Dima Bilan: biography of one of the most successful Russian pop artists. Dima Bilan: Personal life and his biography

Singer Dima Bilan (real name Viktor Nikolaevich Belan) was born at midnight on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug of the RSFSR.

The artist officially changed his name to a pseudonym in 2008. The new name was not chosen by chance. Dmitry was the name of Bilan’s grandfather, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, Vitya has said that he would like to be called Dima. Dima's family is a working class one. Dad Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a mechanic and design engineer, and mother first worked in greenhouses and then devoted herself to the social sphere. The singer has two sisters. The eldest Elena worked as a waitress, and is now a fashion designer, and the youngest Anna (1994).

When Vitya was only one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. And five years later, the Belan couple moved to the city of Maysky, Kabardino-Balkaria. Here the future singer went to school.

In the fifth grade, Dima enters music school and finishes it in accordion class. At the same time, the boy participates in various competitions and festivals. In 1999, the young musician came to Moscow and participated in the Chunga-Changa festival, which was dedicated to children's creativity and 30th anniversary collaboration Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Bilan receives the diploma personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon. Musical education of Dima Bilan In 2000, Vitya Belan entered the State School of Music named after the Gnessins. His singer graduated in 2003, receiving a diploma in vocal performance.

After this, it was decided to continue his studies, the artist entered GITIS. There he was enrolled in the faculty acting straight into the second year. The enchanting career of Dima Bilan In 2000, MTV Russia aired the first video of Dima Bilan. The singer’s first producer, Elena Kan, filmed it with her own money. It was the song “Autumn”, the video for which was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. The latter immediately recognized the talent in the Kabardian boy and began working with him. Bilan made his debut on stage in 2002. He performed at the festival New wave» in Jurmala. There he presented the song “Boom” and took fourth place. And after the competition, they began filming a video for this composition, and then for the songs “I am a night hooligan,” “I was wrong, I got it,” and “You, only you.” By the way, Igor Krutoy’s daughter starred in the “I Love You So Much” video. It is worth noting that while working with Aizenshpis, Dmitry Bilan imitated the singer Danko.

Bilan's debut album “I am a night hooligan” was released at the end of 2003. A year later, a re-release appeared, which included four new songs (“Heartless”, “Stop the Music”, “In last time", "Dark night"). The studio album “On the Shore of the Sky” was released in 2004. At the same time, the singer began recording his first English-language record. Diane and Shaun Escoffery helped him in this. In 2005, an official collection of videos entitled “You, Only You” was released. In a fruitful year, the single “ New Year from a new line." It contained three tracks: New Year with a new line and its remix, as well as Between the sky and heaven. Life without Yuri Aizenshpis On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis passed away. And immediately after the death of the producer, Dima was nominated for the “ World Music Awards" for the best Russian artist. After Aizenshpis left, many offered Bilan to sign contacts. In 2006, the contract with Aizenshpis’s company, which was headed by his wife Elena Kovrigina, was terminated. The company demanded that Bilan change his pseudonym, since it did not belong to him. However, Yana Rudkovskaya was already at the head of the team. Therefore, Bilan’s conflict was resolved and in 2008 the pseudonym became the singer’s official name.

Two Golden Gramophone awards immediately ended up in Dima Bilan’s pocket in 2005. He received the award in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song “You Should Be Nearby.” And on the project “New songs about the main thing” the artist received the Channel One prize from the professional jury. In 2006, Dima Bilan participated in the “Golden Organ Organ”, as well as in Kyiv in the “International Music Awards”. There he became "Singer of the Year". And it was there that the song “Never Let You Go” was performed for the first time.

2007 was a very eventful year for the performer. Dima took three awards at once at the Muz-TV ceremony: “ Best composition», « Best Album" And " Best Performer of the year". In the summer, he came as an honorary guest to the “New Wave” and became a member of the jury of the “STS Lights a Star” project. And in the fall, three nominations ended up in the hands of the singer at the MTV Russia Music Awards. Bilan received nesting dolls for “Best Composition” (Impossible-Possible), “Best Performer” and “Artist of the Year”.

In addition, at the MTV RMA ceremony, the singer performed the song together with Sebastian (Timbaland's brother). The latter flew to Moscow specifically for this purpose. By the way, at the end of 2007, VTsIOM reported that none other than Dima Bilan became the “Favorite Citizen of Russia” in the “Singer of the Year” rating. In the same year, the artist entered the top three most expensive and popular Russians, according to Forbes.

Further more. Dima Bilan consistently every year becomes the most beautiful, highly paid, popular and the best of the best in Russia. In 2009, he was even entrusted to be the Ambassador of Sochi 2014. “I am proud to become the Ambassador of Sochi 2014.” I appeal to all my fans - guys, get on your skis, get involved in the Sochi 2014 mega-project. We know how to surprise the world. Eurovision in Moscow proved this once again. We are setting a course for Sochi!” - the artist said then. In 2009, Dima Bilan released the international album “Believe”. Bilan's victory at Eurovision In 2005, Dima Bilan decided to try his hand at the Eurovision contest for the first time. However, based on the results audience voting he took only second place with the song “Not that simple.” Natalya Podolskaya and her “Nobody hurt no one” won. Dima repeated his attempt in 2006. And Channel One chose him as a representative from Russia.

Among the 37 participating countries, Bilan took second place with the composition “Never Let You Go”. The singer Alsou took such a high position for the only time in 2000. In Dima Bilan's number, even the originality did not captivate the European audience. Two ballerinas took part there, one of whom emerges from a piano strewn with rose petals.

In 2008, Vitya Belan again goes to Eurovision. With the song Believe, the artist was allowed to represent the country at a prestigious competition. At the same time, among Dima’s competitors were such stars as Sergei Lazarev, Zhenya Otradnaya and Alexander Panayotov.

The singer took the stage at the finals of the competition along with Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton and Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Everyone liked the song and performance, without exception, Bilan took first place and became the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision contest. After this, in the performer’s native village, a music school was named after him.

Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia. The personal life of a celebrity does not allow almost anyone to live in peace.

Newspapers are trumpeting about Dima Bilan's affair with model Lena Klutskaya. For several years in a row the couple promised to get married, but wedding dress and no one waited for the celebration. At one point, Dima and his eternal bride announced publicly on radio “Europe Plus” that their relationship was only for the sake of PR. True, after this the singer backed down and stated that such information was disseminated as a joke and anger at the paparazzi, who do not allow the artist to live in peace.

However, sometimes Dima Bilan is seen with another model, Yulianna Krylova. And it was with her that he filmed his “Safety” video. It contains very explicit scenes. Previously, only Kuletskaya starred in piquant fragments. However, Bilan states that he and Yulianna are just friends.

The singer is an Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, an Honored Artist of Chechnya, and an Honored Artist of Ingushetia. In 2008, Bilan was awarded the title People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Dima Bilan is a versatile person. He is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and plans to become a space tourist.

The main thing in Dima Bilan’s life, of course, remains music, but the artist continues to try himself in other genres. Thus, together with Alexander Gradsky, Pelageya, Leonid Agutin, he acted as a mentor in several seasons of the “Voice” project on Channel One. In 2015, Dima Bilan starred in the military drama “Hero” along with Svetlana Ivanova, Marat Basharov and Alexander Baluev.

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Details Created: 08/18/2016 17:48 Updated: 09/29/2017 22:51

Dima Bilan is a popular and very charming Russian singer, actor, and just talented person. Below you will find out all the details of the star’s personal life, his biography and see interesting photos.


According to sources, the date of birth of the star is December 24, 1981 in the small village of Moskovsky (Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug of the RSFSR). Nationality - Russian (although some claim he has eastern roots due to his unusual appearance). Received the name at birth - Victor Nikolaevich Belan. Then, over time (in 2008), Victor will change his stage name - Dima, because in his interviews he has repeatedly stated that he always wanted to be called Dimka, like his beloved grandfather.

Father in his youth and now

The boy was born into a family of ordinary workers. Father (Nikolai) worked all his life as an engineer and mechanic, and mother (Nina) cared for plants in greenhouses, and then became a social worker. Dima is not the only child, he has sisters: the eldest Elena (born in 1980) and the youngest Anya (born around 1994). Today, Elena is married (husband Gennady Zimin) and successfully works as a fashion designer, and the youngest Anya now lives in America, plays music and even records songs and films videos.

Little sister Anya

Dima's childhood was like that of ordinary children. The only fact is that when Vitya was little, parents and children often changed their place of residence. First they moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and a few years later to the city of Maisky and the boy had to change friends all the time.

Dima as a child with his sister Elena

When Dimka was in the 5th grade, his parents decided to send him to music school (he studied the accordion), especially since the boy really liked it. While at school, the little artist already begins to take part in various competitions, where he receives his first awards. After graduation, he submits documents to music school named after. Gnessins, and three years later he enters GITIS to study.



According to the media, a breakthrough in the aspiring singer’s career was when MTV Russia launched his first video clip for the song “Autumn.” The filming was sponsored by Dima's producer, Elena Kan.

Video clip for the song "Autumn"

Then he acts as a contestant in the “New Wave” project (2002) and takes an honorable 4th place. First, the young singer works with Yuri Aizenshpis (his producer), shoots many videos, and records singles. A pAfter the death of his beloved producer, he had some conflicts with the new director and the recording studio, but the scandal was soon hushed up.

At the "New Wave" competition

Big role in career young singer took part in the international Eurovision Song Contest.At first he tried to get into the competition in 2005, but qualifying round, took 2nd place (Natalia Podolskaya was ahead of him). Then, in 2006, he tried his luck for the second time and received the coveted ticket to the Eurovision final. But here, he was unsuccessful again, because he took second place (he was ahead of Finland group Lordi). Then, in 2008, Bilan tried his luck for the third time and still took 1st place with the song “Believe”.

"Believe" Video

Thus, according to the media, he becomes the first contestant to bring victory to Russia at Eurovision (before and after that, no one has yet managed to repeat his feat).He tried to conquer the Eurovision stage for the fourth time in 2012 (this time paired with Yulia Volkova), but again did not pass the qualifying round (took 2nd place).


Bilan has earned many awards (he has so many that it’s hard to count), because he is a truly talented guy. Albums:

2003 - "I'm a night hooligan";

2004 - “On the shore of the sky”;

2006 - “Time is a River”;

2008 - “Against the Rules”;

"I'm a night hooligan"

2009 - "Believe";

2011 - “The Dreamer”;


2013 - “Reach”;

2014 - "Alien";

2015 - "Do not be silent ".

"Do not be silent"

Singles that won the hearts of millions of TV viewers:

  • "Never Let You Go" (2006);
  • "Believe" (2008);
  • "Dancing Lady" (2009);
  • "Catch my colorful dreams" (2012).

"Catch my colorful dreams"

He voiced one of the characters (Hans) in the cartoon "Frozen" (2013). He also proved himself as an actor. Starred in the following films: " Star Vacation" And " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (2007); "Golden Key" (2009); "Theater of the Absurd" (2011); "Hero" (2016).In 2017, a film with his participation, “Midshipmen IV,” will be released.

Trailer for the film "Hero"

Interesting Facts

His height is approximately 182 centimeters, and weight is about 75 kilograms. Glamor magazine has named him Men of the Year several times. According to media reports, the singer is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and soon plans to become a space tourist. The star has two names, because for his fans he always remains Dima, and for his parents - Victor.

The star loves active recreation, as well as communicating with friends in nature. Also, according to sources, Dima loves to eat delicious food and therefore independently practices in the kitchen (cooks with soul).

Personal life

Dima has always been an enviable groom and a favorite of women. Many spread dirty gossip that he had homosexual, and all because of the scandal with the rapper Timati (he accused Dima of using drugs and hinted that he was gay). But this is just gossip, and the singer himself has a weakness for beauties.

According to the media, he had a long affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. They dated for many years, but it never came to marriage.

Dima with Lena Kuletskaya photo

And then, new rumors appeared about his love affairs with another model Yulianna Krylova. But Dima reassured the fans, saying that they were just friends.

with Yulianna Krylova

Then she was replaced by a model Adelina Sharipova. In 2012, he was credited with an affair with singer Yulia Volkova, which did not last long.

with Adelina Sharipova

There were also rumors that Bilan dated for a long time with a simple girl Inna Andreeva (trainer for therapeutic exercises). Allegedly, Bilan’s older sister personally shared this information with journalists. The artist did not tell the press anything about her, because she is not from show business. For the popular creative person, according to his producer, an ordinary girl from the people is not suitable as a wife (it must be a star), otherwise the public will not understand such a relationship.

with Yulia Volkova

According to sources, today Bilan’s heart is free, but his wife and children are absent. The celebrity claims that his girlfriend should be faithful, bright, dynamic, understand his profession, give him freedom and be a mystery to him all her life. He really dreams of having his own children, but hasn’t found one yet the ideal woman with whom I would like to start a family. In one interview, he stated that his busy work schedule does not allow him to create real family and he would not want his chosen one to feel lonely because of his profession. Therefore, starting a family is postponed until the future.

Dima Bilan(first and last name at birth - Belan Viktor Nikolaevich) - Russian singer and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2018), Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2006), Honored Artist of Chechnya (2007), and People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2008).

Dima Bilan represented Russia twice at the Eurovision Song Contest: in 2006 with the song “Never Let You Go”, taking second place, and in 2008 with the song “Believe”, taking first place. He became the first singer from Russia to win Eurovision.

Childhood, education

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky (part of the city of Ust-Dzheguta) of the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug.

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan- At first he worked as a mechanic, then, after graduating from college, he became a design engineer at the KAMAZ plant in Naberezhnye Chelny.

Mother - Nina Dmitrievna Belan— was a greenhouse worker, then moved to work in the social sphere.

Dima Bilan has two sisters: the eldest - Elena Belan-Zimina(1980), junior - Anna Belan(1994). Photo little Dima with his family can be seen on his website, as well as a photo with an ABC book already at school.

Singer Dima Bilan with his sister Anna Belan (left) and parents (Photo: TASS/Global Look Press)

As stated in the biography of D. Bilan on his official website, “on the very first day of his life, the baby found himself drawn into a serious intrigue. Since he had a distinctly Caucasian appearance, Nina Dmitrievna began to fear that she, the only Russian woman in the maternity hospital, had had her son replaced, accidentally confused with some other newborn. Fortunately, the obstetricians dispelled her doubts and reassured her.”

Dima Bilan in childhood

When the boy was one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. Five years later, Dmitry’s parents moved to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, to the city of Maisky.

Studying in fifth grade high school, Vitya (aka the future Dima) entered a music school, where he graduated in accordion class. Young Dima Bilan was an active participant in various music competitions and festivals. The talented young man was able to take first place in the “Young Voices of the Caucasus” competition. Then D. Bilan became a laureate of various festivals, including “ morning star"in Stavropol region.

IN official biography The singer says that Bilan’s love for songs comes from his maternal grandmother, who worked in the choir for thirty years. At school, Dima could sing a song right in class.

In 1998, Dima Bilan (then Vitya Belan) came to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival, dedicated to children's creativity and the thirtieth anniversary joint activities Yuri Entin And David Tukhmanov. And again the reward - young performer received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.

In 2000, Dima Bilan entered the Gnessin State Music College. Specialty: classical vocals.

While studying at school, D. Bilan takes part in festivals and various music competitions. In addition, in 2000, his video clip for the song “Autumn” was included in the rotation of the MTV Russia television channel. In 2001-2002 Dima Bilan became a laureate of the Festos festival. Along the way, while living in the hostel, he worked part-time in a clothing store.

The beginning of Dima Bilan's career

Latvia. Jurmala. IN concert hall"Dzintari" held the first qualifying round in Jurmala yesterday (Retro hit on native language) at the international competition of young pop singers "New Wave". In the photo: young contestant Dima Bilan from Moscow, 2002 (Photo: Anton Denisov/TASS)

D. Bilan's first producer was Yuri Aizenshpis, who immediately recognized talent in the young man. In 2002, Dima made his debut at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, where he took fourth place.

At the end of October 2003 it was released debut album Bilan called “I am a night hooligan”.

2004 was a very favorable year for D. Bilan creatively. The first album (“Night Hooligan+”) was re-released. Then the second one came out studio album Dima Bilan called “On the Shore of the Sky”, which became successful. It included the songs “You Should Be Nearby,” “Mulatto,” “On the Shore of the Sky,” “Congratulations!”, “As I Wanted,” for which videos were shot. The 2005 re-release of the album included English versions three songs.

Singer Dima Bilan and producer Yuri Aizenshpis, 2004 (Photo: Sergey Uzakov/TASS)

Recording of the singer's first English-language album has begun. Together with Dima Bilan they took part in the work on the album Diane Warren And Shaun Escoffery.

Dima Bilan and Yana Rudkovskaya, 2009 (Photo: Alexei Pantsikov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

On September 20, 2005, a misfortune happened - Bilan’s producer Yuri Aizenshpis died. After his death, many producers offered Dima contracts. In 2006, Dima left Aizenshpis’s company, which was headed by his widow Elena Kovrigina. However, the company demanded that Bilan change his name, since “Dima Bilan” is a pseudonym that belongs to the company. But together with a new team, headed by Yana Rudkovskaya, Bilan resolved the conflict and since 2008 took a pseudonym as official name. By the way, the singer did not choose the name Dima by chance: Dmitry was the name of Bilan’s grandfather, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, the singer said that he wanted to be called Dima.

Two awards Golden Gramophone Award", the Channel One prize for participation in the project "New songs about the main thing" brought Dmitry in 2005. And in the same year, in the field of show business, Dima became the person of the year according to the version search engine“Rambler”, and in 2006 D. Bilan was awarded the title “Singer of the Year” at a music competition in Kyiv. Then Dima became a winner of Muz-TV (three awards - “Best Album”, “Best Composition” and “Best Performer of the Year”).

Singer Dima Bilan during the filming of the New Year's project "Old and new songs about the main thing" (left); at the award ceremony music award"Golden Gramophone", 2006 (Photo: TASS)

Songs " It was love», « The impossible is possible" And " Number One Fan"topped the Russian charts during these years.

Unprecedented success accompanied Bilan - he entered the top three most expensive and popular people Russia, according to Forbes magazine. In show business news, Dima has become a regular character. The singer’s photo also went well. D. Bilan posed naked for the cover of Sex magazine and the City and the news discussed how Bilan shared these photos with colleagues.


In 2006, Channel One chose Bilan to represent Russia at the Eurovision 2006 contest held in Athens. Dima Bilan took second place with the song “Never Let You Go”.

Just two years later, in 2008, D. Bilan took first place at the Eurovision 2008 contest with the song “Believe”. On May 24, 2008, Dima performed in the final of the competition together with Evgeni Plushenko and a Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton. Dmitry became the first Russian singer to win the Eurovision contest, receiving the main prize - the Crystal Microphone.

Russian singer Dima Bilan won Eurovision 2008 (Photo: DPA/TASS)

In the village of Moskovsky in Ust-Dzhegut, a music school was named after Dima Bilan.

Career continuation

Singer Dima Bilan at the 2012 MTV Europe Music Awards in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Photo: PA Photos/TASS)

Success followed the talented singer everywhere. Dima Bilan became the Ambassador of Sochi-2014. The artist received a May Fashion diploma and entered the TOP 100 most beautiful people Moscow-2009. For the fifth time in a row, D. Bilan received the prestigious MTV Europe Music Awards in the “Best Russian Act” category.

In 2009, Bilan’s fifth studio and first English-language album, Believe, was released. In the cover photo, Bilan stands wearing only jeans, with his tattooed arms outstretched.

In 2010, Dima Bilan recorded a duet with American singer Anastasha. They recorded the song “Safety” in Los Angeles at Chalice Recording Studio.

A real sensation on the Internet was caused by a video depicting how Alla Pugacheva and Dima Bilan performed the hit “Loving Do Not Renounce.” The performers received applause from the guests of the evening and enthusiastic comments from users. But fans paid attention not so much to the song and its original presentation, but to the photo where Bilan’s trousers are too tight.

In 2011, Dima Bilan released the album “ Dreamer", in 2013 - " Reach out" The public appreciated songs such as “ I just love you», « Baby», « I'm sick of you"and other hits.

Dima Bilan (Andrey Dolmatov) in a scene from the film “Hero” directed by Yuri Vasiliev (Photo: PR Agency Sarafan/TASS)

IN last years D. Bilan received Active participation in interesting projects - “The Phantom of the Opera” (2011), acted as a mentor for the “Voice” project (2012−2016). From 2014 to the present - mentor of the “Voice” project. Children". And in Lately the singer decided to test himself in cinema. Dima’s full-fledged debut was the historical film “Hero”, the events of which take place in Russia during the First World War. Bilan's character is captain Andrei Dolmatov.

Singer Dima Bilan on set music program“The Voice” (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Also in D. Bilan’s filmography are “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “The Golden Key”, “Theater of the Absurd”. In the near future, the continuation of the trilogy “Midshipmen, Forward! ", in which Dima will also play.

“I was surprised and delighted by the offer to star in the film Midshipmen 1787, because not only did I have the opportunity to meet the most legendary people cinema of Russia and the USSR, but also to play with them in a cult film,” Dima Bilan shared in an interview.

In 2018, President Vladimir Putin awarded Dima Bilan the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The corresponding decree was published on the official portal of legal information.

"For services to development national culture and art, to appropriate many years of fruitful activity honorary title“Honored Artist of the Russian Federation” to Bilan Dima Nikolaevich - artist, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic,” the document says.

Political views of Dima Bilan

In 2007, D. Bilan became an official member of the LDPR. However, Dima also took part in the election campaign of the A Just Russia party in 2007. And in the 2012 presidential elections, Bilan supported the candidacy of Vladimir Putin.

Due to his touring activities in Crimea, D. Bilan was included in the database of the Ukrainian “Peacemaker” website, which compiles lists of citizens accused of “illegally” crossing the “square” border. Therefore, he was unable to attend the Eurovision 2017 competition in Kyiv. However, Bilan’s student is Bulgarian Christian Kostov— charmed the audience there with his strong vocals and expressive performance. By the way, Kostov was also caught performing in Crimea in 2014, but the SBU did not immediately remove the Bulgarian singer from the competition, since he was in Artek before the adoption of the Ukrainian law on crossing the border with Crimea.

Irina Khakamada and Dima Bilan starred in the photo project “7 Deadly Sins”, 2012 (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Dima Bilan's health

Any change in the appearance of a public figure, and especially a favorite, causes excitement. Recently Dima Bilan became bald. With his new look, the singer seriously frightened fans, who decided that illness forced them to shave their idol’s head. And when Dima decided to spend his vacation in Africa, many thought that he would be treated on the dark continent.

“You have to come up with something like this - Dima Bilan is flying to Africa to treat a disease! Probably to Dr. Aibolit, no less! God bless you all, but I’m not going to pay attention to any stupid bloggers,” and added that he was flying to Africa for new experiences, and not for treatment.

Name: Dima Bilan. Date of birth: December 24, 1981. Place of birth: Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia).

Childhood and youth

Viktor Nikolaevich Belan (the singer’s name at birth) was born on December 24, 1981 in Karachay-Cherkessia.

He was born in the small town of Ust-Dzhegut, later his family first moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and then to the city of Maisky.

Vitya's dad, Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, is an engineer by training, but for some time he worked as a mechanic, and his mother, Nina Dmitrievna Belan, was a social worker.

Dima has two sisters - the elder Elena, born in 1980, and the younger Anna, born in 1994.

Dima as a child with his parents and sister

Vitya grew up creative child, showed talent for music. In the fifth form future star He was sent to study accordion at a music school, from which the boy graduated almost simultaneously with his graduation from secondary school.

During the same period, Vitya began to participate in various competitions and shows of vocalists throughout Russia, and periodically won them.

The most important achievement of that time was the victory in children's festival“Chunga-Changa”, then little Vitya received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.

After graduating from school, Vitya finally decided to tie his later life with music, and in 2000 he entered the State Music College named after. Gnesins.

The singer completed his studies in classical vocals in 2003, and in the same year he immediately entered the second year of GITIS, which he graduated in 2005.

Dima Bilan with mom

The beginning of a musical career

Dima’s first producer was Elena Kan, with her money the singer’s first video for the song “Autumn” (2000) was shot. However, this collaboration did not last long - soon the talented young man was noticed by producer Yuri Aizenshpis. He advised the young man to take a pseudonym. So Vitya Belan became Dima Bilan.

Later, the singer admitted that since childhood he wanted to be Dima - that was the name of his beloved grandfather. Some time later, in 2008, the singer officially changed his name to “Dima Bilan”.

After the start of cooperation with Aizenshpis, the geography of competitions in which the young performer participated expanded. So, in 2002, Bilan took fourth place at the “New Wave” in Jurmala. This was a very good result for an unknown singer.

In 2003, Bilan released his debut album, “I am a Night Hooligan,” which literally blew up the charts. In 2004, the singer, who overnight became an all-Russian star, presented his second album, “On the Shore of the Sky,” which turned out to be no less successful.

Dima Bilan on the seashore

The formation of an artist and the death of Aizenshpis

Dima began to be recognized on the street, invited as an expert to film TV shows and to visit top radio stations. In February 2005, Bilan participated in the Russian selection for Eurovision, but only took second place. That year, Russia was represented at this song competition by Natalya Podolskaya, who ended up taking only 15th place.

In 2005, Dima also received the first Golden Gramophone award (there will be seven in total by 2017) and won the MTV Europe Music Awards, which he eventually won for six years in a row.

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 60. Soon after this, a scandal broke out around Dima Bilan.

The singer decided to sever relations with the Aizenshpis production center after the death of his mentor, but the new management - the wife of the deceased producer Elena Lvovna Kovrigina - in response decided to prohibit him from using the pseudonym "Dima Bilan", which by that time had become a brand.

Collaboration with Rudkovskaya and victory at Eurovision

All disputes were resolved only in 2008, when Yana Rudkovskaya became Dima’s new producer. It was then that the singer officially changed his name, which we previously wrote about.

But during the two years that the conflict continued, the artist did not give up his position and recorded new songs, which invariably became hits. In 2006, his third album, “Time is a River,” was released, and in 2008, his fourth, called “Against the Rules.”

For his work of that time, Bilan received various awards, including MTV Russia Music Awards, MUZ-TV, Sound Track and Golden Gramophone.

In 2006, on the wave of success in Europe, Bilan made another attempt to conquer the audience of the Eurovision Song Contest. He passed the national selection with the song “Never Let You Go”, reached the Eurovision final and eventually took second place among all participating countries. Russia was able to become second for the second time; in 2000, Alsou won silver in the competition. The Finnish group Lordi won that year.

However, we all know that the talented and persistent singer was not satisfied with second place, and in 2008 he made another attempt to storm the European musical Olympus. This time Europe and its inhabitants submitted to Bilan. That year he performed in the final of the competition with the song “Believe” and became the first (and so far only) representative of Russia to win Eurovision.

In the final of the competition, Bilan showed a beautiful and touching musical number, in which violinist Edwin Marton and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko were on stage with him.

In 2009, the singer released his first English-language album, “Believe,” recorded in American studios. The album was named after a song performed at Eurovision and was no less popular in Russia than Dima’s tracks in Russian.

Interestingly, in 2012, Bilan almost ended up at Eurovision again. In the Russian qualifying round, the singer sang the song “Back To Her Future” in a duet with Yulia Volkova, but she took only second place according to the voting results. Russia that year was represented by the Buranovskie Babushki group, which won silver at the European competition.

Dima Bilan in 2010-2017

In 2011, Bilan released his sixth solo album, “The Dreamer.” Until now, the singer has released three more records - “Reach” (2013), “Don’t be silent” (2015) and “Egoist” (2017).

In 2014, Bilan also released the album “Alien” as part of the “Alien24” project - electronic duet Dima with sound producer Andrey Cherny.

IN different time Bilan also recorded duet compositions with such stars Russian stage, like Larisa Dolina, Anita Tsoi and Sergey Lazarev. In addition, Dima has a joint song with him younger sister Anya Belan - “Guiding Star”.

Dima Bilan with his father

Titles and recognition of merit

In 2006, Dima received the title “Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria”, in 2007 - “Honored Artist of Chechnya” and “Honored Artist of Ingushetia”, and in 2008 he became People's Artist Kabardino-Balkaria.

In 2011, Bilan took part in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest as a representative of Russia, announcing the results of the audience voting.

Dima Bilan was awarded an important state mission - to become an ambassador of winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

In the village of Moskovsky in Kabardino-Balkaria, a music school is named after Bilan.

Behind last decade- from 2007 to 2017 - in addition to the awards that we have already written about, Bilan also received dozens of other awards, including from the RU TV and MusicBox television channels and Glamor magazine.

Film and television

Bilan is one of the mentors of the musical television show “The Voice”, aired on Channel One. He first sat on the jury in 2012, and since then he has missed only one season - in 2015.

In addition, since 2014, Dima has been mentoring children's teams in a branch of the adult competition - the “Voice” project. Children". By the way, the winner of the third season was Dima’s ward, Danil Pluzhnikov.

Bilan has been actively acting in films for several years now. cameo roles in films and television series, and also voices characters in animated films.

Among other things, he played in the film projects “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” (2007) and “Love Is Not Show Business” (2007-2008) and lent his voice to the characters in the cartoons “Frozen” (2013) and “Trolls” (2016).

In addition, Bilan can be seen in a cameo, that is, in the role of himself, in the film “Voices” big country"(2016), in which participants of the project "The Voice" starred, and in a number of other projects, and in 2016 he made his debut in leading role in big cinema. Bilan played two characters in the film “Hero” - Andrei Kulikov and Andrei Dolmatov.

It is known that Bilan will play the role of Captain Giuliano De Lombardi in the upcoming continuation of the popular Russian franchise - Midshipmen IV. The film is expected to be released in 2019.

Personal life, health and condition

So we come to what worries millions of girls around the world - personal life talented singer. At various times, he was credited with having affairs with his colleagues from the world of show business, including Yulia Volkova, Yuliana Krylova and Yulia Sarkisova, but these were just rumors.

For the first time, the media started talking about Dima’s serious romance in the context of Elena Kuletskaya. The singer met the model on the set of his video, and since then they have been in a relationship for several years. Many were sure that the matter would end in a wedding, but this did not happen.

Dima’s next relationship, which, however, was never officially confirmed, was an affair with a singer who at one time worked as a backing vocalist in Bilan’s team. Julia Lima often published photographs with the artist on social networks, but he did not comment on the information about the affair.

According to press reports, the singer’s heart is currently free. However, it is possible that this is not the case, and Bilan may simply be hiding his marital status from journalists.

In 2016-2017, Bilan was diagnosed with gastritis and a spinal hernia, which caused severe pain in the singer. He had lost weight and looked very tired. The artist had to undergo a long course of treatment, during which he was supported by family and friends, as well as fans.

After this, the singer said that health is the main thing, “you can’t earn all the money,” and you also need to rest. In addition, during the same period, Dima changed his image - he shaved his head and grew a mustache and goatee.

In December 2017, just a few days before his 36th birthday, Bilan announced that he wanted to punish “yellow” sites that were spreading rumors about his supposedly fatal illness.

Not only did the singer make an official statement, but also in the release of “The Voice” at that time he appeared in a new image - without a goatee, which made it seem as if he was younger.

Dima Bilan. December 2017

Forbes magazine placed Bilan in fifth place in the list of the richest Russian celebrities. According to the publication, the artist’s income in 2017 was $6 million.

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in a working-class family. The artist's real name is Victor Belan. The boy was born in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.

He graduated from music school, learning to play the accordion masterfully. The boy quite often participated in various music competitions, taking prizes.

In 2000-2003, Vitya studied vocals at Gnesinka. In 2003, he changed his name to that of his beloved grandfather Dmitry.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. The singer participates in the New Wave and Eurovision music competitions, where he takes first place the second time.

Currently, the guy acts as an experienced mentor for the adult and children's music show “The Voice”. Also, Dmitry Bilan tries himself as an actor.

If about creative life Almost every fan knows the singer, but Dmitry Bilan’s personal life remains a secret behind seven seals. This handsome and undoubtedly talented guy does not like to talk about her. Because of this kind of mystery, very contradictory rumors and speculations are circulating throughout Russia regarding the singer’s amorous affairs.

One of these gossips is Dima Bilan’s affair with Yana Rudkovskaya, who after Aizenshpis’s death became the guy’s producer. However, neither the singer nor his charming producer deny the fact of a love relationship. Moreover, Yana has been happily married to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko for many years now. She claims that she views Dima exclusively as a worldwide famous brand, which brings good profits.

The yellow press quite often attributes the singer to a relationship with different girls. After he began to deny a love relationship with them, Dmitry was suspected of unconventional sexual orientation. Even his “fiancé”, a certain Rovens Pritula, was found, but the rumors remained rumors.

Does Dmitry Bilan have a wife? Young woman?

Enough long period time it was believed that Dmitry Bilan’s wife could well become famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship continued for quite some time for a long time, and the fact that the ring was presented at Eurovision indicated fast wedding. However, the miracle never happened. A little later, the couple announced that they had never had a close relationship, and they called everything that was happening a game for the public for the sake of PR.

After breaking up with Dima Kuletskaya, Bilan began to be suspected of having an affair with another beautiful fashion model Yulianna Krylova. The girl even starred in several of the singer’s videos, which are striking in their frankness. However, Dmitry Bilan himself claims that there is only strong friendship between them.

He said the same thing about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich and even ex-wife Mel Gibson by Oksana Grigorieva. Even the infamous “tattoo” girl Yulia Volkova played the role of Dmitry Bilan’s lover.

Despite the abundance of women around him, Dima quite often calls a certain Lyalya the love of his life. But she also doesn’t have a ring on her finger, like the other contenders for the singer’s heart.

Recently, his latest hobby has been called the singer Pelageya, who is Dmitry’s colleague in music show“Voice” on Channel One. However, the stars only quietly chuckle at these suspicions, without refuting or confirming this fact.

Whether there is a common-law wife Dmitry Bilan’s is not known for certain, but his sister hints that his brother has a cute girlfriend. There is also information that this girl is very far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

Son of Dmitry Bilan photo

Oddly enough, Dima Bilan’s son still exists. Which is true, not at all by blood and born from one of his many women. This blond boy is his godson famous singer Sashenka. He is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson and quite often posts photos and videos of him on social networks.

The singer talks about his own children given time doesn’t think yet, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's family: who, where and when

You can talk a lot about Dmitry’s girls and make various assumptions about his personal life, but the closest people to him will always be his family members.

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two sisters. The guy simply idolizes his mother and father and tries to spend time with them as often as possible. There is love, understanding and support in the family.

Dmitry's older sister Elena is pretty long time works as a fashion designer and is happily married. The youngest Anya lives in the States and plans to become an opera singer.

By the way, the paparazzi quite often attributed to Anna the role of either the daughter or the young wife of Dmitry Bilan. This is partly true, since the older brother had to raise the little fidget.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother’s video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is due to Dmitry’s busy touring schedule and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

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