Hunger is not aunt what is the point. "Hunger is not an aunt": literary analogies and everyday meaning of expression. Analogs of the saying about hunger that is not aunt

Someone is lucky with relatives, but someone is not very lucky. Those who are lucky will understand the popular aphorism "hunger is not an aunt." People who are not familiar with a good relationship with their family do not realize the full depth of the proverb we are considering. In any case, for those and for others, we will do a little research. In it, we will reveal the meaning and meanings of the relationship between good relatives and hunger.

Knut Hamsun, "Hunger"

Hunger is a terrible condition if it sharpens a person long enough. In order not to starve, people steal, sometimes kill. A person needs to eat three times a day, or at least twice. Some manage to eat once a day, but that's when circumstances force them to.

Literature provides vivid examples of the fact that hunger is not an aunt. First of all, this is Knut Hamsun's novel Hunger. The finale of the novel is quickly erased from memory, but the masterful descriptions of a person who has not eaten for more than one day remain with the reader forever.

The most interesting thing is that Hamsun's character is a journalist. He needs to write in order to eat, but he cannot create a single article because he is hungry. Letters merge. Cramps and abdominal pain interfere with work. It is not for nothing that Hamsun is called the "Norwegian Dostoevsky", for he writes out the hero's ordeals with amazing psychological accuracy, bordering on meticulousness. A man in a classic novel would agree, not thinking that hunger is not an aunt.

Charles Bukowski

The creator of autobiographical novels Charles Bukowski also knew what hunger is, not by hearsay, because the hero of most of his novels constantly wants to eat, but as soon as he has money, they immediately go down to the nearest bar. Nevertheless, Buck (as friends lovingly called the founder of "dirty realism") in his works polemicizes with two common truths: first, an artist must be hungry all the time in order to create something out of the ordinary; secondly, "a well-fed belly is deaf to the doctrine." Answering both arguments at once, he concludes: a) hunger is not an aunt; b) he personally works better when he eats a good portion of boiled potatoes with meat or sausages.

Sergey Dovlatov

Sergey Dovlatov does not lag behind foreign authors. Somewhere in the vastness of his not too impressive, but sparkling prose, the image of a hungry journalist, who, sitting in a park, longingly looks at the swans swimming in the pond, is lost and is already trying on how to catch them better.

But everything ends well: the hero meets a rich middle-aged lady, who takes care of his food supply. Say: "Alphonse!" And what to do, the proverb "hunger is not an aunt" tells the truth.

By the way, Dovlatov claims in his notebooks that this story had a real prototype and everything was exactly as described. However, we promised to tell about relatives and hunger, so we will deal with direct linguistic interpretation.

Relatives and hunger

The saying "hunger is not an aunt" implies that a person has good relatives, and they will surely feed and caress him if necessary. What can not be said about hunger - it is ruthless and torments a person inexorably until he satiates his womb. Such a blissful picture was probably where the saying came from. The situation is pleasant because a person has relatives who will not let him disappear just like that.

Now, when a person is gripped by the spirit of competition and a thirst for profit, all family relationships are going to hell. "Man is a wolf to man," asserted the Roman sage, and he was absolutely right. Apparently, in ancient Rome, relations between people were not very pleasant.

In other words, we are very happy for those who have somewhere to go. With each round of capitalism (especially in Russia), a person is rapidly dehumanized and individualized. Connections between people are cut off. People become islands in the ocean of life, drifting on their own. Observing such a bleak picture, one involuntarily ponders: what will happen if aunts, uncles, parents suddenly disappear from the world? Who will the starving wanderer go to?

Hunger is not an aunt!

Semyon was a tall and interesting young man. He immediately caught the eye, as they say. If somewhere they looked for a candidate for a public office, all those present invariably and without hesitation proposed and chose Semyon. Despite the fact that Semyon always desperately refused, he gave himself various self-rejections, both at school and in the pioneer camp, and later at the institute, he was invariably appointed or elected as headman, trade union organizer or Komsomol organizer, and if Semyon still managed to escape from such positions , then, at worst, he was elected chairman of the meeting, meeting, council or committee.

Once Semyon went on a tourist trip to the Baltic republics. At the first meeting, a group of tourists from different cities of the Union, without saying a word, immediately elected him the headman. Semyon denied, but could not do anything. Semyon was an obligatory person, and since he was chosen, he tried to fulfill his duties as best he could. He negotiated with representatives of the travel company, sought that the group be transported from city to city in a good bus, so that the rooms in hotels and tourist centers were the best and in general, so that all members of the tourist group were satisfied and no one had any unsatisfied claims.

The group visited Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn and finally arrived at the final destination of the trip - a tourist center, which was located on the shore of a small forest lake. When the bus drove up to the camp site, all the tourists, fascinated by the beauty of the forest and lake, expressed a desire to live in tents. Semyon, who had all the documents for the group, had to hand them over to the administrator, fill out some papers. Having finished with all this, he inquired in which tent he would live.

Yes, choose any, - they answered him, - they are all unoccupied with us.

How, and where are all my bandmates?

They preferred places in the wards in the building of the camp site.

Well, if everyone is accommodated in the wards, then send me to the ward.

We would love to, but there are no more places there.

Oh no, that won't work, I won't live in a tent alone, find me a place in the building.

But we really have everything taken. But if you insist, we have a place in the gatehouse for one person. An electrician used to live there, and then the camp site was connected to the main power line and since then the gatehouse has been empty.

As already mentioned, the camp site was located on the shore of a small forest lake. There was a small beach and a boat station near the building of the camp site. Vacationers could take boats and ride on the lake at any time. The gatehouse was located on the opposite side of the lake. It was a small wooden house with a bed, a bedside table, a small table and one chair. Semyon liked the hut, and he agreed to live in it. He took one of the boats for personal use, on which he moved across the lake from the camp site to his lodge and back.

Semyon was a young healthy guy, he spent almost the whole day on the lake - swimming, boating. The air was clean, forest. All this whetted appetite. On the very first day of his stay at the camp site, it turned out that the food that was given to vacationers was completely insufficient for Semyon. First, he began to find out if there was any grocery store nearby. But it turned out that there was only one forest for several kilometers around. Then Semyon went to the doctor:

I do not have enough food, please write me an increased diet. If necessary, I am willing to pay for extra food.

Unfortunately, I cannot prescribe such a diet for you. As for the purchase of additional food coupons, we do not sell them separately - only together with vouchers to the camp site. So be patient, in six days your stay here will end, leave, go to a restaurant there and eat your fill.

Semyon was hungry all the time. And he did not hide it. Soon the entire tourist group sympathized with him. Once a woman said to him:

I met this young girl here, she was supposed to come here with her fiancé, but he was detained at work and she thinks that he will not come anymore. But she had two vouchers in her arms and was given two sets of food stamps. One of the sets disappears from her. On the other hand, she would very much like to go boating, but she herself does not know how to row. You would give her a ride, tell her that you are starving, I think that she will gladly give you extra food stamps.

The seeds were introduced to a girl named Lida. A long boat ride on the lake ended with the fact that they stopped at Semyon's lodge, where he replaced her absent groom. As the song says: "Allow me, madam, to replace your husband if your husband left on business!"

Lida gave Semyon extra food coupons. Arriving at the dining room for lunch, he said to the waitress:

Here are two coupons for you - please give me two snacks, the first two, the second two and two sweet ones.

I cannot do this. If you want, come in to eat first with the first, and then with the second shift.

And Semyon had to eat an appetizer, the first, second, sweet, and then start all over again - again the appetizer, again the first, again the second and again the sweet. And only after that, for the first time in three days, he felt that he was full, that he was not hungry.

A year later, when Semyon was with a tourist group on a trip to Romania, the food was extremely scarce. And again Semyon was practically starving. There was so little local money given to tourists that it was impossible to buy anything edible. But when the group left the next city, the administration of the restaurant where they ate, at parting arranged a "banquet" for the tourists. What they didn’t realize, however, was that the group was largely composed of Azeris, most of whom didn’t eat pork. In such cases, Semyon already knew how to satisfy his hunger, although not in the same way as on a forest lake in Estonia. He sat at the same table with three Azerbaijani women, who immediately gave him the pork chops they had served. Having eaten four chops, Semyon felt that he was full and would somehow make it to the next city, where there would be a pork "banquet" again.

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Is a rather funny and not entirely clear expression. Even completely incomprehensible. The opposition itself is incomprehensible “ hunger is not an aunt". What aunt? Tolya is my father's sister, or just any aunt ...

But everything falls into place when you find out that hunger is not aunt, this is only the first part of the expression. In full, it looks like this Hunger is not an aunt, she won't bring a pie... That is, hunger prompts a person not to wait, but to act. As the saying goes, "What you drown, so you burst."

This proverb is quite old, found even in dictionaries published at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Such abbreviations, or truncations of full expressions, are not uncommon. For example, ", (yes, they forgot about the ravines.)" "Don't say gop! (until you jump) "...

There is, however, another version of the interpretation of this expression:

Hunger is not an aunt, but a mother and it should be understood in terms of the benefits of fasting. Although this version of the full phrase raises some doubts.

Other interesting expressions from Russian speech:

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Hunger is not an aunt

Hunger is not an aunt - hunger is a complex problem that significantly affects a person's character, behavior, and well-being.
But why "aunt", and not a mother, a grandmother, a girl, a wife, a daughter, a spouse, a sister, a godfather, a mother-in-law, a godmother? No answer. Although the proverb sounds completely: "Hunger is not an aunt, she will not slip a pie", it is not clear why a pie is expected from an aunt, and not from all the listed female relatives. In addition, the insidious Russian language sows doubt at all: who will not "slip the pie", aunt or hunger itself?

Analogs of the saying about hunger that is not aunt

  • Hunger drives the world
  • Hunger is not aunt, belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, and a belly is not a basket
  • Hunger is not an aunt, a soul is not a neighbor
  • Hunger is not a neighbor: you can't get away from it
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you speak
  • Hunger is a grumpy godfather: he gnaws, he won't catch
  • Hunger is not an aunt, it will make you work
  • Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest (to the village).
  • Hunger is not an aunt, she will not put a kalachik
  • Hunger does not run away to the forest
  • Hunger does not puff up the stomach, but on an empty stomach it is more fun
  • Hunger is not an aunt, frost is not a brother
  • The belly will not burst with hunger, it will only shrink
  • They don't die of hunger, they just swell

"Hunger is not an aunt," the people say, but they add: "Stepmother is fierce, but hunger is fierce!" (E. A. Salias "In Moscow")

Application of the saying in literature

    "They were guarded to protect them, but hunger is not aunt - they broke bread crusts for themselves, but for the future."(Daniil Granin "Bison")
    "I used to think - hunger is not aunt, but it turns out that aunt is hunger"(Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate")
    “But nothing. Hunger is not an aunt. - It is clear, ― the woman did not immediately say and walked away, it seems, losing interest in frogs in a hat and in both men ”(Vasil Bykov "The Wolf's Pit")
    "But if hunger is not your aunt, then the cold is also not your own uncle, do you agree?"(Vladimir Sanin "Do not tell the Arctic - goodbye")
    “Enough, isn't it,” I thought as I listened, “for example, isn't it according to the proverb:“ hunger is not your aunt ”?”(I. A. Goncharov "Frigate" Pallada ")

“Che stood up like a tree stump? And staring at the food? Lie all in a row! ”- I heard a loud female voice behind me. A family of five is comfortably seated at breakfast - at a large table, right at the main buffet table. “Bring that tray over here. Here we will figure out what we eat and why bite, ”the guest laughed. The man took his wife's command literally. He dashed to the edge of the table, grabbing a half-empty tray of cold cuts. And he began to impose everything on him.

At first, half a can of herring adhered to the meat leftovers. Herring was replaced by a huge portion of cheesecakes. Pancakes lay on top, sprinkled with sour cream and honey. “The greenery is just not the lodges, the grass grows at home,” the wife continued to command.

Approaching the table with pickles, the guest with a confident movement stuck a fork into a jar of olives. With difficulty holding a heavy tray in his left hand, the guest began to fish out fruits from the common jar. And send them directly into your mouth, without noticing the drops of the marinade, abundantly falling directly onto the snow-white tablecloth.

Everything that happened reminded me of an old anecdote. The man saw the buffet for the first time. And he was sincerely surprised at the absence of chairs at the main table. He arbitrarily took one of the chairs standing nearby, put it to the distribution, sat down. And he began to devour food greedily. “Sorry, but this is a buffet. Please free him! ”- asked the administrator. "I will stand up when the Swedes come"

“Che sat down? Go help your father, pick up something hot! " The girl obediently got up and went to the "Swede". “Do not take porridge, you will eat it at home. Don't bang your ears, put chicken and boiled pork on the plate, don't miss the shrimps, ”the guest handed out commands. Suddenly, turning sharply at another shout from her mother, the girl did not notice how a lock of her long, loose hair dived into the gravy boat with ketchup. And after a couple of seconds, a bright red strand of hair was already drawing strange patterns on the girl's snow-white shirt. "Dirty!" - the guest screamed loudly throughout the hall.

Waiters standing nearby ran up to the girl - with an offer to help clean her shirt on the spot. “They have placed their banks here, boobies. You don't know how to work! This shirt is enough for your entire monthly salary, ”- the waiters immediately got it.

Finally putting the heavy tray on the table, the father of the family went back to the distribution. And he began to put mountains of hot dishes on the plates. Mixed with a side dish, the guest for some reason grabbed a few eclairs along with the chicken, sprinkling them abundantly with cherries.

With difficulty dragging mountains of food to his table, the head of the family finally took his place of honor. The family began to eat breakfast.

“Stop and wait! We finish eating and go out, ”the guest replied in a businesslike manner to someone who had called her mobile, obviously overestimating the gastronomic possibilities of her household.

“Fruit lodge in the bag. Faster, we're late. We will eat on the way to Peterhof, ”the guest ordered again at the exit from the restaurant. "Why do you need apples?" Do you miss them at home? Top with peaches, pears and grapes. Paid for everything "

The husband rushed back to the "Swede". And in a hurry he began to lay out a dozen apples from the bag and from the two side pockets in his jacket back into the fruit basket. He tried to trade apples for something that "does not grow at home." But in the bustle he dropped them, not holding them in his hands. Apples rolled in different directions under the loud shouts of an angry wife and mocking glances from other guests.

The family left. I went to the table and carefully examined the "battlefield". The waiters have just taken away from the table about ten plates filled to the brim with almost untouched food. Meat mixed with chicken, fish, pieces of fruit, the remnants of desserts, abundantly seasoned with ketchup, honey and sour cream, went safely to the trash cans. Only the accidentally escaped apples, previously washed in the kitchen, returned to the "Swede".

The term "buffet" exists only in Russian. In Europe, the United States and Asia, this type of service is called a "buffet"

In support of the Russian version of this name, historians cite enough arguments and facts attributing this invention to the nation of northern navigators.

Legend has it that even in ancient times, for most feasts, the Scandinavians prepared simple but varied food for long-term storage - from salted and smoked fish and meat, boiled eggs, from vegetables, mushrooms and berries, so that when new guests arrived, they would not think about how to feed them. ...

This service concept has always been easier to implement in cold climates. And in that national cuisine, which is adapted to various kinds of preparations.

Few opponents of the “Swedish theory” argue that this most democratic way of serving food originates from the traditional Russian meal “vodka is a snack”. But this hypothesis, according to historians, does not stand up to criticism - after all, democracy was not born in Russia. And the meaning of the "buffet" is not in strong drinks.

In Sweden itself, this format of serving food is called smorgasbord, that is, "sandwich table". Sandwiches mean any satisfying meal that can be prepared from anything.

The presence of bread is not as important as the principle of serving dishes that are easy to eat. And unlike, for example, pasta with tomato and cheese, they do not lose their taste for a relatively long time.

The concept and idea of ​​the "buffet" is closely related to the national characteristics of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. Its main principle is reasonable self-restraint in the absence of external control.

Konstantin Skalkovsky, a Russian historian and journalist of the second half of the 19th century, described a meal in a local inn: “Everyone demands both, the maids barely had time to uncork the bottles. There is no consumption metering here; there is a book on the table, a pencil is tied to it on a pink ribbon, and the guest himself is obliged to write down what he ate and drank in the book. Upon departure, he also sums up his account himself. It is clear that all mistakes remain on the passenger's conscience, but the Swedes prefer to lose something rather than subject the traveler to humiliating control. "

Alexander Kuprin, who underwent treatment in Finland in 1909 (which was part of Sweden at the beginning of the nineteenth century), described the “miracle of the self-assembled tablecloth” in this way: “The long table was lined with hot meals and cold snacks. All this was unusually clean, appetizing and elegant. There was fresh salmon, fried trout, cold roast beef, some kind of game, small, very tasty meatballs and the like. Everyone approached, chose what he liked, had a snack as much as he wanted, then went to the sideboard and, of his own free will, paid exactly one mark thirty-seven kopecks for dinner. "

“When we returned to the carriage, a picture in a truly Russian genre was waiting for us,” the famous writer recalled. “The fact is that we were accompanied by two stone contractors. Everyone knows this type of fist from the Meshchovsky district, Kaluga province: a wide glossy, high-cheeky red muzzle, red hair curling from under a cap, a sparse beard, a rogue look, piety for a five-year old, ardent patriotism, and contempt for everything that is not Russian - in a word, well-known a truly Russian face. "

“I should have heard how they mocked the poor Finns,” Kuprin continued. "What a fool, so foolish. After all, such idiots, the devil knows them! Why, if you count, I ate three rubles for seven hryvnias from them, from the scoundrels ... Oh, you bastard! They beat them a little, sons of bitches. One word - Chukhontsy ". And the other one picked up, choking with laughter: "And I ... deliberately booted the glass, and then took it in the fish and spat. So they should be bastards!"

Quoting these disgusting statements, Kuprin concludes: "And it is all the more pleasant to confirm that in this sweet, wide, semi-free country they are already beginning to understand that not all of Russia consists of contractors for the Meshchovsky district of the Kaluga province."

These days, the "buffet" has literally conquered the planet. Hotel complexes, casinos, cruise ships and large restaurants - those establishments that are faced with the task of feeding a large number of guests quickly, tasty and high-quality - widely use this type of service. And they receive a stable solid income - despite the false idea that the cost of meals eaten significantly exceeds the revenue of the establishments. This is wrong. An important feature of the "Swede" is that the unlimited appetites of eaters are limited by the size of their stomachs, the presence of a culture of consumption, and upbringing. And the observance of the banal principle by the majority of guests: it is a pleasure, but not to take too much. And do not take food with you.

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