Declare a day off for workers in the organization. Additional day off

The employer decided to give his employees an extra day off. What is the procedure for documenting an additional day off?

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
A one-time provision of an additional day off by the employer to his employees is possible by issuing an order indicating the payment of such a day off.
Rationale for the conclusion:
According to Art. 5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, regulation of labor relations is carried out by regulatory legal acts of state authorities and local governments, as well as collective agreements, agreements and local regulations containing labor law norms.
The adoption of local regulations refers to the basic rights of the employer. The employer is obliged to acquaint employees against signature with the adopted local regulations directly related to their labor activity (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
In our opinion, an additional day off can be provided by issuing an appropriate local regulatory act (see also Rostrud letter of December 19, 2007 N 5202-6-0, hereinafter - Letter N 5202-6-0). If the provision of an additional day off is of a one-time nature, the employer may issue a corresponding order, which is drawn up in any form.
Since the provision of extra day off affects labor activity employees, the employer is obliged to familiarize all employees with such an order against signature.

It should be remembered that the provision of additional days off to employees, in addition to those established by labor legislation and internal labor regulations, reduces the standard of working time, which may entail a decrease in wages. Therefore, when announcing an additional day off, the employer must pay for these days off. In the opinion of Rostrud (Letter N 5202-6-0), payment for an additional day off set by the employer should be made based on average earnings. The condition for the payment of such days off must be included in the order for granting an additional day off.
The need to pay for additional days off is also confirmed by judicial practice. For example, the panel of judges for civil affairs The Perm Regional Court in its review of the cassation and supervisory practice in civil cases for 2002 (the text of the review has not been officially published) indicates the following. By order to declare the working day non-working, the employer deprives employees of the opportunity to work on those days that were neither weekends nor public holidays in accordance with Art. 111 and 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Since workers do not actually work on such a day, although they can and should work, they should be paid wages.

Leaders of organizations should notify about the reduction in the length of the working day, not only their employees, but also clients. This can be done in the form of an ad. The announcement of the shortened pre-holiday work day must be communicated to customers. You can learn how to do this and how to compose it correctly from the next article.

Naturally, the legislation did not establish a unified form for this announcement. In this regard, organizations can write announcements about holidays in free form.

Basically, all organizations draw up a pre-holiday announcement according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to politely address clients. Basically, the address "dear customers" is used.
  2. Then you can congratulate your clients on the upcoming holiday.
  3. After that, there is a notification that on the day before the holiday the organization will work on a reduced schedule, one hour less. You also need to indicate the hours of operation, for example, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  4. You can also write on which days the organization will not work at all, and when it will start working again according to the standard mode.
  5. After that, they write "with respect, company administration."

Sample of a pre-holiday shortened working day announcement

How customers are notified

Usually such announcements are made in print or written form and then simply pasted on the office door. When people come to the organization, they see this announcement and learn about the pre-holiday shortened working day in the organization.

What days are pre-holiday

Pre-holiday days, in accordance with labor legislation, are those working days that go directly before public holidays in Russia. Such holidays are defined in Labor Code, in the one hundred and twelfth article:

  • from the first to the fifth of January - the celebration of the New Year;
  • January 7th - Christmas;
  • February twenty-third - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • 8th March - International Women's Day;
  • May 1st - Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June twelfth - Independence Day of Russia;
  • 4th November - National Unity Day.

On the working days before these holidays, the length of the working day will be reduced.

Principles of reducing holidays

  1. The pre-holiday work day, which is to be reduced by an hour, must go right before the holiday. For example, if the holiday falls on Monday, then the working day on Friday will not be shortened.
  2. All employees, regardless of their normal hours of work, can exercise the right to reduced working hours, even those who work only one hour a day. That is, on the day before the holiday, they do not need to go to work at all.
  3. If work and non-work days are replaced before the holiday (for example, any day of the work week and Saturday are interchanged), then the work Saturday will be a pre-holiday day only when it immediately goes before the holiday.

days off (time off) upon dismissal

Found in a consultant -

Article 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes ensuring the right of each employee to timely and full payment of fair wages.

According to Art. 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation upon termination employment contract payment of all amounts due to the employee from the employer is made on the day of the employee's dismissal.

If the employee was previously paid for work on weekends in a single amount, then for all unused days of rest, the employer must pay the remaining difference between the amount of payment in the double amount and the amount already paid.

If the employer refuses to pay the employee for work on the day off voluntarily, then the employee has the right to apply for the protection of his rights to the labor inspectorate or in court.

Military Literature

Primary sources

1945 year. June october

No. 301. June 10, 1945 Order on the transformation of tank and mechanized corps, tank, mechanized and motorized rifle brigades and tank regiments. No. 0013

No. 302. June 16, 1945 Order on conducting military tests of prototypes of small arms. No. 0114

No. 303. June 28, 1945 Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On the establishment of the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ... No. 29

No. 304. June 28, 1945 Order announcing the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR On benefits for participants Patriotic War entering higher educational institutions and technical schools. No. 31

No. 305. June 28, 1945 Order announcing the Law on the demobilization of senior personnel of the active army. No. 32

No. 306. June 29, 1945 Order announcing a Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR On improving the living conditions of generals and officers of the Red Army. No. 33

No. 308. June 30, 1945 Order on the training of officers for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army. No. 0014

No. 309. July 2, 1945 Order on the selection of political workers of the Red Army who speak foreign languages ​​to work in the intelligence agencies of the General Staff of the Red Army. No. 0131

No. 310. July 9, 1945 Order on the organization of new military districts and on changing the boundaries of the existing military districts. No. 0139

No. 311. July 9, 1945 Order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on the service movements of Lieutenant Generals SF Galadzhev, MM Pronin and Major General Leonid Brezhnev. No. 0140

No. 312. July 18, 1945 Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On amnesty in connection with the victory over Nazi Germany. No. 41

No. 313. July 20, 1945. Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On vacations for workers and employees. No. 44

No. 314. July 24, 1945. Order announcing a Resolution of the State Defense Committee on the restoration of holidays for servicemen of the Red Army and the Navy. No. 0147

No. 315. August 6, 1945 Order on the organization of a production camp for prisoners of war in Stettin. No. 0015/00937

No. 316. August 24, 1945 Order on the termination of the use of compulsory overtime work at enterprises, research institutes and construction organizations of the NKO of the USSR. No. 52

No. 317. August 27, 1945 Order on the introduction of regular orderlies for generals and officers of the Red Army. No. 0154

No. 318. September 8, 1945 Order on the head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army. No. 55

No. 319. September 13, 1945 Order announcing a Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR On the procedure for moving family members of generals, admirals and officers to their place of service. No. 0158

No. 320. September 18, 1945 Order on measures to develop the construction of access roads to the mines of Donbass. No. 0160 / s-879ts

No. 321. September 28, 1945 Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On recognizing as invalid the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring martial law in a number of regions of the USSR. No. 63

No. 322. September 28, 1945 Order on the organization of reception and evacuation of prisoners of war of the Japanese army in the USSR. No. 0016/001114

No. 323. October 12, 1945 Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On the establishment of the medal for the victory over Japan. No. 68

No. 301. Order on the transformation of tank and mechanized corps, tank, mechanized and motorized rifle brigades and tank regiments

1. In order to establish uniformity in the organization of formations of combat arms, including tank forces, transform:

a) tank and mechanized corps, respectively, in tank and mechanized divisions;

b) tank, mechanized and motorized rifle brigades, respectively, in tank, mechanized and motorized rifle regiments;

c) tank regiments, respectively, in tank battalions (twenty-one tanks each).

Tank battalions of mechanized regiments of mechanized divisions and tank battalions included in rifle corps should each have 35 tanks and call them separate tank battalions.

2. Approve:

a) the organization of a tank division:

three T-34 tank regiments, 65 tanks each; one heavy Guards

tank regiment IS (65 tanks); motorized rifle regiment;

guards mortar division (8 M-13 installations);

b) the organization of a mechanized division:

three mechanized regiments;

one tank regiment of 65 T-34 tanks;

one guards heavy tank regiment IS (65 tanks);

howitzer artillery regiment (24 122-mm howitzers);

mortar regiment (36 120-mm mortars);

anti-aircraft artillery regiment (16 37-mm cannons and 16 DShK);

guards mortar division (8 gun mounts M-13);

parts of management and combat support.

The total strength of the mechanized division for war time 14,000 people.

3. For the converted tank and mechanized formations and units, retain the numbers, names, orders and banners assigned to them.

5. The chief of the General Staff, together with the commander of the BT and MV of the Red Army, develop the staffing of armored and mechanized divisions and teach them to the troops no later than June 20.

People's Commissar for Defense Marshal Soviet Union I. Stalin

F. 4, op. 11, d. 83, l. 46-48. Script.

No. 302. Order on conducting military tests of prototypes of small arms

1. The chief inspector of infantry in the period of July August of this year to conduct military tests of the following prototypes of small arms:

a) 7.62-mm RPD light machine gun designed by Degtyarev for 7.62-mm intermediate cartridge mod. 1943;

b) 7.62 mm AS-44 assault rifle designed by Sudaev for a 7.62 mm intermediate cartridge mod. 1943;

c) 7.62-mm belt-fed DPM light machine gun for a standard rifle cartridge;

d) 7.62 mm shortened rifle arr 1891/30 with integral bayonet.

The purpose of the tests is:

a) identification of the combat, service and tactical and technical properties of the above samples and verification of their compliance with the requirements of the troops arising from the experience of the Patriotic War;

b) drawing up a reasoned conclusion on the need to adopt them into service with the army and determining the place of the tested samples in the system of small arms.

2. Tests should be carried out in the following military districts and fronts: Moscow, Central Asian, Transcaucasian and at advanced training courses for officers Shot.

3. The chief inspector of the infantry should give instructions to the military councils of the districts and fronts where the tests are being carried out, and the chief of the KUOS Shot on the appointment of commissions for testing prototypes of weapons.

The commissions include representatives from the inspection of the infantry, the Main Artillery Directorate and the commander of the Red Army cavalry.

When conducting tests, the commissions should be guided by the instructions of the chief inspector of the Red Army infantry.

4. The head of GAU to ensure the dispatch of material and ammunition to the districts no later than June 20, 1945.

5. Acts of the commissions, approved by the commanders of the districts (fronts) and the head of the Shot, should be submitted to the chief inspector of infantry and the head of GAU by September 1, 1945.

6. The chief inspector of infantry and the chief of GAU should report the results of military tests with their conclusions to me.

F. 4, op. 11, d.79, l. 80. Original.

No. 303. Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On the establishment of the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

I declare the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 6, 1945 On the establishment of the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of a medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

1. To commemorate the victory over Germany, establish a medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ...

2. To award a medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. :

a) workers, engineering and technical personnel and employees of industry and transport;

b) collective farmers and agricultural specialists;

c) workers in science, technology, art and literature;

d) workers of the Soviet, party, trade union and other public organizations, who ensured the victory of the Soviet Union over Germany in the Great Patriotic War with their valiant and selfless labor.

3. To approve the Regulation on the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ...

4. To approve the description of the medal For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ...

Regulations on the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

1. Presentation for awarding a medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. is carried out by the executive committees of city and district councils of workers' deputies on the basis of documents issued by the heads of enterprises, institutions, party, Soviet, trade union and other public organizations.

2. Lists of those presented for rewarding with a medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. considered and approved:

in relation to the working people of industrial enterprises, transport, state farms by the corresponding people's commissars of the union and republican people's commissariats;

in relation to the workers of collective farms, cooperatives and workers of party, Soviet, trade union and other public organizations by the chairmen of the presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the union (not having regional division) and autonomous republics, the chairmen of the executive committees of the regional and regional councils of workers' deputies;

in relation to workers in science, technology, art and literature, the chairmen of the relevant committees under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the heads of directorates under the Council of People's Commissars of the union and autonomous republics and the chairman of the Presidium of the Union of Soviet Writers.

3. Presentation of the medal for valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. made on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by the executive committees of regional, district and city councils of workers' deputies at the place of residence of the awarded.

4. Medal for Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. worn on the left side of the chest and, if there are orders and other medals, is located after the medal for the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

F. 4, op. 12, d.111, l. 98-101. Script.

No. 304. Order announcing the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR On benefits for participants in the Patriotic War entering higher educational institutions and technical schools

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

I announce the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 13, 1945 No. 1406 On benefits for participants in the Patriotic War entering higher educational institutions and technical schools.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1406

On benefits for participants in the Patriotic War, entering higher educational institutions and technical schools

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decides:

1. To establish that participants in the Patriotic War are admitted without entrance exams: to universities, if they graduated from high school (10 grades) with an excellent student's certificate, and to technical schools, if they graduated from 7 grades high school with excellent grades in all subjects, regardless of the year of graduation.

2. Allow the Affairs Committee high school under the USSR Council of People's Commissars to enroll in higher educational institutions and technical schools participants of the Patriotic War, who successfully passed the entrance exams, out of competition for the examiners.

3. To exempt participants in the Patriotic War from tuition fees for preparatory departments and courses.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov

Y. Chadayev, Administrator of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

F. 4, op. 12, d.111, l. 112-113. Script.

No. 305. Order announcing the Law on the demobilization of older ages of the personnel of the active army

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

I declare the Law on the demobilization of senior personnel of the active army, approved by the XII session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 23, 1945.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

In connection with the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany, the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics considers it necessary to demobilize the older ages of the personnel of the active army.

In accordance with this, the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics decides:

1. To approve the proposal of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the demobilization of the first stage of thirteen senior personnel of the active army.

2. The demobilization of the thirteen senior ages of the personnel of the active army specified in clause I of this Law shall be completed in the second half of 1945.

3. Transportation of the demobilized is carried out at the expense of the state to their place of residence.

4. Provide the demobilized with food on the way at the expense of the state.

5. Provide the demobilized with a full set of uniforms and shoes.

6. To issue to the demobilized a lump sum reward for each year of service in the army during the Great Patriotic War in the following amounts:

a) rank-and-file personnel of all branches of the armed forces and services, receiving salaries at the combined-arms tariff, an annual salary for each year of service;

b) the rank and file of special units and subdivisions, receiving an increased salary, a six-month salary for each year of service;

v) non-commissioned officers for all branches of the armed forces a semi-annual salary at official rates within the range of up to 900 rubles and not less than 300 rubles for each year of service;

d) officers who served during the Great Patriotic War:

one year two months salary,

two years three months salary,

three years four months salary,

four years five-month salary.

7. To oblige the Soviets of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the executive committees of the territorial and regional Soviets of Working People's Deputies, the heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations in urban areas to provide work for the demobilized no later than one month from the day they arrive at their place of residence, taking into account the experience they have acquired and specialties in the Red Army, but not lower than the work they performed before they left for the army, and also provide the demobilized with living space and fuel.

8. To oblige the executive committees of the district and village Soviets of Working People's Deputies and the administration of collective farms to provide all possible assistance to the peasants who have been demobilized from the army returning to the countryside in the matter of finding jobs and setting up an economy.

9. To oblige the Soviets of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the executive committees of the territorial and regional Soviets of Working People's Deputies in the regions affected by the German occupation, to take away, free of charge, demobilized from the Red Army in need of construction or repair of dwellings, the logging fund for harvesting construction timber.

10. To oblige the All-Union Bank for Financing Public Utilities and Housing Construction (Tsekombank) in areas affected by the German occupation to issue loans to demobilized people in need for the construction and restoration of residential buildings in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand rubles with a loan maturity of 5 to 10 years.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. Kalinin

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Gorkin

F. 4, op. 12, d.111, l. 114-117. Script.

No. 306. Order announcing the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR On improving the living conditions of generals and officers of the Red Army

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

I announce to the leadership the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 21, 1945 No. 1466 On improving the living conditions of the generals and officers of the Red Army.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1466

Improving the living conditions of the generals and officers of the Red Army

In order to improve the living conditions of generals and senior officers who have served in the ranks of the Red Army for 25 years or more, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decides:

1. To oblige Tsekombank to issue generals and officers who have served at least 25 years in the Red Army, as well as generals and officers who have served at least 25 years, but enrolled in the reserve and dismissed for health or age reasons, long-term loans for individual housing or dacha construction with their repayment within 10 years.

Set the size of long-term loans:

a) for generals - 35,000 rubles;

b) for senior officers - 20,000 rubles.

2. To oblige the regional and territorial executive committees, the Council of People's Commissars of the union and autonomous republics and the Glavlesokhrakh under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to allocate for unlimited and free use to the generals and officers of the Red Army named in paragraph 1 of this Resolution, land plots in cities, workers' settlements and summer cottages for individual housing or dacha construction and vegetable gardens in sizes:

a) generals 0.75-1.25 hectares;

b) senior officers 0.5-0.75 hectares.

3. To allot felling areas for generals and officers of the Red Army free of charge for logging in forests of state and local importance near the allotted land plots and in places convenient for transportation.

4. Permit the NCOs of the USSR to allocate from the resources of NCOs to the generals and officers of the Red Army the necessary funded and planned building materials for individual housing or summer cottages on terms of payment at state prices.

5. Permit the NCOs of the USSR to provide assistance to the generals and officers of the Red Army in the construction of individual houses or summer cottages by the efforts of NCO construction organizations in the points where they exist, on the terms of payment at state rates.

6. To charge the military councils of the districts on the territory of which individual construction will be carried out for generals and officers of the Red Army, to receive and consider applications from developers and submit them to the USSR NCO for approval and drawing up an annual construction plan.

7. To exempt the generals and officers of the Red Army who built residential buildings in the manner prescribed by this Resolution from the tax on buildings, as well as from the land rent.

8. Establish that after the repayment of loans for individual construction, the erected buildings come into the full ownership of the developer.

9. To oblige the NKPS, upon presentation of the building acts, to carry out the transportation without hindrance. railways building materials and building parts for individual housing or dacha construction for generals and officers of the Red Army.

10. Permit the NCO of the USSR to use the auto transport of construction organizations and parts of NCOs for the indicated individual construction.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR I. Stalin

Y. Chadayev, Administrator of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

F. 4, op. 12, d.111, l. 118-120. Script

No. 307. Order on the introduction of a unified schedule of working hours in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Defense

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

In order to introduce a unified working time schedule in the staff of the People's Commissariat of Defense, I order:

1.From 1 July p. d. in the General Staff, main and central directorates and independent departments of non-profit organizations, the working day for the entire staff should be set from 10 to 21 hours, and for heads of departments from 13 to 2 hours, with a lunch break from 17 to 19 hours, alternately with deputies.

All personnel shall be provided with one day of rest per week.

The heads of departments, in accordance with this, give instructions on the schedule of working hours to the subordinate staff.

2. Heads of departments from 21:00 to 10:00 the next day to set aside in each department of the Department the responsible officers on duty, and also, if necessary, leave after 21:00 and other persons to ensure the work performed by the Department.

Establish round-the-clock duty for the departments, having developed appropriate instructions for the attendants.

In addition, the General Staff should have a general on duty for the General Staff.

3. Set Sunday as the general weekly rest day. The heads of directorates and departments shall be given the right to replace, according to the terms of work, certain generals and officers on Sunday with another day of rest.

4. The chief of the General Staff, the chiefs of the main and central directorates and independent departments shall, in accordance with this order, determine the working hours and days of rest of the civilian staff of the directorates.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

F. 4, op. 12, d.111, l. 121-122. Script.

No. 308. Order on the training of officers for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army

In order to increase the number of qualified military-strategic intelligence officers, I order:

1. To increase the number of students of the 1st faculty of the Higher Academic Courses of the Red Army, existing at the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army, to 200 people.

2. The term of study at the 1st faculty should be set from 1 to 2 years.

3. Recruitment of the 1st faculty of the Higher Academic Courses shall be carried out by officers with completed higher military or higher military special education, for which, annually, since 1945, the following number of officers graduated from the military academies of the Red Army should be allocated:

Military Academy of the Red Army. M.V. Frunze 40 people.

Artillery Military Academy of the Red Army. Dzerzhinsky 20 people.

Air Force Academy of the Red Army. Zhukovsky 10 people.

Military Academy of the command and navigational staff of the Air Force of the Red Army 10 people.

Military Electrotechnical Academy of Communications of the Red Army. S.M.Budyonny 5 people

Stalin Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces of the Red Army 15 people.

Military Law Academy of the Red Army 10 people.

Military Engineering Academy of the Red Army. Kuibyshev 10 people.

Leningrad Military Medical Academy of the Red Army named after V.I. S. M. Kirov 5 people

Military Transport Academy of the Red Army. L. M. Kaganovich 5 people

4. To grant the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army the right to select the best candidates from among the officers graduated by the above-mentioned academies.

6. The central supplying organs of the Red Army to accept the Higher Academic Courses of the Red Army for all types of allowance and to supply them on a par with the Higher Military Academy named after Voroshilov.

7. The head of the rear of the Red Army to provide the Higher Academic Courses and its training units with the necessary inventory and equipment.

8. In the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​to form a special faculty for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army in the amount of 450 people. 150 people on every course.

The faculty is recruited by students of the main faculties of the institute after they have completed their first year. To grant the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army the right to select the best candidates for the faculties.

General of the Army N. Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

F. 4, op. 11, d. 83, l. 49-51. Script.

No. 309. Order on the selection of political workers of the Red Army who speak foreign languages ​​to work in the intelligence agencies of the General Staff of the Red Army

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

1. To allow the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army to select the following number of political workers of the Red Army who speak foreign languages ​​to work in intelligence agencies:

English speaking 30 people

French 15

German 10

Polish 5

Persian (Farsi) lang. ten

Turkish 5

Spanish 5

Finnish 5

Swedish 2

Norwegian 1

Italian 2

Japanese 15

Chinese 15

2. To the head of the personnel department of GlavPURKKA, Lieutenant-General Comrade Pupyshev to provide all possible assistance in the selection of the specified number of political workers from among the most capable and prepared for work in intelligence agencies.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

F. 4, op. 11, d. 80, l. 153-154. Script.

No. 310. Order on the organization of new military districts and on changing the boundaries of existing military districts

I order:

1. Convert:

1. Leningrad Front in the Leningrad Military District, consisting of: mountains. Leningrad, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov regions and the Estonian SSR.

The field administration of the Leningrad Front should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the Leningrad Military District Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorova

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General VN Bogatkin, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the 2nd Baltic Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General A.V. Gvozdkov, relieving him of the post of chief of the operational directorate of the headquarters of the Leningrad Front.

Office of the district of mountains. Leningrad.

2. The Belarusian-Lithuanian military district into two military districts:

a) Minsk Military District. as part of: Minsk, Polotsk, Molodechno, Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.

To turn the field administration of the 3rd Army and the administration of the Belarusian-Lithuanian military district to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Minsk Military District, Lieutenant-General VN Razuvaev, relieving him of the post of commander of the 1st Shock Army.

Major General Pigurnov A.P., a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of the post of head of the political department of the 2nd Baltic Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General A. Kondratyev, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 1st shock army.

Office of the district of mountains. Minsk.

b) Baranovichi military district. consisting of: Baranovichi, Brest, Grodno, Pinsk, Bobruisk, Polesie and Gomel regions.

The field administration of the 3rd Belorussian Front should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the Baranovichi Military District Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General V.E. Makarov relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Colonel-General Pokrovsky A.P., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

Office of the district of mountains. Bobruisk.

3. The Moscow Military District is divided into three military districts:

a) Moscow military district. composed of: Moscow, Moscow, Kalinin, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Tula and Ryazan regions.

The field administration of the 2nd Guards Army and the administration of the Moscow Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Colonel-General P.A.Artemiev, commander of the Moscow Military District in the new borders

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General D.A. Gapanovich

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Kharitonov A.A.

Office of the district of mountains. Moscow.

b) Smolensk Military District. consisting of: Smolensk, Velikie Luki, Kaluga and Bryansk regions.

The field administration of the 33rd Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Major General R. Babiychuk, a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 33rd army.

Chief of Staff of the District, Lieutenant General Ozerov

F. P. relieved him of the post of commander of the 50th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Smolensk.

c) Gorky military district. composed of: Gorky, Kostroma and Ivanovo regions and the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The field administration of the 49th Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Gorky military district, Lieutenant-General Smirnov I.K., relieving him of the post of commander of the troops of the Lvov military district.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General VA Sychev relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 49th army.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General SI Kinosyan, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 49th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Bitter.

4. North Caucasian Military District into three military districts:

a) Don military district. composed of: Rostov, Stalingrad and Astrakhan regions.

To turn the field administration of the 61st Army and the administration of the North Caucasian Military District to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the Don Military District, Colonel-General PA Belov, relieving him of the post of commander of the 61st Army.

A. I. Zaporozhets, a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the North Caucasian military district.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General II Boykov, relieving him of the post of chief of the operational directorate of the headquarters of the 1st Belorussian Front.

Office of the district of mountains. Rostov-on-Don.

b) Stavropol Military District. as part of: Stavropol Territory, Grozny Region, Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The field administration of the 59th Army and the field administration of the 1st Guards Cavalry Mechanized Group should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander-in-Chief of the Stavropol Military District, Lieutenant-General I. T. Korovnikov, relieving him of the post of commander of the 59th Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General Lebedev P. S. relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 59th Army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General N. Kovalchuk, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 59th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Stavropol.

c) Kuban Military District. composed of: Krasnodar Territory.

The field administration of the 60th Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the Kuban Military District, Colonel-General PA Kurochkin, relieving him of the post of commander of the 60th Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General V. Olenin, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the 60th army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General A.D. Goncharov, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 60th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Krasnodar.

5. Transcaucasian front in two military districts:

a) Tbilisi Military District. composed of: the Georgian SSR and the Armenian SSR.

The field administration of the Transcaucasian Front should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Colonel-General S.G. Trofimenko, Commander of the Tbilisi Military District, relieved him of the post of commander of the 27th Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General PI Efimov, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the Transcaucasian Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General LF Minyuk, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the Transcaucasian Front.

Office of the district of mountains. Tbilisi.

b) Baku military district. composed of: the Azerbaijan SSR and the Dagestan ASSR.

The field administration of the 69th Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Colonel-General V. Ya. Kolpakchi, commander of the Baku Military District, relieving him of the post of commander of the 69th Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General V. Ya. Klokova relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 6th army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Vladimirsky A.V., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 69th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Baku.

6. Central Asian Military District into two military districts:

a) Steppe military district. composed of: Kazakh SSR, without West Kazakhstan, Guryev and Aktobe regions.

To turn the field administration of the 4th Shock Army to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Steppe Military District, Lieutenant General P.S. Kurbatkin, relieving him of the post of Commander of the Kharkov Military District.

Major General T.Ya. Velik was a member of the military council of the district, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the 4th shock army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Kudryashev A.I., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 4th shock army.

Office of the district of mountains. Alma-Ata.

b) Turkestan military district. composed of: the Turkmen SSR, the Uzbek SSR, the Tajik SSR and the Kirghiz SSR.

To turn the field administration of the 1st Shock Army and the administration of the Central Asian Military District to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Turkestan Military District, General of the Army Petrov I.E., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General V.I. Uranov, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the 51st army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General MF Lipatov, relieved him of the post of commander of the troops of the Central Asian Military District.

Office of the district of mountains. Tashkent.

7. Oryol Military District to the Voronezh Military District, consisting of: Voronezh, Oryol, Tambov and Kursk regions.

To turn the field administration of the 6th Army and the administration of the Oryol military district to the formation of the district administration.


Commander-in-Chief of the Voronezh Military District, Lieutenant-General V. Romanovsky, 3. relieving him of the post of commander of the 19th Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General I. Konnov, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the 3rd army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General FD Kulishev, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 6th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Voronezh.

8. Siberian Military District to the West Siberian Military District, consisting of: Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and Altai Territory.

The field administration of the 8th Army and the administration of the Siberian Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the West Siberian Military District Lieutenant General V. Kurdyumov relieved him of the post of Commander of the Siberian Military District.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General A. Kolobyakov, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the Siberian military district.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General A. Zabaluev, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the Siberian military district.

Office of the district of mountains. Novosibirsk.

II. Form:

1. Baltic Military District, composed of: Latvian and Lithuanian SSR.

To turn the field administration of the 1st Baltic Front to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the Baltic Military District, General of the Army I.Kh.Bagramyan, relieving him of the post of deputy commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General MV Rudakov relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 1st Baltic Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General Vashkevich, R.

Office of the district of mountains. Riga

2. Special military district. as part of the northern part of East Prussia. To turn the field administration of the 11th Guards Army to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Special Military District, Colonel-General Galitsky K.N., relieving him of the post of commander of the 11th Guards Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General of Tank Forces P. N. Kulikov relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 11th Guards Army.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General II Semenov, relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 11th Guards Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Koenigsberg.

3. The Carpathian Military District. composed of: Stanislavskaya, Ternopilskaya, Chernivtsi and Vinnitsa regions, Transcarpathian Ukraine and Kamenets-Podolsk region without Berezdovskiy, Polonskiy, Shepetovskiy, Izyaslavskiy and Slavutskiy regions.

To turn the field administration of the 4th Ukrainian Front to the formation of the district administration.


The commander of the troops of the Carpathian military district, General of the Army AI Eremenko, relieving him of the post of commander of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

A member of the military council of the district, Colonel-General L. Mehlis. Z. relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

The chief of staff of the district, Colonel-General Sandalov L.M. 5 relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

Office of the district of mountains. Chernivtsi.

4. Tavrichesky military district. as part of: the Crimean region of the RSFSR, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of the Ukrainian SSR.

To turn the field administration of the Separate Primorsky Army to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Tauride military district Lieutenant-General Melnik KS relieved him of the post of commander of the Separate Primorsky Army.

Major General Katkov A.M., a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 22nd army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General S. Epanechnikov, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the Separate Primorsky Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Simferopol.

5. Kazan military district. as part of: the Tatar ASSR, the Kirov region, the Udmurt ASSR, the Mari ASSR, the Chuvash ASSR.

The field administration of the 48th Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Commander of the troops of the Kazan Military District, Colonel-General NI Gusev, relieving him of the post of commander of the 48th Army.

Major General N. Istomin, a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 48th army.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant General P.I. Lyapin, relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 19th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Kazan,

6. East Siberian Military District. as part of: Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Tuva Autonomous Region.

The field administration of the 50th Army should be turned to the formation of the district administration.


Colonel-General P.L. Romanenko, Commander of the East Siberian Military District

Major General Lobachev A.A.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant General Pulko-Dmitriev A.D., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 61st Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Irkutsk.

III. The existing remaining military districts should be composed as follows:

1. Lviv military district Lvov, Volyn, Rivne, Zhitomir, Drohobych regions and Berezdovsky, Polonsky, Shepetovsky, Izyaslavsky and Slavutsky districts of Kamenets-Podolsk region.

The field administration of the 31st Army and the administration of the Lvov military district should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Commander of the Lvov Military District Colonel-General MM Popov relieved him of the post of Chief of Staff of the Leningrad Front.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General Batrakov P.K.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Gorodetsky N.V.

Office of the district of mountains. Lviv.

2. Kiev military district of Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy, Poltava and Kirovograd regions.

The field administration of the 1st Guards Army and the administration of the Kiev Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Commander of the Kiev Military District, Colonel-General A. Grechko, relieving him of the post of commander of the 1st Guards Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General Kulakov P. Kh.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General F.K.

Office of the district of mountains. Kiev.

3. Odessa military district of Odessa, Nikolaev, Izmail regions and the Moldavian SSR.

The field administration of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and the administration of the Odessa Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Colonel-General V.A.Yushkevich, commander of the Odessa military district in the new borders

A member of the military council of the district, Major General Rumyantsev A.G.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General MV Ivashechkin, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 3rd army.

Office of the district of mountains. Odessa.

4. Volga military district of Kuibyshev, Ulyanovsk, Penza and Saratov regions.

The field administration of the 3rd Guards Army and the administration of the Volga Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Commander of the Volga Military District, Colonel-General VN Gordov, relieving him of the post of commander of the 3rd Guards Army.

A member of the military council of the district, Major General N. Abramov, relieving him of his post as a member of the military council of the Ural military district.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Golovchiner B.M., relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 8th Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Kuibyshev.

5. Ural military district of Sverdlovsk, Molotov, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions.

The field administration of the 51st Army and the administration of the Ural Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Commander of the Ural Military District Colonel-General F.I. Kuznetsov

A member of the military council of the district, Major General Fominykh A. Ya. Relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the Oryol military district.

Chief of Staff of the District, Lieutenant General Dashevsky S. relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 51st Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Sverdlovsk.

6. South Ural Military District of Chkalovskaya Oblast, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, West Kazakhstan, Guryevskaya and Aktobe Oblasts of Kazakh SSR.

The field administration of the 70th Army and the administration of the South Ural Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


General of the Army GF Zakharov, Commander of the South Ural Military District, relieved him of the post of Deputy Commander of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

Major General Karpenkov D.A., a member of the military council of the district, relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 31st army.

The chief of staff of the district, Major General Bogdanovich V.F.

Office of the district of mountains. Chkalov.

7. Kharkov military district of Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalin and Voroshilovgrad regions.

The field administration of the 21st Army and the administration of the Kharkov Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


Commander of the troops of the Kharkov Military District, General of the Army IV Tyulenev, relieving him of the post of commander of the troops of the Transcaucasian Front.

A member of the military council of the district, Lieutenant-General V.P. Mzhevanadze relieved him of his post as a member of the military council of the 21st army.

The chief of staff of the district, Lieutenant-General Bukhovets G.K., relieving him of the post of chief of staff of the 21st Army.

Office of the district of mountains. Kharkov.

8. Leave the White Sea Military District as it is.

The field administration of the 14th Army and the administration of the White Sea Military District should be turned to the formation of the district administration for the new state.


The chief of staff of the district, Major General V.P. Orleansky, relieved him of the post of chief of staff of the 33rd Army.

IV. The transfer of military units, directorates, institutions and institutions, as well as all accounting materials, in accordance with the new borders of military districts, should be carried out by order of the Chief of the General Staff only upon the formation of the administrative apparatus of the newly created military districts, but no later than October 1, 1945.

The states of the military districts should be developed by the chief of the General Staff and taught to the military districts.

People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I. Stalin

F. 4, op. 11, d. 80, l. 163-183. Script.

No. 311. Order of the Headquarters of the Supreme Command on service movements of Lieutenant Generals SF Galadzhev, MM Pronin and Major General Leonid I. Brezhnev

1. To release Lieutenant General Sergei Fyodorovich Galadzhev from the duties of the head of the Political Directorate of the Central Group of Forces, sending him to the disposal of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army for appointment to a new job.

2. To appoint Lieutenant-General Mikhail Mikhailovich Pronin head of the Political Directorate of the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, relieving him of his duties as head of the Political Directorate of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

3. Appoint Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev head of the Political Directorate of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

I. Stalin

F. 4, op. 11, d. 80, l. 184. Original.

No. 312. Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On amnesty in connection with the victory over Nazi Germany

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

I announce to the leadership the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 7, 1945 On amnesty in connection with the victory over Nazi Germany.

General of the Army Bulganin, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on amnesty in connection with the victory over Nazi Germany

In commemoration of the victorious end of the war with Nazi Germany, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

1. To release from punishment:

a) those sentenced to imprisonment for a term of up to three years and to lighter sentences;

b) convicted of unauthorized departure from military industry enterprises and other enterprises, which are subject to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 26, 1941;

c) servicemen convicted with a suspended sentence in the manner of Note 2 to Article 28 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the corresponding articles of the Criminal Codes of other Union republics;

d) persons convicted of military crimes under Articles 193-2, 193-5, 193-6, 193-7, 193-9, 193-10, 193-10a, 193-14, 193-15 and 193-16 of the Criminal of the RSFSR code and the corresponding articles of the Criminal codes of other union republics.

2. Reduce by half the remaining term of punishment for persons sentenced to imprisonment for more than three years, except for those convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes, theft of socialist property (Law of August 7, 1932), banditry, falsification of money, premeditated murder and robbery.

3. To remove a criminal record:

a) from those sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and to milder penalties;

c) from the servicemen specified in paragraph in Article 1 of this Decree.

4. To terminate the proceedings of all investigative cases and cases not considered by the courts, about crimes committed before the publication of this Decree, for which the law establishes a punishment of not more than three years in prison, about unauthorized withdrawal from military industry enterprises and those equated to them, as well as about military crimes specified in paragraph d of Article 1 of this Decree.

In cases of other crimes, the court, if it finds it necessary to choose a punishment of not more than three years in prison, releases the defendant from punishment; if it finds it necessary to choose a punishment in excess of three years in prison, reduces the sentence in accordance with Article 2 of this Decree ...

5. To lift all unrecovered administrative fines and all unenforced administrative penalties provided for in Article 4, paragraph a of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 22, 1941 On martial law, for actions committed before the publication of this Decree.

6. Do not apply amnesty to persons repeatedly convicted of embezzlement, theft, robbery and hooliganism.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. Kalinin

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. Gorkin

F. 4, op. 12, d.112, l. 260-262. Script.

No. 313. Order announcing the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On vacations for workers and employees

Approved by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR

1. I declare for the leadership the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 30, 1945 On vacations for workers and employees.

2. To permit the commanders of military units, heads of institutions, educational institutions and enterprises of the NKO of the USSR to provide civilian workers and employees with the leave prescribed by law.

The vacation schedule should be drawn up in such a way that at the same time no more than 10% of the available staff of workers and employees is on vacation.

3. To postpone the granting of vacations to civilian workers and employees serving in military units, institutions and enterprises of the Red Army located on the territory of the Trans-Baikal and Far Eastern fronts.

4. The head of the Main Directorate of Formation and Manning of the Red Army's troops and the head of the Financial Directorate of the Red Army shall develop a procedure for granting leave to workers and employees serving in the Red Army on the territory of foreign states.

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