White dragonfly of love who wrote. Musician Nikolai Voronov: biography, creativity and personal life

Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song “White Dragonfly of Love,” which blew up all the dance floors more than eight years ago. Once upon a time, the iconic metropolitan club Solyanka was bursting with people who wanted to hear the hit live. Voronov was regularly invited as a guest on various programs, and the media dreamed of getting an interview with him.

Now Nikolai is 26 years old, and only memories remain of his former popularity. After the deafening furor of “White Dragonfly of Love,” the young man never recorded a single composition that would become a hit. Apparently, in an attempt to attract attention, Nikolai decided to actively maintain a channel on YouTube. The videos that Voronov records receive dozens of views - a thousand times less than in 2008.

In addition, the majority of social network users perceive his work negatively and rate his posts with dislikes. The fact is that Voronov presents very strange and ambiguous videos that are very difficult for the average person to understand. Nikolai makes videos while sitting at the computer. At the same time, the young man often exposes his torso, and the annotations to the recordings resemble the works of avant-garde literary figures and are often accompanied by obscene language.

On Voronov's page social network VKontakte is also experiencing increased activity. The young man regularly posts several posts in a row, spacing only a couple of minutes apart. Nikolai’s posts are also similar to the works of experimental poets.

“The roof moves slowly and quietly like a surfing mouse,” writes Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

In another publication, the musician plays on the title of Vadim Zeland’s book. Apparently this work produced extremely strong impression on Nikolai. “Reality Transurfing! Be above the blanket! Be human. (...) Trasurfing is higher. Transsurfing an animal.. Transsurfing an animal - and be above people, (...) please? Thank you?" – with these words Voronov addressed the subscribers (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed. note).

On Voronov’s wall you can also find posts in which he shares his thoughts. “I feel sorry for everyone. I want to love. What I am doing. Which is what they all do. That’s what we all do,” Nikolai wrote in early July. A few hours later, the musician decided to touch on the topic of envy.

"At the level eternal life good feeling. You enjoy genius for 1000 years, but your life lasts 100,000,000 or whatever. He takes you into the world of your inner flowing sausage, but you finally don’t flow. He sees you, he cannot see you, he cannot unsee you, for 1000 years, he will have time for himself, it is eternal. Human. Bicycle. And what is envy? Good feeling. And misunderstood words. Understood, stand up and answer. Slap your ear. Understood, stand up. I don't open up completely. I envy. I see. I'm jealous. I see the words. I'm jealous. I hate Anne. I. I can’t unsee who wants to stop the earth, I’ll get off...” shared Voronov (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s. – Ed.).

The youngest son of a teacher at the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" Nikolai Voronov woke up famous in the wake of the success of the song "White Dragonfly of Love." Nine years ago, this composition blew up all the dance floors of the country, and the cult Solyanka club did not accommodate those who wanted to hear the hit live.


Voronov was invited to appear on a TV show, and the media lined up to interview the young, extravagant musician. But after the legendary song, the author never created new hits. The excitement around him began to subside, and Nikolai himself went into the shadows and began running a YouTube channel.

Now Internet users are seriously puzzled by the mental state of the once famous singer, the adequacy of which is questioned by many. The fact is that Nikolai’s videos contain profanity and seem to demonstrate a challenge to common sense. website We decided to personally find out what was happening to the young performer. In a frank conversation, the musician explained such strange behavior.

“I changed my image because I am not satisfied with the claim to everyone that is made by our so-called stars, who consider themselves superior ordinary people. Stars don't exist. We have only one principle: “Your genius is not as important as how much of a career horse you are.” This really pisses me off. What then can we say about Pushkin and Dostoevsky, who are physically dead? How should we treat them? There was no radical change in image. This is just a small change because I want to help humanity realize this global problem. They are trying to impose a disease on me, but in my person the disease is diagnosed in all of humanity. Someone believed in it and died, but I won’t die. I'm here. I can only be properly understood if one is completely separated from me and viewed in a more mass sense, from the perspective of society as a whole, and not part of it. I never loved myself or cared about myself. I love others,” Voronov said.

To finally dispel rumors about the musician’s mental illness, website asked psychotherapist Vitaly Kekukh to give an explanation about Nikolai’s behavior. “I can assume that the problem is the following: either something happened during the pregnancy of Nikolai’s mother, for example, intoxication; or there was an injury during childbirth, asphyxia or a pinched nerve. You know what kind of obstetricians we have - they pulled the head ", they pinched a nerve. These consequences are visible on Kolya’s face. Everything is fine with his psyche. And such defiant behavior is compensation for an external physical feature. This is felt in his facial expressions. But he’s great, he realized in time how to take advantage of his shortcomings," – noted the specialist.

According to Voronov’s mother, the young man has been writing music since he was three years old. When he was five, he began studying piano at the Moscow Gnessin Secondary Special Music School. Nikolai held his first concert in Dubna. In 2008, he entered the first year of the composition department of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky.

As Nikolai recalls, he took up pop music when his father gave him a synthesizer. The first three songs he composed were called (in chronological order) “I'm waiting for you”, “People who are right away” and “White dragonfly of love”. In 2008, the author predicted that "Dragonfly" "will be his hit." And so it happened.

Nikolay Voronov

Nikolai Voronov was born on May 15, 1991 in Moscow. At the age of seven, he entered the Gnessin MSMSH, majoring in piano under T.A. Zelikman studied there for 12 years. In 2000, due to nervous disease due to fatigue from excessive piano practice, Nikolai canceled his trip to Holland for a competition, and piano lessons gradually began to shift more and more into the background. Since 2006, the musician moved from the piano class to the theoretical department and studied there with teacher Anton Anatolyevich Prishchepa. In 2008, he entered the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory in the composition department (number three out of 18 applicants). In the same year, Voronov began touring: he went to concerts at first with various managers, but after three years he abandoned them and continued working on his own. On this moment Nikolai is the author of two quartets, one trio, more than ten duets, a quintet, a sextet, and many piano works and improvisations, notated and not recorded. There are also works for orchestra - five poems.

Nikolai considers his main genre to be electronic symphonies, of which he has 25, with a total playing time of more than six hours. They are electronic because they are mostly executed by a computer. Nikolai refuses live performers due to the impossibility of performing live and says that “live performers will still not be able to play as cleanly and accurately as a computer.” In the 13th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd and 25th symphonies, Nikolai uses his voice in various options. Voronov's electronic symphonies were written between November 4, 2008 and August 30, 2012.

Nikolai considers the opera “Janis” to be an important work for himself, in which, in his opinion, he was able to more accurately depict nature creative person. Another such composition is the poem “Trees”. There Nikolai depicts a situation where a person is left absolutely alone with his thoughts simply because no one hears his thoughts. What he says is completely ignored because everyone is busy with their own business.

Nikolai has more than 90 songs, of which only “White Dragonfly of Love,” written in 2001, became truly famous. The song “Fruit Tenderness” was recently written, which Nikolai values ​​higher than “White Dragonfly”, because in “Fruit Tenderness” there is the arrangement and sounds that Nikolai himself heard, while the rhythm for “Dragonfly” “ invented” by a synthesizer, and only the harmony, melody and all the other design were heard by Nikolai himself.

Now Nikolai is trying to find performers for the opera “Janis”, but so far without success. But he doesn’t stop, writes essay after essay, and in his free time he visits the conservatory, rides a bike and picks mushrooms.

Nikolai’s music, according to him, can be tried to be analyzed from the point of view of familiar forms, but you will get confused, because all opinions will be different. After all, not a single piece by the composer contains the structures that musicologists are so accustomed to seeing.

Popularity is not always gained through participation in various competitions and castings. Sometimes a chance meeting with someone leads to fame. the right people and even a clumsily made home video. Nikolai Voronov is exactly the person who managed to become famous thanks to a private video posted secretly on the popular website Youtube. About his history, biography and creative success we will tell you in this article.

General information from life

Nikolai was born in May 1991 in Moscow. His father was Alexander Yaroslavovich Voronov, a famous teacher at the Department of Sociology and humanities International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna". Since childhood, Nikolasha, as his mother called him, loved listening to music. He could sit for hours with his eyes closed and enjoy his favorite melody.

Getting a music education

At the age of five, the Voronovs decided to send the boy to the Gnessin Music School, where he could learn to play the piano. Nikolai Voronov loved to learn something new, so he gladly put himself in the hands of his teachers. The musician studied here for 12 years.

However, due to excessive zeal, the young man became too irritable, which ultimately led to a nervous breakdown. Therefore, the parents and themselves decided to leave the music school and take a break from studying for a while. For the same reason, Nikolai was forced to refuse to participate in the prestigious competition held in 2000 in Holland.

In 2008, he entered the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, where the young man studied under the strict guidance of Ledenev. It was thanks to perseverance and incredible hearing that student Voronov managed to write the first poem for male choir with orchestra, then six new pieces for violin and orchestra, and then come up with parts for cello, violin, string orchestra, viola and celesta.

Passion for Russian “pop”

Along with classical music, Voronov Nikolai Aleksandrovich became interested in domestic “pop”. According to him, interest in this musical style originated with him from the moment when he was given the first synthesizer. It was this instrument that helped compose young talent the following songs:

  • "I'm waiting for you".
  • "People who are right away."
  • "White Dragonfly of love".

Wherein last topic about the dragonfly became a real hit. Later, Nikolai came up with other songs, many of which became popular. Among them you can find such works as:

  • "Casino".
  • "Fruity tenderness."
  • "Run."
  • "Barricade".
  • "Country".
  • “Chub, Kamon” and others.

One of latest works, written by the musician, is “Newspapers Write.” In total, the performer has created over 90 of his own songs, many of which he performs himself and allows other musicians and artists to do so.


Feeling the strength of a talented performer, at the end of 2008 Nikolai Voronov decided to go on his first tour around the country. Various personal managers helped the musician in organizing concerts. However, he decided to refuse their services approximately 2-3 years after the start of the first tour.

Voronov Nikolay (musician): interesting facts from life

During the start creative career and studying at the university Nikolai met wonderful people, composed music, poetry and drew inspiration from works famous classics. Unusual, less often funny, but more often memorable situations often occurred in his life. For example, the most memorable event for him was his first appearance on stage. This happened, according to him, in mid-2008 during a small concert in Dubna, organized by representatives of the Solyanka club. At that moment, the composer and performer created a real sensation.

According to preliminary estimates, at that time over 1,500 spectators gathered in the hall who came to listen to music performed by Voronov. Later the same musical number Nikolai Voronov himself (songs written by the composer can be found in this article) posted on YouTube. Surprisingly, this video received a huge number of views and positive comments.

The musician's second moment of fame was New Year's concert 2008-2009, broadcast by the “2x2” TV channel. Thanks to his growing popularity on YouTube, the composer and performer Voronov was noticed even by the famous musical critic Artemy Troitsky. According to certain information, it was he who initiated the departure of Nikolai with the hit “White Dragonfly of Love” performed by Quest groups Pistols at Eurovision 2009.

And although they actually managed to submit such an application, the commission did not approve this initiative. The refusal of those responsible for the competition was due to a violation of the rules. The fact is that the song has already become a hit. It was broadcast on radio and television, which was strictly not allowed until the start of the competition.

Musician awards and honors

In the summer of 2009, Nikolai Voronov was awarded an honorary prize called “ Steppenwolf" In addition, Nikolai has repeatedly become a laureate of various prizes and awards.

What is the musician doing today?

At the moment, Nikolai Voronov offers his services as a presenter at corporate events, performs at concerts, composes new compositions and is engaged in creative work. So, during all this time Nikolai wrote:

  • two quartets;
  • one trio;
  • about ten duets;
  • one quintet;
  • one sextet;
  • five poems;
  • about twenty-five electronic symphonies;
  • more than a dozen musical works, created specifically for the orchestra;
  • more than ten works for piano, etc.

He also runs his own website. He also has official page"In contact with". In his free time, the young man likes to ride a bike, pick mushrooms and visit the conservatory. About how he acted in television shows and Nikolai Voronov’s programs (“Comedy Club” and others), we will tell you further.

Participation in the Comedy Club

Sometimes Nikolai is invited to various talk shows and programs of various types. For example, once he became the guest of honor at a popular Russian Comedy show Club. During live broadcast the musician entered into a funny dialogue with the hosts of the program, spoke briefly about his work and even sang a few lines from his hits: “Barricade” and “Dragonfly of Love.” By the way, it was on this program that the performer announced that the song about the dragonfly is almost 15 years old. It turned out that he wrote it at the age of eleven.

Personal life of Nikolai

While the musician speaks very willingly about his creative successes, he prefers to remain silent about his personal life or quickly changes the topic. From his words it becomes clear that he has not yet thought about a serious relationship. However, he boldly reports that he likes blondes with “appetizing, plump curves.”

Hobbies of a musician

Like anyone normal person, Nikolai has his own interests and taste preferences. For example, he likes any bright and interesting music, including classical. The main thing is that it captivates the listener and produces a certain effect. “It should lift your spirits and make you want to cry or laugh,” says the composer.

Nikolai hardly watches TV, but likes to read a lot. Among the musician’s favorite writers and poets are the following: Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Tsvetaeva, Brodsky and others.

So, we have considered creative life musician and his biography. Nikolai Voronov is a popular performer today with a unique ear and sense of tact.

Contemporary composer Nikolay Voronov was born in 1991 in Moscow and has been studying at the Moscow Secondary Specialized School since the age of five Music school named after the Gnessins in piano class with a talented teacher, Honored Worker of Culture Tatyana Abramovna Zelikman.

N. Voronov wrote his first composition (“Classical” etude for piano) at the age of 8 years. Later he began to try his hand at the pop genre, creating about 70 different compositions accompanied by a synthesizer. In 2003, Nikolai returned to classical music. In just two years, N. Voronov writes more than a dozen pieces for piano, several works for various chamber ensembles and three works for symphony orchestra.

In the last few years, Nikolai has been studying composition under the guidance of A.A. Prishchepa, participating in numerous competitions and creative evenings. N. Voronov is the winner of the 1st prize at the competition “Piano Miniature in Russian Music” named after. A. G. Rubinstein (St. Petersburg, 2005) and winner of the 1st prize of the competition chamber music festival "Return" (Moscow, 2007). He studies at the conservatory and performs at concerts.

It was a sinful thing that I wanted to post “Dragonfly of Love” and some excerpt from the epic program “Let’s Get Married” with the participation of Nikolai. But I was smart enough to go to social media. network and get a quick look at his work. I'm sharing.

Song “Struzh” (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

A happy dream pierced me!

Far above the empty dew, a horse screamed.
I wanted to scream too!
I went outside and started screaming.
Nobody heard me, although everyone saw me.
I kept screaming.
And suddenly a thought struck me...
They don't want to understand us.
They want to understand themselves, but we think that they understand us.
They do not feel sorry for others, but for themselves.
They do not praise others, but themselves.
They don't love others, they love themselves.
If you don't love anyone, it means you don't love yourself.
If you know everything about yourself, it means you know everything about others!
If you think that this doesn’t happen (that you can know everything), then you yourself don’t know.
A terrible secret was revealed to me.
And, you know, after that you don’t want to think.
I want to swim in the fog, not understanding anything,
I want to scream!

Song “Fate” (text, there is a song, I advise you to listen)

May nights, foggy nights

You will pass by as a shadow, they won’t see you,
You'll tell me what you saw and then forget it,
And only the lake will remember, drying up in the sun.

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.

By green grass, at an angle to fate,
You walk diagonally, but in reality you walk straight,
The tops are following you, but in reality -
It is you who follows everyone, smiling at the sun!

Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.
Wake me up, oh life!
Tell me - what else?
Dissolving in the barely audible breath of the streets,
In which my trace will dissolve.

In progress operas "Janis" and "USSR"

Symphonic poem "Trees" took just a few hours to complete - started and finished on August 30, 2012.
Plot: musicians on stage. They are playing different music, improvise. After some time, a man suddenly appears on the stage out of nowhere. He tries to ask the musicians for directions, but gets no answer. The musicians continue to go about their business as if nothing had happened. The man tries to explain that he is late, that he needs to meet a girl, that she will not understand him if he does not meet her. The musicians don't react. He looks for a door that, according to him, leads to the street, finds it, breaks it open and gets to the meeting place, but the girl is not there. He's confused. He asks the musicians if they have seen this girl, but no one answers him. Then he approaches one of the musicians, asks who he is, and, having received no answer, begins to tell him about himself, about how he met a man who told him that “love will save our world,” but he does not trust this words, because they are said too vividly. He is looking for how to achieve popularity, fame, thinks about this, says that this person he met is very kind, sincere, loves people, nature, women, but such people are not needed now. He says that now is the time to achieve this popularity, and he has everything to achieve recognition. Only he has a problem - no one hears him.
He asks: “Where is my home?” - and, having received no answer, leaves the stage. The orchestra continues to improvise.

but in general, as it turned out, he has a lot of pleasant and harmonious music. You'll have to download and listen.

And finally, I quote Nikolai Voronov’s post on the topic of the day (I highlighted in italics what I agree with):

“How I would like the murders and terror in Ukraine and in general to simply stop once and for all. Someone provokes such actions - but you don’t have to respond to provocations! I can compare it to a game - someone sits down at the table with you play, but you may not sit down at this table with him!!! To sit down means to accept the rules of the game - the rules of murder, terrorism. You yourself become a killer! You don’t have to fight with anyone! With anyone at all. This is stupid. And the fact that people have turned into animals is complete nonsense, I don’t even know how you can say that. You can always come to an agreement with any person, even a murderer, we just don’t always know how. But it’s possible. There’s no need to blame the United States for provocations, no need blame us, Russians, Ukrainians for the problem - we will NOBODY know who is really to blame, because so much has already happened that no history will clear it up. Now I personally expect only one thing - that everyone who has a weapon will throw it away once and for all and, finally, understand the price human life- first of all, your own. How I want everything to settle down!!!"

Well what can I say. GENIUS! Let's wish him to find a good positive muse-guardian of the hearth and create a sea of ​​gorgeous works!

Again, who saw it live? Tell us.

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