Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich best works. What did Dostoevsky write? The works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - a brief overview

Born on October 30 (November 11, new year) in Moscow in the family of the staff doctor of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Father, Mikhail Andreevich, nobleman; mother, Maria Fedorovna, from an old Moscow merchant family.

He received an excellent education at the private boarding school of L. Chermak - one of the best in Moscow. The family loved to read and subscribed to the magazine “Library for Reading,” which made it possible to get acquainted with the latest foreign literature. Of the Russian authors, they loved Karamzin, Zhukovsky, and Pushkin. The mother, a religious nature, introduced the children to the Gospel from a young age and took them on pilgrimages to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Having had a hard time with the death of his mother (1837), Dostoevsky, by the decision of his father, entered the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School - one of the best educational institutions of that time. New life was given to him with great effort, nerves, and ambition. But there was another life - internal, hidden, unknown to others.

In 1839, his father unexpectedly died. This news shocked Dostoevsky and provoked a severe nervous attack - a harbinger of future epilepsy, to which he had a hereditary predisposition.

He graduated from college in 1843 and was enlisted in the drafting department of the engineering department. A year later he retired, convinced that his calling was literature.

Dostoevsky's first novel, Poor People, was written in 1845 and published by Nekrasov in the Petersburg Collection (1846). Belinsky proclaimed "the emergence... of an extraordinary talent...".

Belinsky rated the stories “The Double” (1846) and “The Mistress” (1847) lower, noting the lengthiness of the narrative, but Dostoevsky continued to write in his own way, disagreeing with the critic’s assessment.

Later "White Nights" (1848) and "Netochka Nezvanova" (1849) were published, which revealed features of Dostoevsky's realism that distinguished him from among writers " natural school": in-depth psychologism, exclusivity of characters and situations.

Successfully started literary activity ends tragically. Dostoevsky was one of the members of the Petrashevsky circle, which united adherents of the French utopian socialism(Fourier, Saint-Simon). In 1849, for participating in this circle, the writer was arrested and sentenced to death penalty, which was then replaced by four years of hard labor and settlement in Siberia.

After the death of Nicholas I and the beginning of the liberal reign of Alexander II, the fate of Dostoevsky, like many political criminals, was softened. His rights to the nobility were returned to him, and he retired in 1859 with the rank of second lieutenant (in 1849, standing at the scaffold, he heard a rescript: “... a retired lieutenant... to hard labor in fortresses for... 4 years, and then private").

In 1859 Dostoevsky received permission to live in Tver, then in St. Petersburg. At this time he published the story " Uncle's dream", "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (1859), the novel "The Humiliated and Insulted" (1861). Almost ten years of physical and moral torment sharpened Dostoevsky's sensitivity to human suffering, intensifying his intense search for social justice. These years became for him years of spiritual turning point, the collapse of socialist illusions, the growing contradictions in his worldview. He actively participated in public life Russia, opposed the revolutionary democratic program of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, rejecting the theory of “art for art’s sake,” arguing social value art.

After hard labor, "Notes from the House of the Dead" was written. The writer spent the summer months of 1862 and 1863 abroad, visiting Germany, England, France, Italy and other countries. He believed that the historical path that Europe took after french revolution 1789 would have been disastrous for Russia, as would have been the introduction of new bourgeois relations, negative traits which shocked him during his trips around Western Europe. Russia’s special, original path to “earthly paradise” was Dostoevsky’s socio-political program in the early 1860s.

"Notes from the Underground" was written in 1864. important work to understand the writer’s changed worldview. In 1865, while abroad, in the resort of Wiesbaden, to improve his health, the writer began work on the novel Crime and Punishment (1866), which reflected the whole difficult path his inner quest.

In 1867, Dostoevsky married Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, his stenographer, who became a close and devoted friend to him.

Soon they went abroad: they lived in Germany, Switzerland, Italy (1867 - 71). During these years, the writer worked on the novels “The Idiot” (1868) and “Demons” (1870 - 71), which he finished in Russia. In May 1872, the Dostoevskys left St. Petersburg for the summer for Staraya Rusa, where they subsequently bought a modest dacha and lived here with their two children even in winter. The novels "The Teenager" (1874 - 75) and "The Brothers Karamazov" (1880) were written almost entirely in Staraya Russa.

Since 1873, the writer became the executive editor of the magazine "Citizen", on the pages of which he began to publish "The Diary of a Writer", which at that time was a life teacher for thousands of Russian people.

At the end of May 1880, Dostoevsky came to Moscow for the opening of the monument to A. Pushkin (June 6, on the birthday of the great poet), where all of Moscow gathered. Turgenev, Maikov, Grigorovich and other Russian writers were here. Dostoevsky's speech was called by Aksakov "a brilliant, historical event."

The writer's health deteriorated, and on January 28 (February 9, n.s.) 1881, Dostoevsky died in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

When asked what Dostoevsky wrote, almost every schoolchild will name the novel “Crime and Punishment.” High school students will probably remember the books “The Brothers Karamazov” and “The Idiot”.

Unfortunately, not many people today know that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote not only the “Great Pentateuch”. But in the bibliography of the great Russian writer there are many wonderful stories and stories. Even if they do not have such deep philosophical meaning like the famous novel.

The most famous works

What did Dostoevsky write? Most famous book his novel is Crime and Punishment. The “Great Pentateuch” also includes “The Idiot.” This novel was written two years after the publication of the book about the ill-fated murderer Raskolnikov. It took the writer only a year to create “Demons.” Four years later, “Teenager” was released. And finally, in 1880, the book “The Brothers Karamazov” was published.

Before creating his great novels, what he wrote, which is presented below, suggests that the work of one of best authors Not much is known to modern readers from the nineteenth century. Few of them had heard of these stories. And even fewer have read them. But we’ll talk about works of short prose later. First, it’s worth saying a few words about the novels included in the so-called “Great Pentateuch.”

"Crime and Punishment"

The novel was written in 1866. By that time, Dostoevsky had managed to visit hard labor and hear the death sentence read out, but a few minutes later overturned. In conclusion, the writer met a type of people whose existence he had previously only guessed at. Everything I experienced affected my creativity. Raskolnikov is the prototype of the political prisoners he met in hard labor.

Dostoevsky began to write a story. But the novel came out. As expected to a brilliant writer, Fyodor Mikhailovich burned several options that he did not like. But unlike his colleague Gogol, he was able to finish what he started. In the first version, the narration was told in the first person. There was no Marmeladov in it, and the main character had a different name.

In 1866 Chief Editor Russkiy Vestnik finally learned about what Dostoevsky wrote. The works created by the writer before were significantly different from the book about a student who hacked to death an old woman. The novel was published in literary magazine the same year.


For many years, Fyodor Dostoevsky was haunted by an idea. It was bright, but difficult to implement. The writer dreamed of creating a book about a truly beautiful person. About someone who is so bright in soul that others sometimes mistake him for an idiot. The idea was difficult to implement. But Dostoevsky succeeded. While abroad, he wrote perhaps his most profound and complex book. By the way, he was the writer’s favorite character.

Then the novels “Demons” and “Teenager” were written. The writer's dying fame reached its apogee after the publication of the book The Brothers Karamazov.

Other novels

So, what did Dostoevsky write besides the above books? Twenty years before the publication of Crime and Punishment, a novel was published that many had heard of. Even those who are not fans This book is called "Poor People". The work is a correspondence between the main characters - Makar Devushkin and Varvara Novoselova. The idea of ​​the novel is the complexity of the existence of people with low social and financial status. However, this topic is touched upon in most of the writer’s novels. For example, in his subsequent book, “The Humiliated and Insulted.”

Dostoevsky dedicated his novel “The Gambler” to psychological addiction to gambling, from which he himself suffered.

Other books

Another work dedicated to the theme of “the humiliated and insulted” is the story “Netochka Nezvanova”. In the book we're talking about about the fate of a girl from a poor family. At the beginning of the story, Netochka is just a child. At the end - adult girl. An important role in the plot of this work is played by her stepfather - an unhappy and extremely selfish man.

It is also worth mentioning autobiographical story"Notes from dead house" This work is based on the impressions of being in hard labor. The author talks in it primarily not about political prisoners, but about criminals. What kind of person becomes when his freedom and will are limited? Is he able to maintain his individuality in prison? The author seeks to answer these questions in “Notes from the House of the Dead,” a book published in 1960.

What did Dostoevsky write? If a general answer should be given to this question, that is, not to list the writer’s works, but to characterize his work as a whole, then perhaps we can say that it is complex, philosophical prose. But not all of Dostoevsky’s creations are like this. There are also lungs in his bibliography, humorous stories. For example, “Crocodile”, “Bad joke”. The latter is about an important official, embraced by humanistic ideas.

The hero of the story “A Bad Joke” once decided that attending the wedding of one of his poor subordinates would be a noble and beautiful act. But in reality it turned out differently. The common people did not understand the lofty ideas about equality. They just laughed at the official.

Other works by Fyodor Dostoevsky:

  1. "Double".
  2. "Mr. Prokharchin."
  3. "Crawlers".
  4. "Mistress."
  5. "Weak heart".
  6. "White Nights".
  7. "Honest Thief"
  8. "Uncle's Dream"
  9. "Little Hero"
  10. "Eternal Husband"
  11. "The boy at Christ's Christmas tree."
  12. "Someone else's wife and husband under the bed."

Years of life: from 10/30/1821 to 01/28/1881

One of the largest figures in Russian and world literature, author of many novels and stories, journalist, editor, philosopher.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30 (November 11), 1821 in Moscow. He was the second child in the family.

In 1837, a number of important events for the writer’s fate took place: his mother, Maria Feodorovna, died in a duel, A.S. Pushkin, whose works F.M. Dostoevsky had read since childhood, in addition, it was in this year that Fyodor Mikhailovich entered the military -Engineering School in St. Petersburg.

Two years later, in 1839, Dostoevsky received news of the murder of his father, Mikhail Andreevich, by serfs.

Mine creative path Dostoevsky begins as a translator: in 1843, “Eugene Grande” by O. de Balzac, translated by him, was published. However, a year later in 1844, Dostoevsky wrote his first independent work, which immediately brought him great fame - “Poor People” (published in 1846).

In 1849, F.M. Dostoevsky was arrested for participating in M.V. Petrashevsky’s circle. After an 8-month judicial investigation, the writer was found guilty “of intent to subvert... public order" and was initially sentenced to death, which at the last moment was replaced by civil execution, deprivation of noble rights and four years of hard labor followed by surrender as a soldier.

Dostoevsky spent the next four years in hard labor in Omsk. In 1854, when the four years to which Dostoevsky was sentenced had expired, he was released from hard labor and sent as a private to the seventh linear Siberian battalion. He served in the fortress in Semipalatinsk and rose to the rank of ensign.

There he met Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, who later became his first wife.

Secret surveillance of the writer did not stop until the mid-1870s, although permission to live in St. Petersburg was received back in 1859.

In 1864, Dostoevsky’s wife died, and in 1867 Dostoevsky married again - to Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, who became good genius writer: helped overcome the passion for playing roulette, facilitated the creative process.

Dostoevsky spent the last years of his life in the city Staraya Russa Novgorod province. These eight years became the most fruitful in the writer’s life: the novels “Demons”, “Teenager”, “The Brothers Karamazov” were created.

In the winter of 1881, there was an exacerbation of the writer's illness - emphysema, which led to his death.

Information about the works:

First literary experience

In 1844, Dostoevsky began work on a short novel, Poor People. D.V. Grigorovich, with whom the aspiring writer shared an apartment at that time, delivered the novel to N.A. Nekrasov, and they read it together, without stopping, all night long. In the morning they came to Dostoevsky to express admiration. With the words “The New Gogol has appeared!” Nekrasov handed over the manuscript to V.G. Belinsky, who said to P.V. Annenkov: “The novel reveals such secrets of life and characters in Rus' that no one had ever dreamed of before.”

Hard labor

During a short stay in Tobolsk on the way to the place of hard labor (January 11-20, 1850), the writer met the wives of the exiled Decembrists: Zh.A. Muravyova, P.E. Annenkova and N.D. Fonvizina. The women gave him the Gospel, which the writer then kept throughout his life as a great value.
Dostoevsky later described much of his experience of life in hard labor in his novel Notes from the House of the Dead. Many of the characters of criminal heroes were introduced by the writer precisely from the impressions of these years.
It was during hard labor and in the first years after it that the Christian-philosophical concept of the writer was formed.


The writer's addiction to roulette repeatedly put the writer in an extremely difficult financial situation.
Chapters from the novel “Crime and Punishment” were written one after another and were immediately sent to the magazine set and immediately appeared in print.
“The Gambler” was written in just 21 days - if the terms of the contract concluded with the publisher F.T. Stellovsky were not fulfilled, the writer lost the rights to his publications for nine years. Only thanks to the stenographer Anna Grigorievna Snitkina, who later became the writer’s wife, Dostoevsky managed to fulfill the terms of the contract.



1844 -
1861 -
1866 -
1866 -
1868 -
1871-1872 -
1875 -
1879-1880 -

Novels and stories

1846 -
1846 -
1847 - A Novel in Nine Letters
1847 - Mistress
1848 - Sliders
1848 - Weak Heart
1848 - Netochka Nezvanova
1848 -
1859 - Uncle's dream
1859 -
1860 -
1860 -
1862 - Winter notes about summer impressions
1864 -
1864 - Bad joke
1865 - Crocodile
1869 - Eternal Husband
1876 ​​- Meek
1877 -

Film adaptations of works, theatrical performances

* White Nights - film by Luchino Visconti (Italy, 1957)
* White Nights - film by Ivan Pyryev (USSR, 1959)
* Demons - film by Andrzej Wajda (France, 1988)
* Demons - film by Igor and Dmitry Talankin (Russia, 1992)
* Demons - film by Felix Schulthess (Russia, 2007)
* The Brothers Karamazov - film by Victor Turyansky (Russia, 1915)
* The Brothers Karamazov - film by Richard Brooks (USA, 1958)
* The Brothers Karamazov - film by Ivan Pyryev (USSR, 1969)
* Boys - a free fantasy film based on the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov” by Renita Grigorieva (USSR, 1990)
* The Brothers Karamazov - film by Yuri Moroz (Russia, 2008)
* The Brothers Karamazov - film by Petr Zelenka (Czech Republic - Poland, 2008)
* Eternal Husband - film by Evgeny Markovsky (Russia, 1990)
* Uncle's Dream - film by Konstantin Voinov (USSR, 1966)
* The Player - film-opera by Yuri Bogatyrenko (USSR, 1966)
* The Player - film by Alexei Batalov (USSR, 1972)
* The Idiot - film by Pyotr Chardynin (Russia, 1910)
* The Idiot - film by Georges Lampin (France, 1946)
* The Idiot - film by Akira Kurosawa (Japan, 1951)
* Idiot - film by Ivan Pyryev (USSR, 1958)
* The Idiot - TV series by Alan Bridges (UK, 1966)
* Crazy Love - film by Andrzej Zulawski (France, 1985)
* Idiot - television series by Mani Kaul (India, 1991)
* Down House - film interpretation by Roman Kachanov (Russia, 2001)
* Idiot - television series by Vladimir Bortko (Russia, 2003)
* Meek - film by Alexander Borisov (USSR, 1960)
* The Meek - film interpretation of Robert Bresson (France, 1969)
* Meek - drawn cartoon Petra Dumala (Poland, 1985)
* Partner - film by Bernardo Bertolucci (Italy, 1968)
* Teenager - film by Evgeny Tashkov (USSR, 1983)
* Crime and Punishment - film by Pierre Chenal (France, 1935)
* Crime and Punishment - film by Georges Lampin (France, 1956)
* Crime and Punishment - film by Lev Kulidzhanov (USSR, 1969)
* Crime and Punishment - film by Aki Kaurismaki (Finland, 1983)
* Crime and Punishment - television series by Dmitry Svetozarov (Russia, 2007)
* Dream funny man- cartoon by Alexander Petrov (Russia, 1992)
* The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants - television film by Lev Tsutsulkovsky (USSR, 1989)
* Bad joke - comedy film by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov (USSR, 1966)
* Humiliated and Insulted - TV film by Vittorio Cottafavi (Italy, 1958)
* Humiliated and Insulted - television series by Raul Araiza (Mexico, 1977)
* Humiliated and Insulted - film by Andrei Eshpai (USSR - Switzerland, 1990)
* Someone else's wife and husband under the bed - film by Vitaly Melnikov (USSR, 1984)

Many novels and stories by F.M. Dostoevsky were staged on the stages of the world's leading theaters. The first of many was V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, who directed a two-day performance based on The Brothers Karamazov.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is one of the greatest classics The 19th century, which gave the fatherland not a single dozen books that became tabletop books in many families, both in Russia and abroad. Some of the works are included in school curriculum to the must-read list. People who become most deeply acquainted with the work of a prose writer are in higher education. educational institutions at the philological department and not only. Many of Dostoevsky's books, the list of which is presented below, have been repeatedly filmed and staged in the theater.

10 Teen

“Teenager” is one of the early books of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. IN work of art The great Russian classic touches on the topic of human destiny, which does not fit into the usual psychological and spiritual framework. The novel contains detective elements, which makes the book even more intriguing and predisposes to further reading. According to Dostoevsky, main reason All human troubles lie in pride. Main character works, a nineteen-year-old young man equates himself with great sinners who keeps notes. They also act as the main integral part novel.

9 Idiot

“The Idiot” is one of the greatest works of the Russian writer, which he loved most. Fyodor Mikhailovich thought about the idea of ​​his artistic work while he was abroad. It took the prose writer about two years to write it. The novel includes four parts. Its main character is Prince Myshkin - positive hero, exactly as Dostoevsky himself imagined it. The hero combines the features of a child and Christ. Myshkin experiences peace, is somewhat careless and immensely sensitive to the grief of others. In a society mired in commercialism and envy, the main character is an idiot. This is exactly what most of those around him, drowned in falsehood, consider him to be.

8 Player

"The Gambler" is a popular novel by Dostoevsky. The book tells how for the main character gambling have become a necessity and sole purpose, and meaning. The action of the work takes place in one of the German resort towns with a fictitious name. The main character's name is Alexey Ivanovich, who travels with the family of a retired general and is a teacher of his offspring. Soon the grandmother of the family will pass away, leaving behind a huge inheritance. The main character has warm feelings for the general’s stepdaughter, who is in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings. It soon turns out that the grandmother is healthy and comes to the same town where she loses a large amount of money at roulette. Polina urgently needs money, and Alexey gets it by winning at gambling. However, she does not accept money, but it happens that the main character turns into a gambler who now cannot stop and no longer plays for the sake of money.

7 Notes from a Dead House

“Notes from the House of the Dead” is included in the list of Dostoevsky’s most famous works. The book is narrated in the first person. The hero describes the years that he spent at hard labor in prison. He describes all the hardships that befell those who found themselves in exile. The work does not have a coherent plot and is presented in the form of small sketches that have chronological order. The author describes both personal impressions and the stories of friends in misfortune who found themselves with him.

6 Double

"Doppelganger" is included in the list best stories Fedor Mikhailovich. The work traces themes of psychologism and a satirical view of society. The writer, like no one else, managed to reflect the mental changes in a person with a disturbed psyche. The book refers to this literary movement like realism. In the story, Dostoevsky again raises the topic little man, who is humiliated by lowering an insignificant being. However, in his soul there is a glimmer of dignity, albeit suppressed by society.

5 Eternal Husband

"The Eternal Husband" is one of Dostoevsky's best stories. The book presents traditional love triangle. The prose writer acts as a subtle psychologist who is able to penetrate into the most hidden corners of a human being. The plot of the book unfolds after the death of the heroine between her lover and the husband of the deceased. The husband of the deceased goes to her lover, supposedly under the guise of friendship, but in the course of the further narration, details are revealed that reveal main goal visit of one of the main characters.

4 Brothers Karamazov

"The Brothers Karamazov" is included in the list of the most famous books Dostoevsky. The novel consists of four parts. This is the last greatest work of the Russian classic, which he completed a couple of months before his death. The book covers such eternal questions of humanity as freedom, God and morality. IN artistic work there are notes of a thriller intertwined with deep philosophical thought. The work also touches on the themes of God and the devil in the human soul.

3 Demons

“Demons” is one of the most controversial works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, in which critics see various genres. The plot is based on real events that took place in the 70s of the 19th century. The revolutionaries of one of the small circles decide to kill their comrade because he decides to retire. The novel involves a huge amount characters, under which the great thinkers of those times are hidden.

2 White Nights

"White Nights" is included in the list early works F. M. Dostoevsky. The events of the story take place in the writer’s favorite city, St. Petersburg. The main character takes a walk through evening city during which he meets a girl named Nastenka. Friendship arises between young people. They begin to meet in the evenings and walk together. One day, while talking with the main character, Nastenka shares with him her love story for a guest who was staying in her and her grandmother’s apartment. After some time, he left, but promised to return to the main character in a year, when he could get back on his feet and provide for his beloved. But it so happened that Nastya’s new friend falls madly in love with her, but sacrificing his feelings volunteers to find her lover.

1 Poor people

"Poor People" completes the list best books Fedor Mikhailovich. This is the first novel of the great classic, written in epistolary form. The work contains correspondence between the elderly titular adviser Devushkin and his distant relative Dobroselova. The main characters regularly lack money, and the only consolation for them is gray everyday life becomes the correspondence that they conduct among themselves.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is considered the most famous Russian prose writer for a reason, because his works are incredibly popular all over the world. Which are the most famous works Dostoevsky can be named, and why did they receive such an honorable status?

Dostoevsky's famous works are studied all over the world and are extremely popular, but the author's most popular novel is undoubtedly The Idiot. A story about a nobleman who encounters Russian morals noble society instantly captivated foreign readers.

Readers especially liked the description of the unique noble life, which Dostoevsky gives in full. Despite all the kindness of Prince Myshkin, he is perceived only as a madman, not realizing that he is a much more intelligent and advanced person than those around him.

The novel was published in the 70s XIX century and became an instant sensation. Readers around the world were eager to touch greatest work Dostoevsky, and even the large volume of the work did not frighten fans of the novel.

The popularity of the novel “The Idiot” is confirmed by numerous film adaptations that are being released around the world. Despite the demand for this literary work abroad, the best film adaptation was still filmed in Russia. The series "Idiot" with Evgeny Mironov in leading role fully conveyed the unique atmosphere of the novel with all its complex plot lines.

Another work of Dostoevsky, the novel Crime and Punishment, is also extremely popular all over the world. This novel can safely be called the most philosophical and thoughtful of all that the Russian classic wrote.

Having killed an old woman for a small amount of money, Rodion Raskolnikov is tormented by remorse, going through all the circles of hell. In the West, the work has been repeatedly inspired to create free film adaptations on the topic raised. The torment of the protagonist completely absorbs readers, because only Dostoevsky managed to create such a gloomy atmosphere in which there was room for a ray of hope.

There is also widespread interest in last novel Dostoevsky - "The Brothers Karamazov". In this work you can feel how the author’s views changed and how his narrative style progressed. It is not for nothing that the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” was filmed all over the world from Italy to Japan.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky left behind a rich legacy in the form of numerous novels, stories and short stories. His novels “The Player”, “Demons” and “Teenager” are also considered very popular, but nevertheless, they are more in demand in the CIS countries, where there is a real cult of the writer.

The works of Fyodor Dostoevsky are extremely popular, despite the fact that it is difficult for foreigners who do not know key aspects of Russian history to understand the motives for the actions of certain characters. Due to the rich bibliography, readers around the world have the opportunity to follow how the author's narrative style has changed.

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