Characteristic features of the appearance of a Russian person. National character. Manners, customs, life

Russia cannot be understood with the mind, it cannot be measured with a common yardstick: it has become something special - one can only believe in Russia. Fedor Tyutchev.

If the holy army shouts:

“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”

I will say: “There is no need for heaven,

Give me my homeland."

Sergey Yesenin.

Who are these strange Russians, and what strange laws do they live by?

What is so special about the Russian character, and why doesn’t even a similar mentality exist anywhere in the world?

Why is the behavior of a Russian person abroad so recognizable, and for what reason are we either adored or hated, but never simply indifferent?

All attempts by the government to build in our state a state that lives strictly according to the laws and consciously observes them have failed with a deafening crash. Any imposed Western-style values ​​are rejected by our people like a foreign body.

What is the reason? After all, all of Western Europe and America has stood and prospered on these principles for many years.

Together with that revolutionary ideas Lenin and, which have no analogues anywhere in the world and are not supported by any other countries, were received with a bang, and in just two decades they turned the political system upside down, creating a society that was fundamentally different in its mechanisms of existence.

What was it? Utopian idea that has taken root in an atypically thinking society?

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.

Fedor Tyutchev.

Faith has always occupied a special place in the life of Russian people, but at the same time we have always been tolerant of people of other faiths. Many nationalities have always coexisted in Russia, and each had its own religion.

Russian character has always been a mystery to any foreigner. Completely illogical actions - this strange tendency towards daring recklessness, ostentatious, inexplicable generosity, reaching the point of wastefulness, love for luxurious expensive things, even for one day, even without a penny in his pocket, as if it were his last day, and then take it and give it away everything to anyone, even to the first person you meet - no, it’s impossible to understand.

Terrible, brutal crime, total corruption and thieves' laws, which are observed better than the criminal code - is this also a feature of the national character or a dead end into which the whole country has reached?

Can our people abroad become so “at home” that they feel happy?

What determines the Russian character - heredity, climate, social system or landscape conditions?

Read on for the most comprehensive and most unexpected answers...

National character. Hot blood cold steppes

Russian character is psychological picture the whole people, the mentality of the state, and not even Russia alone. It is partially present in everyone Russian person, these are the traits that unite us, make us similar, create the basis on which we understand each other a little better than people with a different mentality.

The formation of national character took place over many centuries, the foundation for this was the special geopolitics of one of the great leaders of the past - Genghis Khan.

The unique combination of endless steppes and impenetrable forests created the preconditions for the emergence of the urethral-muscular mentality, which forms the basis of the Russian character.

The specific role of the representative of the urethral vector is the leader, the head of the tribe, his task is to preserve the living matter of the flock, advance it into the future or develop new lands.

Unpredictable strategic thinking, complete absence of fear and high endurance are the properties that ensure the implementation of its species role.

The highest rank, the first right to bite, given by nature, cannot be challenged or doubted. Anyone who encroaches on his primacy will instantly know what urethral lion wrath is. There can only be one leader in a pack; when a second one appears, everything is decided by a mortal fight, the outcome of which is either the death of one of them or expulsion. Defeated in best case scenario leaves to look for his pack.

He himself does not obey anyone and does not recognize any restrictions, having an innate sense of mercy and justice. Merciless towards strangers and the most tolerant towards his own, he forgives everything except crimes against the pack, for which he punishes immediately - cruelly and mercilessly.

The interests of the pack are of the highest value to him; personal interests are always deeply secondary. His pleasure is in giving, in the realization of his animal altruism. That is why the communist ideas of building an ideal society, where everyone works for the good of the country, receiving as much as they need to live, turned out to be so close to the hearts of the Russian people.

The most generous and selfless, he will give his last shirt to the one who needs it most. With this he satisfies his needs for bestowal and receives his pleasure. A fur coat from a master's shoulder, expensive gifts and fabulous tips - all this is a manifestation of urethral generosity, a kind of evidence of his highest rank, his status.

Hence the love for fame and luxury - the leader must have everything that is most expensive, luxurious and unique, but at the same time he has absolutely no intention of keeping, saving or hoarding it all. These are trifles, albeit royal ones, but compared to his goals and values, all these are trifles that he can give to anyone he meets whenever he wants.

Risk is a noble cause!

This expression is typical only for Russians. A leader cannot have fear. He is always the first to rush into battle, the first to attack, conquer new unexplored horizons, and commit actions that no one else is capable of. He was born for this, the whole flock follows him, he does not and cannot have any other way. Only for the flags, only forward, contrary to common sense, logic or experience. Restrictions, rules, laws are for others, he has a purpose and nothing else matters. And this goal is to preserve the flock, even at the cost own life, the goal is still more important.

Only a representative of the urethral vector is capable of making the decision to ram or throw himself into an embrasure, as the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War, defending the Motherland, their people, even at the cost of their own lives.

The Russian man is a simple man

The impenetrable taiga and other forest areas of Russia are the closest and dearest place for representatives of the muscle vector: only they can accurately navigate and feel quite comfortable among dense forests.

The properties of the muscle vector are basic for all living beings, so they simply dissolve in the desires of other vectors, strengthening them.

The perception of oneself, characteristic of the muscle vector, as only an inseparable part of the common collective “we” and a wary attitude towards strangers is strikingly mixed with urethral generosity, tolerance and hospitality, turning into so-called xenophobia in reverse. This was manifested by our inexplicable love for foreigners, for whom we always set a sumptuous table, organized holidays, gave gifts, and gave the most beautiful girls as wives.

It is thanks to this property that in our huge country A wide variety of nationalities coexisted peacefully with their cultures, traditions and religions.

A muscular person will never take more than he needs for life, he simply does not have such a need and such a desire, and in combination with urethral altruism, he would rather give his own than take what is extra. , it was the muscular people who were ready to work for the good of the Motherland practically for free all their lives.

We have always lived this way - at the call of our souls

There are obvious reasons why the sound idea of ​​Lenin and Trotsky, pushed forward by the urethral commissars and finding a response in inner world every Russian person, in such a short time brought such significant results and radically changed the face of the country.

Close to the urethral mentality, such values ​​of the anal vector as honesty, decency, friendship, respect for elders, for the traditions of the past became widespread and became generally accepted, especially during the anal phase of human development, which ended with the end of the Great Patriotic War.

With the transition to the Russian people who until recently considered themselves Soviet, they found themselves in a contradictory situation.

On the one hand, the urethral mentality was and remains, but at the same time new values modern society are sharply counter to this mentality.

The basis of all properties of the skin vector are restrictions that absolutely cannot be perceived in the urethral mentality. Any laws, rules, regulations, which are mandatory mechanisms for regulating skin society, are rejected by the Russian character, which is based on an unrestricted urethral mentality.

The cutaneous phase of human development, like any other, is inevitable for everyone, including Russians. To judge her as good or bad would be wrong. It continues, and Russia also lives in a world of consumption, high technology and law. Somewhere it’s clumsy, somewhere it’s different, but we are learning to adapt the landscape in such strange conditions for us. This is development, moving forward, a kind of evolution, overcoming obstacles.

It is impossible to fence off the endless steppe, it is simply impossible. Making a leader obey is even more impossible. He would rather die in a mortal fight, but would not bow his head, especially in front of some leather worker, who by nature has a rank significantly lower than the leader. This behavior is contrary to the entire urethral nature. He didn’t care about any skin laws. The law is his word! This is how nature sets it, this is how he feels and simply cannot live any other way.

His urethral laws are the most correct, since they are based on real mercy and justice without a shadow of personal gain, only for the good of the pack, for the same reason they completely contradict logical and rational skin values ​​and cannot be understood.

Representatives of the urethral vector, who have not received sufficient development of their properties before the end of puberty, and often, on the contrary, are beaten at home and driven into the school confines, run away from home in search of their pack, which they find on the street, among street children. Perceiving the world as hostile, as it was throughout childhood, they learn to defend themselves from it and protect their pack, living by their own laws and turning into a crime boss.

The laws of thieves, for all their cruelty, are fair, but they are fair for a primitive society, for an animal pack and are, in fact, a manifestation of the archetypal program of the urethral vector.

In which feelings of mercy, justice and responsibility for others are brought up, he perceives the entire society as his flock and is capable of bringing socially useful benefits into it like no one else.

Representatives of the Western skin mentality, being next to Russians, subconsciously feel their lower rank due to our urethral mentality. It manifests itself in any case, even if we are talking about a person with a skin vector, who, it would seem, has every chance of harmoniously fitting into a developed consumer society. A Westerner gets enormous stress from the way Russians spend money, because for him saving is a priority, rational logical thinking in everything, which does not fit into urethral habits. Many Western women are captivated by the passionate, generous Russian nature, but at the same time they are alarmed by inexplicable behavior and illogical life decisions, and men are humiliated by the position of a lower rank next to the leader, even if all these points are not clearly manifested in behavior.

Misunderstanding of the behavior of Russians abroad is due to the peculiarities of the national character, which simply cannot be understood in a skin society due to the significant remoteness of innate properties. Only awareness of one’s own nature and the qualities of another person makes it possible to harmoniously communicate with a representative of any vector or mentality, since there are no bad or good vectors, everything depends on the level of development and degree of realization of the properties of each individual person.

A society with a urethral mentality is where the next phase of human development will begin, based on spiritual altruism. Read what awaits us in the next article.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»




Song Yanwei, Dalian Polytechnic University (China)

National character is a set of the most significant defining features of an ethnic group and a nation, by which it is possible to distinguish representatives of one nation from another. IN Chinese proverb It is said: “As is the land and the river, such is the character of man.” Each nation has its own special character. Much has been said and written about the secrets of the Russian soul, about the Russian national character. And this is no coincidence, because Russia, having long history, experiencing a lot of suffering and changes, occupying a special geographical position, having absorbed the features of both Western and Eastern civilizations, has the right to be the object of close attention and targeted study. Especially today, at the turn of the third millennium, when, in connection with the profound changes that have occurred in Russia, interest in it is increasingly increasing. The character of the people and the fate of the country are closely interconnected and influence each other throughout the entire historical path, so there is a noticeable increased interest in the national character of the Russian people. As the Russian proverb says: “When you sow character, you reap destiny.”

National character is reflected both in fiction, philosophy, journalism, art, and in language. For language is a mirror of culture; it reflects not only real world, surrounding a person, not only the real conditions of his life, but also the social consciousness of the people, their mentality, national character, way of life, traditions, customs, morality, value system, attitude, vision of the world. Therefore, a language must be studied in inextricable unity with the world and culture of the people speaking the given language. Proverbs and sayings are a reflection of folk wisdom; they contain the people’s idea of ​​themselves, and therefore the secrets of the Russian national character can be tried to be comprehended through Russian proverbs and sayings.


Russian people are gifted and hardworking. He has many talents and abilities in almost all areas public life. He is characterized by observation, theoretical and practical intelligence, natural ingenuity, ingenuity, and creativity. The Russian people are great workers, creators and creators, and have enriched the world with great cultural achievements. It is difficult to list even a small part of what has become the property of Russia itself. This trait is reflected in Russian proverbs and sayings: “Happiness and work live side by side”, “Without work you cannot pull a fish out of the pond”, “Patience and work will grind everything down”, “God loves work”. The Russian people value work very much: “Gold is learned in fire, and man in work,” “Talent without work is not worth a penny.” Russian folklore also speaks about the existence of workaholics: “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do,” “Living without work is just smoking the sky,” “It’s not the concern that there is a lot of work, but the concern that there is none.” Working people are not envious: “Don’t blame your neighbor when you sleep until lunchtime.”

Proverbs condemn the lazy: “It’s a long time to sleep, but it’s a long time to get up,” “He who gets up late doesn’t have enough bread.” And at the same time they praise the hardworking: “He who gets up early, God gives him.”

Only honest earnings were valued by the people: “Easy to get, easy to live,” “A free ruble is cheap, an acquired ruble is expensive.” And in raising young people, preference was given to work: “Teach not by idleness, but teach by handicraft.”


Love of freedom is one of the main, deep-seated properties of the Russian people. The history of Russia is the history of the struggle of the Russian people for their freedom and independence. For the Russian people, freedom is above all.
The word “will” is closer to the Russian heart, understood as independence, freedom in the manifestation of feelings and in performing actions, and not freedom as a conscious necessity, that is, as the possibility of a person expressing his will on the basis of awareness of the law. For example, the proverbs: “Even though the lot is hard, everyone has their own will”, “One’s own will is dearer than anything else”, “Freedom is dearer than everything else”, “The will of a bird is dearer than a golden cage” - speak of the desire for love of freedom.


Possessing a freedom-loving character, the Russian people repeatedly defeated the invaders and achieved great success in peaceful construction. Proverbs reflect the traits of Russian soldiers: “Better death in battle than shame in the ranks,” “Either a colonel or a dead man.” These same traits also manifest themselves in the lives of peaceful people. “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne” - that the Russian people love to take risks. “Either it’s hit or miss” - about the determination to do something, to take risks, despite possible failure, death. The proverbs are similar in meaning: “Either your chest is in the crosses, or your head is in the bushes,” “Either your foot is in the stirrup, or your head is in the stump,” “Either you eat a fish or run aground.”

The proverb “If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest” says that there is no point in getting down to business if you are afraid of the difficulties ahead. And luck always accompanies the brave: “Luck is the companion of the brave”, “He who dares eats.”

The characteristic features of Russian people are kindness, humanity, a penchant for repentance, cordiality and spiritual gentleness. Many proverbs and sayings illustrate these traits: “God helps the good,” “It’s good to live with the good,” “Hasten to do good,” “A good deed does not melt in water,” “Life is given for good deeds,” “A good age will not be forgotten.” “, “It’s hard for those who remember evil.” Fate treats a good person fairly: “For the wicked there is death, and for the good there is resurrection.” However, proverbs condemn someone who is too meek: “Only a lazy person doesn’t beat him,” “He even beats a meek dog.”


This is perhaps one of the most characteristic features of the Russian people, which has become literally legendary. Russians seem to have limitless patience, an amazing ability to endure difficulties, hardships and suffering. In Russian culture, patience and the ability to endure suffering are the ability to exist, the ability to respond to external circumstances, this is the basis of personality.

It is not difficult to find a reflection of this trait in Russian proverbs and sayings: “Patience is better than salvation,” “Patience will give skill,” “There is patience for what you want,” “Live forever, hope forever.”

The Russian people are patient and enduring, stubborn and persistent, not discouraged by failures and believing in their own strength. Proverbs say about this: “Endure grief, drink honey”, “Endure an hour, but live a century”, “By enduring, they become people”, “Live as slaves, maybe you will become a master”, “God will give the day, He will give and food."


Russian hospitality is well known: “Even though you are not rich, you are happy to see your guests.” The best treat is always ready for the guest: “If there is something in the oven, it’s all swords on the table!”, “Don’t feel sorry for the guest, but pour it thicker.”

Russian people greet a guest on the threshold of their home. The custom of presenting guests with bread and salt comes from time immemorial and is still preserved in Russia. Bread and salt is at the same time a greeting, an expression of cordiality, and a wish for good and prosperity to the guest: “Eat bread and salt, and good people Listen". Without bread there is no life, there is no true Russian table. Russian proverbs speak about this: “Bread is the head of everything”, “Bread is on the table, so the table is the throne”, “It’s a bad lunch if there is no bread”, “Bread is a gift from God, father, breadwinner”, “Not a piece of bread, so and in the mansion there is melancholy, and there is no bread, so there is paradise under the fir tree.” And salt, as you know, plays an important role in human life: “Without salt, without bread, bad conversation,” “Without bread, death, without salt, laughter.”


A distinctive feature of the Russian people is their responsiveness, the ability to understand another person, a sensitive attitude to someone else’s state of mind, the ability to integrate with the culture of other peoples and respect it. Amazing ethnic tolerance, as well as an exceptional ability to empathize, the ability to understand and accept other peoples allowed the Russian nation to create an empire unprecedented in history. And this trait is reflected in popular proverbs and sayings: “Whoever remembers us, we will remember him,” “They pay for good with good.” According to Vl. Solovyov, “the true unity of peoples is not homogeneity, but nationality, i.e. interaction and solidarity of all of them for an independent and full life for everyone.” Such properties of the Russian person as humanism, goodwill towards other peoples, hospitality, self-sacrifice, altruism give rise to socially deeper properties such as internationalism, mutual respect of people, their national customs, culture.

Russians pay special attention to their attitude towards their neighbors: “It’s a bad thing to offend a neighbor”, “To live among neighbors is to be in conversations”, “A close neighbor is better than distant relatives”, “Between the borders and the borders there are quarrels and abuse.”

Analyzing Russian folklore, we came to the conclusion that a proverb is not just a saying. It expresses the opinion of the people. It contains popular assessment life, observations of the people's mind. Not every saying became a proverb, but only one that was consistent with the lifestyle and thoughts of many people. Such sayings have existed for millennia, passing from century to century. Proverbs are rightly considered bundles of folk wisdom, i.e. the same folk experience that is stored in the language and passed on from generation to generation. Analysis of Russian national character based on proverbs is a new approach to the study of this issue.

1. Vyunov Yu.A. “A Word about Russians.” M., 2002.
2. Vorobiev V.V. “Linguocultural paradigm of personality.” M.1996.
3. Dal V.I. “Proverbs of the Russian people.” M., 2000.
4. Soloviev V.M. “Secrets of the Russian soul.” M., 2001
5. Vereshchagin E.M. Kostomarov V.G. “Language and Culture”. M, 1990.
6. Ter-Minasova S.G. “Language and intercultural communication.” M., 2000.

Stereotypes of Russian behavior, of course, depend on which generation someone belongs to. The younger generation and managers who received the best education in Western Europe, behave differently than their fathers’ generation. However, some stereotypes are transferred from generation to generation and can be considered “Russian archetypes”.

How I became Russian (series trailer)

The most important factor that still determines the behavior of a Russian person (and his attitude to housing, clothing, food, cleanliness, order, property) is long-term residence in a totalitarian state.
In particular, the psyche of the population was greatly influenced by both the post-perestroika crisis and the “shock therapy” of transformations in society in the 90s.
The rules of everyday life change often and quickly, and no one knows by what laws and no one explains anything to anyone. In Russia there is a lack of confidence, there is nothing to rely on.

An anecdote from the times after the collapse of the USSR
The state comes to the people and says: “I have two news for you: good and bad. Which one should I start with?” – “With the good one.” – “You are free!” – “And now the bad one.” – “You are free...”

National character

Basic stereotypes about the traits of Russian national character

  • “the mystery of the Russian soul” - the mentality of the Russian people is a mysterious mystery that cannot be solved
  • “nationality” - patriotism, service to the fatherland, love for the homeland, loyalty to traditions
  • “hope for a bright future” - the search for truth, justice, freedom, hope for an ideal state, expectation of a “just ruler”
  • “Messianicism” - Russia, as an example to other nations, is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of others (“They save others, they destroy themselves.”)
  • “Fatalism” is resignation to the fact that much will happen regardless of a person’s will and desire, the belief that nothing happens by chance in life. This character trait of Russians sometimes leads to passive behavior, the habit of relying not on oneself, but on God’s will, “good uncle” (sayings: “We’ll wait and see,” “We’re used to...”; “nothing” is the most common reaction to failure)
  • “sentimentality”, “openness of emotions”, “pathos” (phraseologisms: “pour out your soul” “open your soul” “have a heart-to-heart talk”)
  • “polarization” – dividing the entire diversity of the world into good and evil, truth and falsehood, “us” and “strangers”
  • “maximalism”, “fanaticism”, “extremism”
  • attitude towards observance of rituals, traditions, customs

Opposites of the Russian national character

Russians themselves believe that Russian character consists of extremes and opposites. The guiding slogan of the Russian people is: “Either everything, or nothing.” According to Russian and foreign observers, Russia is “a country of systematic paradoxes.”

They contradict each other:

  • gullibility, hope for a true ruler - and dreams of freedom
  • generosity, hospitality, openness in privacy- and formalism, severity, unsmiling in official communication
  • great culture (literature, music, theater), the development of science, the ability to achieve better results (perfection) in many areas, the presence of modern technologies - and incompleteness, the inability to see the consequences of one’s actions in advance and plan for them, half-heartedness, inability and unwillingness to complete what was started matter - everything is decided on the fly, most institutions work at the edge of their capabilities (post office, public transport) (the ensuing consequences of this positive features character - “resourcefulness”, “adaptability”, “ability to create something out of nothing”).
  • fear of superiors - and persistent non-compliance with prescribed and established rules

Foreigners' opinions about Russians

Russians are a very proud, self-confident people. But on the other hand, Russians deceive, pretend, hide in the face of problems (When German troops entered Kiev, Stalin claimed that not a single German soldier crossed Russian borders.). When exposed as a lie, they will only shrug their shoulders.
The problem with bureaucracy is that any business takes a very long time and is complicated to process, the rules often change, and people are endlessly sent from one window to another.

Social behavior

Russian collectivism

Russians do not tolerate loneliness well; they are sociable people.
They can even talk to strangers(communication on the train), like to communicate frequently on the phone (in cities, time-based payment has not yet been introduced telephone conversations, and people are “hanging on the phone”).
Relationships with neighbors are still important in the lives of Russians - neighborly ties play an almost familial role.
Russians are characterized by such character traits as compassion, warmth, and pity (deafness, unfortunately for another person, is unusual for Russians).
On the other hand, many of them have adopted this way of life: to live like everyone else, to keep a low profile.
Collectivism includes love for mass holidays, to companies, tradition of hospitality. In the village there is a habit of meeting with neighbors in the same hut - “get-togethers”. Russians value the principle of “conciliarity” – the internal unity of people based on a community of spirit.

„Ruský kolektivismus se v Rusku projevuje sklony k masovosti, Občané se tlačí, vytvářejí fronty a z těch front se vyčleňují přirození vůdci, kteří buď organizují dav nebo sepisují poř Adnyky. To bývá na úřadech. Kdyby tam nebyla fronta, určitě by lidé odešli, že mají zavřeno. Fronta bývá jedna ústřední, pořadníků více.”
Elizabeth Roberts: Xenofobův národnostní průvodce: Rusové

However, in Lately Russians are also characterized by a desire for individualization (with the fall of the USSR, every Russian was finally left to his own devices).

Public role

Russians take on their social role more expressively, observe the rules of formal behavior, always try to preserve their “good name,” and are characterized by constant consideration of “what other people will say or think about us.”
There is a huge difference in human behavior in the public (professional) sphere and in private life.
“Servile psychology” in relation to superiors is characteristic (one and the same person can show disdain for a person dependent on him and in a minute become slavish, obsequious in the face of the boss), a popular proverb: “You are the boss - I am a fool.” I’m the boss – you’re a fool.” Democratic principles do not always work in society in relation to the terms of holding certain positions (university rector, for example). If a person has already taken a high position, then, as a rule, he “sits” firmly in it.

Essential Values

Russians highly value: courage, strength, goodness social status, “good name”, reputation in the eyes of friends and neighbors, sentimental and emotional actions.
Especially Russians highly respect smart people. Cleverness, in the eyes of Russians, is not rational ability, but rather spirituality, delicacy, social responsibility, and high moral qualities.
It has long been customary to measure the level of culture by the number of books read.
Oddly enough, a smile is sometimes considered an indicator of stupidity ( folk proverb: “Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.”).

Money is not considered a particularly great value; Russian people are convinced that wealth cannot be acquired by honest work.

Russian attitude towards...


Back in the 19th century, in all likelihood, there was no xenophobia in Russia. The Russians were ready to quickly come to terms with the presence of foreigners. They treated those who came without malicious intent with friendship, but they treated those who came with malicious intent with cruelty.
IN Soviet era other (better) restaurants and hotels were designated for visiting foreigners; they were given first places in the queues, but were not allowed into restricted areas.
Currently, everything depends on the nationality of the foreigner. Russians love Chekhov, and Serbs are also close to them. But their relations with the Poles, Ukrainians, and Germans are already a little more complicated.
Some museums have introduced double prices for foreigners (in the Hermitage, a ticket for them is 3 times more expensive than for a Russian).


They take pity on the poor in Russia and give them money.


Russians, of course, love children very much and are ready to spend their last funds on their education and improving their future.


Russians greatly respect their ancestors and old parents and surround them with care. In families, as a rule, more often than ours, several generations live together. Placing the elderly in a nursing home is considered a sin.


The Russian archetype is characterized by fear of the state.
The state almost constantly interfered in the lives of its subjects (with violence, ideology) - Russian people could rarely concentrate on their private life.
The embodiment of evil power, which puts pressure on the people and cynically robs them, for a Russian person is bureaucracy, a terrible and irresistible force.
An “Orthodox type of person” has emerged who is patient, passive, conservative, sometimes even indifferent, capable of surviving in the most incredible conditions, immersed in the past and absorbed in the eternal search for ideals, refraining from arbitrary interference in anything.
Related to this is the Russians’ inability to accept personal responsibility (“My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.”)
The paradox of the attitude towards power: on the one hand, Russian people are genetically trained not to expect goodness, help, support from the authorities; at the same time, he hopes for a miracle, for a “good king,” a reformer-savior (illusions, euphoria are constantly replaced by disappointment, condemnation of the authorities).
In the history of Russia, the deification of power and charismatic leaders is repeated - an indicator of the sacredness of Russian consciousness.

Attitudes between men and women


Men (already boys) should not show their weakness (sometimes rudeness helps them in this). They don't compliment women as often as they would like. When they like a woman, they will tell her about it directly, they show their love with gifts and attentiveness. (This means that it is not so difficult for women to find out whether she loves or does not love?)

„Mladý muž univerzál - nosí černé džíny, černou koženou bundu, černou koženou čepici s nápletem. Tváří se nepřístupně (žvýkačka narozdíl od cigarety není podmínkou), mluví úsečně záměrně hlubokým hlasem. Mladíci se shlukují kolem stánků u výstupu z metra, usrkávají z lahve pivo domácí výroby, kouří, pojídají buráky, plivou (i slupky slunečnicových semínek) a dokáží kolem sebe ud ělat slušný svinčík.”

Russian woman

A Russian woman loves to feel like the weaker sex. She is able to spend her last money on clothes and cosmetics. Previously women had to work in male professions, they were used to taking care of everything, and immediately became adults.

„Ruská žena je často buď puťka, která se bojí překročit stín svého muže, nechá se bít manželem, tyranizovat synem a vydírat tchýní, nebo je to emancipovaná energetická bytost s vě čně doutnající cigaretou na rtech a stejně razantním stylem za volantem i bez něj.
D.Šťáhlavský: Rusko mezi řádky

It is considered a sign of bad taste in society...

  • blow your nose
  • use a toothpick
  • have dirty shoes
  • come visit without a gift
  • show your bad mood
  • speak in “intricate turns of phrase” (Russians are also irritated by “empty chatter”; spatial reasoning about something that can be expressed in a nutshell)
  • “throw around words” (Russians take what is said too seriously and literally; you can’t just joke).
  • Russians do not understand the European manner of “not noticing” something unpleasant that does not correspond to the norms of behavior. They will actively intervene, comment, and correct the situation. (If, for example, someone is in no hurry in line and delays others, his behavior can cause noisy indignation and even a scandal.)
  • When sorting out relations with Russians, it is recommended to be more careful in words and intonation - a Russian often intuitively thinks out the situation and prefers to act (sometimes it even comes to rude bodily reactions and fights).
  • Talking about money is uncomfortable for Russians; it is also not customary to talk about intimate relationships, or to ridicule the national traits and virtues of Russians.
  • It is better not to ask your interlocutor questions about his place of birth. Due to the complex history of Russia (including forced migration of the population), very complex things may be touched upon.
  • Russians value heart-to-heart conversations – this is a long, leisurely, frank conversation with a good acquaintance, with a close friend. Preferred high topics“ – for example, about the meaning of life, the future of Russia, politics, literature, theater, cinema. You can also talk about family matters.


  • flicking the throat with the index or middle finger: means “drink vodka” or “he’s drunk”
  • tap your temple with your index finger: “not a very smart person”
  • put your hands on your heart: emphasize your sincerity in a conversation
  • insert the thumb between the middle and index fingers with a clenched fist: fig (fig with butter), a vulgar gesture expressing a categorical denial
  • Russians count in such a way that they bend their fingers, gradually collecting them into a fist, starting with the little finger


Life - lifestyle, everyday life, material and cultural development of society.

In Russia there is a strong spiritual orientation to the East, that is, a focus on spiritual life (serving a higher goal). Russians have always reproached the West for being extremely consumer-oriented (money, things, personal success).
Therefore, Russians are often observed to be indifferent to money and, in general, to the material side of life, and lack of concern for the comfort of life; on the contrary, they attach importance to values ​​such as education, literature and culture, and respect in society.
The unpredictability and severity of Russian nature and climate and many historical cataclysms made it difficult to develop European pragmatism, the ability to organize time and save space.

„Bolševismus naučil lidi skromnosti, nenáročnosti, ale také rozmařilosti a plýtvání. Naučil je žít s pocitem, že to dnes může být naposledy.”
D. Šťáhlavský: Rusko mezi řádky


Recently, in many major cities A huge amount of improved housing and comfortable apartments have appeared in Russia, but still, only very wealthy people can afford new housing. For Russians, the “housing issue” is still a huge problem. There are still families where several generations live together in one apartment.
Most residential buildings in Russia are huge, multi-story, with multiple entrances. Typical for them are windows protected by bars, heavy armored doors in entrances and apartments, dirt in entrances, on stairs and in elevators.
People have not learned to take care of the house and its surroundings as if they were their own.
Unlike other nationalities, it is not customary for Russians to show guests their home or apartment.

The fashion of wealthy people is to build comfortable country houses, mansions, the so-called. "cottages".

IN Soviet time(especially Stalinist) many people had to live in communal apartments, that is, in apartments that are state property, in which several families live (not related family relations people belonging to different social strata). Life in communal apartments has actually crippled the mental health and interpersonal relationships of one generation of Russians.

Cleanliness is a mess

Everywhere in Russia there are many uncleaned places, abandoned wastelands. The strange smell of Russia consists of gasoline, buckwheat and vodka. However, Russians carefully wash their hands, clean their shoes, and wear perfume.
In the toilets you can see the inscription “Big request!” Don't throw paper in the toilet!“.
Some toilets are missing the door or the top of the walls. In restaurants they often do not differentiate between men's and women's.


Russians have a very frivolous attitude towards their health, including an addiction to alcohol.
Russians usually tolerate alcohol well, they can drink a lot of vodka and remain “sane,” but they quickly become dependent on alcohol.
The causes of alcoholism are harsh climate, difficult living conditions (for centuries Russians have been looking for oblivion of problems in a glass).

The Russian authorities continue to fight alcoholism. Since 2014, drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited. You can drink at home, in a cafe or in a restaurant.



The bathhouse has been known in Rus' since the 10th century. In the village, this is a separate log hut next to the house. It consists of a dressing room and a steam room. There is a stove in the steam room. When it is drowned, the stones become hot. In order for the bathhouse to be filled with hot steam, the stones are watered hot water. In the bathhouse they pat themselves with a birch or oak broom.

The role of the bathhouse in the life of a Russian person, its functions: cleansing the body, strengthening physical health, treating runny noses, colds, aches, losing excess weight, prevention, pleasure, relaxation. (The bathhouse “clears the mind and dries the tears.”)
The social function of the bathhouse is making acquaintances, making friendships, a place for negotiations and establishing trade connections.

  • Bath day: Saturday
  • to those leaving the bathhouse they say: Enjoy your steam!

Family rituals


A traditional Russian wedding lasted several days and was preceded by matchmaking and wedding. The wedding was like a theatrical play (theft and ransom of the bride) with sad and funny moments. Most often, a wedding was held between Christmas and Lent to have fun and survive the long winter; there was less work during this period.
In a modern wedding, everything depends on money. The groom must “break through” to the bride by performing various tasks (for example, he must write out the bride’s name in banknotes).
There is also a custom of covering apples with paper money of the same color - the apple turns out to be green, red... A big and rich wedding is a matter of honor.


Funerals are traditionally held on the third day after the person's death. The believers are buried in the church. Throughout the year, a wake is held, a ceremony in memory of a deceased relative, conducted by members of his family - 3, 9 and 40 days after death.
The funeral ritual includes home prayers, a visit to the temple and the grave of the deceased, and lunch at which vodka, pancakes, kutya (sweet porridge made from millet or rice with raisins) and a funeral dish - white jelly - are served.
Russians come to the graves of their relatives on Easter; In this case, a glass of vodka, covered with a slice of bread, or other treats are usually left on the grave.
Previously, the ritual of mourning was widespread in Russia. Good professional mourners who sobbed at the grave were highly valued.
Expression of condolences: Please accept my deepest condolences. We share your deep grief.


Moving to new apartment or new housean important event for the family, has long been accompanied by rituals (in modern times a feast is obligatory).

For many centuries, foreign guests and merchants, visiting first Rus' and then - tried to understand the secret of the mysterious Russian soul. Russian Empire. Worldwide famous classics Russian literature also did not remain aloof from solving the riddle of the Russian mentality - in their works they tried to describe Russian men and women and reveal as fully as possible the facets of their character and the peculiarities of their worldview. But still, even now, to most foreigners, Russians seem mysterious and largely incomprehensible, and Russians themselves can unmistakably distinguish their compatriots among a crowd of foreigners in another country. But what is the peculiarity of the mentality and psychology of Russians that makes them so different from representatives of other nations?

National characteristics of Russians

The national character traits of Russians have been formed over the centuries, and the foundation of the unique mentality of the nation began to be laid back in the Middle Ages, when most Russians lived in villages and ran collective farms. It was from those centuries that for Russians the opinion of society and their own position in the team began to mean a lot. Also at that time, such a national trait Russians like and adherence to patriarchal traditions - the survival and well-being of the entire village, volost, etc. largely depended on the cohesion of the team and the presence of a strong leader.

These features are inherent in the psychology of Russians even now - the majority of the nation’s representatives are confident that the country needs a strong leader, do not consider themselves to have the right to openly criticize and challenge the decisions of their superiors, and are ready to support the government in any case. In relation to the role of each individual in society, the Russian mentality, like the geographical position of Russia, is between the “West” and the “East”: it is difficult for representatives of this nation to accept the Western European model of society, in which the individuality of each individual person is considered an absolute value, but also to such The Russians do not have a privileged role of the collective over the individual, as is typical of the Chinese. We can say that the Russians were able to find a “golden mean” between collectivism and individualism - they attach great importance public opinion and their role in the team, but at the same time they know how to appreciate the individuality and uniqueness of each person’s personality.

Another national feature of the Russian character, which distinguishes it from the mentality of other nations, is the “breadth” of the soul of the Russian person. Of course, the soul cannot be broad in the literal sense of the word, and this expression means that Russian people have the following character traits:

Psychology of Russians in personal life and in everyday life

Most Russian people believe that the spiritual is more important than the material, so they do not set the goal of their life to earn millions, but choose other priorities - family, self-development, etc. Many Representatives of this people tend to have a “easy” attitude towards money - a Russian person will not be too depressed during the holidays, and will often prefer to spend money on something pleasant for themselves rather than saving up for the future.

However, despite this attitude towards finances, Russians love luxury and pretentiousness, so they do not spare money on expensive home renovations, fashionable gadgets and status items. In Russian houses, in addition to furniture and household appliances, there are a lot of interior decorations - various souvenirs, figurines and other cute trinkets. It is also not uncommon for some unnecessary things to lie in the closet of an apartment or house for years - Russian people, since the existence of the USSR, have not yet completely gotten rid of the habit of keeping in reserve everything that could theoretically be useful in the future.

IN love relationships Russian men are gallant, romantic, generous and courteous and always strive to surround their lady with maximum care. Russian women are able to completely dissolve in a loved one, they are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love and are sure that “there is heaven in the hut with your sweetheart.” In most Russian families, husband and wife have equal relations, but still caring for children and household chores are considered primarily women's business, and making money for the whole family is masculine.

Scientists have been arguing for decades about what a Russian person looks like. They study genetic types, physical features, papillary patterns, and even hematological features of blood groups. Some conclude that the ancestors of Russians are Slavs, others argue that Finns are closest to Russians in genotype and phenotype. So where is the truth and what anthropological portrait does the Russian person have?

The first descriptions of the appearance of Russian people

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the origins of the human race, and attempts to explore this area have been made repeatedly. Ancient records of travelers and scientists who noted their observations in detail have been preserved. There are also records in the archives about Russian people, their external and behavioral characteristics. The statements of foreigners are especially interesting. In 992, Ibn Fadlan, a traveler from Arab countries described the perfect body and attractive appearance of the Russians. In his opinion, Russians “... are blond, red in face and white in body.”

This is what Russian national costumes look like
Marco Polo admired the beauty of Russians, speaking about them in his memoirs as simple-minded and very beautiful people, with white hair.
The records of another traveler, Pavel Alepsky, have also been preserved. According to his impressions of the Russian family, there are more than 10 children with “white hair on their heads” who “resemble the Franks, but are more ruddy...”. Attention is paid to women - they are “beautiful in face and very pretty.”

Average appearance of Russian men and women/source

Characteristics of Russians

IN XIX century famous scientist Anatoly Bogdanov created a theory about characteristic features ah Russian man. He said that everyone quite clearly imagines the appearance of a Russian. In support of his words, the scientist cited stable verbal expressions from people’s everyday life - “pure Russian beauty”, “the spitting image of a hare”, “a typical Russian face”.
The master of Russian anthropology, Vasily Deryabin, proved that in their characteristics Russians are typical Europeans. In terms of pigmentation, they are average Europeans - Russians are more likely to have light eyes and hair.

Russian peasants
An authoritative anthropologist of his time, Viktor Bunak, in 1956-59, as part of his expedition, studied 100 groups of Great Russians. Based on the results, a description of the appearance of a typical Russian was compiled - he is light brown-haired with blue or gray eye. Interestingly, a snub nose was recognized as not a typical feature - only 7% of Russians have it, while among Germans this figure is 25%.

Generalized anthropological portrait of a Russian person

A man in national costume.
Research conducted by scientists using different scientific methods, allowed us to draw up a generalized portrait of the average Russian person. The Russian is characterized by the absence of epicanthus - the fold at the inner eye that covers the lacrimal tubercle. The list of characteristic features included average height, stocky build, broad chest and shoulders, massive skeleton and well-developed muscles.
A Russian person has a regular oval face, predominantly light shades of eyes and hair, not too thick eyebrows and stubble, moderate facial width. In typical appearances, a horizontal profile and a bridge of the nose of medium height predominate, while the forehead is slightly sloping and not too wide, and the eyebrow is poorly developed. Russians are characterized by a nose with a straight profile (it is identified in 75% of cases). The skin is predominantly light or even white, which is partly due to the small amount of sunlight.

Characteristic types of appearance of Russian people

Despite a number of morphological characteristics characteristic of Russian people, scientists have proposed a narrower classification and identified several groups among Russians, each of which has distinctive external features.
The first of them is the Nordids. This type belongs to the Caucasian type, common in Northern Europe, in northwestern Russia, it includes part of the Estonians and Latvians. The appearance of Nordids is characterized by blue or green eyes, an oblong skull shape, and pink skin.

Russian appearance types
The second race is the Uralids. It occupies a middle position between Caucasians and Mongoloids - this is the population of the Volga region and Western Siberia. Uralids have straight or curly dark hair. The skin has more dark shade than Nordids, eye color is brown. Representatives of this type have a flat face shape.
Another type of Russian is called Baltida. They can be recognized by medium width faces, straight noses with thickened tips, light hair and skin.
Pontids and Gorids are also found among Russians. Pontids have straight eyebrows and narrow cheekbones and lower jaw, high forehead, Brown eyes, thin and straight with light or dark brown hair, the face is narrow and elongated. Their fair skin takes tan well, so you can find both light-skinned and dark-skinned pontids. Gorids have more pronounced features than Baltids, and their skin pigmentation is slightly darker.

Russian wedding in national style.
There are many opinions about external features, characteristic of Russian people. They all differ in criteria and morphological characteristics, but, nevertheless, have a number of common indicators. After analyzing each type, many of us will find similarities with our appearance and perhaps learn something new about ourselves.
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