Where does Andrey Gubin live? Andrey Gubin: disease of the nervous system, latest news. Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - latest news

Russian crooner, composer, producer Andrey Gubin (real name– Klemetyev). Born in Ufa in 1974. My first song "Tramp Boy" wrote in 1986, and released the first professionally recorded album in 1996 with the support of Leonid Agutin.

Biography of Andrey Gubin

In 1982, the Gubin family moved to Moscow, where Andrei became interested in chess and began playing football professionally. Parents had to work a lot and move often in search of cheap rental housing. Andrei’s sports career would have taken off if he had not suffered a knee injury and never played for the Moscow national team. Gubin switched to journalism, but abandoned it after an interview with Andrei Makarevich that was unsuccessful in his opinion.

The creative path of Andrey Gubin

Deciding to realize myself in music, Andrey Gubin entered the Gnesin State University School of Music, but was eliminated due to poor attendance. Music career For young singer started on the show "Up to 16 and older" in the late 80s. Already at the age of 15, Gubin recorded his first disc "I am homeless", where he performed original songs of a socio-political nature with a guitar. The disc was recorded in a non-professional studio and was released in 200 copies. This was followed by two more such non-professional discs. "Ave Maria" And "Prince and the Pauper".

In 1994, Andrei Gubin met Leonid Agutin at the Slavutich-94 competition. Already famous throughout the country, Agutin helped young Gubin record his first professional album "Tramp Boy" in his own studio in Tver, which was released in 1996 and instantly became popular. Debut album sold half a million copies.

Since 1998, the singer began touring Russia and the CIS with a new album "Only you". In 2000, the artist’s PR campaign and tours moved abroad to Germany, Israel, Latvia, and the USA. A year later, Andrei Gubin stopped touring, and in 2002 he released his last solo album "Always with you".

In 2004, I wrote a song for a beginner solo career Zhanna Friske "La-la-la". Since 2007, the singer began producing Julia Beretta, but they quickly broke up.

“I used to go on stage and feel that I did everything sincerely, from the heart,” Gubin said in an interview. - What I liked, people also liked. I was happy about this. And at some point I realized that I couldn’t do the same as before. That's why I don't perform on stage now. I can't deny myself this pleasure. Well, yes, it’s difficult for me, I don’t live as luxuriously as before, but I don’t have much regret. It’s not a fact that the existence I had was better than the one I’m in now. I am interested in living, I can afford to move in the mode in which I want. I live like free man, and this is the most important thing.

Song Anton Zatsepin“Only Gubin is shorter” caused the singer’s indignation. He was offended by its author, Igor Nikolaev, and even wanted to sue.

Andrey Gubin's disease

In 2004 Andrey Gubin discovered the disease nervous system, due to which the artist experiences constant facial pain. The cause was constant stress and overwork.

I don't think the path I'm taking is that wrong. There were, of course, mistakes, what can we hide. But the direction, it seems to me, was chosen correctly. If I could start all over again, I would most likely become a musician too. We shouldn't be afraid that we make mistakes, we should be afraid that we don't correct them, that's the point.

Gubin recorded his last song in 2009, after which he stopped appearing in public and communicating with colleagues. The once favorite of girls began to lead a reclusive lifestyle and abuse alcohol. Long years Andrei was treated in various clinics abroad, but none of the doctors could understand what was wrong with his health. In Moscow, Andrei Gubin was treated in psychiatric clinics. Gubin not only left the stage, but also stopped communicating with friends and family. In the summer of 2014, his mother Svetlana died, the singer suffered for a long time.

On September 23, 2017, Gubin became the main characterprogram “Secret for a Million” with Lera Kudryavtseva. The singer spoke frankly about his departure from the stage and his life after. AndreyGubin does not work, but said that he is offered millions of rubles for solo concert. For the first time he told about his breakups with women and their claims against him.

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

According to Andrey, he wants to get married, but he believes that now is an incomprehensible time in the country, in which there is no time for weddings. He also wants to have children only in the family.

In an interview that Gubin gave on the show "Live", he claims that several attempts have been made on his life. The musician also spoke about his personal life and that he is not going to be in a relationship in the near future due to his worsening illness.

Andrey Gubin:

“Still, for me it’s family: caring for a woman, caring for a child. And what care is there for a woman? What kind of child care? I only care about myself! I can barely get out of bed in the morning. And you want me to get married now. Andrey, get married! How am I going to get married here, have you gone crazy or what?”

Some of the show's participants, including Otar Kushanashvili, suggested that the musician may have mental problems or illegal drugs.

Maxim Kvasnyuk appeared in the show “The Stars Aligned,” who stated that he was the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin. During one of Gubin's concert tours, the artist had a casual relationship with Maxim's mother, which she told her son about. On the air of the program “Secret for a Million”, a DNA test was done, which did not confirm the relationship between the 21-year-old guy and the idol of the 90s.

42 years

Behind the wild success of the “tramp boy” was the artist’s father, Viktor Gubin, who was involved in both producing Andrei and supporting him in general. Andrei, who was gentle in character, relied on his father for everything, so the artist took the news about Viktor Gubin’s deteriorating health painfully. In 2007, after his father left, Gubin not only stopped performing - he ended up in a neurosis clinic, trying to cope with stress and insomnia.

Now 42-year-old Andrei does not perform and does not release new songs. The musician admits that he is not in the best shape for going out in public, although he regularly writes songs “for the table” or for other artists. According to Gubin, his illness is progressing, and the intrusive attention from fans makes him even more nervous: “My whole body hurts, the left side of my face “floats”... I don’t feel half of my body. The lips turn blue, the whole body falls apart. But I'm used to it."

Marina Khlebnikova

51 years old


Thanks to Marina, everyone fell in love with a “cup of coffee” in the 90s. However, at the peak of her popularity, Khlebnikova disappeared from view. The reason was health problems. “It was all due to a dental cyst. All these years it grew and destroyed bone tissue, the only sign of its presence was sinusitis, which none of the doctors connected with dentistry. Time has passed, and everything has taken on dire consequences. When I had a toothache and the first picture was taken, the cyst grew three centimeters, and the bone tissue turned into a sponge,” the singer said in an interview.

It became difficult for Khlebnikova to sing. On top of everything else, personal problems were added: her husband, businessman Mikhail Maydanich, left the artist after the birth of her daughter. In February, on the show “Let Them Talk,” the singer said that her ex-husband turned out to be a swindler. “He released the album “Cats of My Soul,” and I didn’t receive a penny for it. I later saw from which persons and banks he took loans! And then the article “Khlebnikova’s husband stole 500 thousand dollars from Joseph Prigogine” comes out. I’m afraid to approach Joseph, I haven’t seen a penny of this money!” — Marina shared.

Now Khlebnikova’s 17-year-old daughter Dominika is taking her first steps in music.


41 years old

Who would have thought that the crazy and bright Shura, who the audience associated with the eternal carnival, would leave the stage due to serious health problems. The artist battled testicular cancer for seven years, undergoing chemotherapy and long rehabilitation. After treatment, the artist weighed 140 kilograms! At the same time, Shura struggled with drug addiction.

Vladimir Levkin

49 years old

Another 90s star who overcame cancer is former member group "Na-Na" Vladimir Levkin. In 1997, the artist was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system, which Levkin fought for 10 years. The next year, after Levkin learned about his illness, he left Na-Na. At first, the musician was engaged in other musical projects, but over time, the illness left him no strength to work.

“I imagined a terrible sight,” Vladimir said in an interview with the Sobesednik portal. - Pale and thin, like death itself, completely bald. Even my eyebrows fell out from chemotherapy! The bloody ulcers in my mouth hurt wildly, it was impossible to swallow even a piece of food. The only salvation was the painkiller paste. I lubricated the sores in my mouth with it, the pain went away for a while. And quickly, quickly, choking, he ate bread or pasta.”

The artist did not have enough money for treatment abroad, but Russian doctors managed to save Levkin. 5 years ago, Levkin became the father of a girl, Nika, who was born by actress Marina Ichetovkina, the musician’s fourth wife.

Evgeniy Osin

52 years old

The courtyard romantic of the 90s has lost his former enthusiasm and love for life, and the craving for alcohol is to blame. Osin sought solace in drinking, having fallen into depression after a divorce. His only daughter Agnia remained to live with her mother, and for some time Osin taught music at the girl’s school in order to communicate with the child. Evgeniy tried to produce a teenage group with the participation of his daughter, but did not achieve success. As a result, due to her father’s alcoholism, Agnia stopped communicating with him altogether.

Andrey grew up along with his audience, and every year he experienced greater success. From 1995 to 2004, he became the laureate of the “Song of the Year” six times and the “Golden Gramophone” award twice, and at the age of thirty he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Then Andrei Gubin began to be seen less often on television and on stage, his songs disappeared from rotation, and the album released in 2008 contained only one new composition. Other stars appeared in show business, and Andrei’s matured fans changed their range of interests. All the more unexpected for them were the last interviews with the favorite singer of their youth, creative career which was left behind, and whose appearance changed beyond recognition.

The future singer was born in Ufa (April 30, 1974). His stepfather, Viktor Gubin, held the position of a researcher, but was a cartoonist by vocation, and often sent his works to Krokodil and other humorous publications. His mother, Svetlana Vasilievna, was married to another man before meeting him, so both Andrei and his sister Anastasia bear the surname Klementyev (according to unconfirmed sources, Svetlana’s first husband’s name was Valery Klementyev, his details were recorded on the children’s birth certificate) . Since childhood, Andrey loved to sing, and could sing songs he heard on radio and television in any environment, including in a hairdresser while getting a haircut.

In 1983, Svetlana and Victor registered their marriage and moved to Moscow. The father of the family began to officially collaborate with Moscow magazines, the mother was involved in raising children. However, the little room in which Gubin managed to live was very tiny, and his wife and children were not registered there. Andrei remembered well the constant police raids and demands that the family leave Moscow within 24 hours. Due to constant moving, he had to constantly change schools and was unable to make friends. It was these sentiments that were later reflected in the hits “Tramp Boy” and “I’m a Homeless Man,” which he, formally, was.

Nevertheless, school curriculum the boy mastered it well, and the father decided after the second grade to transfer his son directly to the fourth. This was the end of Andrei's school success; the mathematics program turned out to be too much for him. But he played chess well and loved football, even playing for the capital’s youth team. A broken leg put an end to his sports career, after which Andrei remembered his childhood passion for singing. However, an obstacle to his career as a vocalist was the incorrect pronunciation of the “r” sound. The mother was sympathetic to her son’s problems and organized classes with speech therapists, but to no avail. In the end, Andrey managed to get rid of his speech impediment by studying on his own.

At the age of thirteen, he decided to compose songs himself and asked his father to give him a guitar. The first works were typical for teenagers - stories about the problems of this age and the inability to solve them. But already in the seventh grade, Andrei wrote “Tramp Boy” and decided to present this song in the then popular program “From Sixteen and Older.” The teenager acted for sure - taking a guitar, he came to the entrance television studio on Shabolovka and began to loudly sing his compositions. He sang until Chief Editor the TV show did not invite him to the studio.

So with light hand Tamara Pavlyuchenko recorded a song that became business card young singer. He took part in a television show and immediately began recording an album called “I’m a Homeless Man,” composed of songs he performed himself and with his own accompaniment. The album was released in 1989 in limited edition, but attracted the attention of a young audience. Andrei, who began performing under his stepfather’s name, was invited to the role of TV presenter. He talked about music and new songs, at the same time recalling some incidents from school life, and began to seriously think about a career as a television journalist. Gubin even conducted an interview with Andrei Makarevich in the studio, however, after watching the program, he decided not to do this anymore. Judging by the video, fifteen-year-old Andrei did not cope with the task so badly, and he himself later regretted the decision he made in the heat of the moment.

Gubin began to study music seriously and entered Gnesinka. However, performances, television broadcasts, recording songs and video clips - all this distracted him from his studies, and a year later the young man left school. Gubin Sr. had nothing against it; moreover, he himself became his son’s producer. Over time, Viktor Viktorovich began producing other singers, acquired recording studios, but due to the financial claims of his charges, he stopped this activity. Collaboration with his son was also not successful; according to Andrei, their views on his repertoire radically did not coincide, so the prepared albums “Ave Maria” and “Prince and Princess” were never released.

In 1994, during the song festival "Slavutich-94", Andrei met Leonid Agutin, and this acquaintance radically changed his fate. At Agutin's studio in Tver, Gubin recorded several singles, then the album "Tramp Boy". In less than a year, 500 thousand copies of this album were sold, and Andrey became a real star, had a successful tour and won the “Song of the Year”. 1998 was marked by a new hit, “Winter-Cold,” and the release of a second album, entitled “Only You,” which was recorded in Sweden. In the same year, Andrei was among the winners of the Golden Gramophone for the song “Only You”. Foreign producers drew attention to him and offered him a contract with the Radisson studio.

Best of the day

Gubin went to Canada, recorded several songs in Russian and English languages, however, chose to return home. The release of the third disc, “It Was, But It’s Gone,” was accompanied by large promotional tours in the CIS countries, as well as in Germany and Israel. The songs “Dancing”, “Summer Runs Away”, “Falling Leaves” became rotation hits. In 2003, the song “Girls Like Stars” literally blew up the airwaves. great success used the composition “Always with You”, recorded together with Olga Orlova, and the album “under the same name” released in 2004 is noted as the most successful in the singer’s career.

After a long tour, Gubin stopped appearing on stage, saying that he would start producing and composing songs. Indeed, his composition “Lalala” contributed to the tremendous success of Zhanna Friske, and the duet “Caramelki” and Yulia Beretta, with whom Gubin developed a close relationship, were also successful.

In 2008, the singer released his latest album, “The Best,” in which all compositions, except for the song “Lena,” were written in previous years. Gubin appeared on the jury of various music competitions, produced Katya Gordon, but after breaking up with her in 2010, he did not declare himself either as an author or as a producer. In 2012 he gave several interviews and appeared in television shows, where he stated that he was officially unemployed and lived on a modest amount of royalties.

The singer categorically rejected persistent rumors about a tendency towards alcoholism and drug addiction, but admitted that he has a disability of the first group associated with prosalgia. This is a serious nervous disease that causes severe pain in the facial muscles, which makes it impossible to perform on stage and makes it difficult to communicate with people. In June 2017, Andrey Gubin became a member of " Live broadcast" of the TV channel "Russia". He spoke about his past and present, and outlined in detail the details of the terrible car accident, which happened to him in Sochi and which the singer regards as an attempt on his life.

According to Gubin, he has many songs written over the years, but they lie and wait in the wings. In a recent interview, Andrei said that for one song he was offered 5 thousand rubles, while optimal price composition (taking into account how much it will earn) - 10 thousand dollars. Therefore, Gubin is in no hurry to release new album. He is working on his health and hopes that one day the day will come when he will be able to go on stage.

90's superstar, adored for the most part women of Russia, the most talented and unique singer Andrei Gubin has not been leading women for 10 years concert activities, rarely appears on television and almost never gives interviews. Immediately after his departure from the stage, rumors spread that Andrei Gubin was suffering from an unknown illness. And only after some time the singer made a sensational confession and revealed the whole truth.

About family

Andrey Gubin (Klementyev) was born in Ufa on April 30, 1974. His mother was a housewife. My stepfather drew cartoons for Soviet magazines. A little later he went into business, including recording studios which he was the owner of. The singer has younger sister Anastasia and his twelve-year-old nephew, named after him - Andrey.

Fame and public recognition

In the 90s and early 2000s, not a single disco was held without such hits as “Liza”, “Winter-Cold”, “Dancing”, etc. During its creative activity, Andrey Gubin released 4 studio albums, instantly exploded music industry. Made more than 15 successful video clips. He also wrote several songs for such performers as Zhanna Friske and Yulia Beretta (Strelki group). In addition to numerous awards, in 2004 A. Gubin was awarded an honorary title of the Russian Federation."

Leaving the stage

In 2009, Andrey recorded his last song and appears less and less in public, gradually losing his usual Singer closes off outside world. He begins to lead an almost reclusive lifestyle, not letting anyone near him and not commenting in any way on the drastic changes in his life.

A little later it becomes known that Andrei Gubin is sick with something. In parallel with this, information appeared that the singer was addicted to alcohol and could no longer perform as before. Andrei himself refutes such rumors and assures that all this is speculation and someone else’s evil gossip. Colleagues carefully hint that, most likely, Andrei Gubin is mentally ill, as evidenced by the fact that he was treated in psychiatric clinic Moscow.

What is Gubin really sick with?

The noise among the devoted fans of the singer’s work did not subside; everyone wanted to know - what is Andrei Gubin’s illness? There were more questions than answers. And Andrey had to shed light on what was happening. It turned out that back in 2004 the singer was diagnosed with facial problems. This disease is caused by chronic lack of sleep, overwork and endless nervous tension. back side popularity and star life provoked this insidious disease.

The singer claims that his face is half immobilized, his lips periodically turn blue. And all this is accompanied by terrible pain. Sometimes there is even numbness on the left side of the body. This disease most often occurs in people who have any mental disorders or are prone to neuroses.

Appearance on screen

A. Gubin's first appearance in public after leaving big stage, happened on A. Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” in 2012. The singer answered all the questions, told how he lives now and what he is sick with. Andrei Gubin said that upon learning about his illness, he immediately began treatment. Multimillion-dollar fees accumulated for singing activities were spent on endless examinations.

The singer flew abroad for treatment, then returned to Russia to find a good doctor in his homeland, but, having failed to achieve his goal, he was forced to leave again. For example, he had to live in Egypt for several years. In Russia, not a single doctor could even determine what Andrei Gubin was sick with. He was diagnosed only in a clinic abroad. But long-term treatment did not bring any results. The pain continues, the face “floats”, and the doctors just shrug their shoulders.

How does 90s star Andrei Gubin live today?

Now Andrei Gubin is seriously ill. The singer claims that he cannot calmly look at himself in the mirror because he is afraid of his own reflection. On one show, he even compared his face to an iron mask. But at the same time, Andrei believes that although he has changed quite a lot in appearance, he remains the same in his soul, only he has become more nervous due to his illness.

Having overcome a terrible depression, our hero still found the strength to return, if not to the stage, but to life. He became interested in traveling and sports. He rides his bike and goes to the gym every day. According to the singer himself, it is these hobbies that are slowly pulling him out of his terrible state.

Andrey Gubin does not hide the fact that now his main source of income is royalties in the amount of 15 thousand rubles, which he receives monthly for his songs from radio stations. And since the noise around his person does not subside and the question of what Andrei Gubin’s illness remains relevant in 2017, the star of the 90s constantly receives offers to take part in television programs.

The public's favorite believes that he has everything necessary for life and says that he does not need anything.

Personal life of a star boy

Andrey has never been married and has no children, although he is already 43 years old. When asked if he has a desire to start a family, the singer replies that he is not at all against it. However, the artist is in no hurry to get married. "Due to illness, I will not be able to provide decent life my wife and children, because I myself need care,” says singer Andrei Gubin. “What can we even talk about when suffering from such an illness?”

Not long ago, a young man, Maxim, appeared on a talk show where Andrei Gubin was invited. The young man is confident that he is the illegitimate son of a formerly popular performer. The guy said that for the last 8 years he had lived hoping to meet his father. According to the stories of Maxim’s mother, 20 years ago she managed not only to sneak behind the scenes to Gubin, but also to spend the night alone with him. Those in the studio noted Maxim’s amazing resemblance to Andrei Gubin. And indeed, the guy looks like famous singer. Even their hobbies are the same. Maxim is a serious singer and loves to ride a bike.

Andrey himself on illegitimate son reacted calmly, even shook his hand. But he suggested young man All issues relating to paternity must be resolved in court. Andrei did not like the fact that the young man came on television and made a provocative statement to the whole country. Gubin believes that this could have been done differently. For example, by meeting him in person.

Spectators and the public waited with interest for the outcome of this story. And it happened on Lera Kudryavtseva’s television program “Secret for a Million,” in which Andrei took part. There they also underwent a DNA test, which answered main question- son or not?

The study found that the likelihood that an artist is biological father The maximum is zero. “What was to be expected,” the non-believers exhaled. “It can’t be, Maxim is a copy of Andrei,” said those who consider the results of the examination to be erroneous.

Andrei Gubin himself chose neutrality and does not comment on this topic.

Russian singer Andrey Gubin(41) has not appeared on television for a long time, does not give concerts and does not write new songs. The artist’s fans miss him very much and are worried whether everything is fine in his life now, because the singer left the stage due to serious health problems. And Andrey decided to lift the veil of secrecy for the magazine “ Starhit».

It turned out that the author famous hit « Dancing» for a long time lived in Egypt, but has now returned back to Moscow: “I’m doing cosmetic renovations in the apartment. I train at a sports club " ReStart" They fenced me off there as a VIP client. My back hurts, but I don’t reduce the load to develop the muscles. Sometimes I don’t want to go, but I understand that water does not flow under a lying stone. What can a guy do in my situation? He can at least move."

Unfortunately, now Andrei practically does not communicate with people and does not even work: “I worked for ten years. Then what you earn is enough. Thanks to our radio stations for the copyright. I can live just fine on $250 a month. There is enough to eat, enough for the gym. I don't spend it on entertainment. I'm lonely. I don’t communicate with anyone because I’m shy and I’m afraid to bother someone. The flip side of that is I don’t like being bothered.”

The singer’s relationships with the opposite sex also don’t work out: “I don’t have relationships with women. Although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I make contact with girls all the time, both in life and on social networks, but they always dump me. Once, in order to reduce the time for the dating process, I left an advertisement: “Ready to become a sponsor. Andrey". And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, this made me happy. This means that women are not yet so corrupt.” However, the artist still does not lose hope of finding his one and only: “I need a muse! This includes several factors: sharing an apartment with me, walking around the house looking beautiful, but not trespassing on my territory. Of course, with pain like mine, sometimes even moving is problematic. So, you need to improve your health, and then start a family. And it’s not like she came here and treated me, sick and lame. I don’t want that.”

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