New fire department uniform. What kind of reorganization awaits the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Structure law enforcement for Russia is considered one of the most important in last years. Unfortunately, this year’s news regarding the future distribution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not cause any optimism among Russian citizens. As a result, the question arises as to the reason for this situation. Perhaps it's time to reduce the number of employees? So will the predicted reduction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations take place in 2017, or more precisely, will it be larger than last year’s figures?

So far, the State Duma ministers, like most ministers, are attributing future reductions to the current instability of the state’s economic sphere. It turns out that, contrary to general opinion, officials need to look for real ways to reduce treasury expenses. Naturally, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in this regard is not the only structure affected, but of course they will not leave the department without “proper” attention. By the way, according to representatives of the people in the Duma, such a decision will in no way affect the quality of the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the usual activities of rescuers will remain high level preparation.

Should we expect the coming reduction?

Last year, the Russian government decided to tell citizens about the upcoming reorganization of the entire structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This turned out to be an expansion of crisis centers, combat units and university systems. Such actions were considered the most relevant for solving the main issue - the lack of fire departments. In practice, it turned out that it is not so easy to realize the set goals without proper funding. The final solution turned out to be obvious - it is necessary to reduce other expenses of the organization as soon as possible. Other expenses, by the way, meant a reduction in the existing staff.

On this moment with a 100% guarantee we can say that the reduction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 will primarily affect management team. According to preliminary estimates, the process will affect 10% of senior officers and 18% of service managers. Also, about 2 thousand ordinary employees will be subject to the upcoming optimization. As a result, next year the Ministry of Emergency Situations will decrease by 10% of staff and 15% of civilian personnel.

According to the deputies, it is precisely with these steps that it will be possible to significantly save budget funds. The remaining workers will be able to count on indexation of their wages at the level of inflation in 2016.

Latest information on the reduction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

To understand will it exactly the reduction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, it is worth highlighting the opinion of the current head of the organization, Vladimir Puchkov. In his opinion, thanks to the announced measures, it will be possible to very quickly reduce the number of officials in power, and this will not in any way affect general work the structure itself. It is worth noting that thanks to the planned optimization, the costs of related structures will be significantly reduced. This will help strengthen the main departments, which will make the work of all organs more productive. But which of the existing measures will be most effective in 2017, given the optimization plan for this time?

  1. It turns out that the laid-off employees will not be sent home. Most likely, they will be transferred to civilian positions. As a result, the measures taken will significantly balance the financing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations itself.
  2. The size of the wage fund for military personnel and civilians must be formed, calculated and added up from two different sources. Previously, in this regard, trust was in a single “supplier”.
  3. Payments to the military will increase significantly, and it is these payments that are primarily subject to annual indexation.

According to analysts and experts, the noted reorganization measures cannot be called truly significant. Most likely much big changes should be expected after the merger of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. During the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, both departments must coordinate their actions as quickly and clearly as possible to combat the disaster as effectively as possible. Simply put, the actions taken by both organizations must be coherent, logical and consistent.

What to expect in 2017?

Representatives of the mentioned department themselves expect the upcoming reduction without any enthusiasm. According to employees, the Ministry of Emergency Situations departments subject to reductions are considered important parts of the entire structure. After all, it is lawyers, programmers, financiers and technical specialists who ensure the adequate functioning of the entire organization. As a result, the layoffs will complicate the work of the remaining employees, thereby increasing the workload of each of them.

Back in 2015, officials decided to use the property component of the department during the reorganization. Do you know what this means? The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs to not only reduce employees, but also write off unused parts of the building or building, as well as abandon other material assets, which are in no way involved in the ongoing work of the entire department. According to the government, in this way it is possible to significantly reduce costs, financing and find the necessary amounts for more important tasks.

The listed optimization plans have already been implemented in 2016 and all tasks are gradually being implemented. According to official data, by the beginning of 2017 the authorities must lay off more than 2 thousand current employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Perhaps by then this figure will be revised, but for this it is worth taking a closer look at the results of the restructuring.

Question about pension

Now we can say with confidence that despite all the upcoming cuts, officials plan to increase the pension for Ministry of Emergency Situations employees. True, the size of these payments, of course, will be influenced by the salaries of others. Moreover, while the amount of the miscalculation social payments will not be revised in the country. This means that the increase in all payments will be comparable to the increase in the rate of representatives of the structure.

According to preliminary forecasts of experts, you should not count on too large an increase in pensions, but it will still happen.

News regarding the reorganization of Russian security forces today is not optimistic, because during the of this event Thousands of people have already lost their jobs and this is far from the limit. The reorganization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will certainly continue in 2017, but experts pay close attention to the fact that it must take into account the interests of modern society. Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that the implementation of reorganization measures should in no case affect the efficiency of the structure as a whole, therefore this event must be carried out extremely competently.

Priority tasks

The leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations sets itself the task of financing various divisions of the organization and plans to solve a huge number of problems of the population. However, it must be said that in this case the authorities may begin to withdraw funds from other budget projects, which is not the most in the best possible way may affect the activities of other budgetary institutions.

The reorganization began last year, when the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was reduced, mainly at the expense of the management team, and this year the intended trend will continue. It is difficult to give precise data on what the reorganization will be like Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia in 2017, news about the reduction suggests that the number of employees will decrease by 10 and 15% in the supervisory and civil divisions of medical personnel, respectively.

The modern head of the organization is completely confident that the reform will not in any way affect the effectiveness of the organization; in any case, these are the plans outlined by the modern government. However, we should expect a reduction in costs that were previously allocated to auxiliary departments of the organization, which may become an indirect reason for a temporary deterioration in their work, although the organization of the leading departments of the department will be significantly strengthened.

A certain number of employees will now be transferred to civilian service. Such a change will significantly optimize the organization’s costs and save some budget funds, which will then be spent on increasing wages. And based on all of the above information, we can already say for sure that reform Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia in 2017, most likely, will not wear as much negative character, as many might have thought earlier.

What changes should we expect?

I am discussing the reorganization of the department, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that its main advantage is the reduction in the number of employees of the organization, which Lately it became too much. The reductions will allow you to optimize budget expenses, while in 2017 they will be carried out in two directions:

  • reduction of members of the management team (they will be planned and should have a positive impact on the power of the organization);
  • reductions, during which some military positions will be replaced by civilian ones (mostly it will affect the technical and medical units, and subsequently they will have a new source of funding).

Although almost no one makes accurate predictions about what the reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be like in 2017, last news are evidence that it will not in any way affect the combat departments of the department, the main goal of which can be considered to be the actual provision of peace and stability in the state. Separate chapter Ministry of Emergency Situations said that linear changes in the work of the organization are unlikely to have a positive impact on it, so the reorganization should be structural in nature.

Regarding the key aspects of the reform, it must be said that in general the authorities plan to reduce the number of employees in the organization to 1,000,000 people, and the completion of this event is scheduled for October 2017. Considering this fact, it’s easy to guess. that in this case he will lose his job approximately 100 thousand people. It is also planned that some regions will not make reductions. But their list has not yet been fully determined.

There are certain principles on the basis of which the reform will be carried out Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia in 2016-2017, news about the reduction will be available at the beginning of the year, as well as the dismissal criteria. Recently budgetary organizations switched to operating mode based on effective contracts, and frankly, the people who should be most worried about the upcoming layoffs are the people who don't meet the criteria for their jobs.

What will change in the life of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Most of all, modern Russians today are concerned with the issues of official payments of pension benefits, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are no exception. However, no significant changes are expected in the payment of pensions for this category of civil servants, although the reorganization of the structure will also affect this aspect of the organization’s work.

To receive a pension benefit, a person must have at least 20 years of work experience, but in civilian occupations it will be slightly longer (25 years). It is noteworthy that the length of service necessarily includes time spent in the army or working in difficult conditions. There are no plans to increase the amount of payments, but it will depend on all kinds of bonuses for length of service and bonuses.

Dissolution of the organization discussed by the authorities Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia in 2017, the latest news about which makes us think about the future of every person, will also affect wage indexation. It must be said that no one plans to cancel indexing, and this can be called positive news. Inflation will be small, and the indexation coefficient, accordingly, will also be (about five percent), which, together with allowances for special working conditions, will amount to a fairly good amount. It is this aspect that makes Russians think that the authorities, even in crisis conditions, take care of their citizens.

What can SMEs expect in the future?

It must be said right away that no one is planning to disband such a useful agency for the country, although this message Today it appears quite often in the mainstream media. However, the reduction of regional centers of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 is a settled issue, and the authorities are not planning the tasks they have set for themselves. Therefore, every person should prepare for this event.

Today, the optimization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations affects all areas of activity of this organization, and although people may lose their jobs, the optimal thing is to increase wages, which will happen precisely at the expense of freed up budget funds. Experts have no doubt that the measures taken by the government will improve the efficiency of the organization, so it is necessary to perceive this change exclusively in a positive way.

Today, many law enforcement agencies are undergoing optimization and reorganization, which should have the best impact on their work, and experts are generally confident that they will not only save some budget funds, but will also make the lives of Russians qualitatively better. The reform is already underway, so Russians can only follow the changes, study them and accept them, because soon they will become integral part their lives.

What will be the reduction in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 in Russia: latest news.

Optimization is inevitable

Will there be a reduction in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017? Downsizing is, of course, a painful procedure.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a specific service, so the rule should work here: do no harm. Not to harm means not to go too far, not to deprive such combat and what people need division of the ability to perform tasks to the required extent.

The department set the following tasks:
1. Additional funding for departments, for example, universities, Crisis Center;
2. It was planned to solve the problem of staffing fire departments.

It turns out that due to insufficient funds, programs will have to be reduced, or funds will have to be found through unresolved issues in other projects, using unused financial resources.

Optimization: who is first? The reduction will begin with managers. 10% of managers will be laid off in 2016, this stage will end in 2017. Reduction of the staff of supervisory units by up to 10%, and civilian employees by 15%. The measures taken will provide an opportunity to save significant funds.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations believes:
1. The reduction will not make the work of the department less effective;
2. Will reduce costs for auxiliary units;
3. Will strengthen the main units;
4. Some employees will be transferred to civilian positions;
5. These measures will allow you to optimize costs and save significant funds, part of which will be used to increase wages.

Impending Change

The conversation about the upcoming shocks did not arise yesterday and boils down to one thing: what awaits the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017? The layoffs first became known in the fall of 2014. The assumptions were formalized into an official document.

One of the most important departments ordinary people associated with firefighters and rescuers. Few people know that the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a complex and branched structure. There are even divisions consisting of senior officers. These are officials with wide shoulder straps with large stars.

The optimization process is not exciting. Change the familiar to the unusual, but also because there is an opinion: dramatic changes in staffing table can seriously weaken the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Minister Puchkov believes that there will be no weakening: the freed up resources will be redirected to combat units, thereby strengthening them even more.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is an independent division due to the nature and specificity of its activities. When emergency situations The department is called upon to act quickly and there is no time to be distracted by material issues; the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a powerful support base that helps solve problems that arise more effectively.

By 2017, the number of employees of the division will reach 14.6 thousand people against 16.6 thousand in 2016. By this time, the optimization process will be completed.

What and how will change

The reorganization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 will proceed in two directions:
1. Management staff will be laid off. Through planned reductions, key divisions will be strengthened;
2. Some military positions will be replaced by civilian ones. This will happen in medical, technical and other subordinate institutions. Salaries of civilian employees are derived from sources other than those of combat troops.

According to the management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, salaries will reach the required level as a result of ongoing reorganization measures.

The minister says that combat units will not be affected by reorganization measures; on the contrary, they will be strengthened financially and technical support. New people will come to combat units.

Reductions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: latest news. It is proposed to merge two departments - the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Experience collaboration has already. And, as an example, let us remember the joint fight against floods in the Far East.

None of the ministers have yet expressed their consent to the merger. Perhaps optimization will somehow push the decision to merge departments to a positive result. Perhaps this issue will cease to exist on its own.

The reduction of staff in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, or rather, their completion, is an inevitable process, dictated by the economic situation in the country. The so-called “optimization” affected all layers of Russian society.

In the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters have a status that in no way suits this structure. They feel deprived. After joining the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the position of fire departments remained in the status of a secondary or auxiliary structure. The Ministry is not satisfied with this situation of this serious and responsible structure.

In this regard, it is planned to improve the material base of the unit. Optimization will also affect this division. 16.6% of workers will be forced to change jobs or retire. Improving the work of the fire department is envisaged through technical re-equipment and retraining of workers.

Optimization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia in 2017 is aimed largely at management and employees of support services. Some experts fear that staff reductions will seriously complicate the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since when the laid-off workers leave, their experience will also go away. You should not accept such conclusions as the final decisive word. High-level professionals will remain.

Puchkov stated that linear transformations do not have any effect. Structural changes are needed.

About pension

What will be the pension for pensioners in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? The department has military status, so the nature of the pension and its size will correspond to this status.

What is needed to assign a pension;
1. Work experience in military institutions for at least 20 years;
2. 12.5 years and if you have 25 years of civilian work behind you;
3. Military service, study, and work in difficult conditions are counted as length of service.

Retirement is regulated. Severance pay not allowed Pension indexation is carried out regularly: in 2015 the coefficient used was 66.78%, in 2016 the coefficient used was 69.45%. The increase was more than 2%. What is taken into account when calculating pensions:
1. Employee salary;
2. Salary for title;
3. Allowances for length of service;
4. District and regional coefficients;
5. Additional payment for each year worked over twenty years. For each year worked, the supplement is 3%;
6. With 20 years of experience - 50% of the salary;
7. Additional payments for combat wounds.

Optimization affected all areas of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but the positive aspects can be attributed with full confidence that the ministry is turning this unpopular measure towards a qualitative improvement in the activities of the department.

Any topic related to staff reductions is always painful. Especially when it concerns the most important departments that ensure the safety of citizens and eliminate the consequences of force majeure. Behind the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not just people, but millions of people and hectares native land. Reforms must be carefully planned and carried out gently, without harmful consequences for the state. Will it reorganization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia in 2017and how will it change the work of the department?

Eco mode

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is pursuing a strict cost-saving policy. Over the past two years, communication costs have been reduced threefold. Those officials who do not follow the rules financial policy ministries, hold them accountable and impose sanctions on them for disciplinary offenses. This year, measures have already begun aimed at reducing the department's staff. Part of the administrative staff was fired. IN next year the trend will continue: it is planned to reduce up to 10% of supervisory level employees and up to 15% of those in the department in the civil service.

Besides, the priority is to provide sufficient funds educational institutions Ministry, as well as to support the Crisis Center. It is also known that that the cuts will not affect fire departments. On the contrary, firefighting will be given great attention. Due to the fact that the number of administrative units will be reduced, part of the funds will be saved, which will be used to stimulate operatives, those who directly carry out the hardest work to eliminate natural disasters and emergency incidents.

The head of the Ministry expresses his point of view that staff cuts will not weaken its effectiveness. There is a reduction due to the abolition of positions in support structures. Some employees will be transferred from military positions to civil service positions. This will help reduce the department's expenses and, at the same time, increase salaries for those who remain in it. The head notes that young firefighters, in particular, need to first think about how to fight the fire, and not about the material basis of their family’s life.

Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017will not affect units assigned operational tasks. On the contrary, additional support will be provided to the fighters, technical equipment and material support. The head of the Ministry notes the need for young, healthy guys who can quickly and efficiently cope with emerging tasks.


Expected indexation of wages for Ministry of Emergency Situations workers- this, again, will lead to reform of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, latest news about the reduction sound quite optimistic. Part of the salary and some bonuses will increase. Cash incentives will increase by more than 5%. Salaries will also be increased for those whose work involves mortal risk, namely, employees involved in flight work.

Some sources report the likelihood of creating a Ministry State security. The functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations may be divided between the ministries of internal affairs and defense. But so far the authorities have not commented on this version. Rumors are actively spreading that it is inevitabledisbandment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 - latest newsthey don’t confirm this. For such innovations, at a minimum, regulatory support is necessary, but no legal basis for this has yet been issued.

Restructuring of centers

The department includes 11 regional centers:

News affectingreduction of regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2017 have a basis. The result of the innovations will be the merger of some centers. In the end, there will only be seven of them left.They plan to unite the Central regional center with the Volga region, Siberian with the Ural, and main departments for Sevastopol and Crimea will be attached to South center.

The merger is expected to be carried out in order to improve the quality of work in the field, as well as optimize part of the management team. These changes were first proposed at the beginning of 2016. Then, in some regions, salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were greatly delayed. All this fell on new year holidays and the mood of the employees was very darkened.

At the same time, local management allowed them to write out huge bonuses to themselves, completely forgetting about ordinary workers. There was complete chaos: the amount of bonuses almost reached 3 billion rubles. Of course, a resonance was created. The perpetrators were punished. And to solve the problem, the idea of ​​merging some regional departments was voiced.

Reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in 2016 - 2017is actively discussed among the masses: they hear and

In some regions of the Federation, reductions have even reached 30 percent. And as the minister said at a meeting in Orenburg, the richest and most successful regions found the opportunity to painlessly reduce the administrative apparatus by up to 30 percent. It was decided not to cut combat units. According to the minister, there will be no organizational changes at the level of fire brigades. It's the same with salaries.

Ministry in Emergency Situations

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Kaluga region denied everything: in any case, the press service employees told reporters that they received their salaries on time and had not heard of any delays. IN Sverdlovsk region at first they also tried to talk about the minister who
“he clearly and clearly said that all cash payments will be made strictly on time”
, but then they admitted - yes, they didn’t pay, but in January we’ll pay off all the debts. IN regional centers The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not believe that they will be able to finish this year without debts to personnel - there is nowhere to get funds from.

Reorganization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017

Costs for auxiliary units will be reduced, and the structure of the main units will be strengthened. Some employees will be transferred to civilian positions. Thanks to these measures, costs will be optimized and funds will be saved, some of which will be used to increase wages for department employees. Therefore, the news from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations regarding staff reductions in 2017 does not have such a negative connotation as one might expect. The reform of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 involves a large-scale reduction in the number of employees.

Salaries will be increased for employees of a number of departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

The corresponding demand was expressed by the head of the ministry, Vladimir Puchkov, RIA Novosti reports.

In particular, the task was voiced to “prevent social tension” and “provide timely personnel Ministry of Emergency Situations."

Previously reported. that law enforcement agencies will have to significantly reduce costs or fire up to 10% of employees. At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations was able to agree with the government to reduce the number of employees by 10 thousand.

The most important documents of the week

The order of use of this directory is determined. The latter is a systematic list of goods, works, services purchased to meet state and municipal needs, formed on the basis of OKPD2 OK 034-2014.

It includes catalog codes, corresponding goods, works, services that are the objects of purchase, units of measurement of the quantity of goods, the volume of work performed, services provided and other information. The formation and maintenance of the catalog is entrusted to federal body executive power on regulation of the contract system in the field of procurement. The catalog is used by customers to uniformly indicate the names of goods, works, and services, including in the procurement plan, in their justification forms, in procurement documentation, contracts, to describe procurement objects, and to generate a procurement identification code. Previous acts on the federal system of cataloging products for federal state needs and on the creation of a federal catalog of such products were declared invalid. The resolution comes into force on the day of its official publication, with the exception of certain provisions for which other deadlines are provided. Energy consumers with payment arrears will be required to provide security for the fulfillment of payment obligations.

Consumers of energy resources and electricity transmission services have been identified who are required to provide security for the fulfillment of obligations to pay for energy resources (services). These are consumers who have not fulfilled or improperly fulfilled their obligations to pay for energy resources (services) and have a debt equal to or exceeding twice the average monthly amount of payment obligations.

Reductions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 and 2017

The budget deficit did not allow deputies to ensure an increase in cash payments for all employees in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 'Cause getting necessary funds it was decided to save money by laying off staff members of state law enforcement and supervisory agencies. Despite the fact that many workers lost their jobs, those who remained did receive salary increases. Also, a wave of reductions was carried out because officials are preparing the ground for the merger of two main structures, and more specifically, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Armed Forces into a single structure.
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