Actor Yuri Bogatyrev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Rudolf Nureyev, Yuri Bogatyrev and other hidden gays from the world of Soviet stars Forum actor Yuri Bogatyrev personal life

Yuri Georgievich Bogatyrev. Born on March 2, 1947 in Riga - died on February 2, 1989 in Moscow. Soviet actor theater and cinema. National artist RSFSR (1988).

Father - Georgy Andrianovich. Mother - Tatyana Vasilievna.

The father was a military sailor. In 1953, he was transferred to serve in Moscow, where the whole family moved.

In 1963-1966 he studied at the M.I. Kalinin Art and Industrial School in the carpet and weaving department, which he did not graduate from.

Studied at the All-Russian workshop pop art in the conversation department.

In 1966-1971, a student at the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, course of Yu.V. Katin-Yartsev.

In 1971-1977 he served in the Sovremennik Moscow Drama Theater, in 1977 he was invited to the Moscow Art Theater and for some time served in two theaters. One of his best theatrical roles considered Cleante in the play "Tartuffe" based on Moliere's play.

Works of Yuri Bogatyrev in the theater:

Moscow Sovremennik Theater:

1971 - “Own Island” by R. Kaugver (production by G. B. Volchek) - Janus;
1971 - “Toot, others and the major” by I. Erken (production: A. A. Alova, V. N. Naumova) - Priest;
1971 - “Valentin and Valentina” by M. M. Roshchin (staged by V. V. Fokin) - Karandashov;
1971 - “Bolsheviks” by M. F. Shatrov (directed by O. N. Efremov, G. B. Volchek) - Kursky;
1972 - “Always on sale” by V. P. Aksenov (directed by O. N. Efremov) - Triangles;
1972 - “Forever Alive” by V. S. Rozov (directed by O. N. Efremov) - Mark Alexandrovich;
1973 - “Like brother to brother” D. Rabe (production: A. Vaida) - Sergeant;
1973 - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by L. E. Ustinov, O. P. Tabakov (directed by O. P. Tabakov, G. B. Volchek) - dwarf Saturday;
1973 - “Weather for Tomorrow” by M. F. Shatrov (production by G. B. Volchek, I. L. Raikhelgauz, V. V. Fokin) - HR department employee;
1974 - “The Princess and the Woodcutter” by G. B. Volchek, M. I. Mikaelyan (production: G. B. Volchek, O. I. Dalya) - Vodyanoy;
1974 - “Don’t part with your loved ones” by A. M. Volodin (production: V. V. Fokina) - Alferov;
1974 - “Balalaikin and Co.” based on the novel “Modern Idyll” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (directed by G. A. Tovstonogov) - Kshepshitsyulsky;
1974 - “Four Drops” by V. S. Rozov (staged by V. V. Fokin) - Semin;
1975 - Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night (staged by P. James) - Duke Orsino;
1975 - “Echelon” by M. M. Roshchin (production: G. B. Volchek, I. L. Raikhelgauz) - Author, leading the story;
1976 - " The Cherry Orchard"(A.P. Chekhov (production by G.B. Volchek) - Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin.

Moscow Art Theater (after the division of the theater - Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov):

1977 - “Mutiny” based on the novel by D. A. Furmanov (production: V. N. Shilovsky) - Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov;
1978 - “Days of the Turbins” by M. A. Bulgakov (production: L. V. Varpakhovsky) - Alexey Vasilyevich Turbin;
1978 - “Eldorado” by A. A. Sokolov (directed by O. N. Efremov) - Evgeny;
1981 - “The Carrier Henschel” by G. Hauptmann (production: V. P. Salyuk) - Siebengar;
1981 - “The Path” by A. O. Remez (director V. Yu. Sarkisov, production by A. A. Vasiliev) - Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov;
1981 - “Tartuffe” by Moliere (staged by A. V. Efros) - Cleante;
1981 - “So we will win!” M. F. Shatrova (directed by O. N. Efremov, R. A. Sirota) - member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b);
1982 - “The Living Corpse” by L. N. Tolstoy (directed by A. V. Efros) - Viktor Mikhailovich Karenin;
1983 - Old New Year M. M. Roshchina (production by O. N. Efremov) - Poluorlov;
1983 - “The Seagull” by A. P. Chekhov (directed by O. N. Efremov) - Boris Alekseevich Trigorin;
1984 - “Attempt to Flight” by J. Radichkov (directed by M. Kiselov) - Teacher Kiro;
1985 - “The Lawyers” by R. Hochhuth (directed by G. Fleckenstein) - Hemmerling;
1986 - “Crazy” (“Zinulya”) by A. I. Gelman (director N. L. Skorik, production by O. N. Efremov) - Fyodor Ivanovich;
1987 - “Mother-of-Pearl Zinaida” by M. M. Roshchin (directed by O. N. Efremov, N. L. Skorik) - Yurik (1987), Tabak (1988).

All-Union fame came to Yuri Bogatyrev thanks to cinema. He started acting in 1966.

But the first truly successful role that made him famous was in 1974, in the film “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own”, in which he played Yegor Shilov. The actor himself called the film director his “godfather” in cinema, and for Mikhalkov Bogatyrev became a kind of talisman.

Nikita Mikhalkov first saw Bogatyrev in the play “Teenager” at the Shchukin School in the role of Versilov and invited him to his graduation film “A Calm Day at the End of the War.” And the first feature film“One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own” brought good luck to both. For the film, the gentle, kind and slightly clumsy Bogatyrev had to specifically lose weight, learn to hold his fists like a man, and ride a horse for the first time. Together with him, he jumped off a cliff, and they were almost carried away by a stream of mountain water.

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "One among strangers, a stranger among friends"

Yuri Bogatyrev was subject to transformation into the most different heroes. In 1979, Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “A Few Days in the Life of I. I. Oblomov” was released. The actor saw himself in the role of Oblomov, but played, as he himself admitted, his complete opposite - Stolz.

In 1978, Yuri Bogatyrev played one of his best film roles - Filippka in Ilya Averbakh’s film “Declaration of Love”. I also remember him as Serge Voinitsev from “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano.”

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film " Dead Souls"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "Dark Eyes"

Yuri Bogatyrev in the film "Don Cesar de Bazan"

All his life Yuri Bogatyrev was fond of painting. In 1989, the first personal exhibition of his paintings was supposed to take place in Moscow, but it took place only after his death. Most of his painting disappeared.

His friends considered him a moneyless man and an idealist. His money never lasted. IN last years the actor became addicted to alcohol, lost his form, and was less invited to films. Friends explained this by the actor’s feelings about his homosexuality.

Yuri Bogatyrev developed depression and began taking antidepressants.

On a fateful day for him, Yuri Georgievich received a large fee for the film “Dark Eyes” and threw a party. Suddenly I felt bad. According to doctors, fatal role the combination of champagne and antidepressants played a role.

On the evening of February 1, 1989, the actor took medicine before going to bed, and at night he had a heart attack. An ambulance was called. Bogatyrev was administered clonidine, which was incompatible with the antidepressants taken the day before. This caused shock and instant cardiac arrest.

Yuri Bogatyrev died suddenly the next day, February 2, 1989, not a month before his 42nd birthday.

Yuri Bogatyrev's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Bogatyrev:

Actor Yuri Bogatyrev was unconventional sexual orientation, because of which he suffered a lot.

Even as a child, he was not like all the boys, standing out for his gracefulness, elegance and a certain delicacy. He didn't like rude people men's games and fights. But he enjoyed playing with dolls with the girls, sewing them from old scraps, and inventing names and outfits for them.

His mother Tatyana Vasilyevna said that her son loved to dress up in her dresses, put on hats and veils, and tried on beads and rings. Parents did not give of great importance not the boyish behavior of a child. They attributed the oddities to the subtlety of nature, the gentleness of character.

But he also had affairs with girls. So, he was in love with Nelly Yakubova, with whom he studied together puppet theater-studio "Globus".

“Thanks to his talent, Yura always found himself in the center of attention - he improvised on the piano, danced superbly, sang well,” said Nelly.

At the Shchukin School, he also actively courted girls. His mother really liked his classmate. She told him that a better daughter-in-law could not be found, but Yuri laughed it off.

It did not escape his mother’s attentive eye that true love had never visited him.

He shared his mental suffering with Natalya Gundareva. She tried to console him: “Calm down, yes, you’re not like everyone else, but this is yours.” individual feature. Are you making it worse for someone? Are you making someone suffer? Who does this bother? It's yours - that's all."

For a while he lived with the Moscow Art Theater administrator Vasily Roslyakov. They did not hide from mutual acquaintances that they had a touching relationship. Then he got a bartender, Sasha Efimov.

However, there was also marriage in his life - actress Nadezhda Seraya became the official wife, neighbor in a communal apartment. She found herself in a difficult life situation: after a divorce from her director husband, she was threatened with eviction from Moscow, and urgently needed a stamp in her marriage passport. Bogatyrev agreed to help.

Filmography of Yuri Bogatyrev:

1966 - Such a big boy - episode
1970 - A calm day at the end of the war - German soldier
1972 - At the bottom - police bailiff
1974 - One among strangers, a stranger among one's own - Egor Petrovich Shilov
1974 - Tanya - Andrey Tarasovich
1975 - Slave of Love - Vladimir Maksakov
1975 - There, beyond the horizon - Dmitry Zherekhov
1976 - Two captains - Mikhail Vasilyevich Romashov
1976 - Once Upon a Time in California - Twing
1976 - Martin Eden (teleplay) - Martin Eden
1977 - Unfinished piece for mechanical piano - Sergei Pavlovich Voinitsev (Serge)
1977 - Declaration of love - Philippok
1977 - Nose - Nicholas I
1977-1979 - Open book- Andrey Dmitrievich Lvov
1979 - A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov - Andrei Ivanovich Stolts
1979 - The Last Hunt - Sergei
1979 - Vacation in September - Anatoly Sayapin
1980 - My dad is an idealist - Boris Petrov
1980 - Mutiny - Dmitry Furmanov
1980 - Deep Relatives - Yurik
1980 - Strange Vacation
1980 - Eighth Day of Creation
1981 - Two lines in small print - Tishkov
1981 - Relatives - Stanislav Pavlovich
1981 - Teleplay from the series “This fantasy world" Issue 5 - Thomas Wolfe
1981 - Teleplay from the series “This Fantastic World.” Issue 6 - Nikitin
1981 - Theater after Saltykov-Shchedrin
1981 - Great names of Russia. Stanislavsky - narrator-commentator
1981 - And with you again I am Tsar Nicholas I
1982 - Time for Thought - Andrey
1982 - Ancient detective - Dupin's friend, Semson
1982 - Cartman Henschel - Siebengar
1982 - V.I. Lenin. Pages of life - Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, Lenin's father
1982 - Unexpectedly - Ilya Petrovich, notary
1982 - Flights in dreams and in reality - voiced the role of a sculptor
1983 - Quarantine - grandfather
1983 - Unicum - Pavel Egorovich Perebereev
1983 - Something from provincial life - Lomov, Shipuchin, Yat, Ninochka’s lover
1983 - Man from Green Country - Urban Futroz
1984 - Dead Souls - Master Manilov
1984 - Teleplay from the series “This Fantastic World.” Issue 10 - Colonel Rowling
1984 - Someone else's wife and husband under the bed - Bobynitsyn
1984 - Angry Boy
1985 - The Tale of First Love (in the film “Yeralash” No. 50) - writer Michal Mikhalych
1987 - Black Eyes - Leader of the Nobility
1987 - Out of habit (in the film “Wick” No. 301)
1987 - First meeting, last meeting- Major Gay
1987 - Somersault - Sturis
1987 - Teleplay from the series “This Fantastic World.” Issue 12 - prosecutor
1987 - Daughter - Ipatov
1988 - Presumption of Innocence - Grigory Stepanovich Kozinets
1988 - Flight of a bird - Razlogov
1989 - Don Cesar de Bazan - Charles II (King of Spain)

Yuri Bogatyrev is a Soviet artist, painter. Born in March 1947, he is known for starring in the films “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own” and many others.

Yuri Bogatyrev was born on March 2, 1947 in Soviet Baltic states, city of Riga. He came from a family of a military sailor, so his parents had to move a lot since childhood. Soon they arrived in Leningrad, and then in Moscow.

The boy turned out to be special from childhood, because he was not interested in traditionally male amusements, but he enjoyed sewing dresses for dolls, improvising, creating his own puppet performances, and was also fond of drawing.

There were few improvised means in his arsenal, but truly creative person this could not be stopped, and old curtains and dresses were used - from them he created real masterpieces.

Childhood and first steps in art

It must be said that already in childhood it was noticeable that the boy was closer humanities and that he is a creative person. He developed a great desire for drawing, which influenced his choice educational institution. After leaving school, he chose a profession related to these skills, enrolling in an art and industrial school, where he was expected to become a carpet maker. Part of this involved taking up drawing classes, not just gaining technical skills.

Photo: Yuri Bogatyrev in his youth

Students always went out into the open air, painted sketches, and on one of these trips he met the guys future profession which was associated with the puppet theater. This again stirred up memories from his childhood and allowed him to feel an almost forgotten hobby. Having become friends with students, he staged plays and improvised. The young man finally realized that he liked the acting profession.

Training and first success in the theater

In 1966, that is, at the age of 19, he left his studies at the Art and Industrial School and entered the Shchukin Theater School, and in 1971 he was invited to the Moscow Sovremennik Theater. He entered easily, despite the fact that he did not prepare, and he came to the idea of ​​admission spontaneously after communicating in the open air with students of a theater university.

As the teachers recall, it was clear to everyone that a talented and, in fact, already formed actor was enrolled in the course. The course leader was the famous artist Yuri Vasilyevich Katin-Yartsev. He recalled that as soon as he saw a talented student, he experienced a feeling of anxiety, because it was obvious that the student was too defenseless in front of the world, that he was very soft and even vulnerable in some ways, and such people have a hard time in life, because they live far away not in greenhouse conditions.

And at the same time, Yuri had an amazing sad irony; he knew how to treat himself and people with humor. The student was also distinguished by his excellent physical parameters, which contrasted even more with his gentleness. He had large, broad shoulders and powerful arms, which students jokingly called “second legs.”

In the 70s, he simultaneously worked at the Sovremennik Theater and at the Moscow Art Theater, since both famous capital theaters considered him worthy of appearing on their stage. The play “Tartuffe” based on Moliere with his participation was very popular.

National glory thanks to Nikita Mikhalkov

Yuri Bogatyrev believed that his “ godfather"is Nikita Mikhalkov. Actually, this is really true: after filming his film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own,” the actor, as they say, woke up famous. But before that there was also a successful film, “A Calm Day at the End of the War,” although not comparable in popularity to Mikhalkov’s film. However, this made it possible to verify that Yuri Bogatyrev was very organic as a film actor, the camera loved him very much, he looked moderately courageous, very expressive, photogenic and seemed like a real hero, an example of a man. This was fully demonstrated in the film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own,” in which the action takes place immediately after the revolution in a small town in the south of Russia. The security officer, who was played by Bogatyrev, immediately became the standard of masculinity; he managed to go through shelling, gang warfare, betrayal from all sides and prove his devotion. This is an incredibly deep dramatic role, which the artist did perfectly.

In general, a creative union with Nikita Mikhalkov is a hit in the top ten, although, unfortunately, there were not many joint films. Among other roles that also made a splash, it is worth noting the role in the film “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano” - a Chekhov classic.

Actor for children and youth

Yes, it was the youth audience that primarily appreciated the created images. Therefore, directors, realizing this, often invited an already established star to participate in children's projects and television plays. In 1976, he starred in the TV series for youth “Two Captains” based on the story famous writer Kaverina. We can say that Yuri Bogatyrev became an idol of young people and a model of masculinity, but with the ability to emphasize in his heroes good start, compassion, mercy.

Nikita Mikhalkov also had films that consolidated the actor’s success on the domestic Olympus, in particular, “Slave of Love”, “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”, “Relatives” and others.

Critics believe that one of the most iconic roles was the role of Filip in the film “Declaration of Love” - a life melodrama that shows all the hardships national history, devastation, collectivization, revolution. The film covers a half-century period, it perfectly conveys the atmosphere of those times, and the love of two heroes unfolds against the backdrop of tragic events. But here, too, everything is not so simple, because the journalist, played by Yuri Bogatyrev, is in love with a lovely housewife who, out of boredom, cheats on her husband. This is tragic philosophical drama, many call her the main one in the artist’s rich filmography.

He also starred in “Don Cesar de Bazan” - the last role for such a short one, but bright life. He played the Spanish king, and in addition to Anna Samokhina, Igor Dmitriev took part in the film. This is also one of the most interesting works, where the artist appears in a new role.

Tragic fate

Formally, the actor was married, his chosen one was actress Nadezhda Seraya, but, as she herself admits, this is not a marriage in the full sense of the word, but simply the desire of a kind and understanding artist to help a talented aspiring actress register in the capital. This version is also confirmed by the fact that Yuri did not inform anyone about the concluded alliance, not even his parents, and he did not live with Nadezhda after the marriage.

As relatives recall, many people envied the artist. They envied badly, with black envy, desiring evil. There were reasons, I must say, for this. Yuri successfully acted in films, including with such famous directors as Nikita Mikhalkov. He was one of the highest paid artists of that time, outwardly he seemed like an absolute healthy man who knew no illnesses. He was very kind, vulnerable, constantly lent money to colleagues and acquaintances, but they could not always return it, which also irritated them. Some were jealous that the popularly beloved star did not have a family; he seemed to them free, like a bird, while they were tied up by children and wives.

Yes, only those who did not know everything that happened in the biography of this can think so wonderful person and focused exclusively on external attributes. They didn’t hesitate to borrow money from him; he was forced to buy vodka for his drunken colleagues, who could easily come to him at night, and without even having the means to pay for a taxi. It was hard for Yuri to refuse people; he could not be rude, but he suffered internally. At the end of his life he began to lose his shape, he developed excess weight, which was quite disappointing.

In addition, it was felt that changes were approaching in the country, which would not benefit many actors. Basically, those who will be able to adapt to new realities, young, strong and healthy, will remain afloat, and in any case, Yuri did not fit into these criteria. Perhaps he understood that an entire era of the country and his life was ending. He started taking antidepressants. Other sources claim that he himself drank alcohol, and the specific theatrical atmosphere contributed greatly to this.

Personal life

In his personal life there were wonderful women: Elena Solovey, Olga Yakovleva, whom he sincerely admired and idolized, but these were platonic relationships. Elena Solovey recalls that for all his physical strength, Yuri remained a big child. He was easily offended, but soon forgot the offense; he would have been an absolutely unforgiving person. It was difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex.

Also for a long time the actor followed a vegetarian diet because he believed that eating meat was unethical. I have preserved the memories of Iya Savvina, who literally forced him to eat meat, which he was supposed to absorb with appetite according to the film’s script, but tried to persuade the director to replace the meat with apples.

Women, seeing such vulnerability in him, subconsciously experienced maternal feelings for him and sought to take him under their wing. For example, Iya Savvina, whose birthday was on the same day as Yuri, tried to celebrate these dates together, she convinced the artist to review the diet and include meat dishes.

As for his marriage with Nadezhda, it is still unknown whether the marriage was really fictitious, but it turned out as it happened: the young people never began to live together, gradually moved away from each other, and after the death of the artist, Nadezhda did not claim the inheritance.

Yuri Bogatyrev’s personal life is shrouded in darkness; he deliberately did not advertise it, and he lived a relatively short time, only 41 years. Many relatives believe that he was a strange person and attribute this to his unconventional sexual orientation. For example, Alexander Adabashyan claims that the artist experienced his dissimilarity extremely painfully; he reacted heavily to the fact that he was not like everyone else. Perhaps this also caused his depression and addiction to alcohol.

In any case, it is not known for certain whether the artist was homosexual and tried to hide it or was simply shy, with a failed personal life. Alexander Adabashyan explains that even if this is true, in those days it was not customary to talk about it, unlike today, when, in pursuit of public attention, many stars flaunt their gay.

Tragic death

Died great person and a talented nugget very early on, when he was only 41 years old. Despite the fact that he was outwardly in great health, he had a weak heart, plus he was taking antidepressants prescribed by the doctor.

One night he had a seizure, and the ambulance doctors gave an injection without asking whether the patient was taking any medical supplies. He died suddenly on the night of February 2, 1989, just a month short of his 42nd birthday. The artist was buried at Vagankovskoe cemetery, where now, after several decades, his grave is located in well maintained condition, flowers from fans who do not forget his work are almost always visible on it.


1970 A calm day at the end of the war
1974 One among strangers, a stranger among one's own
1974 Tanya
1975 Slave of Love
1975 There, beyond the horizon
1976 Two captains
1976 Martin Eden
1976 Unfinished piece for mechanical piano
1977 Declaration of love
1978 Twelfth Night
1979 A few days in the life of I. I. Oblomov
1979 Vacation in September
1979 The Last Hunt
1980 Deep Relatives
1980 My Dad is an Idealist
1981 Two lines in small print
1981 And I’m with you again...
1981 Relatives
1982 Time for Thought
1982 Unexpectedly
1983 Somewhere in the provincial garden ("Something from provincial life")
1983 Quarantine
1983 Unicum
1984 Angry Boy
1984 Dead Souls
1984 Someone else's wife and husband under the bed
1987 Daughter
1987 Somersault
1987 Black eyes
1987 First meeting, last meeting
1988 Bird Flight
1988 Presumption of Innocence
1989 Don Cesar de Bazan

03/02/1947, Riga - 02/02/1989, Moscow

People's Artist of Russia (1988)


Yuri Bogatyrev was born in Riga, in the family of a military sailor. Then the Bogatyrev family moved to Leningrad, and a little later to Moscow. Since childhood, Yura has been teased as a “girly person,” and this is no coincidence. The boy was not boyishly graceful and gentle. And the blond boy was friends exclusively with the neighboring girls. They played with dolls together - in an improvised “puppet theater” in the courtyard of a house on Levoberezhnaya. The little director himself made dolls from his mother’s old dressing gowns, sewed a curtain, assigned roles, staged and acted.

Studying in high school, Yura became seriously interested in drawing. After eighth grade, he entered the M.I. Kalinin Art and Industrial School. Students of the school went to the forests near Moscow to sketch. It was there that Yura met the guys from Vladimir Stein’s Globus puppet theater studio. Communication with them awakened a passion for the stage in the young man, and in 1966 he applied to the B.V. Shchukin Theater School


After graduating from the Shchukin School in 1971, Yuri Bogatyrev was accepted into the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, where he worked until 1977.

Vitaly Vulf recalls: “I remember Yura when he came to Sovremennik, it was 1971. Then Fokin and Raikin came. He was received very well at Sovremennik.

It was clear to everyone that a talented boy had arrived. Very nervous, very kind, very open. I was always amazed by the degree of his openness. His teacher Katin-Yartsev once called me and said that he was most worried about Bogatyrev, because he was so different from others, so defenseless in front of the world.

Yura was very warm and pleasant, people loved him at the theater. He always had some kind of sad eyes. At the same time, Yura had an amazing irony towards everything - a very rare acting quality. He understood that he couldn't take everything seriously. ...He was a very harmonious person, but he lived very inharmoniously.”

Movie Yuri Bogatyrev made his film debut in 1970 in a short filmNikita Mikhalkov

"A calm day at the end of the war." And fame came to the actor four years later, when Bogatyrev starred in the famous “western” by Nikita Mikhalkov, “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own.” The film takes place in the 20s in a small provincial town in southern Russia. Bogatyrev played one of the main roles - Red Army soldier Yegor Shilov, who is suspected of treason. Having escaped from his comrades, he alone must return the gold stolen by bandits to prove his innocence. By the way, the best ones

dramatic roles Yuri Bogatyrev played Nikita Mikhalkov in films. This is Serge Voinitsev in the film “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano” (based on Chekhov’s stories, 1976), Stolz in the drama “A Few Days in the Life of I. I. Oblomov” (based on the work of Goncharov, 1979), Stasik in the family drama “Relatives” "(1981). By the beginning of the 80s, Yuri Bogatyrev was already a recognized master of Russian cinema. In addition to the films already mentioned, it is worth noting the actor’s work in the television series by E. Karelov “Two Captains” (1976), based on

The most significant role in the actor’s work was the role of Filipp in the film “Declaration of Love,” which was released in 1978. This epic canvas covers the life of the country for almost half a century: the deserted, like dying Moscow of 1919, collectivization in the countryside, construction projects of the 1930s, the tragic vicissitudes of the war, and the bright day of victory appear on the screen. And it goes through the whole film love drama a journalist named Philip, who, on duty, comes into contact with epoch-making events, and in between hours, burning with passion for his Zinochka - an exemplary housewife, always busy around the house, but always ready - for a change - to cheat on her husband.

An original portrait artist and talented prose writer, Bogatyrev had the ability for internal and external transformation. It organically combined the paradoxical sharpness creative thinking, wealth expressive means and ease of performance. The actor was capable of comedy and drama, farce and tragedy.

One of latest works Yuri Bogatyrev - costume film “Don Cesar de Bazan”, in which a magnificent acting ensemble also starred -Mikhail Boyarsky, Anna Samokhina, Igor Dmitriev, Mikhail Svetin.

Tragedy of life

Without exaggeration, we can say that Bogatyrev was loved by the whole country. Back then, in the 80s, it was difficult to imagine that life famous person can be difficult and tragic.

Nelly Ignatieva recalls: “It’s sad, but he had enough envious people. To him less successful colleagues were incredibly jealous. They were envious of the fact that he had so many roles, and the fact that he was one of the richest actors of that time - after all, Yura acted a lot and had money, they were jealous of the fact that they could not repay his debts. They envied his seemingly iron health. They even envied the fact that he was alone, and they were connected by wives and children who constantly demand something. And Yura doesn’t seem to owe anything to anyone.”

Since 1976, Yuri Bogatyrev worked at the Moscow Art Theater. What he encountered there - envy, intrigue, meanness and hypocrisy - horrified him. He even sometimes cried: “I can’t, I can’t stand it!”

Among the Moscow Art Theater participants, drunkenness was considered the norm. It got to the point where it was believed that it was impossible not to drink: “He who doesn’t drink will sell.” Yuri could not drink in such quantities, but... Taking advantage of the fact that Yuri could not refuse, drunken actors came to his apartment at night. Bogatyrev had to pay for taxis and vodka from his own money, which he himself did not have enough to live on.

Personal life

Things were no better in his personal life. Yuri never found his true love. He was constantly infatuated with his partners on screen and theater - ardently, passionately. Elena Solovey , Olga Yakovleva, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Svetlana Kryuchkova... He wanted to marry each of them. In dreams. But these were platonic feelings - light and pure.

Declaration of love 1977

...Melodrama 1977 Performance: Lenfilm, USSR Director: Ilya Averbakh The film is based on the prose of E. GabrilovichActors: Yuri Goncharov, Yuri Bogatyrev, Ewa Shikulska, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Nikolai Ferapontov, Nikita Sergeev, Kirill Lavrov, Ivan Bortnik, Elena Sanko, Denis Kucher, Dasha Mikhailova, Bruno Freundlich, Angelina Stepanova, Anatoly Kovalenko Script: Pavel Finn Operator: Dmitry Dolinin Designer: Vladimir Svetozarov Filippok, as the hero of the picture was nicknamed by his friends, was endowed by nature with the most unromantic appearance. He wore glasses, his face was round, naive, almost stupid. There was an air of kindness and light from him, and he was extremely unadapted to practical life, but he was decent, modest, and honest. He wrote, and not because he dreamed of fame and wealth, but because he probably could not help but write. Filipp was lucky, he met a woman and fell in love with her, the only one, for the rest of his life - Zinochka, the widow of a commissar, raising her son Vaska. Zinochka took Filippka in with her, hoping to “make a man out of him.” Whatever she did to help his career. Filippok became a journalist, but that’s not what the film is about. A picture about great, rare love, without which there would be no book and no film would be needed.

A book of memories has been published famous artist

The publishing house "Tsentrpoligraf" published a book by journalist Natalya BOBROVA, "Yuri Bogatyrev: not like everyone else." The artist’s friends, lovers, girlfriends, wife, mother and doctors openly talk about his life and death, health problems, alcohol, and controversial relationships with women. About how the Moscow Art Theater car took the artist to the stage every evening, and then returned him again under the supervision of doctors. Relatives remembered Yuri BOGATYREV as a generous and sympathetic friend, a “man without skin,” a talented actor and artist.

With the kind permission of the publisher, we are publishing excerpts from the book today.

LOVE AND HATE AT THE Moscow Art Theater%photo.right%

Bogatyreva loved and hated. They loved him for his generosity, openness, and luck. And they hated them for them.

Remembers Natalya Varley: “In my opinion, everyone was in love with Yura. And he himself had exclusively platonic hobbies. Everyone knew that he was in love with Olya Yakovleva. A sort of “knight under the balcony.” He went to all her performances - he was so shocked by her performance. It was not so much a man falling in love with a woman - Yakovleva was such a theatrical deity for him."

Remembers Nelly Ignatieva: “It’s sad, but he had enough envious people. Less successful colleagues were incredibly jealous of him. They were jealous of the fact that he had so many roles, and the fact that he was one of the richest actors of that time - after all, Yura acted a lot and had money , they were envious of the fact that they could not repay his debts. They were even jealous of his seemingly iron health, and they were connected by wives and children, who constantly demanded something. And Yura seemed to owe nothing to anyone. What Yura encountered at the Moscow Art Theater, at first he was simply horrified. He even cried sometimes: “I can’t, I can’t stand it!” He couldn't handle that much alcohol. After all, among the Moscow Art Theater residents, alas, drunkenness reached the point that it was believed that it was impossible not to drink: “Whoever doesn’t drink will sell.” Let me remind you that back then vodka was sold at night at exorbitant prices. And these drunken actors who had no money (Yura had some, he didn’t really have anything to spend it on - only, perhaps, on a taxi and a little on clothes), at night they caught taxi drivers with vodka, and in the same taxi they came to Yura with a bottle, and Yura went to pay for both the taxi and the vodka! And then they started drinking with him... He came to me and cried while telling this. He was timid to say: "No I do not want to!"%photo.left%


He was lucky to have partners - talented, stylish, smart, beautiful. He adored Elena Solovey, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Ekaterina Raikina... And he was jealous of Anastasia Vertinskaya’s then-husband Nikita Mikhalkov. In addition, he loved their son Styopa very much. “I would dream of having such a son,” I once confessed to my mother. Once Mikhalkov even joked:- Yura, marry my Nastya. You love Styopka so much.But Bogatyrev’s passion has already passed: the object of his adoration began an affair with Oleg Efremov. And he answered his friend:- Why don’t you live with her anymore? Well, I don’t need it, I got it!...The rejected artist was still worried. Sometimes, while drinking in company, he would get excited:- No, she’s still a beautiful woman. In “Tartuffe” I play with her - she’s good!And he tortured the next guest:- Are you married? Do you want me to marry you at Vertinskaya?...And my mother liked his classmate Natalya Gundareva the most. She advised:- Yura! Marry Natasha! I like her so much!And he answered seriously:- I'm late. Already married. And then... Her character is tough: whatever doesn’t suit her, she’ll kick her out of the apartment.%photo.right%

While still at the Shchukin School, Bogatyrev met Nadya Tselikovskaya, his younger half-sister famous actress, a future art critic. They started dating. Then for the first time he seriously thought about the possibility life together With a woman. “But Nadya set her own conditions for Yura - to stop acting,” says Tatyana Vasilievna Bogatyreva, the artist’s mother. Such a harsh ultimatum did not suit him. But their relationship developed despite everything. Nadya began to write about Bogatyrev and study his work. He always told his friends that she was his wife. No one, however, saw the stamp in his passport.


Bogatyrev finally got a stamp in his passport: he married his neighbor in the Sovremennik dorm, Nadezhda Seraya. All these years, the legal wife of Yuri Bogatyrev remained stubbornly silent. But, apparently, the time has come, and she spoke about her life together with the artist:

“Yura and I lived across the wall. He had a huge room, about twenty-five meters, without a balcony, with windows into the courtyard. And Yura and I became friends very simply. One day, either on the First or the Ninth of May, all the inhabitants of the communal apartment, naturally , sat in their rooms and celebrated the holiday. I tried not to burden anyone with my presence. Nadezhda's daughter from her first marriage. -Note edit.) was not there yet - she lived with my parents in Mineralnye Vody. And so I went out into the corridor for some business of my own - whether to shoot a cigarette or to get to the phone. And suddenly I see Yura Bogatyrev standing and crying. Hidden against the wall and crying. I felt so scared! The man must be in grief! I decided to come up and ask. He’ll say, “Nadya, it’s none of your business,” and I’ll calmly turn around and leave. What if he needs help?

Yura, for God’s sake, I’m sorry, I have never contacted you with anything in these few months. But now I saw that you were crying. And I thought: what if you need some help? And it turned out that Yura was crying in the corridor because he saw his nephew off - he closed the door behind him and cried. He felt sorry for the boy who was studying to be a sailor, was already serving in the North, and it was hard for him there. Then, later, I found out that Yura actually had such a trait in his character: when he drank, memories would come flooding back to him... sometimes it ended in tears. From then on we kind of became friends. %photo.left%

Yura and I spent many days and nights talking and talking. All these night vigils, tears, experiences - all this led us to intimacy. Both literally and figuratively. Our relationship went far and straight into bed. As the classic says: she loved him for his torment, and he loved her for her compassion for them. Actually, I didn’t hope for this - there was never any question that we could have an affair. Although there were some conversations - but, rather, humorous ones... Yura even hinted: “You should give birth to a boy...” One day my friend Nadya came to visit me from Mineralnye Vody, she was very beautiful woman. At about ten o'clock in the evening I went into the bathroom - we were already getting ready to go to bed. And Yurina’s room is nearby. I’m leaving the bathroom, and at this time Yura and Seva Shilovsky and with Vasya Roslyakov. Vasily grabbed me tightly under the arm and said: “Gray poison, let’s go drink vodka!” - I can’t - my friend has arrived. - Now we’ll bring a friend. - Well, let's sit and have a drink. We sit, talk, drink. And suddenly at the table Yura says: “Nadya!” I ask you to become my wife! Moreover, it sounded somehow not very official. It was more like a joke. I answer: - Yes? Okay, I'll think about it! To which Seva Shilovsky said: “This is necessary!” Look at her! There are crowds of women running after Yura who dream of getting married! He proposes to her, and she, you see, will think about it! I say: “Okay, in that case I agree.”

We didn't advertise anything - not even our wedding. We signed at the registry office on Plyushchikha and arrived there by taxi. We walked in the hostel. We prepared the table ourselves. Eight to ten people gathered. We didn't inform anyone. Therefore, many later believed that Yura was not married. %photo.right%

But at his speeches, Yura very often said that he was married. True, he did not specify that his wife is an actress. He called me a teacher, an engineer, or something else. My mom and dad, of course, knew everything. But neither Tatyana Vasilievna nor Varya should have known then. With my dad alive, I couldn’t explain to a nine-year-old girl that I had another husband - she already suffered terribly despite the fact that Yura adored Varya. Tatyana Vasilievna then underwent a serious operation. And I thought: does she need such a daughter-in-law - with a child in her arms? Moreover, Yura wanted to reveal everything to her, but I insisted that there was no need to advertise anything. Only a few people knew about us. Yura and I never had a common household, we had such friendship and love. I understand: the fact that I was considered a “fictitious wife” was largely my fault. After Yura’s death, on the second day, I arrived at Gilyarovsky Street. And I saw his mother fainting - it turns out that her son has a wife! Who is she? She didn't know anything! Yes, Yura and I no longer lived - many years have passed! Well, he didn’t tell her about it, he regretted it - my mother was sick then. It happened. And when Yura was buried, all his friends - Vasya Roslyakov and Zina Popova - began to insist: the truth must be revealed. And Tatyana Vasilievna says: "You are no wife!" I confirmed: “Yes, I am a “fictitious wife!” Because for Yura’s sake I didn’t want to upset the sick woman even more. I went. I signed all the documents and renounced all rights to the property and apartment. I only asked for Yura’s unfinished picture of the astrological Snake as a souvenir. And they gave it to me."

Guardian angel

In the late 80s, Yuri Bogatyrev met journalist and translator Clarissa Stolyarova, his guardian angel.

"Some of Yura's harmful inclinations, which sometimes manifested themselves in public, - Clarissa remembers, - led to the fact that he once came to the performance in very poor condition. And I should have a lot of work Compresses and a shower helped to bring him into shape... And he went out to play. The first time we managed to bring him to his senses. But the next time we were unable to fix anything. He just couldn't get on stage. We started to panic behind the scenes. The artists began to suggest in confusion different variants. They even contacted me. The performance had to be cancelled. The scandal was serious - the audience was very indignant about the cancellation. Bogatyrev could be in big trouble. I realized that this matter urgently needed to be hushed up. The next day I admitted him to the hospital. And when journalists appeared at the Moscow Art Theater and pestered the managing director Leonid Iosifovich Erman with the question of what was happening in the main theater of the country, he sent them all to me: “You deal with your Bogatyrev yourself.” I explained to the reporters that the artist suddenly fell ill. On New Year's Day, 1989, Yura was discharged from the hospital. And so he asks: - Where do you want to celebrate the New Year - with me or with you? - Yura, it’s very difficult for me to go somewhere. Let's do it better with me... ... This New Year has become a milestone in our relationship. If earlier I could say that our relationship was purely friendly, nothing more, then that night serious changes took place... If earlier Yura could kiss me purely in a friendly manner, now it was not a friend who kissed me, but a man who had not only friendly feelings for me nourished And Yura began to talk about what we could come up with to be close. In January 1989, a festival was held in Moscow German theaters. ... I was extremely busy, working on it both day and evening. And it turned out that Yura and I hardly saw each other. He was left alone for this time... And again he felt very lonely. ... I translated until late at night, fourteen to eighteen hours a day... And, of course, I had no time. Once he found me on the phone at home: - How are you? - Nothing, thank you... The festival lasted a whole month. And then this terrible day came - February 2. They called me at night - I arrived on Gilyarovsky Street when the ambulance doctors were still there... I was in shock. The doctors were confused - they had made a mistake. How could I help? Now we can only speculate. I could advise the doctors something - after all, except me, no one knew what medications Yura was taking. By a terrible coincidence, he suffered according to the same scheme with which he went to the hospital: tranquilizers (injections from doctors) were superimposed on tonic medications that he took in the evening... Plus, of course, alcohol."

Painful Otherness

In the most difficult moments of a person’s life, even the closest people often cannot understand what is happening to him and why, and are powerless to support and help.

Alexander Adabashyan:

It's hard to talk about it, it's painful.

This is due, let’s say, to his unconventional orientation. Yura experienced his “otherness” very painfully, unlike today’s stars, who even flaunt it. Nowadays, even people of normal orientation are happy to pretend to be homosexuals - it’s fashionable. Prestigious, practical - they are friendly with each other...

And Yura made this “discovery” in himself very late, he grew into it somehow very painfully... He suffered very much about this, because he was not like everyone else... He drank, did all sorts of stupid things while drunk, which later made him mad suffered and of which he was ashamed... This added, as it were, an additional complex of guilt to him.

But, I think, if God had given him more health, both his far-fetched vegetarianism and his drinking would have ended... If he had finally come to terms with his, let’s say, “strangeness”...

But it was stronger than him. It was neither promiscuity, nor fashion, nor anything else, it was really a deviation that he tried to fight, which he could not defeat.

As Natasha Gundareva persuaded him: “Calm down, yes, you are not like everyone else, but this is your individual feature. Are you making someone worse? Are you making someone suffer? Who does this bother? It’s yours - that’s all.”

At one time, Moscow Art Theater administrator Vasily Roslyakov lived with Bogatyrev. According to mutual friends, they had a truly touching relationship. Vasily was two years younger than Bogatyrev, a very educated young man with several higher education. He did not survive Bogatyrev for long - several years ago he died of AIDS in one of the Moscow clinics.

Then a certain bartender Sasha Efimov also lived on Gilyarovsky Street. Once Tatyana Vasilievna, the artist’s mother, called from Leningrad - he answered the phone. She, surprised by his presence, asked:

Who are you, Sasha?

He answered innocently:

And Yura left me the keys - he’s on tour.

A year after Bogatyrev’s death, he committed suicide. Why? He took this secret with him.

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