Which relates to personal growth. What is personal growth? Why is personal growth necessary?

The self deserves special attention. Emotional and professional. Where can you find the strength not to break down, but to develop and grow above yourself, especially in moments of internal or external crisis? How to start realizing a dream that has been living in your soul for many years? How to focus on opportunities instead of regretting lost chances? Personal growth training will help you get a professional guide to solving your impasse in life.

What is personal growth training

Personal growth training- This is an instruction for your own life. Clear guidance on achieving personal goals. People accumulate energy for years to take the first step, which they never dare to take. The future is viewed through the prism of past experience. Personal energy is spent on rehashing old troubles or worrying about the distant future, which, in fact, may not come. Internal resistance is so great that strength is spent fighting with oneself. Self-development training will introduce you to techniques that allow you to start changes here-and-now.

Personal growth trainings – real opportunity start making your dreams come true. Take the first step, albeit small, but visible. Stop blaming external circumstances and find answers to questions within yourself. Look around for solutions offered by professionals. Add new acquaintances and sensations to your old habits. The experience of people who have already achieved heights in life, coupled with the skill of the coach, inspires. After all, if one person could do Something Cool, then surely others can do it too. Self-development training will show that in addition to pleasures in life there is joy, pride in one’s achievements and happiness. And then the world will just become a little wider.

Why do you need personal growth training?

Every person lives life with their own stereotypes in their heads. Life along a well-trodden track is reassuring with its predictability. But at one moment habitual actions no longer bring the expected result. The surrounding reality is less and less stable, so such moments come more and more often. You can fall into depression, calling what is happening a “crisis of age.” You can pull yourself together to benefit yourself and those around you. And remember that the word "crisis" written Chinese characters consists of two meanings: “danger” and “opportunity”.

Personal growth begins with going beyond comfort. Doing something you've never done before, gaining new experience - the process of growth is not painless. What steps need to be taken on the path of self-development?

  1. Honesty towards yourself. Excuses can be found endlessly. Honestly admitting to yourself that you are standing still is only the first step. Many take a wait-and-see attitude, hoping to return to the past. Those who are not ready to justify their own idleness start looking for a coach.
  2. Changing daily habits. There is one psychological technique called "pay it forward." Before you get what you want later, you need to “pay” the advance today. For example, get rid of bad habit. Or buy a useful one. Moreover, the desire and the payment for it can be in different areas of life.
  3. Work on mistakes. Dependence on stereotypes public opinion They constantly put a fence around a person. Fear of error freezes the body and mind. But every new failure increases the chances of success. You can make a mistake in anything, even in the choice of training. But consider the mistake as an experience, albeit a negative one, and continue to move on.
  4. Showing feelings. People “conserve” dreams, feelings, and experiences within themselves. They consider love to be the most important thing in life, but they do not know how to express it. Sincerity of feelings becomes a bigger problem than lack of money. The ability to express emotions without harming others is an art that is also taught in trainings.

Overcoming internal resistance is part of personal growth. Even a clear goal setting does not save you from a long period of waiting. After all, everything life facts people pass through their own filter. Filter personal experience and your own beliefs. Personal growth trainings do not provide guarantees. They provide a chance to try on the glasses of a different reality in which success exists.

What types of personal growth courses are there?

Courses are a more familiar word than training, especially for older people. Courses are rarely intensive; they are characterized by a more measured pace. This category may include lectures or seminars where the trainer provides information without engaging the group in active dialogue.

The training, which lasts 2-3 days, is presented in the form of abstracts. Companies invite famous trainers to proofread short course. In this case, the activity of the participants is important. A timely raised hand and asked question– This is an opportunity to get an answer to a personal question. Passive listening- a reason to make sure that nothing can be changed.

Personal growth courses are distinguished by:

  • Subject. Business growth or communication skills development. You can develop in the field healthy image life or in the spiritual realm.
  • Format. Closed and open events financed by corporations or individuals. On-site courses on the seashore or webinars that participants take in front of a computer monitor.
  • Methods. Some people prefer meditation, while others run through the streets in search of money, following the instructions of the trainer. Someone imagines the day own death or falls into a trance state. When choosing a training, you should pay special attention to the moderator’s working methods.
  • Degree of preparation of participants. Basic courses provide general information. Participants learn to interact with each other and with the leader. The prepared audience communicates with each other on professional language terms. Trainers give complex tasks designed for experienced participants.

There is no ready-made solution. No personal growth course will provide a specific answer like: “you have to do this... to get this...”. Learning provides opportunities. The goal of the participants is to take advantage of them. After all, any, even the smallest achievement raises self-esteem. And success is built on the foundation of failure.

How to choose a personal growth coach

Universal recipe personal development does not exist. To get more on the scale of life, you will have to pay the most expensive thing - personal comfort. A conscious choice of a coach will help you overcome the path with fewer losses (but still not without them). How to choose a coach in absentia? Here are a few ways to get to know him better:

  • author's blog or page on social networks;
  • materials that are in the public domain;
  • real reviews on forums from participants who attended the author’s trainings;
  • advice from people who have already undergone this type of event will help evaluate the promises from the point of view of common sense.

Personal development trainer – psychologist and coach rolled into one:

  • Tough, but not rough. He does not set himself the goal of humiliating the participant. But a timely “kick” is a justified and win-win psychological technique.
  • Attentive, but not lisping. He will grasp the essence of someone else's problem without listening to complaints about life.
  • With a sense of humor, but without vulgarity. An appropriate joke can defuse the situation. The trainer avoids indecent jokes and suppresses them from the audience.
  • Persistent, but not intrusive. Resistance to innovation is a natural reaction to change. The coach will persistently strive to complete the task, but will not impose his conclusions or point of view.
  • Motivating, but not forcing. Participants take their steps independently. The coach may point out mistakes, but will not provide a clear action plan. Even if they ask him about it.

By paying for courses from a famous trainer, participants buy his experience. Knowledge is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. Nobody says it will be easy. No one can tell you how to succeed the first time. The trainer will provide participants with more than just information. He will provide them with that “kick” that will lead to specific actions. And any action is a win-win option.

Personal change begins with recognizing the fact that safety is much worse than risk. It's not just about knowing. The important thing is to do it. The next day after the training, normal everyday life begins again, and only daily work on yourself will help you get what you want. Personal growth training helps put the pieces together individual abilities and goals to assemble a personality constructor. One participant will fold a bicycle, and the other will build a spaceship.

The currently fashionable concept of “self-development” has become a cult for many. If a person has not read at least one of the fashionable books, for example, “How to make a million” or “One step from dreams to reality”, does not practice yoga at least once a week, is not a member of social networking communities with this topic, and does not attend trainings , then he is considered almost crazy. Society has created a whole cult, powerful, but taken on faith without any factual evidence. What exactly is this strange “self-development” and does this fashionable trend pose a threat to humanity?

Self-development as a definition

Self-development or personal growth– this is self-improvement, learning new things, developing one’s own “I,” and developing personal qualities. The development process takes place consciously and without external support, no matter what kind it is. Like any other process, personal growth pursues a goal.

Dispelling myths

Personal growth and self-development, although they have almost the same definition, they are also different. Let us consider separately the myths for each concept.


"Dream. Believe it and it will come true!”

Visualization is the first and main concept in all written and unwritten teachings on self-development. You should clearly imagine the object of your dreams, give it a shape, send it into space, the universe, etc. Of course, you can and should dream, but you should understand that the main thing is action! Without trying to make your dream come true, nothing will come of it.

"Your fate is in your hands!".

The belief that everything that happens in life depends only on us. A strong and reasonable statement, it helps to increase self-esteem and gives strength. However, for people with keen sense responsibility can be very harmful, causing feelings of anxiety and guilt. Here, a more appropriate concept would be: “Fate is fate, but you need to adapt to circumstances!”

“Never quit what you start!”

We are taught to complete things from childhood. “Don’t stop halfway”, “don’t despair, try again”, etc., however, if in the middle of the path to any goal, it becomes irrelevant, the realization comes that there is no need to do this at all, then you should think about it . We need to soberly assess the situation, guided by new factors.

"Every minute is worth its weight in gold"

Using all your time effectively is probably possible, but is it worth it? Constant and continuous employment leads to fatigue and even extreme stress. If fatigue falls on your shoulders, inattention to details appears, then it is better to rest than to continue through force!

"Think and get rich".

Probably one of the most popular myths presented on paper. Of course, you need to set goals, but material goals should not overlap with spiritual and sublime ones. Just “frogs with a penny” brought back from vacation, a red rag in your wallet, constant thoughts that the money will not come in enough. It’s more realistic to work and earn good money.

“Have you found your purpose yet?”

The myth is illogical in the concept of self-development. Over the long years of their lives, some of the great men of the planet failed to find a purpose, although they certainly knew a lot about self-development. It is better to find a job that will be interesting, a fascinating hobby. If you get tired of something, you can change your profession and favorite hobby– time makes its own adjustments to interests.

“Give up social media. networks, television, etc.”

Evil is not what is shown to us, evil is ourselves. It’s not clear what’s wrong with in social networks? If a person likes to communicate, find out news from friends, browse interest groups, then under no circumstances should he give them up! It's about the same with television. No one forces you to watch uninteresting programs.

“Self-development is the future of a successful life.”

A very dubious statement. Why does a person who attends training have a greater chance of achieving success? No, rather, they are equal. Self-development is not success, and vice versa. Self-improvement is a way to live and improve WITHOUT outside help.

Personal growth

The concept of personal growth is no less overgrown with myths than the goals they pursue. Let's look at some of them.

“There is no time for self-improvement. I’ll earn more money so that I have free time, then I’ll start.”

You don't need a lot of free time to improve yourself. Of course, monks, when they go to a monastery, get rid of the “vanity of vanities,” but, believe me, they have no less worries than a resident of a metropolis. However, they manage to improve themselves, read prayers, communicate with God. You can work on your character and thoughts during regular home activities (cooking, walking the dog, taking a bath, etc.).

“My main goal in life is a lot, a lot of money, and I also want a house on an island, and I want an island myself,” etc.

Let's say you earned money for everything you wanted, for which you set goals: bought a house, for example, or expensive car, went on vacation. What's next? Is the goal over? And life along with it? You will say that other needs will appear. But what if there are no more material requests, everything has been bought and moved out? A goal is, first of all, a spiritual goal, more related to the meaning of life rather than making money.

“Personal growth is a guarantee of success.”

For total mass successful man is a person who earns a lot, holds a prestigious position, and moves in certain circles. But material success is not related to personal growth. He changes personality better side, making it nobler and better.

“A couple of lessons with a teacher and my consciousness will begin to develop on its own.”

Exercises by themselves will not bring any benefit. A teacher will not be able to impart information into a person that he does not want to accept. Constant work on yourself brings success, even without attending training.

“Not now, but from the first day I’ll start improving myself.”

People have this habit of putting everything off “for tomorrow.” “Tomorrow I will quit smoking”, “from next Monday I will start playing sports”, “next month I will find new job" - these are the usual excuses. You need to engage in self-improvement, as they say, “yesterday,” that is, constantly, starting from the moment you realized that it was time to change yourself.

“I’ll read the book, try on the plot for myself, and life will begin to change for the better.”

A book that is read and remembered almost every chapter, no matter who its author is, will remain a paper publication. No matter who its author is, the paper (website page) will not change anything in your life. You need to change by constantly working on yourself.

In the end

Self-development is a tool in our hands, with the help of which we can raise ourselves if we do not set impossible goals. To achieve results, no outside help is suitable. A person should use only his physical and moral resources.
So, personal growth and self-development- this is work, hard, tedious, not bringing immediate results, but one that needs to be done daily, and preferably hourly. Change, adapt, develop!

Personal growth and self-development, what is the difference and where to start?

Many people believe that if a person knows a lot and is able to do a lot, he will grow as an individual in society. In fact, it often turns out that this is not enough at all, and very smart and well-read people who have stuffed themselves big amount information does not receive seemingly deserved recognition, and cannot always have a sufficient impact on the surrounding reality. Why is this happening? The reason is that what matters is not how much you know, but who you are - what matters is having certain personality characteristics.

If you engage in self-development, you will be healthier and happy man Therefore, you will have more strength, you will be more active, your decisions will be of better quality, and your actions will be more effective.

2. Hit one point

Continue to work on improving the results of your activities, and of course, act, act, and act - and then you will find yourself next to the best representatives of your niche.

3. Enhance your personality

Even if you adhere to a certain style in your work - be bolder, act on the edge, and show individuality, do not be afraid to experiment, do not be afraid of public opinion, it was thanks to courage and individuality that new trends and directions were created in all areas. Use your own style and handwriting. Individuality is exactly what can set you apart from the rest.

4. Enhance Personal Attractiveness

Personal growth program, where to start

Take advantage of the personal growth program, which is a small system of interconnected actions that helps you clearly define necessary steps and clarify.

Personal growth is an algorithm for externally enhancing personality.

  1. Analysis of your current situation
  2. Analysis of desires, identification of true needs
  3. Definition main goal, and subgoals
  4. Drawing up an action plan and setting priorities
  5. Developing external personality strength for successful interactions

We looked at what personal growth is, where to start accelerating it, and I wish you success.

There is absolutely no doubt that many people are interested in the topic of self-development and personal growth. Most, of course, understand why this is needed. However, there are people who do not clearly understand the goals of these processes, even when involved in them, not to mention those who are not interested in such things at all. In fact, developing your potential is of great importance in Everyday life and can offer significant benefits to every individual. Let’s understand the peculiarities of the process of a person’s development of his personality and answer the questions: why is this necessary at all and what does it give?

To begin with, it’s worth clarifying what self-development and personal growth are.

Self-development - This is a conscious process carried out by a person without the assistance of any external forces, aimed at developing his potential and realizing himself as an individual. Self-development always implies the presence of clear goals, certain beliefs and attitudes.

Personal growth - this is, firstly, psychological concept, used in various directions. And secondly, the process of nurturing a person’s special qualities of his personality and increasing the level of his personal effectiveness and productivity in order to increase personal potential and achieve a higher life result in all its manifestations.

The concepts of “self-development” and “personal growth” can be considered identical to each other, because they, by and large, pursue the same goals. But such goals as increasing potential, developing qualities, etc. look quite abstract to serve as a worthy definition of why a person needs to self-develop and grow personally. Let's try to specify them.

So, the main goals of self-development and personal growth, as a rule, are:

It should also be said that a person engaged in self-development masters, among other things, a number of very useful skills in life, namely: the basics of time management, studies the basics, and also learns to think through their achievement and, ultimately, achieve them. The point is that the person who cares about him comprehensive development, automatically comes to know many different sources of different knowledge: audio and video materials, seminars, courses, Internet resources and, of course, interesting and developed personalities. By the way, meeting and communicating with new people is another advantage of self-development. This may well not be the goal, but when a person begins to develop, he begins to “grow out” from the circle of those with whom he communicated before. As a result, there is a need for new people. And in many cases it is realized spontaneously, because a person with a certain level of development begins to attract people with the same level or exceeding it, and is also attracted to them.

And the last thing I would like to touch upon is that personal growth not only stimulates the development of a person’s potential, but also contributes to the harmonization of his life, in general. Developing man, along with the fact that he learns a lot of information that allows him to improve his, so to speak, external life, ennobles and enriches his inner and spiritual world, feeds it with all kinds of knowledge about any spiritual aspects of life, teachings and practices. He begins to look at the world with completely different eyes, to see in it what he has not seen before, to notice what others do not notice, to appreciate every moment he lives, his family, loved ones, and friends more. As a result, his whole life becomes more harmonious, bright, fulfilling and happy.

Based on all this, we can conclude that self-development should be practiced by anyone and everyone who wants to become their “best self”, maximize their intellectual, spiritual, creative and personal potential, as well as change their life or simply make it better.

Develop, friends, grow as individuals and improve yourself! Take the first real step towards yourself and, believe me, then you simply won’t be able to stop.

Personal growth is a mandatory process of self-improvement of an individual, a purposeful movement and the desire of the subject to embody in reality the person he would ideally like to be (“ideal self”). All factors, conditions, opportunities that bring him closer to achieving his goal are personal growth, which is one of the main and most significant meanings of an individual’s life. With the help of this process, a person is able to change himself, any character traits in the direction he needs, eliminate complexes, learn to control the manifestation of emotions, and get rid of negative thoughts. Personal growth is different for each subject, since the ideas about their ideal “I” are completely different for all individuals.

Personal growth of a person

Personal growth of a person involves the steady and constant development of the individual’s potential. Potential is a generalized systemic characteristic of an individual’s individual and psychological personality characteristics. It is based on the individual’s ability to build on stable internal guidelines and factors in life processes, to maintain the constancy of activities and target guidelines under regularly changing environmental influences. Those. Personal potential is a whole complex of mental properties that gives an individual the ability to make decisions and regulate his behavior, but at the same time proceeds from his own personal criteria and ideas.

Various authors include independence and internal freedom, personal autonomy, meaningfulness of life, stability in living conditions, readiness for internal transformations, ability to accept as indicators of personal potential. new information, sustainable readiness for action, time perspective of the individual.

Personal growth is characterized, first of all, by victory over individual weaknesses, phobias, fears, over everything that stands in the way of the ideal “I”. Such growth does not necessarily have to be positive for others.

Personal growth in psychology is self-development, which is characterized by awareness, the individual’s aspiration to become better than he is now, to be smarter, more significant, more promising. The main component of a successful personality is its growth. The process of personal growth is the subject’s daily work on himself. Today there are many theories that relate to personal growth.

The theory of behaviorism is that a person does not initially have any potential different from others. All people are born with the same potential. And personal growth depends only on the circumstances and conditions that surround the individual.

The existential approach is that personal growth occurs in the process of self-knowledge, finding harmony and, as a result, a new perception of the surrounding reality.

The most common theory of personal growth is the “inevitably positive” theory, which holds that every individual is filled with an enormous amount of potential. Such potential is rushing out, but is able to find a way out only in the presence of appropriate conditions, circumstances that will not necessarily be positive. That is why, this theory is called positive: no matter what happens in life, good or bad, personal growth will take place under any conditions.

Personal growth is urgently needed for a person, since without it the individual will degrade. He is a modern model of a well-known truth: only the strongest survive. A person who does not strive for growth does not live, but exists.

The growth of an individual's personality depends mainly on his efforts, but efforts alone are not enough. Full growth is possible only with the benevolent participation of others who are significant to him. Personal potential is inextricably linked with the ideal “I”, which is formed in the processes of joint interaction with people. Personal growth should be differentiated from the harmonious development of the individual, which includes acquired knowledge and skills, assimilation value orientations, moral and ethical standards, necessary rules of behavior.

During personal growth, transformations occur, as in spiritual world subjects, and in the processes of their relationships with the outside world. The essence of such transformations is that the individual is gradually freed from the distorting influence of various psychological defenses, becomes able to trust the perceived information, and does not filter it for the sake of protecting his ideal “I,” and becomes able to live in the present.

When going through all of the above transformations, the individual becomes open to accepting new information. At the same time, he begins to understand his feelings, emotions, experiences and himself as a whole much better, becomes able to sensibly assess his individual capabilities, take responsibility only for what really depends on him, plan his subsequent life the way he wants exactly him, and not according to other people's ideas or imposed stereotypes. All this allows the individual to more fully perceive reality, to live as if with “eyes wide open.” Due to this, he begins to better understand others and accepts them as they are in reality, gets rid of far-fetched illusions and imposed prejudices.

An individual striving for personal growth strives not just for communication, but for joint interaction. In contacts with people, such an individual becomes more relaxed, spontaneous and open, but at the same time, remaining more realistic, capable of competently resolving various conflicts, and flexible.

Personal growth in psychology contributes to the development of a holistic personality that does not have insoluble disagreements between desires, aspirations and potential, between life requirements and morality, between planned actions and reality. In other words, this means that such an individual is not susceptible to experiencing crises. However, this does not mean that such crises are completely excluded. After all, the differences between the ideal “I” and the “real” I still remain.

Personal growth gives the subject a way to overcome such crises - the meaning of existence, a sense of spiritual meaningfulness of all his ideas, actions and feelings. When faced with a difficult or crisis situation, a person striving for personal growth does not ask himself the following questions: “Why is this happening to me?”, “Why do I need all this?”, “Who is to blame for this,” etc. . Such a person will ask: “What will I get as a result of overcoming difficult situation", "What experience will I gain?" etc.

A person's personal growth affects professional achievements and success in any field of activity. For example, the long-term personal growth of a future teacher implies three possible directions: adaptation, self-development and stagnation (degradation).

Adaptation helps to adapt to the requirements of educational systems, learn basic activities and role positions. Self-development helps in constant self-improvement, which ultimately leads to the full realization of the individual as a professional. In cases where a teacher decides to stop in his professional and personal development and begins to live only through the use of familiar stereotypes and old knowledge and skills, stagnation occurs. This is precisely why an indispensable condition for the successful professional activity of an individual who has decided to devote himself to teaching children must be the personal growth of the future teacher and his self-improvement throughout the entire time of teaching.

Personal growth and self-development

Personal growth is about constantly striving for the stability of one’s self-esteem. An individual, under any circumstances, who believes in himself and his strengths knows no barriers. Throughout life, obstacles and barriers come across everyone's path. That's why it's so necessary adequate self-esteem which will help you accept the right decision. In other words, personal growth is self-created the latest strategies for decision making and implementation of individual tasks. Therefore, it is precisely this kind of growth that can create a foundation, a foundation that subsequently influences the correctness of decisions made.

Self-development is an autonomous process that lives in everyone. In the process of his development, an individual receives growth only in the place where his needs are directed. Therefore, every person is masterfully versed in some areas of activity, while others are completely beyond his control.

Often, the processes of self-development are facilitated by problems and unpleasant situations that subjects experience. Often such problems may remain unresolved. However, what a person goes through can either make him stronger or break him. There are many obstacles and problems along the path of personal growth. In order for this growth to happen, you must learn not only to accept and take, but also to lose and give. It cannot happen in life that all problems disappear, but a person can learn to change his attitude towards them, to accept them differently.

Personal growth and self-development is an emphasis life meaning. Only in development is it possible to live. Thanks to development, a person moves to new round spiral to a new level. Movement in the opposite direction leads to regression and degradation.

The process of self-development occurs constantly throughout an individual’s life. As a person undergoes self-development, transformations occur; he begins to think more broadly, to see the whole, and not just the particulars, and begins to understand that this process is endless. The further you delve into self-development, the more interesting life becomes.

There are seven tools that promote personal growth and self-development of an individual. The first such tool will be keeping an individual diary in paper form or in in electronic format. The advantages of this method are analysis and analysis of the day, evaluation of events, actions and deeds, incidents, one’s thoughts, future plans. Daily journaling helps you see negative and ineffective patterns of behavior and standard thinking, teaches clarity and clarity in expressing your own thoughts, and includes logic. Using this method, it is easy to track all the transformations that occur in one’s own personality over a long period of time. Another advantage of keeping a diary is that when you re-read it after some time, you can re-evaluate your actions and events, highlight positive aspects and behavioral variations, and remember the mistakes you have made in order to avoid making them in the future.

The next tool is to create a kind of storage own ideas. This method plays an important role. This is due to the fact that the human brain, by virtue of its structure, is capable of producing ideas at any hour of the day or night, in completely different environments. However, a person is not always able to remember all the ideas generated by the brain. This is why we need a repository of such ideas. As soon as it appeared in my head new idea– it should be written down immediately.

Another important tool is positive thinking. You need to learn to always think with a plus sign. To do this, you should, figuratively speaking, “catch” all repeated negative statements and thoughts and transform them into positive, kind, good, pleasant and useful ones.

You need to love yourself entirely and completely with all your shortcomings and advantages. It often happens that, having created a model of the ideal “I,” an individual begins to actively strive for it and with every failure or wrong action, from his point of view, he begins to scold himself, condemn his actions, i.e. lower your self-esteem. For self-development and growth, an individual needs to evaluate himself impartially, as if from the position of an objective observer. You should analyze your actions, while trying not to give an emotional assessment.

One more famous instrument On the path to successful self-knowledge and development is the “rubber band” technique. To perform this technique, you need to put an elastic band on your hand and, in each case of negative thinking, you should pull it back and release it. Due to the click and mild pain, a change in the behavior of thoughts will occur. Thus, a kind of reflex is developed.

The technique of communicating with your subconscious is to ask questions to yourself. It involves questions of this type: “What should I change in myself in order to achieve the desired goal?” Once an individual has asked a question, it should be forgotten, i.e. stop focusing on it. In a couple of days, the answer to a question or solution will appear in your mind, which will be the most optimal in the current situation.

You should learn to fight your fears and not be afraid of change. After all, everything unknown is a kind of development zone precisely because it gives impetus to progress and growth.

Personal growth training

Personal growth trainings promote self-development and personal growth. Often such trainings are classified as psychotherapeutic activities. There is some truth in this, but in principle it is far from true. Developing self-confidence and strength is the direction of personal growth training. They are carried out from the beginning healthy people. However, this is not treatment, therefore it cannot be psychotherapy.

Personal growth trainings are classes that are aimed at increasing the potential of an individual, identifying and improving qualities that contribute to success in various areas of life. The main goal of such trainings is to transform life’s outlook on ordinary things, to change ordinary stereotypes mental activity and actions, deeds that prevent an individual from becoming more successful and happy.

The main emphasis of the trainings is positive and high-quality transformations of the subject’s personality. With the help of specialized techniques, the individual is “programmed” for success in everything. After the trainings, a person feels more confident, calm, free and happy, regardless of the circumstances of the external environment.

There are two options for the focus of such trainings: those promoting natural personal growth (passive) and active personal growth.

Trainings aimed at passive personal growth are designed to improve health, strengthen the potential of the individual, and remove blocks that interfere with the development and growth of the individual. Using this technique, all negative situations can be overcome. Such trainings do not provide for the creation of direction or determination of what should happen to the individual, how personal growth will develop. Passive personal growth is determined only by the individual’s internal programs. And the role of the training leader is simply to create optimal conditions for personal growth.

Passive personal growth trainings are aimed at working with both the past and the present. They help to find a way out of certain current situations, learn to react more easily and simply to circumstances, and cope with such circumstances in any areas of life. Transformational trainings can be considered the best trainings of this type. Their main focus is working with deep conditioning mechanisms, such as values ​​and beliefs, awareness, compensatory and psychological defense mechanisms, etc. Thanks to this training, one can notice the following positive changes in the individual’s personality: expansion of the worldview, the emergence of a sense of insight, liberation from beliefs that limit it, and the negative influence of others. The result of transformational training is the discovery of new opportunities for oneself.

During active personal growth trainings, personality transformation occurs at the level of self-identification. It is aimed at obtaining knowledge and developing subjects specific skills. These include training aimed at developing leadership qualities, increasing professional effectiveness, and educational training (for example, training in correct target settings).

Personal growth trainings can be conducted live and online via the Internet. Trainings help activate thinking. After passing them, the individual begins to think about the meaning of life, about his life goals and positions.

Each training contains a certain set of exercises aimed at developing personal growth, for example, the exercise “me in the future”, “syringe”, “taboo”, “Self-presentation”, “Pessimist, Optimist, Jester”, “What step am I on?” , “Thrift Store” and many others.

The “future self” exercise involves drawing your personality in the future and defending your picture to others.

The purpose of the “syringe” exercise is to help participants deeply feel and experience the conditions of persuasion, to form the so-called immunity to any psychological influence.

The purpose of the “taboo” exercise is to help participants understand how their attitude towards various kinds of restrictions and prohibitions manifests itself.

The purpose of the “self-presentation” exercise is to enable adaptive mechanisms, to practice the expression of emotions that contribute to the processes of professional adaptation.

The purpose of the exercise “pessimist, optimist, buffoon” is to form a single attitude of the individual towards problematic situations, gaining experience in analyzing problems from different points of view.

The purpose of the exercise is “what step am I on?” is to help participants build adequate self-esteem.

The purpose of the “thrift store” exercise is to develop skills of self-understanding, introspection, self-criticism, and to discover qualities that are essential for an individual in teamwork.

Personal growth methods

The first step on the path to personal development is the recognition that the current state of affairs is not always what people so strongly desire and expect, what they dream about, reason and think about.

Personal growth is quite rarely comprehensively focused. This is due to the fact that most of us have strong and weak character traits and sides. Therefore, personal growth will mainly manifest itself in the recognition of aspects characterized by weak manifestations and actions aimed at strengthening such aspects.

Today, there are many techniques aimed at stimulating the development of an individual’s personal growth. They consist in constant and targeted influence, which is aimed at strengthening more weaknesses. Responsibility for your life, the opportunity to create your life according to at will, self-confidence, self-improvement - these are the main goals of personal growth methods.

The harmonious development of personality lies in self-knowledge, self-realization, self-improvement, gaining integrity and, as a consequence, significant transformations of life conditions, factors, circumstances, situations and opportunities.

The method of mastering personality development methods directly depends on the speed with which new information is acquired, competent adherence to recommendations and the significance of the last result.

One of the most accessible methods of self-knowledge and personal development is self-study specialized literature. The lack of feedback is the main disadvantage of this technique. This disadvantage lies in the inability to receive recommendations, advice, and support if necessary.

The next available method of self-education is watching educational videos. It is characterized by rather weak efficiency, due to the fact that the chosen technique is presented incorrectly. This happens if the source of information is incompetent.

A more effective method would be to attend various training sessions, courses and seminars. Negative trait This technique lacks individual focus on each participant, however, a competent trainer can take into account the potential and priorities of each.

The best option for self-study and personal development would be individual lessons with a trainer. The disadvantage of this method may be its relatively high cost. Individual sessions allow the coach to take into account all the characteristics of the individual, make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner, pay the maximum possible attention, and give the necessary recommendations and advice.

Most of the most popular methods for developing an individual’s personality are based on the use of affirmations, methods of visualization and goal setting.

Affirmations are short phrases or phrases that contain positive verbal formulas or statements. When they are repeated many times in the subject’s subconscious, the desired image or an attitude that helps optimize the psycho-emotional background of an individual and stimulate positive transformations. Those. An affirmation is a short sentence that carries a specific semantic load to improve the emotional field of a person, which leads to positive life changes.

There are certain rules for drawing up affirmations so that they can overcome established ones. negative attitudes in the subconscious: the semantic load must be unambiguous; the words that make up the phrases must be positive, as well as the emotions during their pronunciation; the installation must be clearly specified in accordance with existing needs; phrases should be aimed at the activity of the life position.

The visualization method is the presentation of information using visual, visual images. This method is quite widely used as a psychological technique.

Visual displays of subjects, phenomena, things, emotions are stored in the subconscious throughout the individual’s life. In this case, some images may be in an inert (passive) state. But if necessary, such information can be restored, extracted and applied in order to solve some task or problem. This is possible in cases where it is impossible to solve a task or problem with the help of conscious skills. In this way, there is a constant accumulation of internal energies to create the desired transformations.

Clearly set and formulated goals are the basis for achieving success in any area. Goals are mandatory components of the stages of implementing a life plan. To set a goal correctly, you should make a detailed, consistent analysis of existing circumstances, conditions or situations, take into account personal priorities, evaluate the long-term, promising nature of the goal, and creative visualization. The most important and mandatory conditions for the successful implementation of the assigned tasks will be the desire to achieve the goal, confidence in the reality of its implementation, and a focus on expecting its results.

Developing an individual model of the effectiveness of personal growth or conducting various experiments with existing methods and techniques of personal development are necessary components of self-improvement. This is due to the fact that existing models are often effective only at the initial stages of self-knowledge.

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