Art gallery "Albertina" in Vienna. Albertina Art Gallery in Vienna Which museum to visit

Located in the very center of Vienna, the Albertina art gallery occupies the city residence of the Habsburg dynasty. The gallery was named after King Albert of Saxony-Teschen, whose rich collection of drawings and engravings laid the foundation for the museum's permanent exhibition.

The world's largest collection graphic drawings and antique engravings classified into chronological order and the so-called schools.

IN exhibition halls Only the most famous world masterpieces are exhibited: early works by A. Durer, A. Pisano, I. Bosch. The most popular among gallery visitors are the engravings and drawings of Albrecht Durer. The Albertina contains about 120 drawings and watercolors created by the famous artist of the German Renaissance.

The collection of engravings includes excellent examples Italian Renaissance made with wood carving and copper etching.

Italian Renaissance most represented unique drawings works by Raphael and Michelangelo.

Among the most valuable works Dutch school Drawings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Lucas Van Leyden are exhibited.

Due to King Albert's passion for French art, he collected an impressive collection of drawings by C. Lorrain, F. Boucher and J. Fragonard, which is exhibited in the exhibition halls.

The gallery also owns world-famous prints by Francisco Goya.

At the beginning of the 20th century, special emphasis was placed on expanding the museum fund of German and French art of the 19th century century. As a result, the collection was replenished with the most valuable works by K. D. Friedrich, A. Menzel, P. Signac. The recently acquired rich collection of impressionists made it possible to open the permanent exhibition “From Monet to Picasso”, which is an incredible success with the public.

The art of the second half of the 20th century is represented mainly in the works of American and German artists of this period, such as D. Pollock, E. Warhol, R. Lichtenstein and B. Newman. Separately, it is worth highlighting a significant collection of paintings by Pablo Picasso, one of the most famous artists XX century.

Foundations of classical modernism and contemporary art, stored in the gallery, were replenished in 2007 with the collection of Rita and Herbert Butliner, transferred to Albertina for perpetual use.

The Albertina's architectural collection is unique and quite extensive, which is represented by drawings, plans and models taken mainly from the funds of the Imperial Court.

Today the gallery's collection includes more than 65,000 paintings, 50,000 drawings and about a million graphic drawings. The Albertina is today considered the most popular museum in Austria.

What is an essential part of a visit to Austria? Visiting museums and unusual objects, of which there are so many in Austria. The Albertina and Belvedere galleries in Vienna are worthy of close attention by fans of classical and modern art, and lovers of everything unusual will appreciate the Swarovski Museum.

Albertina Gallery: beauty that will save the world

The Albertina Gallery in Vienna is located in one of the most beautiful buildings of the late classicism era. Since 1795, the palace was the property of the Habsburg dynasty; it was acquired by Archduke Albrecht. Together with the Archduke and his retinue new house I also acquired a family collection of art objects.

History of the museum

The collection began in the 70s of the 18th century, as evidenced by the corresponding charter of incorporation.

  • The name "Albertina" was given to the gallery in honor of its founder, Duke Albert.
  • The gallery was opened to the public in 1822.
  • Visits were allowed to everyone who could bring with them replacement shoes for a walk through the luxurious halls.
  • The gallery experienced the longest modern reconstruction in 1996 – 2003.
  • The Albertina collection is recognized as one of the most significant in the world - about 1 million examples of graphics and paintings.


Collected in Albertina best samples most of the painting movements of the last century and a half. A visit to the gallery is tantamount to a walk in a time machine: here are the creations of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, from them an invisible line leads to Durer, Rembrandt, Rubens and Fragonard. Gustav Klimt and Oskar Kokoschka take up the baton, passing it on to Picasso and Pollock, and then to Gentsch and Baselitz.

The gallery also houses a large collection of photographs and sculptures. The state rooms of the palace themselves are exhibits in which the Habsburg palace interior is completely reproduced - with authentic furniture, stucco moldings and decor.

Future exhibitions

  • From May to August – graphic exhibition “Dialogues”. The works of Maria Lassnay are exhibited; she is one of the brightest female artists of the 20th century.
  • From June to October – photo exhibition of genre photography “Austria”. There will be retrospectives and contemporary photographs documenting everyday Austrian life on display.
  • From July to October, visitors will be able to see new arrivals of contemporary art.
  • From September to December, guests will enjoy an exhibition of drawings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, including his genre works.
  • Since September 2017, an exhibition of Raphael’s works awaits visitors. One of the most anticipated exhibitions will last until January 2018.
  • Another noteworthy photo exhibition will open in October. Robert Frank's photographs do not need additional introduction; the main thing is to catch them before the exhibition closes in January 2018.

Among more distant events, you can’t miss the exhibition of Claude Monet in September 2018 and the exhibition of works by Albrecht Dürer, which will welcome visitors in September 2019.

The opening dates of the exhibitions can be found on the gallery’s official website:

Visiting time and ticket price

The museum is located in Vienna, at Albertinaplatz 1. The gallery is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00, on Wednesdays until 21.00.

The museum has a restaurant serving classic Austrian cuisine (opening hours: 9:00 to 24:00).

Ticket prices (euros)

Foreign visitors can order tickets through the museum's online ticket office. The cost of an audio guide is 4 euros, for group orders - 3 euros.

Belvedere: art as eternal as life

The Belvedere Gallery in Vienna is younger than many other museums, but relatively “ young age"is redeemed by the richness of the collection.


The gallery was opened in 1903 in one of the greenhouses of the Lower Belvedere. Its creation was initiated by a group of artists who sought to introduce modern art to imperial Austria. Head artistic association there was Gustav Klimt. After the success of the first exhibition, the Belvedere Gallery came under the care of the imperial family. It was renamed Royal state gallery and began to be replenished with art objects from different eras.

Having undergone reorganization, restoration and restitution of some of the collection, the Belvedere Gallery remains one of the most famous art museums in Vienna. It occupies the entire architectural complex: Upper and Lower Belvedere, and Winter Palace, opened to the public after restoration in 2013.


The Belvedere's permanent exhibitions present art from the Middle Ages and Baroque periods. The pride of the collection is the work of artists of the era, which was called the “end of the century”. It occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and was marked by a surge of creative activity among representatives of various schools of painting.

The basis of the permanent exhibition of the museum consists of:

  • Sculptures and carvings by masters of the early Middle Ages.
  • Collection of works of baroque art.
  • Works by expressionists: Ernst Kirchner, Max Pechstein, Emil Nolde, Alexei Jawlensky.
  • Works of the Impressionists and Modernists: Renoir, Edouard Manet and Edgar Degas represent impressionism, while Cezanne and van Gogh mark the transition to modernism.
  • Separate exhibitions for works by Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele.
  • Post-War Collection and Samples modern painting and sculptures.

Visiting time

The museum is open to the public from 10.00 to 18.00 daily. The Lower Belvedere is open until 21:00 on Wednesdays. Details about excursions and the schedule of upcoming events can be found on the official website of the museum:

Cost of visit

Ticket prices (euros)

Swarovski Museum: the magic of crystals

The Swarovski Crystal Museum is unusual even for Austria. It was created by the world's most famous manufacturer of crystal and crystal products - the Swarovski brand, whose founders are of Tyrolean origin. The Swarovski Crystal Worlds Museum appeared more than 20 years ago and quickly gained popularity.


In 1995, there were plans to celebrate the company's 100th anniversary. To emphasize the solemnity of the moment, it was decided to create something amazing. This is how the concept of the Swarovski Crystal Worlds museum was born. It is located near Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens.

Artist Andre Heller created an incredible exhibition in which he combined visual effects, illusions and very real objects. Visitors admired the play of crystals in underground caves, found themselves inside a huge crystal and observed other miracles.

In 2015, the museum's area and its exhibition expanded. The Swarovski Kristallwelten Store has become a real underground palace. He is waiting for everyone who misses fairy tales.


The exhibition of the Swarovski Crystal Museum opens with the central exhibit - a real rock crystal weighing 300 thousand carats. Next, new wonders await visitors.

  • Jim Whiting's Mechanical Theatre. Static objects suddenly come to life, performing a breathtaking dance. There is a complete feeling of the unreality of what is happening, as if in a rabbit hole where Alice ended up.
  • The journey inside the crystal is exciting light show in the Crystal Cathedral, whose geometric dome is assembled from 559 elements.
  • Theater of Crystals.
  • Traveling through an ice tunnel.
  • An art gallery where the works of great masters come to life.
  • A scientific hall, which vividly and imaginatively tells about the origin of crystals, their scientific and mystical significance in the history of mankind.
  • A crystal forest in which trees hang from above, each containing a crystal core with a video sequence.

After leaving the museum, you can visit the world's largest Swarovski store. Choose a souvenir or a serious gift to commemorate a wonderful trip.

Working hours

The museum is open daily from 8.30 to 19.30. Visit as part of a tour group, groups depart every hour. The museum often hosts various events - concerts, exhibitions, show programs. The tour lasts an hour.

In July and August 2017, opening hours have been extended to 10 p.m. (dispatch last group– at 21.00).

Ticket prices (euros)

Which museum to visit?

On a tourist trip, you have to choose which museum to visit first.

  • Albertina Gallery will appeal to fans of classical art.
  • Belvedere will appeal to lovers of modernity, admirers of the fin-de-siècle period, as well as connoisseurs of Baroque art.
  • The Swarovski Crystal Museum is not only a museum, but also bright show, perfect for a family holiday.

If you like Swarovski's underground halls, then pay attention to the caves in Austria. Unique underground galleries are real museums created by nature. about these unusual excursions.

Vienna is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in the world. Its history begins back in the days of the ancient Romans. Vienna remembers both the invasions of the Roman legions and the barbarian campaigns, and after all this the era of chivalry began. Mongol horde, Ottoman Empire... The soul of this city keeps many memories. Modern Vienna has become a center of sophistication and grandeur, luxury and modernity.

Vienna museums as guardians of the past

The Kunsthistorisches Museum is a storehouse of historical and cultural signs, storing countless masterpieces of recognized geniuses: Rubens, Rembrandt, Titian, etc. Paintings by Schiele and Klimt can be seen in the beautiful Belvedere, a monument of the Baroque era.

Not only museums general Vienna is famous. Here you can visit the abode of Sigmund Freud. His apartment has been converted into individual museum, which also includes his office along with a reception area.

Contemporary art in Vienna has not gone unnoticed. An entire quarter is dedicated to him - the Ludwig Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art, and others. Excursions in Vienna necessarily include visits to institutions representing contemporary art.

This artistic direction, like graphics, also found itself. You can get to know him at the luxurious and impressive Albertina Palace Museum. Vienna shows the most different genres, and the last mentioned gallery is of particular tourist interest.

Brief overview of the gallery

The museum is located in the center of Vienna. The gallery building is former palace, owned by Archduke Albrecht. The Albertina Museum in Vienna is the custodian of 65 thousand drawings and almost a million graphic printed works. The collection ranges from late Gothic to contemporary art.

The gallery got its name from the duke who founded it, Albert of Saxony-Teschen.

Gallery history

The ruler of the Kingdom of Hungary (from 1765 to 1781), Albert, who was a duke, began collecting a collection of graphic works in the 70s of the 18th century. He kept it in his residence, which was located in an impressive building - the Royal Castle of Bratislava. The Albertina Gallery was founded on July 4, 1776. Many people try to find a connection between this event and the declaration of independence of the United States of America, but, unfortunately for them, this is a simple coincidence.

In 1795, the art collection moved to the current building. It was rebuilt especially for the gallery, as it did not correspond to the new purpose. 1822 was the year of the public opening of the exhibition. Not only nobles could visit the Albertina, and there was only one entry condition - that the visitor had his own shoes.

Now this seems strange to us, but at that time it was important. Thus, the gallery was open to many. Soon Duke Albert dies, both the collection and the building are transferred to Archduke Charles, and after him to Albrecht Frederick of Austria and Archduke Frederick of Austria. And at this moment the exhibition begins to expand.

History of the gallery in the 20th century

In 1919, in spring time, the owner of Albertina changes - it becomes the Republic of Austria. The following year, the gallery's treasures merged with the foundation printed graphics, which was owned by the royal court library.

In 1921, both the art collection and the building officially received the name "Albertina". Vienna opens new era in the museum field.

Large-scale reconstruction

For almost 8 years this art gallery in Vienna has been inaccessible to the public. It was reconstructed from 1996 to 2003. It’s easy to guess which place became the most visited just a year later. That's right, Albertina. Vienna has not seen so many visits to one establishment for a long time. The museum's exposition is very rich.

Today it includes works by such recognized masters as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Peter Paul Rubens, Oskar Kokoschka, Rembrandt, Albrecht Durer, Gustav Klimt, Cezanne, Rauschenberg. Special exhibitions are often held. For example, 2006 was remembered for the exhibition dedicated to Picasso.

State rooms

Nowadays, all excursions in Vienna necessarily include a visit to the Albertina in their program. But this gallery is significant not only because it exhibits artistic masterpieces. The building itself is also a monument national culture. Long ago, the beloved daughter of Empress Maria Theresa, Archduchess Marie-Christine, walked through the state halls where the Habsburgs lived, and after her, these halls remember the adopted son of Archduke Charles, the winner of the Battle of Aspern against Napoleon. Luminous yellow, green, turquoise colors- these are the colors of a bygone era. The furnishings of the halls are filled to the maximum with authentic furniture to transport the visitor several hundred years ago. The gilding is a special "Albertine gold" and the rosewood and ebony parquet floors are simply stunning.

The Mecca of true art connoisseurs is Albertina. Vienna awaits every guest who wants to plunge into the world of masterpieces and inspiration, as well as into bygone eras and see a colossal number of world attractions.

Streets, building facades, National cuisine- all this beckons and attracts. It is impossible not to be enriched spiritually while in this world pearl capital. Vienna is rightfully considered one of the most comfortable cities to live in, which is noted by all visiting tourists. Originality and beauty are woven together in striking patterns, architecture and atmosphere. You can't help but fall in love with Vienna at first sight. And there is hardly a single person willing to argue with this.

Art Albertina Museum in the capital of Austria, Vienna, houses a rich collection of graphics within its walls and is considered one of the most iconic landmarks of the city and the country. Few tourists arriving in Vienna will bypass the famous one - and therefore will visit the Albertina, which is not just within walking distance, but in general is an architectural integral part huge.

The Albertina cannot be considered the largest art museum in Vienna (the collection, Kunsthistorisches Museum, or simply KHM, is much more extensive and larger), but in terms of the collection of graphic works there are few equal to it. If there is one at all!

  • About 65 thousand drawings, many of which belong to the pen of world painting geniuses, a rich collection of architectural drawings and a collection of photographs, the earliest of which were made at the dawn of this art form - this is what the museum is famous for
  • Albrecht Durer, Hieronymus Bosch, Raphael, Michelangelo, Pieter Bruegel, Rubens, Rembrandt, Fragonard, Goya, Cezanne, Picasso, Klimt, Kürschner and many, many others. To see the hand of these masters, polished sketches and drawings of future masterpieces - isn’t it wonderful to literally witness how many diamonds of world painting were born?!
  • A pronounced specialization distinguishes the Albertina from other museums, and if you are not yet an ardent fan of graphics, this short and laconic quintessence of pictorial art, then after visiting the building at number 1 on Albertinaplatz, you will become one!

  • In addition to graphics, drawings and photographs, the Albertina has a small but extremely elegant collection of paintings: there are paintings by Monet, and Degas, Renoir, Chagall and Malevich, Beckman. Visitors will also be able to explore the state rooms of the huge Habsburg palace, plunging into the atmosphere of aristocratic luxury of imperial Vienna

The museum was founded in 1776 by Duke Albert of Sachsen-Teschen, son-in-law of Empress Maria Theresa and a passionate lover of prints and graphic works, together with the Venetian ambassador to Count Giacomo Durazzo. It received the name of its founder after the establishment of the Austrian Republic in 1921. The building was thoroughly damaged during the Second World War, but then restored and reconstructed at the turn of the century.

Address: Albertinaplatz, 1, Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria
How to get there: metro Karlsplatz, Stephansplatz, trams No. 1, 2, D, 62, 65, Badner Bahn (Staatsoper stop), bus No. 3 (Albertina stop)
Opening hours: daily from 10 to 18, Wednesdays from 10 to 19, December 24 from 10 to 14
Price entrance ticket: € 11.90 (adult), € 9.70 Vienna Card holders, children and young people under 19 years old - free

The Albertina Gallery in Vienna is Art Museum, which is located in a Habsburg palace built in the 19th century and includes huge collection various works art, ranging from ancient paintings of the 15th century to works of the 20th century. The museum harmoniously combines luxurious imperial interiors and art objects of world value. The centerpiece of the gallery's architecture, known throughout the world, is the original canopy, built here in 2003 under the direction of architect Hans Hollein.

Paintings in the Albertina Gallery in Vienna

The Albertina Gallery exhibition features both permanent and temporary exhibitions. One of the largest permanent exhibitions is the Butliner collection entitled “From Monet to Picasso.” It includes many works of art of world value, which can be enjoyed all year round. The exhibition presents representatives of impressionism and post-impressionism: Monet and Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas and Cezanne, German expressionism: Brücke and Der Bla Reiter, the art of new objectivity: Wacker and Hofer, Sedlacek, representatives of Austrian art: Egger-Lienz, Kokoschka, Russian avant-garde: Chagall, Malevich and Goncharova. The focus of the collection is the huge number of masterpieces Picasso created throughout his life, starting with early period cubist paintings, the mature period of the 1940s and experimental late period with paintings and engravings unknown to the general public.

The Albertina Gallery also displays graphic masterpieces, including a total of about 1 million works. Works by Michelangelo and Rembrandt, Dürer and Klimt, Schiele, Richter and Lassnig, Rubens and Picasso represent art from the late Gothic 1400 to our time. This collection was founded in 1776 by Duke Albert. These works are very photosensitive, so they can only be seen as part of special exhibitions.

Periodically, the gallery hosts temporary thematic exhibitions of famous world works of art by such authors as Van Gogh, Raphael, Albrecht Durer and many other old masters. Any visitor can enjoy masterpieces of painting various styles, ranging from classical modern and French impressionism, ending with works of contemporary artistic and photographic art. All these exhibits are presented in the luxurious interiors of an ancient palace, 20 rooms of which are completely restored and furnished in the classicism style of the Habsburg era (including restored fireplaces and stoves, a special precious coating on the walls, and the lighting is created by ancient luxurious chandeliers), which helps create the necessary atmosphere.

Opening hours and entrance fees

The Albertina Gallery is open all year round, daily from 10am to 6pm, and on Wednesdays and Fridays until 9pm. The Claude Monet exhibition opens 1 hour earlier - from 9 am to 6 pm; on Wednesdays and Fridays the exhibition is open to visitors until 21 pm. IN holidays The same opening hours apply as on the corresponding weekdays of the week, with the exception of: December 24, exhibition opening hours from 9 am to 2 pm, from December 26 to 30 from 9 am to 9 pm, December 31 from 9 am to 6 pm, from 1 to 5 January from 9 am to 21 pm (the rest of the gallery is open on these days from 10 am). For preschool and school groups of 13 people or more with a guided tour, the Albertina Gallery opens at 8 a.m. on weekdays. The opening and closing times of the museum may vary depending on special exhibitions.

How to get to the Albertina Gallery in Vienna

The Albertina Gallery is located in the very center of the historical part of the city, next to the State Opera House and Vienna's Hofburg Palace. The main entrance to the gallery is located on the batio of the former city wall of Vienna, accessible by elevator and escalator. When traveling by car, follow the signs for Kärntner Str; there are several paid parking lots near the museum. You can also use a taxi: Taxi 31300, Taxi 40100, CC Taxi Center, Willtaxi and others.

Using public transport in Vienna, getting to the Albertina Gallery is easy. In the immediate vicinity of the museum are the Karlsplatz metro stations on lines U1, U2 and U4 and Stephansplatz on line U3. Bus route number 2A has a stop under the same name Albertina. The nearest tram stops for lines 1, 2, D, 62 and 71 are called Badner Bahn or Kärntner Ring, Oper.

Albertina Gallery on Google Panoramas

Interiors of the Albertina Gallery on Google panoramas

Albertina Gallery on video

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