What kind of profession is an SMM manager and why is it needed? Profession SMM manager

Who it SMM manager ? The profession of SMM manager is one of the most popular and promising in the IT industry. Besides, this profession requires constant dynamic learning to stay up to date with the latest trends and knowledge in the field.

Thus, he is a universal specialist whose activity is the professional management of people and processes within the brand’s social platform.

Publishes interesting material results of an on-line survey of the site MediaJOBS.RU.

Results of the on-line survey “About the work of an SMM manager according to the SMM managers themselves” published the portal MediaJOBS.RU, the leading Russian specialized resource about work and professions in media and advertising.

317 people took part in the survey. These include both users of the MediaJOBS.RU portal itself and specialized groups in in social networks Facebook and VKontakte.

Three main questions were asked:

  1. The job of an SMM manager: what qualifications are required first of all?
  2. Where do they provide quality training for working as an SMM manager?
  3. Your advice on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager.

The following emerged as leaders qualities of a successful SMM manager such as an understanding of the brand being promoted, a sense of humor, as well as knowledge of the laws of marketing in SocialMedia and the social base of the audience. Only a little more than half of respondents (54%) consider literacy an important quality of an SMM manager. 51% of respondents are confident that social media workers require the ability to quickly search and process information and analytics. 39% of respondents indicated that for SMM campaigns to be successful, a manager needs to work beyond time (it would be interesting to know how many of them are really willing to work long hours for the sake of results). A third of survey participants noted the need to work with graphic packages and knowledge of design. And one in five said knowledge of SEO basics would be useful.

As for the professional training of an SMM manager, according to the majority of survey participants, a person working in social media gains 50% of their experience independently, through their own trial and error; the rest helps by participating in conferences on SMM, monitoring foreign resources upon request, reading books on general marketing , advertising, consumer psychology, as well as publics and communities on the topic.

During the survey, it was noted that there are several good courses in Russia for beginners to work in SMM. Among them, respondents indicated such courses as IKRA, Center for Online Education “Netology”, School of Social Media “Involve”.

Among the authors specialized courses and seminars more often than others, survey participants named Igor Ashmanov, Damir Khalilov, Dmitry Sidorin. In addition, the courses were noted Natalia Odegova, Ilya Balakhnin, Dmitry Rumyantsev and Alena Lenskaya.

At the same time already increased criticism towards to the “founders” of SMM “generation SMM-next”. “Some “gurus” remained in the time when they themselves first looked into social networks, and social networks have already left and turned aside along the way. Yes, there is still enough trail of the past “guru”, but there is no desire to learn in the dust of the past. And what “funny” accounts the teachers themselves have! Come in and laugh. What can people teach who don’t know how to keep their own company page interesting?” noted one of the respondents.

“We need to communicate and read those who truly run client and brand publics and receive these rights not because of a kickback. The pros are Fedyunin Sergey, Malikov Sergey, the guys from the RIA Novosti team, someone from Apostol, those who lead groups of all sorts of complex goods and services (pumps, windows, cars), which are difficult to attract an audience to,” points out another of young SMM managers.

There are many tips on sources of knowledge for the work of an SMM manager. Among Western sources, “Social networks” were noted as the most interesting. An Instruction Manual by Mike Dalworth, Marketing in the Age of Like by Dave Kerpen, and the work of Odden Lee.

Among the most interesting resources, which help to “understand” the profession are called, likeni.ru, cossa.ru, smm2.ru, seopult.ru, ingate.ru, socialbakers.com, lifehacker.ru, advertology.ru, adindex.ru, netology.ru , fb: SMM 100% , fb:ideablog , vk: SMMers , vk: Online magazine about SMM, twitter: SMM News.

However, get a systemic and quality education nowhere in this area yet. “But getting a job for a beginner is a pain,” say SMM managers.

The editors of MediaJOBS.RU asked leading experts to comment on the results and answer pressing questions from SMM managers themselves:

Katya Tulyankina, Head of SMM and Reputation Management Department of the Internet Marketing Department, Ashmanov and Partners company

“I think about a sense of humor that it is important in any job. But whether it is good or not is not the most objective concept. Rather, it is important for an SMM specialist to be on the same page with the team. As for education, I personally can only single out Damir Khalilov and his school; everything else, in my opinion, is a way of making money. It is ideal when the educational base of an SMM specialist is a higher marketing or psychological education, and everything else comes with experience.

The three most important qualifications of an SMM manager today: understanding the basic psychology and behavior of the social media audience, strategic thinking, and easy-going.

We accept people into our team, first of all, based on an intuitive feeling of whether this field of activity is suitable for the applicant and whether he will join our team. The internal atmosphere in each project team is the key to successful project implementation. We will never accept a person into our team who does not understand the goals and objectives of his actions. That is, in my opinion, a good SMM specialist should be a good analyst, be aware of the performance indicators of each SMM tool, be able to predict the achievement of indicators, and promptly adjust the direction of his activities if the result does not live up to the forecast.”

Ekaterina Rukavishnikova, SocialMedia manager at Beeline

“The main qualification requirements for an SMM manager are the highest degree of responsibility (social networks are not just a public space, they are a hyper-public space where you need to monitor your every move). Ideal literacy, knowledge and understanding of the stylistics of the Russian language. It is also important to understand the specifics of the promoted brand and its target audience on social networks.

A candidate for our team must have one or two years of SMM experience. Plus, I would add stress resistance and the ability to quickly gather in an emergency situation, correctly prioritize large quantities tasks. We will never hire a person as an SMM manager who still believes that the job of SMM is to post once a day over a cup of coffee and engage the audience with cats. More seriously, a person who cannot clearly define the line between a joke and harsh banter, which can be very dangerous for the brand.”

Alina Bazelyuk, Chief Editor COSSA

“One of our goals is to train new people in the industry. It’s great that, judging by the polls, we are succeeding. By the way, materials on SMM are some of the most read and commented on Cossa). Sometimes such interest is even frightening: do readers need anything besides social networks?!

At the same time, we are not an agency, we do not have the position of SMM manager, social networks are handled by editorial staff. We formulated the basic principles of running social networks for ourselves as follows.

User, not page. A social network is not a mirror of a website, it is a separate territory, one might say, an independent mini-publication. We strive to not only announce our main materials, but also to use the features of the platforms: we communicate with users, look for new topics in the dialogue, discuss news, materials from colleagues, posts from readers. We strive to behave on social networks as a “who” and not as a “what” - a user, not a page.

Dialogue and self-criticism. We try to answer questions and comments and “get in touch.” It is not always possible to do this without emotion, especially when you need to respond to a remark: the reader loves to grumble, and not always to the point. But criticism can also be fair, and it is important to accept it with dignity and extract a lesson, benefit, or even material for a future article from the comment.

Time and immersion. Practice shows that social networks cannot be dealt with sporadically - the reader notices this. You need to be there constantly to promptly offer news and be a participant in communication. This is perhaps the most difficult thing.”

Kristina Mikheeva, managing partner of the MediaJOBS.RU portal and expert recruiting agency States.RU

“The results of the survey on qualifications in the work of an SMM manager, in my opinion, demonstrated the obvious “maturing” of this profession. It is important that the functionality is structured - at least in the profession of SMM manager there is an SMM analyst, marketer and editor. The majority of survey participants already working in SMM recognize the need for a serious background: marketing, branding, Public Relations and journalism. Plus psychology is desirable. In addition, cases of internal self-restraints and responsibility for SMM activity have been developed, which always indicates an exit from a childish state professional group generally".

Hello, friends! Rimma Belyakina is in touch with you. We continue to get acquainted with the possibilities of transferring our “military labor” from offline to online space. Today we will analyze in detail who an SMM manager is, talk about the features of this Internet profession, find out how to become one and start earning money remotely.

I wrote about that in my last article. Let's now take a closer look at the main actor of this process - an SMM manager: the ruler of social networks, the manager of a social media market.

Even babies are now friends with the Internet. Concept “ distant work” covers an increasingly wide range of offline professions moving online. And if not everyone, then almost everyone has heard about the not newfangled, but no less in demand, profession of SMM manager.

But who he is and what he does, or how he differs from, for example, an Internet marketer or content manager, and whether he is different or the same thing, not everyone can answer right away.

I’ll tell you a “terrible” secret: many have heard about this profession, but no one in the general population really knows what kind of specialty it is and what an SMM manager does. Ask this question 100 different people, you will get 100 different answers. Not even every employer can cope with the task of determining the scope of responsibilities of this specialist.

Some, however, have an idea of ​​him as a specialist in creating groups, attracting subscribers and getting likes. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out together.

Who is an SMM manager?

We spend more and more time not in real life, as before, but on social networks: there we communicate, watch movies, study, and shop. And it’s no secret to anyone that you can also earn money there. After all, as you know, demand creates supply. Social networks give us simply unlimited possibilities.

Have you ever wondered how these opportunities arise, who is behind it all? And behind all this is an SMM manager, a specialist in promotion on social networks. In other interpretations - social media manager, content manager, digital specialist and even internet marketer, although this is not entirely correct. And all this is a person whose priority tasks are to promote the company’s websites, products or services through social platforms.

An SMM manager is a specialist in promoting goods and services, building a company’s brand on the Internet through a set of events held in social networks, blogs, forums and other media.

Today, every self-respecting company has its own account on social networks. Banks, educational institutions, television channels, museums, all trade organizations have their official pages on the Internet. And they all need a promotion specialist. So the ever-growing popularity of this profession can be envied.

What is he responsible for?

Who is an SMM manager, I think we figured it out. Let's now decide what he will have to face in the process of his professional activity, and what he will be responsible for.

If we look at the value English word“manager”, we learn that this is a specialist responsible for managing the work process in the area entrusted to him. IN in this case the site refers to a social media platform, and the work process is aimed at increasing the size of the audience interested in the client’s product or service.

Whatever tasks the client sets for the SMM specialist: branding the company, creating the company’s image, sales, etc., the work is mainly carried out in two directions:

  1. Attracting traffic (increasing the number of subscribers).
  2. Working with the audience (creating content to maintain interest, communication).

In addition to solving problems, the SMM specialist will have to perform a number of duties.

Responsibilities of the SMM specialist

Here's how, for example, the research center of the SuperJob portal describes job responsibilities.

Employers' requirements for SMM specialists may differ depending on the company. Here is one of the advertisements for the vacancy of an SMM manager.

This is quite a list, isn’t it? So, if you decide to become a pro in this field, then get ready for the fact that you will have to combine the following skills:

  • content manager,
  • copywriter,
  • web designer,
  • PR specialist,
  • marketer,
  • advertiser.

Yes, “this is not an easy job...” It will take a lot of effort to organize the work, make it efficient and effective. You need a competent approach and organization. Let's now see how the working day of an SMM manager goes.

His working day

Each person, due to his activity and personal qualities, builds a daily routine in his own way. The working day of an SMM specialist is quite intense, I must say. Judge for yourself. During the day, the SMM manager needs:

  1. Monitor client accounts (working with comments, messages, eliminating spam, checking user publications, reposting to client pages).
  2. Study statistics on reposts, likes, publications, increasing subscribers, working with hashtags.
  3. Set up targeted advertising to attract target audience.
  4. Work with colleagues: copywriters, designers, technical staff, if any, as separate units; in the absence of such, you will have to do all the work on selecting and posting content yourself.
  5. Conduct meetings/negotiations via Skype or other programs.
  6. Make reports for the past period (working with data from analytics services).
  7. Create a content plan for the next period.

Life hack from the “experienced”: all the work that needs to be done today needs to be done “yesterday”. Learn to use scheduled posting services like SmmBox and you will greatly simplify your life.

Important qualities without which you cannot become an SMM pro

From all of the above, it is clear that you cannot become an SMM manager overnight. You need knowledge, special skills and certain personal qualities. What exactly can’t a social media market manager do without? What should it be like? What skills and abilities will be required from him?

  1. Communication skills come first. He must be able to communicate with the target audience, engage and captivate, in order to reach the final goal - selling a product or service.
  2. Understanding of the concept of working with social networks, the ability to select target audiences, social platforms for selling goods.
  3. Ability to think systematically: engage in strategic planning.
  4. Ability to set up targeted advertising.
  5. Knowledge graphic editors and the ability to work with them.
  6. Ability to work with the main tool – content. Here you will need the basics of copywriting and a good knowledge of the Russian language. And knowledge of a foreign language is a big plus in the treasury of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  7. Personal qualities such as organization, creativity, analytical mind, healthy sense of humor, active life position.
  8. The desire to improve yourself and achieve your goals.

The ideal, of course, is to have and combine all these features. But the ideal is an ephemeral concept. However, no one canceled the desire to strive for it.

Why do you need this profession?

And, really, why? Is it right for you? Is it even possible to learn all this and how to calculate your capabilities? What advantages and disadvantages does this job offer you? Where to start and where to look for work? How much do they pay for this? Surely, all these questions arose in the mind of every person who wants to try their hand at SMM promotion. Let's look at these questions.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, what pros and cons can you encounter in SMM promotion?

  • Demand. Even a crisis and general layoffs will not prevent a good social media manager from finding a job. The demand for a competent specialist in the field of social media marketing is steadily growing. Go to any vacancy resource and you will see for yourself.
  • The activity of social networks is developing with enviable consistency. The population, young and old, has 3–4 accounts on the network, and therefore finding your target audience will not be difficult even for a specialist without work experience.
  • It is easier and more profitable to work with advertising on social networks. Promotions are relatively inexpensive.
  • The effect of viral marketing (likes and reposts) works with a bang, attracting more and more subscribers, and therefore potential clients.
  • Useful content, communication with social network users and feedback help to form a positive opinion about the company and increase the customer base.
  • You can work both in the office and remotely. With the second option, it’s also a flexible schedule, and “you’re your own boss – I eat when I want, when I want to sleep.”
  • A large amount of work with the mandatory preparation of analyzes, reports, and monitoring.
  • Often long working hours in front of a computer monitor have health consequences (problems with vision and spine may appear). Skillful use of SMM tools, however, compensates for this.
  • Until now, many employers do not have a complete understanding of the competencies of SMM management and the activities of a specialist in this field, which can lead to disagreements regarding wages.

Perhaps these are all the disadvantages. And if you put them on the scale, it is obvious that the advantages will show a significant advantage. So, you can already answer why you should engage in SMM promotion.

In addition, this is a rather exciting and dynamic process. You will definitely like it if you are an extrovert. There are people like that in my circle. At first, like me, we learned copywriting, then very quickly went into SMM, because I was attracted to a more active, “live” format of activity.


How much does a manager earn? Pretty decent. The average salary in the country is 33,000 rubles. But, of course, the plus/minus depends on the region, the specifics of the company, agency, the competence of the specialist, the scope of tasks and requirements assigned to him.

Here detailed information By major cities Russia. Statistics presented research center SuperJob portal.

Salary is another good incentive to think about the prospects of the SMM profession. By showing initiative and increasing experience in SMM promotion, you can reach the level of 100,000 rubles.


The prospects for the profession are tempting in terms of career growth. Purposeful and pragmatic, especially young people, can “rise to the rank of general” in SMM promotion: take a leading position in some Internet project, a management position in a company, found their own Internet agency, provide consulting services (which is very expensive), or conduct training courses.

How and where to learn SMM

Training can be obtained both in higher education educational institutions at socio-economic faculties of marketing, advertising and PR, as well as at specialized offline and online courses and trainings.

I will highlight the best:

  • Course” from the ConvertMonster project.
  • Three-month course “SMM Manager” from the online university Netology.
  • “SMM Manager” course from the Geekbrains portal and Mail.ru company.

I plan to cover the topic of SMM training in detail in a future article.

You can learn on your own by trial and error. Many people come to this profession from the starting position of a moderator of one group on some social network. But that's pretty long haul, where you will have to attend numerous trainings, webinars, conferences, and read a lot of literature. The choice is yours.

Where to find a job

Those wishing to find a job with official employment should first search on vacancy sites, such as:

  • avito.ru,
  • superjob.ru,
  • hh.ru,
  • rabota.ru, etc.

Freelancers should also look at fl.ru, look for offers on thematic public pages, forums and social networking sites. You can often find good offers for running groups, public pages, and blogs.

And it's better to start small. Working as an assistant to an SMM specialist will allow you to develop the necessary skills, gain sufficient experience, create a cool portfolio of projects and become a professional that employers will chase.


Now you know who an SMM manager is, what he does and what you need to do to become one. If you seriously decide to devote yourself to SMM promotion, you should work on creating a full-fledged resume, where you need to include all your knowledge, skills and abilities useful for this profession. A created real portfolio with projects that you supervised is your carte blanche into your dream profession.

The joys of learning and bright projects to you!

You will find out who an SMM manager is and what he does. Let us consider in detail the specifics of the work of such a specialist in social networks, his responsibilities and skills. We will definitely touch on the issue of salary and training for such a specialty.

SMM manager is a specialist who creates a set of measures to promote goods or services through social media.

That is, this is not the person who sets up advertising or creates content. This is the chief manager who approaches the issue strategically.

He can take a product or service and develop a strategy on how, through a set of various actions, to promote it all on social networks and get results.

SMM specialist is a very popular profession. It is necessary for companies that come online and want to do business through social networks. But the problem is that they don’t know how to build a promotion strategy.

In Russia, about 79% of companies engage in promotion on social networks. Well, or they are trying to do it somehow. They create accounts there themselves and try to do something.

At the same time, 41% of companies have at least one SMM manager on staff. 95% of everyone works very poorly on social networks.

But the most important thing is that the percentage of companies that use social networks is growing every year. That is why the demand for qualified specialists is increasing.

More and more companies are coming to the Internet. And the likelihood that they will find a good specialist is becoming less and less.

Job description of SMM manager

Let's go through a little here job description smm manager. Let's consider the main responsibilities, natural skills and requirements for this vacancy.

Responsibilities of an SMM manager

Here are the main responsibilities of an SMM manager:

  • Maintaining official pages on social networks
  • Development of a media plan, content plan, promotion plan and work on it
  • Promotion on social networks and analysis of results
  • Creativity of special projects and competitions
  • Preparation of weekly and monthly analytical reports based on the results of account development
  • Monitoring and analysis of SMM activity of competitors
  • Selection and management of contractors
  • Monitoring the information field, analyzing messages about the company and projects, prompt processing of information
  • Feedback from subscribers, analysis of their activity, involvement in discussions, answers to questions

So, what should an SMM specialist be able to do?

The first and most important thing for such a person will be choosing a suitable social network for work. This is where all SMM promotion begins!

There are a lot of platforms for this. You need to select only those that are suitable specifically for this business. Then the budget is already spent on them.

The next task is increasing target audience reach who is interested in the brand’s product or service. It's not just about setting up ads or creating content. This is a set of actions aimed at increasing coverage.

Another task of the SMM specialist is strategy Development business. In principle, this is the basis from which work also begins. Depending on which strategy the specialist chooses, the company can make or lose money.

This is a very important moment! A lot depends on experience, intuition, skills, and so on.

He must know how it is done and give orders. That is, find the right specialist ( photographer, copywriter), who will create content. In general, a specialist must be able to organize everything correctly, as well as understand what exactly needs to be done.

What other tasks are there for an SMM manager?

This is also working with contractors:

  • Search for performers on special platforms
  • Statement of technical specifications
  • Execution control

Duties also include implementation of automation tools in social networks. This work with various programs, analytical tools, pivot tables and so on.

There is one more point that must be observed!

Every day, the manager is required to devote 30 to 60 minutes to reading news and new articles on your topic. This helps in developing skills. You can learn something new and also keep abreast of important news from your field.

What is not included in the duties

Here's what is not the responsibility of an SMM specialist:

  • Writing posts ( this is what a copywriter, journalist does)
  • Preparation of photo and video materials ( designer, photographer)
  • Communication with clients ( sales department, technical support, community manager)
  • Setting up services ( for example, if this is a service for content, then this should be handled by a content manager)
  • Setting up advertising on social networks ( targetologist)

Although the above is not the responsibility of the SMM manager, he should still know how all this is done. This way he will understand what he needs to get. These skills will also help in monitoring the execution of work and communicating with other specialists.

Requirements for an SMM specialist

Here are the basic skills and requirements for an SMM specialist:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the specifics of social media
  • Experience in the field of Internet marketing for at least 3 years, independently completed projects are required
  • Willingness to handle large volumes of work, ability to work in a team
  • Availability of an established base of contractors and freelancers
  • Excellent quality of prepared texts, press releases, etc.
  • Correct oral and written language
  • Responsibility
  • Initiative
  • Attention to details
  • Sociability
  • Openness to everything new
  • Stress resistance
  • Desire to constantly learn
  • Easy to learn

If you are a priori closed person who does not like to communicate, then it will be very difficult for you to work on social networks. You need to be able to maintain a dialogue. After all, communication is the main tool of an SMM manager.

Here are some skills you need to acquire to become good specialist.

First, you should get a general understanding of what their operating algorithms are. Within such sites there are dozens of tools that are intended for specialists, not ordinary users.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to optimize a page, then you are unlikely to be able to give a good result to your client.

When you have studied the entire internal interface and capabilities of the social network, you must learn how to work with various services and programs. Starting from Photoshop and ending with .

If you do not work in a large company, where there is a specialist for each task, then you will have to do it all yourself.

The smm worker often works as a cultivator. He must be able to do everything!

On initial stage You most likely won’t be able to get a job in a big company. Therefore, we are now talking about ordinary services for small and medium-sized businesses. Here you will most likely need to create texts, photos, edit videos, and so on.

Therefore, you need to know how to work with photo and video editors. You also simply must learn how to create cool texts. So some books on copywriting are still worth reading.

  • Peter Panda - Texts that are believed
  • Books by Denis Kaplunov

You should also have an idea of ​​what sales and marketing are. Need to know general idea about the customer journey. From his interest to the purchase stage and recommendation to other people.

After reading his books, you will get an idea about the stages of sales. Only after this move on to SMM.

SMM training

As I said above, before moving on to SMM training, you first need to master some basic skills. This is an understanding of marketing, working with various services and programs. Ability to write texts, take photos, videos, and so on.

Only after this you need to move on to training to become an SMM manager.

Constantly improve your professionalism. To do this, you will need various courses, trainings, educational resources and subscriptions to numerous sites.

If you are good at English language, then I recommend training on Western platforms. There are also many good Russian-language resources.

Remember that only experience and practice provide the knowledge that helps in successful business. If possible, I recommend working with a practitioner. You need to take individual coaching to help you set up a specific page.

If you really want to become a good SMM specialist, then I recommend finding a person who will teach you how to work step by step.

Salary of an SMM specialist

You will find out how much an SMM manager earns and what payment option can be used.

In America average salary is $3,300. Minimum payment SMM service costs $561. The maximum is $12,914. In Russia, the average salary is about 40,000 rubles. The maximum salary sometimes reaches 150,000.

TO SMM marketer Absolutely everyone applies!

Any company needs such a specialist. Of course, a small business will not hire you and offer you a salary of $2,000. It is just developing, so only a small budget can pay for it.

On average, maintaining one Facebook page starts at $250. It's about the same on Instagram.

Since this is a small check, but there is a lot of work, I recommend that all SMM workers work on such a basis as rate + percentage for sales.

What percentage of sales will be depends only on you ( How do you agree?). But you must be absolutely sure that you will not waste your time in vain and that you will actually be able to bring clients and increase income.

How is the cost of payment determined?

An SMM manager must at least cover the customer’s expenses for his services. For example, if your services cost 500 euros, then you must bring clients to the customer worth more than 500 euros. You need to justify its costs to you and provide some income.

Of course, there are areas where you won’t be able to justify the customer’s expenses in the first month. For example, a big check, buying real estate, investing, and so on.

But that is another story. This is not a small business. Here the formation of a brand and the perception of a product or service by potential customers is already underway.

When it comes to large companies, the salary of a social media manager is calculated differently. After all, in addition to bringing clients, you must also monitor the image and perception of the client’s product or service.

What does the salary of an SMM specialist depend on?

And the salary of an SMM specialist depends on how well a person performs his duties.

If you bring clients for a much larger amount than you are paid, then you have the right to ask for an increase in payment for your services.

In general, there is unlimited income here. Everything depends only on you!

As you grow, you will always increase your check. First, you will be an assistant to an SMM manager or some kind of social network administrator. And when you become a good promotion specialist, you will definitely increase the bill for your services.

After some time, you will learn to delegate your tasks and create your own team. Perhaps an SMM agency. Then your income can be measured in tens of thousands of dollars.

On average, to earn $1,000, a SMM manager must have 2 - 3 small clients or one large one.

Working on social networks

If you want to find a good SMM job on social networks for high pay, then first I recommend taking some page and showing the result on it. This will be your best!

Don’t look for clients and don’t write to everyone in a personal message about your services!

Believe me, clients will find you themselves! They will write to you in private messages, email, and so on. Word of mouth will also have an effect. In general, people themselves will ask you to take over their pages for promotion.

Feel free to show results before you started working on the page and after you've implemented your knowledge. Tell us what happened and how many clients you managed to attract.

Be sure to mention new ones modern methods promotion. This will let everyone know that you are constantly improving and always keep an eye on new products.


Now you know who an SMM manager is and what he should do. We also looked at the basic skills and tasks of such a specialist, his training and payment.

It is worth saying that Social Media Marketing ( SMM) is now actively developing! Therefore, such specialists are already a relative concept.

IN large companies there are special units. As I already said, an smm manager is Chief Specialist, who leads the social media strategy. But besides him, there is also a large number of different specialists and assistants.

For example, a community manager. This is the one who communicates on social networks, responds to messages and comments. That is, it deals with communication.

There is also a poster on staff. Not a very highly paid specialty.

This is the one who posts. Usually he does this through deferred posting services or manually. He must creatively select pictures for his posts and create special nuances to attract attention to the post.

SMM specialist - who is he and what should he know? This question is asked by both company managers who want to create their own staff to work with social media, and specialists who dream of devoting themselves to this profession.

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We will tell you, based on our experience, about the responsibilities, skills and requirements for an smm specialist. Let's start with the fact that this profession appeared relatively recently due to the rapid growth of social media as a platform for working with clients. There is no such specialty in institutions yet and, as a rule, those who have marketing or PR education and experience in these areas become SMM specialists. Of course, according to statistics, most people do not work in their specialty, but we give preference to people with the above base. After all, Social Media Marketing stands for social media marketing. That is, it is the specialist’s base as a marketer or PR specialist that is important; social networks are simply a separate branch of work. It is clear that, as in any narrow field, it requires specific knowledge, which the future SMM specialist will receive by completing courses and training in this area.

How to become an SMM specialist?

How to become an SMM specialist is the second popular question. There are two stages, as in any field - theoretical and practical. To begin with, the future smm (smm) specialist receives theoretical training by undergoing training in specialized schools or taking online training. After this, having received the necessary theoretical knowledge, and sometimes practical skills (some schools provide this opportunity), you can already get a job. Without practical experience job, a candidate can apply for a position as an assistant or trainee in the social media department. If you have copywriting skills, it is possible to get a position as a content specialist and then, by showing initiative and desire, in practice, under the guidance of a mentor, get more deep knowledge by smm.

Required knowledge and skills of an SMM specialist

The work of an SMM specialist requires the following knowledge and skills and consists of the following main blocks of tasks:

1. Marketing:

  • Creating a brand presence strategy on social media
  • Conducting competitive analysis
  • Identification of consumer insights and barriers to product use
  • Determining the brand’s target audience and understanding behavioral patterns in various social networks, target audience segmentation
  • Ability to build a positive dialogue with social network users, understanding of consumer psychology

2. General management skills:

  • Planning work on an SMM promotion project
  • Setting tasks for other team members (designers, copywriters)
  • Document flow

3. Highly specialized SMM skills:

  • Understanding the capabilities of SMM and setting KPIs (key performance indicators)
  • Knowledge of social networks, forums, and their technical capabilities
  • Ability to create accounts and groups on all social platforms
  • Tracking SMM trends and using them in your work
  • Ability to set up advertising

4. Analytical data:

  • SMM campaign cost calculation
  • Choosing a more effective promotion channel, including by calculating the cost of contact
  • Calculating engagement metrics
  • Calculation of the effectiveness of specific tools (advertising, competition, activity)
  • Advertising campaign analytics

5. Creative component:

  • Ability to write texts on any topic and for different tasks
  • Ability to come up with regular activities for different audiences

And this list is far from complete. So, as you can see, an SMM specialist is a serious job, and not “sit on VKontakte.” If you want to create your own department or simply hire an employee, we recommend reading in addition. If you want to work in the SMM field, see if we have open vacancies, and perhaps you can become part of our team.

Welcome to the InetSovety.ru blog. From this article you will learn who an SMM manager is, what he does and how to master this Internet profession. We all use the Internet for our own purposes, but we cannot influence the system in any way. One of the most popular places where all participants gather virtual reality, are social networks. Ordinary users use all their capabilities, including purchasing all kinds of goods.

However, no one thinks about where these opportunities come from, that is, who gives them. And an SMM specialist does this. Who is he, what does he do, what is he needed for? Let's look at these questions one by one.

The concept of an SMM specialist and the tasks he solves

Who is an SMM manager and what does he do? First, let's understand the very concept of SMM.

The decoding of SMM sounds like Social Media Marketing, or social media marketing. This an integral part of promoting the interests of companies via the Internet, or more precisely through social networks (personal pages, groups). All these activities are carried out by the SMM specialist.

It is worth noting right away that the services of such a specialist are by no means cheap, so if you are just starting to run your business, you will need to prepare for the upcoming financial expenses. However, believe that thanks to the services of such an employee, you will be able to get much more than you spend at the beginning.

So, who is this SMM specialist? Let's figure it out.

Features of the profession

An SMM manager is a person who promotes a business. However, this is very painstaking work, so if at first glance it seems to you that working on social networks or blogs is easy, then it is not so. In fact, an SMM specialist must also solve many other tasks, namely:

  • study the needs, interests, tastes of the audience, on the basis of which the strategy is built further development project;
  • respond to user requests, study comments, and then respond to them;
  • conduct various events to attract new customers - competitions, quizzes;
  • develop interesting internet applications for social networks;
  • create channels on various video hosting sites;
  • SMM manager is responsible for advertising campaigns aimed at promoting business on the Internet;
  • maintain all accounts or communities associated with the company, as well as moderate them;
  • work with freelancers;
  • optimize content for the needs of a blog or community on a social network.

But that’s not all that an SMM manager does. Moreover, these points are not his responsibilities. These are only the tasks that such a specialist faces. In addition to them, he is engaged in:

  • community management;
  • working with interfaces of websites, groups on social networks, etc.;
  • creating a start page and additional tabs on the pages of the project he is leading;
  • monitoring and analyzing the functioning of all implemented systems;
  • identifying leaders among the target audience and ensuring close interaction with them;
  • creating and maintaining corporate accounts on social networks or blogs;
  • carrying out advertising and marketing moves, but in a veiled form.

That is, if we look at the question of who an SMM manager is from a different angle, then we can absolutely say that he is a universal specialist who combines the following skills:

  • marketer;
  • advertiser;
  • moderator;
  • administrator;
  • official representative of the company.

Now you know who an SMM specialist is and what problems he solves. However, this is not all, since, in addition to solving these problems, such an employee also has a number of responsibilities. Let's look at them.

Professional responsibilities of an SMM specialist

The responsibilities of an SMM manager are quite extensive, so he must be a responsible, self-confident person who knows how to accept right decisions and recognize people as beneficial partners.

  • forms and promotes SMM products;
  • deals with pricing;
  • conducts advertising campaigns on social networks;
  • finds new clients while continuing to maintain partnerships with current ones;
  • analyzes the activities of competing companies;
  • studies new trends in a particular area of ​​business and implements them into his project;
  • creates comments with which you can maintain a good image of the company;
  • manages various projects.

That's all SMM responsibilities manager At first glance, it may seem that this is all very difficult, and indeed: if you decide to connect your life with promotion on social networks, then be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to overcome some difficulties. However, you will soon get used to it, and it will be much easier and more interesting for you to perform the functions of an SMM specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages of the CMM profession

SMM manager is a very difficult profession, which, in addition to a lot of advantages, also has its own negative sides. But first, let's look at the main advantages of this position.

  1. There is great demand for SMM services due to the rapid development of marketing in social networks.
  2. More trusting and respectful attitude of the user. Unlike an advertising worker, to whom people quite often express outright antipathy, this employee is shown much more trust. The SMM manager of social networks has nothing to do with direct advertising, but does all this hidden, carefully and competently, and most importantly, unobtrusively.
  3. Wide range of users to create a target audience.
  4. The cost of advertising is relatively low.
  5. Opportunity to look for new clients.

There is only one downside to this profession, but it adds a significant fly in the ointment. Due to the fact that an SMM specialist is, roughly speaking, a free person (that is, he is often a freelancer), potential employers, unfortunately, cannot always imagine the scope of work he performs. Accordingly, they may underestimate its importance in the world of business on social networks, which will negatively affect wages such an employee. Otherwise, this profession is one big plus.

Requirements for an SMM manager

Understanding and knowing who an SMM specialist is and what he does is not enough to decide whether you are ready for all the difficulties associated with this profession. In addition, you should be aware of what knowledge and skills such employee has. Without this, you will not be able to work in this position.

As for personal qualities, a social media manager must have:

  • communication skills, that is, to be sociable and have a large vocabulary;
  • creativity, that is, to have great creative potential;
  • desire to reach new heights;
  • thirst for self-improvement;
  • the ability to conduct a thorough analysis of the information received;
  • the ability to think systematically, logically and consistently;
  • such a character trait as self-organization;
  • the ability to navigate yourself and guide others to achieve positive results from joint activities;
  • independence;
  • the ability to quickly and efficiently solve assigned problems;
  • the ability to express your thoughts creatively and clearly, and at the same time convey them to other users;
  • a good sense of humor (this quality will definitely come in handy when creating an advertising campaign).

In principle, these are all the requirements for such an employee as a social media manager. If you are confident that you can cope with all the tasks assigned, and you have all the above qualities and skills, then the path up career ladder it will be easy for you to overcome.

How and where can you learn a profession?

How to become an SMM specialist? First of all, you must master:

  • the basics of creating and promoting contextual advertising Google Adwords and Yandex Direct;
  • the essence of working with Internet statistics and web analytics;
  • Internet communications skills;
  • basic rules for working on social networks;
  • CEO rules;
  • basics and ;
  • web technologies.

Training to become an SMM manager can be completed at many universities and institutes in Russia. Of course, most of them are located in Moscow, and the most popular educational institutions are:

  1. National Research University " graduate School economy."
  2. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin.
  3. MGUMO MFA of Russia.
  4. MSTU named after Bauman (the so-called “Baumanka”), etc.

It’s worth noting right away that these educational institutions do not teach how to become an SMM specialist. However, they will be able to give you all the necessary knowledge in the field of marketing and the exact sciences, which you will then be able to successfully use in order to start working in social networks as a social media manager.

You can get the necessary skills to promote your business on social networks by signing up for online training at the University of Internet Professions Netology .

Career advancement

You must remember that at first, SMM for beginners can sometimes be very difficult. You will have to go through many steps that will gradually lead you up the career ladder to the coveted position. But first you'll have to do some work:

  • moderator in a group on social networks;
  • running your own blog on the Internet;
  • SEO optimizer;
  • freelancer, copywriter, web designer;
  • advertiser or PR person.

Of course, to become a social media manager, it is not at all necessary to apply for each position (or study at the institute) separately. Nothing prevents you from working in one of these areas while simultaneously studying another. Thus, you will save time and money, because you will know exactly what qualities and skills a specialist such as an SMM manager combines.

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