Alexander Panayotov song from voice last release. Alexander Panayotov spoke out about bribes in “Golos. "People's Artist" - new perspectives

In the finale of the fifth season of the superproject "The Voice", which on the evening of December 30 at live broadcast on Channel One, was called " Best Voice countries". The winner according to the results audience voting became Daria Antonyuk from Krasnoyarsk Territory. For many, this came as a surprise - only Sardor Milano and Alexander Panayotov were among the project's favorites. Moreover, Alexander was the leader in all sweepstakes.


Daria ended up ahead of Panayotov by a few percentage points. It seemed that he could barely restrain himself from crying, because people began to congratulate him long before the results were announced. Late at night, when passions had subsided and emotions were no longer raging, Panayotov shared his thoughts: “It was very exciting and musical in any case. It was hard for me to decide to take this step, to go to “The Voice.” But I don’t regret a second. I was told that someday I would perform a song by the great George Michael, on December 30, in prime time, on First, in connection with his sudden departure - I would not have believed it. And I would never have thought about it. Because his VOICE , his MUSIC, his SOUL - mirror image forever imprinted in my music, in my soul, in my heart. As it turned out, there are no winners in this competition. There are simply phenomena, as a fact. Thank you all very much for your support."

When Panayotov came to the casting of this project in the summer, everyone decided that he was a “thieve”... – He stood with a number on his chest in hours-long queues, went through a strict multi-level selection with everyone to get into the blind auditions. Other applicants, noticing me in the queue, were perplexed and asked what I was doing here. A lot of people thought that I would be one of the mentors. Frankly, I was surprised that I was even allowed to participate in the project, since Channel One doesn’t really like artists who have appeared in other shows of competitors on air.”

The thing is. that in 2003 Alexander participated in a reality show" National artist“And, as in the case of “The Voice,” I was second in the finals. “Thirteen years have passed since my participation in the television project on the Rossiya channel. During this time, a whole generation has grown up that not only does not remember, but does not even know that there was such a competition and who became its winner,” Alexander admitted. “So I wanted to remind myself.”

Of course, he managed to remind him. For example, after participating in “The Voice,” his fees increased noticeably. "We have quite busy schedule. All Fridays in December were busy filming “The Voice”, so corporate appearances were abandoned. But on other days, Sasha’s 40-minute performance costs 600 thousand rubles – “minus” and 700 thousand – with live musicians. Exit to New Year's Eve will cost 800 thousand minus and a million with musicians. We are now, one might say, in great demand, which we are very happy about,” Panayotov’s official representative told reporters.

Panayotov will continue to collaborate with Grigory Leps, who was the artist’s mentor. Alexander is already actively participating in many events of the Leps production center, and he, in turn, is ready to make talented singer tempting offer, and regardless of the fact that he did not get first place in “The Voice”. And in March, Alexander will perform his first big solo concert in the huge Crocus City Hall. The name of the program is symbolic – “Invincible”.

Panayotov Alexander Sergeevich is a unique talent, a truly talented performer, composer and master of vocal improvisation. A few days ago he reached the semi-finals of the 5th season of the main vocal competition countries "Voice". Videos of his performances receive many more views than his competitors, he is adored by the public and respected by the jury. So who is this charming, loud-voiced guy? Let's find out together.

Alexander Panayotov on the show “The Voice” on Channel One

Childhood and youth

The future golden voice was born on July 1, 1984 in the city of Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Alexander liked to sing since childhood, and his desire was noticed by his parents - at the age of 10, Sasha begins to attend music school No. 2 in the city of Zaporozhye in piano class with a jazz bias. His first vocal teacher was the honored cultural worker, teacher of the youth vocal studio of popular music “Yunost”, Vladimir Artemyev. At the introductory audition, Sasha performed the then very popular, soulful composition of Mariah Carey “Without you” and amazed everyone present with the power of his voice and talent.

First public speaking Panayotov took place on June 1, 1997 in the central city square of Zaporozhye, at a large concert, dedicated to the Day child protection. Despite the excitement, Alexander performed brilliantly, surprising the audience with his strong and in a bright voice. Even then, a great future was predicted for the sweet-voiced guy.

Despite the obvious prerogative direction in his life, in childhood and youth Alexander was torn between studies, musical career(like most young musicians, he dreamed of creating his own group more than he generally thought about the possibility solo career) and forced earnings. Together with his friends, he collected scrap metal and, surprisingly, spent the money very wisely - he purchased simple recording equipment to write his own music and songs.

First steps in a musical career

Alexander’s teachers, and the Young Man himself, understood perfectly well that such talent could not be constrained by the confines of one city, region or country. After a couple of years of active performances at local venues, where Panayotov performed not only covers, but also songs own composition(“Summer Rain” and “Ringed Bird”), the future artist has a desire to try his hand at various music competitions. His first appearance at events of this nature was Zaporozhye “ morning Star", and then the Zorepad festival in Gulyai-Polye, where Alexander was awarded the Grand Prix and received his first prize.

From that moment on, Panayotov “went beyond the limits” musical life Zaporozhye region, demonstrating their talent first on the scale of Ukraine, then in the neighboring countries. In 2000 he received the bronze prize of the famous “Slavic Bazaar” in Kyiv. Also the first prize of the Azov Sails, as well as the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival. The jury of the latter included the honored sound engineer Oleg Stupka, who later took Alexander under his wing.

After graduating from secondary and music schools (with honors) Panayotov entered the Kiev state college pop and circus arts per department pop vocals, but did not finish it because he actively participated in various music competitions, was passionate about it and did not attend college much. Realizing that the time has come for decisive action, Alexander decides to take perhaps the most important step in his life - he decided to take a risk and try to conquer Moscow. City great opportunities, where, under favorable circumstances, one can reveal to the maximum that attracted the young artist.

The show for which he was selected was called “Become a Star,” which, along with “Star Factory,” became the pioneer of entertaining reality shows in the musical format. Despite the fact that Alexander made it to the top ten finalists, he failed to win the competition and become part of the “Other Rules” team. Perhaps this is for the better, since the “Group” itself after its release debut album disappeared into the domestic media space.

group "Other rules"

"People's Artist" - new perspectives

After the end of the competition, Panayotov was forced to return to Kyiv, where he continued his studies at the Kiev National University Culture and Arts. He also created the Alliance group, which quickly became a favorite of the Kyiv nightclub audience. But Alexander did not abandon the idea of ​​​​conquering the musical Olympus, and a year later he again took a risky step - he set off to conquer the public and the jury of a new music competition"People's Artist", aired on the Russia channel. It should be noted that the young man was very critical of what his first attempt to conquer Moscow was like. He absolutely did not like the way he looked on the screen and he decided not only to hone his vocal skills, but also to work on appearance. He managed to lose more than 20 kilograms in 4 months, and this despite the fact that he grew up next to an excellent cook - his mother.

At the People's Artist show, Alexander looked completely different

Despite the fact that Alexander was seen as the undisputed favorite of the show, he took second place, and Alexey Goman was on the top step of the podium. But the lack of a high-profile victory on his record did not prevent Panayotov from impressing the show’s producers, Kim Breitburg and Evgeny Fridland. After the show, a seven-year contract was signed with their production center “FBI-Music”, and their further collaboration resulted in two full-length albums: “Lady of the Rain” (2006) and “Formula of Love” (2010). The show itself brought the singer not only respect from the public and popularity, but also the opportunity to sing with pop stars. One of best rooms was Alexander’s performance with the magnificent Larisa Dolina with the composition “Moon Melody”, which, by the way, they still perform with pleasure at various concerts and events.

Life after "People's Artist"

Despite having a magnificent voice and talent, after the “People’s Artist” show, Alexander Panayotov could not become a first-tier star. He successfully toured with the project participants, and after the tour he was able to focus on solo work and writing material for the release of his own album. In addition to his own songs, the album includes duets with Larisa Dolina and colleagues in the People’s Artist project Alexei Chumakov (season 1) and Ruslan Alekhno (season 2).

In parallel with work on the album, Alexander begins attempts to conquer a new height for himself - to become a representative of the country on international competition"Eurovision". But evil rock“second place” haunts the singer here too. In 2005, he lost first place to Natalya Podolskaya (took 15th place at Eurovision), in 2008 he became second after Dima Bilan (took 2nd place at Eurovision), and in 2009 he tried to become a representative of Ukraine, but took second there too place. All this time, Alexander did not stand still, but was in search - creatively, musically, in search of himself. He experimented with his repertoire and appearance, gaining an army of devoted, but still few, fans.

Alexander Panayotov now

After the expiration of the contract with FBI-Music in March 2011, Alexander decided that he was ready to try to become an independent artist. He set off on a free voyage through the country's media space. Firstly, he continued to tour extensively throughout the CIS countries, performing mainly his songs from the albums “Lady of the Rain” and “Formula of Love”, and, at the same time, he was collecting material for a new, third album. The result of creative quests was the release of the album “Alpha and Omega” in 2013.

Album cover “Alpha and Omega”

Despite the fact that the album consists of only 10 tracks, fans of Panayotov’s work were endlessly happy with the new material. They noted that Alexander had grown a lot in musically, providing the public with more mature, interesting and quality products. After the release of his new album, the singer hatched a plan for a grand show in which he could demonstrate not only his increased vocal skills, but also his talents as a director and stage director. July 5, 2014 in a chic concert hall“Mir” Alexander presented the show “All in”, dedicated to his 30th anniversary.

In addition to the fact that he himself acted as the producer and director of the show, he is also the author of most of the compositions performed in the show. The singer’s guests were his colleague from “People’s Artist” Alexey Chumakov, Larisa Dolina, Vladimir Presnyakov, Yulia Nachalova, Margarita Pozoyan, Georgy Melikishvili. The show was warmly received by the public, and tickets for it were sold out long before the performance date.

At the same time, Alexander presented an experimental musical product - a joint track with the famous video blogger Sasha Spielberg “I Promise”. A few months later, a video clip for this composition was presented. At the same time, the tracks “Sami” and “Telephone” were released.

2016 and the show “The Voice”

2016 was a turning point in Alexander’s career. At the beginning of the year, he presents his new track “Invincible” as well as a video for it. A participant in the “Voice” project, the beautiful Alexandra Belyakova, starred in the video with Panayotov. The video and song were warmly received by fans. Despite the fact that many have noticed a slight similarity musical composition with Adelle’s song “Hello”, the atmosphere, quality of performance and Alexander’s enchanting voice were called by many commentators the best of his career.

But the real bomb was Alexander’s appearance at the blind auditions for the fifth season of the show “The Voice,” where all the mentors immediately recognized him and turned to him. This made Panayotov very worried and did Difficult choice. After Alexander appeared on the show, the audience was immediately divided into two camps. Some argue that artists like him have no right to come to the project and, perhaps, deprive one of the unknown newcomers of a star chance. Others fully supported Alexander, rightly noting that for some reason talents of this level are not represented on our stage. And a show of this level could be the impetus for Alexander’s career to take off. new round. Let's watch together Panayotov's first performance within the project, which, by the way, became the most watched of all the blind auditions:

All four mentors expressed support for the singer, however, Alexander chose to join Leps’ team. Many see a financial interest in this. Well, this cannot be ruled out, the singer has been on the fringes for too long Russian show-business. Perhaps collaboration with is a real chance to make a real star out of a mega-talented performer. On this moment Alexander successfully made it to the semi-finals of the competition, supported by his mentor and a growing army of fans. At the performances in the quarterfinals, the lyrical composition by Grigory Leps “Why do you need me” was performed. Alexander was able to once again surprise both the audience and his mentors by singing the song purely and without using his usual melismas. At the same time, his timbre went to the very top and to the lower register, which was unusual and difficult for a tenor.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Alexander does not like to talk about his personal life. In his interviews, he willingly shares stories about first love, first kiss, and youthful crushes. But at the same time he gently avoids answering questions about whether his heart is occupied now. In none of the social networks you will not find a photograph that could shed light on the state of affairs on love front singer He is not married and has no children, and most of the photos on Instagram where he can be seen with girls are captioned in the spirit of “this is a colleague/friend.” It is known that he communicates closely with his manager Ekaterina Koreneva, with whom he flies on joint vacations and spends a lot of time together.

Alexander Panayotov 2017

As soon as the hype surrounding the finale of the show “The Voice” on Channel One subsided, Alexander’s mentor Grigory Leps began immediately implementing his promise “Come to me, you won’t regret it!” Immediately after “The Voice,” one could see Panayotov in the ageless “Guess the Melody.” Together with other participants of “The Voice”, Alexander first appeared on Channel One. In addition to participating in the game itself, he performed a duet with Tatyana Shamanina new song. By the way, Alexander wrote the text himself.

Panayotov and Shamanina on the air of the show “Guess the Melody”
Alexander in the show “Guess the Melody” on Channel One

After the New Year, the phenomenal Rosa Khutor music festival, held annually by the production center of Grigory Leps, started for the third time. It lasted several days and included solo concerts and, creative evening Meladze brothers and big gala concert. Many Russian pop stars and wards of the Leps production center took part in the large-scale gala concert. Among the guests were: Nyusha, Laima Vaikule, Timati, Polina Gagarina, Yegor Creed, Emin, singer Slava and many others. Naturally, Alexander also performed, presenting his hit “Invincible” to the general public for the first time. He also performed several other songs and sang a duet with Grigory Leps. At the concert of the Meladze brothers, he performed “Don’t disturb my soul, violin.”

Alexander has a video ahead of him for the song “Why do you need me?”, a gift from Leps. And also big solo concert in Crocus City, the best venue in the country. company to the young singer his mentor Grigory Leps will again form the team. At the beginning of 2017, after the conclusion of the contract, Alexander became his mentor. We look forward to new miracles from the talented performer!

Official page Alexandra Panayotova in contact

Alexander Panayotov became one of the winners of last year’s “The Voice”; the singer is convinced that it is impossible to get on “The Voice” for money.

Panayotov likes the “Voice” format. " Now there are blind auditions - very interesting point. I've already watched some of the new season. But I can’t say anything definite yet - they are only accelerating. Of course, with my current schedule I won’t be able to see the entire season of “The Voice”: I’ll watch it on the Internet. After the project, my life changed: the schedule was planned several months in advance. Concerts, performances, filming", says Alexander.

Recently, the singer took part in Philip Kirkorov’s evening, where the stars sang his songs. Especially for this occasion, he sewed a completely unique outfit - a suit made of white leather, a tailcoat-cloak, which depicts the sign of the right hand of the king from “Game of Thrones”. " I thought: we’re taking part in a concert by the King of Pop, so this would be very opportune.", admitted Panayotov.

“The Voice” gave Alexander a big boost, although many viewers believe that famous artists have nothing to do in this project. Panayotov believes that it’s not about the name, but about talent and vocals. " Everyone has a second chance, there's nothing wrong with that. In addition, on the show “The Voice” throughout its existence there were a lot famous artists. But everyone has their own destiny. “The Voice” did not help anyone, and he disappeared again. And someone, on the contrary, is resurrected. Everything is very individual here", explains the musician.

The golden cast of mentors has been returned to the project. " For some it is a plus, for others it is a minus. Some, as far as I know, dreamed of getting into the team of Grigory Leps, while others, on the contrary, wanted Gradsky to return. Because when Leps was a mentor, all those with strong, classic vocals passed by. Now the forces are equal: Gradsky, as you know, prefers different music. Therefore, for academicians, the arrival of Gradsky will clearly be beneficial", Panayotov comments on the situation.

There are active rumors on the Internet that you can only get on “The Voice” for a lot of money. " Of course, there is no such thing there, it is impossible. Such rumors are apparently generated by people who are not invited to participate in the project. Don't pay attention to it", the singer believes.

To perform well in “The Voice,” Alexander Panayotov advises “pull yourself together and move forward.” " Everyone has anxiety on “The Voice,” including me. Although I understood: why should I worry? But there were fears that during the blind auditions someone would not turn around, someone would say something wrong. This would probably be a very painful blow to my self-esteem. But, fortunately, everything turned out magically - I received only positive emotions from each of my appearances, which is what I wish for everyone“, expressed his parting words to the new participants of “The Voice” Panayotov.

Ukrainians are preparing to watch the seventh season of the popular vocal project, and in Russia very soon they will hear the name of the winner of the fifth season of the project. It is known that Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov made it to the finals of the Russian Voice-5.

32-year-old Alexander Panayotov was born in Zaporozhye and has been trying to get promoted in the Russian stage. Participant of the popular project "People's Artist", colleague in a duet with, Alexander Panayotov lives and works in Russia. According to rumors, it is he who can represent the Russian Federation at, but for now he will have to compete for victory in the final of the Russian talent show Voice-5. Together with him, Kairat Primberdiev, Sardor Milano and Daria Antonyuk will fight for victory.

Alexander Panayotov is a ward and, apparently, dreams of getting into his production center, since he is doing brilliantly with vocals and new wave popularity after the project is guaranteed. In the semi-finals of the project, Panayotov performed the song “Don’t disturb my soul, violin,” which captivated the star mentor. It was him who Leps sent to the finals.

While many are wondering whether Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov will represent Russia, we offer you to watch a video of Alexander Panayotov’s performance with the song “Don’t disturb my soul, violin.”

Watch online video Ukrainian Alexander Panayotov made it to the finals of the Russian show "The Voice-5"

Speech by Panayots 315 615 2016-12-26T12:44:25+02:00 T0H6M0S

And we also remind you that last weekend... It was Sevak Khanagyan.

Alexander Panayotov decided to tell his subscribers on the microblog how he felt after the announcement of the results of the audience voting music project"Voice". He said that some time ago he could not imagine that he would end up on the show and reach the very end. For the performer, participation even in the qualifying stage of the program was very exciting. He was well aware that he was taking a serious step that would change his future fate.

The artist noted that he is most grateful to “The Voice” for giving him the opportunity to meet his viewers, listeners, fans, to understand whether there are those among them who are truly happy about his success. Panayotov does not condemn the choice of the audience, since they had to vote for popular and established performers.

“It was very exciting and musical in any case. It was hard for me to decide to take this step and go to “The Voice”. But I don’t regret a second. After all, this is, first of all, a meeting with you, my viewers and listeners. As it turns out, there are no winners in this competition. There are simply phenomena, as a fact. Thank you all very much for your support, love, attention and respect for music!” – the artist expressed his opinion on Instagram.

Many of the singer’s subscribers were interested in why he did not perform in the finals of the program with a song that he performed on another television project a little over 13 years ago. The composition “Invincible”, first performed on the air of “People’s Artist”, remained for a long time business card Alexandra.

Panayotov did not hide from commentators that just before the recording of the final issue of “The Voice” it became known about sudden death performer of the New Year's hit "Last Christmas" George Michael. In this regard, it was decided that Alexander would perform the song of the musical legend live on the show. Obviously it didn't disappoint at all. young man, but on the contrary, it inspired me.

“I wasn’t able to perform my song “Invincible.” Was it really necessary? If you had told me that someday I would perform a song by the great George Michael, on December 30, in prime time on First in connection with his sudden departure, I would not have believed it. And I would never think twice about it. Since his voice, his music, his soul are forever imprinted as a mirror image in my music, in my soul, in my heart. It was a matter of honor. And period,” the “Voice” finalist shared his opinion.

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