What is esotericism definition. What is Esoterics! Great detailed explanation

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This is the sign of the Sun, the sign of Knowledge (the sign of the Freemasons)

"The more we know,
the more we understand
that we don't know anything"

In recent years, people have become very interested in esotericism. Why is this happening? The ideology of Marxism-Leninism collapsed in Russia, and modern church ideologies cannot explain many phenomena in life. Due to the fact that censorship has disappeared in the press, the Internet and TV (which now protects only power structures from criticism), people have become interested in other ideological and philosophical theories. Moreover, esotericism attracts people with incomprehensible (mysterious) concepts. Everyone puts their own (often very different from others) understanding into esotericism. What does ESOTERICA actually mean?
First, let's read how this name is interpreted in different sources.

Esotericism (esotericism) is the knowledge of the spiritual path through practice. The word comes from the Greek language and means internal. Previously, it was believed that esotericism was intended only for selected people who were endowed with superpowers. Esoterics is a teaching that carries knowledge about the unknown, about what is hidden from humanity, about what is suspected but remains unknown. Esotericism means penetrating into a sphere that is inaccessible.
Esoterics is conscious life. Understanding the world. Living in harmony with your surroundings and yourself. Esotericism is not just opportunities, but also responsibilities. Responsibilities to monitor your thoughts, because thought on the subtle plane works the same way as action on the physical. And, as you know, from the causes, our thoughts, consequences creep out, which manifest themselves on the physical plane. Esotericists have much stronger thoughts than ordinary people. And the more the esotericist develops, the stronger the subtle becomes in him. Thoughts, desires, intentions.
Esotericism is the sphere of specific views about the deep mystical (non-obvious) essence of the evolution of the World, civilization and man. This area includes concepts, teachings, doctrines, as well as Paths and practices of Self-Knowledge
Esoterics - A set of information inaccessible to the uninitiated, to those ignorant of mystical teachings and secret cults
Esoterics is hidden and secret knowledge collected different peoples for centuries. Esotericism is knowledge of oneself and the mysteries of the world around us
The concept of esotericism - internal, also known as esotericism) does not have a clear definition. The term appeared in the Hellenistic era (IV-III centuries BC) and meant secret knowledge, something that is accessible only to initiates. For many centuries, esotericism was the property of a few. The philosophy, scriptures, and practices of various orders, schools, and teachings were hidden; they did not talk about it among strangers. It was difficult to become an initiate, and many were simply afraid. The unknown has always scared people.
Esoteric;zm - in the original meaning of the concept - philosophical doctrine, accessible only to a limited, “internal” circle of people, only to the more knowledgeable, the elite, as opposed to exotericism - public knowledge. Other traditional definitions describe internal, spiritual path to knowledge, similar to mysticism, or “higher,” “absolute” knowledge. In addition, the concept of “Esotericism” is used to describe a wide range of different spiritual and occult teachings and practices. The ancient Greek mysteries and the teachings of the Freemasons can also be classified as esotericism. In a narrower sense, esotericism is the doctrine of the inner nature of man.
Esotericism is the sphere of specific views about the deep mystical (not obvious) essence of the evolution of the World, civilization and man. This area includes concepts, teachings, doctrines, as well as Paths and practices of Self-Knowledge

In my opinion, esotericism can be called the science of various knowledge that does not fit into modern natural and humanitarian sciences. I even called esotericism an alternative science that has existed since the appearance on Earth of an intelligent (highly developed) civilization, which has reached such heights that modern scientists cannot even imagine (for this reason, esotericism is rejected by modern materialistic science as pseudoscience). Such concepts, well understood in very ancient times (20 - 1 million years ago) as astrology, magic, meditation, mysticism, clairvoyance, parapsychology, alchemy, are now absolutely incomprehensible to modern scientists.
Over the past few years, store shelves have been filled with books of a very peculiar - either philosophical or religious - content. Books that tell about the cosmic mind, dimensions previously unknown to humanity, about the travel of the human mind in space, about dematerialization, etc. Books by Russian philosophers N.K. Roerich, E.P. Blavatsky, D.L. Andreev gained extraordinary popularity , revealing the above questions. In these books, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, magic, occultism, Hinduism, paganism, and the works of philosophers of the 19th century are surprisingly intertwined and connected together. Seemingly incompatible and sometimes mutually exclusive concepts are connected. These works reveal the progress world history and at the same time the fate and meaning of life of every person. At the same time, they also include the latest achievements of science, especially in the field of physics and biology. These works reveal to man the secrets of existence and open up opportunities for self-improvement. It seems that these books combine all the wisdom of the world, accumulated over thousands of years and systematized, trying to answer all the pressing questions of humanity and each person individually. That is why millions of people are confident that these works are a panacea for modern man. What are these works? What is their basis? What is the history of their appearance? What is the secret of their popularity?
True esotericism, until recently, was never intended for the attention of the broad masses. The sacredness of esotericism was due to many reasons, but the main ones are the following: there was no permission from above; there was no need for widespread distribution; difficulty of comprehension for the common man. At the end of the 20th century, in many esoteric circles (and primarily in the Kabbalistic tradition), a decision was made to disseminate esoteric knowledge among the masses. This solution is based on the maturation of the main reasons listed above.
Astrology, Magic, Meditation, Mysticism, Clairvoyance, Parapsychology, etc. - this all has one thing in common: the mystical basis of the worldview, which is at the opposite pole with the scientific worldview: science is based on empirical, reproducible data - axioms, and mysticism - on unknowable, uncertain concepts. Strong in spirit the world around them is interesting, it is they who subsequently begin to be interested in these things.

Esotericists and mystics, through direct experience, learn the deepest truths. It is assumed that they manage to directly touch the deepest secrets of the Universe and man, not as a result of blind faith, but through own experience. Therefore, between real esotericists, even those belonging to different traditions and schools, there have never been disagreements, much less confrontation - mystical experience depends on the fundamental structure of man and the Universe, and these things are the same for any people and time. There is dogmatic unorthodoxy the most important sign esoterics. This is the true esotericism that is revealed through search, knowledge and love!

Much has changed now, including attitudes towards information. The number of teachings, schools and orders has increased sharply and continues to grow. A lot of esotericism was published, after which it became exoteric. In general, any published esotericism is already exotericism. The old concept was distorted; esotericism began to be called everything that has a spiritual aspect, is not limited exclusively to material qualities and leads to the development of body and spirit. But this is only among the masses. Among knowledgeable people everything remains the same. Esoterics is something that is not disclosed and transmitted exclusively by word of mouth, exoterics is published, accessible to the uninitiated.
People also often come to esotericism for new sensations. When the world begins to lose its colors, the routine of life gets boring, the soul is ready to step one step higher, and consciousness is ready to unite with the soul, esoteric practices can show a person those sensations and experiences that material life he will never achieve. But esotericism is not toys; stepping there means changing your life. Make room for spirituality, upward movement, awareness and the Highest. The entire worldview often changes when a person takes the path of esotericism. Esotericism is a different vision of the world, not limited to materiality, but also having an infinite spirituality in itself. That which is truly eternal.
Fortune telling - occult techniques, techniques and even rituals that exist in the cultures of many nations and supposedly allow one to find out the future or simply unknown facts. People who believe in fortune telling believe that fortune telling really allows you to find out something, others treat them as public entertainment. Often both approaches are present in some proportion in one person
Wisdom, the Vedas, a collection of the most ancient, scriptures Hinduism in Sanskrit.
The Vedas are classified as shruti ("heard"), and the mantras contained in them are repeated as prayers and used in various religious rituals. The main part of the Vedas are the Samhitas - collections of mantras, to which are adjacent the Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads - texts that are commentaries on the Vedic Samhitas.
For many centuries the Vedas were transmitted orally in poetic form and were only written down much later. Hindu religious tradition considers the Vedas apaurusheya - uncreated by man, eternal revealed scriptures that were given to humanity through holy sages. There are four Vedas:
Rig Veda - "Veda of Hymns"
Yajur Veda - “Veda of Sacrificial Formulas”
Sama Veda - “Veda of Chant”
Atharva Veda - "Veda of Spells"
Let's consider the concepts that are often used in esotericism; each of the concepts listed below is an independent branch (current) in general esoteric science.

Clairvoyance is a person’s ability to receive information other than known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future.
Extrasensory perception is a term used for many supposedly paranormal forms of perception or human abilities
Subtle world. Astral plane, also “astra;l”, “astral world”, “subtle world” - esoterically -philosophical concept about the world around us, which we do not know at all and which we do not have the opportunity to see, but this world exists and some people with special abilities have contact with this world. The subtle world can be called by another name - a parallel world (and there are many such worlds).
Astrology is a group of predictive practices, traditions and beliefs that postulate the impact of celestial bodies on the earthly world and man (on his temperament, character, actions and future) and, accordingly, the possibility of predicting the future by the movement and location of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere and relative to each other .
The interpretation of dreams is the knowledge of the unconscious, the most definite basis of psychoanalysis and the area in which every researcher acquires his conviction and his education.
Magic Witchcraft, Warlock - a concept used to describe a system of thinking in which a person turns to secret forces in order to influence events, as well as real or apparent influence on the state of matter
Mysticism is the belief in the existence of supernatural forces with which man is mysteriously connected and capable of communicating; V spiritual sense- sacred religious practice aimed at experiencing direct unity with God. Also a set of theological and philosophical doctrines devoted to the justification and understanding of this practice (mysticism).
Numerology - a system, tradition or belief about the mystical or esoteric connections between numbers and physical objects or living beings and their consciousness
Bioenergy is a group of theories and practices of alternative medicine, psychotherapy and extrasensory perception, using pseudoscientific concepts of the existence of “bioenergy” or “biofield”.
Yoga is mastery of the body, a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve sublime spiritual and mental state. In a narrower sense, yoga is one of the six orthodox schools (darshans) of Hindu philosophy. The original goal of yoga is to change the ontological status of man in the world.
Self-hypnosis is hypnosis that occurs without the participation of another person (hypnotherapist, hypnotist). Self-hypnosis is the result of personal practice, the goal of which is to enter a state of autogenic immersion. Self-hypnosis is close to prayer, meditation, and auto-training.
Tantra is a system of highest practices of Tibetan and Indian Buddhism.
Meditation is a type of exercise for training concentration, used for health purposes, to develop control over the flow of one’s thoughts and emotions, or to enter a special religious-mental state of “remembering”
Soul, Matrix of the soul - an immortal substance, an immaterial entity in which the divine nature of man is expressed, giving rise to and determining life, the abilities of sensation, thinking, consciousness, feelings and will, opposed to the body
Parapsychology is a discipline aimed at studying the existence and causes of supernatural psychic abilities of people, animals and plants, the phenomena of life after death and similar phenomena
Feng Shui is a Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space. With the help of Feng Shui, you can choose the “best” place to build a house or burial, the “correct” layout of the site; It is believed that a feng shui specialist can predict events. The goal of feng shui is to find favorable flows of qi energy and use them for the benefit of humans.
Palmistry, fortune telling, prophecy is one of ancient systems fortune telling about individual characteristics a person, his character traits, the events he experienced and his future fate according to the skin relief of the palms - capillary and especially flexor lines, as well as hills on the palm and along appearance hands.
Healing is a conventional concept that combines methods of diagnosing, preventing and treating human diseases, which for one reason or another have not received universal recognition among doctors.
Shamanism is the name of a complex of people’s ideas about ways of conscious and purposeful interaction with the transcendental (“otherworldly”) world, primarily with spirits, which is carried out by a shaman
Past life reading is a technique that describes several methods of remembering past lives.
Charms and talismans are magical objects whose purpose is to protect its owner or increase the effectiveness of his magical effects. It is believed that amulets can bring good luck, warn of danger, and improve well-being. It is also believed that an amulet that is poorly tuned to the owner can pose a serious threat, as well as other people’s amulets. An amulet can be any object, from jewelry to a piece of stone or trimming tree bark. However, precious and semi-precious stones are especially often used in this capacity.
Evil Eye, Damage, Removal of Damage - a common superstition among many peoples about the harmful influence of the gaze of some people (the “evil eye”) or under certain circumstances. The evil eye supposedly causes people and animals to get sick, trees to dry up, and bad luck to occur. They were especially afraid of the evil eye during childbirth and at weddings, which is why the bride was dressed in a veil; in some areas they hid the woman in labor or covered the newlyweds with a fishing net.
Channeling - sensitive individual, which, according to followers of spiritualism, serves as a link between two worlds: material and spiritual. The practice of mediumship is also used in spiritualism, candomblé, umbanda and other esoteric traditions.
The unknown is a phenomenon previously unknown to science, or part of it, which this science intends to investigate.
Ancient history - from the point of view of esotericism - is a history that begins with the appearance of the first intelligent beings and the first people. This story begins with the emergence of the asura civilization 600-500 million years ago. Ancient history contradicts ancient history, which is taught in schools and universities (this story, in their opinion, begins 40 thousand years ago after the “transformation” of a monkey into a human. The first civilizations are recognized Ancient Egypt and Sumer)
Religions and esotericism - in all religions there are philosophical (theosophical) movements that believe that their religion does not fully reveal the essence of life on Earth and the Universe, for this reason these movements try to use the knowledge of the ancients (esotericism) to explain many life phenomena
Esoteric Reiki technique is a type of complementary medicine that uses the technique of so-called “healing by laying on of hands”. Professionals sometimes classify it as a type of “oriental medicine”

History of esotericism

There are no exact data. The history of esotericism is lost in the depths of centuries. Moreover, esotericism does not represent one general tradition or a single system of views, but (as, for example, in psychology) many separate schools of thought, groups and movements, some of which are so distinctive that they can be quite different from each other.
In my opinion, the history of esotericism begins with the appearance on Earth of the first human civilization - the civilization of the asuras, which began to form 600 - 500 million years ago. This civilization developed under the leadership of the Sura (Sons of the Sun, representatives from the solar civilization, highly developed intelligent beings, whose bodies consist of high-temperature plasma). The suras passed on a lot of knowledge to the asuras and taught them many abilities, about which modern people they cannot even dream (these abilities can simply be called witchcraft, mysticism). But most of the asuras subsequently lost their knowledge and became wild (degraded), and only the most advanced (enlightened) part of the asuras became a highly developed cosmic civilization and broke ties with their degraded descendants.
The Atlantean civilization (this is part of the Western Asuras) tried to develop along the path of the Asuras (along the path of knowledge of the world), and this civilization reached a high level of development. Some of the Atlanteans (“white Atlanteans” who owned white magic) became a highly developed cosmic civilization and broke their connection with the degraded (feral) descendants of the Atlanteans (“black Atlanteans” who owned black magic).
Only the degraded descendants of the Asuras and the degraded descendants of the Atlanteans remained on Earth. But even among them there were those who remembered the greatness of the civilizations of the Asuras and Atlanteans, who tried to collect and preserve lost knowledge. They tried to revive the progressive development of humanity. These were priests, druids, and other spiritual teachers in ancient tribes (later they even began to be deified because of their incredibly great knowledge.
But gradually, the philosophy of the “black Atlanteans” began to prevail among people (the ideology of profit, the ideology of robbery, the ideology of war, the destruction of their own kind for the sake of their enrichment). This philosophy is still dominant in all countries of the world.
But even today on Earth there are keepers of the great knowledge of the ancients (esotericism), despite all the efforts of the ruling authorities to destroy all memory of ancient civilizations.
The authorities and academicians at the head of official science are trying in every possible way to convince people that modern development civilization is correct, although it has long become clear to everyone that modern states are developing only to enrich those who are in power. Strong states they are trying to destroy weaker states (the USA actually destroyed Somalia, subjugated Iraq, Afghanistan, destroyed Libya, and seeks to destroy Syria), and all this is done to enrich the ruling elites.
The guardians of ancient knowledge are the Masons (although they try in every possible way to discredit them and distort their activities, so the Masons carry out their activities in great secrecy). To destroy true Masonic organizations, the ruling circles create false (embellished) Masonic societies that serve the authorities. Also, the keepers of ancient knowledge are contactees - these are people who have reached a high level (enlightenment) in their knowledge, and it is with such people that representatives highly developed civilizations come into contact. Prophets (representatives of cosmic intelligence and correct ideology) regularly appear on Earth and have been trying for a long time to guide humanity along the righteous path. But their covenants are not fulfilled, and on the basis of their teachings, new religions (Christianity) are created, which continue to serve to support the existing authorities and the existing ideology of the “black Atlanteans” (ideology of profit, cult of money). Our civilization is developing in a dead-end direction. Our science is developing not in the direction of understanding the world, but to satisfy the needs of the ruling circles (for wars and for enriching the ruling circles).
For this reason, many people are currently looking for answers to their questions in the esoteric sciences.

Esotericism is a parody of religion. Its adherents do not want to admit this, presenting their teaching as something greater than any faith. IN modern world one can see many manifestations of esoteric teaching. On the one hand, it seems to really stand above many religious beliefs. In fact, it simply generalizes them, highlighting similar points and tenets. Esoteric teachings as part of religious beliefs are very common. In Christianity, this occult practice was hidden by the teachings of the Templar Order of Knights, in Islam it manifested itself in the form of Sufism, Kabbalah became the esoteric accompaniment of Judaism, and yoga - of Hinduism. That is, esotericists present themselves as those who have penetrated into the essence of the universe much more than ordinary believers and believe that Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists simply have not yet “grown enough” to understand the great teaching of the esotericist.

On this basis, they determined it possible to consider that esotericism is the next stage in the development of all religions. Which immediately resembles the fables of psychics, followers of the New Age teachings, Scientologists and other “non-religious” societies. They present their ideas about the evolutionary development of religions as something completely new, linking them either with the Age of Aquarius or with the New World Order. But similar teachings have appeared throughout human history. Just look at Hermeticism alone - the religious and philosophical esoteric teaching of ancient times. It was based on various occult and pagan worldview movements ancient world, which were mixed into one mess and presented to society as the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, scientist and priest.

All esoteric teachings are united by the meaning of achieving the highest perfection human spiritual development, using secret knowledge and supernatural abilities obtained as they gain knowledge of these secret meanings. An esotericist is a person who wants to achieve Paradise without repentance or build this paradise on earth. And here you can see another comparison. The Bible very clearly describes the situation with the Babylonian Pandemonium, when people, obsessed with becoming gods without God, built large building. Here one of the fundamental characteristics of esotericism is manifested - the achievement of equally divine peaks without turning to God himself.

It is obvious that esotericism is most opposed to Christianity. Just as love, humility, complete trust in God are the most important for the latter, so pride, self-deification and conceit are for the former.

The development of mystical teachings, and later occultism, was greatly facilitated by the so-called Renaissance. Having lost faith in God, but still striving for something mysteriously great, a huge number of scientists, poets, and former churchmen began to look for their truth in the teachings of the ancient world. The same Hermeticism found a second life in the 15th century thanks to the Jesuit monks.

Esotericists themselves call their difference from traditional magic as another “advantage” and truthfulness of mystical occult teachings. Magic is based on contact with alien-natural entities, and esotericism gives the impression of something scientific, reminiscent of psychology. In fact, any esoteric teaching, be it Kabbalah or the teachings of the Roerichs, are ordinary charlatanism, presented every historical period as a completely new teaching destined for everyone.

Greetings to regular and new readers! Esoterics: what is it? I hope that in this article you will get a clear answer to what esotericism is and watch the video.

What is esotericism in simple words

Esotericism is a collection of information and knowledge that is inaccessible to people ignorant of mystical teachings, special ways of perceiving reality. This is a teaching about the inner nature of man, knowledge of himself and the mysteries of the surrounding world.

Methods of cognition

There are countless methods for understanding mystical processes, and an unprepared person can easily fall into set traps. How can you touch the unknown without causing irreparable harm to yourself?

Every child from birth has incomprehensible secret abilities that, with skillful guidance, can be recognized and learned to control. The science or movement that studies hidden possibilities and secret knowledge collected throughout the existence of mankind is called esotericism.

It is she who makes it possible to understand oneself and the secrets of the world around us. It is generally accepted that this science includes various teachings, interpretations of individual schools, as well as practical skills of the acquired secret knowledge.

It includes the following systems:

  • School of self-healing;
  • Bioenergy;
  • Yoga;
  • Qigong;
  • Magic;
  • Theosophy;
  • Cosmoenergetics;
  • Projection into subtle worlds and much more.

The practical purpose of esotericism

The goal of esotericism is the conscious transformation of personality. The primary goal of self-knowledge is to achieve harmony between the inner “I” and outer life. For this purpose, a developed set of methods is proposed. But with an inept approach, you can cause irreparable harm to a person, thoroughly ruining his psyche.

Currently, it is customary to call esotericism everything that has a spiritual background, and is not reduced only to material issues of soul and body.

Very often practical exercises, and of course, the result obtained defies logical explanation and understanding of secret processes. To achieve the result, you must first disable your logical filter.

Secret knowledge is not subject to logic. You just need to do what is given. In this case, a change in consciousness occurs, and this, in turn, launches the entire necessary process aimed at the desired result.

Human possibilities are limitless. It is quite possible to change reality and discover hidden possibilities within yourself with the right approach.

Practical lessons are capable of giving a person completely new emotions and impressions that are unattainable in the material world. A person who takes a step towards the unknown often changes his worldview and sees in a new way. the world and can easily solve all life problems that arise.

In life comes agreement both with yourself and with the world around you. However, the search for secret knowledge from outside world leads the prospector into error, often distorting knowledge and thereby destroying consciousness.

Only detailed and systematic preparation, clear guidance from mentors will allow a person to dive into his consciousness without picking up energy debris.

All the past centuries, the secret of the world was carefully kept by adepts, and only with the advent of Internet technologies it became available to the general public. carefully preserved their mystical knowledge. An ignorant person, by incorrectly using the knowledge provided, can greatly harm himself and the people around him.


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Greetings, my dear reader. Oksana Manoilo is with you. In this article I will tell in simple words, which means esotericism and I will reveal directions in esotericism for beginners.

What is esotericism in simple words?

Many of you have probably heard, and perhaps even wondered, what does the word “esotericism” mean? To put it in simple words that will be understandable to everyone, this is some forgotten knowledge and techniques that allow, using the hidden capabilities of a person, to influence the world around us, our own body and worldview.

With the help of esotericism, people get the opportunity to understand themselves and the reality around them not only from the point of view of three-dimensional reality, as we are used to doing, but in a completely new way.

Reality is not three dimensional. It is limitless, and is by no means all subject to the eyes. Just like a person, not only a physical body, but also a complex system of energy nodes and channels, a cocoon, an etheric body and other things.

Such knowledge was accumulated over thousands of years by many peoples of antiquity, and only small grains of it have reached us. However, even they have sufficient importance and many possibilities.

However, most people in this moment they simply ignore the existence of such techniques, due to the fact that now minds are occupied only with the material component of life. And this is a mistake.

As already written above, the universe consists not only of the material, but also of the subtle plane. I wrote a separate article about the subtle plan, you can read it. Existing in harmony, they complement each other, and one cannot exist without the other. Only by achieving a balance between physics and metaphysics can one achieve peace of mind and realize your true purpose in this world.

Directions of esotericism

The array of esoteric techniques and teachings is quite large, and therefore they can be divided into several areas outlined below.

The direction of esotericism is self-knowledge

Very important for personal development direction. With the help of various practices, such as meditation, astral travel, breathing techniques, etc., a person frees himself from the framework imposed on him by society and by himself. An awareness of one’s own individuality and the individuality of other people comes, which helps to find one’s life path, and not become just a cog in the great system of current society.

The direction of esotericism is healing

The direction of esotericism is the ability to influence reality

The most extensive section of this science, which includes many independent teachings such as astrology, numerology, fortune telling, magic and occultism and the like. This direction attracts most people interested in esotericism, but it also scares them most of all, because the well-known “damage” and “evil eye” are part of the influence on reality.

That is why it makes sense to expand your knowledge in this area, because in this case it is much easier to determine whether this disease has affected you or someone in your family and take appropriate measures.

And this is not to mention the huge number of useful practices that improve well-being, problem solvers in personal life and within the family, and often even in career and business, esotericism can provide invaluable help.

Esoterics for beginners. Where to begin?

Having learned about the many benefits of people who have mastered this knowledge, many will ask “can I?” And the answer is yes. Many hundreds of years ago, most of the now known esoteric practices were used everywhere and by almost every person. At least in the area of today's Russia. They were not something out of the ordinary, and their use was a given. Naturally, no special skills are required for this.
Certainly, individual abilities will affect the power of the techniques, but at a basic, initial level, everyone can master them, and this, as a rule, is enough.

Where to start your journey into the secrets of esotericism?

Start to comprehend esotericism with thinking. Throw away the stereotypes and frameworks imposed by society that fetter your consciousness. Accept the world as it is, and not as they try to show you. Thinking only about material things, a person does not notice everything else. And as a result, he cannot understand what he was wrong about, why Life is going contrary to all plans, and in general, as if he is deliberately putting a spoke in your wheels.

Believe in what previously seemed absurd to you, open your mind to new ideas, and stop listening to people who teach you about life. Even if they only want the best for you, they have their own life, and you have yours. And accordingly, you need to live your life in a way that makes you comfortable, and not in the way that other people think is right.

Don't expect instant results. Just like in muscle training, in pumping the mind, it takes time to achieve visible results. However, in order to increase the speed and quality of learning, I recommend starting with studying my course "Esotericism training online".


On the site I have quite a lot of articles about esotericism and each has its own zest. Today I set myself the task of telling what esotericism means in simple words for beginners and wanted to give directions. The vector is given. Good luck to you on your journey and in achieving new heights in esotericism!

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With uv. Oksana Manoilo.

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What is Esoterics! Big detailed explanation!

EZO Journal is a magazine about esotericism, self-development, philosophy and astrology.

Family, children, work - what else? What is my individual contribution to this Life?!

This question comes to many people today. Many begin to look for the answer, and do not find it, and stress begins, disbelief in today and tomorrow, in bliss, in happiness. Everything seems so far-fetched, untrue... It seems that everyone is only talking about a bright “tomorrow”, but what about today?!

When a person does not find a way out of a difficult situation, having tried many official means, he comes to esoteric teachings. And by showing perseverance, you will certainly get results.

Often a person comes to esotericism when he is already desperately trying to get help from conventional medicine. He's looking for something more. And, if fate allows him, he actually finds help here. In fact, it is in esoteric practices that work is done not only with the physical body, not only with the consequences, but also with the subtle bodies of a person, with causes, with the soul.

Also, very often people come to esotericism for new sensations. Sooner or later, the world begins to lose its colors, the ordinariness of life bothers us, the soul is ready to step up to a higher level, and consciousness is ready to unite with the soul. Esoteric practices can present a person with those sensations and experiences that he will never achieve in material life. But esotericism is not toys; entering there means changing your life. Make room for spirituality, upward movement, meaningfulness and the Highest. The entire worldview often changes if a person takes the path of esotericism. Esotericism is a different worldview of the world, not limited to materiality, but also having a boundless spirituality in itself. That which is truly eternal.

The term “Esotericism” appeared in the Hellenistic era (4th-3rd centuries BC). Historically, it denoted occult science, the “internal doctrine” of a religious, philosophical or other teaching, accessible only to those who had undergone the rites of higher initiations, in contrast to the exoteric, “external” doctrine, the study of which was not only publicly available, but was also an obligation for everyone. It is enough to mention the secret teaching of Pythagoras and his " general education program", Christian sacraments, of which only in Orthodox Church All seven are available to both priests and laity. In the Catholic Church, only priests have this right; Freemasons have different degrees of initiation (from the first to the third in the French rite and to the thirty-third in the Scottish).

Esoterics is a word whose origin we owe to Pythagoras. Literally, esoterics means “inner territory.” Accordingly, esoteric knowledge is information and technology built on an internal or, more correctly, deep principle. This knowledge, as a rule, is passed on by word of mouth, and you can use it only after going through a period of adaptation in consciousness. Esoteric knowledge naturally appeared long before Pythagoras and was present among all peoples inhabiting the Earth, without exception.

Esotericism is not just a worldview and a way of life. Not just teaching and practice. Esoterics is conscious life. Comprehension of the world. Living in harmony with the environment and oneself, esotericism is not just an opportunity, but also a responsibility. The obligation to monitor your thoughts; in fact, a thought on the subtle plane works just as well as an action on the physical. And how, it goes without saying, from the causes, our thoughts, consequences creep out, which manifest themselves on the physical plane. Esotericists have much more powerful thoughts than ordinary people. And the more the esotericist develops, the more powerful the subtle becomes in him. Thoughts, desires, intentions.

Esotericism essentially refers to magic. However, magic is something that is beyond the comprehension of reality-directed consciousness. Unknown to people, supernatural. The ability to control the world with the help of a developed spirit (subtle bodies).

Magic invariably relies on psychology and esotericism as the main levers for controlling the world and oneself.

Magic and esotericism are centuries-old wisdom, which throughout its existence has helped many people to know themselves, aimed at knowledge inner world person. Unravel many laws of the Universe, because the forces of magic are the forces of space, the unity of material and spiritual worlds learn to manage energy.

Today, magic and esotericism have become accessible to many people who are hungry for new knowledge and want to get answers to many questions that arise in their souls.

Magic is not something special. There is already magic in everything. Magic is life itself, as it is, but as few know it.

Besides, everyone has their own life, and no one can be taught how to live. But the opportunity to manage your life is possible!

Magical and esoteric knowledge gives us insight and understanding, allows us to change ourselves and the world in which we live.

With the help of magical and esoteric knowledge, you can explore the possibilities of freedom.

Magic is amazingly simple. Magic and esotericism are like a synthesis of knowledge that humanity has accumulated over many years, they contain grains of Truth that complement each other, helping us achieve our goals. It will help expand your understanding of your capabilities, develop personal abilities and perceptions.

Esotericism is a way to free yourself from attitudes and restrictions that narrow the limits of your capabilities: explore your life, take a closer look at yourself, understand and modify behavior, emotional reactions and thinking patterns that hinder our development. Have courage, and esotericism will set you free! Esotericism is inside each of us. These forces have been liberated since the birth. It's in your power.

Let's give a few definitions, what is esotericism?

Esotericism is the concentration of “thought” during a long pause in the “breath” of Kundalini, where the meaning of the accumulation of energies is built, due to which “Time” enters the “breath” of life at the level of the Samadha chakra, in which there is control over the power of the “current” of thought.. .

Esoteric “culture” “Visions”... Esoterics is a secret (that is, unconscious as direct) language of thought, where diversity is recorded...

Esoteric (directed inward) - intended only for the elite, for specialists and understandable only to them. The opposite is exoteric.

Brief philosophical encyclopedia. - M., Publishing group "Progress" - "Encyclopedia", 1994. - p. 447

Esoteric teaching, secret teaching is a teaching accessible only to initiates who do not have the right to spread it further. For example, Jewish Kabbalah, ancient Greek mysteries, and Gnostic teachings are considered secret teachings. Currently, the teachings of Masons, Theosophists, and Anthroposophists are secret.

Brief philosophical encyclopedia. - M., Publishing Group "Progress" - "Encyclopedia", 1994. 576 pp. - p. 530

Esotericism is secret, hidden knowledge. Ancient Esoteric Knowledge is the name of everything that has been collected and stored by different peoples for centuries, passed on from generation to generation, lost and reappeared. This is age-old wisdom, understanding of oneself and knowledge of life.

Esoteric knowledge includes:

Numerology is the ability to correlate various kinds of numbers with current and future events associated with people and objects marked by these numbers, as well as calculating the number of a name and the influence this number gives on a person;

Astrology is the ability to determine the quality of time depending on the location of the planets and luminaries in solar system;

Physiognomy - the ability to determine personal qualities and possible actions by a person’s appearance;

Palmistry and chirology - the ability to determine personal qualities and the possible course of events in a person’s life based on the lines of the palm, the shape of the hand and fingers;

Ceremonial magic

Tarot cards




Practices of lucid dreams and projections into subtle planes



Thai massage


Ancient Greek mysteries and the teachings of the Freemasons

Vedic knowledge, etc.

All these are systems of closed, carefully guarded secret knowledge, although rejected by official science (besides astrology), but of great interest to ordinary people. Because esotericism has a scope of wide practical application in real life.

In a narrower sense, to define what esotericism is - this is the doctrine of the inner nature of man.

A person has incredible hidden abilities that can be developed and feel confident in any situation.

The goal of esotericism is a conscious change in a person’s personality. Esotericism offers a whole set of methods for changes that are sustainable, in contrast to the so-called “altered states of consciousness” achieved by followers of many religions or psychocults. The basis of these changes are Elevated States Consciousness.

In the world of esotericism, thoughts, intentions, desires are something that should be given considerable attention, since thoughts also manifest themselves on the physical plane.

Esotericism is hidden and secret knowledge collected by different peoples over the centuries.

Esotericism is the knowledge of oneself and the mysteries of the surrounding world.

Esotericism is most likely the revelation of the true self...

Esotericism is sacred secret knowledge, organizing the life of the human soul.

Esoterics are psychotechnologies for self-tuning of the soul and its connection with the soul of the mentor.

Often methods and practices related to esoteric defy explanation and understanding, but they work! When “treating”, turn off your mental dialogue, one of the first necessary conditions. Esotericism beyond the understanding of the brain. Turn off logic, turn off the evaluation factor and just do it. In most cases, consciousness and intention work! It is consciousness that produces changes in real world, this is the mechanism that starts the process that the “magic” ritual is aimed at. There are no limits to consciousness! According to the Bible, man is created in the image and likeness of God, and for God even the impossible is possible. And a person just needs to remember who he is and act in accordance with this awareness.

Changing the program of reality and gaining access to hidden capabilities becomes possible and real. The more non-standard elements in a person’s picture of the world, the more options for events, the wider the permissible boundaries of what is possible in the reality of a particular person.

What is esotericism? Here's what Kryon says about this:

“Every human being is so linear and so accustomed to it that not one of you realizes how distorted your reality is. As three-dimensional linear human beings, you have come to a seven-hour conference where each speaker must deliver a message in sequence. And your brain must perceive words in turn, one after another. Your whole reality is like a narrow, small path, you walk along it only forward, never back, up or down, right or left - only forward. It's like a thin string on which you try to maintain balance, and everything around you is built on the same principle. But you're used to it, so you don't feel like it's limiting you in any way.

Then some will say: “I won’t believe it until I see it. Let me deal with this question first, as it often arises among you. “I have to see this,” some say.

"Besides, Mister New Era, don't talk about strange things in the air. Don't tell me about the muscle movement you call kinesiology. Don't talk to me about numerology, astrology and past lives. Don't talk about Lemurians. I don't see them because they don't exist. This is all fiction." Things you cannot see exist everywhere and you take them for granted, but they are part of your 3D reality. For some reason you recognized them. The air is too small to see, but under a microscope you can see it. Yeah! “So he’s not so invisible,” you say.

Love is an emotion that you feel but cannot see. It exists because you can experience it. The forces of magnetism and gravity are so significant that you can constantly observe their influence, which means they also exist, according to your third-dimensional mind. Thus, the third-dimensional mind considers as real everything that can be measured with instruments or felt with the help of the body. But I am talking about something that will soon become available to you, as you will be able to see and feel it only through the intention of your heart... by slightly changing the rules of three-dimensional reality.

Esoterics are new updated sensations. Esoteric practices can give a person those experiences and sensations that he cannot achieve in material life. When a person takes a step into esotericism, his worldview often changes, he sees the world in a new way, he begins to see Eternal values. His life is changing, becoming more conscious. Harmony comes into life, both with yourself and with the world around you.

So what is esotericism? It is Development, Harmony, Healing, Awakening.

Difficulty moving to more high level knowledge, to a more accurate perception of the world lies in the need to switch to pure consciousness, which is associated with a constant look at the surrounding situation as if from the outside.

If you are not only a physical body, and you are not indifferent to issues of immortality, freedom, if you analyze your the real essence and touch the spiritual world, then perhaps esotericism is just for you!

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