fans of this version believe that the meaning of the name Alena is " sunlight" or " sunbeam" , just like the name Elena. These are not all versions of the meaning of the name Elena. You can view other versions by following the link.

There is a version that the name Alena is the name of pre-Christian Rus' and it is associated with the name of one of the tribes, the Alan tribe. This tribe lived on the territory of modern Ossetia. Until now, Ossetia is often called Alania. The Slavic tribes that inhabited Rus' and the Alans were in active contact, and this is how the name Alena appeared.

The name Alena is also a derivative form of the names Madeleine and Alina.

The meaning of the name Alena for a girl

A girl named Alena is a wonderful, calm child. She communicates well with other children and gets along with them quite easily. common language, which is a little different from Elena. The girl is kind and sympathetic, she has been very feminine since childhood. Despite all her innate femininity and coquetry, the girl’s character is more like her father. She has a fairly independent character, so you will have to learn to make quality arguments in order to convince the girl.

The girl studies well. Alena has a remarkable ability to quickly remember everything, but this leaves a certain imprint. Alena gets used to gaining knowledge without making any effort. If for some reason she falls behind the program, then self-study the material turns into flour for her. The help of parents and loved ones will be very helpful here.

The girl's health will, for the most part, please her parents. Alena loves to spend time actively, which has a positive effect on her health. She may have weight problems as a teenager. During this period of hormonal changes, it is better to be careful with the child’s health. In any case, if there is a sudden change in body weight, seek professional help.

Short name Alena

Lena, Alya, Elya, Anya.

Diminutive pet names

Alyonka, Alyonushka, Alyonchik, Alyonochka, Lenochka, Lenchik, Lenusya, Elichka.

Name Alena in English

If we assume that the names Alena and Elena are identical, then the name Alena is English will be Helen, Elen, Ellen or Helena. If we consider that this is a completely independent name, then it needs to be transliterated. Transliteration of the name Alena is ALENA.

Name Alena for international passport, according to the rules of machine transliteration - ALENA.

Translation of the name Alena into other languages

Unfortunately, the name has very little distribution in other languages, so the name Alena just needs to be transliterated into the required language.

Church name Alena(V Orthodox faith) - Elena. This is one of the facts indicating the origin of the name Alena from the name Elena.

Characteristics of the name Alena

Since childhood, Alena has been able to answer every question own opinion. She loves to prove that she is right, but she cannot stand listening to counter arguments. She is mostly cheerful and enjoys life every second. At the same time, she is prone to sudden mood changes for no apparent reason. She may remember something unpleasant and immediately withdraw into herself, although just a minute ago she was happy and laughing. He loves to have fun and hates boredom.

Finding a common language, and even more precisely, making people like her is Alena’s talent. If she learns to also earn money from this talent, she will be able to combine her hobby and work. Alena easily establishes contact with strangers and finds general topics for interaction. She has a clear ability to separate work space and personal space. This allows Alena to remove her negative traits character from prying eyes and appear better.

Family is very important for Alena, but in her specific understanding. The man next to her should emphasize her success. Alena rarely changes this approach to life, even after the birth of children. Alena knows how to please opposite sex and uses it successfully. She always has many admirers and she loves when there is a choice. Alena loves her children, although in her youth she devotes little time to them.

The secret of the name Alena

Alena’s secret is that he is a born manipulator. She very skillfully achieves her goal. For Alena herself, this feature is also mostly a secret. She has been able to manipulate since childhood and considers this natural behavior. That is, she exploits people's weaknesses without thinking about it.

It’s fashionable to call Alena’s second secret her envy. She treats herself like a princess. Alena should have all the best. If someone is doing better, don’t expect sincere joy from Alena. She has a hard time with other people's success.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries or Leo.

Totem animal- Scarab.

Name color- Yellow and red.

Tree- Cherry.

Plant- Lavender.

Stone- Diamond.

The meaning of the name Alena is radically different from the interpretation of the name Elena. Independent, responsible, dreamy - that's what you can say about her. Thanks to his developed imagination, he can come up with completely new ways to solve problems. She needs self-realization, she will never become a housewife. She loves meeting new people and winning them over with her charm.

However, deep down she is withdrawn and tense. Therefore, it looks defiant, as if expecting some kind of accusations from others. Often, relatives and friends may not be aware of the raging passions inside her. After all, she looks calm and collected. Over time, this restraint can result in chronic heartache and fatigue.

This female name gives its owner excessive impressionability and sensitivity in relation to the troubles and problems of loved ones. She does not know how to lie and hide what she has done, because simplicity and openness are present in her character. She is inquisitive, so she often quarrels with others because she sticks her nose into other people's affairs.
Cheerful, cheerful, but afraid of strangers - this is the meaning of the name Alena for a child. Due to timidity, it is difficult to get used to the team in kindergarten and school. Only adults, including parents and educators, can help her adapt. She needs to be involved interesting games with peers.

Kind, loves fairy tales, compassionate - this is the meaning of the name Alena for a girl. She is gullible, and if she finds out that she has been lied to, she will certainly take revenge with special sophistication. With age, he does not lose his goodwill, although it is expressed superficially. She can pick up a stray kitten, but without hesitation she will throw him out the door if the parents are against the living creatures.


Thanks to her ability to look stylish and her innate attractive appearance, she is always the center of attention. Men are attracted by her restraint, high self-esteem and passionate temperament. Changeability, mystery, and fearlessness help her find her ideal. She is capricious, but this is expressed not as a disadvantage, but as a virtue. Weakness and charm are also inherent in her.

She loves gifts, which means she has a special favor for generous fans. She wants her man to be romantic, gentle, affectionate and courageous. He always wants to feel behind him, like behind a stone wall. Jealous, the chosen one has loyalty great value for her. Perhaps he will forgive the betrayal, but he will remember it all his life. She just needs to feel needed by someone. Large quantity men fall into her skillfully placed nets. Capable of winning the heart of a representative of the stronger sex in a minimum amount of time.


Gets married early. He loves children and takes great pleasure in playing with them. She is thrifty, caring, her husband will always be neat, fed and well-groomed. Running a household is her calling. The importance of family is exalted in the first place. This means that the spouse surrounded by affection will be happy with her for many years. She shares all the difficulties and hardships with her companion. She is an excellent wife and mother.

She needs a husband with strong character who will patronize her in everything. He may prefer one lover to another only because he takes pity on him. She is jealous of all her husband's hobbies, which take up a lot of time. It could be friends, work, or even a car.

Life will be successful with Maxim, Bronislav, Sergei, Nikolai, Filimon, Andrei, Dmitry, Igor, Konstantin, Roman, Zakhar. A marriage with Bogdan, Zinovy, Yaroslav, Alexey, Vladimir, Stanislav, Rustik, Ivan, Anatoly, Stepan, Vasily will be unsuccessful.

Business and career

A leader by nature, which means he will become a responsible leader and boss. Not too inclined towards exact sciences, not interested in technology and complex calculations. Will excel in archaeology, economics, design, psychology and philosophy.

He becomes interested in the profession quickly, but quickly cools down. Can change specialties like gloves. I am ready to constantly improve my skills, learn something new, and study. Absorbs knowledge like a sponge. Therefore, it is enough to master only the basics and she will quickly understand the new area. Hardworking, active, constantly developing and improving.

Origin of the name Alena

The mystery of the name is interesting and varied. Many people associate the origin of the name Alena with Elena. However, its etymology has not been thoroughly studied. Scientists suggest that it is pagan, Old Slavic name, the meaning of which is “fiery”, “solar”, “scarlet”. In other countries and tribes they did not call anyone that.

Its history goes back to Ancient Rus'. In places where Belarus is now located, its meaning was “ scarlet flower" The Yakuts translate this word as “rain rustling on the river.” IN ancient Greece there was a goddess whose name was Selene, representing the moon, which is probably where it came from.

Characteristics of the name Alena

A small girl with plump lips - this is the characteristic of the name Alena. It seems that all she is missing is a halo above her head, but not everything is so simple. Her character is strong. An adventurer, an introvert, demanding of herself and others. Somehow he looks like his father. Active, it is almost impossible to influence her. Thrifty, compassionate, kind, charming and open.

He has a great variety of hobbies. Can do several things at once. She is sociable, emotional, and spending time with her is not boring. An incorrigible optimist, the mistress of her destiny. The future plans far ahead. Wit and sincerity are her main trump cards. He wins people over with incredible ease. But she is lazy, although this does not have a big impact on her character.

Lelya's advantages are friendliness, simplicity, cheerfulness, sociability, activity, and passion. Cons: laziness, isolation, jealousy, sickness, moodiness, tension.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – diamond, peridot, gold, platinum, aventurine, hyacinth.
  • Name day - June 3; March 19.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aquarius, Aries, Gemini.

Famous people

  • Alena Shishkova - model, second runner-up of Miss Russia 2012.
  • Alena Vodonaeva – TV presenter, model, singer.
  • Alena Zavarzina is a Russian snowboarder who competes in parallel giant slalom, snowboardcross, and parallel slalom.
  • Alena Sviridova is a singer, TV presenter, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Writers' Union.

In different languages

Translation of the name Alen into English – Alain, Alen. Allen - that's how it translates into Spanish. Its meaning in Chinese is 阿列娜. In Polish it is written – Alena. Pronunciation in Ukrainian - Alona. The script in Japanese is アレナ.

Name forms

  • Full name: Alena.
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviations and other variants - Alenka, Alya, Ali, Lelya, Yolya, Lyusya, Alyonushka, Elusya, Lesya, Lena.
  • Declension of the name – Alena (gen. n.), Alena (d. n., creative n.), Alena (prev. n.)
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elena.

Alena is too demanding of her partner and capricious in sex. She is very picky, she must get to know a man well, his psychology, in order to move on to a close relationship. She is often tormented by contradictions between desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strictly observes external decency. Because of this, her passion often remains unsatisfied, which can cause numerous complexes. She strives for her ideal. Long before the start of a close relationship, she is able to determine her future partner. The feelings and strength of attraction that accumulate in her from time to time sweep away all barriers, and, throwing away her principles, she amazes her partner with her temperament and sophistication. She spends several years in her youth on her improvement, and during this period her life proceeds measuredly and rationally. Practicality and common sense make her a rather boring partner, but she is unusually reliable and profitable. She will willingly help her lover arrange his life using her official position. Her generosity, however, borders on prudence, allowing Alena to benefit even from seemingly selfless help. He will not share his property and will think everything over carefully before entering into marriage. She is a pronounced materialist, but there are never any difficulties with her. She first strives to become rich, and then, if possible, happy. In love, she lacks a little imagination. But she is the perfect housewife. IN mature years she might have one or two things happen love adventures- and not because she needs it, but more out of a desire to prove to herself and others that she is still young enough and attractive. Alena can get married more than once. She doesn’t like to flirt with men; she chooses a partner who is calm and moderate in sex, since she herself is very emotional. She should be the leader in the family. “December” Alena is more partial to sex, so she can often change partners until she finds a person to her liking. She loves men with a developed sense of humor, initiative, and not only in bed. If family life does not correspond to her ideas, she may own initiative separate from your spouse, regardless of the presence of children. She is very attractive, like no other woman, she can captivate a man and take him away from his wife. Loves oral sex. Although Alena is independent by nature, sexual relations she prefers to be led, to feel her partner’s passion and submit to it.

It is best for “July” Alena Yulievna to marry a “February” man. She is amorous, and her first marriage may end in divorce. She doesn’t get married for the second time soon; she looks closely at a man for a long time: she doesn’t repeat mistakes.

Suitable for a successful marriage are Andrei Nikitich, Valentin Grigorievich, Vitaly Zakharovich, Vladimir Viktorovich, Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Naum Mikhailovich, Sergei Eduardovich, Yuri Vladimirovich.

Azary Davidovich, Alexander Dmitrievich, Adrian Stanislavovich, Bogdan Avgustovich, Valerian Emmanuilovich, Veniamin Antonovich, Georgy Yuryevich, Davyd Arnoldovich, Ilya Rostislavovich, Leonid Anatolyevich, Stanislav Rodionovich, Stepan Nikolaevich, Felix Bogdanovich are not suitable.

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